Two skype accounts. Features of working with two accounts in skype

How to add a second user to Skype

Create a shortcut to launch the second Skype user (profile). To do this, go along the following path:

"Local Disk (C :)" => "Program Files" => "Skype" => "Phone".

In the folder "Phone" there is an application - "Skype.exe". Right-click on the "Skype.exe" application file, and select the item in the context menu

Send => Desktop (create shortcut).

Click on the shortcut with the right mouse button and select the "Properties" item in the context menu. This will open the "Properties: Skype - Shortcut" window (or your name), in which we will make changes.

In order not to confuse the program with different types of accounts, it is better to enter credentials from a Skype account, and not from a Microsoft account. You can create a new Skype account from the program window by clicking on the "Register" link.

After that, two Skype users can use their accounts (accounts) at the same time, independently of each other. You will be interested in the material .

You can also add other additional accounts to Skype. To do this, you need to create new shortcuts, and then enter into the shortcut properties, for example, the following parameters: / secondary1, / secondary2, etc.

When using Skype, it is not very convenient to enter your account data manually each time, so this process can be automated.

How to start two Skype automatically

You will need to add the following parameters

/ username: LoginSkype

/ password: Password.

Please note that you should also add account settings separated by a space.

After adding your Skype account data, the "Object" field will look like this (upper quotes):

Confirm the changes by clicking on the "OK" button.

Please note that if on your computer the Skype program is launched from the shortcut created when the program was installed on the computer, then the main Skype account should always be launched first.

How to run two Skype at the same time

First, remove the shortcut that was created when you installed Skype on your computer.

C: \ Program Files \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe

then we create a new shortcut to launch the program.

In the properties of the shortcut in the "Object" field, you should have the following entry (upper quotation marks):

"C: \ Program Files \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe" / secondary / username: Login Skype / password: Password

In this case, you must enter the Skype username and password of the main Skype profile, the shortcut of which you have removed. After that, you can open two Skype on one computer at the same time, independently of each other and run them in any order.

In this way, you can add more other accounts to run them simultaneously on your computer.

Now you can run 2 Skype, or run multiple Skype on your computer at the same time.

Skype supports multiple accounts. You can run two Skype (or several Skype) on one computer at the same time or in turn.

Good day, dear friend. In the last article I described how. In today's article I will talk about how you can run two or more Skype clients on one computer at the same time.

First remove the shortcut Skype which is on your desktop.

Then you will need to create two shortcuts to launch two profiles Skype... To do this, you will need to open the location of the Skype program files on your computer.

After installation on the computer, the Skype application files are located in this path - "Local Disk (C :)" => "Program Files" => "Skype" => "Phone" In folder "Phone" the application is located - "Skype.exe"... By application file "Skype.exe" you need to right-click, and select the item in the context menu Send => Desktop (create shortcut).

See screenshots (clicking the picture enlarges)

After that, a Skype shortcut will appear on your desktop.

You can change the name of the shortcut right away to make it easier to use a different Skype account.

Next, you will need to right-click on the shortcut, and select the item in the context menu "Properties"... This will open a window "Properties: Skype - Shortcut" (or the already changed name of the shortcut, for example, Skype 2), in which you will need to add additions to the shortcut parameters entries.

In this window, in the tab "Label", in field "Object:" "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe" after writing in quotes (upper quotes), you will need to press the space bar on the keyboard, and then add the parameter without quotes "/ Secondary".

After the changes, the field "An object:" will look like this (upper quotes):

"C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe" / secondary

We do the same one more time for the second Skype profile. If you have three, four or more Skype, then for each you need to create a shortcut on the desktop and do it all over again.

Now after launching the second Skype account, after opening the program window, you will need to enter the details of another account in Skype, and then enter the program.

In this article we will tell how to start two skype on one computer. The Skype program for a person constantly working at a computer is practically the second mobile phone, without which modern life is not possible. The speed of life is increasing and one phone is no longer enough for us. Two or more are required. Skype is the same. This function can be used to separate contacts into work and non-work or a friend came without a computer and he urgently needs to go to his Skype. At the same time, you do not want to leave your own. That's just for such cases, the developers of Skype, starting with version 4.0, have provided for the launch of two or more copies of the program on one computer. In this article, we'll show you how to do it. You can also watch the video at the end of the article where everything is shown and told.

The label is easy to create. To do this, you need to go along the path

The path may vary slightly. For example

This folder contains the only file Skype.exe. Click on it with the right mouse button and select "Send> Desktop"

The shortcut has been created. Then you can move it to any convenient place, even in a folder

Set up a shortcut to launch a second Skype

Right-click on the created shortcut and select "Properties". We immediately find ourselves on the "Shortcut" tab. In the line "Object" add the following

/ seсondary

As a result, you should get the following

"C: \ Program Files \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe" / secondary

A space is required after the closing quotation mark. / seсondary is a key indicating that Skype will be launched second or third, and so on.

On the "General" tab, it would be nice to change the name right away. For example "Skype Two" or "Skype for a second user".

Then click "OK". The setup is complete.

Automatic authorization when starting a second Skype

When you start the first Skype, authorization takes place automatically. When you start the second skype, you need to drive in the password every time. The trick with automatic authorization does not work, since when the first Skype is launched, authorization for the second account takes place.

It is convenient to make sure that when you start the main program, Skype from a shortcut or from always loads the first account, and from the second, the second, respectively.

To do this, go to the properties of the shortcut for the second account created on the desktop.

On the Label tab, in the Object field, add the following:

/ username: name_2 / password: password_2

where: name_2 is the login for the second account, password_2 is the password, respectively.

A space is required between the two keys.

It turns out that you must first launch your main Skype, then the shortcut on the desktop for the second user. Otherwise, you just run one skype under another account. You will not be able to launch your main Skype, since the corresponding / secondary key is not registered. For this to be possible, you need to create a shortcut for the main account in the same way.


You have created two or more shortcuts for your first and second accounts. We have registered the appropriate keys for automatic authorization. Passwords in these tags are kept in clear text, which is not secure.

Let's create two folders in the directory

The system does not allow you to create any folders in the above path.

In them it is necessary to rewrite the Skype user profiles located at

C: \ Users \ Anton \ AppData \ Roaming \ Skype \

Copy the folder with the name of the first user profile to the Data1 folder. In Data2 - the second.

In the shortcuts on the desktop, let's make small changes in the same Object field on the "Shortcut" tab.

You need to write the following:

"C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe" / secondary / datapath: "Data1" - for the first shortcut and

"C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe" / secondary / datapath: "Data2" is for the second.

Click "OK". After that, first launch the Skype shortcut for the first user and assign automatic authorization. Then a Skype shortcut for the second and also assign automatic authorization. After that, you can launch the shortcuts in any order and you do not have to constantly enter the password.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to run two Skype on one computer at the same time, for example, when you need to answer work questions and communicate with loved ones using a personal account, or when spouses use one laptop. But the standard installation does not provide such an opportunity, so you need to resort to other methods. These methods are described in this article.

Method 1.

Create a shortcut for Skype, for this you need to open the folder:

For Windows 7 32-bit - C: \ Program Files \ Skype \ Phone.

For Windows 7 or 8 64-bit - C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Skype \ Phone.

This folder contains the only file Skype.exe. Click it with the right mouse button and select "Send - Desktop"

The shortcut has been created. Then you can move it to any convenient place, even in the Startup folder. For convenience, so as not to be confused, you can rename the shortcut to "Skype 2".

Now you need to customize this shortcut. Click on the created shortcut with the right mouse button and select "Properties", the "Shortcut" tab, add the following in the "Object" line: / seсondary

You should end up with the following (including all quotes and spaces):

“C: \ Program Files \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe” / secondary

Note: for Windows x64 (you can find out x32 or x64 in the computer properties) the "Program Files" folder changes to "Program Files (x86)". After the closing quotation mark, a space is required - this is a key indicating that Skype will be launched second.

Then click "OK". The setup is complete.

/ username: name / password: password

where: name - login for the second account, password - password for this account. Note: Between two keys a space is required.
For the first skype:

"C: \ Program Files \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe" / username: name1 / password: password1

For the second skype:

"C: \ Program Files \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe" / secondary / username: name2 / password: password2

Note: for Windows x64 (you can find out x32 or x64 in the computer properties) the "Program Files" folder changes to "Program Files (x86)".

"C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe" / secondary / username: name2 / password: password2

Method 2.

In Windows 8, it is not always possible to use the method described above, but it is still possible to run two Skype.

We launch the first Skype and log into your account. The key combination System + R (where System is the key with the Windows icon), launch the "Run" window. You can, of course, run Run from Start, but it's still much easier this way. In the window that appears, enter the following:

C: \ Program Files \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe / secondary

for Windows x64:

C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe / secondary

And press Enter.

If the path to Skype.exe differs from the one presented above, then register your path. Now you have two Skype accounts running on your computer at the same time!

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To get step-by-step instructions, fill out the following form:

Enter your Skype username:

Choose which version of Skype you have:
Old version (Skype 7 and below) New version (Skype 8 and above)

Get instructions
  1. Right-click on the desktop (or inside the folder you need) and select "New", and then click "Shortcut".
  2. For the object path, copy the following command and click Next:
  3. Enter a name for the shortcut (for example Skype.exe) and click Finish.
  4. Be sure to manually create the following folder:

    Make sure the folder is not on the system drive and that the full path is specified.
    ... Also, it is very important that this folder is not used by other Skype accounts.

  5. Now a new shortcut will appear on the desktop - double-clicking on it will launch Skype with your username. You can copy this shortcut in any folder, and if you want Skype to start with this username when Windows starts, copy the shortcut in the folder:
    % APPDATA% \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu

How does it work in classic Skype?

In the list of Skype command line parameters, you can find a very useful parameter / secondary - it is he who allows you to launch several copies of Skype at the same time, you just need to pass this parameter to the Skype.exe program, for example, using a shortcut or command line. And so that the program knows which login we want to run, we also add the / username parameter.

"% ProgramFiles% \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe" / secondary / username: skype_name

For convenience, we can save this command as a shortcut to launch Skype: right-click on the desktop and select "Create", and then click "Shortcut". Now, it remains to enter the above command as the object path and set the name of the shortcut.

How does it work in Skype 8?

In the new Skype, it is also possible to run several accounts at the same time, but the / secondary key has been replaced with --secondary and you must specify --datapath instead of / username.

As a result, we get the following command:
"% ProgramFiles (x86)% \ Microsoft \ Skype for Desktop \ Skype.exe" --secondary --datapath = "F: \ Skype8"

Why can't I find the Skype.exe file?

If the error "Skype.exe file not found" occurs when creating a shortcut, then Skype is installed in a different location. Find the installation folder and manually replace the object path. For example, instead of:
"% ProgramFiles% \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe"

"D: \ Programs \ Skype \ Skype.exe"

It is important to note that in the new Skype, the default path has been changed to:
"% ProgramFiles (x86)% \ Microsoft \ Skype for Desktop \ Skype.exe"

Why is this needed?

For example, if you have two Skype accounts (work and personal), using this method you can start them at the same time, and communicate with both colleagues and friends. Moreover, you can change the settings for each account separately. For example, if you want to communicate only with colleagues and not to be disturbed by your friends: you can set the Do not disturb status for your personal account, and Online for your work account.

Does this method work in the new Skype?

Yes, the instruction works in the new Skype (that is, version 8 and higher).