What beans can be planted nearby. What plants can not be planted next to each other


When planning beds in the garden, it is important to consider the compatibility of vegetable crops. Gardeners more than once had to deal with the problem of low productivity in the absence of any prerequisites for this. And the reason can be commonplace - an uncomfortable neighborhood, so you need to know what to plant and what not to.

This article reveals all the secrets of arranging a garden, because the growth and development of both crops depends on which planted in the immediate vicinity, and what is important is their fruiting.

When landing with compatibility increase productivity by 15-20%. It is especially worth paying attention to the selection of a neighbor when placing several types of vegetables on the same bed or in the greenhouse.

Approximately the same growing conditions facilitate the care of shoots:

  • light intensity;
  • watering mode;
  • soil preparation for planting;
  • the introduction of fertilizing.

If planted bad neighbors   - it is fraught with the following consequences:

  • attracting insects, which create many problems for young shoots;
  • damage to a fungal infection as a result of waterlogging;
  • the negative impact of waste products, as a result of which the neighbor weakly develops or stops growth.

Experienced gardeners use invaluable knowledge in practice, annually observing the interaction of nearby planted plants.

To facilitate the planning, they draw up a garden plan, breaking them into beds for vegetables and berry crops before planting. Thus, the rules of crop rotation and the laws of compatibility in the open field are taken into account.

What can be planted next to potatoes

One of the most popular vegetables on the list. main products for winter harvesting. Before landing, predecessors are taken into account.

The best are:

  • carrot;
  • siderates;
  • cucumber;
  • legumes;
  • pepper;
  • cabbage;
  • beet.

Not worth it   use the same plot annually, get a good crop with this layout does not work. Potato fruiting is also low when placed on a former tomato bed.

Relative to neighbors, the plant exhibits more tolerance than mutually beneficial consolidation. The best compatibility is noted only with beans.

Little does not like to be friends with vegetables cucumbers, onion sets, tomatoes and cabbage. And certainly it is not worth placing potatoes nearby: peas, beets and celery. The root crop coexists normally with other plants.

Tomato Neighbors

Favorable place for the growth of tomatoes are considered sites on which the following crops were previously grown:

  • cauliflower;
  • turnip;
  • cucumber;
  • greens;
  • carrot;
  • beet.

Among the worst   predecessors: potatoes, peas and zucchini. According to crop rotation rules, vegetables are planted in the same place 3-4 years later, therefore, you should not use a former tomato bed under tomato seedlings.

  • beans;
  • radish;
  • corn;
  • radish;
  • cabbage;
  • pepper;
  • onions and other green vegetables.

No negative effect on tomatoes from neighboring beds with parsnips, strawberries, kohlrabi, lettuce, spinach.

Planting pepper with other vegetables

When planting pepper, it is worth considering the belonging of its varietal feature. Sweet, Bulgarian and bitter varieties are placed separately about each other so that cross pollination does not occur. Of the predecessors are more suitable:

  • legumes;
  • cabbage (early grades);
  • greens;
  • cucumbers
  • wheat (winter);
  • perennial herbs.

Not worth it   select areas after potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes and physalis. When growing on the planned bed of other plants, there are no strict restrictions on pepper.

To have a bed of pepper can   nearby with such cultures:

  • carrots;
  • basil
  • onions;
  • coriander.

If marigolds, marjoram, nasturtium are planted for decorative or prophylactic purposes from pests, then pepper will simply be fragrant from such companions. And the neighborhood with fennel, beans and kohlrabi should be abandoned.


The soil environment is more suitable for growing greens. after cabbage and tomatoes. And predecessors from the pumpkin crop family are the most undesirable.

On the yield of cucumbers has a positive effect dill, therefore, it is taken not only as companions, but also sown mixed.

A beneficial effect on the development of crystals is provided by: onions, beans, peas, garlic, spinach. Calendula, placed in the aisle, will provide reliable protection against insects feeding on young cucumber foliage.

From the neighborhood with potatoes, radishes and tomatoes it is recommended refuseplants negatively affect each other.


Landing cabbage plan after peas, beans, cucumbers. Do not spoil the soil: pepper, carrots and greens. And fodder beets and other representatives of cruciferous crops are considered bad predecessors.

Neighborhood with cabbage is easy to pick up, for a close environment fit   many plants:

  • beet;
  • beans;
  • sage;
  • celery;
  • dill;
  • salad.

Planting of flowers and herbs is allowed: oregano, chamomile, nasturtium, mint, etc. Not fit   as companions strawberries and tomatoes.

Good neighbors for carrots in the garden

When choosing a place for sowing carrots, the following predecessors are preferred:

  • cucumbers
  • tomatoes
  • potatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • leek;
  • greens;
  • legumes.

Experienced gardeners notice that after zucchini, celery, parsnip and parsley poor harvest   carrots, the root crop develops poorly, as if it lacks nutrients (although top dressing is administered on schedule).

Carrot beds should be planned in close proximity   from such crops:

  • garlic;
  • tomato;
  • radish;
  • peas.

In the aisle, sage, marigolds and scorzoner can be planted to scare away pests.

Adverse Neighborhood   celebrated with beets, beans and dill. Carrots get along with other plants without any problems.


Everyone's favorite zucchini bear fruit well   on the soil after legumes and early cabbage varieties. Do not spoil the structure of the soil and the environment: herbs, onions, garlic.

And predecessors such as carrots, tomatoes and cabbage of late ripening are considered most unsuccessful.

Zucchini (squash) can be safely planted next to such plants:

  • beans;
  • corn;
  • peas;
  • beans


Disembarkation Rules   pumpkins in many ways similar to zucchini, they have the same recommended predecessors. However, the neighborhood is slightly expanded, you can additionally add tomatoes, radishes and sunflowers.

Pumpkin culture does not tolerate only potatoes. It gets along well with other plants.


Sowing beets can do   on the former beds:

  • carrots;
  • potatoes;
  • cucumbers
  • luke;
  • greens.

The root crop develops well after siderata. In addition, after such a change in layout, a decrease in the growth of weed grass is noted.

  Beets and onions are a good neighborhood

You can safely settle for beets: cabbage, kohlrabi, salad, onion. To repel insects between the rows, you can plant a catnip, mint, oregano.

  • potatoes;
  • corn;
  • spinach;
  • bulb onions;
  • carrot.

Growing in a garden with other neighbors does not cause much concern.

Next to what to plant strawberries in the open ground

Strawberry crop not capricious   to the soil environment, so there will be no difficulty in choosing a place for planting young shoots. Useful precursors for strawberries are:

  • parsley;
  • radish;
  • garlic;
  • legumes;
  • corn;
  • carrot;
  • dill and others

It is worth to refuse to use the site for strawberries if on it previously grown:

  • potatoes;
  • tomatoes, peppers;
  • eggplant;
  • cabbage;
  • raspberries

Equipping vegetable beds, as neighbors   for strawberries, it is recommended to choose:

  • spinach;
  • salad;
  • radish;
  • cabbage;
  • carrot.

With other plants, the sweet berry will also be comfortable, since there is no obvious rivalry between them.

What crops are good for eggplant next door?

When choosing a place for planting eggplant, preference should be given to such predecessors: onions, cucumbers, cabbage of early ripening, perennial herbs.

From former beds with potatoes, tomatoes, physalis and pepper better to refuse. You must also comply with crop rotation rules, annually to place and grow culture in the same place is impossible   (an interval of at least 3 years is observed).

When planning an eggplant bed can   pick up companions:

  • peas;
  • beans;
  • basil;
  • salad;
  • tarragon;
  • thyme.

With the rest of the neighbors, the representative of the Solanaceae family gets along pretty well. Blue has no special prohibitions on combining.

Peas and beans

Best predecessors   for peas and beans are considered root vegetables, cabbage, representatives of the pumpkin family. Beans themselves create the most favorable environment in the soil during growth, so after them you can grow almost everything.

Not worth it   organize a bed after sunflower, quality and productivity are significantly reduced due to damage by fungal infections and weediness.

When selecting companions, first of all, the neighborhood between themselves (peas with beans) is excluded. This is caused by several factors at once:

  • pest management;
  • interweaving of stems among themselves;
  • the possibility of cross-pollination.

Most suitable for close proximity are:

  • kohlrabi;
  • carrot;
  • salad;
  • radish;
  • celery;
  • corn;
  • cabbage;
  • potatoes.

Landing with other cultures has no special restrictions.


Choosing precursors for greens (onions, feather, dill, parsley, garlic, cilantro), bean, vegetable root crops should be preferred.

Not recommended   to plant greenery after umbrella crops, the affinity of plants testifies to their identical needs for nutrients. Because of this, every year the yield will be significantly reduced.

Near planting greens can be positioned beds with cabbage, kohlrabi, cucumbers, strawberries, peppers and other green vegetables. Definitely not suitable for co-cultivation: carrots, parsnips, tomatoes. The proximity of greens with early varieties of potatoes and representatives of legumes is allowed.

Sowing table

It is useful to supplement the gardener's diary with a table of compatibility of crops grown on your site.

In red   incompatibility of cultures, green   - the neighborhood most favorable for development and fruiting. Colorless window   indicates neutrality of interaction between plants, which does not exclude their proximity to the garden.

There is absolutely no difficulty in planning the beds, if you think about everything in advance. Autumn tillage should be carried out taking into account the agricultural technology of those vegetables and berries that will be grown on it in the next season.

  The site is large, each culture can be distinguished by a separate spacious bed. The harvest was not bad, you were satisfied until you came to the cottage with friends. On a tiny patch, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, onions, peppers mix up, and the crop is such that the owners even sell the surplus. You decide to plant in the same way. Stop and think! If you randomly bury everything in a row, nothing good will come of it. Find the best way to combine plants.

The benefits of a tight fit

Even if you do not need to save space, joint planting is desirable on the site. If you choose the right culture, there will be a symbiosis when plants of different species help each other. Please note that some species cannot be adjacent, even if they have different diseases and pests. If planted without regard to compatibility, cultures will begin to oppress each other and there will be no good harvest.

When growing vegetables in a greenhouse, you need to take into account their requirements for temperature and humidity. could get along with each other, but they have different requirements for temperature and humidity conditions. If there is only one insulated room, you can divide the cultures with a film or non-woven material. With good protection against pests and infections in this greenhouse, it is better to grow pepper, he likes the same conditions as tomatoes. Plant unpretentious onions near the bushes, he does not need to create special conditions. If you want, you can plant the land with early kale, it will ripen quickly and will not interfere with other crops.

There are plant species that positively affect their neighbors. Often, such herbs have a good effect on human health, they are used in traditional medicine. Everyone knows the healing properties of valerian, yarrow, chamomile - they will support tomato seedlings. Just do not let the earth overgrow with weeds, leave a few bushes along the edges, this will be enough.

If you plant several crops on the same bed, for example tomatoes or onions, along with strawberries or cabbage, the area you need to process will be half as much - which means that care will become easier.

It is possible to sow siderata near tomatoes; they enrich the soil and improve its structure. Mustard or protect young seedlings from strong winds or the scorching sun. Just make sure that helper plants do not grow too tall and drown out the main crop. The roots of lettuce and spinach bring useful substances to the soil. The smell of marigolds will scare away pests - make a decorative border of these flowers around the bed. Plant tomatoes next to the strawberries in the greenhouse, and you will eat early berries in the spring, and enjoy juicy tomatoes in the summer. You can drop pepper in the same place, but be careful that the infection does not spread.

What and with what you can plant on one bed

Everyone has heard about compact plantings, about growing 3 crops per season on one bed. Let's figure out what and what you can plant. Some cultures do not like an unpleasant neighborhood, but if you remove them before planting tomatoes, you can use this method. For example, if you want to dig dill before setting the tomato fruit, you can plant a spicy crop between the planned rows of tomatoes. First, try to condense the usual plants: tomatoes, onions, cucumbers.

Please note that tomatoes do not like if the following crops grow nearby:

  • broccoli or cauliflower;
  • pepper, eggplant (they have the same pests);
  • fennel;
  • dill (if it is not planned to remove it on early greens);
  • corn and other high crops on the south side, where they will obscure the garden.

What to plant near tomatoes? If you know how to deal well with pests, such as a cotton scoop, you can from the north side of the tomato garden. You can arrange a tomato plantation next to potatoes, if you are sure that you will be able to protect plantings from late blight and. Some crops are even recommended to be planted with tomatoes. Asparagus emits volatile substances that have a bad effect on nematodes - the enemies of tomatoes. Onions secrete volatile from various infections, it is useful in any area: where cucumbers grow, and on a berry plantation.

You can sow basil on a tomato bed. It helps the main culture protect itself from pests. Try a tomato that has grown next to this spicy herb. Both the size and taste of the fruit will be significantly better than that of greenhouse vegetables.

If you plant onion and garlic between the rows, late blight and spider mite will not attack your plants.

Also, tomatoes get along well with the following plants:

  • beans;
  • celery;
  • strawberries
  • cabbage;
  • radish;
  • sorrel;
  • parsley;
  • carrots.

Plant tomato bushes near the bird cherry, and the tomatoes will be protected from the scoop. If the area is dominated by nettles, the vegetable crop will grow well in such a neighborhood. You can plant seedlings among spicy or flower crops: calendula, mint, sage. Among these herbs, pepper can also be grown; such an environment will benefit him.

What plants will help tomatoes

Tomatoes contain saponin, which works well on nearby crops. A bush of tomatoes, planted next to gooseberries or currants, will drive away the ognevka and sawfly from berry crops. You can plant tomatoes with cabbage, and cabbage butterflies will fly around the garden side. Remember that such a neighborhood is good only for headed species, broccoli and cauliflower should grow elsewhere.

There is information that ants do not like the smell of tomatoes. Feedback on this information is contradictory: some gardeners drove out insects from the plot using tomato tops; in others, the anthill was located directly on the tomato bed. Check if you are lucky and the bushes growing with strawberries will protect the berry from underground pests.

When planning combined landings, remember that umbrella crops - dill, fennel - are individualists, they can not be used to seal plantings. The exception is carrots, it does not have a harmful effect on tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables.

How to arrange plants in the garden

Let tomatoes be the main crop in the garden, and early ripening vegetables are used for compaction. How to get the maximum yield? In autumn, plant winter garlic with a row spacing of 15 cm. As soon as the soil thaws, and next to it. In mid-May, greens are harvested, and tomato seedlings are placed on the vacant spot.

In spring, you can plant a bed of early cabbage. The distance to the honey in rows do about one and a half meters. When warm days come, place tomato seedlings between plantings. Between tomatoes plant onions or garlic, these plants secrete phytoncides and protect plantings from late blight. Borago growing nearby activates the development of tomatoes, improves the taste of fruits, and at the same time drives away tomato worms.

In the greenhouse in early spring, sow radish, salads, onions on a feather. When the time comes to plant seedlings, make room for holes and eat vegetables. About another month you can harvest between rows, and when the tomatoes grow, other crops will be harvested and will not prevent them from developing. Pepper can also be grown according to this scheme.

Your experience and intuition

On the forums of gardeners, you can often find the most controversial statements. The first vegetable grower has been growing cucumbers with tomatoes in the same greenhouse for many years and is very pleased with the results; in the second, with a similar combination, neither culture wants to bear fruit. You can’t plant nightshade crops nearby, but some summer residents grow tomatoes and eggplants with potatoes and have no idea about late blight or the Colorado potato beetle.

In any sources you will find only general recommendations, but each section has its own microclimate, excess or lack of any components in the soil. Only your personal experience will help you choose the right growing methodology. Learn to understand your green pets, observe in what conditions they develop well, and when they wither. If cucumbers and tomatoes grow well in one greenhouse, you can plant them there constantly.

If you decide to grow several crops in one bed, do not sow the entire area at once. In the first year, plant several rows and see how the plants get along with each other. If you like the result, grow it the next season.

Breeders bred many varieties and hybrids of various plants. Perhaps not every variety will appeal to the main culture. If low tomatoes get along well next to strawberries, you remove both berries and tomatoes from one bed, then high bushes can obscure the berry - the yield will decrease. Much depends on the size and height of the plants, the ripening dates. Even different varieties of the same species can sometimes not be placed close to each other. When sweet and bitter peppers grow close, the palatability of the fruit deteriorates. Some gardeners grow squash, pumpkin on a tomato bed and harvest a good crop, although such a neighborhood is not recommended. It’s impossible to take into account every little thing, try and observe.


If planted correctly, tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables will grow well on the same bed with other crops, be sick less and give good yields. A bed with strawberries bears fruit in early summer, then the berry only lays and develops buds for flowering next year. Tomatoes growing between the bushes will help you save space and get vegetables and berries on a small plot.

When landing, you need to consider. Some cultures may oppress others; they cannot be grown together. Cucumbers and tomatoes do not interfere with each other, only they have different climate requirements. Tomatoes would get along with eggplant and potatoes, if not for the diseases and pests, the same for all nightshade. Pepper can also be a source of infection. You can plant along the perimeter or other plants that drive away pests and infection, then the plantings will be protected.

Each gardener has his own secrets of growing vegetables. Do not be afraid to experiment, find the best combinations for your conditions. What if you manage to grow cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, peppers and zucchini together in the garden. Such a plantation will not only provide the family with vegetables, but will also look attractive, especially if you plant it around the edges with strawberries or. Try it, gain experience and share your discoveries with your neighbors and friends.

Compatibility table of plants in the garden. Who is comfortable growing together? Can I plant tomatoes next to garlic?

Compatibility of cultivated plants. This table was compiled taking into account the analysis of several sources on the influence of cultures. That is, the principle worked: those compatibility data that turned out to be the same, common among several authors - were entered into the table. Data that varied or were inconsistent were not entered into the table. So, the whole table is a kind of conclusion or summary from several sources on this topic. We present you the compatibility table of vegetables, root crops and herbs.


- Carrot   does not like anise, dill, cabbage. Its proximity to apple trees is unacceptable: if you plant carrots under a tree, both apples and root crops will be bitter.
- Bow   Does not grow with beans, peas, sage.
- Tomatoes   not the best companions of potatoes, they have a common disease (late blight) and one pest (Colorado potato beetle).
- pepper   does not tolerate fennel, do not plant it with beans, since these crops are susceptible to one disease.
- Turnip and pumpkin   don't get along with potatoes.
- Apple trees and pears   do not like neighborhood with cherry plum, cherry, cherry, plum and apricot



- Eggplant   grow well next to beans, it protects against the Colorado potato beetle.
- Cabbage   does not suffer from an earthen flea if celery is planted next door. Dill saves her from caterpillars and aphids, and chamomile and mint from a cabbage butterfly.
- Potatoes   gets along well with spinach, cabbage and radishes. Marigold and nasturtium protect it from the Colorado potato beetle, and garlic from late blight.
- Strawberry   likes bush beans, garlic, lettuce, onions, radishes, radishes and beets. To scare away berries from slugs, parsley is planted between the beds.
- Bow   combined with carrots. These crops protect each other from pests. Onions grow well with beets, lettuce, cucumbers, spinach, radishes, watercress.
- Carrot   "Friends" with peas, radishes, garlic, lettuce and radishes.
- Cucumbers   willingly side by side with beans, celery, beets. Salads, cabbage, garlic, onions, radishes, and spinach are also good companions.
   - K tomato   you can hook onions, but only on greens - the tops of tomatoes grow rapidly and greatly obscures the neighbor.
- Beet   friendly to onions, beans, salad.
- Carrot, turnip   and cucumbers   can be combined with peas, it enriches the soil with nitrogen.






Tomatoes, horseradish, cabbage


Corn, carrots, onions, parsley, celery

Tomatoes, Beans, Horseradish


Asparagus, Tomatoes


Greens, onions, beans, potatoes, peppers

Beans, peas, cucumbers, aromatic herbs


Strawberries, roses, tulips, gladiolus


Potato, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, sunflower

Onions, garlic, celery, fennel


Celery, sage, beets, onions, potatoes, cucumbers

Tomatoes, Beans, Strawberries


Salad, spinach, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, pumpkin, beets, tomatoes

Brussels sprouts

Celery, potatoes, beets, onions, cucumbers

Tomatoes, Beans, Strawberries


The smell of cabbage, laurel worsens the taste. Elm, hazel


Carrots, turnips, radishes, potatoes, cucumbers, beans, marigolds, marigold, fragrant herbs

Onion garlic


Cabbage, Turnip, Peas


Like radish, radish - beets, spinach, carrots, parsnips, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin and zucchini

Peas, strawberries, cabbage

Fragrant herbs

Peas, kohlrabi


Corn, Beans, Radish, Tomatoes

Potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage


Eggplant, Tomatoes


Beans, spinach, lettuce, onions, garlic, marigolds, calendula

It is undesirable to grow after potatoes, eggplant, pepper, cabbage, cucumber, aster, lily, gladioli (so as not to get infected with their diseases)




Corn, Beans, Beans, Salad, Onions, Celery



Celery, cucumbers, beets, mustard, spinach, dill, lettuce, onions, potatoes, nasturtium (with all cabbage), calendula, tobacco

Strawberries, Tomatoes, Beans

Brussels sprouts

Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage

Brussels sprouts

Leaf cabbage

With many. Dill, celery, onion

Tomatoes, Beans, Strawberries


Celery, Chinese cabbage, beans, parsley, sage

Tomatoes wild strawberries


Watermelon, broccoli, cabbage, corn, peas, beans, beans, horseradish, eggplant, onions, nasturtium, carrots, salad, dill, coriander

Pumpkin, tomatoes, cucumbers, sunflower, raspberries, cherries, apple trees


Cucumbers, onions, beets, lettuce, fragrant herbs

Strawberries, tomatoes



Artichoke, peas, beans, melon, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, potatoes, barley, lupine, mustard


Cabbage, kohlrabi, broccoli, potatoes, beets, carrots, tomatoes, eggplant, salad, chicory, leek, garlic, strawberries, calendula, savory, tobacco

Peas, beans. Aggressive to bean and cabbage


Celery, onions, carrots, tomatoes



Peas. Leek, onion, lettuce, parsley, radish, beans, tomatoes, marjoram, sage

Beets, celery, horseradish


Nasturtium, delphinium


Peas, corn, beans, radish, tomatoes, cabbage, kohlrabi, salad, dill

Potato, fragrant herbs


Salad, onion (feather), tomatoes, eggplant

Beans, peas, cucumbers, fennel, celery



(Carrots), asparagus, tomatoes, peas, beans, beans, onions, lettuce

Carrots, beets, celery, horseradish


Single plant (except for perennial onions, horseradish)



Spinach, dill, watercress, beets, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, squash and pumpkin, fragrant herbs

Peas, beans, strawberries


zucchini, cucumbers, beets, spinach, carrots, parsnips, pumpkin, melon, tomatoes, salad

Peas, Beans, Strawberries, Cabbage


Spinach, dill, lettuce, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, beets, pumpkin, tomatoes

Beans, Peas, Horseradish, Celery


Strawberries, cabbage, kohlrabi, carrots, beets, radish, onions, cucumbers

Pumpkin, Tomato, Bean

Salad chicory (witloof)

Strawberries, cucumbers, carrots, radishes, cabbage

Pumpkin, Tomato, Bean


onions, radishes, lettuce, kohlrabi, broccoli, most cabbage



Broccoli cauliflower cabbage, leek, radish, carrots, beets

Tomatoes, peas, beans

Scorzonera (black root)

Onions, cabbage, radish, carrots, beets

Tomatoes, Beans, Horseradish, Peas


Parsley, basil, tomatoes


Onions, leeks, carrots, radishes, celery, parsley, asparagus, cabbage, herbs, garlic, calendula, left-handed, apple tree, eggplant, peppers, basil

Kohlrabi, tall vegetables, beans, peas, cucumbers


Peas, mustard


Corn, Beans, Radish, Onion, Salad

Potato and cabbage


Garlic, calendula


Turnip, radish, cabbage, apple tree


Eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, corn, beets, carrots, cauliflower, peas, cucumbers, pumpkin, melon, strawberries, savory, gladiolus

Onions, garlic, broccoli, fennel


It depresses everyone


Tomatoes, lettuce, onions (feather), pepper

Beans, peas, cucumbers, fragrant herbs


Potato, fragrant herbs

Tomatoes, Beans


Bulb onions


Roses, tulips, gladioli, currants, strawberries, onions, peas (?), Tomatoes

Peas (?), Beans


Broccoli, carrots


Strawberries, turnips, radishes, radishes, cabbage, cucumbers, carrots

Pumpkin, Tomato, Bean


Strawberries, carrots, radishes, cabbage

Tomatoes, peas, beans, sage and other fragrant

Can I plant cabbage and tomatoes nearby? "," Can I plant potatoes and cucumbers nearby? "," Plant tomatoes and corn nearby? "," Plant onions with garlic together? ", Etc.

A visual plaque of Plants "Enemies" and "Friends" for you.

If you do not guess with the neighbors of the plants, you can get not just a small crop, but even be left without it. After all, enemy plants take from each other useful minerals from the earth, as well as suffer from similar diseases and the risk of infection will be more than 50%!

Tomatoes will be against the neighborhood of carrots, cauliflower, potatoes, fennel, beets and cucumbers. Beans will not be liked if onions, peas, garlic, fennel or leek grow next to it. Not the best neighbors for beans and beets, kohlrabi or sunflowers.

Plants - ENEMIES Plants - FRIENDS
   Both cabbage and tomatoes need space and light. They will simply block each other. And they also need the same nutrients from the soil, so you need to refuse to plant them nearby, otherwise there is a risk of simply stopping the growth of plants.    Zucchini, pumpkin, corn and beans (and other legumes) can be planted together.
   Asparagus grows poorly with onions, as well as with garlic. This is because asparagus is a close relative of onions, leeks, garlic, as well as hyacinths and lilies.    Tomato and basil can be planted together. The taste of tomatoes will be improved, the smell of basil and other herbs will scare away the pest. Plant them nearby, but not on one bed. All the same, tomatoes need space. And also tomato + garlic are wonderful neighbors.

This is not only about competition for space and nutrients, the proximity of dill, fennel, kohlrabi and pepper can lead to the death of plants orto a strong growth lag , but the main thing is that they need different growing conditions.

   Carrots and radishes can be planted side by side, the depth of the roots is different, the same watering is required, and carrots will scare away pests from radish leaves.
   Bad neighbors are cucumber, potatoes and salad. And fragrant herbs should not be hooked on cucumbers either. The exception is dill. Cucumber with dill perfectly adjacent.    For the same reasons (see above), carrots can be planted next to the salad.

Do not plant corn next to tomatoes - these crops are prone to the same fungal diseases. Bad neighbors for tomatoes are potatoes, cucumber, carrots and beets.

   Cucumber grows well next to onions, garlic, peas and other legumes, cabbage and beets.

However, keep in mind that if you use automatic watering (spraying), then when you need to stop watering the onions, cucumbers just need watering like never before! It’s better to plant cucumbers next to beans, beets or cabbage. They certainly will not give up watering!

When planting vegetables, one must not forget that among them there are friends and enemies. So, for example, potatoes will never get along with tomatoes, but it will be perfectly combined with radishes. What to plant with? To have a clear plan, you need to familiarize yourself with the table of compatibility of plants in the garden.

Why is it important to combine vegetables in the beds?

A mixed planting of vegetables in the garden makes it possible to fight pests, increase crop yields and replace some plants with others. Will bell peppers and quinoa live on the same bed? To answer this question, a farmer will need a table of compatibility of plants in the garden.

For example, with organic farming, the use of pesticides and non-natural fertilizers is not allowed, high yields are achieved by a competent combination of vegetables in the garden. If corn is planted next to a pumpkin, it will protect it from overheating in the sun using leaves. Also, beans can grow on this bed, which will enrich the earth with nitrogen compounds and fertilize it. It is for choosing the best neighbors that we need a table of plant compatibility in the garden.

Mixed planting will allow the rational use of land, saving space on beds. This is especially important for small gardens where you need to grow a significant number of plants. Thus, you can get a high yield even on 2-3 acres. If you correctly place and alternate summer cottages in accordance with the table of plant compatibility in the garden, then the soil will not be healthy and fertile.

What plants can be combined with hot peppers in the beds?

What can you plant next to hot peppers? Since in the first months it grows very slowly, a variety of greens will become its best neighbor. This union will help to efficiently use the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe greenhouse and get a high yield. For the neighborhood, spinach, dill, perennial onions are best suited.

The cultivation of this vegetable is not very common, so many gardeners care about how hot peppers combine with other crops. It is great for the neighborhood with tomatoes, as they have similar conditions of care. Also, the burning vegetable gets along well with zucchini and eggplant. What can you plant bitter pepper with? Good neighbors in the garden will be different varieties of onions, carrots, kohlrabi cabbage.

And with what next is hot pepper undesirable to plant? First of all, with its sweet variety from Bulgaria, as cross-pollination by bees is possible. Also, beetroot is not suitable for bitter pepper in the neighbors.

What plants can be combined with cabbage on the beds?

Cabbage has several varieties, but they are all compatible with the same plants. Most often in Russia they grow white, colored, broccoli, kohlrabi and Brussels. Varieties are divided into late, mid-season and early.

What to plant next to cabbage? The best neighbor will be any greens. Also, late varieties are often used to seal plantings on potato fields. If celery is adjacent to cabbage, then earthen fleas will not start on the beds. Dill will save her from aphids and caterpillars, and cucumber grass - from snails. Rosemary and mint scare cabbage butterflies. A good neighbor will be onions, which will relieve the vegetable from the tracks. Experienced gardeners recommend planting nearby garlic, beans and peas.

Is it possible to plant cabbage next to tomatoes? Farmers do not recommend this, such a neighborhood will be unsuccessful. Also nearby is undesirable to plant crops such as carrots and beans. A strawberry, as well as strawberries, will turn out to be a bad neighbor.

What plants can be combined with tomato beds?

Tomatoes are individualistic plants, but many summer residents successfully combine them with other cultures. What vegetables to plant next to benefit tomatoes and increase productivity? Basil coexists well with tomatoes, which improves the taste of fruits. You can plant nearby garlic, tomatoes will protect it from pests, which will favorably affect the harvest.

Excellent neighbors for tomatoes will be: beans, whole leafy greens, radishes, radishes, corn, onions, carrots and beets. Also, do not remove the nettle that has grown near tomatoes, it has a beneficial effect on the taste of the fruits and the duration of their storage after harvest.

Can I plant tomatoes next to cabbage? Gardeners believe that such a neighborhood is best avoided. Can I plant tomatoes next to pepper? They have similar care requirements and their joint growth in one greenhouse will be favorable.

But next to the potatoes, tomato plantings should not be placed, since they have common pests and the same diseases. It is also undesirable to place dill and fennel near.

What plants can be combined with cucumbers on the beds?

Cucumbers are grown in almost every garden. Someone puts them in greenhouses, and someone - in the open ground. Unpretentious vegetables are tasty both fresh and in salads for the winter. In addition, it is very simple to choose neighbors in the garden for them, because cucumbers are friendly with many garden crops.

It is a good idea to plant corn nearby, which will scare away the ants and be a protector against bacterial wilting. A wonderful neighbor will be the radish, which will save the vegetable from cucumber beetles. Radish also protects against pests and has a beneficial effect on the taste of fruits.

Is it possible to plant cucumbers near zucchini? Yes, such a neighborhood is allowed. Also next to cucumbers you can plant: beans, beans, beets, celery, onions, garlic, spinach and dill. Some weeds, such as quinoa or tansy, also have a beneficial effect on this crop. Shiritsa, which has grown next to cucumbers, is not removed, as it protects them from pests of the root system.

It is undesirable to grow nearby: tomatoes, potatoes and herbs.

What plants can be combined with pumpkins on the beds?

Pumpkin prefers to be the only plant in the garden. For good growth, it needs fertile land, warm weather and high-quality fertilizers. She feels very well on compost heaps.

In her neighbors, you can choose a radish that will fight pests. For the same purpose, nasturtium landed nearby. The neighborhood with corn, beans and beans will also be favorable. Of the weeds will contribute to a good harvest: sow thistle and gauze.

Is a pumpkin planted next to zucchini? Experienced gardeners do not recommend this, as cross-pollination can occur. The result will be fruit mutations, the taste of vegetables will suffer. Also, do not plant pumpkin next to potatoes, which will have a negative impact on its growth. For the same reasons, peppers and eggplant are undesirable in the neighbors. Cucumbers and tomatoes badly affect the growth of pumpkins and also do not plant nearby.

What plants can be combined with carrots on the beds?

Carrots are plants that do not require painstaking care. You can plant it almost anywhere, it will still yield a crop. This explains the love of her gardeners. But the harvest will be rich only if the rules for combining neighboring plants in the garden are strictly observed.

A good crop to complement carrot planting is onion. They drive away pests that are dangerous to each other. The only drawback of this symbiosis of plants is that these crops have different needs for water consumption. Due to excess moisture, onions grown from seed can begin to rot. If watering is limited, the carrot yield will not be so rich. The solution can be found in the use for the protection of perennial onions, thus it will be possible to save the plants and not harm them with plenty or lack of moisture.

Garlic or radish can be a great neighbor. Joint planting with lettuce and spinach will also have a positive effect on the crop.

Very often in the gardens you can see that dill is growing next to carrots. Experienced farmers recommend abandoning such a neighborhood, because both crops have common pests and are constantly fighting for moisture and nutrients.

Also bad neighbors for carrots are: parsley, celery, anise. And if you plant it next to the apple tree, then the fruits of the first and second will lose their taste.

What plants can be combined with potatoes in the beds?

Potatoes are grown throughout the country, but the middle strip is famous for its particularly high yields. He rightfully has the title of second bread and is used in many dishes. There are dozens of ways to plant potatoes and grow them. The vegetable is unpretentious and does not require daily care from the gardener, which adds even more popularity to it.

Many gardeners do not plant any other crops on potato fields in vain, since friend plants can increase yield and scare away pests. For example, beans planted in aisles help in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle. For the same purposes are used: nasturtium, tansy and marigolds. Spinach and coriander have proven themselves well as potato neighbors.

If you plant beans on a potato field, they will enrich the soil with nitrogen. This will allow for higher yields. Some gardeners immediately when planting potatoes throw a couple of bean seeds into the hole, while others plant them along the edges of the field and in the aisles. To get rid of pests, it is also good to grow horseradish nearby. But you need to keep in mind that it multiplies very quickly and is difficult to remove from the site, so it is better to control its amount in the garden. High and dense thickets of horseradish can negatively affect the potato crop.

Catnip, flax, coriander are also good in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle. There are plants that can be used as bait for the pest. These include belladonna and dope. They are very attractive to Colorado beetles, which lay their larvae on them and they soon die due to the high toxicity of plants. But belladonna is also dangerous for humans, so this method is most often difficult to accomplish. As traps, it’s easier to use unnecessary eggplant seedlings, which are also extremely attractive to Colorado beetles. True, these plants will have to collect larvae by hand.

To prevent damage to potatoes by late blight, garlic can be planted nearby. Corn, salad, radish and cabbage will also be good neighbors for the vegetable.

Potato has a lot of friends' plants, but many hostile cultures. Of the weeds, quinoa is the most dangerous, which will slow down the growth of tubers. A good neighbor will not come out of sunflower either, since it has a depressing effect on potatoes. It is also undesirable to grow beets nearby. Nearby raspberries, zucchini and tomatoes increase the likelihood of plant disease with late blight. It is undesirable to plant potatoes near the apple tree, as it slows down its growth and helps to reduce yield.

What plants can beets be combined with on beds?

The main enemy of beets is aphids, which can destroy the plant and deprive the gardener of the crop. Also, this vegetable is prone to damage from the tops of the flea. Both the first and the second pests can be eliminated by choosing beets suitable neighbors in the garden. Mint and catnip are able to have a beneficial effect, which can be planted nearby and prepare a decoction for spraying them.

Beetroot feels good next to white cabbage, radishes and carrots. Also, strawberries or onions are great as a neighbor.

It is undesirable to plant beets near potato fields, as its growth can be slowed down. Mustard and curly beans are also undesirable as neighbors.

When combining beets with other crops, it should be borne in mind that it needs a lot of space, so it is not advisable to plant companion plants close to each other. With sufficient free space, both vegetables will give a good harvest.

What plants can be combined with peppers in the beds?

For pepper, the best neighbor will be basil, which has a beneficial effect on its growth. He also feels good on the same bed with okra. Pepper grows well next to onions and catnip, which help him get rid of aphids. Also, its combination with beets, beans and fennel is also successful.

Incompatible plants for pepper are peas and carrots. The bean company is also undesirable to him, since they have common diseases.

What plants can be combined with onions in the beds?

Onions are included in the obligatory list of plantings of each summer resident. It is eaten as a snack and in dishes, and it is also often used as an ingredient for winter preparations. Plant and white onion, and red, and perennial on the feather. In recent years, gardeners have also grown fond of shallots to taste, and do not require special care of leeks. But this unpretentious vegetable needs healthy bed neighbors.

The best companion for onions is traditionally considered carrots, almost all gardeners put them nearby. Yes, they fight each other's pests, but the different watering requirements make this alliance problematic. Onions do not need much moisture, and carrots need it. Therefore, this neighborhood will be more favorable for perennial varieties used on the feather.

An excellent addition to the onion bed will be gourds, any kinds of greens and beets. It is suitable for the neighborhood with wild strawberries or tomatoes. Of the weeds, nettle and sow thistle will be the best supplement.

Grapes, sage and beans will become a bad ally of onions. Also, this vegetable does not tolerate the neighborhood of gladioli.

What plants can combine garlic on the beds?

Gardeners are fond of garlic for their bright spicy taste and excellent medicinal properties. It is eaten to prevent colds, a variety of tinctures are made from it to enhance immunity. It has useful gardener properties: it repels caterpillars and slugs, and with a large landing area it helps to get rid of moles on the site.

Garlic feels great in the garden next to celery, carrots, radishes and lettuce. They plant it on the sides of potato fields, as it helps fight late blight. Suitable for garlic as neighbors and flowers: roses, daffodils, gladioli.

But the neighborhood with legumes is contraindicated to him. Also, as a companion, he is not suitable for peanuts and perennial onions.

What plants can be combined with eggplant in the beds?

Eggplant is rarely seen in vegetable gardens. Such a low prevalence is due to difficulties in care and cooking. If zucchini can be immediately fried or boiled, then the eggplant must be soaked before being sent to the pan.

A wonderful union of these vegetables is formed with beans, which drives Colorado beetles away from them. Thyme, which repels fleas, is also favorable. Eggplant feels good next to salad, onions and beans. Also, spinach, pepper or peas will be a great neighbor.

Planting eggplant next to cucumbers is not a good idea, these vegetables negatively affect each other. And best of all, eggplants feel alone in their own individual beds.

What to plant with? This largely depends on the owner of the garden or vegetable garden, but it is better to familiarize yourself with the table of compatibility of vegetables.

Each plant has its own developmental features. Isolation of leaves and roots can either inhibit the development of a neighboring culture, or, on the contrary, protect it from pests and diseases, promote growth, and improve taste. When deciding what to plant next to potatoes, it is necessary to take into account the positive and negative effects of plants on each other.

Potato Compatibility with Solanaceous

Potatoes cannot be planted next to other plants from the solanaceous family: they have only diseases and pests. Tomatoes, eggplant, peppers growing next to potatoes are automatically at risk of being eaten by Colorado beetles or dying from late blight. The problem is also that if other solanaceous plants are sprayed with pesticides in the same concentration as the tops of potatoes, their fruits will accumulate too large doses of toxic substances.

If the plot is very small and you cannot find a separate place for tomatoes or eggplants, it is recommended to separate them from the potato plantation with a strip of calendula or marigold (they scare away the Colorado potato beetle) and a “curtain” of 2-3 rows of tall plants: green beans, beans, and corn.

Potato and bean

The best potato neighbors in the garden are legume plants, on the root system of which bacteria that enrich the soil with nitrogen live. The smell of bean roots frightens off the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm (the larva of the nutcracker beetle).

But each plant from this family has its own “relationship” with potatoes:

  • bush beans from all legumes are best combined with potatoes. It can be planted not only next to the potato plantation, but also in the aisles;
  • beans for development require a large amount of nutrients and in the fight for them are stronger than potatoes, which affects both the size and taste of the tubers. Therefore, it is useful to sow the beans only along the edge of the potato plantation, but not in the aisles;
  • peas, some agronomists generally do not recommend sowing next to potato beds. The problem lies solely in agricultural technologies: ripening peas in terms of time coincides with the processing of potatoes with pesticides from the Colorado potato beetle. If only organic methods are used when root crops are grown and pests are fought without the use of chemicals, then the proximity of the two cultures is perfectly acceptable. Rows of peas should be arranged from north to south, so that they do not obscure the tops of potatoes;
  • green beans - it is allowed to sow along the edge of a potato plantation.

Potato and pumpkin

The common misfortune of potatoes and plants from the pumpkin family is late blight. Cucumbers are especially susceptible to it. Therefore, in the literature there are categorical prohibitions on planting cucumbers and pumpkins near potatoes.

In practice, cucumbers can be planted near potatoes, but only in a mini-greenhouse. Wooden or metal arcs are installed on the bed, a film is pulled from above. In dry weather, the film is removed, giving cucumbers access to air and sunlight. But at night, the plants must be covered, protecting the leaves from dew. Also, pesticides should not be allowed to spray cucumbers during potato spraying.

Zucchini and squash are less vulnerable, they do not need a greenhouse. As for the pumpkin, you need to constantly adjust its lashes, preventing them from approaching close to the potato tops. When pumpkins begin to pour, it is better to exclude their contact with the ground, placing boards under them.

Potato and cruciferous

Potatoes go well with all kinds of cabbage. The beds with these crops can be placed side by side, but it is not recommended to follow the tips to plant cabbage in potato aisles: cabbage needs a lot of light, and potato tops obscure it. In thickened plantings, cabbage and potatoes fall ill with a black leg.

It is also allowed to plant potatoes with other cruciferous vegetables: radish, radish. To save space, radishes are sown in early spring in the middle of twin potato beds. In May, potatoes are planted around the edges, and radishes are soon dug up. If the aisles are wide (1 m or more), sowing of radishes in them is allowed.

Mustard is one of the best green manure; its roots disinfect the soil. The planting is sown between rows, but completely cut when the shoots are equal in height to potato tops. The roots of mustard remain in the ground, decompose and serve as additional fertilizer.

Potatoes and other root crops

Carrots and potatoes do not interfere with each other, so they can be adjacent (but carrots cannot be sown in potato rows). "Neutral" relationships in potatoes and with beets.

Frank enemies of potatoes are celery (root and petiole) and parsley. If the beds with them are located near the potato - do not wait for a good harvest.

Potato Compatibility with Onion and Garlic

Onions and garlic secrete volatile, repelling pests. Plants are planted both in the vicinity of potatoes and in the aisles.

Potatoes and green vegetables

Potatoes go well with dill, lettuce, and spinach. They are allowed to be sown both nearby and in aisles.

Potato and strawberry

Planting strawberries or wild strawberries next to a potato plantation is equivalent to inviting all nearby wireworms to dinner. In addition, in rainy weather the berries are subject to gray and black rot. Infection inevitably affects potato tubers.

Another common enemy of strawberries and potatoes is the nematode. To prevent its spread, marigolds are planted on the border of the potato field. Potato and strawberry beds must be separated by a strip of carrots, beets, radishes or spinach.

Potato and corn

It is useful to sow corn on the edge of the potato field, but so that it does not obscure the tops. When planting corn between rows, the following conditions must be observed:

  • the direction of the beds is strictly from north to south (otherwise, potato tops, shaded by corn, will begin to stretch);
  • row spacing - at least 1 m;
  • the distance between corn plants is not less than 1 m.

Potato and sunflower

Sunflower growing along the border of a potato field is a typical rural landscape. However, many gardeners consider these crops incompatible. The fact is that sunflower needs a lot of useful substances. So that potato tubers do not grow the size of a pea, the soil must be well fertilized with organic matter. Sunflower can not be sown in aisles. A bed with sunflowers is placed from north to south, so that they do not obscure the potato tops (the distance between the sunflowers is at least 1 m).

Potato compatibility with trees and shrubs

If potatoes grow under an apple tree, the yield of apples will be less and the taste worse. When breaking beds under potatoes, it is better to bypass cherries, chokeberries, raspberries, sea buckthorn and grapes.