We derive fleas from a cat with folk remedies at home: we get rid of the cat’s fleas completely. How to rid a kitten of fleas How to treat kittens 1 month from fleas

It can be determined by the following criteria.

For kittens or cats "on demolition" the safest is the method of combing bloodsuckers using a small comb. Complete elimination of bloodsuckers can be achieved with daily combing of animal hair. Periodically, the comb should be washed with water and wiped with a light cloth. Combed fleas, their larvae, eggs and excrement are burned or destroyed by hand.

Today, there are a lot of tools that will help rid a cat of fleas.


One of the means by which a cat can get fleas is. Its use gives a good effect, however, not every pet likes it. The method of using anti-flea shampoo is quite simple. The detergent must be foamed well on the cat’s coat and left for a couple of minutes, then rinse thoroughly with clean water.

When buying shampoo, you should pay attention to the composition of the drug: it should not contain components that are harmful to the health of the animal. Shampoos, Insectin and Fitoelita are especially popular today.

Injections and pills

If you find fleas in a domestic cat, you can help the animal get rid of them with the help of injectable drugs. Their advantage is the safety of the pet in case of possible contact with their relatives. Flea injections are contraindicated in nursing and pregnant cats due to the fact that the active substance of the drug can harm the health of kittens. You can make a flea injection in almost any veterinary office.

They have a similar effect. The advantage of this method is its action from the inside, which limits the ability to lick the drug with a cat from the surface of his coat. The active substance contained in the tablets, getting into the blood of an animal, acts destructively on biting insects. The maximum effect can be achieved by combining this method with other methods of control.




Folk remedies

How to get rid of fleas in a cat with the help of is very simple.

The removal of fleas in cats at home is a simple process, however, it requires patience.

If a kitten has appeared in your house, this can be compared to a small typhoon that can transform the life of any person. However, there is another side to the coin, which is usually faced by those who pick up a stray animal on the street. Such kittens almost always have fleas, and getting rid of insects is not so easy as it might seem at first glance.

Why can't flea kittens be hatched in traditional ways?

The problem is that a kitten under the age of 3-4 months has a very fragile immune system. Ideally, such a baby should still be with his mother and receive the necessary nutrients along with her milk. However, in practice, everything happens exactly the opposite. It is for this reason that it is necessary to breed fleas in kittens with special care, using fairly gentle and non-toxic agents. Ideally, of course, with such procedures, it is better to wait a bit in order to allow the baby's body to grow stronger and gain strength. It should be borne in mind that if there are very few fleas, then they will not pose a serious threat to the baby’s health.

Shampoos and drops from fleas for a kitten

If your baby likes to swim, then you can breathe a sigh of relief, since in this case the easiest way to get rid of fleas is to use special shampoos. They should be used in accordance with the instructions, carefully making sure that the product does not get into the nose, eyes and ears of the baby. The frequency of use of such shampoos is usually indicated on the package. However, in most cases, 2-3 procedures are enough for your pet to forget about fleas for a long time.

With drops, things are more complicated, since they can be used only from a certain age - usually from 3-4 months. Of course, among similar drugs, there are exceptions that allow fleas to be etched in one and a half month old kittens. But this can be done if the baby is already excommunicated. The thing is that such drops are very toxic and are applied to the withers of the baby. If a mother cares for a kitten during this period, then she will certainly lick a poisonous substance from his coat. In this case, not only the cat itself can suffer, but also the babies she feeds.

In addition, do not forget that today in almost any specialized store you can buy flea collars for kittens. They are quite safe and effective at the same time, however, they can cause skin irritation in the neck area or rub it very hard. In addition, the baby will try to constantly get rid of the collar, which will give him a lot of inconvenience.

Folk remedies for combating fleas in kittens

If you are afraid to harm your pet with chemicals, you can prepare a warm bath with ordinary table salt (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of water). In such a solution for 10 minutes you need to lower the baby, making sure that water does not get into his ears and nose. Then the kitten must be thoroughly wiped, and, until the coat is completely dry, comb it out with a comb. By doing this procedure several times a month, you can easily remove the insects from the kitten. Also at home, you can cook a decoction of tansy or wormwood (1 tablespoon of dry grass per 250 ml of boiling water), which should be wiped several times a week with the baby. About 3-5 procedures are enough for the insects in the animal to completely disappear.

The appearance of a small kitten in the house can change the life of any person, because the baby requires careful care and care for his nutrition and health. One of the problems that often occurs in domestic and, especially, selected street animals is their presence. The problem of how to remove fleas in kittens is that the use of chemicals for young animals is unacceptable because of their strong toxicity and danger to a fragile young organism.

Where do flea kittens come from?

In small feline children, as in adults, blood-sucking insects can settle in the wool. Fleas fall on them in various ways, which depends on the conditions of detention:

On a note!

Good and caring pet owners should worry in advance about, even before mating it with a cat. Moreover, this applies to pregnant animals awaiting offspring. There are special, soft enough and not dangerous for mothers and babies.

The danger of flea bites for kittens

Fleas in a kitten can cause him troubles and pose a threat to his health, because the immune system in cubs is formed only by the age of six months. And newborns or monthly crumbs are completely defenseless and are at risk of infection with infections and diseases that blood-sucking insects can transmit.

Possible health problems:

If the baby has the above symptoms, then it is necessary to carefully examine it. Knowing how fleas in kittens look, and these are small white and black dots among the hairs, you can immediately establish the source of the animal’s poor health.

The methods for removing fleas in a kitten depend on its age: the older the calf, the more of them. It should be borne in mind that the treatment and means suitable for a 3-month-old baby, for a baby who is less than 1 month old, are not suitable at all and pose a threat to his life.

Treatment of newborns and kittens up to 1 month

If a kitten with fleas is alone, then the safest and best remedy for fleas for him is to mechanically comb them out of the wool with a comb. To do this, you can use a soft plastic comb with frequent teeth, blunt at the tips (so as not to injure the baby's delicate skin).

It is better to start the procedure with a scruff, holding the crumb under the belly, then it needs to be turned on its back and combed on the lower part of the body. It is not recommended to comb out on the forehead and neck so as not to cause injury. Feet also better not to touch. Combing is done twice a day daily until there are no more insects. After that, you should periodically check the baby's coat, as remaining eggs and larvae can mature.

Ways and natural remedies for how to bring fleas to small kittens:

The most effective shampoos:

  • Mr. Swiss-made Kiss can be used from the age of 1 month, but not more than once every 10 days (price about 150 rubles);
  • Rolf Club - applied from 2 months., Price 250 rub.

At this age, the treatment of kittens with flea remedies containing insecticides is already available: sprays, and collars. When choosing various drugs, you should carefully read the instructions and take into account the weight and age of the kitten.

The most common and effective remedies for kittens:

  • Hartz: drops (3 pipettes cost about 150 rubles) and a collar (price about 450 rubles) are allowed from 3 months;
  • Beaphar: spray, collar (180-220 rubles) and drops with a soft action (package of 3 pipettes - about 480 rubles);
  • Advantix flea drops can be applied from 2 months, have a prolonged action, the cost of packaging is 1000-1200 rubles.

When choosing an anti-flea remedy, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations in the instructions, categorically you can not use those that are designed for puppies.

Before starting treatment and resolving the issue of how to get rid of fleas in a kitten of any age, experts recommend first assessing the number of parasites in his coat: if there are not many of them, then it will be easier to comb them out or catch them by hand so as not to risk the baby’s health. If the degree of infection by bloodsuckers is high, then even more effective methods and tools can be used, as well as contacting a veterinarian for help.

Kittens, like adult cats, can be attacked by fleas. This gives them a lot of discomfort and torment. Therefore, I want to get rid of “unwanted guests” faster.

Signs and ways of infection

To determine that a kitten is bothered by fleas, you need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • friction with the paws of the head;
  • the animal is constantly itchy;
  • the appearance on the body of wounds and scratches;
  • anxiety.

In a kitten that is infected with fleas, helminthic infestations can be detected. If the number of fleas on the wool is very large, then it begins to crawl out, dermatitis appears. Sometimes this leads to serious conditions, up to the death of the baby.

There are a lot of means for the destruction of fleas today. But for the treatment of a small kitten, the right strategy should be chosen taking into account its age and physiological characteristics. Safe preparations for adult animals can cause side effects in kittens. The fact is that up to 3-4 months the baby’s immune system is still very unstable. Therefore, the choice of drugs should be careful. Non-toxic and safe products are used.

It is better to abandon the use of chemical exposure until the moment the kitten is strong. It is most difficult to cure newborn animals that are in constant contact with their mother. A cat constantly licks babies, and if the kitten's hair is treated with a chemical substance, it will certainly get into her body. And from there with milk into the body of a kitten. Before weaning from a cat, such procedures are best avoided.

Important!  It is forbidden to use products that contain pyrethroids in kittens up to 6 months old.

There are very few activities that can be carried out to destroy fleas in kittens:

  • combing out, mechanical extermination;
  • bathing with special shampoos;
  • processing wool with drops, sprays, powder after a certain age.

Kittens up to 2 months

While the baby is at mother's feeding, insecticides can not be used. In isolated cases, the use of certain drugs in weaned babies is allowed.

If the kitten is already more than a month old and has been excommunicated from the cat, some means are allowed. For example, Mr. Kiss. To bathe a kitten, dilute 1 ml of shampoo in 2 glasses of water. Stir to make foam. Put the baby in the water, avoiding its ingestion in the mouth, nose and eyes. Soak the shampoo for 3-4 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with running warm water. Dry the hair with a hairdryer and watch for 8 hours so that the kitten is not exposed to cold and drafts. Use the product no more than 1 time in 10 days.

Kitten after 2-3 months


Use them according to the instructions. To get rid of fleas, 2-3 baths are usually enough. Unlike other insecticides, shampoos work more delicately. But they do not protect the kitten from the appearance of fleas, but remove existing ones from the surface of the coat. Therefore, shampoos are not suitable as prophylaxis.

Popular flea shampoos for kittens:

  • Mr. Kiss  - relieves fleas and cares for the pet’s hair, moisturizes the skin. Allowed to use kittens older than 1 month, weaned from the mother. A 200 ml bottle costs an average of 150 rubles.
  • Rolf club  - more effective from the previous one, but does not act so delicately. Allowed to use from 2 months. The cost of the bottle is about 250 rubles.
  • Phytoelitis  - produce shampoo for both adult cats and separately for kittens. A volume of 200 ml costs about 60 rubles.


If you need to instantly get rid of fleas, apply sprays. In addition to fleas, after processing the wool, other pests die. It is necessary to use the product with caution so as not to harm the pet. Spraying the hair, it is necessary to protect the eyes of the kitten from the spray. So that the animal does not immediately begin to lick the drug, it needs to be carried away with something for 5-30 minutes (depending on the instructions). Then rinse with warm water.

Popular sprays:

  • Front line;
  • Hartz;
  • Beaphar.


They are approved for use from 3-4 months. To apply the drops, you first need to spread the hair at the withers, squeeze the product from the pipette and rub into the skin. Some drops are applied along the spine. Up to 6 months, kittens need to apply not a full pipette of funds, but only a part of it.

Drops from fleas for kittens:

  • Advantix;
  • Stronghold;
  • Beaphar;
  • Leopard;
  • Blokhnet.


In any veterinary store you can purchase special ones. They are safe for the health of the kitten, and can protect him for up to 4 months. But they can rub the delicate skin of the animal, cause irritation. The kitten will still try to get rid of the collar all the time. Popular collars for kittens: Bolfo, Hartz.

Additional measures

Go to the address and find out recipes for folk remedies for moths in the apartment.

It is better to prevent the kitten from becoming infected with insects, since getting rid of them at an early age is very difficult.

Little kittens require special attention and care. Especially if they have fleas. It is necessary to take into account the age of the animal before using this or that remedy for fleas. Carefully study the instructions for the drugs, apply them carefully and in the right dosage. If possible, it is better to limit it to mechanically combing fleas. This is the most harmless, but time-consuming way.

Useful tips on how and how to display fleas in small kittens in the following video:

After manual cleaning, the place where the baby lives should be carefully treated. This is to prevent re-infection. You should thoroughly vacuum the carpets and rugs, wash all textile items at high temperature, and after washing they should be ironed. Thoroughly flush the floor with insecticidal solutions, paying particular attention to crevices and corners. The litter of the animal must be well treated with steam. If there are other animals in the house, you should poison the fleas of all at the same time to prevent re-infection.

  1. To get started, prepare a towel, cotton wool, detergent, a small bucket or mug, a basin of warm water about 38 degrees.
  2. Place small balls of cotton wool in the ears of the animal, they are necessary to protect the crumbs from moisture. In no case should water get into the cat’s ear, this is dangerous.
  3. Take the baby in your arms and carefully lower it into warm water so that only the pet's paws are immersed in it. Moisten the animal’s hair and gently soap it from the tip of the tail to the neck. Do not touch your head!
  4. At the moment of soaping, fleas can start to scatter or rise to the muzzle - try to destroy them immediately.
  5. After soaping, the baby should stand "in the foam" for another 3-5 minutes. But remember that you need to bathe a kitten in a warm room so that it does not freeze.
  6. Then you need to wash off the foam and dirt from the kitten, carefully pouring it with clean water. Muzzle and head can not be watered, you can just wipe it with a damp cloth.
  7. At the end, the kitten is patted with a towel. If the baby is not afraid of the sound of a hairdryer, it should be dried thoroughly so that the kitten does not get sick.

Special means for removing fleas

When there is absolutely no time for swimming and combing, you can use other proven means. However, remember that most of them are intended for adult cats and kittens older than 5 months. Before using specialized tools, read the instructions!

Such treatments can be carried out only if the kitten is excommunicated from the cat, otherwise the mother can lick the medicinal composition from the coat, this is very dangerous for her. If the kitten is still with his mother, the first couple of days after treatment, he should be removed and milk fed from a pipette.