What does bed bugs look like in an apartment. Home Bedbugs

Bed bugs have no wings. However, they are the owners of quite interesting paws with notches. This gives them the opportunity to move even on the ceiling. Home bugs are not able to jump and fly. However, a flattened body and serrated legs help them quickly run away and hide in the crevices of the bed and furniture at the slightest danger. They can be vulnerable only after saturation, increasing in size.

Bed bugs move quickly enough, so they manage to find the most convenient place for their saturation on the human body. Insects find a person by the emitted carbon dioxide with breathing. These individuals go out to hunt infrequently, up to once a week. They spend the rest of the time in shelters. There they multiply. The female needs to eat well before laying eggs. Clusters of eggs in one place are unreasonably called nests. Since there is no special system in these masonry.

Bedbugs breed by laying eggs. Moreover, once a fertilized female continues to lay off her offspring throughout her life (up to 500 pcs.). White insect eggs. They have a length of 1 mm. Females attach their future offspring with a special solution. The time spent in the egg is the safest for the insect. The appearance of the larva occurs after 5-30 days, depending on the temperature regime. These insects are called nymphs during this period. They are transparent. When saturated, the blood in their stomach can be seen with the naked eye. The period of growing up lasts about a month.

Insects are able to migrate under adverse conditions. They reach speeds of up to one meter per minute. Larvae also move, however, more slowly than their adult counterparts.

  Characteristic signs of the appearance of bugs

Bed bugs can densely inhabit apartments, houses. They hide close to the victim, mainly in beds, mattresses, crevices under the bed. With a large population of bugs spread to all corners of the apartment or house. The presence of these insects in the house has its own characteristic signs:

  • The smell of almonds or even cognac in the room;
  • The presence of insect molting fragments in secluded places, their eggs, litter, and adults;
  • Regular appearance of wounds on the body;
  • Traces of crushed insects on the bed (when they are full).

Advice! If at night you suddenly light a light in the room, on the bed, floor, walls, you can easily find bugs.

  Troubles caused by bug bites

Bed bugs pick up victims for themselves, guided by the degree of difficulty in obtaining food. As a rule, when there is a choice, they prefer to be saturated with the blood of a person with a thin skin. Most often these are women and children. In addition, their skin is much more prone to allergies than men.

It is not known for sure whether bedbugs are carriers of any serious disease, however, causative agents of typhoid and other diseases were found in their bodies. However, the bites of domestic bugs cause severe itching. Their saliva contains a toxic substance. Moving the bug during one meal can leave a number of bites. If there are a lot of bugs in the room, there can be up to half a thousand bites per night. Combing the wounds can cause their infection, the development of ulcers, inflammation. In conditions of infection of the home with bedbugs, a person experiences pain, cannot sleep normally. Hence the loss of vitality and the appearance of irritability. The physiological and psychological state of man is deteriorating.

Advice! If the wounds from bedbugs bother, wash them with a weak solution of citric acid or vinegar. If there is no improvement, consult a doctor and follow his prescriptions (ointments, sprays, creams, antibiotics).

  Home bugs: ways to fight insects

To bring out bedbugs, it is necessary to approach this matter thoroughly. Sweeping out a broom or destroying bugs with a vacuum cleaner will not work. These insects wonderfully adapt to poisons and continue to live freely with humans.

Precautionary measures:

  • the use of safety and protection equipment (respirators or masks, latex gloves, tight-fitting glasses);
  • departure from home for the duration of processing;
  • careful approach to the instructions;
  • total processing of all corners, crevices and cracks, especially in the neighborhood with a person (beds, mattresses and bedside tables).

  Chemical insecticides

Drugs that can destroy bedbugs can be bought in specialized stores or in the market. Each remedy has its own effectiveness, duration of action and price. The ability to remove insects may be temporary. In order to buy an effective remedy, it is necessary to conduct a kind of educational program on drugs.

An effective poisonous remedy can be produced in various forms:

  • powdered product (Neopin, Riapan);
  • aerosol and spray ("Dichlorvos", "Karbozol", "Raptor" and others);
  • liquid preparation (Primadid, Lacterin, Fox, etc.);
  • others (Clean House, Dust, Tetrix, Pyrethrum, Executioner, etc.).

  Folk remedies

Popular methods for helping fight bedbugs are widely known. Buying them will not be difficult, and some of them are present in every home.

Kerosene  - A powerful and affordable tool that can destroy larvae and adults. They should handle all hard-to-reach spots. This will lead to the death of insects.

Advice! Be careful and careful - kerosene can ignite.Turpentine repels bugs with a pungent smell and suffocates them. However, it is very toxic to humans. Processing should be carried out using protective masks.

Tar soap in combination with laundry soap   widely used for processing linen and clothes. You can buy it at any hardware store store. Such processing is a very cheap and high-quality method.

  Bed or home bug - a small insect (on average 1 - 3 mm) of light or dark brown color. In the photo you can see how the blood-sucking linen bug looks like. The triangular head has a small size compared to the body. The insect is not able to fly, but moves on both horizontal and vertical surfaces very quickly and dexterously.

The female is always larger than the male. The body of the insect in a hungry state is flat, flattened, almost transparent, no more than 1 mm long. After the sofa bug has sucked onto human skin, it does not stop eating until it becomes spherical. The body acquires a red tint from the blood and increases to 8 mm.

Without food, the bug can live about six months. The total life expectancy of one individual is one year. The insect is extremely prolific. One female is able to lay up to 500 eggs in her life, each of which has a high chance of survival at home. A week later, voracious larvae hatch from the laid masonry, whose lifestyle is no different from adult individuals. In the photo - a female and larvae close-up.

Types of Bedbugs

Bed bugs are a suborder of beetles. Their species diversity is great. More than 12,000 species of these insects live in Russia. Most of them are completely harmless to humans. In nature, there are also useful bugs: Podisus, eating Colorado beetles, flower bugs and soldiers, which destroy the larvae of garden pests.

Bloodsucking is the only species - a bed bug. This is the correct biological name, although they are popularly called linen, home, room, furniture and even sofas. These are not varieties, but simply different names for the same insect, which happens in different sizes and shades of color.

  The pest received such a variety of names because of the ability to settle in cracks in wall plaster, seams of bed linen, sofa upholstery, mattress, furniture joints. A thing bug is often called another insect - a louse that is not related to the bug family. The photo shows a furniture bug that spent several months without food.

How do bugs get into a house?

  • through the cracks, ventilation from one apartment to another due to the ability to move quickly (an adult overcomes 1.25 m in a minute);
  • along with used furniture, especially with sofas and mattresses;
  • often blood-sucking vectors are long-haired pets;
  • bedding, in particular, the seams of pillowcases and duvet covers.

Signs of the presence of bedbugs in the house

Often the insect moves along the ceiling, hovering over the sleeping in bed and falling from there onto the skin. At first, when a man sees a bite in the morning, he thinks he was bitten by a mosquito. When the population has grown, it is already impossible not to notice the aliens.

The main signs of the appearance of apartment bugs in the house:

  • bites are not single, but form a path of small wounds;
  • a swelling with a lump in the center is formed around the graft puncture on the skin;
  • toxins injected by an insect into the blood of a sleeping person cause a typical allergic reaction in the form of burning and itching;
  • tiny spots of blood often remain on the bed;
  • places of accumulation of insects (often under the wallpaper on the walls) are polluted with excrement in the form of microscopic black dots;
  • pests can also be detected by the remains of the quinine cover, which they dump during molting;
  • bed bugs have a specific smell - someone calls it cognac, and to someone it seems to be the aroma of rotten raspberries.

Where can bed bugs live in an apartment?

Indoor bugs usually live in heaps, forming nests. These are original colonies in which insects of several generations live. There are clutches, larvae, adults, the remains of the tunic discarded during molting, and excrement. Such clusters look awful. They create a feeling of dirt.

Harm bugs for humans

  • psychological;
  • biochemical.

The psychological damage from these insects is huge. A person does not sleep well, he is irritated, his working capacity decreases, sometimes the conditions of existence seem unbearable.

Biochemical harm is as follows:

  • When the bug bites, it injects poisonous toxins into the sleeping blood. The body produces a response to them. Histamines are activated, antibodies are produced, and an inflammatory process occurs. The area around the bite turns red, swells, nervous nerve receptors cause a burning sensation and itching.
  • In some people, the reaction can exceed the normal by several times. An allergy develops that requires taking medications.
  • When combing bites, an infection is easily introduced, secondary inflammation occurs.
  • A small child, who is constantly bitten by bugs, risks a decrease in blood quality, up to the development of anemia.

How to recognize a bug bite and what to do?

  Bedbug bites are easy to recognize and distinguish from mosquitoes or fleas. The bug, unlike other insects, makes several punctures of the skin, leaving a characteristic path of tiny wounds (see photo). The bite points are 2-3 cm apart, as in the photograph. After some time, a small blister forms with a bulge in the center around the puncture. The photo shows how the bites look in an enlarged form.

As soon as traces of bites of blood-sucking insects are detected, it is necessary to take the same measures as with a bite of a mosquito or a bee:

Control methods and prevention

The fight against bedbugs has been waged by the people for centuries. There are several folk recipes for getting rid of such a scourge, which can be used as an excellent prevention:

The most effective way is chemical treatment of the apartment. Before conducting it, it is necessary to prepare the room:

  • hide dishes and food;
  • remove all textiles from windows and furniture;
  • remove at the time of processing from the home of pets and aquarium fish;
  • do wet cleaning.

Chemicals are best purchased in the form of sprays. Dichlorvos, Chlorofos, and Karbofos, which have proven themselves well in the past years, have been replenished with new effective insecticides these days: the Executioner, Combat, and Microfos.

All chemicals are toxic enough to humans. Most of them have a 3 hazard class. Before using them, you should carefully study the description (instruction) and strictly follow its instructions. When processing, you need to spray the spray on such surfaces:

  • sofa and mattress - pay special attention to seams, bends, crevices;
  • seams and peeled pieces of wallpaper on the walls;
  • windows and window sills;
  • skirting boards;
  • ventilation grilles - it is very important to treat them with an insecticide so that insects cannot escape to their neighbors and then return again.

To ensure safety during the chemical treatment of the apartment, a respirator, rubber gloves and safety glasses should be worn. After spraying, the room should be well ventilated for several hours (preferably a draft) and left for 3 days, after which proceed to general cleaning. All dishes should be washed, the sofa and bed should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and washed with detergent, wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth, and windows and floor should be washed.

Bed, furniture, bed, linen - all this is the same type of bug. Just at different stages of development, the insect varies in size and color. The nature of food is always the same, but the places in the apartment are very different: from a warm, comfortable bed to dark slots under the baseboards.

  In apartments with perfect cleanliness and high-quality repairs, bugs can also start

Bedbugs easily penetrate apartments on any floor. Thanks to a flat body, they crawl through narrow slits and hide in places most inaccessible to humans. Bedbugs cannot fly and jump, but at the same time they can move very quickly. They climb to great heights, easily crawl along the external walls of houses from one window to another. Bedbugs overcome the distance between apartments quickly, so if they are wound up in an apartment of one of your neighbors, then you will soon appear.

How the bugs penetrate the house

What are the bugs dangerous for humans?

For humans, bedbugs do not pose a potential danger, but significantly reduce the quality of life in general. They lead a nocturnal lifestyle, so they interfere with a good sleep. Bed bugs are activated in the second half of the night, closer to the morning, as a result of which a person does not constantly get enough sleep. In the places of bites, red dots appear, which itch and heal for a long time, sometimes allergic reactions occur.

Bedbugs are most affected by small children. The fact is that children's skin is much softer and thinner than that of an adult, and the blood vessels are closer to the surface of the body. In addition, children often have allergic reactions to bedbugs: blisters may appear, and in rare cases, even Quincke's edema. The wounds are painful, itchy, and heal for a long time, in addition, the child is constantly trying to comb them, which can cause an infection.
  Blisters often occur in children at bite sites

The bite of an adult is painless, which can not be said about the larva. The fact is that in the saliva of adult bugs there is a special anesthetic substance. It anesthetizes the bite, and the bloodsucker peacefully sucks blood until it is fully saturated.

Bedbug habitats in the apartment

  • in bed, bedding, mattress - on the underside, in the folds of seams;
  • in the cracks of the parquet or laminate, the space under the baseboards, the places of the lag of linoleum from the floor;
  • behind furniture and under it, at the joints of sofas, soft armchairs. Under the upholstery and between the details of the furniture structure;
  • on the walls - for paintings, under the wallpaper in the places of their lag;
  • under ceiling skirting boards and panels, stretch sheets;
  • in carpets and carpets, under the carpet, if it is poorly glued to the floor;
  • inside outlets and switches.

  Bed bugs can find many secluded places in the apartment

How to find out that bedbugs are wound up in a house

There are several signs by which we can assume the presence of bugs in the apartment:

  • bites on the body after sleep;
  • traces of droppings on sheets in the form of black dots;
  • blood stains if the fed insect was inadvertently crushed during sleep.

  Finding black traces of excrement on sheets and mattresses is one of the first signs of staying in bedbugs.

It is not difficult to identify bugs. Most often they prefer bedrooms. When you find the nest, you will see the whole bedbug family there: brown adults, larvae of different sizes, painted in bright colors, as well as a large number of small white eggs.

How the bugs look at different stages of development

After bites or litter on the bed, do the following:

  1. Carefully inspect your bed.
  2. Lift the mattress and look under it - there should not be black dots from the litter and, of course, the bugs themselves.
  3. Examine the seams of the mattress.
  4. If wallpaper is pasted in the room, then examine the places where they lag behind the walls.
  5. Look under linoleum where you can do it.
  6. Inspect the crevices in the corners of the skirting boards. You can use a flashlight for this.
  7. Explore sockets and switches. This is best done in the early morning, when bed bugs are most active. You can often see black droppings.
  8. Inspect the upholstered furniture from the inside. At the junctions of the upholstery and the wooden base, bug nests are often found.
  9. Look under the furniture. You can use an ordinary broom and sweep the floor. If bugs are wound up in the house, then you will probably find them in the dust.
  10. Slide cabinets and chests of drawers. Inspect the back walls of the furniture and the walls themselves.
  11. Lift the carpets from the floor and examine their lower part.
  12. Take a good sniff during the inspection. The bugs emit a sweet smell of cognac, so in the places of their accumulation you will feel this characteristic aroma.

Bedbugs are most difficult to detect at the initial stage. If they managed to breed and thoroughly settle in the apartment, finding them is not difficult.
  In the klopovnik you can see individuals at all stages of development

Photo gallery: favorite places for bedbugs

How to get rid of bed bugs in an apartment


Chemicals include:

Pyrethrin-based powders are effective and relatively safe for humans and animals.

  The powder must be carefully scattered in all places of possible accumulation of bugs

  •   . They are easy to use and much more effective than other means, but not all are allowed for use in an apartment or even in a detached private house, as they are harmful to health;
  • aquafumigator "Raptor". It produces not smoke, but water vapor with cifenotrin - a safe insecticide for humans and animals;
      With the help of an aquafumigator you can process an apartment without fear for health
  • professional pest control. Now experts often use the “cold fog”, which penetrate into all inaccessible places. It is worth noting that this service is not cheap, but the effect comes on the first try.

    The last years of my life, I and my family have to wander around rented apartments, one of which turned out to be bedbugs. They made themselves known on the first night. To my horror, the next morning I discovered red bites on my legs and stomach. The five-year-old was completely bitten. Room processing began to be carried out the very next day.

    Before that, I already had experience in fighting bed bugs in my grandmother's farmhouse. Then aerosols and powders were used. The fight turned out to be quite effective, but very laborious. We had to first search for the places of settlement of the bug family, and then process them Bed bugs returned several more times, because with a high probability not all nests were found and processed.

    This time there was no time or desire to look for the bedbugs, and besides, you don’t "dominate" much in someone else’s apartment. You can’t tear off the skirting boards, you can’t move the heavy Soviet wall full of books and various rubbish away from the wall. And I did not want to disassemble the sockets. The choice fell on the smoke bomb.

    At that time, it was January outside the window, and the frost broke out in earnest. Therefore, everything that can be taken out into the street was taken out. Carpets and paths were “stained” in the snow, and the old mattress was sent to the unglazed balcony, where he successfully spent the whole day. A soft folding chair was also taken out into the yard in the hope that no one would steal it. Children's toys and dishes were tightly packed in plastic bags. Since it was a day off, I, along with all the family members and the cat, went to visit friends. Returning home, we well ventilated the apartment and brought back the chair and mattress. Bed linen washed at +90 ° C  . Despite the unpleasant smell after using the smoke bomb and the fear of being bitten again, the night after the treatment went surprisingly calmly. Two weeks later, they re-processed the apartment, and the bugs after that no longer bothered.

    Folk remedies

    Among folk methods, there are:

    Prevention of the appearance of bugs in the house

    So that bedbugs never wound up in the house, take the following measures:

  • More than 70% of people do not notice the bites of bed bugs, as a result of which the population of the latter in the apartment increases significantly.

    The first discomfort manifests itself when there are too many bites, the immune system weakens and allergies begin to manifest. Then the question of destroying bedbugs is an edge: you must complete this task as soon as possible with the most safe methods. But this is where the problem arises: there are many ways, but whether they are effective is a completely different question.

    Photos of how home bugs look (bed)

    Where in the house bugs come from

    Having learned what the pests look like and found them in his bed, the person wonders where they came from. Many are perplexed: the apartment is clean, and the neighbors do not suffer from this problem. But in fact, the dirt and sloppiness of the owners are not a condition for the presence of insects in the apartment. Insects need heat, a food source, and sheltered shelters that are easy to find in every home. So where do the bugs come from? They crawl away from neighbors, come with new antique furniture, are transferred through clothes from acquaintances, or appear as a result of long-distance migration.

    Chemistry and SES against bedbugs

    • non toxic to humans and animals;
    • have no smell;
    • destroy bugs up to 3-6 months (good prevention);
    • destruction is possible when people and animals are in the room;
    • easy to use;
    • the effect is instantaneous.

    Folk remedies are the best prevention

    Various photos of solutions and how to destroy bugs with their help can be found on the Internet. Destruction of bedbugs by folk methods is useful and effective only when there are not many of them. However, it is better to use them than not to do anything, because the nests of bedbugs are really frightening. Many people know how to get rid of domestic bugs and bring them out forever, but resort to ineffective methods.

    What room bugs look like, we can see in the photo or pictures.

    Features of insect life

    Insects feed mainly at night, although for them the time of day is unprincipled, the main thing is that there should be no bright light. Most often, their habitat is beds and other places where a person spends a lot of time.

    Here are the characteristic features of these insects:

    1. An adult pest about the size of an apple seed.
    2. The body is oval and flat in shape (after saturation with blood, it swells and stretches in length).
    3. The hungry bug has a rusty brown color, after eating it can take a deep red-brown hue.
    4. All indoor bugs, including newly hatched ones, are easily visible with the naked eye.

    Here are some more interesting facts about insects:

    As already mentioned above, the favorite habitats of insects are places where a person sleeps. It can be beds, sofas, especially small cracks in the wooden bases of furniture, holes in the mattress. Often, insect eggs can be found behind the wallpaper, under the baseboards near the bed.

      Insects emit a faint almond-shaped odor, which can be felt if the infection has reached an impressive scale.

    Where else can you find bugs?

    • any furniture;
    • electrical outlets;
    • tapestry fabric;
    • folds of curtains;
    • peeled wallpaper;
    • cracked plaster in the wall and ceiling.

    You must also check these places if you suspect that there are uninvited guests in the house.

    The insect pierces the skin with two tubes. One, he injects saliva containing anesthetic under the skin, and uses the second for sucking. The time for a bite and sucking blood lasts from 3 to 10 minutes.

    The action of the anesthetic lasts about an hour, after which the person necessarily feels itching, and redness of the skin is observed at the site of the bite.

    Key features

    Bed bugs can be recognized mainly by bites.

    • if you notice red bumps or flat scars on the skin that are very itchy, most likely these are bug bites. It's time to think about how to deal with them;
    • the most likely bite sites are legs, arms, lower body, back, shoulders;
    • it should be noted that every morning new affected areas will appear on your body.
    • sheets
    • seams of the mattress;
    • baseboards;
    • sockets;
    • pictures.

    Having found indoor bed bugs, you probably wondered where they come from?

    • allergic reactions. Especially sensitive, even anaphylactic shock is possible;
    • rash
    • itch.

    Severe itching, bothering a person, causes a lot of anxiety. The quality of life deteriorates, irritability appears, sleep worsens.

    With multiple bites, the itching is so strong that a person combes the affected area, and this can lead to infections, although the bug itself does not tolerate infection.


    Thinking about where indoor bed bugs came from and how to deal with them, we often resort to various chemicals. Indeed, they are very effective if used properly.

    Let's see what drugs exist and how much they cost:

    Name of shop Address Name of facility Price
    Des Market Moscow, Yaroslavl highway, 9 Karbofos 60 rub
    Supermarket "7 steps" St. Petersburg, 24 Bolshevikov Ave., Executioner 100 rub
    Arnica Novosibirsk, st. Sorge, 183 Combat Superspray 450 rub
    Veles Yekaterinburg, st. 40 years of October, 61 Fufanon 1500 rub.
    Alpha vet Minsk, st. Surganova Pyrethrum 245 000 rub.
    Ukrosoovetpromsnab Kiev, st. Cornflower, 16 Insecticide 210 UAH

    These are far from all insect control chemicals. Let's look at the most popular:

    Delta Zone.

    A modern microencapsulated product, the main feature of which is that after the solution dries, there is no kind of film on the surface, but only the smallest granules containing a high concentration of insecticide (in this case, deltamethrin).

    The main advantages of the drug:

    • lack of smell;
    • long-term effect - after treatment the substance remains active for several months;
    • safety for humans, animals and high toxicity for different types of insects;
    • high efficiency even in cases when bedbugs have developed resistance to other types of insecticides.



    • the bottle is equipped with a spray, so the product does not need to be poured anywhere;
    • developed in a specialized research institute, so the tool can be trusted.

    The composition of the drug includes cypermethrin, permethrin, piperonyl butoxide. These substances provide high processing efficiency. But there are also disadvantages:

    • it is possible to process the room only during the absence of all people and animals;
    • not suitable for people prone to allergies, since the drug is quite toxic.


    It is available in the form of a powder that processes the habitats of insects.


    • safe for children;
    • it can be used for a long time without resorting to removing residents from the house.

    Folk remedies

    Many people, wanting to learn how to get rid of indoor bed bugs at home, resort to folk methods. They, of course, are less effective and require a longer time. Their use is advisable when small children and people prone to allergic reactions live in the house.

    Tansy and wormwood.

    1. 2 tablespoons of wormwood or tansy.
    2. Half a liter of water.
    3. Simmer for a quarter of an hour.
    4. Cool and strain.
    5. Pour the resulting broth into a spray bottle and spray all possible places of accumulation of insects.


    In the old days, fumigation of premises using this plant was used.

    1. The grass must be dried and well dried.
    2. Set it on fire in the same way as it does when burning incense.
    3. Wait for smoke to spread throughout the room.

    By the way, some indoor plants from bugs are quite effective. So, if you want to get rid of insects, be sure to put a decorative chamomile on the windowsill next to the bed.

    Among the population, such a popular remedy for bedbugs as a solution of ordinary vinegar is quite popular. It is really effective, and also affordable, inexpensive and safe for humans.

    And what means should not destroy bedbugs?