Homemade chicken ham. Homemade chicken ham Homemade chicken ham

Every housewife wants to pamper her family with new and delicious recipes. And if their implementation does not require too much time and you need the most ordinary products, then this is generally an ideal option. Chicken ham is one of these dishes. Even a novice cook can make this delicacy at home.

Homemade vs store-bought

Many of us buy store-bought chicken ham, but you can cook it at home just as well. Moreover, in comparison with the GOST version, the “own” dish will have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • affordable price (the cost of the finished product is much lower than the price of store-bought ham);
  • absence of preservatives (preservatives and dyes are necessarily added to factory products so that they last longer. In the home version, such additives are not needed);
  • high-quality ingredients (the housewife herself is responsible for the freshness of the products).

In addition, homemade ham is rich in protein and other beneficial substances found in chicken.

What part of a bird carcass is best to use for ham?

Many chefs prefer to prepare the delicacy only from breasts. But there is one nuance: chicken fillet is not a particularly juicy part, so cut strips of leg meat are added to the sausage product. Thus, it turns out that you can use the entire meat layer. There are only two wishes:

  • completely remove all skin;
  • trim off excess subcutaneous fat.

Also, do not forget that the carcass should be washed thoroughly under running water and the meat should be cut off from the skeleton carefully so that small bones do not get into the minced meat.

Devices for home experiments

You can prepare ham from chicken in several ways, using available means that will help squeeze out the air from the minced meat and compress the meat. For these purposes the following are used:

  • ham makers;
  • cling film;
  • foil;
  • tetra pack boxes (with foil inside).

Delicious chicken ham at home in a box


  • 1.5 kg of chicken;
  • 1 tsp. table salt;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 30 g dry gelatin;
  • 1 tsp. dry rosemary;
  • black pepper (to taste).


The finished sausage product can be stored in cling film.

Chicken ham in a ham maker

If you have a ham maker, then you don’t have to worry about the appearance of the dish: the minced chicken is guaranteed to turn into an appetizing sausage.


  • 1 medium-sized chicken carcass;
  • 100 g pickled champignons;
  • 2 onions;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 tbsp. l. homemade sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dry gelatin;
  • 1 tsp. table salt;
  • greenery;
  • pepper, coriander and other spices (to your taste).


  1. Cut the meat from the carcass and cut into small cubes.
  2. Cut the champignons into 4 parts, squeeze out the spicy vegetable with garlic cloves, cut the onion into cubes and add all the ingredients to the meat.
  3. Soak the gelatin in cold water and after swelling, mix with sour cream.
  4. Pour the sour cream mixture into the meat, salt, pepper and add herbs and spices.
  5. We set the level of the ham maker, put the sleeve in it and lay out the minced meat.
  6. Close the lid and place in the oven on a medium level for 40-50 minutes at 180 degrees.
  7. After the cooking time is over, take out the ham pan and let it cool.
  8. Place the semi-finished product in the refrigerator for 7 hours.
  9. Carefully remove the sleeve from the device, take out the homemade delicacy and cut into thin slices.

Homemade chicken ham in a bag

A tender chicken product can also be prepared in cling film. However, to be safe, it is still better to wrap the roll with foil.


  • 1 kg of chicken;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 30 g dry gelatin;
  • ½ tbsp. walnuts;
  • salt, pepper (to taste).


  1. Finely chop the chicken meat.
  2. Chop garlic and nuts.
  3. Mix all the ingredients, including gelatin, which does not need to be soaked in advance: the chicken will give juice, which will be enough to dissolve the powder.
  4. We put the mass on film (or in a sleeve), wrap it in foil and strengthen the shape of the roll with threads.
  5. Place the roll in a saucepan, pour purified water just above the level of the sausage and place on low heat. After boiling, leave on the stove for another 1.5 hours.
  6. Using two spatulas, take the roll out of the water, let it cool and put it in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.
  7. Cut the finished ham into thin slices.

By the way, this same recipe works great in a slow cooker. Only first, in the “Stew” mode, cook the meat separately for an hour and a half, and then set it for another 1.5 hours, but after mixing all the ingredients. At the same time, the multicooker does not require bags or boxes: the minced meat is cooked directly in the bowl.

You still don’t know how to cook juicy and tender homemade chicken ham? Then this recipe is for you. The meat turns out incredibly tasty, aromatic, soaked in spicy spices. Minimum calories and maximum taste, try it too!

This ham, unlike store-bought ham, is made from fresh natural products. It does not contain various dyes, flavor enhancers and other chemical additives. In addition, it can be prepared from accessible and inexpensive products that can easily be found in any store or supermarket. And it will require a minimum of effort. You just need to cut the chicken meat and mix it with spices, garlic and gelatin, and then bake it in the oven.


chicken fillet 300 g

chicken legs 450 g

garlic 3 large cloves

instant gelatin 1 tbsp. l. with a slide

Italian herbs spice mixture 1 tsp.

freshly ground mixture of peppers (black, green, white, red) to taste

fine table salt 0.5 tsp.

dry chicken seasoning 1 tsp.

turmeric pinch

curly parsley for serving several branches

Number of servings: 4 Cooking time: 100 minutes

I often make homemade ham like this for my family, and this recipe has never let me down. This dish is convenient to take with you to work or on a picnic; ham is suitable for a light dinner and would be appropriate on a holiday table.

Calorie content of the recipe
"Homemade chicken ham" 100 g

    Calorie content

  • Carbohydrates

It's a pretty light snack. By the way, if you like to cook sausages with your own hands, I advise you to try making it.


    Step 1: Prepare the meat for making ham at home

    To prepare homemade ham, it is better to use not only chicken fillet, but also dark poultry meat. It will make the ham especially tasty and add juiciness to the dish. Wash the chicken fillet and legs and dry with a paper towel. Remove the films and fat and cut the meat into medium-sized pieces. We will cut the fillet across the grain to preserve the juiciness of the meat. Now let's start cutting the legs. To get to the meat, first cut off the back part, if it is present on the leg. There is very little meat in it and there is no point in wasting time trimming it. It is better to use this part to prepare broth. Next, carefully expose the bones from the inside of the ham using a sharp knife. Cut the meat from the lower joint. Now let's cut off the bones completely. As a result, you should have a piece of chicken fillet and almost bare bones. All that remains is to cut the fillet, cutting off small bones and films. Cut the trimmed meat into the same pieces as the fillet or a little smaller.

    Mix the prepared meat in a deep bowl.

    Step 2: Add chopped garlic to the poultry meat

    Peel three cloves of garlic. Let's put them through a garlic press. If desired, the garlic for this recipe can be chopped on a fine grater or finely chopped with a knife.

    Step 3: Add instant gelatin to the chicken fillet

    Sprinkle the meat and garlic with a tablespoon of gelatin. It should be dry; there is no need to pre-soak the gelatin. To ensure that home-cooked ham freezes well and keeps its shape, choose high-quality and fresh instant gelatin. Don't be afraid to use dry gelatin. While baking in the oven, the chicken will release enough juice to dissolve the gelatin. And when the ham cools, it will harden and hold its shape well.

    Step 4: Add spices and salt to the meat

    Sprinkle the white and dark poultry meat generously with seasonings and salt as required by the recipe. Italian herbs traditionally include basil, oregano, dried garlic and onions, and savory. Also, the mixture of spices may contain shamballa and kafir lime leaves, dried lemongrass. If you don't have a ready-made Italian herb blend, you can make your own, or use a single spice that you love. To give the dish an island-spicy aroma, add a little chicken seasoning. As a rule, it contains ground ginger, paprika, coriander, rosemary and red pepper. For a beautiful color, add a pinch of turmeric to the meat.

    Now mix all the ingredients thoroughly and leave them for 20 minutes so that the chicken meat is saturated with the aromas of the spices and the gelatin swells.

    Step 5: Forming Homemade Ham

    To cook ham at home, we will need a baking sleeve, a thick thread (cooking thread or regular thread) and a 600-800 milliliter tin can. First, cut off part of the baking sleeve (25-30 centimeters will be enough). Tie one end of the sleeve with thread.

    Let's put the sleeve in the jar with the tied end down and straighten it so that it is convenient for us to work. Carefully transfer the meat with spices to the sleeve.

    Using a spoon, compact the fillet thoroughly so that there is no empty space left inside.

    Then tie the upper end of the baking sleeve.

    Step 6: Bake the ham in the oven

    Place the jar of ham on a baking sheet. This will make it easier to remove from the oven. In addition, the juice from the jar may leak out a little during cooking. We will bake chicken ham in a preheated oven at 190-200 degrees for one hour, as required by the recipe.

    Step 7: Refrigerate Homemade Ham

    When one hour has passed, carefully remove the jar of ham from the oven. Without removing it from the jar, cool the homemade ham to room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, carefully remove the ham from the tin by pulling the end of the sleeve. Carefully cut the sleeve with a knife and transfer the ham to a plate. Cut the finished dish into pieces 1.5-2 centimeters thick. According to the recipe, it is not recommended to cut the ham too thinly so that it does not crumble.

    Step 8: Feed

    This recipe is universal. Chicken ham in a jar goes great with any side dish. This could be pasta or homemade noodles, vegetable purees or stews, various cereals, boiled or baked vegetables. For spicy lovers, the finished dish can be served with adjika, tkemali sauce, horseradish or mustard. Or you can simply put a piece of aromatic ham on fresh bread with a crispy crust and enjoy this unique taste of real ham without harmful additives and impurities.

    Bon appetit!

1. Wash the chicken thoroughly to remove excess feathers and dry with a towel.

2. Cut from the breast side and open it like a book. Using a sharp knife, carefully cut out all the bones, leaving the skin.

3. This is how it should turn out.

4. Prepare the brine solution. Pour cold water into a large, deep bowl, but not too wide, and add salt. Stir until it is completely dissolved. Place the meat in the brine. Cover with cling film and place in the refrigerator for 8 hours, it is better to do this in the evening. Maybe for a day.

5. After the time has passed, first soak the gelatin in cold water for 10 minutes.

6. Remove the meat from the salt brine and dry it with a paper towel. Place it carefully on a board; to avoid contamination, I cover it with cling film. I spread the black peppercorns with my hands.

7. Then carefully transfer it to a baking sleeve. We distribute the soaked gelatin leaves on top.

9. Then, in the same sleeve, wrap it tightly in cling film.

10. Then we tie it with confectionery thread, or, as I do, with a silicone rubber band, so that the shape is held.

12. Let it boil, reduce the heat, and cook at minimum temperature for 1.5 hours. Remove and cool, in the same form, under running cold water. Place in the refrigerator to completely harden in the same film.

13. Before serving, cut into slices.

14. Decorate to taste.

Now you know how to make homemade chicken roll. I hope you like it too!

Bon appetit! Happy Holidays!

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I cook this chicken ham often. Our sausage is of very dubious quality, but here I’m sure it’s delicious without any additives. There are many variations in preparation: sometimes I add boiled quail eggs (it turns out to be an interesting and beautiful cut), carrots, and various spices. But today I want to offer, so to speak, a basic option.

By the way, this ham can be prepared for the New Year.

To prepare chicken ham at home, we will prepare the products according to the list.

Chop the chicken fillet and garlic and grind in a food processor.

Place the minced meat in a convenient bowl. Remove the skin from the chicken legs and separate the meat from the bones. Cut the meat into small cubes and add to the minced meat. We'll send the spices there too. Let's put it aside.

For now, let's take care of the liver. Cut into small pieces and fry in sunflower oil for just a couple of minutes, then add balsamic vinegar and simmer for another 3 minutes.

Let the liver cool and place it in a bowl with minced meat.

Add gelatin, salt and pepper to taste. Mix the mass well. If the mass is too heavy, add milk, literally 20-30 ml. I added.

We put the mixture into a baking bag, give it the shape of a sausage, and wrap the bag. Place it in a baking dish. Cook homemade chicken ham in the oven at 180 degrees for about an hour.

The ham is ready. Let cool completely in the pan...

Then remove the ham and wrap it in foil. We send it to the refrigerator. It is advisable that the ham stay there for at least 5 hours. Or better yet, overnight. During this time she will only get better!

The output will be about 1 kg of home-cooked chicken ham.

This is how it looks in cross section.

Bon appetit to you!

I was forced to start learning how to cook sausages and ham at home. It’s unclear what’s in the stores, but we love sausage with the whole family. And the child was taught to love (I don’t know if this is good). And if you ask your daughter what she wants more, candy or sausage, she will choose sausage.

While collecting recipes for homemade sausages that are similar in taste to store-bought ones and healthy in their benefits, I discovered a recipe for chicken ham at home. Minimum effort: just chop the chicken, add spices and cook, and take a sample the next morning. The taste is excellent. My daughter didn’t even understand that her mother made the chicken ham; she is still sure that the “sausage” was bought in a store.


  • chicken fillet 500 g
  • chicken thigh 500 g
  • food gelatin 1 tbsp. l.
  • mixture of ground peppers 1/4 tsp.
  • nutmeg 1 pc.
  • salt 1/4 tsp.
  • garlic 3 cloves

How to make homemade chicken ham

  1. Prepare the necessary products.

  2. Chop the fillet into small cubes. Remove the skin from the chicken thighs, remove the meat from the bone and cut into the same pieces as the breast meat. If you find fat on the thighs, do not remove it; fat will make the ham juicier.

  3. Grate the nutmeg or use ready-made ground nutmeg (0.5 tsp).

  4. Add salt, a mixture of ground peppers and chopped garlic.

  5. Stir and leave for 2-3 hours at room temperature so that the meat is well salted and saturated with spices. Ideally, let it sit overnight, but in this case it is still better to place the plate in the refrigerator.

  6. Just before cooking, add gelatin and mix everything well. You need to try to ensure that its crystals are distributed as evenly as possible throughout the volume of meat.

  7. Place the minced meat in a baking sleeve (plastic bag).

  8. Form a sausage of the desired thickness, being sure to compact the meat well and, if possible, try to leave as little air inside as possible. Wrap the top in several layers of cling film. This will hold the shape of the ham and keep liquid out.

  9. Wrap the thread evenly and tightly.
  10. Place in boiling water until the ham is completely covered in liquid. Cook over medium heat in a slightly ajar pan for 40 minutes. Remove and leave until completely cool. Only after this can the chicken ham be unwrapped, cut and tasted.

On a note:

  • If you have it, do it.
  • You should not cook from just one fillet; the ham will turn out a little dry. It is optimal to take white and red chicken meat in a 1:1 ratio
  • You can use any spices, but you should not neglect the addition of nutmeg, it is thanks to it that the taste is as similar as possible to store-bought.