What is the minimum speed for skype. Optimal internet speed for Skype communication

The internet connection speed that Skype needs depends on the type of calls you make on it. Below are the minimum and recommended speeds for optimal performance.

The table below lists the minimum required transmit and receive speeds, and the recommended speeds for optimal performance.

Call type Minimum speed
reception / transmission
Recommended speed
reception / transmission
Calls 30 kbps / 30 kbps 100 kbps / 100 kbps
Video calls /
screen demonstration
128 kbps / 128 kbps 300 kbps / 300 kbps
Video calls
(high quality)
400 kbps / 400 kbps 500 kbps / 500 kbps
Video calls
(HD resolution)
1.2 Mbps / 1.2 Mbps 1.5 Mbps / 1.5 Mbps
Group video calls
(3 participants)
512 Kbps / 128 Kbps 2 Mbps / 512 Kbps
Group video calls
(5 members)
2 Mbps / 128 Kbps 4 Mbps / 512 Kbps
Group video calls
(more than 7 participants)
4 Mbps / 128 Kbps 8 Mbps / 512 Kbps

If you're signed in to Skype but don't call anyone, Skype will use an average of 0-4 Kbps. When you call, Skype uses an average of 24–128 Kbps.

  • Close other applications using the Internet, especially those playing music and videos.
  • Cancel ongoing file transfers.

If that doesn't fix the problem, you may need a faster connection. For more information on upload and download speeds, contact your internet service provider.

The connection speed required for Skype Connect depends on the following factors:

  1. How heavily you use your internet connection for email, web browsing, and other data transfers.
  2. How many calls can be made at the same time in your company.

Depending on how many calls you need, you may need a separate internet connection exclusively for Skype Connect. We recommend that you consult with experts to determine the exact needs of your company.

The following table shows the approximate number of concurrent calls using the G.729 standard that can be made with typical types of Internet connections.

One of the most frequent tasks that users want to solve by connecting to the Internet outside the city, be it a summer cottage or a house for permanent residence, is the full use of such a popular service as Skype... And then the question arises, will Skype work? Is there enough speed and traffic for this?

Where a cable Internet line is suitable, as a rule, this question does not arise. Fiber-optic access speed (up to 100 Mb / s) is quite sufficient for Skype and for watching movies online, and even in HD quality.

But what to do when broadband is not available? What should all those who live in small suburban settlements do, where cable providers are in no hurry? What speed do I need to use Skype?

Internet GPRS from operators Kyivstar, MTS or Life (lifecell), is not able to provide sufficient speed. If a voice call via Skype can still go through, then the video practically does not go. The picture stops, everything freezes, and communication takes place with great difficulty. If it happens at all. Such an Internet, as a rule, gives a download speed of no more than 100 kbps. With a good alignment of stars. Although theoretically it can go up to 200 kbit / s.

New services 3G from GSM operators (this is MTS, Kyivstar, Lifesel) provide a fairly high speed. The declared 42 Mb / s would be enough headlong if this speed were constant. But, as the network is loaded, it will fall. But to what values ​​it will be seen in the coming year. In any case, the coverage area of ​​this 3G is rather limited at the moment, so it's not worth betting on these operators yet.

The required speed can also be provided by the service MTS - Connect from the operator MTS. Provided there is good coverage, low network load, or installing an external antenna with a weak signal.

Internet from SDMA operators, such as PEOPLEnet or Intertelecom, also opens up ample opportunities for the full use of the Skype service. PEOPLEnet, however, has reduced its coverage in Ukraine to a minimum, but Intertelecom is working quite stably and is even developing slowly. Here it is also necessary to know the coverage at the point of use. If it is insufficient, then it is also possible to recommend installing a remote directional antenna. When all is well, the transmission and reception rates can range from 1Mbps to 3-5Mbps. Sometimes more. This speed allows you to feel very good not only in Skype, but also when watching various video services. Well, okromya, HD (high) quality.

What speed do you need for Skype?

So, what speed should a subscriber have for using Skype so that communication is comfortable and not inconvenient?

Before answering this question, I would like to give one piece of advice that you may have ignored when using the fast Internet somewhere in a big or small city. Before the "session", disable all unnecessary services on your laptop that may consume traffic. All sorts of shmorrent torrents. Close the browser so that the open pages do not pull traffic, turn off online music, wait until the antivirus or similar programs are updated. As a rule, this is ten minutes after your computer has access to the Internet (at a good speed).

Now in terms of speed. Let's see first, what camera installed on your device through which you will communicate via Skype. Here, as a rule, there are several options: 0.3 megapixels, 1.3 megapixels, 2 megapixels and more. The lower the resolution of your camera and your interlocutor, the less speed and traffic you need for trouble-free communication.

Now in numbers. In order to communicate with a 0.3-1.3 megapixel camera on both sides, it is necessary that the speed of reception and transmission does not fall below 250 kB / s. At this speed, small periodic braking, a screen in squares, etc. are possible.

That would "work well" - you need a speed of 500 kbit / s and above. Under this condition, the camera and 2MP will work. And at a speed of 1 Mb / s or more, there should be no special problems, provided that all your Internet speed is spent only on Skype. Nothing is updated, no viruses send anything anywhere.

How much traffic does Skype need?

The second question that may arise when connecting to wireless Internet is what tariff package to take. Or, to put it another way, how much traffic is Skype taking?

It all depends on how much you will be talking on this service. That is, how long the communication session will last. If video is turned on from both sides, that is, you and your interlocutor, then even if you silently look at each other, the Internet traffic goes away, and goes out quite well.

For example, you can take the speed of the Internet connection from 500 kbps to 1 Mbps. Let the duration of our conversation be one hour. Video is on, and you and your interlocutor have 2MP cameras. In this case, the approximate traffic consumption will be up to half a gigabyte. That is, 500MB will be spent on this conversation.

Now we take tariff packages and see that the amount of traffic per day is not less 1000 Mb(one Gigabyte). We leave stock for visiting sites, videos, etc. A month, respectively, if you use it every day, there should be at least 30 GB of traffic.

If your communication is more extensive, then you need more traffic. Perhaps even unlimited without speed limits. In general, each operator has statistics, unless, of course, this is an unlimited tariff plan. Therefore, you need to use, watch and draw conclusions ...

Through the Skype messenger, there is the possibility of easy enjoyment of communicating with friends, even if you are in Moscow, and the interlocutor is somewhere in Cambodia or at the North Pole. Moreover, a free basis for communication will be a good bonus in addition. You only pay the ISP, not the system developers. And when you have an unlimited tariff, then Skype is a free pleasure for you.

Internet speed

When you enter the messenger, without making calls, an average of 4 Kbps is transmitted. For voice communication, a minimum level of 24 and a maximum of 128 Kbps are consumed. It is possible to make voice calls with almost any bandwidth of the Internet connection. But video calling requires more.

Required bandwidth

What should be the speed for the messenger when making video calls. The bandwidth required for the application to work depends not only on the type of connection, but also on the desired quality.

The minimum speed for skype of very low quality is 128 Kbps. However, the more clearly you want to see the image, the faster the connection itself can be.

So what speed is needed for Skype with video. The proper speed level corresponds to approximately 300 Kbps.

When making calls in HD format, you can achieve normal operation with an Internet connection of at least 1.5 Mbps. If the network is used for conferences, then the speed mode that allows it to work optimally should be considered at least 2 Mbps. Moreover, the more interlocutors, the more anxiety.

How to check sufficiency

If you decide to install the messenger for certain purposes, you can find out if the connection on your device is sufficient to make different types of calls through the application. To do this, you need to take the following steps:

  • click on the name selected for the dialogue, the user;
  • in the field that opens, move the cursor over the icon in the form of a ladder, and its name "Data on the quality of communication" will be highlighted;
  • click on this option;
  • move to the "Connection" tab;
  • click on the "Check" icon. pic 1

Then a report on the connectivity will open. In the event that the application has a low speed level, it is more expedient to cancel the call or increase the throughput level.

You can check the speed level during a call. For this:

  • in the menu, click on the "Call Technical Info" option;
  • in the opened window (in the main section) of the technical information calls, the bandwidth is displayed. pic 2

Speed ​​calculation programs

There are special applications that determine how much traffic is consumed. There are a lot of them, although the most popular ones are:

  • Networx - keeps a full account of traffic from the selected device, calculating it by users, as well as by time (day, week, etc.). Moreover, there is a version that does not need to be downloaded.
  • Traffic Counter - for the mobile version, monitors the total traffic, as well as incoming or outgoing. pic 3

Change speed

If your connection does not reach the required bandwidth level, then you can follow some recommendations.

The internet connection speed that Skype needs depends on the type of calls you make on it. Below are the minimum and recommended speeds for optimal performance.

The table below lists the minimum required transmit and receive speeds, and the recommended speeds for optimal performance.

Call type Minimum speed
reception / transmission
Recommended speed
reception / transmission
Calls 30 kbps / 30 kbps 100 kbps / 100 kbps
Video calls /
screen demonstration
128 kbps / 128 kbps 300 kbps / 300 kbps
Video calls
(high quality)
400 kbps / 400 kbps 500 kbps / 500 kbps
Video calls
(HD resolution)
1.2 Mbps / 1.2 Mbps 1.5 Mbps / 1.5 Mbps
Group video calls
(3 participants)
512 Kbps / 128 Kbps 2 Mbps / 512 Kbps
Group video calls
(5 members)
2 Mbps / 128 Kbps 4 Mbps / 512 Kbps
Group video calls
(more than 7 participants)
4 Mbps / 128 Kbps 8 Mbps / 512 Kbps

If you're signed in to Skype but don't call anyone, Skype will use an average of 0-4 Kbps. When you call, Skype uses an average of 24–128 Kbps.

  • Close other applications using the Internet, especially those playing music and videos.
  • Cancel ongoing file transfers.

If that doesn't fix the problem, you may need a faster connection. For more information on upload and download speeds, contact your internet service provider.

The connection speed required for Skype Connect depends on the following factors:

  1. How heavily you use your internet connection for email, web browsing, and other data transfers.
  2. How many calls can be made at the same time in your company.

Depending on how many calls you need, you may need a separate internet connection exclusively for Skype Connect. We recommend that you consult with experts to determine the exact needs of your company.

The following table shows the approximate number of concurrent calls using the G.729 standard that can be made with typical types of Internet connections.

Today I faced the following question: What speed of the Internet is needed for normal communication on Skype. I decided to study the Internet a little, but I quickly found the answer to the question. Although there were many answers and sources too, I will write an approximate averaged data and recommendations from the Skype developers themselves.

So, for normal communication on Skype only through voice transmission (only a microphone is needed), about 100 kilobits per second is needed, for communication on a video camera, a 4 times larger communication channel is required 0 400 kilobits per second. In fact, I have not checked the speed data yet and will try to unsubscribe as soon as I try a slow Internet 🙂 And finally, I will write off the official recommendations from the Skype manufacturer: Conversation: For Skype-to-Skype voice calls we recommend: 10 Kbits to 64 Kbits speed. Continuing the post: the recommended internet speed for communicating on a webcam and impressions of paid Skype calls to a landline phone.

Video calling: For Skype-to-Skype video (both normal and high quality) we recommend: 384 kbps. I think everything is clear here, I hope this information will help someone, because everyone may be faced with the question: what Internet speed is needed to communicate on Skype.

PS: Well, at the end of the post I will share my impression of ip telephony, a paid Skype service that allows you to call various countries to landlines and mobile phones. Just a few days ago, I had to call a landline phone in a city in the Far East. Since I was too lazy to come up with something with long-distance calls, I began to think of how it could be done differently. Here I was pleased with my quick launch bar, where I found the Skype icon and it was decided to check the quality of the Skype conversation.

I started reading where you can get or how you can pay for access to such calls. It turned out that you can replenish the internal wallet directly from the official website of this software, which is tied to the user's account. We go to the site, enter the control panel, select the payment method and the number of credits required (I chose 5 credits) and pay for the connection using webmoney. Everything is fast - it took about 2 minutes 🙂 And now I can dial a phone number directly from the internal dialogue of the program.

7-code city phone number

I hear beeps and at the other end of the "wire" pick up the phone. As it turned out, you can hear me just fine (can an ordinary IP telephony boast of such a thing?), And I can hear everything just fine. Plus, the tariff is very cheap, I looked at a couple of sites for tariffs, Skype turned out to be the lowest. I think that if you need to call another city, while you have a computer connected to the Internet, a laptop or netbook, or a Skype Phone, then this is the most optimal method. The only thing that is needed is to put a few euros in the account so that the connection is always at hand.