Country ideas: new life for old barrels! What can be done from an old wooden barrel with your own hands (44 photos) Decorative design of barrels in the country.

You always want to decorate your garden or summer cottage in such a way that you yourself will be pleasant and you can surprise your neighbors! How do you think barrels can be used in the country?

Of course, the first thing that comes back is:

- collect rainwater. This is of course very important !! Water given to us, how can we not use it in a good way. Well, of course, the barrel must be decorated so that you can admire it!

You can make a summer house for a faithful watchman.

A house for children who love to play mothers and daughters. Such a cozy house, with windows and curtains, and decorate it with a beautiful pattern.

For relaxing in the garden, it is really possible to make such waterproof garden furniture. There are many design options for such furniture, I suggest options that I found on the Internet.

For collecting green mass from a summer cottage for the formation of organic fertilizer.

Planting vegetables is also a good option! Tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, strawberries are great options for growing vegetables and berries in metal barrels that are already unnecessary. And the barrels can be colored too !!

A flower bed is a locomotive, I think that not many people can see such a use of a barrel. And this is good fun for children!

A wonderful cupboard for storing dishes and an option to protect the access of rodents to food!

Outdoor barbecue.

Lamps, if the barrels are not standard, but smaller. Drill holes with a drill according to a pattern you have invented, apply paint, install electrical equipment and the whole summer cottage will glow in the evening!

Small pond for a summer residence.

- bathing tank!

So you got acquainted with the proposed options and learned what can be made from barrels in the country.

And how to decorate barrels used for watering, see the article.

Everyone wants to have a beautiful summer cottage with well-groomed flower beds and beds, without conspicuous, dirty back streets and rusty, unsightly barrels for water. For those who spend a lot of time and energy on arranging and decorating a garden and a summer cottage, it is important that even plastic or metal barrels for water have an attractive appearance.

Funny pictures on water tanks

Old water tanks, as a rule, look sloppy and dull, which in the midst of a sunny summer can ruin not only the interior of the summer cottage, but also the mood. Those who love to be creative and are not indifferent to their summer cottage can solve a similar problem in this way: present the process of painting a water barrel as a kind of recreation. In this case, your favorite activity will help you relax your soul, and the result of your work will delight the eye for a long time.

It should be noted that it is better to take metal barrels for painting, plastic tanks can also be painted, but after the work they do not look so impressive. A plastic barrel is much easier to work with, though. In order to get started, it only needs to be washed and dried.

In addition to acquiring a bright appearance after staining, an old iron barrel, in addition, can be saved from corrosion. Since the days when people began to actively use metal objects, they have not yet come up with a better way to protect it from rust than painting.

There are a huge number of pictures that can be applied to the outer edges of the tank, in principle, as well as the methods for applying them to the barrel. Some summer residents who have small children, for the most part, put fragments of their favorite children's cartoons and cartoon characters on barrels, others like funny faces that can give a certain character to an inanimate object, others prefer floral prints.

Related article: Siding block house: acrylic, vinyl, metal

It is one thing to have a general theoretical understanding of the painting of water tanks, it is another thing to apply knowledge in practice. After all, not everyone will be able to master the technique of drawing "pictures on a barrel". It is good if a person has artistic ability, and has at least a small idea of ​​art. Otherwise, you will have to use a stencil for drawing a pattern on the barrel. This may not be so bad, but also not as original as hand painting.

How to paint a water barrel

Before painting the water barrel, it must be cleaned of debris, dirt and dust accumulated on the walls. Then, using any solvent, degrease its surface. This will help the paint to lay down evenly. Now you can start painting directly. The first coat of acrylic paint should cover the entire surface of the tank. After applying a layer of paint, the barrel must be well dried and the layer of acrylic paint must be fixed with transparent varnish. In this case, the rain will not be able to wash away the drawing. After the barrel dries out again, the main drawing is applied to the resulting background. To definitely like the result of the work, it is better to first make a sketch of the drawing on paper, and then transfer it to the barrel. When the tank is completely ready, it must again be covered with a layer of varnish.

The resulting funny pictures will decorate the garden, this area, attract attention and cheer up. In addition, the drawings do not require special care. Nicely painted barrels look good at any time of the year. Painting on tanks looks especially impressive in late autumn or winter. When funny colored faces and drawings peep out from under fallen leaves or snow.

Metal drums are often left on site after construction and repair work is completed. For some, it's just garbage or a simple container for water. And for craftsmen and people with imagination, a metal barrel is an excellent material for creating useful and beautiful things that will be useful in the household.

The simplest option is a flowerbed in a painted barrel. You don't need to make much effort, but in the end it will turn out very beautifully.

Which of the children can resist such a real little train, where the barrels received steering wheels, seats and were put on wheels? The question is rhetorical, most likely you will have to roll all the neighbour's children, because your own ones will definitely boast of the creation of your dad.

A metal barrel can be a large storage facility. If this option of a chest of drawers seems too brutal for you at home, why not adapt the barrel for storing all kinds of tools in the garage.

A nest for layers in a barrel is also a good option for those who breed poultry. Just don't forget the bedding.

Furniture made from old metal barrels is a separate topic. What is not made of these objects - armchairs, garden benches, coffee tables, even sofas and bar stools.

A convenient and durable option for creating a sink stand in the country or in a summer kitchen. If it is not possible to connect the water supply and drain, you can always adapt a metal barrel as a base for a washstand.

As you can see, metal barrels are an excellent material for creating a variety of functional items. We hope that our selection of photos will inspire you to create something like this, and perhaps you will be able to do even something more creative!

A dacha is not only a place for labor service, it is a way of life! And if we talk about summer cottages, then in the invention of creating an appropriate entourage and decorating their possessions, our summer resident has no equal. Today we are happy to share with you interesting country ideas on the arrangement of the house and garden, and in this we will be helped by outdated wooden old barrels .

Country ideas: crafts from old barrels

I must say that in the dacha economy there are no absolutely unnecessary or unclaimed things. Greenhouses made of plastic bottles - please! Flowerbeds and flowerpots made of old car tires are just a sight for sore eyes! Lamps for giving from tin and glass jars? Yes, nothing could be easier! In addition, the reuse of old or worn-out household items saves our landfills from unnecessary garbage. And our country interiors and cozy corners of the garden are replenished with new and original crafts, the price of which is creative inspiration and our skillful hands!

Old wooden barrels, it would seem, well, what are they good for? While you are pondering their fate, we will start, perhaps, with the simplest thing - creating flower beds. Several wooden tubs can be organized from one single barrel using a hacksaw. Moreover, you can saw the old barrel, both along and across.

We cut the resulting tub in half - and here are two additional containers for planting flowers. They can be placed close to a stone curb or wall of a house, filled with soil and sown with bright, fragrant annuals. And, having cut a small barrel stepwise and made fences from boards, you will get a multi-tiered flower bed that will decorate the entrance to the terrace.

With the help of old barrels, you can create fabulous compositions in the form of picturesque islands on the lawn, and small barrels can be used as pots for ampelous plants. The combination of delicate openwork vegetation, old wood and iron hoops, wasted by time and rust, looks almost conceptual: life goes on.

From an inexhaustible floral theme, we smoothly move on to water treatments. Old barrels, sawn in half, are an excellent solution for organizing suburban mini-reservoirs. And those who prefer the sight and sounds of flowing water will surely like country ideas for decorating a pond using wooden barrels.

Or maybe you like a cascading waterfall or a vintage washbasin made from a large oak barrel? Nothing is impossible for true handyman of all trades!

Continuing the "wet" theme in the suburban interior, what can you say, for example, about the plumbing "bells and whistles" in the barrel decor? No unnecessary pipes, original, hygienic, and most importantly, your country bathroom is in a fashionable and current eco-style.

Garden furniture for summer cottages and houses continues our hit parade of crafts from old barrels. Here, as they say, options are possible, and there are an incredible number of them.

Ottomans and armchairs, bedside and coffee tables, bar stools and tables made of solid wooden barrels and their halves.

With a certain skill and ability to handle carpentry tools, all these old-new things can easily settle in the interior of your country house and in the adjacent territory.

If you are not fond of solid shapes, old barrels can be freed from their hoops and used bent wood planks to make garden benches, armchairs, sun loungers, and folding portable chairs. The latest model, by the way, is especially convenient in transportation - I threw it into the trunk of a car, and at least for fishing, at least for a picnic.

The same wooden curved ribs of the old barrel can be used to make a light garden swing and an incredibly comfortable hammock. Do not forget to sand and grind the boards well before that, and enjoy your summer vacation!

Fans of gathering outside the city with a large and noisy company will surely like the country ideas of mini-bars, solid barbecues and ice containers for cooling strong drinks.

The front wall of the barrel is cut to the size of the door with an electric jigsaw, hung on the hinges and, voila, the original bar table is ready to receive guests. All that remains is to equip it with shelves, partitions, glass holders and make sure that your minibar is not empty.

The kitchen in the country, as in any house, is a favorite and sacred place for every housewife. Such useful household items as comfortable chairs, trays, baskets and dishes for fruits or a hanging structure for various kitchen utensils may not be essential items, but they are the ones that create the mood and coziness in the female kitchen kingdom. And all this can be done from old barrels, or rather from their wooden planks left after the manufacture of furniture.

And finally, a couple of country ideas for transforming old barrels into stylish interior items. Lamps, lampshades and whole chandeliers in medieval style will undoubtedly become an original decoration for the veranda and any room in your country house.

How can you bypass our smaller brothers, lovers of summer cottages and part-time security guards? A booth from an old barrel is a reliable shelter for a serious watchdog, it looks just fabulous and very cozy. Your Mukhtar will be very good!

A booth, but comfort is also important for a pet. A comfortable bed made of the bottom of an old barrel with a soft feather bed will appeal not only to small terriers, but also to large ones. It is immediately obvious who is the boss!

Whitewashing from wooden barrels. Photo

Even old, leaky barrels are transformed in the landscape of our summer residents, becoming unusual flower beds and seats in playgrounds. But even "healthy" barrels, set up specifically for collecting rainwater, do not always fit into the landscape, especially if they are under every cornice and drain. And here summer residents have to make sacrifices: either close their eyes to the unaesthetic "picture", or remove the barrels away, depriving their beds of life-giving moisture. But only the second option does not suit the owners, on whose site there is no central water supply system or well. One thing remains: to decorate the barrels so that they become part of the landscape, and not its "warts".

Before choosing a way to decorate a barrel, you need to think over the general design of the place where the containers are installed. If there are flower beds, then it is worth looking for design options that will be most harmonious surrounded by flowers. If the containers are near a playground or a recreation area, the decor can be completely different: bright, defiant, attracting attention.

Even the most unprepossessing barrel can fit into the landscape by choosing decor in accordance with the style and color scheme of the yard.

Consider which optionThe barrel designs look good in the flower bed area.

Plants decoration

To prevent ugly metal barrels from being conspicuous, the easiest way is to “dissolve” them in the landscape, making them as invisible as possible. You can simply dig the container up to half into the soil, and plant shrubs densely in front of the upper part. They will create a green wall by hiding the old metal. But when digging the container into the ground, it is imperative to wrap the lower part in several layers of film so that moisture from the soil does not accelerate the corrosion of the walls.

Packing in moss

Decorating the barrel with moss can be an original design option. To do this, you need forest moss and twine, well dried in the shade. Starting from the bottom, the moss is applied in layers to the barrel and fixed with twine. One cannot cope with such work, since one person will hold the moss on the wall of the container, and the second will wrap the twine in a circle.

Vine decoration

Most often, decorative fences or baskets are woven from vines and other flexible trees. But in our case, this method can be used to decorate barrels. A container hidden in a willow basket will look spectacular both against the background of flower beds and in a recreation area.

A barrel hidden inside a wicker basket will seem to dissolve into the general landscape, and this decor looks most impressive on areas in a rustic style

Instructions for creating a willow box:

  1. In winter, in January, you need to prepare branches. You can use willow, dogwood and other shrubs growing in your forests. Try to make it before February to avoid weakening the tree with late pruning.
  2. The length of the branches should be enough to braid your barrel (this is about 1.7-2 meters).
  3. For the base of the basket, cut thick and even branches, 2-3 cm in diameter. For 1 barrel, 7-8 pieces are enough. Their height should be 25-30 cm higher than the height of the container (to drive the branches into the ground).
  4. Fold the stock until spring under a canopy or in a cold utility room.
  5. When the soil thaws, you can start creating decor. 2-3 days before, throw all branches (except 8 thick ones) into a container of water so that they are completely submerged. Soaked stems bend well and take the desired shape.
  6. Sharpen the end of the supporting branches with a knife and drive them into the ground in a circle so that the barrel fits freely inside. Those. the diameter of the base of the basket should be 10 cm greater than the diameter of the bottom of the barrel.
  7. The container can already stand inside (if it is bulky), or it is inserted after, when the weaving is finished.
  8. Weaving begins from the back, invisible to the eyes. The ends of the thin branches are nailed to the supporting branches with small carnations.
  9. The essence of weaving: it is necessary to thread each twig between vertically driven branches so that it passes either in front or behind the pegs.
  10. To make the twigs settle more tightly, tap them on top with a wooden mallet.

Camouflage targeting

If the barrel needs to be hidden in the shortest possible time, paint it in a dark green or spotted (camouflage) color. Against the background of plants, such a barrel is almost invisible.

Sometimes it is enough to paint the barrel in shades of green foliage or camouflage - and it will transform into a fashionable element of landscape design.

Spectacular ways of coloring barrels

It happens that the barrels are in a place where there are no green spaces, flower beds, and therefore immediately attract attention. In this case, it is necessary to turn the old container into a spectacular element of the landscape that complements the overall picture.

In the playground area

It is advisable not to put such barrels in the children's area at all, because, filled with water, they pose a danger to curious mischievous people. Without fail, such containers are covered with tight lids that the child cannot rip off. Cut a circular hole in the lid so that rainwater can drain into the barrel when you are away. But in this case, the container should always stand in one place, exactly under the water drain from the drain.

You can paint the barrels with the brightest and most cheerful colors. The easiest way is to depict funny faces by covering the entire barrel with one color and drawing eyes, a nose and a smile against its background. Kids especially like images of ladybirds, butterflies, frogs. If you cut out a stencil (and there are a lot of them on children's sites in the coloring section), then you can print whole plots from cartoons with a sponge.

The bright and perky design on the barrel will attract the attention of kids, so do not forget to properly strengthen it and cover it with a lid for safety.

In a seating area or patio

Children's drawings on barrels are not suitable for adult recreation. They will be too ridiculous against the background of a barbecue, hammocks or outdoor furniture. In this area, it is best to paint the barrels with paint cans, creating a kind of graffiti on them. It just seems that learning how to draw is difficult. In fact, it all depends on the technique and accuracy of execution.

Here's how to make a floral design on a barrel. They buy several cans of paint (the most reliable ones are for painting cars), rubber gloves and goggles so that the smallest particles of paint with the wind do not get into the eyes during painting. One can with the lightest possible paint (white, pale blue, etc.). In the garden, branches of different sizes and types are cut with a beautiful leaf shape.

Look for trees and bushes with carved leaves, as they give a beautiful pattern when painted and make the barrel a true artistic masterpiece.

All corroded areas on the barrel are cleaned with emery paper or a metal brush. The entire surface is treated with an anti-corrosion compound and allowed to dry.

The final step is staining:

  • The barrels are turned upside down and placed on a raised platform (chair, table, etc.).
  • Apply the base paint (the lightest) to the entire outer surface of the container, evenly covering the walls with it.
  • When the paint dries, a contrasting background is blown over it in vertical stripes.
  • A branch is applied to the wall and the darkest paint is applied on top of it. It will form a contour around the leaves, and a lighter color will remain in the middle.
  • Thus, the entire outer surface of the container is designed.
  • You can apply the leaves in one layer, or you can apply the next one on top of one (when the first batch of patterns is dry).
  • After complete drying, turn the barrel over and paint the inner surface (about 20-30 cm from the edge). Then old metal will not be thrown into the eye, which reduces the visual effect of the picture.

In addition to plant design, barrels can be decorated with inscriptions, wise sayings, by printing each word on a printer and cutting out the letters to make a stencil.

Layered compositions look richer, but they take more time to create, since each layer of paint must be allowed to dry

You can create a landscape on the surface of the barrel from any season, if you choose the right colors: green for summer, yellow for autumn, etc.

Luxurious decor options

If the landscape near the house is solid, with sculptures, fountains and other paraphernalia, then the painted barrel will look sparse. Here it is worth using materials that are already found in the decor of the territory. For example, overlay the container with stone, pebbles or mosaics. Only when using mosaics or small pebbles, select the correct adhesive mixture. It must be frost-resistant and suitable for metal (if the barrel is metal). Liquid nails also received good reviews from summer residents. The rest of the technology is common, as when laying any mosaic decor.

Some summer residents so skillfully hide the walls of the barrel under mosaic or polyurethane foam that the product takes on the features of an antique and expensive thing.

The barrel can be used to make an excellent pedestal for a garden sculpture by covering the top with a half-cut lid. This is enough to place a gnome or a frog, and there will be a hole for a drain of water. The main decorative material will be polyurethane foam. Any form of pedestal can be blown out of it: like a slide and a column, with an extension from below or from above. It all depends on your imagination.

The main points of registration:

  1. For a strong adhesion to the metal, wrap the barrel with a serpentine net, and already blow the foam over it.
  2. To make extensions, tie plastic bottles to the barrel, and fasten a sheet of thin insulation, such as izolon, with tape on top.
  3. The foam is applied in one layer over the serpyanka and isolon, evenly covering the barrel.
  4. Wait 4-5 days until completely dry.
  5. The excess is cut off.
  6. The finished pedestal is coated with a primer, and on top with paint for outdoor use.

If at least one of our ideas has awakened your imagination - try to restore your old barrels. You will see how an old container can become a spectacular element, while maintaining the basic function of collecting water.