Hauff dwarf nose is the main character of the fairy tale. Life and creative path B

The fairy tale “Dwarf Nose” is one of the most famous works of the German writer. We have known it since childhood. Its essence is that external attractiveness is always more important. In this tale, the author emphasizes the importance and significance of family in the life of every person. Here is a summary of the work. For ease of understanding, it is divided into three parts.

Wilhelm Hauff. “Dwarf Nose” (summary). Introduction

In one German city lived a poor couple, Hannah and Friedrich, with their son Jacob. The father of the family was a shoemaker, and the mother sold vegetables at the market. Their son Yakov was a tall and handsome boy. They loved him very much and spoiled him as best they could with their gifts. The boy tried to be obedient in everything and helped his mother at the market.

Wilhelm Hauff. “Dwarf Nose” (summary). Developments

One day, when Yakov and his mother were trading, as always, at the market, an ugly old woman approached them and began to pick and choose, choosing vegetables and herbs. The boy insulted her, pointing out her physical flaws: short stature, a hump and a large hooked nose. The old woman was offended, but did not show it. She chose six heads of cabbage and asked Yakov to take her home. He readily agreed. Having brought the boy to her extraordinary house, the evil witch fed him a magical soup with some fragrant roots and herbs. After eating this broth, Yakov fell into a deep sleep. He dreamed that he turned into a squirrel and served the old woman in this guise for seven years. One day, when he was looking for spices in the closet to cook chicken for the witch, Yakov came across a basket with fragrant herbs, the same as what was in his soup. He sniffed it and woke up. “Go back to the market to his mother,” was the boy’s first thought. So he did.

When his parents saw him, they did not recognize their son. It turned out that in seven years he had turned into an ugly dwarf, and Hannah and Friedrich did not accept him like that. To feed himself, Jacob goes to the ducal palace to offer his services as a cook. They take him, and soon everyone is praising the food he has prepared.

Wilhelm Hauff. “Dwarf Nose” (summary). Denouement

One day, the dwarf Jacob himself went to the market to choose fat geese for dinner. There he acquired a goose, Mimi, who, as it turned out later, spoke in a human voice. It was an enchanted girl. When Yakov understood everything, he began to guard the goose and feed it. One day the prince came to visit the duke and demanded that a real royal pie be baked for him. The dwarf fulfilled this order, but his baked goods did not turn out the way they should be. After all, it was missing one special herb, which is added only to this pie. The prince and duke were angry, but Jacob promised them to fulfill this order. Mimi promised to help him find the right herb. In the old garden, under a large chestnut tree, she found it and handed it to the dwarf. It turned out that this is the same spice that the witch added to the magic soup that changed Jacob. When he smelled it, he turned into a tall and handsome young man. After that, he and the goose went to where Mimi’s father, the old wizard Wetterbock, lived. He removed the evil spell from his sweet daughter, and she turned into a beautiful girl. Wetterbock gave Yakov many gifts and money and took him to his parents. So the young man returned to his hometown.

This work (even its brief content) allows us to plunge into the mysterious world of mythical creatures, magic and magic. Dwarf Nose is the main character of the fairy tale, a kind and talented person. He believes in justice and is ready to help other people. And for this he was generously rewarded.

Good defeated evil in the fairy tale “Dwarf Nose.” Its brief content allowed us to recall all the main points of this wonderful work.

The Alexandrian sheikh Ali-Banu was a very rich, but very unhappy man: the Franks took his son Kairam, and there was no news from the boy, and his wife died of grief. Every year, on the day of Kairam’s abduction, the sheikh cleaned the house as if for a holiday, for the dervish said that on that same day his son would return home, and called guests who consoled the sheikh with fairy tales.

Little Longnose

Friedrich, a shoemaker, lived in Germany. His wife Hannah and son Jacob were successful traders in vegetables at the market. When an ugly old woman approached their stall, Jacob became angry at her fastidiousness and criticized the woman - to which the old woman promised that he would become the same. When Jacob helped her carry the bags, in her house, where pigs and squirrels were waiting, the old woman fed him delicious soup. He fell asleep and had a dream about how he served the old woman for 7 years in the guise of a squirrel, and even became an excellent cook. When the boy woke up and returned to the market, it turned out that 7 years had indeed passed, and he had turned into an ugly dwarf. His parents did not recognize or believe him. Jacob got a job with the gourmet Duke as an assistant to the head of the kitchen (as an exam, he prepared Danish soup with red Habsburg dumplings). The Duke ate his cooking and praised him. One day, among other things, the dwarf bought Mimi the goose, an enchanted girl, at the market. She helped him prepare the “queen’s pie” for the duke and his guest the prince, and also find the much-needed herb “sneeze for health” for the pie, in which Jacob recognized a component of that very soup. In his room he sniffed the weed and became himself again. First, she and the goose went to Mimi’s father, the wizard Watterbrock, who thanked Jacob - he returned to his parents with a decent amount of money.

Let's return to the Sheikh's palace. 4 young men, who were led here by an old man, discussed the charm of fairy tales and tried to discover where their charm lies - maybe the unknown beautiful world they depicted is more attractive than the real one? The old man remembered short stories where nothing supernatural happens, where the art with which the image of the hero and his character are conveyed is important.

Young Englishman

Here the next narrator began his story. In the small town of Grünwiesel, a newcomer appeared who led a secretive lifestyle, which gave rise to many conversations about himself. However, after visiting the town with a circus, he brought his nephew, a foreigner, whom he introduced to society after learning dance and the local language. Despite his terrible manners and strange behavior, the guy conquered the city - everyone found him cute, young people even inherited his manners. At the concert that concluded the winter evenings, the nephew was supposed to sing a duet with the burgomaster’s daughter. The handsome man began to sing very out of tune, and when he became completely mischievous, the burgomaster loosened the knot of his neckerchief on the recommendation of his uncle (who himself tightened the knot in such cases). When the raging nephew was caught, it turned out that under the clothes and wig was an orangutan from a traveling circus. In the visitor’s house they found only a letter in which he explained that he did not want to get bogged down in local customs, and therefore left his deputy. The monkey was left to the scientist who owned the cabinet of natural history objects.

On the same day, the sheikh released the slaves, hoping thereby to earn the mercy of Allah for his son. The old man turned out to be the learned dervish Mustafa. He introduced the guys to the sheikh, and he promised to fulfill their wishes: he allowed one to manage his books, the second to have fun, the third to have fun with the help of his dancers and musicians, and also decided to sponsor the travel of the fourth.

History of Almansor

The last slave of those who were supposed to be released began his story. On the ship of the Algerian pirates, along with the narrator, there was a young man who, it seemed to him, was not born to wear slave clothes. He said that he was from a noble family and was taken away by the Franks. The listeners began to be indignant - this story was cruel to the sheikh, but he asked the narrator to continue. So: although the Franks promised to send Almansor home, he was brought to Frankistan and shown under the guise of a guarantee of peace with Egypt - they say, the father sent his son to study in a friendly country. Almansor was placed with a doctor, who taught the young man local customs. But Almansor was a frequent guest of the old orientalist, who arranged “oriental conversations” with the guy. The Franks elected as king a commander who had been friends with Almansor in the Frankish camp in Egypt. The young man met him by chance, not knowing about his appointment, and asked to introduce him to one of the nobles so that he could put in a good word for him before the king. And then, when they entered a hall full of people, and only his friend did not take off his hat, Almansor realized who his acquaintance really was. The emperor sent him to Egypt, but the ship was captured by the British, then by Tunisian pirates. The young man fell into slavery and was bought by his own father...

So the sheikh found a son, and Kairam (Almansor) found a father. The sheikh introduced the four young men to his son and invited them to visit and entertain him. The young men thought that if they had not started a conversation with the elder, they would have missed their chance.

Long ago, in one City in Germany, a shoemaker, Friedrich, lived with his wife Hannah, who sold vegetables. The two of them had a handsome, slender son, Jacob, who was loved by his parents, neighbors and customers. One day an old, wrinkled, poorly dressed old woman approached them. She began to rummage through the vegetables with her hand, stirring and making a mess, but her mother could not say anything.

The old woman began to grumble that all of Hannah’s vegetables were bad, then Jacob could not stand it and said that their vegetables were the best, and the old woman herself had a long nose, a thin neck, and crooked hands. The old woman got angry and grumbled that Jacob himself would soon have the same ones. She bought heads of cabbage and told him to help bring them to her. The boy had to obey. They walked for an hour, and when they finally arrived, Jacob saw that the outside of the old shack was covered with marble and beautifully furnished. The old woman suggested that he rest, saying that it was hard to carry human heads, and she actually pulled a human head out of the basket. Jacob was scared. She offered him a bowl of soup, after eating which Jacob fell soundly asleep.

He dreamed that he served an old woman for 7 years, and when he woke up, he ran home, but neither his father nor his mother recognized him and kicked him out. It turned out that he had turned into an ugly dwarf with a big nose. In despair, Jacob left. He decided to go to the Duke to become a cook. Over the years of serving the old woman, he learned to cook a variety of dishes. He got a job as a cook, worked for two years and became a respected man in the Duke's castle.

One day he bought geese at the market, and one goose asked not to kill her. The surprised dwarf spared her and left her to live in his room. She said that she was actually bewitched, and her name was Mimi. He also told her his story.

When his friend the prince came to the duke, the dwarf was tasked with preparing the king's pie, but he did not know how. Then the goose told him how to do it. But because no special herbs were added to the pie, it did not turn out so tasty. Angry, the Duke threatened to execute the dwarf if he did not prepare the pie properly. Together with the goose, he went into the garden to look for this grass, and when he found it, smelled it, he became his former self again. He took the money and the goose and went to the wizard, Mimi's father. He cast a spell on his daughter, and gave Jacob a lot of money and gifts. Jacob returned home to his parents, they recognized him and were glad to see their son return.

Picture or drawing of a dwarf nose

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Title of the work: Little Longnose
Wilhelm Hauff
Year of writing: 1826
Genre: fairy tale
Main characters: Jacob- the son of a shoemaker, who turned into a dwarf named Nose, Mimi- the daughter of a sorcerer, turned into a goose, an old witch-herbalist.


The wife and son of a shoemaker were selling fresh vegetables from their garden at the market. One day an ugly old woman with a huge nose came to them for shopping. She asked the boy to help her carry the basket home. There she treated him to delicious soup, after which the boy fell asleep. In a dream, he saw that he had worked for an old witch for seven years, turned into a squirrel. Waking up, he ran home, but his father and mother did not recognize him, they said that their son disappeared seven years ago, and this ugly dwarf with a huge nose was not their child at all. Then Jacob got a job as a cook in the kitchen of the Duke, who loved to eat delicious food. There he met with Mimi, who helped the young man find the magic herb necessary not only to prepare a special dish for the glutton Duke, but also to free himself from evil spells. After Jacob and Mimi became human again, they went to the girl’s father in the palace.

Conclusion (my opinion)

As in all fairy tales, the heroes must prove that they are worthy of happiness. And this can be done only without betraying yourself and your word, being honest, kind and clearly seeing the goal you are striving for.

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Excerpt characterizing Dwarf Nose (fairy tale)

- Nothing, nothing. “She smiled through her tears at Pierre. - Goodbye, time to sleep.
Pierre stood up and said goodbye.

Princess Marya and Natasha, as always, met in the bedroom. They talked about what Pierre had told. Princess Marya did not speak her opinion about Pierre. Natasha didn't talk about him either.
“Well, goodbye, Marie,” Natasha said. – You know, I’m often afraid that we don’t talk about him (Prince Andrei), as if we are afraid to humiliate our feelings and forget.
Princess Marya sighed heavily and with this sigh acknowledged the truth of Natasha’s words; but in words she did not agree with her.
- Is it possible to forget? - she said.
“It felt so good to tell everything today; and hard, and painful, and good. “Very good,” said Natasha, “I’m sure he really loved him.” That's why I told him... nothing, what did I tell him? – suddenly blushing, she asked.
- Pierre? Oh no! How wonderful he is,” said Princess Marya.
“You know, Marie,” Natasha suddenly said with a playful smile that Princess Marya had not seen on her face for a long time. - He became somehow clean, smooth, fresh; definitely from the bathhouse, do you understand? - morally from the bathhouse. Is it true?
“Yes,” said Princess Marya, “he won a lot.”
- And a short frock coat, and cropped hair; definitely, well, definitely from the bathhouse... dad, it used to be...
“I understand that he (Prince Andrei) did not love anyone as much as he did,” said Princess Marya.
– Yes, and it’s special from him. They say that men are friends only when they are very special. It must be true. Is it true that he doesn't resemble him at all?
- Yes, and wonderful.
“Well, goodbye,” Natasha answered. And the same playful smile, as if forgotten, remained on her face for a long time.

Pierre could not fall asleep for a long time that day; He walked back and forth around the room, now frowning, pondering something difficult, suddenly shrugging his shoulders and shuddering, now smiling happily.
He thought about Prince Andrei, about Natasha, about their love, and was either jealous of her past, then reproached her, then forgave himself for it. It was already six o'clock in the morning, and he was still walking around the room.
“Well, what can we do? If you can’t do without it! What to do! So, this is how it should be,” he said to himself and, hastily undressed, went to bed, happy and excited, but without doubts and indecisions.
“We must, strange as it may be, no matter how impossible this happiness is, we must do everything in order to be husband and wife with her,” he said to himself.
Pierre, a few days before, had set Friday as the day of his departure for St. Petersburg. When he woke up on Thursday, Savelich came to him for orders about packing his things for the road.
“How about St. Petersburg? What is St. Petersburg? Who's in St. Petersburg? – he asked involuntarily, although to himself. “Yes, something like that a long, long time ago, even before this happened, I was planning to go to St. Petersburg for some reason,” he remembered. - From what? I'll go, maybe. How kind and attentive he is, how he remembers everything! - he thought, looking at Savelich’s old face. “And what a pleasant smile!” - he thought.
- Well, don’t you want to go free, Savelich? asked Pierre.
- Why do I need freedom, Your Excellency? We lived under the late count, the kingdom of heaven, and we see no resentment under you.
- Well, what about the children?
“And the children will live, your Excellency: you can live with such gentlemen.”
- Well, what about my heirs? - said Pierre. “What if I get married... It could happen,” he added with an involuntary smile.
“And I dare to report: a good deed, your Excellency.”
“How easy he thinks it is,” thought Pierre. “He doesn’t know how scary it is, how dangerous it is.” Too early or too late... Scary!