Compatibility: Sagittarius Man and Pisces Woman. Compatibility Pisces (woman) - Sagittarius (man) Sympathy between a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man

This combination is extremely unfavorable and, not surprisingly, very rare. Most often, the basis of such an alliance is some kind of dependence or interest, most often mercantile. The Sagittarius man and the Pisces woman belong to two opposing elements - Water and Fire, so they have difficulty getting along even for a short time, having a destructive effect on each other.

After some experience communicating with each other, Pisces women and Sagittarius men carefully approach each other in the hope of finding common ground. Such points often become a mutual passion for philosophy, religion, interest in issues of life and death. Both value the spiritual world and feel the need for self-improvement and knowledge of the secrets of the universe. True, for a Pisces woman this can be a deep need, a dictate of the soul, and for Sagittarius it can be one of the manifestations of his curiosity and passion for change. For him, all this may seem like a fun game, which makes sense to continue, since it really changes his life for the better in some way.

Having become a couple, they lead an active lifestyle, traveling a lot, for example, on hiking trips. A mutual sense of humor helps a lot in maintaining peace in the family. As a rule, acquaintances do not very well understand the nature of the relationship of this couple; such a family seems strange to them, since the partners in it seem to be playing with each other. It almost always remains unclear who in these relationships is the leader and who is the follower, who sacrifices himself and who satisfies his whims at the expense of the other.

The decisive pressure of the Sagittarius husband opposes the flexibility and cunning of the Pisces wife, so they achieve victories with varying degrees of success. From time to time, such psychological games tire both of them too much, and then Sagittarius and Pisces feel the need for a separate rest, in which they replenish their reserves of strength. The horoscope calls the key to the happiness of such partners a loyal attitude towards each other, an emphasis on merits, and mutual freedom. In this case, this interesting relationship that does not let both partners get bored has a good chance of life.

Pisces Woman and Sagittarius Man Compatibility

According to the compatibility of the Pisces woman and the Sagittarius man, this family union can have a wide variety of scenarios. Their relationship is not easy, but they can discover the missing qualities in each other, and will complement each other, thereby strengthening the relationship. Or maybe vice versa, such a strong dissimilarity of characters will prevent them from being together. In any case, these relationships, no matter how long-lasting or short-lived they may be, will leave bright and happy memories in the Pisces woman’s soul.

The Sagittarius man is sincere and cheerful, while the Pisces woman is dreamy and secretive. The ideal for a Pisces woman is a strong and responsible man who can and will take care of her. The ideal woman in the eyes of a Sagittarius man should be as cheerful and easy-going as he is. Therefore, it is obvious that none of the partners can fully correspond to the ideal. But, nevertheless, the family union of a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man can be happy and long-lasting if the partners learn to be less critical of each other and become more tolerant. Also, in the compatibility pair of Pisces and Sagittarius, there is a strong physical attraction, which helps their relationship develop and strive for each other.

In an ideal pair of a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man, there is always respect for each other. The Pisces woman has a very vulnerable soul, and the Sagittarius man, knowing this, takes care of her and behaves more reservedly with her than with everyone else. In most cases, the Sagittarius man is authoritarian and thereby pushes people away from him. But, next to the Pisces woman, he softens, and as a result, more interesting people appear in his circle. He also learns to save money. Next to Pisces, Sagittarius becomes richer and more spiritually developed and occupies a higher position in his circle. The Pisces woman is soft, kind and sensitive. She is sympathetic to the shortcomings of the Sagittarius man and creates for him a friendly and comfortable atmosphere in the house, and in return he gives her protection from any threats from the outside world.

The ideal union of a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man is a union of spiritually developed people who seek the truth and give it to others. This couple can be found at philosophical seminars and esoteric clubs. They often take part in charity events or participate in various public associations. As a rule, these are people with strong convictions. But, unfortunately, there are much more Pisces and Sagittarius who live with everyday everyday worries than spiritual seekers.

One of the compatibility problems between the zodiac signs Pisces and Sagittarius is resentment. Partners have different temperaments and find it difficult to understand each other. So, for example, the Sagittarius man is a very sociable and comprehensively interested person. He is interested in almost everything that happens around him. And the Pisces woman, on the contrary, likes to immerse herself in her feelings and is not interested in anything other than her love. In the eyes of the Pisces woman, the Sagittarius man looks frivolous and too extroverted. She would like her beloved man to always be there.

But, even if the Sagittarius man is nearby, this couple still has a lot of disagreements. The Sagittarius man has many advantages, but there are two traits that the Pisces woman cannot accept: boasting and tactlessness. The Sagittarius man demands utmost honesty from the people around him, even in small things. And he himself likes to embellish his stories, make them emotionally rich, dramatic and vivid. The Pisces woman is naturally endowed with good intuition and sees perfectly well when and in what ways the Sagittarius man is deceiving her. But if you reprimand him, he will immediately become offended and begin to defend himself. In this state, he becomes rude, boorish and tactless. And such behavior greatly hurts the sensitive Pisces woman.

According to the compatibility horoscope of Pisces and Sagittarius, a Pisces woman married to a Sagittarius man will greatly benefit from female wisdom and patience. She should understand that the Sagittarius man will never become less sociable, and even for the sake of great love for the Pisces woman, he will not leave all his affairs, interests and acquaintances. The Pisces woman will have to come to terms with this circumstance and not be offended by her husband. Find an interesting hobby or activity for yourself when the Sagittarius man is not around. And also, you will be able to distract him from his business, offering him interesting types of recreation, leisure and new information. Thanks to this, you will get to know your man better. You will be able to understand what he thinks about, what he is interested in, and of course, you will always be together.

As for the lies of the Sagittarius man, they should also be forgiven. If you see that a Sagittarius man is telling a lie, remain silent. He never deceives for his own benefit or in vital matters. His deception is always an innocent lie, uttered in order to make some event in the story more significant and larger-scale. The Pisces woman has a great sense of humor. Laugh with the Sagittarius man, because thanks to his little deception or slight exaggeration, the story has only benefited. You shouldn’t be offended by rudeness and tactlessness either. Most often, his tactlessness and rudeness are not a sign of cruelty or indifference. It’s just that Sagittarius takes words and comments much more easily; you shouldn’t be offended by him for this.

Can anything good come from the union of two opposites? It turns out it can. To do this, you need to love each other and be able to give in. And then everyone will be able to bring their strengths to the union and thereby make it very strong. The strength of Pisces' feelings and the optimism of Sagittarius will allow him to withstand any storms in life.

Sagittarius and Pisces compatibility: how to seduce a Pisces man

At first, it may seem to you that you are unable to understand what the Pisces man wants. Soft, compliant, he agrees with everything and does not show what is on his mind. The shooter is an optimist, but even she gives up: is he satisfied with her behavior? Is he interested in being with her? What does he want their relationship to be like? In order not to make a mistake when choosing a method of conquering Pisces, you need to remember that Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune - feminine, soft, casting illusions. But once upon a time, before the discovery of Neptune, Pisces were under the protection of the strong fiery Jupiter, that is, Sagittarius and Pisces had the same ruling planet. And soft, feminine, dreamy Pisces men remember that once they were the priests and spiritual leaders, there were many of them among the high clergy and great magicians. They unconsciously strive for the fire of Jupiter, which is found in Sagittarius women. You will conquer Pisces with your breadth of soul, fearlessness of the future, education and sexual temperament. Warm Pisces, give them strength, and in return they will give you their love.

What an ideal couple looks like: compatibility between Sagittarius and Pisces men

A Sagittarius woman and a Pisces man stay together if they are connected by common spiritual ideals. Both Pisces and Sagittarius are signs that are not alien to high ideas. Often this is a marriage of deeply religious people, a couple of two philanthropists, they are always ready to defend ideals and help their neighbors. They are wonderful parents who teach their children justice and mercy. Despite the dissimilarity of characters, they find it easy to work together. A difficult time for such a couple is the beginning of a relationship. And then they get used to each other, because both are quite flexible and can change under the influence of a partner or circumstances. They do not argue on everyday issues: both Sagittarius and Pisces are inclined to give in, and will defend only issues of principle that are important to them, and everyday life is not one of these for them. The Pisces man is partial to money, but does not like to earn it. In an ideal couple, the Sagittarius does not try to stir up the man’s ambition (this only leads to quarrels), but takes on the role of breadwinner. She is lucky, so the wealth of this couple is usually above average.

What are the difficulties in a union: Sagittarius and Pisces compatibility in love

The most difficult thing for a Sagittarius woman to tolerate is that the Pisces man is a homebody. He does not like an active lifestyle, is indifferent to companies, travel, and the world around him. His interests lie in the realm of fantasy, and in order to satiate it, he has enough books, music, and the Internet. Even dreaming of a career or the exploits of Superman, Pisces will not do anything to achieve what they want. You can try to push Pisces, show him how much better life will be if he has this and that. Useless! This behavior of yours will lead to scandals. At some point, it will seem to you that you are at a dead end: you are not ready to give up everything that interests you, but you also don’t want to leave touchy Pisces alone. This is why pairs of Sagittarius and Pisces are so rare: a Sagittarius who has sacrificed his interests is an extinguished Sagittarius, no longer a Sagittarius, but a Pisces who was forced to go out into the world - unhappy Pisces. Out of a sense of self-preservation, people of these signs break up. But there is another way to solve this problem.

To get Pisces into a noisy society, you need to understand what reasons will be important to him and what may be pleasant for him. Will he see something interesting there? His fantasies are brighter and more colorful than any party or excursion. Do you want to introduce him to interesting people? Pisces will not open their soul to the first person they meet, and conversations in which there is no soul do not interest them. Pisces feel best in nature, so organize a holiday for them in the forest or by the river in the company of several close friends. Pisces sympathize and have compassion for all living things - invite him to participate in a charity event. There are many things that will tug at his heartstrings. Look for them, and you will see that your horizons have expanded, and new truths have opened up for you spiritually. But noisy parties with dancing are really not the element of Pisces.

Compatibility of Sagittarius and Pisces in relationships at work

This business union can only become successful if Sagittarius and Pisces find a common language. When they have to work together by chance, nothing good comes of it: the Sagittarius will completely finish off the Pisces with her directness and enthusiasm, which will make them feel unhappy, and the Sagittarius herself will be “killed” by the lethargy of the Pisces and their lack of concentration.

Compatibility of a Sagittarius woman and a Pisces man - colleagues or partners

If they are truly a team, their union can be impressive. The Sagittarius, who respects the law, rules and decency, is accustomed to acting directly and only by honest methods, and the “gray cardinal” Pisces, who does not disdain intrigue and not very legal affairs that are best done in secret, will be able to defeat any competitor.

When a Sagittarius woman is a boss and a Pisces man is a subordinate

There are two possible scenarios. At first, the Sagittarius boss will pester spineless Pisces until they quit. With the second, she will give him those secret assignments that require a good knowledge of psychology and the ability to act quietly and secretly. In this case, she will value her employee.

When a Sagittarius woman is a subordinate, and a Pisces man is a boss

This is the worst possible balance of power. The archer does not understand hints, is not able to correctly navigate a delicate situation, and the Pisces boss is tired of her straightforwardness. But Pisces also cannot pull her back, put her in her place - they are too indecisive and soft-hearted for a harsh reprimand. As a result, Sagittarius does not understand what they want from her, and Pisces cannot moderate her enthusiasm. Perhaps such an alliance will not only be of no benefit, but will be harmful.

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman and Pisces man in friendship

This couple can be friends for some time if they have common interests. But then the relationship develops in one of two ways. In the first, Pisces, incorrigible romantics, begin to court Sagittarius. Sagittarius may agree to an affair because they place less importance on sex than Pisces. As a result, what remains is the physically satisfied Sagittarius and the unfortunate Pisces, wounded in the very heart - they were waiting for the most tender romance and love to the grave (however, if Pisces is a profitable match, Sagittarius can seriously consider the option of marriage). In the second case, the friendship ends after Strelchikha, in her familiar manner, directly expresses what she thinks about Pisces, their ideas, fantasies and inability to adapt to life. Sagittarius can be very painful, and Pisces are unusually sensitive.

The union of this couple can be happy if each of them fulfills their assigned roles. First and foremost is her role as a listener. He loves to talk, and she is quite capable of listening. These two opposing qualities attract them to each other. However, in moments of this man’s sincere frankness, she may become very offended and leave. She should teach him some gentleness if she wants to stay with him.

Compatibility of Sagittarius and Pisces in LOVE

Love between them is not a spontaneous feeling that arises immediately and irrevocably. They can look closely at each other for a long time, trying to find those qualities that everyone would like. And they find them. The main point of attraction is their ability to communicate - she listens, he speaks. He may not notice her attractiveness, but this does not last long. Then he sees in her not only an intelligent listener, but also a beautiful woman.

Despite his external strength, she turns out to be stronger than him. This also happens because he needs to open up, and she, with her tact and delicacy, can do this. Therefore, love on her part turns out to be more maternal, protective. And that suits him quite well. He may not be aware of his feelings, but this is exactly how they turn out after a long romance.

Compatibility of Sagittarius and Pisces in MARRIAGE

If they came to a marriage union, this means that their feelings have strengthened and they are able to live together. She will manage the relationship. She is characterized by such qualities as intuition and insight, so she will know all his desires and even thoughts. And he shouldn’t be afraid of her such ability, it’s better to trust her. If everyone accepts this position, they will be quite comfortable in any life situation.

Moral aspects become a stumbling block in their relationship. She, thanks to intuition, can guess his thoughts. And he considers this quality to be dishonesty. Different approaches to such aspects can lead to quarrels. He will be very angry, and she will be offended. To avoid this, everyone simply needs to accept that an individual may have a different opinion. Then they can become spiritually closer.

Compatibility of Sagittarius and Pisces in BED

He is ardent and passionate, so she often thinks that his feelings are far-fetched. His ardor gives rise to suspicions in her that his feelings are not sincere and he is only interested in the physical side of love. He should be more delicate so that she can open up too. Because of his shyness and inability to open his feelings right away, he may also not like intimacy with her. They should just be patient.

When they understand and accept each other, their relationship will become soft and tender. He will understand that tenderness of feelings is much better than African passion. Over time, he will be able to abandon rudeness and even vulgarity. But for this she will have to make a lot of effort. The main thing is that she really wants to achieve this, so that their relationship continues and even develops into something more serious.

Important for girls to know!

So, they are a good pair, but under certain conditions. She should turn a blind eye to his attacks and moments of excessive honesty. If she doesn’t pay attention to such rough edges, they will be comfortable together. Also, she should not show her ability to predict events and his thoughts. He won’t like this, and this is another reason for quarrels and arguments. It’s better to turn your femininity towards him, he will appreciate it.

According to the compatibility of the Pisces woman and the Sagittarius man, this family union can have a wide variety of scenarios. Their relationship is not easy, but they can discover the missing qualities in each other, and will complement each other, thereby strengthening the relationship. Or maybe vice versa, such a strong dissimilarity of characters will prevent them from being together. In any case, these relationships, no matter how long-lasting or short-lived they may be, are memories.

The Sagittarius man is sincere and cheerful, while the Pisces woman is dreamy and secretive. The ideal for a Pisces woman is a strong and responsible man who can and will take care of her. The ideal woman in the eyes of a Sagittarius man should be as cheerful and easy-going as he is. Therefore, it is obvious that none of the partners can fully correspond to the ideal. But, nevertheless, the family union of a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man can be happy and long-lasting, if the partners learn to be less critical of each other and become more tolerant.

Also, in the compatibility pair of Pisces and Sagittarius, there is a strong physical attraction, which helps their relationship develop and strive for each other.

Compatibility between Pisces woman and Sagittarius man – PROS

In an ideal pair of a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man, there is always respect for each other. The Pisces woman has a very vulnerable soul, and the Sagittarius man, knowing this, takes care of her and behaves more reservedly with her than with everyone else. In most cases, the Sagittarius man is authoritarian and thereby pushes people away from him. But, next to the Pisces woman, he softens, and as a result, more interesting people appear in his circle. He also learns to save money. Next to Pisces, Sagittarius becomes richer and more spiritually developed and occupies a higher position in his circle. . She is sympathetic to the shortcomings of the Sagittarius man and creates for him a friendly and comfortable atmosphere in the house, and in return he gives her protection from any threats from the outside world.

The ideal union of a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man is a union of spiritually developed people who seek the truth and give it to others. This couple can be found at philosophical seminars and esoteric clubs. They often take part in charity events or participate in various public associations. As a rule, these are people with strong convictions. But, unfortunately, there are much more Pisces and Sagittarius who live with everyday everyday worries than spiritual seekers.

Compatibility between Pisces woman and Sagittarius man – CONS

One of the compatibility problems between the zodiac signs Pisces and Sagittarius is resentment. Partners have different temperaments and find it difficult to understand each other. So, for example, the Sagittarius man is a very sociable and comprehensively interested person. He is interested in almost everything that happens around him. And the Pisces woman, on the contrary, likes to immerse herself in her feelings and is not interested in anything other than her love. In the eyes of the Pisces woman, the Sagittarius man looks frivolous and too extroverted. She would like her beloved man to always be there.

But, even if the Sagittarius man is nearby, this couple still has a lot of disagreements. , but there are two traits that the Pisces woman cannot accept: boasting and tactlessness. The Sagittarius man demands utmost honesty from the people around him, even in small things. And he himself likes to embellish his stories, make them emotionally rich, dramatic and vivid. The Pisces woman is naturally endowed with good intuition and sees perfectly well when and in what ways the Sagittarius man is deceiving her. But if you reprimand him, he will immediately become offended and begin to defend himself. In this state, he becomes rude, boorish and tactless. And such behavior greatly hurts the sensitive Pisces woman.

Pisces-Sagittarius horoscope – compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility horoscope of Pisces and Sagittarius, a Pisces woman married to a Sagittarius man will greatly benefit from female wisdom and patience. She should understand that the Sagittarius man will never become less sociable, and even for the sake of great love for the Pisces woman, he will not leave all his affairs, interests and acquaintances. The Pisces woman will have to come to terms with this circumstance and not be offended by her husband. Find an interesting hobby or activity for yourself when the Sagittarius man is not around. And also, you will be able to distract him from his business, offering him interesting types of recreation, leisure and new information. Thanks to this, you will get to know your man better. You will be able to understand what he thinks about, what he is interested in, and of course, you will always be together.

As for the lies of the Sagittarius man, they should also be forgiven. If you see that a Sagittarius man is telling a lie, remain silent. He never deceives for his own benefit or in vital matters. His deception is always an innocent lie, uttered in order to make some event in the story more significant and larger-scale. The Pisces woman has a great sense of humor. Laugh with the Sagittarius man, because thanks to his little deception or slight exaggeration, the story has only benefited.

You shouldn’t be offended by rudeness and tactlessness either. Most often, his tactlessness and rudeness are not a sign of cruelty or indifference. Simple and remarkable, you shouldn’t be offended by him for this.

How a Pisces woman can conquer a Sagittarius man

The Pisces girl is the type of woman who attracts the attention of a Sagittarius guy. He is not indifferent to female beauty and the behavior, facial features and figure of the Pisces woman (of course, if she has not given up on herself) will definitely please the Sagittarius man. And if we talk not about the carnal, but more spiritually, it is even more important for the Sagittarius man that the Pisces woman will interest him as an unsurpassed interlocutor, capable of revealing to him the depths of wisdom. The Sagittarius man loves everything new. He happily expands his horizons and rejoices when there is an opportunity to talk about philosophical, mystical and religious topics. And the Pisces woman is simply a storehouse of such information. Moreover, she passes it all through herself, her heart, and colors it with her own experience, in contrast to the air signs, which present it detachedly.

Compatibility of Pisces woman and Sagittarius man in friendship

A Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man can become true friends. The only thing is that they will not see each other often, since the Pisces woman does not approve of the active leisure of the Sagittarius man, but when they meet, they always have something to tell each other. They understand each other perfectly, they are interested together and are never bored. Both the Pisces woman and the Sagittarius man have a philosophical mindset and an esoteric view of things, both love deep and meaningful conversations.

A true strong friendship between a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man can only be hindered by the Sagittarius man’s indifference to beautiful women. A Pisces woman, if she takes care of herself, can be considered one of the most attractive signs of the Zodiac. It is difficult for a Sagittarius man to resist her and he may start flirting with her, which will ruin the friendship.

Half of these signs should be on their guard. A romance may well begin between a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man if “favorable conditions” arise. They are used to just going with the flow and giving in to chance.

Compatibility of Pisces woman and Sagittarius man in business

It is difficult for a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man to work together, since they are too different in temperament and work style, in their attitude towards work tasks and towards colleagues. Exceptions may include work related to teaching, charity work, the film industry and philosophy.

When a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man are colleagues or partners, the situation can develop differently. The Sagittarius man is bright, active and dynamic, so it will be difficult for the Pisces woman to keep up with him. If there is purely human sympathy between the Pisces woman and the Sagittarius man, then the Pisces woman will be inspired by the enthusiasm of the Sagittarius man. It would also be a good option when both are engaged in philosophy and esotericism, in areas close to them.

When the Pisces woman is the boss and the Sagittarius man is the subordinate, this union can bring good results if the Pisces boss is competent and clearly knows what she wants. The Sagittarius man is active and acts very quickly. The Pisces boss will be delighted with the speed with which he carries out her instructions. The difficulty in this union may be the familiar attitude of the Sagittarius man towards his boss. In general, the Sagittarius man respects authorities and understands well where such behavior can be tolerated and where not. He perfectly feels the weakness of the Pisces woman as a boss, so she is not an authority for him and allows herself some liberties.

When a Pisces woman is a subordinate, and a Sagittarius man is a boss, this is a complex business alliance. Moreover, the difficulties do not lie in work issues, in personal likes or dislikes. The Pisces woman is sensitive and touchy. She is unlikely to be able to work well with her rude Sagittarius boss. An exception may be well-rounded educated Sagittarius men who work in areas of interest to the Pisces woman. In this case, the Sagittarius man will be an idol and role model for her.

To achieve compatibility and harmony in this water-fire union, both partners will have to work hard.

The first and most important condition for their long-term relationship is mutual respect. And only then love.

A Pisces woman in love will look admiringly at her chosen one. And if the Sagittarius man manages to inspire her with a sense of confidence, then she will even consider him her benefactor.

These two signs are so different and can complement each other so perfectly if they can... What compatibility do the stars promise them?

What are they like in a union - Pisces and Sagittarius?

Admirable in her femininity, vulnerable, loving to contemplate the world and devoted in love, the Pisces woman and the Sagittarius man, who does not recognize restrictions, is a self-confident, impulsive adventurer. Neptune and Jupiter endowed them with such qualities.

A representative of a fire sign very easily manages to start a conversation in an unfamiliar company and establish relationships, but he is terribly afraid of monotony. At the same time, constancy is perhaps the main trait that the Pisces woman values ​​in people.

It will be all the more surprising for them to discover similar traits in each other: romanticism, extravagance, striving for ideals and intransigence towards injustice. In this regard, their compatibility compares favorably with other signs.

But it’s scary to imagine the pain that, in moments of anger, Sagittarius can cause to his woman, especially one as sensitive as Pisces.

What can interfere with their happiness?

A man under the fire zodiac sign does not stand on ceremony with the feelings of others, he knows how to be straightforward and rude. Sometimes this quality of his deeply wounds the gentle Pisces.

Another problem on the path to their compatibility may be precisely the lack of understanding of each other’s essence. In a calm and balanced Pisces woman, a Sagittarius man lacks the “spark,” the “spice,” when a showdown is accompanied by breaking dishes and ends with hugs in tears.

And then he takes the situation into his own hands, showing all the passion of his nature. It begins to seem to her that he craves only carnal pleasures, while she gives him her whole soul.

This union can become tragic if in the end Sagittarius sees in his beloved just another hunting trophy. The patience of Pisces and the ability of Sagittarius to appreciate the tenderness and devotion of his girlfriend can make him wonderful and compatible.

What will help keep the love between them?

In this difficult relationship, the role of leader will be assigned to the man, and although both must make efforts, the Pisces woman will have to try much more. And then in return she will receive in his person protection from any threats from the outside world.

So, compatibility between the sophisticated Pisces and the freedom-loving Sagittarius is possible if several features of their characters are taken into account.

1. It will not be difficult for the modest nature of Pisces to get used to the excessive talkativeness, love of confession and the desire to constantly keep attention on themselves, which distinguish Sagittarius.

And men of this sign just need to be listened to carefully and admired. Well, a woman of this watery zodiac sign with her inherent talent for listening will easily satisfy his need to speak out.

2. In addition to the ability to listen, Sagittarius men greatly value the appearance of their future companion. Therefore, the Pisces woman will have to try a lot to meet his high demands.

3. Another obstacle to the compatibility of signs can be different attitudes towards sex. Pisces in this union must learn to liberate themselves and not see selfishness or the desire to build relationships solely on sex in the passion of Sagittarius.

4. Men of this sign do not want to be cunning and look for the right words, but in vain. They should definitely learn not to tell the truth bluntly, but to put their confessions in softer forms, using the expressions “maybe”, “it would be nice”, “I would be glad if...”.

Restraint and understanding that Pisces do not always express their pain to the offender, as Sagittarius themselves do, should help strengthen their relationship.

Relationships between Pisces and Sagittarius in marriage

If a Sagittarius man feels his freedom is being encroached upon, he will immediately evaporate without explanation. These men are often ready to marry only in adulthood, when their ardor finally cools down a little with age.

But even then, a woman who decides to marry him will have to stock up on inexhaustible patience in order to endure frequent outbursts of causeless anger, betrayal and hear only the truth from her husband about herself.

They will feel good together in moments of peace, when they can sit by the fire to philosophize, meditate or talk about mysticism and otherworldly forces. Here they have something to tell each other.

They can be united by engaging in some highly spiritual activity - charity, organization of esoteric seminars, religious rituals.

The compatibility of these signs in marriage will be high if they give greater preference to platonic manifestations of love rather than carnal ones.

In her quest to find pure unearthly love, the Pisces woman must be careful in choosing her love object. And although they are credited with surprisingly long patience and the ability to self-sacrifice, she should know what she is getting into when choosing a Sagittarius man.

But is there a more ardent lover on Earth than him? And how many women can resist him? If she understands and accepts all this, she will be warmed by his love for a long time. Well, or until she herself agrees to sit on a powder keg 24 hours a day. Author: Liya Metova