How to restore a child’s lost medical insurance policy. What to do if you have lost your compulsory medical insurance policy? What to do if you lose your health insurance policy

They ask us for a compulsory medical insurance policy in our clinics when making an appointment with a doctor, the most important medical procedures are carried out under compulsory insurance, they are admitted to the hospital... But what to do if you have lost your medical insurance policy? Don't worry - you can restore it quickly and for free.

Lost medical insurance: what to do?

Let's find out right away who issues the policies. This is not done by ordinary insurance companies (as is the case with VHI), but by HMOs – medical insurance organizations. These organizations are in charge only of issues of compulsory health insurance - they are not entitled to provide any other services.

You can restore a lost medical policy from the health insurance company that issued it to you. You will find its name on the back of the policy form - in the upper right corner, the CMO employee puts a stamp indicating the name, address and telephone number.

If you no longer have a policy and you don’t remember the name of your CMO, it doesn’t matter. You can contact any other organization and apply for a new insurance certificate. In this case, the lost policy will be canceled, and the new one will take effect immediately after registration.

Now let's talk about the recovery procedure in more detail.

How to restore a compulsory medical insurance policy: subtleties and nuances

The action plan is:

  1. If you know the name of your CMO, find its contact number, call and check working hours, break times and head office address. The number is always indicated on the insert with the rules of compulsory medical insurance, which is attached to the policy. No insert? Just enter the name of the organization into Yandex or Google. You will definitely find contact information.
  2. Take your passport with you and come to the CMO office. There, explain the situation to the employee and ask them to give you an application form to reinstate the policy.
  3. The employee will accept the completed application and issue you a temporary certificate. This is not a policy yet, but with a certificate you can also receive free medical care.
  4. The policy will be ready within a month. When it is produced, the CMO will notify you by phone or mail. All you have to do is come and pick it up.

If you do not know which CMO issued the policy, choose any other. A list of medical insurance organizations operating in your region is available on the website of the local Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (MHIF). Fundamentally, they are no different: the list of compulsory medical insurance services is the same everywhere, and the policy itself is free. However, you can pay attention to the following points:

  • how long has the insurance company been operating in the insurance market;
  • what reviews do insured citizens leave about it (does the organization help in solving problems with medical institutions, are its specialists competent);
  • How many regions of the country does it work in?

Obtaining a new policy follows the same algorithm as restoring a lost one. You come to the office, submit an application, receive a temporary certificate and wait for the familiar bluish form to be issued. The service of restoring a lost policy or issuing a new one is free, and the insurance rules do not provide for fines or other sanctions.

Medical care without insurance

Without compulsory medical insurance, clinics, hospitals and other medical institutions are not obliged to serve patients free of charge. On the other hand, the number of each policy is entered into an electronic database. Even if you don’t have the form on hand, you can ask the staff of the medical institution to check the number in the database - this is enough for the clinic or hospital to issue an invoice for the services provided to your health care provider. And emergency ambulance services are available to everyone, regardless of whether they have a certificate.

But it’s better not to tempt fate and restore your lost medical policy. Medical workers are not always ready to meet you halfway. What if you need to make an appointment with a doctor or undergo a medical procedure, and they refuse to understand your situation? They have enough other worries too. Take a couple of hours, go to the CMO and forget about problems with insurance. The policy is valid for an indefinite period, and if nothing happens to it, you will not need to contact the insurance company again.

Unfortunately, some citizens of our country face the problem of losing their insurance policy quite often. If this happens to you, there is no need to panic. Please remember that any insurance company must provide you with a duplicate of any lost document upon request.

Naturally, the question arises of where to go if the policy has been lost. You may need some insurance policies quite urgently. For example, you cannot drive a car without a policy. Any meeting with the traffic police in this case may result in a fine. So don't delay in solving the problem.

Is it possible to restore an insurance policy?

If you have lost any type of insurance policy, do not hesitate to contact the company that issued the policy to you. Most voluntary insurance contracts are drawn up at the insurance company - the people working there know with whom they collaborated. For example, a compulsory health insurance policy is often issued at the place of employment, where it is necessary to clarify which company you were insured with.

Once you know exactly the address of the insurance company you need, collect the necessary package of documents. You will definitely need a passport. In case of loss of the MTPL policy - a driver's license. If you are not registered in the city where you live - temporary registration. If you are a citizen of another country, you will also need a residence permit.

How to restore an insurance policy if lost

If you lose your insurance policy, you will need to write an application to the insurance company to issue a duplicate of your policy. The application form can be “seen” on the insurer’s website or written directly to the insurance company. To restore your medical insurance policy, the application form can be found on the official website of the Social Insurance Fund of your city. A duplicate of the insurance policy, if you have all the necessary documents to obtain it, will be issued to you directly on the day of your application. There is no need to seek legal assistance to restore the policy. Unless in a situation where the insurance company, citing unimportant reasons, refuses to issue a duplicate.

Reinstate your MTPL insurance policy

You cannot drive a car without an MTPL policy. Any meeting with the traffic police in this case may result in a fine. So don't delay in solving the problem.

It is necessary to restore a lost MTPL insurance policy as soon as possible. To obtain a duplicate policy, contact your insurance company immediately. Be sure to take with you not only your passport, but also your vehicle registration certificate. Information about your policy is stored in the general database of the insurance company - the insurer will be able to find it using your passport data. Please note that you can get the first duplicate for free. However, if you lose your insurance policy for the second time, you will have to pay for issuing a duplicate.

Advice from The procedure for restoring your MTPL insurance policy will also need to be completed if you have changed your last name (in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in case of marriage, etc.). To obtain a duplicate, you will need to take a marriage certificate to the insurance company.

A medical insurance policy is the most common plastic card, and cases of its loss are by no means uncommon. In such a situation, the citizen must be given a duplicate to replace the lost certificate, but to do this, you must at least inform the insurer about the problem that has occurred. It is not recommended to delay this process, because this document is the basis for providing a person with free medical care. How to restore a medical policy if lost, where to go and what documents will need to be provided? We will try to answer these questions in detail in this article.

What to do if the compulsory medical insurance policy is lost?

If you lose your insurance certificate, you must contact the company that issued it. If a citizen received a compulsory medical insurance policy in person, then no special problems will arise. It’s another matter if the insurance was taken out not by the citizen himself, but by the employer or a trusted representative. In such a situation, you should first of all contact the organization or person who entered into the insurance contract. If for some reason this cannot be done, then you can contact the clinic located at your place of residence (in some cases, at your place of work) and clarify the information about which insurance company this site belongs to. Once it becomes clear which company issued the insurance policy, you will need to collect documents to restore it. For this you will need:

  • Policyholder's passport;
  • Personal insurance account number (SNILS);
  • Registration or temporary registration.

Foreigners will additionally need a residence permit. In addition, you will need to write an application for the issuance of a duplicate policy according to the established template. As a rule, this procedure is performed in the office, but you can write such an application yourself (a sample is posted on the websites of regional social insurance funds). If the policyholder is unable to independently apply for a duplicate, then his representative can do this for him. To do this, he will need a power of attorney written on behalf of the person he represents.

How to restore a document?

If the application with documents was submitted correctly, the insurer will be obliged to provide a duplicate on the day of application. Initially, a temporary insurance certificate is issued (it will be valid for the entire period of production of the new document), which is subsequently replaced with a permanent one. To fully use the restored compulsory medical insurance policy, a citizen will need to re-register at the clinic to which he is assigned.

If compulsory medical insurance is restored through the employer, then it is not necessary to attach documents to the application, since all the data is already available at the enterprise. However, it must be remembered that in the event of dismissal, the employee is obliged to return the policy issued to him to the personnel department of the organization, which will subsequently transfer the document to the insurer. How to restore an insurance policy in a situation where the employer refuses to voluntarily apply for a duplicate or demands money for it? Such actions on his part are illegal, so you can safely write a complaint to the FSS, describing in detail all the circumstances of the violation.

How to restore a document for a child?

If a child’s insurance certificate is lost, the document will be restored according to a similar principle. This procedure should be carried out by the baby’s parents and it is advisable not to delay it, since children get sick much more often than adults (in addition, compulsory medical insurance will be required during routine pediatric examinations, vaccinations and other similar circumstances). To apply for a new policy, you will need the passports of both parents, the child’s birth certificate, as well as a certificate of the child’s place of registration (usually an extract from the house register).

Reading time: 5 minutes

It just so happens that from time to time we lose something. When it's some little thing, we're annoyed, but no more. But if this is an important document, then there will be a long restoration process, accompanied by the collection of various certificates. Although everything may turn out to be much simpler. Let's look at how to restore an MTPL policy if it is lost or damaged: it can also be torn or faded in the sun so that it will be impossible to read anything.

What does the regulatory framework say about this?

It doesn’t matter whether you lost your insurance policy, whether it was damaged mechanically or otherwise, the main thing is that driving a car without it is prohibited by law. The loss of an MTPL insurance policy is equivalent to its complete absence, which is an administrative offense in accordance with Article 12.37 (Part 2) of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. And traffic inspectors will not think about punishing you for this.

In addition, the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation (clause 2.1.1) indicate that the driver is obliged to carry with him while driving a vehicle and be ready to present to the traffic police officer a number of documents, among which is the MTPL policy.

So, until the policy is restored, the motorist will have to do without his car, so as not to become, although not a malicious, violator. As for the insurance company, its obligations on this issue are described in paragraph 24 of the OSAGO Rules. Specifically, it says that for the first time during the validity of the current contract, the restoration of the MTPL policy in case of loss should be carried out free of charge, but for the second and subsequent times, the services for making a duplicate (and only them) are paid by the client. On average it costs 300-400 rubles.

Procedure in case of loss of MTPL or CASCO insurance policy

Having understood your rights and responsibilities, you should understand how to act if you find yourself in this unpleasant situation. Moreover, for compulsory and voluntary insurance, the procedure may differ.

The different procedures to follow after the loss of various insurance documents are determined by whether or not it is necessary to confirm the fact of insurance. According to OSAGO – not necessary. But the insurance companies that issued you a CASCO policy, especially unscrupulous ones, may require confirmation of the fact that you actually paid for their insurance.

How to restore your MTPL policy

No matter how complicated this procedure may seem in absentia, in fact everything is quite simple and fast. And the main thing is that you will not be required to purchase insurance again, because the fact of your current insurance is recorded in a unified database of insurers. Imagine that you get into a serious accident in which, for example, your policy is burned. This does not mean that you are not insured. Let's move on to a description of the procedure for how to restore a lost MTPL policy.

Obtaining a duplicate of the MTPL policy

After discovering that the insurance form has been lost or damaged, you must personally go to the office of the insurance company (IC) where you entered into the contract and receive a duplicate. It is worth mentioning that this does not apply to cases where a printed electronic policy is lost, because you can re-print it yourself from your personal account on the insurer’s website.

Let's take a closer look at how to get a duplicate of an MTPL policy purchased in the standard way.

Do I need to change my policy when changing my last name?

Now each of you knows what to do if you have lost your car insurance. But what about changing your last name? What if, for example, a woman got married? The policy must contain up-to-date data that corresponds to current documents, in particular the passport and ID of all citizens included in the insurance.

If the personal information in the passport has changed, then the driver’s license must be replaced. Let us remind you that since 2014 it is prohibited to drive a vehicle with a license under the same surname.

So, having changed your last name, first name or patronymic in your passport, you need to urgently apply for a replacement driver’s license, and then for the production of a duplicate OSAGO policy with corrected data.

The first time, as in case of loss of an insurance form, a duplicate will be given to you free of charge. A similar procedure should be resorted to in such cases as:

  • changing vehicle registration data;
  • change in the number of drivers allowed to drive a car.

Lost policy and forgotten information about the insurer

There is another important issue that requires consideration. Is it possible to restore a compulsory motor liability insurance policy if it is lost if you cannot remember with which insurance company the contract was concluded? Memory can fail anyone, especially older drivers.

Don't be upset. This issue can be resolved using the website of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers - RSA: by the VIN number and registration plate of the vehicle you can find out which company insured the car.

We restore the CASCO policy

The loss of MTPL policies has been dealt with. What to do if the CASCO policy is lost is not so different. You need to contact your insurance company immediately, without waiting for possible insurance claims. If you have a mandatory motor vehicle license in your hands, then you have every right to drive your car without a lost policy.

How to get a duplicate CASCO insurance

Voluntary insurance, unlike regular compulsory motor liability insurance, is not regulated at the legislative level, so some difficulties may arise here. This is especially true in cases where you have no receipts or other evidence of payment for the policy. This is often taken advantage of by unscrupulous companies who may even deny the fact that you are their client.

To get a duplicate you will need:

  • come to the company office;
  • write a statement about the loss of the policy;
  • present your documents (passport, driver's license) and preferably receipts;
  • receive a duplicate made in your presence.

As with the loss of your MTPL policy, you have the right to receive the first duplicate free of charge.

If you want to avoid possible future troubles due to the loss of a voluntary insurance form, then make it a rule:

  • immediately make copies of the received documents so that you have at least them as proof of the fact of insurance;
  • carefully store receipts and other documents confirming payment;
  • do not keep the CASCO policy in your car, because if the vehicle is stolen or completely destroyed without it, you may be denied payment.

Be careful on the road and keep important documents in safe places to be calm and protected in all possible situations.

Subtleties of OSAGO - new rules for repairing an iron horse: Video

The compulsory health insurance policy has a certain validity period. In addition, such a document can be lost due to negligence. If such a situation arises, it is necessary to take all necessary measures to restore the policy. If this is not done, then any visit to a medical institution will be accompanied by additional monetary expenses.

What to do if you lose your health insurance policy?

The first thing you need to do if you need to restore such a policy is submit an application to the insurance company where the relevant document was issued. You should not delay this procedure.

You can view and download the application form here:

How to restore your compulsory medical insurance policy?

If desired, the insured person can change the insurance company, but this can be done no more than once a year. When contacting such an organization, the policyholder must fill out a corresponding application. In it, he asks the insurer to issue a duplicate document due to the loss of the original. The applicant must indicate the following information in the document:

  • information about registration and place of residence;
  • Contact details;
  • information about the insurance company.

An insurance company employee accepts the application and checks it for factual errors. After verifying the information provided, the lost or damaged policy is canceled. A new document is issued in the name of the applicant, but until this moment the insured person can use a temporary policy.

To restore your compulsory medical insurance policy, you must provide a certain package of documents, which are presented in more detail below. On a certain date, which will be appointed by an employee of the insurance company, you must arrive at the company’s office and pick up a new document. In addition, the client can be notified by telephone.

For the period, the insured person will be issued a temporary document. It guarantees the same rights as a permanent policy, but its validity period is somewhat limited. In most cases, a temporary certificate can be used for thirty calendar days.

In order to use the document on a temporary basis, you must contact the registration department of the local clinic and re-register. This procedure may take some time.

In order not to contact the registry each time later, you must first find out the unique barcode of the document. It can be printed by the company acting as the insurer. In its standard form, the temporary certificate does not contain such a barcode.

A child’s lost policy is restored according to an identical principle. The execution of such a document must be carried out no later than 3 months from the date of birth of the baby. At the same time, it is the parents who are interested in the speedy resolution of this issue, because the sooner the document is drawn up, the safer their child will be.

The restoration procedure is carried out using the parent’s passport and the baby’s birth certificate. The child must first be registered at the place of residence or stay. If a restoration procedure is being carried out rather than registration, then parents should contact the rhinestone company and receive the necessary advice.

Where to restore?

It was already noted above in the article that if your health insurance policy is lost, you should contact the company that provides insurance services. If the insured person changed the insurer after registration, then, accordingly, he should contact this organization.

You can also contact your local clinic at your place of residence and receive the necessary advisory services regarding who is the insurer in this area.

The list of required documents for an adult citizen and a child may differ slightly. If an adult has lost his health insurance policy, he must prepare the following papers:

  • passport;
  • resident card;
  • statement of loss of policy;

A passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is required to confirm the place of registration. In the absence of permanent registration, it may be necessary to provide a certificate of temporary registration.

When restoring the document, the child may need the parent’s passport, the birth certificate of the insured person and a registration certificate. The last document can be taken from the house management. Some insurance companies may additionally require a child's compulsory insurance certificate.

Dates of issue

Immediately upon contacting the insurance company regarding the loss of the compulsory medical insurance policy, the applicant may be provided with a temporary document. It can be obtained with one passport. The time it takes to produce a new document may vary depending on various factors. However, most often this period of time ranges from two weeks to two months.