Doorway in the load-bearing wall. Making an opening in a load-bearing wall: standard and non-standard options How to make an opening in a panel wall

Immediately, we note that the device opening in the main wall the matter is more than responsible, since the structures of the building, which are load-bearing, are affected. In no case should this be done without consulting with specialists and without obtaining permission from the Moscow Housing Inspection and approval from the authors at home!

With such a redevelopment of load-bearing walls, it is important to first go through the approval process, and only after its approval, proceed to the appropriate actions, clearly following the methodology prescribed in the project.

There are 3 types of multi-storey residential buildings in which the possibility of constructing an opening in a load-bearing wall can be considered:

  • old brick (Khrushchev, or block aerated concrete);
  • panel;
  • new monolithic.

The method of transferring or arranging an opening in the main walls is individual for each of the houses.
Such a redevelopment of the wall may be necessary in cases of connecting the kitchen and living room, increasing the window opening or increasing the living space due to the apartment located next door, etc.
However, carrying out such work without approval is fraught with adverse consequences:

  • destruction of a house or individual structures;
  • a fine for arranging an opening without permission;
  • repairing the wall and all structures of the building that have suffered as a result of unauthorized unacceptable actions, for conversion to their previous state at their own expense.

So what kind of opening can you make in a load-bearing wall? Clear general requirements, such as the width of the opening, the amount of distance from the outer (outer) wall, etc., exist only for panel houses due to the fact that they were all built in a standard way.

The answer to the question "is it possible to make a doorway in the load-bearing wall of a brick house?" will depend on the results of a technical survey of the house, year of construction and other data. The same applies to modern monolithic houses - there are no general clear guidelines, therefore, the maximum width of the openings will vary, based on the individual characteristics of the project of each house.

An important point is the year of construction of the building itself, since any material is subject to wear over time. When constructing a doorway, it is impossible not to take into account the change in loads, therefore, for coordination, a project for reinforcing the opening with the corresponding drawings is required.

Expansion of the opening in the load-bearing wall

The very fact of expanding the opening in the load-bearing wall is a more serious matter than the implementation of redevelopment due to the opening. In this case, strengthening the opening is the primary task of the event, in order to comply with your own safety. When enlarging a doorway in a load-bearing wall, it is important to remember a few essential points:

  • strengthening of support is necessary, the installation of metal structures will help in this, which will prevent the destruction of the building;
  • agreement is impossible without a technical conclusion and preparation of a package of project documents, since not all houses can have such a redevelopment.

If you want to increase the doorway in the load-bearing wall in apartments on the last floors, it is much easier to achieve permission, due to the lower load on the main walls. The situation is more complicated with the coordination of such works on the lower floors, since the load is much higher and the walls are not designed for such events.

Moving a doorway in a load-bearing wall

The transfer of the doorway in the load-bearing wall also needs approval, since the main wall of the building is affected, in addition, all changes must be made to the BTI plans without fail.

First of all, it is necessary to obtain a technical opinion on the availability of such a possibility.
Such work should be carried out in strict compliance with the requirements of housing legislation, fire safety rules and SNiP. If you move the doorway in the load-bearing wall without agreeing and taking into account all the requirements, then this will entail a lot of unpleasant consequences from a fine to returning the apartment to its original form at your own expense.

Coordination of the opening in the load-bearing wall

It is less problematic to obtain permission in the process of coordinating an opening in the load-bearing wall of a brick house than in other houses. The thing is that brick houses are more durable, since the walls in them are less dependent on each other. If you are the owner of an apartment in a brick house, you need to contact GUP Moszhilniiproekt, where, in accordance with the current legislation, you will be given an opinion on the possibility of constructing an opening in the main wall.

The situation is different with obtaining permission when agreeing on an opening in the load-bearing wall of a panel house, because in such houses, almost every wall has an impressive load. If you arbitrarily build an opening in such a wall, this will weaken it and have a detrimental effect on the structural stability and safety of the entire structure, because all the main walls are interconnected. To coordinate such work and obtain a technical opinion on the possibility of this redevelopment in a panel house, you need to contact State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP (Moscow Research Institute of Typology).

To agree on the opening in the load-bearing wall of a monolithic house, you must also contact GUP Moszhilniiproekt or directly to the authors at home, which will issue a conclusion on the possibility of legalizing the opening in the load-bearing wall.

The staff of the Architectural and Design Workshop No. 1 will professionally approach the coordination of the doorway in the load-bearing wall. Quality of work, reasonable prices and reasonable terms upon agreement - these are the main principles of the company.


The device or transfer of an opening in the main wall is more than a responsible matter, since the supporting structures of the building are affected! In total, there are 3 types of houses in which the possibility of such redevelopment can be considered:

  • old brick (for approval, contact GUP Moszhilniiproekt);
  • panel (for approval, contact the State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP);
  • new monolithic (you can get permission from GUP Moszhilniiproekt or from the authors at home).

The method of transferring or arranging an opening in the main walls is individual for each of the houses and requires approval from the indicated authorities.

Questions and answers:

Question: Tell me, is the device of the opening or its relocation considered a redevelopment or reconstruction of the building?

Answer: Redevelopment and reconstruction are completely different concepts. Reconstruction includes more global changes than redevelopment (for example, changing the number of storeys, replacing engineering systems, etc.). And redevelopment is a change in the configurations of a room. Accordingly, work on the transfer or arrangement of openings is a redevelopment.

Repeatedly in our life we ​​come across renovations of apartments or houses. And often this process is accompanied by the construction of new entrances. But what to do when, behind the layout, this passage is in the load-bearing wall? This task is not at all an easy one. By making a mistake, the structure of the room as a whole may suffer. The situation is complicated if a person decides to do all the work with his own hands, but in no case should you despair. You just need to take into account some of the subtleties of working with a load-bearing wall.

Redevelopment approval

Before starting work, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the relevant authorities. The following factors influence their response:

  • housing construction (so that the room is not completely destroyed due to the opening);
  • deterioration of walls (walls, like people, have the properties of aging and losing their former strength and durability);
  • type and thickness of the wall;
  • placement of the opening (it should not coincide with the junction of floors and walls);
  • the size of the opening in relation to the area of ​​the wall;
  • the gap between the opening and the adjacent walls;
  • the gap between the highest edge of the opening and the overlap;
  • opening width;
  • the number of floors above the opening.

Only after receiving a positive response from the relevant authorities do we proceed to work directly.

Choice of tools

The first step in any construction work is to prepare the equipment. Professional builders use a concrete cutter, a tool for working with load-bearing walls with their own hands - a jackhammer, and a puncher will also work. In addition, you will need:

  • sledgehammer;
  • equipment for marking;
  • welding;
  • studs or bolts (depending on the profile);
  • nuts;
  • washers;
  • channels;
  • cement mortar.

Preparatory work

1. Make sure there are no electrical connections behind the wall or disconnect them.

2. Mark the outline of the opening. Due to the fact that the load-bearing walls are very thick, they have to be disassembled from 2 sides.

3. Drill through holes with a 12 mm drill bit in the corners of the contour. They will help you navigate while marking the opening from the other side.

4. Cut the channels to the required length.

Installing the jumper

The lintel is the most important component in the entire process. The load on the load-bearing walls will be transferred to this part, therefore, the safety of the whole house depends on the correct installation.

To install, first of all we knock down the plaster and knock out a recess along the upper line of the opening, we will lay the channel in it. The length of the recess is: width of the opening plus one meter. The profile should fit tightly into the place prepared for it. We clean the remnants of the brick with a wire brush and rinse with water.

For tightening fasteners, we drill holes in the profile with a step of approximately 3 cm (no more). When everything is ready, we wet the surface and apply cement mortar, into which we immerse the channel. We drill through the wall, focusing on the prepared holes. On the other hand, thanks to the previous stage of work, we can easily outline and knock out the same niche. Insert the second profile into it (with holes drilled, as in the first) and tighten both channels with pins (bolts), at the ends of which we put washers and tighten the nuts. We fill the voids in the profiles with concrete or brick.

Another way to set the jumper:

In addition to the above-described jumper installation method, there is also a second one. For it, we need two beams with an L-shaped profile. This design is called precast concrete lintel. Such profiles do not need to be tightened with studs (bolts). After the grooves in the places of the lintel support have been cleaned, we put a thick layer of cement mortar on both sides. Next, we proceed with the installation of a reinforced concrete beam. When the solution dries up, we can start cutting the opening.

Cutting the opening depending on the material

Many people are worried about how to make an opening in a brick wall. In fact, among all materials, with a brick, this process will be the simplest. Removing one row, all the rest will go without problems. The situation is completely different with concrete. It will take a long and difficult work with a puncher.

  • We knock out the concrete wall:

We make an opening in the concrete load-bearing wall, to make our work easier, we will act as follows:

1. Divide the wall area into several small squares.

2. Along the contours we cut, we cut the concrete with a grinder or drill with a perforator (this will take more time).

3. Separate elements of the wall are knocked out with a sledgehammer quite simply, while in others it will be necessary to disassemble the reinforcement.

Who is more convenient to see how to properly break through the load-bearing wall video is at the end of the article.

  • Finishing works:

After the opening is ready, it is necessary to additionally strengthen it. We weld a solid strip of steel, approximately 6 mm thick, between the two channels. Another option: we weld the plates with a step of 2 cm. On both sides of the opening we install corners or, if they are absent, channels are also suitable, but they will require niches. We weld them to the upper crossbar of the opening. Also, we connect each pair of corners with steel plates and tighten them with pins (for them, on the corners or channels, it is necessary to drill holes in advance). If this reinforcement seems to you not enough, then make the load-bearing wall more durable, install the lower horizontal lintel, weld it to the posts.

The door from the window

Often there are cases when the door is planned to be made in place of the window. This operation does not require much effort.

In order to make a door from the window of a load-bearing wall with our own hands, we need:

  • steel corners (required at an angle of 90 degrees);
  • channels;
  • reinforced concrete beams;
  • powerful puncher;
  • ruler;
  • Bulgarian;
  • sledgehammer;
  • Sander.

The first step is to remove the window. In its old place there may be remnants of plaster and paint, we remove them with a grinder. After we get rid of the lower partition, if it is made of brick, then we simply punch it with a sledgehammer, if it is concrete, then we cut it out as with a regular opening. If there were metal fragments in the partition, we get rid of them with a grinder. We disassemble the plasterboard partition in parts (in the first cases we eliminate the screws).

We get rid of the debris and start installing the jumper. The lintel is installed using the same technology as when creating a doorway from scratch.

Considering that we make the opening in the load-bearing wall, it is advisable to fix the overlapping structures using long vertical posts along the entire height of the housing.

Arch in the load-bearing wall

Sometimes, instead of a doorway, the owners put an arch. It looks much prettier. But there are many nuances in working with an arch. For example, only a professional can make it in a brick house, since a relationship with the location of the masonry seams is required. With the panel house, things are different. This option can be done independently.

  • We make an arch in the load-bearing wall of a panel house:

First of all, we cut out a U-shaped opening, which we reinforce with profiles, we will inscribe an arch into it. The next step is to measure the doorway.

After measuring, we proceed to create the frame:

1. We make a frame on which we will attach the curved strip in the future, for it we use a 27 by 28 profile.

2. We select scissors for metal, it will be most convenient to work with those that have a spring mechanism (in this type, the handles themselves fold back after compression).

3. We cut the profile, 2 sides out of three, it is necessary that it takes on an arched shape (the steeper you plan to bend, the more often we make cuts).

4. Turn the profile clockwise to one side, thereby placing it inside the fixed right front part of the arch (the second should be on the opposite side).

5. We make cuts in the upper and middle parts every 50 mm.

6. The frame is ready, but it should be strengthened. We install the crossbars made from a profile of 60 by 27, securing them with short self-tapping screws.

7. Install the frame in the opening.

Next, we need to make the front parts of the arch. To do this, you can choose any material, but drywall will be the best option in self-production. The front parts are in the shape of a semicircle. To get the ideal shape, we will make a "compass" out of handy things. Take the thread and fix it in the center of the semicircle, measure the radius (the width of the opening divided by two) and fix the other end on a pencil. Draw, cut out and attach to the frame. Our arch is ready, we can safely plaster or paint it.

Connection of a room with a balcony

A balcony is always made in a load-bearing wall, this is the main problem. It is very difficult to get permission to connect it to the room. In addition, it should be borne in mind that a balcony is a settling area in case of a fire. It is easiest to remove a person from it. Therefore, before deciding on such a step, think carefully.

If the decision has not changed, and you have received permission, then start the following work. The first step is to glaze the balcony. Next, we dismantle the wall, but since it is a load-bearing one, we must install a jumper that will take on the entire load. Also, during the work, it will be necessary to raise the floor on the balcony. The last step is to insulate the balcony.

It should be added that this process is very laborious and for safety it is better to consult a professional.

Closing the old doorway

Very often, after creating a new entrance, the need for the previous one disappears and it must be repaired. In the case of an internal partition, it is possible to lay a plasterboard sheet, then from an external one, in addition to a capital bookmark, there are no other options. For embedding we use materials such as brick or foam block.

First, let's prepare the hole. We remove the plaster (and if present, then paint) to the very base. We do this process along the entire wall, and not only in places of slopes. In the brick opening, we make recesses that will be needed for bonding with fresh masonry. Remove half of the brick in every fourth row. We drill one-sided holes at the ends of the concrete wall and drive metal rods into them, 7-9 mm thick. A prerequisite is that the holes are in places between the rows of future masonry. We cover the threshold of the opening with waterproofing, it will serve as roofing material.

Before laying each subsequent brick row, it is necessary to pull the thread in a horizontal position between two opposite walls of the opening. This is required to avoid masonry errors. To be completely sure it is also worth the building level. We knit the rods looking out between the rows with reinforcement (in exchange, a masonry mesh is suitable).

After we have laid the opening with bricks, we wait a day and start plastering. Areas that have been freed from plaster and the masonry itself is primed. We attach a steel mesh to the primer (for greater strength) and plaster again. The amount of plaster solution to be applied depends on the unevenness of the walls.

The openings in the inner part are much easier to seal. First, we install the crate (use a profile) on one side of the old passage. Having plastered the first side, you can proceed to the installation of the battens on the opposite. We lay a sound insulator (prerequisite) and sheathe it with panels. Finishing work will be finalized.

Making a new doorway in a load-bearing wall is tricky, but looking at your renovated room will tell you that it was well worth the effort. This process is possible even with your own hands, without the help of professionals. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations for working with supporting structures, and you will not have any problems. And always remember that safety comes first in this matter.

Sometimes, for redevelopment in an apartment or a private house, it is necessary to make a new door or window opening. Creating an opening in the load-bearing wall of an apartment building is not an easy task. Things are easier with redevelopment in a private house, here everyone is his own master.

What is a doorway? This is a hole in the wall for installing entry blocks. The fixed fixed element in the space between the walls is called the door frame. Often, an arch is made as a decorating element of the interior.

The device of a doorway in a load-bearing brick wall

Before starting work, you must contact a specialist who will make a demo project with all calculations based on the wishes of the client. To implement the project, significant costs are required, which start from an amount of 30 thousand rubles. So if you get down to business, you need to foresee a lot. Independent work on the device of the doorway will help the owner save money - it will cost about 15 thousand rubles.

Arrangement of a new opening

  • it must comply with building codes;
  • position the hole, preferably in the central part of the support structure;
  • it is necessary to match the upper part with the cement joint of the masonry;
  • the inter-wall space up to 0.9 m wide does not need reinforcement operations.

When creating an inter-wall space in a supporting wall, you need to create reinforcement correctly... Important when changing the design of the walls is the safety of life of other residents of an apartment building and the preservation of the structure of the building itself.

Work order

First of all, you need to decide on the location of the additional space for entry and exit. It all starts with the markup... You need to decide on the width of the hole, and then begin to define its future location with a pencil. From the outer wall, you need to measure the distance and make a mark - from here we begin to draw the outline of the future intra-wall space.

A thick wall structure is cut on both sides, so marking on the back side will also be necessary.

For their exact match, it is necessary to drill several holes according to the pencil markings (Fig. 1). And then on the other side, connect all the holes with a pencil line.

Rice. 1

The above manipulations should be carried out using a building level, a triangle and a ruler..

Since we will make the space in the load-bearing wall of a brick house, it is necessary to take care of auxiliary partitions and lintels in advance (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2

Removing a section of a wall

Fig. 3

Before starting work, it is necessary to free the supporting wall structure from the layer of plaster along the drawn line so that the seams of the masonry are visible. However, it is necessary to remove the plaster very carefully, because most likely, the wiring is located under it - damage can lead to the destruction of the entire power supply system.

When the seams at the site of the future empty space are visible, you can start working. It is necessary to start removing bricks from the very top. First, the top row of bricks is removed, which will be the width of the entire door space... A jumper is inserted here, on which the structure will be held.

Further, more holes are made above the jumper. It is necessary to mount a beam into the resulting hole, which will act as a support. The support beam must be supported with a jack so that the structure does not collapse during operation. The beam and jack will support the weight of the entire wall structure (fig. 3).

Jumper from channel

Then all holes are lubricated with a concrete solution. After the concrete mixture has dried, you can continue to work on knocking out bricks.

The structure should be reinforced when the width of the door space is more than one meter..

To protect the floor from falling bricks, it is necessary to make a flooring of planks. Bricks should be removed with diamond drills in order to minimize damage to the wall structure.

Violation of the brick removal technology can lead to weakening of the structure, its premature wear and deformation..

It should be noted that the space under the door must be 10-20 centimeters larger than the door or window frame. This gap can be filled with polyurethane foam.

Strengthening the opening

Strengthening works take the maximum amount of time, since they are carried out painstakingly. Organized empty space under a door or arch must be reinforced with channels... It is advisable to use a channel lintel with vertical posts. Channels are mounted on both sides, which are screwed into the previously installed wooden lintel using bolts (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4

If the space in the wall structure is wide, then it is reinforced not only in the upper part, but also on the sides (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5

How to identify a load-bearing wall in a brick house?

The most basic way to identify a supporting wall is to familiarize yourself with the living room plan. Such a plan is mandatory in the data sheet or house book. To understand the diagrams and drawings, you need to have a little sketching skills. Experience in construction would not be superfluous. Then you can easily distinguish a supporting wall from a regular partition.

Rice. 6

Usually interior walls are no more than 18 centimeters thick. The smallest retaining wall thickness is 38 centimeters - a masonry of three bricks... A four-brick laying is possible, which forms a wall 51 centimeters thick. Quite often the thickness of the walls in brick houses is 64 centimeters - five-brick masonry (Fig. 6).

If the plan could not be found, then it is worth using the general rules for determining the load-bearing walls in the house:

  • if the walls face the street, we can definitely say that they are supportive;
  • walls shared with neighbors;
  • wall thickness over 380 mm, as mentioned earlier;
  • walls overlooking the staircase.

External finishing

After finishing work on the formation of an opening in a brick bearing wall, everything must be decoratively finished (Fig. 7). What is needed for this? First of all, you need to decide on the choice of finishing material. Whether it is wood, plastic or decorative stone - you decide. Next, you need to show a little imagination and create decorative elements in the formed space of the brick wall.

Rice. 7

For self-cladding, you should have basic knowledge in the field of finishing work, and you also need a special tool.

If it is necessary to arrange the space under the door without its presence, then it is worth using additional boards. This will add elegance to your new room design and add sophistication to the interior. You can create such a cladding yourself.

The opening made in the form of an arch looks beautiful. As a rule, arches come in round or lancet shapes. To determine the shape of the arch for the client, check out the design catalogs. The most widespread today are the Byzantine and Greek styles. In some cases, the arch can be backlit.

Decide on redevelopment. This method will allow you to rationally use the territory of your apartment. However, redevelopment often affects load-bearing walls. How to be in such a situation? Can a load-bearing wall be demolished? Or, is it possible to make an opening in a load-bearing wall? We will consider the features of load-bearing walls, as well as cases when an opening can be made in them.

Is it allowed to demolish the load-bearing wall?

The stability of the house is achieved due to the presence of load-bearing walls, which are made of heavy-duty material. If one of the walls is not removed, then the strength of the entire structure will be at risk. Due to the demolition of the wall, engineering calculations will be disrupted. Conclusion: it is impossible to completely remove the load-bearing wall, this is fraught with great trouble. Making an opening in a load-bearing wall is a completely different matter. This is allowed under some circumstances. But for this, it will be necessary to first agree on the issue of redevelopment with the relevant authorities, carefully make calculations.

Features of load-bearing walls

The thing is that the load-bearing wall is subjected to heavy loads. Therefore, the service life of the whole house depends on how strong it will be.

Not in all cases it is possible to obtain permission to make an opening in a load-bearing wall! This is due to the fact that the construction of houses in all cases may be different. It is especially problematic to obtain such a permit if you live on the first or second floor. In these places, the walls are under special stress.

Some take the wrong position on this issue. They make an opening in the wall, and then, in fact, they turn to the authorities that they, they say, did not know or forgot to apply. But such people should be aware of the following. According to the latest regulations, unauthorized production of an opening in a load-bearing wall can entail heavy fines, and in the worst case, deprivation of the right to live in this apartment. But this is the maximum that you can run into. At least in this case, they will be forced to restore the wall. Even if you managed to hide the fact of redevelopment, sooner or later they will find out about it.

If you live in a brick house, it is easier to get permission to make an opening in a load-bearing wall.

So, to get the coveted permission, you need to collect the following documentation:

  1. Floor plan of the apartment.
  2. Redevelopment sketch.
  3. Apartment ownership certificate.
  4. Filling out an application in a strictly established form.

If you do get permission, you can start working.

Opening manufacturing methods and necessary tools

When it comes to making the opening, many will think of a jackhammer. But this view is wrong. Although this method has been proven over time, it is not effective in all cases. Moreover, the use of a jackhammer to make an opening in a load-bearing wall has a number of disadvantages:

  1. A large number of microcracks appear.
  2. The integrity of the wall is violated, especially if it is made of brick.
  3. The made opening must be additionally processed, which will entail additional costs.
  4. There is a lot of noise and dust in the process of work (you can't do it in secret).
  5. Many walls have metal fittings, which will make it difficult to work.

Today, there are a number of modern technologies that allow you to quickly and with minimal effort to make an opening in the load-bearing wall.

  • Use of rope equipment. In this case, special bushings and a rope are used, on which artificial diamonds are installed. This method is effective because it does not generate dust, vibration or noise.
  • Diamond drilling. Special diamond drills are used here. They can drill even holes along the entire contour of the opening. Accordingly, this method will save your costs for the subsequent processing of the walls. The use of diamond drilling allows you to maintain the integrity of the wall, both brick and reinforced concrete.
  • Diamond saws. The most optimal way if you want to find the best option for making an opening in a load-bearing wall. There are two cutting methods: stationary and manual. The choice will depend on the size of the opening and the quality required.

Break not build!

To begin with, you need to carry out a number of preparatory processes. A lintel is pre-made, which will take on all the main load from the above-located wall array. This element is very important: the safety of the entire structure and yours, respectively, will directly depend on its strength. In this case, consider the following:

  • wall thickness,
  • the ratio of the size of the wall and the opening,
  • technical condition of the wall,
  • the material from which the walls are made,
  • distance to adjacent walls and ceiling,
  • location of floor slabs,
  • the number of floors above your apartment.

In the event that the opening is made in a large wall, the floor slabs must first be supported. For example, the struts can be made from pipes or logs.

As for the material for the lintel, steel is ideal. It is the most reliable and strongest material for this purpose. As a rule, you can purchase a channel that is bolted on both sides or an I-beam. If you have opted for the installation of a channel, then M20 bolts are suitable for connecting it. The distance between them should be half a meter. The length of the jumper should be sufficient so that it does not bend under heavy loads.

Now we start making the opening. First, remove the plaster from the wall. To do this, you can first draw the outlines of the opening with chalk. Then an opening is made for mounting the lintel. These strobes are made on both sides. Next, you need to drill holes for fastening the jumpers with bolts. These niches must be well cleaned so that the channel can be easily installed in them. Remove dust by wetting the wall with water.

After making the strobes, prepare a cement mortar from M500 grade cement. The solution should be dense and thick. It should be laid in the manufactured groove, and then, install the channel and tighten it with bolts. Now the whole structure should harden well.

During operation, voids may form. How do you fix them? To do this, you can take small pieces of block / brick, which are installed on the same mortar.

Bolted connections must have washers!

After that, you can proceed directly to punching the opening. In this case, you can use any of the above methods. It should be noted that the punching of the opening must be carried out gradually. Think about how you will remove the resulting debris and how large the waste should be.

After making the opening, the slopes should be finished. In some cases, it is possible to make a reinforcement of the structure, especially if the opening is thick. For this, a metal corner is mounted in the corners, which can be welded to the lintel. These corners are also welded together with metal plates. All that remains is to plaster the slopes and proceed with the finishing.

There is another method for making a lintel from a reinforced concrete beam. In terms of its strength, it is in no way inferior to the technology described above. To install it, you must first make a through opening for the entire length of the reinforced concrete beam. She, in turn, is laid on a cement mortar. It is possible to punch the opening only when the cement has seized the beam. The subsequent process is the same as above.

If you want to use non-standard solutions for the interior design of the premises during redevelopment, you can make an arched opening in the load-bearing wall. But in this case, you will need to make a special design. To make such an opening, you will need to first prepare a profile or other material that will exactly repeat the outline of the opening. The fastening is carried out according to the same principle. The only difference is that the structure as a beam should be bolted not only to each other, but also to the wall.

Before punching an opening in a load-bearing wall, weigh the pros and cons. Remember that you must first obtain the appropriate permission.


Detailed instructions for making an opening in a load-bearing wall:

Many homeowners, planning a thorough renovation of an apartment, decide on redevelopment by arranging an opening in the load-bearing wall. Such a need may arise when you decide to increase the size of the bathroom, combine the kitchen with the living room, or turn the apartment into a studio. For residents of panel high-rise buildings, the construction of openings in load-bearing walls is not only a problem only in terms of attractive design. Redevelopment will require a competent technical approach, coordination with utilities, obtaining permits and compliance with hole punching technology. In this article, we will look at how to make and legalize an opening in a load-bearing wall.

A load-bearing wall is a wall that supports the slabs. The construction of a panel house assumes the presence of such blocks as vertical support for the slabs. Such dismantling without installing supporting mechanisms, the plates will crack from above, as a result of which cracks will go along the floor and walls of the apartment above you. If the problem is not eliminated in time, the building may collapse.

As you can see, the main walls are an extremely important element in the structure of the entire house. You can determine their location thanks to the housing plan, which is indicated in the data sheet. You can get acquainted with the scheme in the Bureau of Technical Inventory or in the ZhEK. On the apartment diagram, the main partitions will be highlighted with thick lines.

If you have not gained access to the necessary documents, you can try to determine such a wall yourself. Pay attention to the thickness - as a rule, the load-bearing slabs are wider. Almost all load-bearing blocks are located at the junction of apartments and at the junction of an apartment and a flight of stairs.

If you are not sure whether this wall is solid or ordinary, remember: expanding the opening in the load-bearing wall in any case will require a special permit, and the specialists from the Housing Inspection who will issue it will give an explanation on this issue.

Is the opening allowed

It is possible to make an opening in many cases. Often, apartment owners hear a refusal. There are several reasons for the decision:

  1. Obsolete supporting structures of the entire building. The fact is that every house has its own age, and if your age is over 20 years old, and major repairs have never been made, then making an opening in the load-bearing wall of the house is fraught with negative consequences.
  2. The door in the load-bearing wall on the floor above, below will make it impossible to redevelop your apartment. It is important to pay attention to the location of these holes - they should not be exactly one above the other.
  3. Another reason for the refusal is the number of storeys in the apartment. The maximum pressure is exerted on the apartments of the first and second floors, therefore the probability of obtaining permission to cut a hole is minimal here.
  4. Construction defects. In houses commissioned with violations of construction technology, there are discrepancies between panel seams, gaps between ceilings and blocks, and other defects. In such cases, you will receive either a categorical refusal, or requirements for additional reinforcement of the wall.
  5. House wall material. It is easier to obtain a hole punching permit in houses with brick walls than in panel or monolithic buildings.

Remember: before proceeding with the redevelopment, it is necessary to coordinate the opening in the load-bearing wall.

A number of documents and certificates will be required, but it is better to get them right away than to worry afterwards. If an uncoordinated redevelopment is detected, the housing inspection has every right to write you a fine of 3 thousand rubles. The fine is small, but apart from it, you will still be required to obtain permission. If, according to the results of the check, the cut-out doors in the load-bearing wall turn out to be faulty, you will be forced to lay a hole, as a result of which all your repair work will turn out to be meaningless.

An apartment with illegal changes cannot be sold officially.

Is it possible to demolish it entirely

The demolition of the capital partition is definitely not possible and not one specialist will give permission for this. Complete dismantling of the supporting structures is fraught with the collapse of the ceiling slabs.

What is required

To arrange an opening, you need:

  • project documents. This item refers to the redevelopment plan made by the design engineer. To make a rework plan, you need to contact the design institute. An even better option would be to contact the design department of the same construction company that was engaged in the construction of the house. After the engineer has determined whether it is possible to rebuild the housing and in what form, he will draw up a final plan and issue a package of design documents (a resolution regarding the bearing capacity of walls and floors, a floor plan where places for demolition and construction of partitions will be marked, identification of structural elements, affecting the way of strengthening the opening);
  • statement. The application is written in the housing inspectorate personally by you on a special form;
  • documents confirming the ownership of the apartment. The types of such documents differ depending on the form of obtaining housing (privatization, by inheritance, by court decision, and so on). In any case, you must have a copy of the certificate of ownership of housing, certified by the BTI of the city;
  • technical conclusion on the condition of the building and the possibility of arranging the opening (issued by the design institute);
  • permission for redevelopment from apartment owners and owners of neighboring premises (in writing);
  • an agreement with a contractor who has an SRO admission. Since the partial dismantling of the supporting structure refers to work that is not carried out by the tenants on their own, subsequently, in order to confirm the completion of the redevelopment, you will need to present an SRO permit, which your contractor must have. Without a permit, you will not receive an act of completion of construction, therefore it is better not to save on the contractor company.

As a result of obtaining all permits from the housing inspectorate, the owner is issued a Work Production Log, in which it is necessary to record all stages of the repair. Moreover, it is necessary to record the progress of work honestly and in detail, since deviations and inaccuracies in the journal are the reason for refusing to issue an act of completion of construction work to the owner.

As for the technology itself, it will depend on the type of opening - rectangular, arched. In any case, punching a hole is not recommended. It should be cut, which is done with a shockless tool - a diamond wheel. Cutting with such a tool can be carried out stationary and manually, depending on the material and volume of work. As a result of cutting, less dust is generated and the hole does not need additional processing.