Planting and growing potatoes under straw or hay, in bags, in the ground, in barrels: technology and methods. How fast does a potato sprout after planting How long does a potato sprout


After the potatoes are planted, you can calmly breathe and not worry, because the potatoes do not emerge quickly and you need to pass a sufficient amount of time. But when there are no seedlings for quite some time, you involuntarily start worrying and wondering how long the potato sprouts and what is needed to speed up this process?

Temperature and soil

Thanks to the correct temperature regime of the soil, you can get a successful emergence of potato seedlings.

Potatoes are best planted when the average daily temperature is about 8 degrees with a + sign, and the soil temperature warms up to 7-8 ° C. The depth at which the soil temperature should be measured should be somewhere between 11-12 cm. If all indicators are normal, we proceed to the landing.

Without measuring the temperature of the soil, it is possible to determine the time of planting according to popular belief. During the flowering and flowering of perennials. Or you can start planting potatoes as soon as the birch leaves are the size of a penny coin.

We calculate how many potatoes usually emerge:

  • the soil, warming up to + 10 ° C, can germinate in 23-25 \u200b\u200bdays;
  • at a temperature of about +20 ° C - the emergence of seedlings will take from 10 to 20 days.

If the potatoes are sprouted, they will sprout a week ahead of schedule.

In order for potatoes to sprout faster at earlier dates, do not deeply dig the tubers. Due to the rapid warming of the upper soil layers, low-planted potatoes will “sit” in the ground for a long time.

When planting potatoes, it is necessary to take into account soil moisture, it should not exceed 75%. In such conditions, there is a huge risk of the formation of putrefactive diseases on the tubers.

There are a number of reasons for the appearance of uneven seedlings:

  • landing depth. The deeper the tubers are planted, the slower they will sprout due to unevenly heated soil. So that the tubers do not wait for warmer weather, they must be planted closer to the surface;
  • size of planting tubers.   Large tubers need more time to ascend;
  • a mixture of different varieties of tubers.   Each of the varieties will behave differently, this can be seen even when storing potatoes. Some species deteriorate quickly, while some at rest are able to be stored for a long time. Therefore, be prepared for emergence at different times when using a mixture of varieties.

What Mwe know about potatoes(Interesting Facts) How many varieties of potatoes are known in the world? (More than 3400.) What should be the average weight of seed tubers? (50–80 g.) At what soil temperature should potatoes not be planted? (Below + 7 ... + 8 ° С.) At what negative air temperature does the tops begin to turn black? (From –1 to –1.5 ° C.) To what depth should tubers be planted? (For clay soils - 6–8 cm, for sandy loam 10–12 cm.) How many days do tubers usually germinate before planting? (30–35.) At what temperature is it best to germinate tubers? (8-14 ° C.) How many days after planting do potato seedlings usually appear? (20-30.) How many days after the emergence of seedlings flowering begins? (30–40.) How many days after planting do they produce early varieties? (55–65.) How many days after planting do you get late-crop crops? (More than 110.) What is the average potato yield in Russia? (250-300 kg / ha.) How many stems does a potato bush usually consist of (Of 4–5, less often 6–8.) How many days before harvesting is it recommended to remove the tops? (10-14.) What is the optimal distance between rows and between tubers when manually planted? (70 cm and 30–40 cm.) If planting has to be carried out in parts of the tuber, what is the minimum mass they should have? (30 g.) How many eyes should be on the cut part of the seed tuber? (1-2.) On average, how many buckets of potatoes are needed to plant on one hundredth? (3.) At what temperature is it best to store potatoes? (+ 5–7 ° С.) At what temperature does a tuber taste sweet? (+ 1–2 ° С.) How long after the emergence of seedlings do the first hilling take place? How long after the first hilling spend the second?

(Some tricks of growing potatoes)   Potatoes being grown by all the villagers and so many townspeople. It is believed that it is easy to grow and everyone knows how to do it.

In practice, potatoes really grow almost everywhere, they are not as fastidious as other types of root crops, and caring for them is not very difficult. This is so, but what kind of potatoes will grow, what kind of harvest will be, and when they are often not taken into account, but in vain, you have to value your work and besides, the profitability of your farm and a very pleasant feeling of satisfaction with the results of your efforts depend on it.

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that planted potatoes will sprout on the 21st day, will grow until the fall, harvesting in September. This is traditional, with all together and of course there is no implementation (mass cleaning is in progress), there is no normal price, income is either minuscule or zero.

But if you work thoughtfully and diligently, you can have a completely different result. Do you want to grow an excellent crop, harvest in June, sell at a good price and make a profit? I want to see. Then be patient and read this page to the end.

How to grow early potatoes.The site is selected on a hill, drying out in the spring before others. Composition is better than loam.

In the spring, add potassium and phosphorus.

    Early and mid-early varieties are taken.

    Germinate at a temperature of 12-15 degrees in 30-35 days.

    You can germinate in the light or in the basement with electric lighting, while the tubers are laid out in 2-3 layers.

    Spray each week with copper sulfate, boric acid or potassium permanganate (m. Vitriol-2 g. Per 10 liters of water, used acid-50 g. 10 l. Water, potassium permanganate-10 g. Per 10 l. Water).

    Tubers with short thick shoots are ready for planting.

    If germination is not carried out, then one week before planting, you can keep the potatoes in a bright room at a temperature of 15 degrees for warming.

    It is better to plant whole tubers - 70-80g. (Chicken egg), but you can cut it, leaving 2-3 sprouts on each part. Cut 2-3 days before planting. Disinfect cutting knives (potassium permanganate) or calcine on fire for 10 seconds.

    Landing in late April - early May at soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm. Equal to 8 degrees of heat.

    If there is a threat of frost, spud (you can completely fill up, break through).

    With a growth of 10-12 cm, it is necessary to carry out hilling and loosening of row-spacings.

    A month after planting, feed ammonium sulfate (25 g. Per sq. M.) Or urea (12 g. Per sq. M.).

    At the beginning of budding, the second top dressing (potassium 30-50g. Per 10l. Of water).

Cleaning can begin at the end of June. Clean up completely until August 1.After harvesting for 10-15 days, green potatoes, which will go to the seeds, in the light of green. Food greens are categorically impossible.

If everything is done as it is written, you will be in grief. Act with God!   After planting potatoes, there’s nothing to worry about at first, we all know that the potatoes sprout for a long time, and you just have to wait.

But when there are no shoots and no shoots, you involuntarily start to worry: is everything all right? Our relatives had a real case when potatoes did not sprout at all! So, when to wait for the emergence of potatoes, why are they not friendly and why did not the potatoes come from our relatives ...

The dependence of the appearance of potato seedlings on soil temperature or When to plant potatoes?

The most important factor for the successful emergence of potato seedlings is the soil temperature. If the soil has warmed up at a depth of 10-12 cm to 7..8 degrees (while the average daily temperature, as a rule, is +8 degrees), you can start planting potatoes. all gardeners check the temperature of the soil with a thermometer in their hands. You can trust the signs of the people, or rather, the natural signs.

For example, the time of flowering and blooming of perennials. When to plant potatoes? According to popular beliefs, we start planting as soon as the leaves on the birch become the size of a penny coin. Signs of soil warming and natural indications for the start of sowing work - in THIS ARTICLE

When will potato shoots appear?

When the soil is warmed up to +10 degrees, potato seedlings appear in 23-25 \u200b\u200bdays. At a soil temperature of 18-20 degrees, seedlings appear in 10-20 days. Sprouted potatoes sprout 6-10 days earlier. If planting occurs early - don’t bury the tubers, they will sit for a long time, the upper layers warm up faster, with shallow planting the potatoes will rise faster. With a soil moisture of more than 75%, planting potatoes is not advisable , in such conditions, the probability of tuber damage by putrefactive diseases is high.

Why are there uneven seedlings?

There are several reasons for the appearance of uneven seedlings:

  • Different landing depths. The soil warms up unevenly - and those tubers that are closer to the surface sprout earlier, those that lie deeper - wait for warmer weather.
  • Different-sized planting tubers.
  • Unevenly sprouted tubers, or not sprouted at all.
  • A mixture of varieties of different ripening periods, with different periods of dormancy. Surely you noticed that each variety behaves differently during storage. Much depends on the period of rest. Those varieties in which it is short are not intended for long-term storage, only for processing (for example, for chips). But there are also well-stored varieties - their dormant period is quite long. If you have a mixed mixture - it is quite possible that the seedlings will appear at different times.

Can potatoes not sprout at all?

Our relatives had such a sad experience, and the whole thing turned out to be improper storage of planting material. Planting potatoes were stored in the cellar, as always, but ... they were not poured out of white synthetic bags.

It stood until spring in them. Everything seemed to be normal, they planted potatoes - but they did not wait for seedlings. Such negligence cost a lot of money and nerves, I had to look for a new potato at the beginning of summer and plant it again. But then we all have science now - we try not to leave potatoes in white bags for a short time and always remember this case. Potato care after planting: detailed instructions HERE

How many days should potato shoots appear?

polygraphovna 2 years ago krusu 2 years ago

I noticed that if I plant in warm, moist soil, then a week and a half later the potatoes sprout normally. But at the same time, the planting material itself should be normal, if you harden the potatoes before planting for at least two weeks, then it will grow much better and will hurt less.

It all depends on the soil, the depth of tuber planting, humidity, ambient temperature, on the seeds themselves (variety), the length of the sprouted eyes. In general, there are quite a few factors, on average it will sprout in one or two weeks and then unevenly, somewhere it comes up, somewhere later, then it is necessary to harrow, to spud, to collect bugs, you can’t get rid of it.

And without manure, peas will grow, not potatoes. And if you pour chemical fertilizers from the store, it will grow large, but with nitrates.

commentLarca more than a month ago

We plant potatoes in late April - early May. And it happens that a potato planted in April sits in the ground longer than the one planted in May.

Here factors work: warming up the soil and air, humidity and variety. If the earth is well warmed up and moistened, and the potato vernalization is carried out correctly, then wait for potato shoots through 10 days.If you planted "like everyone else", then through 2-3 weeks   seedlings should appear.


Potatoes, proper planting of tubers, care after planting

When to plant potatoes correctly

The tubers are planted when soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm will reach 7-8 degrees.   Usually in the suburbs this happens in early May. Potato Planting Delay entails a 30% yield loss.

Well sprouted tubers   to get early potatoes, you can plant a little earlier - at a soil temperature of 5-6 degrees. Experience shows that such an early planting in an insufficiently heated soil gives a greater yield than a late one in a warm one.

Potatoes are planted   on a flat surface, and on waterlogged and heavy soils - in ridges. With this planting, the earth warms up better and more air enters the tubers.

The distance between the rows of potatoes when planting

Before boardingTo evenly place plants on the area, the site should be marked out. To do this, with the help of a marker, shallow grooves are made, along which they are planted. For the first pass of the marker, pull the cord along which its extreme tooth is guided.

You can plant tubers directly under the cord, but this is less convenient, and more time is required. To increase the yield after planting, the soil can be mulch   (sprinkle with a layer of peat 2-3 cm).

The optimal distance between the rows of potatoes for early ripe varieties is 70-75 cm, for late ripening - 80-90 cm. Planting density depends on the size of the potato tubers. Small plant after 18-20 cm, medium and large through 26-28 cm.

Tubers are planted in heavy soils in depth   6-8 cm, on the lungs - 8-10 cm, counting the distance from the soil surface to the tuber. With such a landing per hundred square meters, approximately 350 large tubers, 450 medium, 500 and smaller ones will be required.

Potato care after planting

Potato care   mainly reduced to maintaining the soil in a loose state and the destruction of weeds.

Harrowing potatoes.   The first harrowing is carried out 4-5 days after planting. Then two or three more before germination and one or two after the appearance of plants on the surface. Usually from planting to seedlings takes 16-28 days. Loosening and hilling of potatoes.

After the rows are well identified and the plants have sprouted so that it is impossible to harrow, they begin to loosen the row-spacings. The first time the soil is loosened deeply - by 12-14 cm, and the second and third finer - by 6-8 cm.

When the plants reach a height of 12-15 cm, the first hilling is carried out, with a crest height of 15-20 cm. The second time the potatoes are hilled before closing the tops. Feeding potatoes after planting.

One of the main food products for both the city dweller and the villager for many years has been potatoes. Unpretentious culture is quite easy to care for and is easily stored during the winter cold. They plant it, as a rule, in May, but preparing and planting potatoes is only half the story. In order for the seeds to give good seedlings and a rich harvest, it is necessary to take into account many factors, from the variety of potatoes and the average temperature in the region to soil moisture and planting rules.

The timing

Planting an early vegetable begins in early or mid-May, when the air temperature is set at around 10 degrees. Of course, you can monitor temperature changes daily to catch the right moment, but you can turn to long-term observations of experienced gardeners. One of the first signs of ready soil for planting potatoes is the appearance of earthworms in it. You can also pay attention to birch leaves: if they are proportional to the ruble coin, then the time has come to plant. Later varieties of potatoes are planted at a temperature of 10-15 degrees, when dandelions begin to bloom.

The first sprouts usually appear 20-25 days after planting, while the earth should have a temperature of at least 10 degrees. If the weather is warm and the temperature of the soil has reached 20 degrees, then the potato sprouts in 10-15 days. Also, the moisture content of the environment significantly affects germination: the more moisture in the soil, the less time it takes for the first leaves to appear. Even greater speed is achieved in the absence of a large amount of salts in the soil and the addition of additional humus and various fertilizers to it.

The most correct is to plant sprouted tubers.To do this, you must advance (in early or mid-April) put the vegetables in wooden boxes and put them in a warm place with good lighting. After 1-2 weeks, white shoots will appear on almost all tubers.

Peat or wet sawdust poured into the same box between the tubers will speed up the process. Also, starting in April, you can not throw potatoes sprouted in the pantry or cellar, but put it aside for subsequent planting.

Temperature indicators

Undoubtedly, the right temperature is the main condition for a good harvest for both an experienced gardener and a beginner. Nevertheless, growing potatoes in a greenhouse, like other vegetables, is impractical: the crop can be harvested only once, and the sowing area for this should be maximum. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt to the weather conditions of the region where the process of growing crops takes place.

  • In the more southern regions of the country, it grows faster and produces smaller fruits. In addition, you have to water it often enough to protect it from drying out.
  • In the northern regions, seedlings appear much later, but if the weather pampers with heat and sun, then the size of each tuber compares favorably.

To just start growing, potatoes need a minimum soil temperature of about 10 degrees. In colder soil, root growth stops, root pressure inside the plant decreases, and the flow of juice through it slows down. Many seedlings can freeze or be eaten by worms and bears. If the potato planting is scheduled for a certain day, and the earth still has not warmed up by that time, you need to plant it at a shallow depth. You should not dig large pits - a rather small hole of 5–6 cm is enough. If it is possible to wait for the soil to completely warm up, then you can dig a hole 10–12 cm deep.

Do not start planting vegetables on the first warm day after snow melts. The fact is that even the loosest soil warms up much longer than air. The northern regions need about 2 months to do this, and in the southern region such a process takes about 3-5 weeks.

Depending on grade

No less important is the selected potato variety. For planting in the middle lane, mid-early and early varieties are most often chosen, since they better tolerate temperature extremes and night frosts. Hybrids such as Laguna F1, Tushon or Fun F1 will easily sprout from any gardener, even if they planted it in mid-April. Despite the fact that the average germination period of potatoes is about a month, there are also such varieties that can be eaten as early as 1.5 months after planting: early and ultra-mature potatoes.

After choosing a variety, you need to select the correct tubers for planting from the available seed potatoes. Seeds should have the following characteristics:

  • the tuber is hard and strong;
  • whole potatoes are about the same size;
  • on seed potatoes there is no rot, damage from insects and animals;
  • tubers in the plural have short thick shoots (“eyes”).

Experienced gardeners select tubers the size of a large chicken egg, on which there is no visible damage. The presence of rot will not allow the bush to develop properly, and the tuber “eaten up” by insects may not produce a crop at all. There should be a lot of eyes on the potato, from which the first sprouts will appear.

Disembarkation Rules

Before proceeding directly to the planting of potatoes, it is necessary to conduct additional preparation, which includes several important steps.


For a good harvest, nutritious soil is needed, therefore, during the autumn digging of the site, you can add various fertilizers to it in the form of peat or humus. They are added in small quantities: just one bucket is enough for a plot of 1 square. m. In spring, the land is carefully plowed, and all vegetation is removed from it. In addition, the place for planting potatoes should be well lit by the sun, since in the shade this vegetable grows very reluctantly. Do not plant potatoes in the same place for more than two years in a row. The soil should either rest, or something else should be planted on it, but not nightshade. Legumes, zucchini, or garlic are best suited for crop rotation.

7-10 days before planting, sand must be added to the ground so that the soil structure is looser.

If there is a need for additional fertilizer, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of superphosphate to pre-dug holes and cover the entire excavated surface with polyethylene.

Material preparation

In the fall, it is necessary to begin preparations for the next landing. Seed tubers are selected from the harvested crop and placed for several days under diffused sunlight. Green seeds are stored in cloth bags or wooden crates separately from the crop intended for food. In the spring, potatoes are sorted and sorted again, ruthlessly disposing of any damaged tubers. The selected material is laid out in one or two layers on a tree (in boxes or on shelves) in a bright room with an air temperature of 15 degrees and above. If everything was done correctly, after three weeks the first shoots should appear on the root crops. Before planting, another rejection is carried out, in which all non-sprouted potatoes are harvested, leaving only tubers with the correct roots.

In the case when there is no time and opportunity to germinate vegetables, it is enough to warm them after a long storage in the cold. To do this, leave the potatoes in a dark but warm (at least 18 degrees) place for 10 days, and then carry out a final rejection.

At the same stage, it is possible to carry out primary protection against pests and diseases by soaking the potatoes in a special chemical solution or by spraying it. To do this, use insectofungicides "Prestige" or "Maxim" and growth stimulants "Epin" or "Vermistim". As a result of such processing, potatoes grow faster and more secure.


The most favorable culture planting scheme is considered to be 80x35 and with a hole depth of not more than 10 cm. A more frequent planting will not allow the root system to develop correctly and may increase the risk of late blight disease. After the first sprouts rise and rise no less than 10 cm in height, the first hilling can be carried out. The soil near the hole is collected with a hoe, and the plant is neatly sprinkled.

The second hilling is usually carried out when the height of the tops reaches 35–40 cm. At the same time, the entire planting area is carefully weeded and mulched.

Causes of uneven seedlings

If potatoes are not planted for the first time, then most often there are no problems with the speed of its ripening. However, novice gardeners can make many oversights, as a result of which the seeds will sprout unevenly. There may be several reasons for this.

  • Different depth of holes. Since the soil heats up unevenly, a drop of even a few centimeters can entail a delay in the growth of tops.
  • Different size of seed potatoes. Germination of large tubers requires more time than medium and small tubers.
  • Different varieties of potatoes. There are more early-ripened and less-ripe vegetables, so the time of appearance of the first seedlings is very different.
  • Seed potatoes were sprouted unevenly. Potatoes with a large number of eyes sprout much faster than those with only 2-3 eyes.

Sometimes it happens that all the conditions for proper preparation and planting of potatoes are met, but no sprouts have appeared. This may be due to the fact that the seeds were stored in closed bags made of polyethylene, and its germination rate came to zero.

You should never use synthetic closed containers for storing seeds: this will negate all the efforts of the owner of the site.

In general, there are no special tricks of growing potatoes. Like any culture, it must be fertilized, loosened and weeded in a timely manner.   Wait for the first shoots should be no more than 1.5 months.If during this time the green leaves did not even appear above the surface of the earth, then they would not appear. The reasons may be both the poor quality of seed potatoes and the disease of already planted tubers. The next landing should take into account all the previous mistakes and then you can get an excellent harvest.

See the next video for the secrets of planting potatoes.

Absolutely all inhabitants of the countryside, and many city dwellers are engaged in the cultivation of potatoes. There are practically no problems with this culture, except for the adversity of the Colorado potato beetle and exhausting weeding. Potatoes can be grown in almost any soil, however, provided that not only the planting dates, but also the care are met. Having planted potatoes ahead of time, the gardener will wait long for seedlings, and after the appearance of the first sprouts, the plant will remain weak and lifeless for a long time.

The fact is that planting too early leads to the fact that the planting tubers freeze, because the soil, as a rule, is still not sufficiently warmed up. Life processes are slowed down and until the potato in the earth warms up, it will not begin to grow.

Poorly perceives potatoes and a late planting, because even then the shoots come later. Despite the fact that the plant is fully formed, in development it will slightly lag behind the potatoes that hit the soil on time, while the formation of tubers will occur correctly, but most of them will not have time to reach the desired size. Simply put, the crop will be small.

Knowing this, each gardener tries to plant potato planting material in a more or less timely manner and, of course, taking into account favorable days for planting! Only this will give germination at the right time and favorable conditions for development will be created for the potato.

When does the potato sprout after planting?

If the soil is sufficiently warmed up when planting potatoes, the weather conditions are favorable, the planting material is prepared in advance - it has warmed up and barely noticeable sprouts have already appeared, then the potato will rise already on the 21st day after the planting material gets into the soil. If people grow vegetables for personal use, their natural processes are completely fine. But those involved in the sale of potatoes complain that such seedlings are late and extremely uncomfortable in that they only allow harvesting in September or even October!

Breeders are constantly working on shortening seedlings and accelerating potato growth. However, gardeners themselves also act in this regard as they can.

How to speed up potato seedlings?

Reducing the germination period of heated potatoes by almost 10 days (!) Allows planting in moist soil. Planting tubers can be further treated with growth stimulants.

All gardeners are well aware that potatoes may not emerge for a long time after planting in open ground. What needs to be done so that this vegetable does not “sit” long in the ground? When is it better to plant it? And can it be that he will not rise at all?

How to prepare potato tubers for planting

To tubers sprouted faster, they must be germinated in advance. Somewhere a month before planting in the open ground, seed potatoes should be pulled from the cellar into a warm, unlit place and left to germinate.

The larger the seed potato, the larger it will grow. Therefore, do not leave small potatoes for planting - large tubers will not grow from it. Damaged with wireworms or rotting potatoes should also not be planted. If thin roots appear from the eyes, such potatoes will not grow well, the bushes will be weak, and the tubers will be small.

The effect of soil temperature on the emergence of potato seedlings

Why, then, normal sprouted tubers do not germinate at the time that they are supposed to? It directly depends on the temperature of the soil. So that the potatoes begin to germinate, the temperature of the soil should be about 8 degrees - at the depth of planting of this root crop.

And if the soil is not warmed up, then the potato will not germinate in the cold layers of the earth.

Usually, when the soil is heated to 9 - 10 degrees Celsius, the first seedlings of potatoes appear after three weeks, not earlier. But when the earth warms up another 10 degrees, the first shoots of this root crop come out in two weeks. If the tubers were previously germinated, then the first shoots can be expected a week earlier than the above dates.

When the soil is not warmed up, it is better not to plant potatoes deeper than 4-5 cm. The top layer of the soil quickly warms up under the spring rays of the sun, and the sprouts of this root crop get out faster.

After the snow melts, the earth should not only warm up, but also dry well enough. If the soil moisture is above 60% when planting tubers, then various putrefactive bacteria can infect potatoes.

Uneven shoots - why this happens

Most often tubers are planted unevenly - some holes are deeper, some are smaller. And that potato, which is planted closer to the surface of the earth (in a warmer earth) and comes out faster.

For planting, tubers of different sizes were used - this also affects the speed of germination of the root crop.

It is better to plant potatoes of the same variety, because different varieties and sprout in different ways, and grow in different ways.