Why do bugs appear in the apartment and how to deal with them? Bed bugs in the house From what bugs can appear.

The sources of the appearance of bugs can be different, but in most cases they are people.

Everyone who happens to be at your home can be sources of bugs:

  • acquaintances;
  • neighbors;
  • relatives;
  • masters
  • workers, etc.

Bed bugs can hide in clothes, backpacks, bags. But there are other ways.

Bedbugs can be brought in with:

  • furniture;
  • things;
  • pets.

It also happens that insects live in the house for years and go unnoticed.

Additional penetration routes:

How to understand that bugs appeared in the apartment?

In order to understand that bugs appeared in the apartment, you need to pay attention to the characteristic signs:

Reference.   A nymph is a larva of a bug that has not reached the maturity of an adult.

Where to look for bugs?

Bed bugs usually settle:

What to do if bed bugs appear in the house?

There are several more methods that will help in the fight against bedbugs.

These are folk remedies containing:

  • turpentine;
  • kerosene;
  • transformer oil;
  • vinegar.

Also used:

  • wormwood and tansy;
  • pest sprays.

Many argue about the effectiveness of these methods, but still they remain popular until today.

  Folk recipes for getting rid of bugs:

  1. 20 g of phenol should be mixed with 3 g of salicylic acid, then add about 40 ml of turpentine.
  2. 10 ml of turpentine add 100 ml of water, then about 15 ml of kerosene, and 40 g of green soap in order to get an emulsion.
  3. 100 ml of turpentine and the same amount of kerosene - mix. Then add 20 g of naphthalene.

These compounds need to process the places of accumulation of insects. And as a preventive measure, you should treat the places in which they may appear.

Mechanical methods of struggle:

  • Surface treatment with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Processing with boiling water or steam at the highest temperatures. Such processing can be subjected to clothing, upholstered furniture, home textiles.
  • Use clothes dryers. The things processed in the dryer will be free from insects with a 100% guarantee.
  • Freezing It is very useful to take out clothes and furniture in the winter in the cold. Bedbugs are afraid of low temperatures and die. It is advisable to keep things for about two days in the cold to guarantee the destruction of insects. This method is only suitable for those who live in a private house.

Bedbug Prevention

Preventive measures include the following:

If the problem has already occurred, bugs have appeared. This is not a reason to be ashamed and hide. it reason to take immediate and most effective measures. It is best to approach this comprehensively and use several methods at once. But the best thing is not to let them into the house. After all, prevention is always more effective than fighting.

Often appear even in modern residential buildings that are equipped with all the benefits of civilization. Of course, neat and clean owners are puzzled why the parasites chose their apartment for living, where there is no garbage, dirt or pets. And how did these parasites infiltrate housing? ..

In fact, in the case of bed bugs, it does not matter how thoroughly the cleanliness of the house is maintained. The main and only goal and victim of bed bugs is a person (sometimes small animals), so they can settle everywhere where people spend the dark time of the day.

To avoid infection, you must always be alert and carefully monitor the smallest changes that occur in the apartment. It will also be useful to periodically carry out prophylaxis and apply an insecticide around the perimeter of possible places for insects to penetrate, communicate with neighbors and pay attention to the condition of their apartment.

Most often, bedbugs come from neighboring rooms, which is especially true for old houses.   Insects can crawl through damage to wall ceilings, crevices, or along the exterior wall of a house.

Bedbugs often travel through ventilation shafts. Bed bugs can go without food for a long time (up to several weeks) while maintaining activity, so long transitions are not a problem for them.

In addition, the body structure of the bug and its small dimensions greatly facilitate penetration into very small holes and crevices.

You can “pick up” a bug and transfer it to your apartment after spending the night in a new place. It can be either a foreign hotel, a hotel in another city, or an apartment of friends, as well as a train or station.

The size of the bug is small, so even if the insect accidentally does not have time to crawl into the shelter before the person gets up and gets dressed, no one will notice his presence on the shirt or pants.

Some reasons for the appearance of bedbugs can be quite original and even unpredictable.

“One of the clients who brought the system technician for repair brought me bugs. If I dismantled it right away and saw these creatures, I would throw both the system driver and the client. And so he stood under the table at night, and the bugs scattered around the apartment. A few weeks later, when they started to bite, fill the apartment with the executioner, and then advise the executioner to the client himself ... ”

Oleg, St. Petersburg

See also our experiments on bed bugs:

We catch bugs and test different means on them - see the results ...

“If you knew that we would bring this muck with furniture, we would not even meddle in that warehouse. I never thought that bugs in furniture from Ikea could be. But as we understood, everything was clean in the store, and it was the chest of drawers from the warehouse that was infected. I don’t know if they treat them with something or not, but even such cool furniture can be infected. In short, inspect everything carefully before buying. ”

Inga, Stavropol

“After I left the Tajiks, bugs appeared. And so much that I thought repair would have to be redone. It seems that the bugs do not bother these guys at all. They probably live in their mattresses. I had another week to flood the apartment with Karbofos, before the tenants could be allowed ... "

Alexandra, Moscow

Infection of an apartment with bedbugs from the point of view of a biologist

Bed bugs are also dangerous because they multiply very quickly and spread throughout the house. Even if only one female was brought into the dwelling, she can become the ancestor of a new population. How is this possible?

Female bugs have the ability to retain fertilized cells in their bodies for up to several months. This means that it can very well wait for favorable living conditions and only then proceed to the birth of offspring. At this stage, the male will no longer be needed, since he has made his contribution earlier.

One female with a frequency of once every several days lays 5-6 eggs, during her life producing up to 500 descendants. Considering that young bugs can breed already a month after hatching from eggs, their number in the apartment is growing exponentially.

While the population is small, bed bugs occupy a very small territory in the apartment. They can live, for example, between the seams of the mattress or on the back of the sofa.

If the situation becomes critical, and the population has grown incredibly, insects are looking for ways to expand their possessions. They can begin to visit the neighboring apartments, as a result, new colonies will appear there.

Reproduction of bugs is incredibly fast. In just a few weeks, the number of insects can multiply. Especially this contributes to a good microclimate of the apartment - a comfortable level of living humidity, heat.

Bed bugs lay their eggs year-round, however, under poor environmental conditions, this process stops, and then resumes with the same strength.

Signs of the appearance of bugs in the apartment

There are several characteristic signs that indicate the appearance of harmful insects in the apartment. Also, these signs help to determine that it was the bugs that were wound up, and not fleas or other animals:

  • The characteristic smell of spoiled cognac, which has a secret secreted by adult bugs.
  • Restless sleep at night, itching and crawling insects on the body. The next morning - a large number of bites in open places in the form of paths.
  • Brown spots of blood on the bedding. After a bite of a bed bug, the blood does not clot immediately and may stain the sheet. In addition, the well-fed bugs themselves can be crushed by a tossing and turning person.
  • Bed feces in the form of dark dots in the corners of the apartment and under the beds. They may look like poppy seeds.
  • The chitin cover of insects discarded after molting. It was he who was the first to catch the eye when examining an infected bed.

Where do bed bugs in an apartment come from and how to deal with them

How bedbugs attack homes

On a note!

Therefore, in order not to be tormented by the question of where the bugs could have appeared in the apartment, it is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of your belongings upon arrival. If symptoms of the appearance of insects are detected, they should be immediately destroyed by acquiring.

Guests in the house

Such a prevalence of bloodsuckers is also explained by the fact that they are completely not picky for tissues (bloodsuckers do not distinguish synthetics from natural fibers). They can easily crawl onto a person’s clothes, as they are seduced only by the smell of the victim, or rather, his blood. So in a house with a high degree of infection by bloodsuckers, even the lining in boots or shoes can serve as a place for laying eggs.


The purchase of bugs along with the purchase

Another variation of the answer to the question of where the bugs in the apartment come from can be an acquired purchase. In this list:

  • furniture;
  • appliances;
  • even curtains;
  • shoes or clothes.

However, this nuance applies not only to used things, but also new ones bought in a furniture salon or store. Indeed, many buyers can look at them, checking the strength of a sofa, bed or chair, as well as inspecting a refrigerator and microwave or trying on a thing. During contact, bugs can quickly move to a new area and subsequently appear in a new apartment.

You should also not exclude the option that one of the buyers will endure in this way. Therefore, it is not worth it to be surprised that after acquiring new equipment, bed bugs appeared in the house. In order not to become a victim of such a situation, do not hesitate to make a thorough inspection of the seams of upholstered furniture, the mattress and the joints of the bed, as well as the mechanisms of electronic devices and pages of printed works.

On a note!

The reasons for the appearance of bed bugs are so diverse that not every person will have the idea that the thing or second-hand linen may become the culprit of this situation. It is through them that insects are able to settle in bed and inflict bites on their prey.


Bedbugs may appear during repairs. After all, such work is accompanied not only by noise, dirt or debris, but also most often by the presence of strangers: painters, electricians or plumbers. Considering that they have a unique ability to run into suspended animation in the absence of food or under adverse conditions, the possibility of them or the shoes of the masters cannot be ruled out.


The reason for the appearance of bugs in the house are also pets. We are talking about animals that need to be regularly taken outside. It is from there that the four-legged friends bring harmful insects to the house.

You bring the bugs yourself

No matter how outrageous such a statement may sound, it is true. Very often you yourself - involuntarily, of course - become a convenient "transport" for bugs. Or not for the bugs themselves, but for their eggs and larvae, which does not change the essence. How does this happen?


We had (TTT) a year and a half ago, as I recall, it’s taking terrible things ... we bought it with a sofa .... They called specialists, gave a guarantee for 3 months that they would disappear ... And it happened, we immediately threw out the sofa and during this time (I had a real psychosis on this basis) I periodically spilled what is possible with boiling water and various poison.



Often bugs also lay eggs inside household appliances, where they are difficult to see. They can hide, for example, inside air conditioners, music and video players, speakers. Folds of fabric are also a good place for bedbugs, so you should be careful when buying bedding, curtains, cuts of fabric and even clothes.

Once I even saw a bug in a clothing store !! In short, I will remember muck for life)))


It is especially dangerous to buy such things in markets and ruins - it is not known where and how they were stored and what else could be hidden in them.

Infected houses

Another proven way to bring bedbugs to your home is to visit a place where they are already there. Some hotels, motels and hostels sin with insufficiently thorough sanitary treatment of premises. It is difficult to get a guarantee here, but, as a rule, trusted hotels with a name value their reputation and carry out pest control quite regularly.

Now the whole world is teeming with bugs - both Europe and America. We arrived at the hotel 5 *****, and they are here darlings.

a guest



Bug bugs from the post office is also possible. And here it is not so important who exactly you accept the package from - from friends or from the online store. The sender himself may not be aware that his apartment or warehouse is infected with bedbugs. This is especially true of all the same fabrics, equipment and furniture. Buying clothes over the Internet has been very popular lately, and getting "bug" larvae of bugs is becoming easier.

Garbage can

Some people, according to the old Soviet habit, sometimes can not resist the temptation to drag something useful from the garbage into the house. Indeed, discarded armchairs, sofas, soft toys, carpets and chairs can look clean and safe. However, often this is only an appearance - under the upholstery, they can swarm with bugs and other pests. By the way, often the furniture is in the trash precisely because it is infected.

Bedbugs bring neighbors

In my house where I am registered there is a dysfunctional apartment on the 3rd floor. So they had a lot. My apartment in the second one did not crawl, but my neighbors had them on the site.

yellow wolf


Bedbugs come from the street

Just like from neighbors, bedbugs can get into your apartment and just from the street. After all, once the bugs lived in the wild and only then made it a rule to move closer to humans in search of warmth and suitable food.

Basement and porch

Bedbugs move freely on the stairs in the stairwell

Central heating, water and gas pass through pipes that permeate the entire house from top to bottom. And quite often it happens that the pockets in which the pipes are laid are not tight, that is, there is a gap between the pipe and the wall. You yourself can see these gaps around the pipes in your apartment. Bedbugs also crawl through them perfectly and can get into your home either from neighbors or directly from the basement.


Walls and windows

In dysfunctional years, bedbugs run in packs through the windows


In the thick wool of the bug you can not immediately notice with the naked eye

In addition, on its paws, the animal can also bring bug eggs from the entrance to the apartment.

Where the bugs live

The diagram shows the places where you can most often find nests of bugs

  • Purity. Although bedbugs do not start by themselves simply from dirt, they prefer cluttered and crap apartments to clean and tidy. You need to regularly arrange wet cleaning using detergents so that most of the surfaces are sanitized. In addition to the apartment itself, you need to wash your street shoes and periodically wash or dry-clean outer clothing. If you sometimes walk your pets, do not forget to wash their paws and monitor the cleanliness of their fur upon returning home.
  • Pest control. Before moving into a new apartment, especially if there is something left from the old owners, it will not hurt to carry out preliminary disinsection. For this purpose, it is best to call a team of professionals who - not for free, of course - will provide your apartment with insect protection for a long time. However, you can carry out these activities yourself using insecticidal aerosols and concentrates. However, in this case, you need to take care of your own safety so that the poisons do not turn against yourself.
  • Sealing. It will not be possible to completely “screw up hatches” in the apartment, however, it is worth looking for places where cracks can be located - walls, windows, doorways, floor and baseboards - and cover up all the gaps found. Ventilation cannot be closed, but it is worth putting a small frequent mesh on all its exits to your apartment. Of course, the net should be washed and cleaned regularly.

In essence - during the repair, pay special attention to the bandwidth of your apartment. Close the gaps, install mosquitoes on the hoods with a small cell, look at the riser and batteries - often the pipes are inserted into the sleeves, so there is a gap between them, look at your outlets, install an airtight strip.



My mother told them to find their nests. They were carefully cleaned (I drowned with water, poured into the toilet). And then these places (nests) are very well treated with bleach. I did this, every day with bleach soap all these slots, walls, where I just noticed them. Bleached soaps until they were withdrawn. Thank God, there was no more.


It is easier to collect a collective complaint and to poison the hearth. Or take off with neighbors for their processing.



Of course, preventive measures cannot guarantee that bedbugs will never start in your apartment. Nevertheless, all this will help reduce the likelihood of their occurrence.

No matter how much we would like to consider bugs as a relic of the distant past, remaining only in the memories of our grandmothers, and in some places in very marginal apartments, in fact, the picture is much more depressing. There is no one particular reason why bedbugs choose this or that apartment. It is enough for them that people live there - their main food. First of all, bed bugs are interested in a resident of the apartment - a person

Bed bugs are insects of a very small size (3 - 8 mm), very flat, dark yellow or brown in color with six legs and a proboscis.
  At different stages of development, bugs can have different sizes

In addition to the actual traces, sensitive people - especially children - may have a rash and an allergic reaction. Sometimes a person, tossing and turning in a dream, can crush the bug - then a brown speck will remain on the bedding. Their regular appearance on your sheets is an occasion in itself to think about the presence of bedbugs in the house.
  From the crushed bugs on the bedding there are such spots

Where are the bugs hidden?

Bed bugs prefer warm places and at the same time hidden from the views of others. First of all, it is worth checking the walls and floors, in the risk zone - the departed wallpaper or the area of \u200b\u200bwallpaper hidden by the furniture standing next to it, bent floor coverings, carpets, baseboards and the spaces under them.

Bedbugs willingly use your furniture for their own convenience.

If you are convinced that there are bugs in the house, and even found their dwellings, then it is time to begin to eliminate harmful insects. And there are several ways.

It is hardly possible to completely eliminate the possibility of bedbugs in the apartment, but prevention should not be neglected.

All these measures, taken in a timely manner and in combination, will greatly reduce the likelihood of bedbugs in your home.