Why poorly growing pepper seedlings. Why does not growing seedlings of peppers at home? Common mistakes in breeding pepper seedlings

Kira Stoletova

If the seedlings of peppers grow poorly, this can be a consequence of many factors. It is necessary to find the cause and immediately begin to eliminate it. Consider what needs to be done to avoid such a problem.


Pepper seedlings do not grow for many reasons. Most often, the rules for caring for landings are violated. In order for the plant to grow and develop correctly, it is necessary to provide it with nutrients, as well as timely watering, weeding and treatment from pests. One minor mistake at the seed planting stage can significantly reduce yield and cause Poor Growth.

Errors in the preparation of planting material

Immediately you need to competently and seriously approach the choice of soil and seeds. First you need to select and prepare planting material. You can buy your favorite variety of pepper in the store, or you can collect the seeds yourself.

It must be remembered that the seeds of hybrids do not retain varietal traits, and it is impossible to know for certain how the bush will grow. Sometimes this is what causes poor growth. Do not plant old seeds. Their expiration date is indicated by the manufacturer on the pack.

To ensure that the seeds are suitable, they must be placed in a saline solution. About 4 tbsp. l for 1 liter water. When they get wet (after 15-20 min.), Empty seeds will rise to the surface of the water, and suitable for planting will fall to the bottom.

Then it is necessary to germinate the already selected pepper seeds. To do this, they are placed in a saucer or plate with previously moistened with cotton wool or gauze. It is necessary to ensure that the grains do not swim, but simply are sufficiently moistened. If, despite the fact that this procedure was carried out, and the seedlings of peppers are still growing poorly, then the reason is poor-quality seeds.

Poor soil

In order for seedlings to grow well and quickly, and seeds to sprout faster, you need to know some features of the soil. Land in the garden near the house may not be the most favorable for growth. It is recommended to use the purchased mixture for planting or to prepare the soil yourself.

Ground preparation rules:

  1. The soil should be loose, well permeable to moisture. Loam can be mixed with very fine sand.
  2. Compost or humus must be added to the soil to improve its organic composition. Any components from the plant mass are also suitable, but do not use herbs with seeds.
  3. Check soil acidity. The PH level should be 6-6.5, since pepper seedlings do not grow in an acidic environment.

You can pick up land from your garden before the start of winter, pouring it into buckets or bags. And then leave it to freeze on the balcony or in other cold places. In such soil, the seedlings will feel much better, since all unnecessary bacteria and larvae will die.

But what you should not do is expose the earth to high temperatures. Microbes will evaporate, but with them all useful substances will disappear. After this, the seedlings grow much worse.

Mistakes when growing seedlings

It is advisable to plant pepper seeds in late February or early March. Everything directly depends on the variety and the ripening time. You need to pay attention to the description and recommendations on the back of the bag with seeds.

It is advisable to prepare and water the soil a day before planting. The earth should not be very wet. Otherwise, the shoots will turn sour and grow poorly. After making small indentations, approximately 0.5 cm. And at a distance of 2 to 4 cm. apart from each other.

Seedlings poorly grown by neighbors grow poorly. It is advisable to take a rather large container for seedlings, so that the root system has where to develop.

Too early planting of peppers on seedlings leads to overgrowth of seedlings. Such plants are worse and take longer to take root in a new place. This leads to the fact that pepper seedlings begin to lag behind in development, and later enters fruiting.

Dive Errors

When about 2 weeks have passed from the moment of planting the seeds, and the plant has 2 true leaves, a pick is carried out. If seedlings initially grow in individual containers, then this procedure is not necessary for them.

Without a pick, plantings are too thick and begin to obscure each other as they grow. Such plants grow poorly and develop due to lack of space.

First, seedlings are watered and given time to soak in it. Then, very carefully, so as not to damage the delicate root system, get seedlings. Transplanted peppers grow better if you immediately take them to a bright and warm place.

Picking involves pinching the root of the plant. If you remove too much, the seedlings of peppers will stop growing and may even die. After transplanting, the earth is well tamped to remove possible air pockets in the pot. Because of this, plants can also slow down their growth.

Power shortage

Pepper seedlings grow poorly with a lack of nutrients in the ground. Lean soils are not the best option for growing this crop. Even if the peppers have sprouted, their normal development and fruiting remain in question.

For the full growth and development of pepper, you need to adhere to some feeding rules:

  1. If the seedlings of the pepper die or the leaves turn yellow, magnesium supplementation is urgently needed.
  2. Not enough nitrogen - the plant withers and takes on a yellowish tint.
  3. Feeding with potassium. Potassium is responsible for the terrestrial part of the plant, which is guaranteed to give a good harvest.
  4. After the first leaves appear, it is advisable to apply fertilizer with a high phosphorus content.

An excellent option for organic fertilizer is herbal infusion. It helps to accelerate the growth of pepper immediately after transplanting it to a permanent place. For the manufacture of the solution, weedless seed is collected. It is finely chopped, laid in a container and filled with water. After 2 weeks, fermentation stops and you can add liquid directly under the root of each bush.

They also resort to foliar top dressing. This method is effective during the formation of the ovary, as well as after the first harvest. To obtain a solution, whey, a few drops of iodine and 1 teaspoon of boric acid are mixed. Processing should be carried out in dry weather so that the fertilizer is not washed off by precipitation. The optimal time for foliar feeding is evening or early morning.


Seedlings are NOT growing! What is the reason?

Seedlings grow poorly. Possible reasons.


If you comply with all the requirements for the care of pepper, the seedlings will grow well and bear fruit. Otherwise, the bushes can stop at one stage and stop their growth.

Pepper seedlings are growing poorly - what to do at home to stimulate seedlings? In today's article, we will determine the reasons why seedlings of peppers do not grow at home, what to do in this case and can seedlings be saved?

The expected yield is catastrophically delayed - seedlings do not want to develop. It would seem that what are needed are seedlings-forks, besides water and light? We have to figure this out, and we will start with the reasons why seedlings of peppers do not grow at home.

Reasons why pepper seedlings do not grow:

  • Unprepared seeds;
  • Improper land composition;
  • They sowed at the wrong time;
  • The temperature regime is violated;
  • We had a pick;
  • Not enough sunshine;
  • Problems with watering and top dressing;

The list of reasons is rather big. A quick look at them, and then we will pick up procedures for restoring pepper.

Pepper seed preparation

Choose pepper seeds from a trusted supplier, looking at the expiration date and storage method. Prepare them for landing, soaked in water, treated and disinfected, and then saturated with nutrients . Soaking in a solution of sodium chloride, processing in potassium permanganate, then in biostimulants of growth is suitable. Bare seeds do not plant in the soil - they can carry mycelium, viruses, etc., which then affect seedlings.

Soil composition

According to the instructions for planting seedlings, a standard soil mixture is selected: nutritious, loose not collected from a site with predecessors that are not suitable for planting pepper seeds. If you gathered from the garden and did not think about these issues, perhaps the problem lies here.

Dates of sowing pepper seeds

Pepper seedlings do not grow. It may be because it is too early. On emergence of shoots of pepper of early grades it is necessary up to 2 months , and later emerge on 70-80 days. After about 2-2.5 weeks from the formation of the seedlings, peppers and transplanted into the ground. Too early or, conversely, late sowing can affect development - the seeds will die and will be unable to “move on”, already breaking through the sprouts to the surface.

Pepper Temperature

Pepper does not respond well to temperature changes or extreme drops. When planted, the seeds of pepper are covered with plastic wrap and placed on next to the battery or in a similar warm place - the seeds do not emerge in a cool place. Shoots appear at + 22 ° C.

Pepper seedlings pick

Pepper pick   - A long-standing topic of discussion and debate among gardeners. Some are inclined to believe that transplantation injures the root system, while others insist on its necessity. Use our selection of tips to get around a possible reason for the lack of seedlings in the future.

Not enough sunshine

Peppers need lighting for development. Short daylight hours putting the boxes in a shaded place causes the pepper to die. Broken shoots will quickly stretch if they lack light.

Watering and feeding pepper

Watering before emergence is not necessary   - a moist environment is preserved under the film, but after it is removed, moistening is necessary. Top dressing is required in a more gentle rhythm. It is generally recommended to add liquid fertilizer complexes rather than dry, heavy components.

What to do if pepper seedlings grow poorly at home?

First, fix the conditions that affected the suspension of development. As soon as the seedlings get stronger, use the universal method, which was kindly provided to us by an experienced master of growing bell pepper: dilute double superphosphate   pour 250 ml of water. Use slurry solution . Fertilize the mineral component 1 time, but organic matter - 2 times. Now peppers should hit growth.

↓ Write in the comments whether you managed to determine the reason why seedlings of peppers do not grow at home and whether recovery helped?

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How long does pepper sprout for seedlings?

Planting pepper seeds for seedlings

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  If you do not dive pepper, then you can leave it in any of the mixtures listed. Then its yield will be less than with a dive, but the loss will not be so significant, so you should not experiment with productive varieties.

Having achieved such growth, the grass gave a flower pipe, that is, it went into color, went to give seeds. There will be few seeds, since pepper is a rather shade-tolerant vegetable, its stems do not stretch and do not fade without sunlight for several days, you can grow seedlings on any window, but it is better if it faces the south side. Pepper seedlings do not tolerate drafts and cold windowsill too. Check the temperature of the windowsill, if it is cooler than the temperature in the room, put a layer of insulation under the pots or boxes with seedlings.

We select the seeds and prepare them for sowing

Feed 2) how soon they will rise.For prevention, you can start spraying sprouts with coniferous, onion, garlic or calendula infusion in parallel with hardening. Most importantly, do not take the plants out into the open sun immediately after spraying, the rays can leave burns on the leaves, reflected from droplets of water.

  • Everything seems to be correct, but seedlings still grow poorly? You may have made some mistakes that caused the plant to suffer stress. Let's take a closer look.
  • With a pick.
  • For the fastest swelling and germination of pepper seeds, rinse them in running water and place them in a warm place for a day (
  • Delicious pepper, sweet vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals. He has a huge number of fans and is used for cooking practically in all cuisines of the world. What is not cooked from pepper - it is used in salads, first and second courses, as a snack, pickled, canned and much more. And also pepper insanely tasty just fresh.
  • If you are interested in how to grow pepper at home, then you should know that before pouring the soil mixture into boxes or pots, you need to put good drainage on the bottom so that the water does not stagnate and the roots do not rot. In the box you need to pour a layer of earthen mixture with a thickness of 7-8 cm over the drainage layer. The soil surface is leveled, and then grooves are carried out on it, spaced 5-6 cm apart. In these grooves, pre-prepared seeds are laid out at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other. Then the holes in the cup or the grooves in the box are covered with a layer of sand or humus with a thickness of 0.5 cm. After this, the soil should be slightly compacted.

On hayfields there is no way to cut or mow the flowering tops, and the gardener has the opportunity to remove the very joyful peppers from tiny bushes that prevent the bush from growing and prevent flower buds from growing. This lonely fruit takes all power, all energy.

  When the soil dries, water it. There are no special problems with watering seedlings - pepper is unpretentious and easy to 16 AnswersPepper seedlings can be any complex fertilizer, breed according to the instructions and water once a week. It is better if there will be not only nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, but also a set of trace elements. At least iron.

Both of these meanings are important, especially that which 2). Because pepper seeds can germinate at the same temperature for 5 to 30+ days. Of course, 30 days old seeds will germinate. But for fresh 2-3 weeks can be quite a "normal" period from sowing to seedlings.

And finally - the wrong time of planting in the open ground can lead to the fact that the seedlings will die or take root poorly, experiencing severe stress, become weak and sick. Soil should

There are several typical mistakes made even by experienced gardeners, which lead to poor growth of seedlings and even its death. Study them carefully and try to avoid further: Without picking.Not lower than 25 degrees

The process of growing pepper in a personal plot is not so complicated, but in order to get large and tasty vegetables from seeds, you first need to grow strong seedlings. However, there are times when pepper seedlings do not sprout or grow poorly. So you made a mistake somewhere.

Seedling growing process

Recently, many wonderful natural fertilizers have appeared in stores: granulated bird droppings, sapropel, vermicompost, etc. All this can be used when transferring from the initial 50-100 ml. large cups. How much exactly does each type of fertilizer need to be added if you have never done this before? .. It is better to underfeed than to overfeed, say in the case of biohumus it can be about a teaspoon per bush. Mix the fertilizer with the soil at the bottom of the pot, then pour a little and put a bush with an earthen lump from a smaller container on top, add the earth on the sides.

Why is it important to know? Because then you can more accurately answer the question - Warm up wellIncorrect soil mix

In the first version, peppers dive after a fortnight, a maximum of two decades, after the seeds have sprouted. Peppers do not like picking, since their roots are difficult to recover, so they do not pinch the main root. This process must be carried out in a timely manner, if the seedlings outgrow, it may not take root. Incorrect picking is another indicator why seedlings can grow poorly.

  ), Previously put in polyethylene. To understand this issue, you need to consider how to properly grow seedlings of peppers and highlightPepper is a light-loving plant, so he loves good lighting. When the seedlings begin to appear, the container with seedlings must immediately be rearranged in a lighted place, for example, on a windowsill. If there is no such place, then you need to provide illumination with a lamp. A lamp is also needed in order to illuminate seedlings in prolonged cloudy weather. They need to be lightened as long as daylight hours in clear weather last.

Then the plant will have the opportunity to send all the nutrients that the gardener treats, to develop the plant itself, to increase growth, to create a crown, to bookmark the flower buds. Then, though later, but the harvest will be.

. Seedlings in containers are best placed on the windowsill, while covering the window sashes with paper, to protect from direct sunlight. In the initial period of development, plants need regular watering with warm water. Once a week, you need to soak the entire soil mixture in the tank, but without stagnation of water. To avoid stagnation, drill holes in the bottom of the pot.

Cultivation methods

Good varieties of sweet pepper and paprika

  • Pepper seedlings do not like the draft on the windowsill, and the cold windowsill in general. Touch your windowsill with your hand, or put a thermometer on it. Often the windowsill is 5-10 degrees colder than the temperature in the room. In order not to create conditions for the development of the "black leg", put a layer of foam on the windowsill under the seedlings of pepper ... or at least a board.
  • When to sow pepper for seedlings?

(At least 15 degrees Celsius 10 cm in depth), moreover, before planting, it is advisable to water the beds with warm water. In the cold earth, seedlings will not take root, and you can remain completely without a crop or with a very small percentage.

  . Carefully select the soil in the store, read its composition, the instructions always say what crops it is suitable for. If you take soil from your own garden, the land does not fit after flowers or other vegetables. The second way is much easier and less painful for peppers. Seedlings justIt is also worth noting that the time of sowing seedlings depends on many factors, which are necessary to consider if you want to get good seedlings and subsequently the crop:

Typical errors encountered

Care must be taken to ensure that seedlings do not fall even for a short time under drafts. Because of them, it will weaken, will hurt, and may even die. This often happens when pepper seedlings are grown on the windowsill of the house, so be sure to check for the possibility of drafts in the place where you will place the seedlings of pepper. Do not leave open windows near the seedlings. If you need to ventilate the room, then place the seedlings under plastic caps or mini-greenhouses made of glass jars. Now about the weather conditions. If pepper is grown in open ground, the gardener cannot change anything. The plant may stop growing due to too cold nights. If there is no heat during the day, then the existing peppercorns will not grow: they can change their shape to a little ugly and get purple tones in the color. Watering must be alternated with top dressing. As a light dressing, use the used tea leaves, infusion of crushed egg shells. Add wood ash to the container well. It is impossible for the ash to fall on the stems and leaves.

We plant seedlings in the soil

Always remembering these simple, but very important nuances for peppers and observing them, you will easily grow healthy and strong seedlings, from which later you will get good bushes that give a rich harvest.

Incorrect seed preparation

Transplanted into a large capacity Differences of varieties (early seeds sown two months before planting in open ground, and later - not less than 75 days)., Because of which it can grow poorly. First of all, it is worth remembering that seedlings of peppers are very tender and demanding to have enough light, heat and water. Let's look at the other nuances.

Pepper loves a lot of water, and when it is lacking, its fruits grow crooked, small and tasteless. Seedlings also need to be well watered: very often and so that the ground is always slightly moist, but not wet. Water for irrigation needs to be taken warm, not lower than room temperature, because from cold water seedlings can not only get sick, but also die. In addition, care must be taken that the air is not too dry. Therefore, if you grow seedlings at home, where the heating works, and the air is dry because of this, then you need to spray the plant every day, and ventilate the room, covering the pepper from drafts.

Thanks for the comment! I saw my mistakes, I didn’t pick the first peppers and my peppers are sitting without sisters and brothers!

Common mistakes when growing pepper seedlings

In the case of slow development of seedlings, if the leaves are light green in color, more substantial dressing is needed. You can feed seedlings with any complex fertilizer. Prepare the solution according to the instructions and feed once a week. Plants need nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, a set of trace elements. When transplanting seedlings from the initial, small cups into large ones, you can feed the plants with granulated bird droppings, sapropel, vermicompost. Use fertilizer instructions. Mix fertilizer with soil at the bottom of the tank, spill with water and put a bush with a soil lump on top, sprinkle earth on each side.

Pests and planting time in open ground

  After the appearance of sprouts and before they are transplanted into the open ground, seedlings need to be fed twice with a solution of mullein or bird droppings.

Places of cultivation (seedlings are planted in a glazed greenhouse at the end of April, in foil seedlings from mid-May, and in open ground already from early June).

When choosing seeds of peppers, it should be taken into account. If the seedlings have a dark green color, grows well, then you can not feed it. But if seedlings are frail, then they should be fed. Experts generally advise to feed her twice during the forcing of seedlings: Very good comment! Thank you very much !!! Last edited on July 10, 2014 1:13 p.m.

Hardening seedlings begin a month before it is transferred to a permanent place. If the outside air is warmed up and there is no wind, open the window during the day, or take the plants out onto the balcony, for the peppers to gradually get used to the natural climatic conditions. Drafts and wind during hardening are detrimental to young shoots, so do not allow them. Everything about growing tomato seedlings can


How to grow good pepper seedlings at home?

Frosts still burst outside the walls of the houses, a blizzard howls, but spring is just around the corner, it's time to prepare for the new season. Breeding seedlings of peppers, sweet or hot, one technology, opens another garden season. So, let's start again. And the seed was the beginning.

Sweet pepper. Selection of varieties for 2015

In general, to be honest, all this previous long boring paragraph could not be written. And to write simply that What do we need to grow good, strong pepper seedlings? First of all, of course, a sun window. For growing. As already mentioned, early varieties are sown two months before the time of planting seedlings in the soil, later - 75 days, and mid-season in between. It is necessary to accurately calculate these terms, since untimely sowing can lead to many problems - because of too early peppers overgrow in pots and ovaries can form, which will reduce the total yield from the bush. Even if you remove them, the plant will remain weak and will not survive the transplant into the open ground. Before planting seedlings, they must beClimatic conditions.

Many nuances, such as:

The first time - when most seedlings will have three or four true leaves;Most likely it’s the land, try to pee it into a good hut and fertilize. everything is growing with me. Even indoor yellow tomatoes. The earth took Krepyshok.

Read here When buying seeds of peppers, pay attention at least to the packing time, because after three years of storage about half of the seeds hatch. About two weeks before sowing, check the seeds for germination. Place the pepper seeds in a cloth and dip in warm water for a day. After exposure, put on a platter and set in heat. If after a week, half of 10 seeds hatch, the seeds are suitable for sowing. Author Alenusik "1 2 3 ... 29"
In the middle lane it will be normal to sow pepper for seedlings in late February - early March.

Non-compliance with temperature conditions

Harden After preparation, seeds of peppers are planted in special boxes, pots and any other containers with prepared soil for seedlings. You can buy it at a garden store or supermarket or cook it yourself using 4 parts peat, 2 parts turf, 1 part stale sawdust and 1 part humus and water it all with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The type of soil on your site.The second time - when there are already five or six true leaves.

Lack of nutrition.

The prepared seeds should be decontaminated with potassium permanganate solution for 20-30 minutes. Rinse the seeds in water and soak in a nutrient solution - such as "Effekton" or a solution of simple wood ash. Nutrient medium promotes seed germination, accelerates ripening and increases pepper productivity. But if the seeds are fresh, you are satisfied with their germination, then soak, it makes no sense. Seed hardening is not superfluous 564 Replies

I sow until mid-March, because I have large southern windows. And light very much affects the growth rate of seedlings.

Nightshade crops (and most others) this rule is valid.

. Will lead to the fact that the plant begins to develop poorly and grow. A common and very gross mistake of inexperienced gardeners is placing boxes with seeds on the battery. The soil on them heats up quickly and to a higher temperature than is required for nibbling seedlings. The soil around it dries very quickly and only the sprouts that have appeared are dying. Also remember that the temperature on the windowsills is lower than in the room. For this, plants ten days before transplantation begin to take out for several hours on the street. To protect sprouts from pests, already at this period of growth, you can start spraying them with infusions of onions, needles, calendula or garlic. You should not take seedlings to the street immediately after spraying, the sun through the water can leave burns on delicate leaves.

The soil in the prepared tanks is pre-watered, small furrows are made one centimeter deep into which the seeds are sown and covered with earth. After this, the boxes need to be covered with a film (glass can be) and What fertilizers does each variety prefer?A good top dressing is the Effect liquid fertilizer, one cap of which is diluted in five liters of water. You can feed seedlings with bird droppings, which must be diluted with hot water in a ratio of 1:20. You do not need to insist it so that there is no smell. You can use full mineral fertilizer, for which you need to dilute one teaspoon in five liters of water. In order for the fruits to turn out to be of higher quality, foliar micronutrient fertilizing should be arranged. This is done by spraying.

This year, according to this scheme, seedlings of bitter peppers and eggplant died according to this scheme. At first it stopped in growth, and then fell. The conclusion is bad land. I bought at OBI. Had to sow again. Treat with Epin - it is anti-stress, maybe your seedlings will help. And additional illumination is needed.The seedlings of peppers are transplanted when the plants have about a dozen leaves. When growing pepper in a greenhouse, seedlings can be transferred from May 10. It is better to plant seedlings in open ridges in early June, but with the obligatory protection of plants with a film.

The question of the optimal timing of sowing seeds is perhaps one of the main ones. The full and early harvest of pepper depends on them. The planting dates of early or late varieties are different. Usually, seedlings are planted at a constant place in the initial stage of flowering, and before that, it takes up to 80 days from the date of seed planting.

28410 viewsSince we’ve started talking about the world ... We’ll continue about it. At the very beginning of the article I already wrote: "More light is better than seedlings." But, regarding tomatoes, peppers are rather shade-tolerant plants. They do not stretch and wither away in the absence of sun for several days, so you can grow pepper seedlings even on a northeast or northwest window. The quality of the seedlings, of course, will be better on the south window.

More light - better seedlings, everything else is secondary.


In order for the seedlings to take root well, at the time of planting, it must be healthy and strong, at least 20 centimeters high, placed in a very warm place

Dates of disembarkation.

Two weeks before planting in the soil, seedlings should begin to be hardened, accustoming it to fresh air and a lower temperature. To do this, you can first simply open the window or window in the room, and in the following days to take seedlings on clear days to the balcony or to the veranda, or even to the street. Increase gradually the time the seedlings are in the fresh air. It should be noted that such hardening is done only when the air has already warmed up to 15 ° C. Start hardening from twenty minutes a day, gradually increasing the time. Specialists advise to harden seedlings, not seeds warmed up in warm water.

Warm the land in which you sit, add the purchase is called Living land TERRA VITA and transplant

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For growing seedlings, you can use a wide period of time - from January to mid-March. With late planting, it is necessary to create artificial lighting for seedlings. The timing depends on when you plan to plant the seedlings on the ridges or in the greenhouse and where the seedlings of pepper will be located before planting. In the presence of a glazed balcony, loggia or greenhouse, where you can set seedlings with the arrival of warm days, you can safely sow the seeds earlier.

Hot pepper

Regarding the illumination of seedlings of peppers, from the above we can conclude that the illumination is not required, but desirable.

(Yes, I love to start the story from the wrong end).

. Peppers do not tolerate it well, since the roots of the plant regenerate very slowly and this increases the timing of growing seedlings. Of course, this option is still possible, but the pick-free method is much more gentle and allows you to benefit from the crescent.

About 10 leaves and a few buds

(25–27 degrees Celsius) until the first shoots appear. Usually this happens after a week, a maximum of two. Once every two days, you should not forget to moisten the soil by spraying (do not pour it just with water - you risk washing the seeds from the holes).

Climate requirements.

For two or three days before planting pepper seedlings in the soil, it is necessary to do its preventive treatment from late blight, for which, in three liters of hot water, dilute a pinch of copper sulfate and boric acid in three liters of hot water. Cool the solution and spray the seedlings in the morning or evening before planting.

There is little information on the issue. But just in case, I’ll write. The root system first grows in the plant, and the surface part does not grow at this time. When the root system occupies the entire volume of the pot, greenery begins to grow. Therefore, all purchased flowers grow in small containers, and the greenery is gorgeous ... And timely nutrition is needed. Good luck to you.

An experienced gardener has already developed, on the basis of many years of experience, his own planting dates, and a beginner will still plant earlier. But if you are not sure about the seeds, the soil, there is no experience - sow the seeds in several stages with a run of 1-2 weeks, but be sure to sign the cups and you will always be with seedlings.

Where to plant pepper seeds?

Let's start from the very beginning 😉.

Poor lighting

(But not flowers and ovaries, such a sprout will not take root well and give a small crop).


Properly grown seedlings of peppers will give a rich harvest. Pepper seedlings - growing in stages |

As soon as the first sprouts have appeared, they require additional light to accelerate growth, good development and health. Remove the cover from the boxes and provide seedlings with additional lighting for at least 9-10 hours a day. The lack of light leads to the curvature of seedlings and rotting of the roots, they can stop growing, become unable to plant buds. This is one of the main reasons why pepper seedlings can grow poorly.

Seed preparation and hardening

Maturing and harvesting dates.

Seedlings are planted in the soil only after the soil has warmed up well, and its temperature will be above 15 ° C. However, this can be done no earlier than two months after the emergence of seedlings. Only in the southern regions can seedlings be planted in a month and a half. Peppers are planted in a sunny place, well protected from the wind. The readiness of seedlings for planting can also be determined by appearance. If the seedling has from seven to eight to ten true leaves, and its height is 20-30 cm, then such a seedling is ready for planting in the ground.

Seeding time

I have seedlings of peppers planted at one time. Some peppers are strong, greasy, good. And others stopped in growth and did not add much even after top dressing. Maybe things as seeds.

Bulgarian peppers grow poorly (I water them with diluted liquid manure, 1 time double superphosphate - and still grow poorly (1 pepper on a bush). What should I do?

Seasoned gardeners know that pepper does not tolerate picking. Therefore, young gardeners are advised to sow seeds sparsely. Pepper has a weak root system, so usually several sprouted seeds are planted in one container. After germination, the frail are removed, leaving 1-2 sprouts in each container. When the pepper seedlings get stronger and the timing for planting is suitable - it is taken out together with a lump of soil so as not to damage the root.

Container for seedlings

1787 Replies

It is best to immediately in small 100 ml cups or cassettes, it is possible in 50 ml. Pepper does not like picking at all. If you plant it with the whole campaign in a common bowl, and then pee it, then the seedlings will lag behind in growth for a week and a half. So, if possible, plant pepper only in separate small containers. And then - overload, as the roots of the earth coma cover, in a larger container.


. Pepper seedlings require a lot of light, otherwise it will start to stretch upward strongly, as if reaching for the sun, which will affect its health and productivity of the subsequent bush. . It is not advisable to plant them on the beds after tomatoes or potatoes, but the soil after legumes or cucumbers is perfect.


You can choose for yourself several different varieties with similar care requirements, but with different fruiting periods, and this will extend the period of collection and enjoyment of fresh vegetables. If you are a beginner in gardening and have no one to ask for advice - when choosing, simply follow the instructions on the packaging. Manufacturers of quality seeds always provide a colorful photo and detailed instructions for use on the packaging. Therefore, you can safely choose your favorite varieties by their appearance and description of the qualities of the vegetable, the complexity of caring for it.

The yield of sweet pepper is especially dependent on the seedling age: it grows most of the fruit on those bushes, the seedlings of which were planted in a permanent place 80-90 days after emergence, while in sixty-day seedlings, the yield is sometimes almost two times lower.

Sweet pepper is very rich in vitamins and minerals, contains proteins and sugars, fatty and essential oils, citric, malic and oxalic acids. One fruit of pepper contains a daily norm of vitamin P, and the content of vitamin C in it makes it a real champion among vegetables. Therefore, sweet pepper has long and firmly entered the list of the most favorite garden crops that are grown in personal plots. There are many reasons. Incorrectly grown seedlings.If you plant the pepper densely, and in one box, and then dive, then the shoot will lag behind in development for a week and a half. You don’t need to immediately close the seeds into large pots, frail roots will not be able to choose water from a large amount of land, and the earth will turn sour. As the roots develop, we transplant the stems into a larger container. Handling seedlings must be done very carefully, peppers are painfully sensitive to root damage.

. We will talk about the choice of pepper varieties separately, later. Pepper seeds differ from tomato seeds in a shorter germination period. So, if tomato seeds germinate normally after 5 years, and even after 10, then in pepper after about three years, about half of the seeds germinate, and every year the number of hatching decreases. So, when buying pepper seeds, be sure to keep them fresh, 1-2 years old - normal, 3 years old - there is also a chance that it will rise enough, but nothing may come up. It depends on the storage conditions of the seeds. And the storage conditions, we yourself know what ...

Improper feeding Be careful when transplanting seedlings, so as not to damage the roots of peppers, otherwise the plant will get even more stress. And do not bury seedlings in the ground - this will lead to an increase in the ripening period of the first vegetables and reduce the overall yield. Maintain a stable thermal regime

After choosing peppers and buying seeds, it's time

Before planting, seedlings should be watered so that the earth is well softened. On the bed in advance you need to make furrows or holes. Seedlings in them are placed at the same depth at which seedlings grew. That is, you do not need to drop the root neck, and expose the roots. If you grew seedlings in pots or cups, then you can put it in the ground directly with them, cutting a cup in a hole in several places.


Bulgarian pepper grows poorly, what should I do?

Pepper belongs to the nightshade family, which are very susceptible to late blight. But this misfortune bypasses the pepper side. Caring for it is very simple, and even novice summer residents can grow it. But in order to take off the rich harvest of this vegetable crop in summer, you need to know how to grow pepper seedlings.

Surely they heard, and more than once heard, gardeners proudly tell neighbors and colleagues that they already had an ovary on tomato seedlings and pepper seedlings, although the plants themselves are still small, because two or three more weeks before planting in the ground must pass.

Vera, Biysk

The misconception of many that the roots of pepper is enough a glass of land to grow seedlings. Grow peppers, will. But you will not get a full crop. It is necessary to create a spacious system for the root system. It is better to allocate 1 liter of soil for each sprout.

Agriculture Sweet Peppers

It’s not true that pepper does not need much space

Suppose you have already acquired the coveted bags of pepper seeds and joyfully lay them out on long winter evenings, anticipating the moment of planting. And after all, I’m so anxious to hurry to plant all this .. so I can’t wait ...

. Seedlings require no more than two light dressings until planting in the ground.

It’s not worth it to plant seedlings of bitter and sweet peppers, they

- 23–25 degrees in the daytime and 16–18 degrees in the night. At lower temperatures, their leaves begin to fall off, and the plant may die.

To plant the seedlings themselves

Most often, seedlings are planted in an ordinary or two-line tape method. When pepper is planted in rows, the distance between them should be about half a meter for hot pepper, and for sweet vegetable and even more - 70cm. In the row between plants, the distance should be 10-15 cm for bitter and 15-30 cm for sweet pepper, depending on the variety. It should be borne in mind that the larger the bush, the greater the distance between them.

When growing seedlings in greenhouses or at home, seeds can be planted in pots or cups with a diameter of 8-10 centimeters, seedling cassettes or standard seedling boxes. In warm greenhouses, they are planted directly in the ground. Often the seeds are first planted in a box, and after the appearance of the first true leaves they are dived into pots.

The first flower was pollinated to make a pepper, a sweet pepper. The joy is huge, here with this joy a plant with one single ovary is planted in the ground. A good day is chosen so that the sun does not bake, so that rain falls. In a word, so that the peppercorn does not fall off, but remains on a branch.

Olga V., Omsk

For the cultivation of seedlings of pepper, you can use different compositions of soil mixtures, but it is necessary to have humus, peat, sod land, sawdust. If desired, use the ready-made mixture from the store. More details about the composition of the soil, temperature and wet conditions, the timing of planting seedlings can be found in


For roots and enough 200 ml for growing 2-month seedlings. It will somehow grow ... But you will not see the full harvest. You cannot create too tight conditions for the root system. If possible, allocate 1 liter for each bush, and even better - a two-liter pot. Yes, this is utopia, in apartment conditions. But one must strive for the best 😉. In the photo below - pepper in 2 liters. pot, the most optimal size ... Where are they only to put such.


tell me why seedlings of pepper and eggplant do not grow at all?


After all, can’t wait, right? Well, do not bear it - put it down!

Galina Bukharina (Prikhodko)

Wrong watering


Pollen can mix

Irina Ignatieva

Sprouts are watered abundantly, but rarely, it is best in the mornings at room temperature. It should be protected from drafts, but it is advisable to ventilate the room in warm weather. Feeding during this period is not required.

Tatyana B

. To do this, they need to be prepared. It is worth remembering that, unlike many ground vegetables, pepper seeds cannot be stored for a long time (no more than 3-4 years). Therefore, carefully read the packaging, and if you have old seeds, they must be checked for germination or screened in 3% saline.

Olga Nikolaeva

The tape method implies that the narrower row spacing, the distance between which is 40 cm, alternate with the wider - 80-90 cm. In a row, the distance between plants should be the same as in the first method.

How to grow pepper seedlings?

Before you grow pepper seedlings, you need to prepare the seeds so that the pepper gives a large and stable crop. It is necessary, first of all, to pick up good seeds. Then prepare them for sowing in order to grow good seedlings from them. First you can sort the seeds by eye, discarding broken, small and empty. Then the seeds should be pickled in a slightly warm solution of potassium permanganate dark purple. Seeds must be kept in it for 20-30 minutes, and then thoroughly rinsed with running water.

Then with the same joy every day they observe whether that peppercorn has grown. And after some time they notice that the peppercorn is slowly turning into a real pepper, only he has no brothers and sisters. He is the only child of his parent.

This article

Seed preparation

1740 Replies

Do I need to soak pepper seeds before planting?

Soil preparation

Plant a few seeds to check

And non-compliance with the regime. Seeds and young shoots love moisture, but they should only be sprayed with warm water, otherwise you risk washing the seedlings from the ground and damage them. The roots of this plant do not tolerate even minimal drying of the soil, so the regime of its regular moistening must be observed.

Growing seedlings

And the sweet variety will get unpleasant bitterness.

After the peppers begin to grow, make sure that the leaves do not touch each other, they do not like this and begin to stretch. This happens because the plants begin to fight for the light they need.

Seedling Care

To do this, dissolve the rock salt in water in a proportion of 30–40 grams per 1 liter. Pour pepper seeds into it, mix well and leave for 10 minutes. Surfaced to the surface can be safely thrown away - they are not suitable. With this simple procedure, you eliminate seeds that you most likely will not be able to sprout.

If you are interested in how to grow pepper at home, then you should know that in warm regions and southern regions it can be grown without first growing seedlings. In this case, the seeds are sown in the soil only when it warms up to a temperature of at least 8 ° C, usually not earlier than mid-April. The seeds are covered with soil 2-3 cm thick, that is, they need to be planted deeper than the seeds are planted for seedlings.

Watering seedlings

Then the seeds need to be warmed up. This can be done by placing them in a thermos for two hours, where the water temperature is 40-50 ° C. You can warm the seeds in running warm water. This dramatically increases the germination of seeds - after such preparation they will sprout faster. Now the seeds are ready for sowing.

For any plant, the main goal of life is to give offspring, and certainly not to please the gardener with the crop. That modest sprout with an ovary at first did not form an ovary on time, but all because it was rushed, putting a seed in the soil too early.

Feeding seedlings

  • Unlike tomatoes, which I do not soak, considering it unnecessary fuss, I can not say so clearly with pepper. Soaking, especially in different growth stimulants, can really help to get more shoots and, most importantly, earlier shoots. On the other hand, if the seeds are fresh, you checked their germination and it was approximately 100%, then again there is no point in soaking.

1) how many of them will rise

Seedling hardening

And, of course, do not forget about pests. Do not miss the moment of their appearance in order to timely respond and process the plant. The main enemies of pepper are ticks, aphids and dustpan.

After planting, pour plenty of water on the peppers and mulch them with dry earth or grass. Young seedlings are afraid of spring frosts, so prepare a defense, but adult peppers can calmly tolerate cold.

There are two ways to grow seedlings:

Rinse the remaining seeds with clean water and dry well. The check should be carried out immediately before preparing the seeds for sowing, they should not lie for a long time after having been in saline.

Planting seedlings

Another question is whether to grow pepper in this way, because with a late sowing, the yield of such pepper will ripen later, and the fruiting period will be shorter. So there will be less and the total yield.

Sweet pepper, unlike bitter pepper, does not tolerate picking, so it is better to plant expensive sweet pepper varieties in a separate bowl immediately. But on the other hand, the "tastes" of pepper seedlings change as they grow, and if at first it is good to take the nutrient mixture from the garden and humus land in equal proportions, then at the next stages the seedlings more like the loose soil with less nitrogen, but enriched with other minerals. For example, a mixture of peat and sawdust in a ratio of 7: 3. To do this, you need to mix low and high peat in different amounts, although you can use pure high, slightly decomposed peat, provided that liming materials are removed to remove excess acidity. For top dressing, add 30-40 g of superphosphate, 7-10 g of urea, 3 g of magnesium sulfate and 10-15 g of potassium sulfate to the earth mixture in a bucket of soil.

The time has come for him to multiply, but there are no normal conditions for this. This situation can be compared with haymaking in the area where I live. We have spring and the beginning of summer was very cold and wet. Grass, cereals that go to the hay, grew under the fences powerfully. So everyone thought that now there will be a lot of hay, because the grass stand is magnificent. What was it to us to be surprised when the head of the agricultural department of the district said that there would be problems with hay. It turns out that the cold and dampness did not allow the fires and hedgehogs to grow to the usual sizes, their growth stopped at a height of the grass of about 25 - 45 centimeters, although everyone counted on 100 centimeters or so.

Reckless way

To get good, strong seedlings, first of all, you need a window sill.

Growing hot peppers in pots

JLady.ru When to plant pepper in seedlings for a greenhouse

Little pepper plants with water drops on them in peat (coal) balls, isolated on white

Difficulties in growing pepper seedlings can appear in any gardener, this is a capricious culture that requires painstaking care and attention. Various problems arise, and each of them requires its own solution.

Let us examine the topic in more detail: why pepper seedlings grow poorly and how to fix the situation.

The proper cultivation of pepper consists of several important stages, the non-observance of which can lead not only to a slowdown in the development of plants, but also to their complete withering. In order for pepper seedlings to grow well, its cultivation should be treated very carefully and not to lose sight of a single trifle. What do we have to do:

  • prepare seeds, soil and containers;
  • correctly calculate the timing of sowing seeds;
  • create the necessary microclimate in the room;
  • water and feed properly;
  • provide good lighting.

Each item is very important, all the nuances need to be thought out in advance, and not try to save time. After all, the main goal is to grow healthy and strong seedlings of pepper, which in the future can give a good harvest.

Reasons for poor growth

Anything can be the reason for slowing or stopping pepper growth! Each item from the list above includes several recommendations, ignoring which will inevitably lead to problems.

Seeds, especially those collected independently, need to be sorted and pickled. For these purposes, use solutions of salt and manganese. To sort the seeds, prepare a mixture of tsp. salt per 250 ml of water, place the seeds in it, mix thoroughly and discard all the popped up grains. To protect seeds from diseases, they are placed in a 1% potassium permanganate solution for 10 or 15 minutes. If desired, the seeds can be processed in growth stimulants, heated or hardened, and also soaked for germination.

The soil must be prepared light and loose, it also needs to be disinfected, calcined in the oven or spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate. You can not take land from the garden and flower beds. You only need to buy a special mixture suitable for growing pepper seedlings. Preparation of containers is also important, containers are thoroughly washed, disinfected and drainage holes are made.

When determining the timing of sowing, you should rely on the information on the packaging. Early varieties are sown 60 days before planting, and late varieties no less than 75 days. Consider climatic conditions and the place where pepper will grow (indoor or outdoor). At the time of transplanting, the soil should warm up to 15 ° C. Too early sowing will lead to a decrease in yield, and if ripe fruits are late, you can not wait.

What to do if pepper seedlings grow poorly

At the first signs of a slowdown in plant development, you should carefully examine the bush itself, the soil and pay attention to the general growing environment. Almost any problem can be solved, most importantly, to deal with the cause exactly.


With insufficient lighting, the seedlings stretch, become pale, weak, brittle and lose their immunity to diseases and negative weather factors. The best options for additional illumination of the culture are fluorescent lamps, phyto-lamps or LED lamps for seedlings.

In the daytime, young shoots turn to the window, at this time you need to turn on the lamps and leave them until 7 or 8 pm. Once the bores have acquired well-developed cotyledon leaves, the light can be left for 3 days. In the future, for good development, peppers need to provide 10-14 hours of lighting per day. In April, when daylight hours increase, the lamps can be turned on from 6 to 12 and from 16 to 19 hours, as well as in cloudy weather.

If there is no lamp, you can use this trick - a sheet of plywood or cardboard is glued with foil and installed opposite the window so that the reflecting part is directed towards the light. You can use this method when direct sunlight does not fall on the foil, otherwise the material will reflect them, and delicate leaves will get burned.


There is one very important rule - the soil should always be moderately moist, from the moment of sowing the seeds until the seedlings are planted. It is impossible to allow even short-term drying of the earth. The dry air does not tolerate pepper seedlings, plants need to be sprayed (in the morning), especially with central heating. And pepper does not like drafts.

Top dressing

Top dressing is the key to future crops and the health of seedlings in general. The first procedure is carried out at the stage of formation of 2 real leaves, you can prepare a mixture of 3 g of superphosphate, 0.5 g of ammonium nitrate and 1 g of potassium fertilizer per liter of water. After 14 days, top dressing is repeated, the ingredients are the same, but doubled (the volume of water is the same). The last fertilizer seedlings are carried out before planting plants in a permanent place, 8 g of potash fertilizers per 1 liter of water.

You can buy special fertilizer for seedlings or use folk recipes - infusion of nettle and ash. To feed the slow-growing seedlings, they use sleeping tea, a glass of tea leaves for 3 liters of boiling water, and insist for 5 days. To avoid the development of a black leg, all dressings are carried out in the morning.


Boxes with seeds are kept warm, as soon as shoots appear, the temperature in the room should be at least 15 degrees, this will prevent stretching of seedlings. When the seedlings are straightened, the temperature is increased to 23 or 35 ° C (in the daytime), and reduced to 18 degrees at night. Pepper stops growing at a temperature of 12-14 ° C.

The temperature in the room affects the rate of seed hatching:

  • 28–32 ° C - seedlings will appear on the 4th or 7th day;
  • 24–26 ° C - seeds will hatch after 2 weeks;
  • 21–22 ° C - the first bores appear in 20 days;
  • Below 20 or 40 ° C - critical temperatures at which pepper does not rise.

The importance of observing the temperature regime is due to the fact that pepper is a heat-loving crop. In the initial stages of growth, creating the necessary conditions is especially important.


It is forbidden to transfuse seedlings of pepper, this will lead to root rot and the development of the black leg, underfilling is fraught with a slow death of the plant. After planting the seeds, the earth is moistened (from the spray) every 2 or 3 days, and with the appearance of real leaves, the procedure is carried out every day. During these periods, seedlings need a moderate amount of moisture. As soon as the sprouts get stronger, you can switch to rare, but plentiful watering.

You need to water the peppers under the stem, without eroding the soil at the roots, it is advisable not to get on the leaves. Water should be at room temperature, settled or thawed. Peppers can become sick or rot from cold or chlorinated water.

Another reason for poor seedling growth can be an incorrect pick - you need to transplant the peppers very carefully, without disturbing the roots. With each bush you need to grab a lump of earth, covering the roots as a whole. In general, peppers do not really like transplants; minimizing discomfort can be done by growing seedlings in separate containers.

Growing peppers in a country house or plot is time consuming and requires the correct use of agricultural techniques. But still, despite the difficulties, care, and if pepper seedlings grow poorly, you need to urgently decide what to do in order to get a rich and high-quality crop.

There are cases when the seeds are good and the varieties meet all the requirements, but for some reason pepper seedlings grow poorly and what to do about it. There is only one conclusion - something went wrong, but you can only find out what exactly became a violation factor by reading our material on the topic “why pepper seedlings do not grow”.

To establish the root cause why the seedlings grow poorly and what to do with it, you need to study all the stages of growing seedlings. The main thing for pepper is light, heat and moisture, and the main reason is why and what to do, we will try to present you in the article.

The key to a good harvest at all times was the use of clean and benign seeds, and when the question arises: why do pepper seedlings die after germination, you need to understand all the subtleties. In this paper, the main links of pepper breeding technology are considered and presented in detail.

Varietal Quality Analysis

Today, breeding work has stepped far forward and a huge assortment of varieties is on sale. In order to prevent poor growth of peppers, you need to choose the right variety and very carefully study the climatic conditions of your region, the type of soil on the site, and based on these parameters, select the seeds given:

  1. The structure and type of soil structure.
  2. Fertilizer selection.
  3. The period of planting in the ground.
  4. Weather preferences.
  5. Periods of fruit setting, ripening and fruit picking.

If in your region it is permissible to plant seedlings with different ripening periods, then you can vary and choose seeds with different ripening periods, thereby you will extend the pleasant moments of harvesting. Considering all of the above factors, your question will not be raised: why seedlings grow poorly.

Important! You can give advice to beginner growers: first, familiarize yourself with the characteristics of varietal indicators and carefully study the duration of the growing season, compare whether the pepper has time to ripen and what to do if the seedlings grow poorly.

And, of course, you don’t need to stop on one grade, and what if bad seedlings grow up? After you have decided on the list of desired varieties of sweet pepper, you can safely proceed to sowing. Since the seeds are sown at home, do not be lazy and pre-prepare them, thereby you will resolve the issues of why pepper seedlings do not grow.

First, read the release date on the packaging, and remember that seeds are allowed to be stored for a maximum of 4 years, after which time varietal qualities deteriorate. If the seedlings of pepper do not germinate, grow slowly or do not grow at all, germination should be analyzed and rejected in a three percent salt solution.

To determine viability and identify full grain seeds, follow these simple steps:

  • dissolve 30 grams of salt in 1 liter of water;
  • pour seeds into a liquid with salt;
  • stir and stand for 15 minutes;
  • seeds on the surface must be removed, they are considered hollow and lifeless.

Seeds that can be safely sown at the bottom, the resulting seedlings will develop well and give a rich harvest.

Such a check is usually carried out immediately before sowing and with seeds that have been idle for a long time. For such seeds, you need to clearly develop a range of actions and know what to feed. Seeds that have passed the test must be washed and dried, and then sown.

In order to increase and to stimulate germination, the seeds need to be soaked in clean water and placed in heat, packed in a plastic bag, until fertilized.

In order for the sprouts to develop well, it is necessary to ensure the conditions:

  1. Compliance with the timing of sowing, for example, early varieties must be sown 2 months before planting in open ground, and later about 75 days. This time will be enough to grow strong seedlings.
  2. The correct method of cultivation, experienced summer residents, it is noted that after a dive shoots lag behind in growth and develop less.
  3. Places of growth - in glass greenhouses seedlings are planted in the last days of April, and in film greenhouses and in open ground in the first ten days of May.
  4. Weather conditions in the region.

After preliminary preparation of the seed material, sowing begins in special containers, cups filled with prepared soil substrate. Soil for seedlings is sold in many specialized stores, if it is impossible to buy a substrate, then I plant pepper seeds in a self-prepared soil.

To do this, make the following mixture using peat, turf, sawdust and humus in 4: 2: 1: 1 proportions, respectively. Such soil will favorably affect the seeds and pepper will soon emerge. After mixing, pour the prepared mixture with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds should be planted to a depth of 1 centimeter.

After that, in order for the seeds to sprout, they create a greenhouse effect by covering them with glass or film. Then the container or box with crops is placed in a warm place (28 degrees). After 10 days, the first peppers develop, seedling care includes watering.

So that the seeds are not washed out of the soil, you need to spray them from the spray gun.

When shoots appear, it is necessary to provide sunlight and heat, these factors beneficially provide germination. At the stage when 2 leaves appear, the film or glass is removed and exposed to sunlight for about 8 hours.

Insufficient lighting can lead to the appearance of negative phenomena and the pepper will grow very slowly or lead to rot of real leaves and underdevelopment of the ovaries, in addition, the stems of such peppers are curved. Most often, a lack of light can cause peppers to grow poorly and what to do. In such cases, you need to know how to feed the plants?

To obtain high-quality seedlings, crops should be regularly watered, preferably in the morning, with room temperature water. Sprouts need to be protected from drafts, but in warm time you need to ventilate the premises where seedlings are stored. It is not necessary to feed seedlings during this period.

After this, the seedlings begin to grow intensively, at these moments it is necessary that the leaf plates of pepper do not touch. If this condition is not met, the plants become longer due to lack of space and as a result, weak shoots are obtained.

Important! If you planted pepper, but it did not sprout, then re-sow immediately, otherwise you will remain without seedlings.

Cultivation methods

There are 2 ways to grow seedlings:

  • with a dive;
  • without picking.

Diving is carried out approximately 20 days after the appearance of sprouts. Peppers do not like to dive, since their roots are very sensitive, so pinching is not advisable. If you decide to grow with a pick, you do not need to allow seedlings to overgrow.

Diving overgrown seedlings can be one of the reasons - why pepper seedlings die after germination. When the peppers sprout, the vegetable grower thinks: what gives the first sprouts can be fertilized with liquid manure or bird droppings about two times.

To ensure rapid adaptation of seedlings in open ground, it should be tempered. Hardening is a process of environmental impact on seedlings carried out by taking sprouts to open air, if the weather is favorable.

It is possible to take out for about 2-3 hours. What to do if pests have appeared? To prevent the appearance of pests on seedlings, they can be sprayed with infusions of onion husks and needles.

We plant seedlings in the ground correctly

For proper planting in open ground, seedlings with the following parameters are used:

  • height should be approximately 15-20 centimeters;
  • the presence of 10 leaves;
  • a few buds, but not ovaries. A plant with ovary after transplantation is very poorly developed. In general, the seedling becomes frail, and he will not be able to bring a good harvest.

For planting seedlings, it is necessary to qualitatively prepare the land plot, it is good to protect it from wind and gusts of air, because pepper does not like drafts and can die from them. Vegetable does not grow in areas where tomato or potatoes grew last year.

Plots after cucumbers and legumes are considered ideal for peppers. When the seedlings are planted in open ground, it is necessary to strictly observe the agrotechnical features, because the root system of peppers is the most sensitive part, and it is not necessary to deepen the seedlings into the soil, this can lead to an increase in the ripening time of the fruit and reduces its number.

Important! It should not be planted on one bed, this can lead to over-pollination and as a result, sweet pepper will not be so sweet.

Many people care about the question: why does pepper seedlings disappear and how to water the planted plants? The best solution would be to add mulch to the beds and abundant watering. As mulch, dry ground or grass is used. Small seedlings do not tolerate frosts, so during the critical period it is necessary to take care of additional protection against low temperatures.

Sometimes, it seems like planted healthy seedlings and all technologies are observed, but peppers grow poorly and seedlings fall. The question arises: why do peppers grow poorly? Probably some mistakes were made, in the next section we consider the most common shortcomings.

Frequently Accepted Deficiencies in Pepper Cultivation Agricultural Technology

Very often a problem arises: pepper seedlings do not grow and why is this happening?
  Sometimes it happens that the sprouts fall. Professionals with extensive experience have developed several common mistakes that are most often made when growing:

  1. Improperly prepared soil substrate is the reason - why pepper seedlings fell. The best solution would be to purchase soil in specialized stores, if you take soil from a summer cottage, it is strictly forbidden to take it from under flowers and other vegetable crops, such as tomato, eggplant, etc.
  2. The use of expired and poor-quality seeds leads to the fact that the seeds do not grow. An effective way to prepare is to soak them in melt water, if not, replace it with an aloe solution. Soaking is carried out for 2-3 days.
  3. Problem: not growing pepper seedlings can be solved if the right timing of sowing. Early varieties are planted 60 days before planting in open ground, and later varieties are planted 75–80 days later. Meeting deadlines has a strong influence on seedlings and is an important part of the growing process of seedlings. Weak or overgrown sprouts do not tolerate transplanting in open ground, so plant deaths are not uncommon.
  4. Failure to maintain the optimum temperature may result in sprouts not sprouting. Pepper is very demanding on heat and the mistake of many gardeners is that crops are often placed on batteries or other heating appliances. Intervention of elevated temperatures from instruments can lead to overdrying of the soil, resulting in seedlings freezing in growth.
  5. The use of diving. Experts do not recommend carrying out, since it negatively affects the further growth and development of plants. If the root system of peppers is not disturbed once again, then you are guaranteed to get a plentiful harvest in the optimal time.
  6. If pepper seedlings grow poorly and what to do - this may be motivated by insufficient lighting. The light for pepper, perhaps, plays the main role, with its lack of seedlings, they are elongated on thin stems, that is, in the struggle for illumination, the sprouts stretch upward, thereby losing weight in the stems and leaves.
  7. Clarity in feeding, they should be carried out 2 times before transplanting into the ground.
  8. Violation of the irrigation system. Pepper loves moisture, but when watering seedlings, you should use a spray bottle, you can not pour water with a stream, this can lead to death.

When seedlings are grown, the question arises: why does the pepper seedlings turn yellow? Sometimes it can be noted yellowing seedlings, this can be caused by the following factors:

  • insufficient root development. Sometimes this happens when the roots in the initial stages develop well, and then intertwine, which can even lead to the death of the sprout;
  • lack of nitrogen, in these cases, when the seedlings grow poorly and the question arises of what to do, for this it is necessary to add top dressing with the effective Azogron preparation;
  • the appearance of pests that harm the root system;
  • yellowing is often in the open ground, this happens because the roots take away nutrients from the aboveground part for rooting;
  • lack of moisture, it is necessary to provide watering about 1 time in 7 days. Watering should soak the soil, while not allowing overmoistening and stagnation of water.

Pests and diseases

After carefully monitor the pests. Most of all be afraid of the appearance of ticks, aphids and scoops. It is necessary to carefully monitor the plantings and in cases of pests, you need to carry out processing. Pests often damage the roots and are the reason why pepper seedlings fall.

Why - solutions of onion peel, needles or garlic are used as preventive measures.

If you choose the wrong time for planting, this can lead to the appearance of a fallen seedling. You need to plant seedlings in soil warmed up to 15 degrees, providing a planting depth of 10 centimeters.

After planting, the seedlings are shed with warm water. In cold land, seedlings will not produce the desired effect and will stop growing.


Having carefully studied this material presented above, we hope you will be able to avoid shortcomings and mistakes when growing peppers. Properly performed agricultural technology will ensure a rich harvest of peppers and relieve poor growth of peppers and questions about what to do about it.