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Prevention has long taught most people that pesticides are harmful, lead is dangerous, mold undermines the immune system, etc. However, in the life of every person there are, sometimes invisibly, dangerous and omnipresent enemies, which are rarely remembered. Meanwhile, they are everywhere.

Chemicals and toxins can enter the human body in several ways:

  • with food;
  • with air during breathing;
  • through the skin;
  • through the mucous membranes of the eyes, etc.

When exposed individually, they do not pose a serious danger to people, but cumulative (joint) exposure to toxins over a long period of time can undermine the immune system and cause serious health problems. Therefore, prevention suggests minimizing their impact as much as possible, eliminating sources of infection and toxic substances from everyday life if possible.

We will talk about five sources of toxic substances that surround any person in everyday life. They pose a serious danger that many do not realize.

Many people believe that prevention will be ensured by limiting nutrition by excluding processed foods, bright, poisonous or neon colors from the diet. But giving up colorful breakfast cereals, sweets and ready-made drinks is not enough. Synthetic dyes lie in wait for humans in many common food products, such as:

  • bakery products;
  • ice cream;
  • yogurt;
  • cheese, etc.

For example, the rich brown color of chocolate cake, which in the last century was entirely due to natural cocoa, today most often turns out to be the result of chemical reactions.

  • According to data published by the US Food and Drug Administration, the amount of artificial colors used in the food industry has increased by 500% since 1950!
  • Back in 2007, British scientists came to the conclusion that artificial dyes are associated with increased hyperactivity in children.
  • In 2013, Turkish researchers proved in experiments on rats that when dyes are introduced into the diet of pregnant females, they can affect the memory and other cognitive abilities of the offspring.
  • In addition, many studies warn that food dyes can destroy the immune system and provoke the development of cancer pathologies.

To protect your health, prevention suggests avoiding processed foods and ready-made meals whenever possible.

2. Hygiene and prevention flaws: toxic tampons

Not all women who use sanitary tampons know their composition. This is because manufacturers are not required to disclose the exact formula of the material from which they are made. It usually includes:

  • cotton,
  • viscose,
  • some other materials.

Research into the properties of sanitary tampons continues, but today there are concerns that they may be a source of toxic substances. The fact is that in the production of synthetic fiber, viscose, substances that are potentially hazardous to human health, dioxins, are used.

The World Health Organization considers dioxins to be highly toxic compounds that can:

  • lead to reproductive disorders;
  • provoke endocrine pathologies;
  • cause cancer.

Although American scientists have found minimal amounts of dioxins in sanitary tampons, if you calculate that the average woman uses about 12,000 of these products during her life, there is cause for concern. After all, the cumulative effect can have serious health consequences, especially considering that tampons come into contact with permeable tissues of the reproductive system.

  • To prevent possible pathologies, use tampons from well-known manufacturers that pay special attention to the quality and safety of their products.
  • Give preference to sanitary pads that have less contact with mucous membranes.

Sometimes there is too much of a good thing. This is the case with antibacterial soaps, which put a person's immune system to a little test every time they wash their hands or take a shower.

  • Triclosan and several other potentially hazardous chemicals are found in approximately 40% of all soap, according to the New York Times.
  • During national biomonitoring in 2003-2004, triclosan was found in the body of 75% of US citizens.
  • A study conducted in Norway back in 2006 showed that widespread use of triclosan may contribute to the development of drug resistance in pathogenic microorganisms.

Some antibacterial chemicals, when used regularly, can destroy the immune system, leading to:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • pathologies of the reproductive system;
  • exacerbation of allergies.

So the US Food and Drug Administration has simply banned the sale of soaps containing certain antibacterial chemicals, including triclosan (commonly found in liquid soap) and triclocarban (a common ingredient in regular, bar soap). Rospotrebnadzor, unfortunately, lags behind its overseas colleagues.

Wash your hands and all other parts of your body with plain water and simple soap that does not contain antibacterial synthetic components.

4. Outdoor shoes are a source of dangerous infections

There is good reason to ask guests to remove their shoes before entering the house.

  • As a result of a study conducted at Arizona State University (USA), scientists found about 421,000 different bacteria on shoes, including E. coli. They believe that about 90% of bacteria move into people's homes on the soles of shoes, etc.
  • Another study conducted by a group of scientists from the University of Houston, Texas (USA) showed that 39 out of 100 pairs of shoes are inhabited by Clostridium, which can cause such severe pathologies as gas gangrene, tetanus, and botulism.

Take off your shoes when entering the living area! In addition to having to clean less often, the amount of bacteria and hazardous chemicals in the house will decrease.

Scented washing and cleaning products make the atmosphere of homes and offices more pleasant. But any scented product (from air freshener to laundry detergent) contains a whole bunch of unknown and potentially dangerous chemicals. By inhaling their aromas, there is a risk of getting a significant toxic load on the body.

Phthalates in scented products are one of the main reasons why you should stay away from scented household chemicals.

  • Researchers from Taiwan found that they provoke endocrine pathologies, including in children whose mothers were exposed to these compounds during pregnancy.
  • Scientists from the State University of New York and the University of Massachusetts (USA) have found that phthalates alter the quality of sperm in men.
  • Buy washing powders and unscented detergents.
  • Look for household chemicals without phthalates.

Although it is impossible to eliminate all toxic substances from everyday life, we recommend taking simple preventative steps to reduce the risk to your immune system and overall health.

Everyone knows the records in sports, food, appearance, etc. However, such records have also been set in the field of reading.

Everyone knows the records in sports, food, appearance, etc. However, such records have also been set in the field of reading.

163,333 words were read in one minute by a 16-year-old girl Irina Ivanchenko from Kyiv. At the same time, the entire text read was fully assimilated and perceived. Journalists recorded this achievement.

Another resident of Kyiv, Evgenia Alekseenko (she was also 16 years old at the time the record was set), was able to read 416,250 words per minute. To read a very voluminous magazine, Evgenia needs only 30-40 seconds, and she reads a book with an average number of pages in a minute. But the most interesting thing is that this girl can endlessly retell everything she read, delving into even the smallest details.

Another record for reading speed was set by a resident of Russia - Svetlana Arkhipova (student of the Oleg Andreev School). In a minute she read 60 thousand characters. This achievement was rightfully included in the Guinness Book of Records.

In 2003, the record holder in the field of speed reading was an American resident, Sin (Sean) Adam. Since childhood, he had quite serious problems with his vision, and he sought to improve it through various trainings, in which he showed determination and patience. His record is 3850 words per minute. Sin Adam does not stop there and improves his abilities: 4550 words in one minute.

Six-time world champion in speed reading - Ann Jones from England. Her achievement is 4253 words per minute. She conducts trainings all over the world and teaches people speed reading techniques.

In addition to world-famous speed reading records, there are also achievements in group continuous reading. Thus, five students from the Dominican Republic read books aloud without interruption for 300 hours. They read in turn the works of the President of the Dominican Republic, texts authored by Juan Bosch, a writer and politician. The students didn't even have time to eat or sleep. Of course, setting such a record required long-term training: they trained for more than two years, developing their vocal cords and endurance.

The previous record for reading duration was set slightly earlier - in 2009. Its participants are women who read books aloud for 240 hours.

Larisa Glushkova

The word “mathematics” also comes from the ancient Greek language. Now we firmly know that mathematics is the science of numbers and quantities, of structures, orders and relationships, that it includes arithmetic and algebra, geometry and trigonometry, etc. However, it is very interesting that in Ancient Greece the word τό μάθημα (math ē ma) originally simply meant knowledge, teaching or science in general, that is, any science. And, for example, the phrase τὰ παίδων μαθήματα , found in Plato, means knowledge acquired in childhood, and not children's mathematics or counting children.

This ancient Greek word has the same root as the verb μανθάνω (manthan ō ) - learn, study, understand. And the noun ὁ μαθητής (math ē t ē s), also found in the New Testament, does not mean a mathematician at all, but a student or follower of some teacher or teaching.

In connection with this curious etymology, I would like to note two very important things, it seems to me.

1) Firstly, of course, there is a clear logic in the fact that the word, which at first meant science or knowledge in general, was then assigned to the science of mathematics. After all, mathematics has long been considered a model of rigor and scientific character for all other sciences, a kind of queen in the kingdom of knowledge. For example, the “Elements” of the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid served as a model for any scientific work for more than two millennia, and classical Euclidean geometry was considered the only possible geometry.

Galileo Galilei, who laid the foundations of mathematical physics, said that the book of nature is written in the language of mathematics, and that one must be able to read it. The philosopher Spinoza built his famous “Ethics” more geometrico, that is, according to Euclidean model - with axioms, theorems, their proofs and lemmas. And Karl Marx once even said that any science will only become perfect when it manages to use mathematics.

Modern physics cannot be imagined as non-mathematical. The famous physicist, winner of the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics, Steven Weinberg, says that the essence of modern physics is still a quantitative understanding of phenomena. And even in quantum physics, the fact that “matter has disappeared”, that it has become completely incomprehensible what an atom and its constituent parts are (are they waves or particles), that they are completely unrepresentable and indescribable, this elusiveness of matter has been put under numerical accounting and control ( Heisenberg uncertainty principle). Modern non-classical physics still measures the immeasurable, because in principle it cannot stop counting, measuring and looking at the world through the prism of quantitative relations.

However, somewhere from the second half of the 19th century, it became more and more clear that mathematics, too, is not unconditional and strict knowledge, that its foundations are also problematic. In addition to Euclidean geometry, non-Euclidean geometries were discovered - the geometries of Lobachevsky and Riemann. With the discovery of the theory of relativity, it was even discovered that non-Euclidean geometry, according to it, more adequately describes the properties of the cosmos and the world as a whole.

By the beginning of the twentieth century, mathematics also discovered crisis of its foundations, as in other sciences. For example, logical-mathematical paradoxes were discovered, which made clear the impracticability of such a program of research into the foundations of mathematics, which was called logicism, that is, the reduction of all mathematical provisions to the principles of logic. Therefore, it was not possible to prove that mathematics is a logically consistent system. The most famous logical-mathematical paradox that has no solution is Russell's paradox. In a simpler formulation it is known as barber paradox:

The only village barber was ordered: “Shave anyone who does not shave himself, and do not shave anyone who does shave himself.”. Who will shave the barber, and what should he do with himself? Shave or not?

In a word, mathematics shared the fate of all other sciences - from the belief in their inviolability and truth to the awareness of their problematic nature and the unreliability of the most important foundations. What could be called a loss of certainty occurred in her. This is exactly what “Mathematics: Loss of Certainty” is the title of a brilliant popular science book about the difficult historical path of mathematics as a science by the famous American mathematician Maurice Kline.

As he wrote in the Introduction, “This book is a woeful tale of the disasters that have befallen mathematics, the most ancient and unparalleled creation of men, the fruit of their tireless and manifold efforts aimed at harnessing the power of man to think. One can also say that this book, on a public level, tells the story of the rise and fall of the greatness of mathematics...

At the moment, the state of affairs in mathematics can be described approximately as follows. There is not one, but many mathematics, and each of them, for a number of reasons, does not satisfy mathematicians belonging to other schools. It became clear that the idea of ​​a body of generally accepted, unshakable truths - the majestic mathematics of the early 19th century, the pride of man - is nothing more than a delusion. The confidence and complacency that reigned in the past have been replaced by uncertainty and doubt about the future of mathematics. The disagreement over the foundations of the most “immutable” of sciences has caused surprise and disappointment (to say the least). The present state of mathematics is nothing more than a pathetic parody of the mathematics of the past with its deep-rooted and widely known reputation for the impeccable ideal of truth and logical perfection.”

2) The second circumstance related to mathematics has to do with the fact that the Christian faith is precisely faith, rational criteria operating in scientific knowledge are not applicable to it.

After all, the very foundations of Christianity - the doctrine of God the Trinity - come into complete contradiction with the most elementary mathematical principles. For how can one rationally understand and comprehend the fact that God is one and at the same time threefold?

That He is one in Three Persons? That the Holy Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit - are three Persons of the One and Only God? What does three here equal one, one? This is in complete contradiction with our elementary mental and mathematical skills and habits, with the rules of counting, which any person masters, as a rule, in preschool age.

By the way, it is interesting and significant that the great English physicist Isaac Newton, the founder of mathematized classical physics, in his youth studied at the University of Cambridge at Holy Trinity College and even thought about becoming a priest, but in the end decided not to connect his fate with the priestly ministry precisely because of doubts about doctrine of the Trinity. And later he actively expressed his anti-Trinitarian views.

So, Tertullian, the author of the famous “I believe because it is absurd,” and the no less famous rhetorical question “What do Athens and Jerusalem have in common?” was probably right. In this case, he simply expressed how one should intelligently think about the Christian faith, that it is not knowledge, namely faith, which at its core radically contradicts our logical and mathematical ratio, reason. You can only believe in what you cannot know on your own.

Having seasoned it with SEO, keys, etc., however... It boiled.

I am often asked to advise people on organizing sales on the Internet. At such moments, I pursue the following goal - to show a person mistakes in advertising and business organization that do not need to be made in order to save time, money and effort.

In this article, I will first analyze mainly the psychological aspects of mistakes in advertising, and then I will move on to practice.

Mistakes in promotion - looking for the reason

When people come to me for advice about advertising on the Internet, sometimes the conversation goes according to the following scenario:

  1. At first, a person paints his plans with rose-colored colors, through rose-colored glasses, having apparently thrown himself into pink butyrates.
  2. I begin to gently lead him to specifics, from which he himself must draw conclusions that in reality everything is not so simple.
  3. Misunderstanding begins...

What is the reason for the misunderstanding? It's simple. I don’t offer services, so I say it as it is and point out mistakes in promotion. More often than not, my opinion is at odds with the person’s plans.

NLP teaches us that to get a person to like you, use the “yes, and” strategy. That is, when a person voices an important idea for him, you must agree and complement it. In this case, the interlocutor will begin to see you as a like-minded person and will begin to listen.

So, I have no incentive to play NLP, so I voice a specific opinion based on analytics and experience, however, I am met with a barrage of important thoughts in my direction.

Which "important thoughts" I usually hear at meetings:

  • What color should I make the box?
  • Where to find a photographer for ridiculous money to take product photos
  • How to increase followers on Instagram so that it seems like your account is already popular
  • How much money do you need for SEO? How many links should I buy?
  • Who can I order an inexpensive selling landing page from?

Solving these issues greatly drags people into the whirlpool of procrastination. They stop thinking critically because they have an “excuse” for why they haven’t launched the project yet. Of course, we haven’t gained followers on Instagram yet.

Do we sell online or notify?

Advertising on the Internet implies a cheap notification of everyone who needs your product. Example: there is a great product (according to buyers), there is a demand for it, a conversion landing page. We launch Yandex.Direct, set up advertising through YAN (Yandex Advertising Network) and get cheap leads.

Internet marketing includes packaging a product, organizing its sales, creating excitement and significance around the product. This is where PR, stars, public opinion, and authoritative resources come into play. Funds here are spent on distribution of products, and not direct sales according to the scheme “bought advertising for 300 rubles - sold products for 5,000 rubles.” This is a multifaceted process, and most importantly, it is long and expensive.

In reality, everything happens like this:

  • There is a product. He is shit and no one needs him. Even you. You just listened to BM and decided that you can sell anything, you just need a landing page and Direct.
  • You start playing online marketing to embellish a shitty product with stars, packaging and beautiful photos.
  • You come to the conclusion that no one needed him, that’s how it remains. The suckers bought it, but it doesn’t bring volumes. Leads are also expensive.
  • You console yourself that there are friends who sold pussy creams in truckloads through Instagram, but you just got a bad marketer.

What to do to avoid making this mistake in promotion? Forget your own opinion, test the idea and test again!

Throw away your rose-colored glasses. Stop using NTLID tablets (Only Land And Direct is needed).

What to do if the product is not selling

Let's say you're serious about promoting a product. You have:

  • Confidence that the audience needs the product. This is confirmed by tests, and not just by your opinion and assenting friends.
  • A platform for selling a product - landing page, website, Instagram account, etc., depending on the location of your audience.
  • You have covered the main advertising sources through which you can reach your audience.

It's like that? No sales? Then something is definitely wrong.

If you have expensive leads, then this is a good situation; there is a question of conversion and optimization. However, if there are no leads from many sources at all, then this is a reason to think about choosing a product as a whole.

And yet, no matter how “ignoble” it may be, the conclusion is really simple: if the product is so-so, then only “suckers” will buy it. Don’t have any illusions about buying advertising on RBC - go to the teasers. Your mistakes in advertising and promotion often consist of illusions about the audience and the need for the product.

Practical mistakes in advertising

I propose to briefly go over the main sources of leads and highlight key mistakes in advertising.

According to my observations, the errors are basically the same for everyone:

  1. Ideas are not tested.
  2. The bet is placed on 1-2 sales schemes.
  3. Strong emphasis on internal sensations.

A short list of the main mistakes in contextual advertising:

  1. Incorrect selection of keywords.
  2. Landing pages do not match users' interests and queries.
  3. Many keywords per ad.
  4. No negative words.
  5. Display throughout the Russian Federation.
  6. No quick links.
  7. Duplicate requests.
  8. Lack of UTM tags.

Draw a conclusion - add keys and text wisely, look at the analytics.

Errors in Instagram advertising

Content is everything here!

Pay great attention to content. Your advertising should be attractive and understandable. Avoid water as much as possible.

Errors in VKontakte advertising

If we talk about official targeted advertising on VKontakte, then the following errors are usually encountered:

  1. Setting a recommended cost per click or 1000 impressions.
  2. Incorrect geo settings.
  3. Wide target without taking into account the interests, education and status of users.
  4. Incorrect age.
  5. Small number of ads for one audience.

Identifying errors in advertising at the planning stage

The general conclusions are quite simple and understandable. Take off your rose-colored glasses. You are entering a competitive, pampered market. Test your idea not on acquaintances, but on real people. It’s easier to throw 20,000 rubles into advertising at the beginning than to buy products and think about where to put them, because no one buys them.

Brilliant business ideas for you.