Bathroom design 3 by 4. Layout of the combined bathroom

Here it is, the long-awaited "odnushka": so many plans at once, so much joy. And where to start the arrangement? Of course, with renovation and, of course, with a bathroom! Why? Everything is simple: it is much more convenient when you can take water procedures in cleanliness and comfort. In addition, the bathroom is one of the smallest, its arrangement should be thoughtful and comfortable. By the way, one must take into account the fact that in most one-room apartments, bathrooms are no more than 3.5 square meters, with a standard layout.

Of course, there are examples of apartments with a bathroom of almost 10 meters, but this is an exception already in new residential complexes and most often not in a one-room apartment.

Therefore, we have a bathroom of 3.5 square meters and unlimited possibilities for various interiors. Let's find the best options, the photos will help with this. But it is best to adhere to certain parameters, which must be paid attention to. We will just consider them.

We save space

If you have to choose between the type of comfort and the spaciousness in the room, it is better to choose the latter for the bathroom. Agree, it is completely uncomfortable when it is difficult even to be in the bathroom due to the large tank. In this case, very often a small room turns into the abode of a washing machine, laundry basket and other "bathroom" accessories. Therefore, it is very important to arrange everything as conveniently as possible.

So that every centimeter of this minimum area is used wisely. Let's try to decorate a bathroom with a standard set of installations:

  • equipment for water procedures;
  • wash basin;
  • furniture;
  • Large home appliances


Naturally, it is better to prefer a shower cabin to a standard tank of 1.5-1.7 m in length. However, the cabins are different. You can buy a shower room, while, most likely, it will be just as bulky with a high pallet (since a low one is mainly a summer cottage option). But to save space, you can make the cabin yourself or order it individually.

In the shower area, it will be necessary to perform waterproofing work, make a comfortable place, a pallet is not required, this place can be laid out with matte tiles. Then install the doors. They can be polycarbonate, but they have a number of disadvantages for a home bathroom, so natural glass is best. Moreover, specially processed material is used for the bathrooms.

But if there is absolutely nothing without a font, it is quite possible to pick up a shortened version. Or a sitz bath can be a good addition to the interior of a small bathroom. They are up to a meter long.


This is another headache in a small apartment. But until the moment there is no proper organization of the premises. For example, you need to hang up a water heater and install a washing machine, all in one bathroom. How to be? It is possible, of course, to do everything chaotically, that then there will hardly be room for a person in the 3.5 "square" bathroom. Therefore, you need to think carefully. It is best to make a small indentation in the wall or add partitions where to place the water heater, and under it the washing machine. However, it will of course be much better to install large appliances outside the bathroom.


What should be the ergonomic furniture in a tiny room? Roomy and practical, isn't it? Judge for yourself, if there is not enough storage space, they will roll around, thereby taking up useful space and creating chaos in the house. But what kind of cabinets and bedside tables can be good for a small space?

The answer is obvious: they should be small in size but roomy. Therefore, the best option would be narrow and tall or long cabinets. That is, to save space under the washbasin there can be one bedside table, narrow and long, for example, an all-wall bedside table with a countertop and a cut-in washbasin. Such a move will look great, it will not reduce the space, while there will be enough space to store a wide variety of things that should be stored in the bathroom.

Pencil cases

A good tall and narrow pencil case will also perfectly complement the interior, keeping things safe and tidy. The pencil case can be either just wall-mounted, or hanging or corner. The latter saves space quite well. You can install a completely comfortable pencil case: from floor to ceiling. Only in this case it is necessary to think over the upper shelves or the mechanism for lowering them, since it will not be entirely comfortable.

Even a small space deserves a unique and original interior. But the development of the design of a bathroom of 3 sq m will require a lot of effort to combine the necessary functionality with the aesthetics. It's not a bad idea to navigate among the variety of stylistic solutions, materials, decor and plumbing. The most preferable and relevant ones should be chosen. Ideas for inspiration can be found in the photo, and learn a sufficient number of techniques to draw attention to the decoration and not notice the main drawback - size.

Perfect color

A solid color solution, moreover, a light one - a logical tip for all small bathrooms and toilets. But not everything is so sad: even a monochrome interior can surprise if you use:

  • panel;
  • friezes, three-dimensional drawing;
  • unusual tile shape - honeycomb;
  • a combination of painting and tiles;
  • contrasting grout;
  • game with sizes: different squares of the same solid color tiles;
  • a little woody light yellow decor will bring a positive effect.

A colorful escape from routine and monotony in the bathroom is possible. Common two-color solutions:

  • yellow + orange: for positive, good mood;
  • white + blue: natural, expressive, romantic;
  • white + light green: fresh, trendy;
  • gray + lemon: non-standard;
  • pearl + mint: one of the color trends of the last year.

Shades of beige and their harmonious combinations are no less popular. Cappuccino, vanilla, caramel, chocolate, gold - preferred combinations will not let you look boring.

Style: there is a choice

Insufficient size imposes restrictions on the design of a bathroom of 3 square meters. Not all styles can be fully realized, with all the characteristic features, expressive decor, giving the necessary chic to the interior, such as art deco.

They will seem interesting, recognizable from the photo:

  • High tech. Chrome elements, shiny surfaces, shades of gray, innovative devices.
  • Scandinavian. White walls, appropriate and justified imitation of wood.
  • Eco-style. Styled in natural stone, copper as metallic elements, natural white ceramics and herbal accents.
  • Ethno. It is unlikely to add space, but comfort is guaranteed. Patchwork tiles are complemented by wood, jute details in finishes and accessories.

Accent wall

Even in a small bathroom, the reception is appropriate, especially if the whole room is made in white or similar. It can be located in different places, depending on which zone you want to highlight specifically.

In many cases, it is not necessary to do the whole thing, as a standard, it can be a section of the wall:

  • near the bathroom;
  • near the mirror;
  • shower area.

You can allow the use of expensive, original tiles on the local area of ​​the bathroom - a small partition near the mirror and sink. For a small area of ​​the side surface, porcelain stoneware with photo printing is suitable - especially if the image is with a perspective, panoramic view, or another illusion of deception.

Another design technique on a special scale is a wall-to-wall mirror. It can only occupy the upper half. For example, the wall opposite the door is tiled at a distance of 1 m from the floor, and to the ceiling - a full-size mirror to the maximum surface width. This technique will visually increase the space, only it is worth providing outlets for the lamps.

Wet area

For a good, successful in terms of use, design, you must choose from your own preferences the most important object of any bathroom. Modern, sometimes very innovative, ideas can be confusing, but if you like to spend time lying down, then it is wiser to stay on the classic version:

  • Bath. Its standard dimensions will most likely be limited to 1.5 meters in length. But there are more elegant models - tall, oval, in the form of a drop. Colored models can become a necessary accent in a snow-white space.
  • Seated versions with static glass partitions are a compromise solution that saves space, for example, for a washing machine, toilet.
  • Shower cabin - will allow you to free up space, but because of its appearance, it is not suitable for every style.
  • Built-in shower behind transparent partitions up to the ceiling - for active people who value maximum freedom. The latest advances in plumbing will allow you to acquire a shower station that replaces the functionality of a separate cabin.

Having abandoned the standard look of the central device in favor of a built-in shower, absolutely definitely add space, and the problem of placing a washing machine, laundry basket will be painlessly solved. Advanced versions of toilets are so ergonomic that they can easily fit into a miniature space. In addition, the masterpieces of hygiene will become an appropriate decoration for the interior of the bathroom, and will support the solutions of modern styles.

Walls, ceiling: colorful solution

Ceramics are not the only way to decorate the sidewall. Painting will allow you to get a smooth, even surface, which will definitely allow the room to grow in volume visually. On a monochromatic surface, its object filling looks especially impressive, expressively looking: a sink, lamps, heated towel rails, unusual and quite capable of carrying a decorative function.

Relevant. Painting is practical, budgetary, but only when the prepared surface is close to ideal - leveled, plastered.

Waterproof paints are now presented with numerous quality characteristics: against mold, mildew, vapor-proof, without problems withstanding the active use of cleaning agents. And the beauty for the walls of the bathroom of such a simple material will be conveyed:

  • unlimited tinting possibilities;
  • formulations that give a matte, glossy, satin result;
  • structural - effectively.

For a small combined bathroom, designers offer simple, smooth ceilings that can also be painted. Option: combine ceiling decoration with partial wall decoration with a similar paint, combining with other finishing techniques (panels, imitation bricks).

Tiles: choose and do not regret

Technical issues such as selection, layout can ruin all efforts to choose the color and style of the bathroom. What dangers exist and reasonable precautions do not hurt:

  • From different collections. It is not so easy to choose companions: the format, the thickness of the cherished squares is different for each manufacturer.
  • A popular trick is that small, smooth white tiles with an eye-catching dark, colored grout will require incredible skill to install.
  • If only color options are satisfied, then the main burden of increasing the space falls on something else - alternative ways of laying expressive geometric shapes that reflect the abilities of materials.

If you want to visually raise the ceiling, change the location of the tiles. It can be in the form of a "hog" or have a wider rectangle. When laid vertically, it will visually raise the ceiling. Another way is diagonal laying, and narrow rectangular ceramics will allow you to simulate a herringbone parquet pattern not only on the floor, but also on the wall.

Laying out with rectangular tiles is the latest trend. It can be a certain segment of a bright color: azure, aquamarine, on a white background. There are collections that are more loyal to the consumer: they are large (20 * 60 cm), but with an imitation of characteristic small bricks, of which there will be 4 or 6 at once.

Imitation of a mosaic is a good way not only to save money, because due to the careful selection of colors, the result will be impressive. One solid tile can accommodate 40-50 matrix mosaic squares. A mix of materials is considered fashionable, but especially with a combination of budget and expensive designer collections, it is difficult to combine sizes. A bad, numerous pruning will steal the precious area. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully verify the sizes and ratios, since not all of them are multiples of 10 and each other, as can be seen from the table.

Actual gender

Porcelain stoneware from the collections of recent years is practically indistinguishable from natural stone in appearance, strength, and other useful characteristics for a wet room. Polished isn't the safest solution, and the advice to lay it diagonally isn't the most cost effective.

The 3D design of the bathroom floor is unusual, but has already found its fans. One has only to select a drawing that will completely fit in the visible space, especially when a significant area is allocated for the shower area.

Self-leveling floor with abstract splashes, sea foam, pebbles - fits in meaning and is justified by practicality. If you plan to constantly find a beautiful floor rug, then a significant part of the plane will be hidden, and then the nobility and respectability of natural stone or other spectacular techniques will not show themselves in full force.

Useful and beautiful

The streamlined shapes of furnishings are the most comfortable for a bathroom design of about 3 sq. M. And the most important thing is the availability of storage systems. The abundance of care and hygiene products will not bring anything useful into the interior, except for the feeling of being cluttered.

What are the solutions:

  • The side space of the bathtub, hidden by special screens, turns into shelves and holders on the back.
  • The corners, the space above the front door - open shelves for a few beautiful things, the rest - behind the mirrored facades.
  • Laconic design of the shelf with the necessary tools located in the area of ​​the shower stall.
  • Concealed pull-out storage structures.

Sinks, especially in stylistic tandem with a mixer, become expressive art objects of the bathroom, although they do not cease to fulfill the necessary function. The need to attach a washing machine is completely eliminated if you choose overhead washbasin models along with a suitable cabinet, countertop, and hinged shelf.

The only limitation, the small size of the shell, is fully compensated by the spectacular appearance, including due to the material:

  • glass transparent;
  • bowl-shaped made of natural stone;
  • wooden;
  • bright faience;
  • oval in Japanese style;
  • metal bowl.

Modern proposals for a combined bathroom allow you to disguise the toilet cistern on the wall section, while integrating some models of washing machines. The installation box allows you to make decorative niches for storing towels.

Quite often in one-room apartments and Khrushchev houses there is a small bathroom - about 3 sq.m. Savings on the cost of housing usually border on a low level of comfort in such houses. To equip a small area competently, you should carefully consider the project. Indoor interior design can be made as comfortable for life as possible, even if the bathroom space is no more than 3 square meters. m. The main thing is to choose a good layout on the eve of the start of the renovation.

Bathrooms 3 sq.m with bath

If the presence of a separate bathtub is a prerequisite, then it is advisable to provide for the placement of the washing machine and sink in a different place.

Together with the jacuzzi, a laundry basket can be placed in a small room, a small cabinet can be fixed on the wall. Roomy furniture in this case cannot be installed.

A better option is to install a compact bathtub (sit-down), the length of which does not exceed 1200 mm. Most often, such plumbing is covered with partitions, ensuring a comfortable stay in the room. The seated model is even installed in a combined bathroom in order to combine all the necessary functions in one space.

When creating a bathroom project 3 sq. m, one should carefully consider not only the general dimensions, but also the features of the geometry of the room - protrusions in the part of the floor and walls, or niches.

Detailed measurements of the space will allow you to find the best option for placing plumbing and other items.

Design rules:

  • Use a minimum of shades in the interior design of the room, it is advisable to opt for one color. It is better to give preference to light colors that can visually increase even 3 square meters. m;
  • Opening the front door should not be directed towards the inside of the bathroom. Also, the usual swing door design can be replaced with a sliding one;
  • It should be light in a small bathroom. In order to provide good illumination in a confined space, experts recommend installing spotlights. Luminaires can be divided into different connection scenarios and lighting can be combined as desired;
  • With household appliances in the bathroom 3 sq. m, choose the least bulky option from the range of models. A small washing machine is best placed under the sink, while the device is often disguised by organizing a decorative cabinet around;

  • Capacious stands and shelves for household or decorative purposes are inappropriate for an area of ​​3 sq. M.

Bathrooms with shower

Layout option on an area of ​​3 sq. m with a shower cabin is considered the most optimal.

It is better to replace a pallet from a hardware store with a podium made of tiles with a slope designed for drainage. These measures allow you to use the area efficiently.

Translucent doors made of plastic or glass are mounted as enclosures for the cab. Such plumbing consumes a minimum of space, while allowing you to shower in comfort.

When installing a shower cabin in the bathroom, you can fit the sink. The washbasin model built into the cabinet is a great way to save space by combining several functions at once in one.

How to properly equip a compact bathroom? What features to consider when repairing and planning a combined bathroom? These questions are often asked by the owners of Soviet-built apartments - Khrushchevs. A non-spacious room can be made beautiful, comfortable and functional, the main thing is not to rush with the choice of plumbing and correctly arrange the interior of a bathroom combined with a toilet.

The decoration of the walls, ceiling and floor in the bathroom is strikingly different from the decoration in the living rooms. We must not forget that the bathroom is a room with a fairly high humidity, therefore the materials must be water-repellent and wash well.

Wall covering:

  1. Plastic panels are an option for those who want to save on materials and labor. There is a huge selection of plastic panels in various colors and patterns on the building materials market. They are easy to attach, wash well and look quite nice. Their main drawback is the accumulation of moisture between the wall and the panel itself, from which fungus can grow.
  2. The cheapest option for covering walls is to paint them with enamel. However, this method is also quite laborious, because initially you will have to level the walls, cover them with a waterproof putty, wait until they dry completely and only then apply the enamel.
  3. In most cases, bathroom walls and floors are finished with ceramic tiles or mosaics. This type of coating protects the walls from moisture, washes well and has an attractive appearance. It is worth considering the fact that not everyone will be able to lay tiles, because this type of work is rather complicated and has many features.
  4. Wall covering with water-based paint. Such a finish is used mainly in those places that do not border on water drops - the wall near the toilet and the wall opposite from the bath.

The most acceptable flooring option is ceramic tiles. It is resistant to moisture and does not deform. A huge selection of colors and patterns allows you to create complete paintings on the floors at the request of the client.

The bathroom floor can also be covered with a moisture resistant laminate. The wooden floor looks very beautiful and rich, and with proper care it will delight its owners with beauty and convenience for a long time.

However, so that condensate does not constantly accumulate in the seams and in the corners, it must be wiped and periodically dried, this will extend its service life.

Bathroom ceilings are often made suspended or suspended with built-in lamps, which illuminate the room well and make it even more spacious. If finances do not allow you to make a beautiful ceiling, you can paint it with water-based paint or sheathe it with plastic panels. With the right approach, these finishing options will look beautiful and last at least 7 years.

Bathroom layout 3 square meters - options for arranging a bathroom

When planning the renovation of a small bathroom, it is worth considering a bunch of nuances, thanks to which you can correctly organize the space. Before buying a toilet, bath and shelves, you need to sketch out a rough plan of the future bathroom. It is important to determine in advance where what kind of plumbing will be located in order to properly bring the sewerage and water supply.

When planning, it should be borne in mind that the toilet should be located 20 cm from the wall, and the gaps between the bathroom, sink and toilet should be at least 30 cm.

The distance in front of the shower stall or bath door cannot be less than 1 meter, otherwise the use of plumbing will become difficult - you can touch other objects with your hand or foot, causing yourself inconvenience.

In order not to violate the integrity of the space, the door to the combined bathroom should open outward.

Before you start decorating the walls, ceiling and floor, you need to do the sewerage and water supply wiring, based on the plumbing plan. It is better if these pipes are closed with a plasterboard wall - they will not disturb the interior of the room and, moreover, will free up some space.

Small bathroom 3 sq. m. - the right choice of plumbing

For owners of apartments with small bathrooms, the question is often what to choose - a bath or a shower stall?

Of course, the bathtub takes up more space than the shower cubicle. Given that the bathroom is already small, you want to take up as little space as possible. Modern plumbing manufacturers produce bathtubs in different sizes and shapes. A standard bathroom 1.7 meters long can be fully accommodated under one wall in the bathroom. However, with such an arrangement, in addition to a bath and a toilet, it will be very difficult to install a washing machine or sink.

You can buy a compact corner bathtub to win some space. A narrow washing machine or a small cabinet will just rise in the vacant space.

An excellent solution for a bathroom of 3 sq. m. will become a shower stall, which can be purchased at a plumbing store or made by yourself. However, this option is suitable for those who do not particularly like to bask in a hot bubble bath, but prefer a quick shower. Alternatively, you can purchase a shower stall with a small tray - a cross between a corner bath and a stationary shower.

As for the toilet, there are also some nuances here. To free up a piece of the room, when installing the toilet, you can use the corner - there are certain models that have a corner cistern. However, at the moment, compact toilets are gaining popularity, in which a narrow cistern is hidden behind a drywall wall and only a button for flushing is displayed. This type of toilet gives more space, but it also has its drawbacks. If the tank breaks down (and there is a chance), you will have to break the wall to get to it.

You should not save on plumbing, because a poor-quality product can not only cause inconvenience during use, but also cause damage to repairs.

Bathroom design 3 sq. m. - beauty and compactness in one bottle

A beautiful and comfortable bathroom does not have to be large, and a small room will look good if the design is approached with taste and intelligence.

What to look for when designing a combined bathroom:

  1. Color palette. Many people choose light beige, white and pale blue when planning a bathroom renovation. Indeed, light colors visually expand the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe room, but at the same time, the monochromatic walls of the bathroom are increasingly reminiscent of hospital operating rooms or, what is most funny, school toilets. Don't limit yourself to bright accents. White tiles can be diversified with colorful mosaics - yellow, red, orange, green. Bright colors will cheer you up in the morning and give you a boost of vivacity for the whole day.
  2. Compact plumbing. No matter how light the walls are, this will only create the illusion of space. It is very important to choose the right bathroom equipment - a small bathroom or shower cubicle, a narrow cabinet and a small toilet. Unfortunately, the washing machine does not always fit into the interior of the bathroom, but if you wish, you can accommodate it too.
  3. Accessories. Shelves, towel dryers and mirrors are essential accessories that are difficult to do without in a combined bathroom. By the way, the presence of mirrors and transparent glass doors for booths or baths also visually expand the room. Mirrors make the bathroom wider and brighter - this is what we want to achieve for a small bathroom of 3 sq. m.
  4. Lighting. Definitely, this also affects the overall appearance of a three-meter bathroom. Good lighting combined with light-colored walls makes the room more spacious. The ideal lighting option for a compact combined bathroom is considered to be ceiling lighting, complemented by small lamps above the mirror or diode tape along the shelves or along the edge of the cabinets.

To make the bathroom not only beautiful, but also cozy, it is recommended to put a soft mat to match the finish or a light covering with multi-colored geometric shapes.

How to properly plan a bathroom design 3 sq. M Video)

The mini-space of the bathroom can be equipped at your own discretion, adhering to certain standards and at the same time making the bathroom comfortable and beautiful. Agree, taking a bath is pleasant when everything in the room has its place and does not clutter up the space.

An economical purchase of an apartment is often accompanied by the purchase of a rather small bathroom, which you would like to equip with maximum convenience for everyday life. Planning the interior of a 3 square meter bathroom is not such a difficult task. The main thing is to choose everything successfully according to the specifics of the available space.

The first steps

Before the immediate cosmetic finishing, you will have to solve some problems. The most important thing is to replace all old water and sewer lines. Replace rusty heating pipes, taps and radiators with modern ones.

We are talking about small-sized Khrushchev buildings, built at the end of the 20th century, which were not affected by technical progress and modern construction. Otherwise, the entire fashionable design will lose its presentable appearance after the first flood or sewerage breakthrough.

We align the walls, ceiling, floor, we make waterproofing. Pre-finishing is very important as the room is humid. And a piece of plaster that has fallen off can injure you.

We insulate the floor. If desired, during the screed process, we lay the heating panels. We use glass fiber to prevent the formation of cracks in the plaster. We make the surface beautiful and durable.

When the preparatory work is completed, we draw a diagram on which we designate all the sewer and water communications with the installed plumbing, the desired arrangement of furniture. We look through the catalogs with different layouts for the bathroom space of 3 sq.m.

Moving on to direct design

We carefully select the desired decor shades. Optimal is the use of harmonious combinations of several colors: general pastel background with discreet underlining of details in darker tones.

We use an airy, light scale to visually expand the space. We avoid gloom, rich contrast. Anything that makes the room feel even smaller.

Professional decorators in the process of creating a 3sq.m bathroom design recommend using the following shades:

Traditional white. Combines perfectly with others. We use dilutions: pearl, cream, milky tones.

Monochrome metal color. Shades of gray accentuate the clean design. Looks great against the background of white ceramics, mirrors, transparent partitions. The shiny chrome hardware matches the gray tones beautifully.

Blue tones that bring a feeling of freshness, depth, transparency of water. Creates lightness, volume, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Green shades. Weak to more intense. Immerses in wildlife. Herbal patterns on the walls and ceiling are well emphasized with brown, gray shades.

Bathroom interior 3 sq.m. Basic moments

In the process of selecting high-quality material, we take into account 2 harmful factors - high humidity and temperature differences. And also the following:

Floor. It is ideal to use ceramic tiles, lay out with artificial stone. A transparent floor screed in a marine style with a variety of inclusions, creating the effect of oncoming foamy waves, will look beautiful.

Walls. Painting the primed surface with one of the types of water emulsion (vinyl, silicone). Tile cladding, plastic sheathing will look great.

Ceiling An excellent option is painting with water emulsion, finishing with vinyl siding, stretching a mirror film in light colors. You can make a semi-mirrored glass ceiling.

We place the necessary accessories

After finishing the base surfaces, we move on to an equally important process - the competent placement of furniture, plumbing and other things.

We consider photos of design projects of a bathroom of 3 sq.m., choose what we like.

During planning, we take into account 2 points:

Bathroom 3 sq.m, combined with a toilet. The task is to harmoniously fit the toilet into the interior so that it does not interfere with taking water procedures and looks great against the general background. The tank can be hidden in a plasterboard niche or part of the cabinet can be used for this. A compact corner model is ideal.

Bathroom 3 sq. M with shower (box). The most optimal option. The corner bath will also fit perfectly into the interior of the room. The existing models of shower stalls with pallets will successfully replace the Jacuzzi when using hydromassage mats. Drop baths can also be squeezed into modest meters.

We use surface-mounted and hanging-type sinks, slightly rounded corner. So that they can be compactly placed on a bedside table or attached so that they do not interfere with movement in the room.

We place a small-sized front-loading washing machine under a hinged or overhead sink, squeeze it between the shower stall and the wall. Ideally, it becomes an integral part of the interior, emphasizes the style.

We handle electric lighting in high humidity conditions with care. Open-type luminaires are not suitable. Maximum distance from water sources is a rule that must not be violated. LED and spot, waterproof sealed lamps are well suited.

Thus, the design of a bathroom of 3 square meters is a simple matter. It is important to decide what you want, to calculate your financial capabilities. And make your dreams and fantasies come true.

Photo of a bathroom 3 sq. m.