Why do not tie eggplant in a greenhouse. Why eggplant is not tied

add photo Show previous comments (% s shown from% s) Marina Andreeva (Tsyrkunova)Probably bad pollination, there are few flies and other insects in the greenhouse. When growing in a greenhouse, I spray all the flowers and leaves with an ovary, a bud or on an extreme tree with boric acid.

And the number of ovaries increases, and nutrition is additional for plants. Text Hide Lyudmila Zyablova - Marina Andreeva (Tsyrkunova)thank you, I will use your answer

tatyana PozdeevaSurely necessary, you can mullein. Eggplants require repeated feeding. Text Hide

Lyudmila Zyablova - tatyana Pozdeevathank you, I will take note Anna Dagaevafor pollination of eggplant in a greenhouse, you need to work as a bee, walk around with flowers with a brush, they themselves are not pollinated.

Text Hide Lyudmila Zyablova - Anna Dagaevai will work as a bee! Thank you!))) Hide text Anastasia SmolenskayaI had the same thing last year.

A neighbor advised me to walk and pollinate every day (I just carried pollen between the flowers with my finger). From this moment, not a single flower was lost in vain. :-) Text hidden

Gennady ponarinand it can be very hot under polycarbonate, the ovary burns. Expand text How to grow eggplant in a greenhouse Eggplant cultivation and care in a greenhouse is more dependent on the type of vegetable.

It is also worth consulting with specialists in this field, as they know a lot about growing eggplants in a greenhouse.

How to start growing eggplants in a greenhouse

Growing eggplant in a greenhouse is characterized by the right choice of cultivar. At the moment there are several varieties of eggplant that are grown in greenhouse conditions:

  • Early varieties of pepper that ripen within 100 days after transplanting seedlings.Of medium ripeness, the ripening period of this variety is 120-130 days. Late, the ripening period of this variety is 130 days.

Tip. Choosing the best option for varieties of eggplant for growing in a greenhouse needs to be focused on certain aspects.

  • Taste qualities of the variety itself. Productivity of seedlings from one bush. Resistance to changes in temperature. Here it is worth paying special attention to the ability to tolerate a cold climate. This will make it possible to grow eggplant in a greenhouse where heating is not provided. Pest resistance and characteristic risks for a particular variety.

There is also another division of eggplant:

  • Short. Medium.

Note. Too large trunks of the variety can only be found in hybrids, which, as practice has shown, give the highest productivity. To date, eggplant varieties and their hybrids have a huge assortment.

For greenhouses, there are more than 20 varieties that are resistant to cold environments. The price for each grade also has differences. It depends on the yield and the ripening of the fetus.

What is required from a gardener to grow eggplants in a greenhouse

Eggplant growing in a greenhouse is characterized by a practical and convenient design of a greenhouse or greenhouse. There must be a window in it for high-quality ventilation of the structure. Ventilation plays a large role, since it can be used to stabilize the temperature regime inside the greenhouse. How often it is necessary to ventilate a greenhouse or greenhouse:

  • The frequency of ventilation depends on the heating temperature of the structure. Airing is carried out in order to get rid of condensate on the inner surface of the greenhouse coating.

Tip. To avoid condensation, professionals advise using an anti-condensation greenhouse film. She is currently in great demand among gardeners.

  • The optimal temperature so that the cultivation of eggplant in the greenhouse is normal and correct, is considered 25-28 degrees. If the temperature outside is higher, then it is recommended to temporarily remove the film from the frame of the greenhouse or the greenhouse so that the seedlings do not suffocate, since in this case there will be no possibility of a normal exit of heated air. The next step will be the organization of the irrigation system. Water can be supplied directly through hoses or pre-installed pipes into the inside of the structure, or you can water all the seedlings with your own hands and use a bucket or other containers for this.

Tip. Overdoing with watering eggplant is not worth it. They have a very "capricious" root system and from excess moisture can break down. There are several types of irrigation of seedlings in the greenhouse:

  • Sprinkling.Intramental.
  • For each variety, professionals recommend choosing the best irrigation option, since not all varieties are water-loving. Eggplant growing in a greenhouse also has certain soil requirements.

Tip. If anything was grown on it, it is recommended to fertilize the soil or not to touch it for several years.

  • If there is vegetation on the soil in the form of weeds or any other grass, then you don’t need to get rid of it, because in some cases the varieties are not able to qualitatively develop their root system “in the neighborhood” with the root system of the grass and the seedlings begin to die. and moisten the soil in the greenhouse. After such work, transplanting the seedlings is carried out only after 3-4 days. The design of the greenhouse for growing eggplant needs to be heated only if the greenhouse is used throughout the year. And so, planting seedlings begins in early spring, when the sun's rays can freely warm up the structure.

At the same time, no burns are applied to the leaves of the culture. If the seedlings sit in early spring, when the daylight is not as long as in summer, then it is necessary to make lighting from fluorescent lamps inside the greenhouse. They will artificially prolong daylight hours, and seedlings will develop normally.

Eggplant diseases in the greenhouse

How to protect eggplant from the disease Even if the gardener carefully and carefully cares for the seedlings, various eggplant diseases in the greenhouse can still appear. To a greater extent, it depends on the variety itself. So:

  • With too frequent watering and very high humidity inside the design of the greenhouse, eggplant can start a disease such as gray rot. It immediately appears a dark gray spot and eventually turns into a light gray color. You can also notice dryness at the site of the disease. It develops with sharp temperature jumps, which are possible only in early spring or late autumn.

Tip. For this period of time, gardeners recommend equipping a greenhouse with regular heating. Why do eggplants turn yellow in the greenhouse:

  • This may be one of the manifestations of a disease such as internal necrosis. Initially, a brown spot appears on the surface of the fetus, which eventually becomes yellow in color. This type of disease is considered viral and if it is not neutralized in time, the yield of the seedling bush will be quite low.

Tip. There are many ways to get rid of such a disease. There are special tools that process all seedling bushes.

But and if spots are detected in a timely manner, then you can simply remove the virus-bearing bush from the greenhouse.

  • Late blight is currently the most common variant of the disease of eggplant seedlings. It can appear from excess moisture inside the structure and rather sharp temperature jumps. Dark brown spots, which gradually darken and completely affect the fruits and root system, appear. It will be impossible to save the variety from such an illness.

Tip. For this reason, it is worth regularly maintaining a constant temperature regime inside the greenhouse and performing ventilation for normal circulation of air masses.

  • There is another disease that primarily affects the leaves of seedlings - a mosaic of leaves. According to the name of the disease, you can already visually imagine how light spots appear on the surface of the leaves. The fruits in this case become very hard on the bush. The main source of the disease is the illumination inside the greenhouse, which is in small quantities and low temperature.

Tip. How to grow eggplant in a greenhouse, so as not to meet with such diseases that could adversely affect the yield of the variety? Everything is very simple.

It is necessary to create favorable conditions inside the greenhouse or greenhouse and listen to the advice of professionals.

We plant seedlings of eggplant

How to grow eggplant in a greenhouse? It all starts with planting seeds and growing seedlings. To do this, you will need:

  • Cut plastic bottles with a volume of 8 cm or peat cups, which are designed specifically for such purposes. The soil is cleaned and mixed with sawdust. This allows the soil to constantly be fluffed up and freely take in moisture and air, which are so necessary for the normal development of the root system of seedlings. Water and a wooden stick for making holes in the center of a glass or plastic bottle.

Tip. Seeds before planting are best neutralized with a potassium permanganate solution and soak in plain warm water for a day.

  • Using a stick, holes are made in the container and seeds are placed in them. from above they are crushed by soil and watered. How to grow eggplant in a greenhouse? As soon as one leaf comes to seedlings, it will be necessary to fertilize the soil with organic means. The last stage of feeding is carried out before planting seedlings in a few days.

Tip. Before planting, it is not worth watering the eggplant seedlings, since the soil in the greenhouse is also moistened and thus there may be an excess of moisture, which is harmful to the root system of the eggplant.

Transplanting seedlings into the soil of the greenhouse

Some plant seedlings in the ground along with peat cups. This cannot be done, since we grow eggplants in a greenhouse only in free ground, which allows the root system to develop. So:

  • With the help of a shovel and chopper, rows and holes are made in the greenhouse. Seedlings will be planted in them.
  • Instructions for such work do not exist. For this reason, it is worth adhering to the recommendations of experienced gardeners. When will you need to do seedlings top dressing? It is done only when the seedlings have taken root in the ground. This will be evidenced by a new leaf on the trunk or its tie.

To make it clear how to grow eggplant in a greenhouse, you can watch a video with the recommendations of professionals.

It should be noted that even experienced gardeners are not easy to get a marketable harvest of purple handsome men. Being a culture susceptible to various diseases, not to mention pests, and quite demanding in terms of temperature and fertilizers, eggplant is a kind of exam for a gardener. However, having patience and observing all our recommendations, you will very soon be able to pamper your own "little blue" of your own "production".

Preparing the soil for planting ^

Planning the landing of the capricious nightshade needs ahead of time, back in the fall. To do this, clean the greenhouse beds by removing dry stems, weeds and other plant debris from them. Then you must carefully spill the soil with clean water - at least two times.

It is impossible to ignore this important operation, because the surplus of fertilizers remaining on the surface will "go" to the ground. We will prepare the greenhouse soil for planting eggplants - we dig the beds and remove the remnants of previously fruiting plants. The next stage is the disinfection of the soil, which will help to destroy the pathogens that are in it. To disinfect greenhouse soil, you can use one of the following three methods:

  • Thermal (thermal)

It consists in treating the surface layer of the earth with hot steam or pouring it with boiling water. A small amount of earth (for example, for seedlings) can be heated in an outdoor stove on a metal sheet. It is important not to overdo it: at t over 100 gr. Celsius, along with harmful ones, can also kill beneficial soil bacteria;

  • Biological

It is very effective, but it requires significant time and labor costs. Over the past few years, the “worked out” layer of earth (about 25 cm) is removed with a shovel. They are stored in a stacked way (height - 1 m, width - 2.5-3 m), regularly interbedding with slurry. Acidic soils can be produced "fluff" - 4 kg per 1 cubic meter of land. The resulting stacks, ripening within 2-3 years, should be shoveled at least once every six months and remove seedlings of weeds;

  • Chemical

As disinfectants, bleach is mainly used in dry form (100 g per 1 m - with a soil layer of 20 cm), closing it with a rake. Along with lime, formalin is widely used, effective, in particular, against the "black leg" of greenhouse eggplant.

To process 1 square meter of soil, prepare a solution of 250 ml of the prepared 40% preparation and 10 l of tap water. The treated soil must be covered with a film for a day. After the drying, the prepared and disinfected soil is dug up or harrowed. In spring, only loam will need to be dug; for other types of soil, thorough loosening is enough. Eggplants (or blue ones) come in different shapes and colors.

Fertilizing ^

I must say that all vegetable growers who have ever grown eggplant in a greenhouse note their responsiveness to simple organic fertilizers. And it’s not so important what exactly you will bring to the soil: manure or compost humus - “blue” will accept everything with gratitude, giving you an excellent harvest. So, if you settled on organic matter, take about 2/3 buckets of completely rotted manure.

For the same purpose, you can use the rotten contents of the compost heap. The taken amount of humus must be repaired in the area of \u200b\u200bgreenhouse soil in 1 square. m. As for the depth, fertilizer should be applied at the level of the so-called “arable layer” (ie closer to the roots of future plants).

When decaying, manure will enrich and improve the structure of greenhouse soil, make it “warm” and loose, while reducing soil acidity. Eggplants are very responsive to organic fertilizers. Many gardeners, believing that “you can’t spoil the porridge with oil,” also bring ash to the humus. And here they are mistaken, because as a result of the operation, the nitrogen necessary for the plants is completely volatilized. Therefore, wood ash (1 glass per square meter of greenhouse soil) is best used as an independent mineral fertilizer.

We plant seedlings ^

It's time to talk directly about how to grow eggplant in a greenhouse. The varietal variety of seedlings of eggplant today is so great that poor summer residents literally go around: here you have an early ripe "pot-bellied" Vikar, and a "lanky" Arap and even an unusually white Iceberg.

But finally, the choice has been made, and precious sprouts are waiting in the corner of your greenhouse. You need to take out the eggplant seedlings from the pots very carefully so as not to damage the delicate roots of the plant. After leveling the beds, we begin to dig planting holes, the depth of which should not be more than 15-20 see. Before planting, about 2 liters of water stained with manganese should be poured into each “hole”.

It is not necessary to deeply plant the seedlings in the ground - it is enough to increase the soil level (compared to the "native" pot) by only 1 cm. Take out the plant carefully so as not to damage the roots that are still weak.

If the eggplant grew in a peat pot, you do not need to take it out - plant it with it, then carefully compact the soil and pour a little warm water again. The plan for planting seedlings should be as follows: row spacing - 60 cm and at least 30 cm between the bushes. Thus, on 1 sq.m. greenhouse beds should be no more than 6 eggplants. Otherwise, the planting density will not allow to wait for a good harvest. Do not plant the eggplant too closely, the distance between the individual bushes should be at least 30 cm

Bush formation ^

When young plants reach a height of 25 cm, it is necessary to pinch (i.e. remove) the upper part of the main stem. After this manipulation, the lateral shoots will begin to grow intensively.

Of these, you need to leave 5-6 (no more) of the strongest, and also pinch the rest - in the future this will help to get a compact and strong bush. Further, the eggplant will need to be observed, periodically removing non-fruiting shoots, deformed fruits and yellowed leaves. For greater stability, the plant is attached to the greenhouse supports using strips of woven material. Tall hybrids require support and garter. Since the eggplant transplant is a lot of stress, “move away” from he will be for quite some time.

In some cases, plants adapt up to 20 days. During this period, in no case do not open the greenhouse: provide seedlings with peace and sufficient shading.

We create eggplant tropical conditions ^

Eggplants are extremely heat-loving: at a temperature of +15 ° C they stop growing and developing, at +13 ° C they begin to turn yellow and wilt, and they do not tolerate frost at all - they are already irrevocably destroyed by zero temperature. At the same time, when in summer heat indicators of greenhouse thermometers go off scale at 35-40 degrees, dusting and fruit setting can completely stop. When ventilating the greenhouse, open the window leaves on one side only - this way you can avoid drafts Optimal if the temperature inside the greenhouse does not exceed 26-28 degrees.

To do this, in the heat, you need to ventilate the greenhouse more often, opening doors or transoms on only one side (so you can avoid drafts). If the day is unbearably hot, in addition to airing you can spill steep paths abundantly with water. At night, in all weather conditions, the door of the greenhouse is closed.

Water and feed the eggplants in the greenhouse ^

"Little Blue" are big "lovers" of nitrogen. The first top dressing (3 tbsp. "Azofoski" per 10-liter bucket of water; consumption per 1 plant - 0.5 l) is usually carried out a couple of weeks after the bush is planted in a permanent place of "residence".

Growing eggplant in greenhouses

When the fruits are tied, it’s good to feed the eggplant with infusion of mullein (1:10) or mash based on weeds and yeast (1: 5). In industrial greenhouses, eggplants are grown in separate containers, using balanced nutrition. If you regularly have no desire or opportunity to feed, you can once, during transplanting, pour one third of a teaspoon of complex fertilizer AVA into each well. After that, once every 10 days, water the eggplants with the infusion of fermented herbs (a liter per bucket of water) - this will be enough for the plants. During the period of mass formation of fruits, you can "help" the bushes with extra root micronutrients, and for better pollination, spray with the preparation "Zavyaz" or " Bud. ”Overuse of organics can provoke a rapid increase in the green mass of eggplant (shoots and leaves), to the detriment of flowering and subsequent fruiting.

If this has already happened, immediately switch to potash top dressing. As for watering, it should be regular and, so to speak, moderately plentiful. This means that it is necessary to make every effort to ensure that the soil is always moistened with relatively low humidity.

This can be achieved by watering the aubergines strictly in the morning, mulching the soil with straw (agrofibre, old newspapers, fallen needles) and ventilating the greenhouse. For the first time “water” the seedlings 5 \u200b\u200bdays after planting in the ground: water until the soil is 15 times wet with water -20 cm. Try to pour under the root so that moisture does not soak the leaves.

After 12 hours, be sure to loosen to a depth of 3 cm so that an earth crust does not form. Remember that high humidity threatens eggplant with fungal diseases, and insufficient watering will result in small and tasteless fruits. Remove the purple "barrels" in the phase of full technical maturity when they are not they will only gain a dense color, but they will also achieve the size and shape set for a particular variety. The pulp of ripe eggplant is juicy and elastic, the seeds are soft (easily cut with a knife).

Each subsequent harvest is carried out with an interval of a week, cutting off the ripened fruits together with the peduncle with a sharp secateurs. The collected fruits do not lie for a long time, therefore, until they have lost their commercial qualities, they are sorted and processed. For good care, the eggplant will certainly thank you with a high harvest. Along with the culinary, the eggplant has a reasonable therapeutic and preventive value.

The regular use of these tasty and healthy fruits can reduce blood cholesterol, remove excess uric acid salts from the body and improve metabolic processes. Due to its low calorie content, eggplant can be safely recommended for obese people.

Eggplant is a difficult crop to grow. It is demanding on air temperature and soil fertility, while not tolerating excessive moisture and shading. For this reason, gardeners often do not understand why eggplants are not tied in the greenhouse and what to do about it.

Moody nightshade plant

In a greenhouse, you can grow eggplant from seeds, because this culture is thermophilic. The main pest of the plant during flowering is air humidity.

Nowadays, many varieties of plants are known that have lilac, white, striped and greenish shades of fruit, but they are still called “blue” by the people.

1. Seeds will germinate and begin to develop within 2 months. For this, it is necessary that the soil and air are sufficiently warmed up. If the temperature is less than + 15C, then the seeds most likely will not germinate. The ideal temperature for seedlings and sprouted plants is 25-28C.

2. Culture does not tolerate temperature changes. For this reason, seedlings are best grown at home with a favorable temperature and other necessary conditions. If during the laying of fruits the temperature changes dramatically, then the flowers and ovaries crumble.

   Soil for culture is also important. You need to choose light soils, but sufficiently fertilized

3. Soil for culture is also important. You need to choose light soils, but sufficiently fertilized. In case of nitrogen deficiency, eggplant blooms, but does not set in a greenhouse. As a result, the soil must be prepared in advance. There are special soil mixtures for planting eggplants, for example, turf land with humus (in a ratio of 1 to 2) or humus with peat. In the beds, you can also lay soddy ground, as well as the ground in which bird cherry grew, along with humus. Still add complex fertilizers.

4. The soil must be well warmed up before disembarkation. For these purposes, you can use biofuels (rotted manure, compost) in trenches that are prepared in the fall.
  Gardeners recommend shaking branches with flowers in the morning to move pollen to other flowers.

   Humidity damages plants during their flowering period.

If the predecessors for planting eggplant were other nightshade or pepper, then the culture will grow poorly and hurt. An ideal place is considered where onions, cabbage or cucumbers grew. Landing of blue ones in the same place is allowed after 3 years.

The soil before planting should be well moistened and nourished with air. It is also important to loosen it regularly.
  Another reason for the lack of an ovary on the culture is poor-quality seedlings.

Why eggplant blooms but does not tie

1. Planting seedlings in a greenhouse that is not heated is necessary at a temperature of at least 18C. If the temperature is lower, then the plant will not ovate during flowering.

   Planting seedlings in a greenhouse that is not heated is necessary at a temperature of at least 18C. If the temperature is lower, then the plant will not ovate during flowering

2. The culture grows well in moist soil, but moist air does not like.

3. If the air is moist during the flowering period, then this can do the most harm. The plant is self-pollinating, but as a result of large and heavy pollen in a humid environment, it is difficult for them to get on the flower pestle. This can lead to the fact that the flowering does not form an ovary, in other words, there will be empty flowers. In a greenhouse, it is most often humid, for this reason it needs to be aired, at least for the flowering period.

4. On the advice of experienced growers, shake branches with flowers in the morning. Thanks to this, pollen moves from one flower to another.

5. Also, the ovary may be absent as a result of a temperature jump in the direction of increase. At temperatures above 35 ° C, the plant sheds flowers and ovary, even if it has formed.

6. You need to make sure that the Colorado potato beetle and aphids do not enter the greenhouse. After all, these insects can harm the flowers, therefore, the ovary of the fruit is not formed. Chemicals are not suitable for fighting in greenhouse conditions, because the plants will absorb all the chemistry. And even destroying all pests, you will harm your health. To control pests that have entered the greenhouse, only manual methods are suitable.

Video: why eggplants are not tied in the greenhouse

Another reason that the culture does not start is poor quality seedlings. Therefore, it is recommended that you select proven planting material to get a good harvest. It is also important to listen to the advice of experienced gardeners about choosing seedlings and the right planting conditions.


Eggplant - delicious and healthy vegetables. In the supermarket they are always on sale, but what distinguishes an avid gardener from a simple buyer is the desire to grow a vegetable on his site. Greenhouse eggplant can please a luxurious crop, but if you do not follow the rules, disappointment can not be avoided.

We solve the problem of lack of ovaries, depending on the reason

Eggplant - capricious culture, loving warmth and light. Therefore, in cool areas, such as the North-West region or the Non-Chernozem zone of Russia, picky vegetables are best grown in greenhouses. Growing eggplant requires patience and care from the gardener. And what a shame it happens when you try to comply with all the rules of agricultural technology, but there is no harvest.

A real gardener will prefer to grow an eggplant crop on his own

Very often in greenhouses there is such a problem - the culture blooms very abundantly, but the fruits are not tied. What hinders the process of crop formation?

  1. The temperature in the greenhouse during transplanting. It is necessary to plant eggplant seedlings in a protected ground when the temperature in it is at least 16 ° C. In a heated greenhouse - no problem. But in an unheated room, complexity can arise due to jumps in daytime and nighttime temperatures. Therefore, seedlings should be planted in such a greenhouse at the end of May, when the threat of return frosts is completely over.
  2. Temperature during flowering and ovary formation. In order for the culture to be able to tie fruit safely, a comfortable temperature is needed - 25 - 28 ° С. If there is an increase in these indicators, pollen decreases viability. At 35 ° C, it completely becomes sterile, and the plant can discard the formed ovaries. With a sharp drop in the thermometer to 8 ° C, a good harvest can also be forgotten.

    In order for the eggplant to bloom normally and form an ovary, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime

  3. Watering. Eggplant - a culture that loves plentiful, watering. But overflows and overdrying of the soil lead to shedding of flowers. When moisturizing, use only warm water - about 25 ° C. The plant is shocked by cold moisture, which can cause the ovaries to fall.

    To heat the water for watering the eggplant, just put the bucket in a sunny place

  4. Humidity. Increased environmental humidity (above 80%) adversely affects yield. Therefore, during watering, try to ensure that moisture does not get on the leaves and flowers of eggplant.
  5. Top dressing. There is no way to do without fertilizer when growing eggplant. But an excess of nitrogen during the growth of seedlings will lead to an excessive build-up of green mass to the detriment of fruiting.
  6. Neighborhood. Many sources advise growing eggplants in a separate greenhouse. But not everyone can afford it. Therefore, try to observe crop rotation. Do not plant them after solanaceous, tobacco and physalis. Cucumbers, beans and cabbage will be good predecessors.An excellent neighbor to eggplant is bell pepper.

    Eggplant and pepper in the same greenhouse - great neighborhood

  7. Pests. If the eggplant blooms well, the ovaries begin to appear, but then, suddenly, you find that the flowers and the ovary have crumbled, check the bushes for the presence of the Colorado potato beetle. This pest loves to nibble the peduncle.

The nuances with which you can increase the formation of ovaries in the greenhouse

In addition to following the rules listed above, there are some more nuances, compliance with which will help to get a good harvest.

  • variety selection - for greenhouse cultivation, try to choose only hybrid varieties of early and medium ripening;

    From a variety of eggplant varieties, choose those suitable for greenhouses

  • before planting, be sure to check the seeds for germination and process them;
  • prepare the soil - the eggplant will not grow on acidic, heavy and infertile soils. Therefore, before landing, you need to carry out preparatory work:
    • reduce acidity;
    • increase looseness by making coarse sand or peat for digging;
    • increase nutrition by adding balanced fertilizers to the soil, including nitrogen, boron, potassium, phosphorus, iron and manganese;
  • plant strong and seasoned seedlings - weak plants usually drop flowers and ovaries. If this happens, you can increase the immunity of eggplant by treating the bush with a solution of Epin Extra or Novosil;
  • increase the level of flowering and fruit setting by spraying with one of the stimulators of fruit formation - Ovary or Bud;

    To increase fruit production, you can treat eggplant with a special drug

  • to reduce the temperature in the greenhouse and bring the humidity level back to normal, it is necessary to carry out ventilation. But make sure that the eggplant is not in a draft;
  • despite the fact that eggplant is a self-pollinated plant, in the greenhouse you can observe poor fruit setting due to the lack of normal movement of air masses. To help the plant, conduct artificial pollination - to do this, slightly shake the flowering branches, then the pollen can move from one flower to another. You can also use a soft brush to transfer pollen;

    Eggplant flower bisexual, i.e. self-pollinating

  • lighting is another factor affecting fruiting. In a dense shade, the plant blooms late, while the fruits may not even start. Eggplant is a short daylight plant; for a normal level of ovary formation, it takes 10 to 12 hours a day.

For a capricious eggplant to bloom and bear fruit for a long time, create comfortable conditions for it. In closed ground it is easy to do. But if a problem arose, carefully analyze the situation and eliminate the adverse factors.

In horticulture, it often happens that during flowering, a crop such as eggplant simply does not set. Meanwhile, plants before that could perfectly develop and grow. But to the factors that could lead to the emergence of this problem, many different reasons can be added. And they are mostly confined to illiterate care of a vegetable crop. This often happens when growing plants in a greenhouse.

Reasons for the lack of ovaries

Eggplant is considered a rather whimsical crop, which is why the plant should be provided with all the necessary conditions for growth and development, while adverse conditions should also be eliminated.

There can be many reasons why there are no ovaries in eggplant.

  • The landing site is not selected correctly. When plants are planted close to each other, a shadow is created, and this is considered a direct threat, since the shadow can adversely affect the formation of ovaries. Therefore, planting cannot be carried out near trees or tall crops.
  • The temperature conditions are not suitable. For excellent growth, the optimum temperature is considered to be 25 ° -27 ° C. Development stops at 15 ° -18 ° C. At a set point of 32 ° C and above, the eggplant fruits simply will not form. The temperature drop will also negatively affect the formation of ovaries.
  • The soil is not suitable for culture. To obtain a rich harvest, planting on fertile and drained land should be carried out, the pH level of the soil should be neutral. The podzolic type of soil and clay with a high level of acidity and high density are considered unacceptable - all this simply will not allow the earth to warm up. It is in such conditions that the eggplant fruits will not tie well.
  • Watering is carried out incorrectly. Moistened soil contributes to the formation and further formation of flowers, and this will accordingly affect fruiting. Watering needs to be done infrequently, but watering should be plentiful. It is necessary to moisten the soil to a depth of 50 cm. Frequent watering can lead to a decline in the formation of ovaries, as well as to their further decline.

  • Excessive fertilizer exposure. During feeding for eggplant, you need to carefully monitor the amount of added nutrients. Since a supersaturation with nitrogen will lead to a strong buildup of green mass in plants, this will only negatively affect the formation and further formation of the ovaries. There will be very few colors in this case. And those that have already appeared will begin to dry out over time, and then completely disappear. For this reason, nutrients that contain nitrogen are recommended to be added only in the required dosages.
  • Excess pollen. Eggplant bushes are mostly self-pollinated. And for growing vegetables in a greenhouse, this is considered quite convenient. And yet, it happens when pollen simply cannot be transported to the inflorescences of bushes growing nearby. The cause may be too much pollen or too much moisture. When accumulating over time, pollen becomes heavier, begins to stick together. Thus, the pollination procedure is violated, then the ovaries do not form.

Too darkened area. Sometimes eggplants may not form ovaries for a fairly simple reason - the beds are located in a dark area. Therefore, if trees grow near the planted crop, you will have to cut the crown for them so that sunlight can be seen through it. And yet it is better to immediately select the right site for landing.

It is always possible to prevent incorrect or poor education and fruit formation, the main thing is to adhere to existing rules.

  • Seedlings need to be planted in a lighted area.
  • Perform soil analysis. In a greenhouse, the ground is specially prepared before planting crops, that is, they add turf land with humus.
  • It is necessary to form bushes correctly, that is, to completely remove incorrectly formed ovaries with leaflets that impede flowers from receiving sunlight. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Many leaves cannot be removed. Since it is possible to disrupt the entire development process of a plant. In time, sick yellowed leaves should be removed. During the formation of the fetus, the remaining corollas of the flower must be removed, because if this is not done, it will begin to rot. And this can lead to spoilage and subsequent decay of the fetus itself.
  • Aerate the greenhouse more often. You should always monitor the temperature inside. To lower the temperature, you can raise several frames. If the temperature is set too low at night, the seedlings must be covered with protective material. In addition, you can use ordinary hay. In order for the soil to warm up before planting, for example, in the autumn, pre-dug trenches are filled with slightly rotted manure, sometimes compost is used instead of manure.
  • The soil needs to be moistened correctly. Watering is necessary once every 7-10 days, while about one liter square meter of the site takes about 40 liters of water. In addition, the earth must be saturated with oxygen, for this it is necessary to regularly loosen it.
  • To prevent pollen from drying out, you need to shake it from the flowers from time to time. Similarly, you can even increase pollination. With varieties that require pollinators, the procedure is carried out artificially. Here you can use a brush to take pollen from a yellow ripe anther, and then transfer it to the stigmas of flower pistils.

Fertilize the culture according to a special scheme. The first top dressing should be done several weeks later immediately after the planting of the seedlings. The next feeding should be done before the formation of eggplant fruits, it is better to use a complex of drugs. The final dressing should be done during fruiting, it is better to use the potash type of fertilizer with phosphorus.

Reasons for falling buds

The most common unpleasant problem is falling buds on eggplant bushes before they bloom.

The reasons for this, by the way, are the most common:

  • sharp temperature difference;
  • drying out of the soil;
  • insufficient amount of trace elements.

For starters, you must follow the agricultural technology of the culture itself, the soil should be appropriate, as well as fertilizers. Planting should be done in seedlings, monitor the temperature regime, properly water, take care of plants.

If the climatic conditions for the cultivation of eggplant are too cold, and the summer season is short and short, then it is better to choose a precocious variety and plant it in a greenhouse.

In addition to good lighting and regular watering, weeds should be monitored on the beds, they should not be, and if they appear, you need to immediately eliminate them. If you follow all the recommendations, the ovaries, inflorescences and leaves do not fall and remain in their places, and the eggplant will bring an excellent harvest. Fertilizers should not be forgotten, since no cultivated plant can independently produce mineral compounds in sufficient quantities to ensure full fruiting, flowering, or growth.

The secrets of a good eggplant crop can be found in the video below.

Eggplant is considered a southern thermophilic plant. This vegetable is quite capricious to the growing conditions, and if you do not provide it with optimal care, then because of this, fruits may simply not appear on it. What are the main causes of such an unpleasant phenomenon, and how to deal with them?

Sprinkling eggplant

If the plant is grown in greenhouse soil, then falling ovaries and lack of fruit is a common problem. This should be dealt with by spraying with special drugs. An excellent effect is exerted by such means as Gibbersib, Ovary and Bud. These preparations contain the substance gibberellin, which is very important during the flowering period of eggplant. Eggplant usually produces the substance on its own, as gibberelin stimulates fruit set. However, in the absence of ideal conditions, the substance is released in a limited amount, which contributes to the fall of the ovaries.

Carrying out the procedure of spraying with useful drugs, you can trick the plant and stimulate it to build ovaries. There is also a folk remedy for dealing with such a problem - cauterization of a recently appeared pestle with a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

Excess nitrogen

Sometimes you can observe that the newly emerged eggplant flowers dry up and fall off. This can be seen both in open and in greenhouse soil. If the soil contains a high concentration of nitrogen, then the plant will dump flowers and buds. In this case, a little phosphorus and potassium should be introduced into the soil, it is also possible to fertilize the bed with ash, which will help plants cope with an excess of nitrogen.

Large amount of pollen

Eggplants are plants that bear fruit from selfing. Moreover, their pollen is so heavy that it can only be transported to a distance of one meter. Therefore, to form a normal number of ovaries, plants should be shaken in the morning. Of course, this must be done very carefully.

It should be borne in mind that even with manual pollination, eggplants can also lose a significant part of their ovaries. This is due to hot or cold temperatures, as the plants are very demanding on weather conditions. The optimum temperature for growing eggplants is from 25 ° C to 35 ° C. Protracted rainy weather can also negatively affect the condition of the plants. To avoid this, it is better to grow a crop in a greenhouse. It is possible to reduce the negative effects of the temperature regime by treatment with Novosil and Immunodeficiency drugs.

Wrong watering

A common mistake gardeners make is to water the eggplants on the same principle as peppers. It is not right. Eggplant need rare but plentiful watering. The earth should be moistened at a distance of 40-50 cm. Too frequent watering of the soil can cause a decrease in the number of ovaries, their fall and lack of fruit. To bring the plant to normal, it is necessary to establish a watering procedure.

Shaded area

Sometimes eggplants may not form ovaries due to their location in a dark area. If trees grow nearby, then you need to at least cut their crown to a minimum so that it looks openwork and light shines through it. But it is better to initially choose a lighted area for planting eggplant.

A similar situation can occur with thickened plantings. Eggplants grow and take each other the necessary amount of light. Correct the situation will help the formation of landings using a pruner. It is better to leave fewer plants that will bear fruit later than to regret planting and leave them in unsuitable conditions.

When trimming crops, you can’t pinch them and crop parts with flowers. Only barren ovaries are removed. Only in the autumn period, when the last formation procedure is carried out a month before the cold weather, can parts of the plant with flowers be cut off. However, the ovaries should be cut so that about 6-7 ovaries remain on them, which can still bear fruit.

Eggplant Feeding

Eggplants respond very well to top dressing. A few weeks after planting, it is recommended to carry out the first feeding, during this period the seedlings have already taken root and perfectly absorb nutrients. Shortly before the formation of fruits, you can fertilize plants with complex mineral dressings with a rich content of trace elements in a ratio of 1-2 tbsp. spoons on a bucket of water. When the eggplant begins to bear fruit, you need to fertilize using phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers.