Paint for painting porches. What color to paint the staircase in an apartment building

Now the management companies have begun to actively make repairs in our houses. Repair of facades, entrances, communications. What paints do management companies usually use to repair the entrances of residential buildings? Usually the walls in the stairwells are painted with oil paints or enamels. But not everyone knows that these building materials are detrimental to human life and health, as they contain highly toxic substances. For more than two weeks after painting, the inhabitants of these entrances breathe these toxic fumes. Even after more than two months after painting, an unpleasant smell remains in the entrance. The nature of oil paint (enamel) is to blame. These paints are made with toxic solvents, based on alkyd resins. After drying, an air and vapor impermeable film forms, which prevents normal air exchange between the wall material and the air in the entrance. Therefore, in such a room, the walls cease to "breathe", there is no moisture regulation. In such an entrance, dampness and a disgusting musty smell forever remain.

The technology of painting the walls of premises with oil paints is 50-60 years old.

In developed countries, the production of solvent-based alkyd paints has been banned, and large companies are forced to relocate the production of these building materials to developing countries, where they do not pay much attention to the environment.

One more point - management companies make repairs using this outdated technology with our money. And the amounts we pay for home maintenance are enormous!

At the same time, there is now a great alternative to these outdated materials - water-based acrylic paint. This type of paint has undeniable advantages. High environmental friendliness, since water acts as a solvent, fire safety for the same reason. A very high degree of diffusion of water vapor - the walls "breathe", moisture regulation takes place. Therefore, it is easy to breathe in rooms painted with acrylic paint and there are no unpleasant odors.

There are also a fairly large number of acrylic paints that can be cleaned using abrasive and other detergents, including the use of a brush.

It is easy to give acrylic paint to almost any color and shade thanks to the technology of machine tinting. This results in a high resistance to fading of the resulting coating. That is, residents of the entrance can choose not only "blue or green" color, but almost any color.

Summing up, we can say that it is necessary to more actively influence the management companies and their outdated approach. Our entrances are also part of our home. And they should also breathe well, be light and comfortable. Our choice is to paint the porches with acrylic paints.

Residents of apartments in low-rise and multi-storey buildings know firsthand what dirty, unkempt, littered entrances are. But this is the common area of ​​all residents, where everyone monitors the cleanliness of their own homes. So why not transform your entrance?

Repaint the walls, make decorative drawings on them, or even involve their children in this activity, who will be no less interested in taking part in a common cause, arrange flower pots, chairs or small sofas where you can sit and chat with a neighbor, where it will be cozy and beautiful ... And most importantly, from this the mood of each tenant will be good from the very morning.

It is better to carry out repairs in the entrance during the warm season, when there is an opportunity to open windows and entrance doors for ventilation. When choosing paint for the walls in the entrance, it is necessary to give preference to wear-resistant, durable, environmentally friendly paints. Nowadays, acrylic paints are the most popular. Entrance wall paint Belinka is distinguished by a high degree of durability, and walls painted with Belinka acrylic paints, thanks to the components in their composition, are easy to wet clean, do not absorb dirt, dust, prevent the formation, growth of fungus, mold, maintain a favorable microclimate of the room.

Repair of an entrance can be sequentially divided into several stages:

  • cleaning the entrance from debris, cobwebs, dust, dirt;
  • removal of old paint, rusty leaks, whitewash on ceilings and parts of walls. As a rule, repairs in many entrances were made back in Soviet times, and one of the most laborious processes is the removal of old, peeling paint from the walls. It is necessary to thoroughly clean them mechanically so that there is a flat, smooth surface;
  • removal of mold, fungal infections on the walls. In no case should this moment be missed: leave mold under the paint. The affected parts must be treated with Belinka bactericidal agent against mold and fungi. After 12 hours, they can be easily removed with a spatula, metal scraper or brush;
  • plaster, putty, primer for walls and ceilings. If the plaster has peeled off on the walls, then it should be carried out again to level the surface. Further, the protected, plastered walls, the ceiling must be treated with Belinka universal primer. On the ceiling and on the part of the walls where there is whitewash, it is also necessary to carry out preparatory work, because if you apply acrylic paint for the walls in the entrance of Belinka to the whitewashed surface, it will peel off after a while and it will be wasted work. The primer penetrates deeply into the surface, gives good adhesion of paint for walls in the entrance to the surface, and also significantly reduces the consumption of acrylic paint. After application, the primer must dry for at least 12 hours;
  • painting walls, ceilings at the entrance. Now, after carrying out all the complex preparatory procedures, you can proceed directly to painting the entrance. You should start from the ceiling, not from the walls, since paint can get onto the walls when applied to the ceiling, then it can be painted over from above. Next, skirting boards, railings, and last but not least, windows and doors are painted.

Belinka staircase wall paint can be applied in one or two coats, depending on the chosen color and the desired result. On the surface of the ceiling, as a rule, white or light tones are selected, which can be applied in one layer, but at the same time carefully painting over the places of information from the wall and corners. It is recommended to apply Belinka colored paints in two layers. It is worth considering that the second layer must be applied no earlier than after 5 hours. Color scales have a huge assortment, so the main background, as well as for decoration, painting can be selected from the general preferences, desires and flight of imagination of the residents of the house. The main thing is that when entering the entrance of your house, everyone feels home comfort, a positive atmosphere.

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Judging by this court decision, the Criminal Code will avoid responsibility for painting the entrance with this paint.

In the name of the Russian Federation

Judge L.M. Paximadi

Under Secretary D.A. Petrova

Having considered in an open court session a civil case on the claim of the BIV to the housing department for the recovery of compensation for moral damage,


BIV applied to the Abakan city court with a claim against the housing department, asking to recover from the defendant compensation for moral damage in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles. The claim is motivated by the fact that as a result of the renovation work carried out in 2010, namely painting the walls with the use of a finishing material - paint, which by its properties is not intended for internal work, the plaintiff received severe poisoning from paint vapors. Subsequently, the plaintiff developed complications after poisoning with paint vapors. As a result of poorly rendered services for the repair of the entrance where the plaintiff lives, she suffered moral harm, expressed in moral and physical suffering due to the illness she acquired, the disease is progressive, it is not known what form it will take in the future and how much time and money will be needed for the plaintiff's well-being.

At the hearing, the plaintiff BIV and her representative NDA, acting on the basis of a power of attorney, supported the claims, explained to the court that earlier BIV had no manifestations of allergic reactions, after repair work was carried out in the entrance of the house where the walls were painted with paint not intended for internal work, BIV was poisoned with paint vapors, an allergic reaction manifested itself in the form of redness, itching and swelling of the skin. The plaintiff was forced to see an allergist, who diagnosed her with dermatitis and pointed out paint as the most likely cause of the allergic reaction. The plaintiff was not tested for allergens. Currently, the plaintiff's health continues to deteriorate and she has to take treatment. So far, she has not identified an allergen. They ask to satisfy the claim.

The representative of the defendant BNM, acting on the basis of a power of attorney, did not recognize the claim, asks to refuse the claim, explained to the court that the repair work was carried out using certified enamel intended for external and internal work. A causal relationship between the repair work at the entrance and the deterioration of the plaintiff's well-being has not been established. There were no complaints from other residents of the entrance to them. He asks to refuse the claim in full.

The court, after hearing the persons participating in the case, examining the case materials, analyzing the presented evidence in their totality, comes to the following conclusions.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 7 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the consumer has the right to ensure that the product (work, service) under normal conditions of use, storage, transportation and disposal is safe for the life and health of the consumer, the environment, and also did not harm the property of the consumer.

The harm caused to the life, health and property of the consumer due to failure to ensure the safety of the goods (work) is subject to compensation in accordance with Art. 14 of this Law (clause 2 of article 7).

By virtue of the provisions of Art. 14 of the above Law, harm caused to the life, health or property of the consumer as a result of constructive, production, prescription or other defects of the product (service) is subject to compensation in full.

The court found that BIV lives in. Services for the management and maintenance of the said apartment building are rendered by the housing department.

Further, the court found that in DD.MM.YYYY, the management organization of the housing department carried out a scheduled maintenance of the entrances, during which work was carried out, including painting the walls in the entrances, which is confirmed by a task order and an act of acceptance and delivery of works from DD .MM.YYYY.

As the plaintiff explains, there was a suffocating smell at the entrance when painting the walls, and the entrances were not ventilated. As a result of poisoning with paint vapors, the plaintiff's health worsened.

From the records in the medical record of outpatient patient No. and the doctor's consultation sheet, it follows that DD.MM.YYYY BIV turned to the allergist of the Medical Center: “complaints of skin rashes, swelling of the face, itching. She fell ill acutely on 20.09., She cannot associate with anything. There were no allergic reactions in the anamnesis. I took suprastin on my own, with no effect. Ob-but: on the skin of the limbs, abdomen, buttocks, multiple small bright pink papules. Moderate facial swelling. Tanned skin (went to the solarium). Nutrition is normal, on external organs b / o. Diagnosis: n / a dermatitis (photodermatosis?) ". Treatment was prescribed, it was recommended to exclude the solarium, follow a diet, and conduct an additional medical examination.

DD.MM.YYYY: “Complaints about dizziness, redness, itching of the face, strong odors - paints, art. powders, acetone, whiteness, gas. She was ill since 2010, there was some kind of dermatitis after contact with paint (they painted in the entrance, there was, according to the words, a sharp smell of paint), after treatment the rashes disappeared, and then began to recur. About-but: At the time of examination, the skin is clean, slightly pasty face. The pharynx is clean. There is vesicular breathing in the lungs, no wheezing. HR-68. HELL 115/80. Belly b / w. The liver is not enlarged. According to FGDS - a duodenal ulcer was detected. Diagnosis: Perioral dermatitis, recurrent course. Intolerance to odors. " Concomitant disease - duodenal ulcer. Treatment of peptic ulcer disease and examination of the site are recommended.

From the medical records of an outpatient patient available in the case file, it can be seen that BIV was diagnosed with O. ulcer 12 sc to 0.5 cm, de-nol and omeprazole were prescribed for treatment.

With a claim to the housing department, the plaintiff's mother BAN applied only to DD.MM.YYYY. In its claim, BAN indicates that her daughter BIV is seriously ill, the reason for the illness was the redecoration carried out by the housing department in 2010, that is, painting the entrance. As a result, her daughter received toxic poisoning, which affected her health in the future and caused moral suffering. I asked for an official investigation into the incident. BAN attached to the claim the signatures of the tenants, confirming that during the renovation period there was a pungent odor that caused suffocation and headache. DD.MM.YYYY director ZhEU-2 in the address BAN sent a response, from which it follows that the company was an official investigation and found that when repairing the entrance since 2006 used enamel PF-115 production.

In accordance with the certificate of conformity, as well as according to the manufacturer's label, this enamel is intended for external and internal work and fully complies with the requirements of regulatory documents.

In the case materials presented invoice № from DD.MM.YYYY, invoice № from DD.MM.YYYY, from which it is clear that housing department acquired from finishing materials, including enamel PF-115 Economy white 60 kg.

In accordance with the certificate of conformity No. POCC RU.AE 45. В 50223, issued by the certification body for products and services, enamel PF-115 Economy for external and internal work meets the requirements of regulatory documents GOST R 51691-2000.

Based on the rulings of the Abakan City Court, a forensic medical examination and a forensic chemical examination were ordered in the case. To carry out a forensic chemical examination at the disposal of the experts was provided a sample of paint and varnish material enamel PF-115 "Economy" for interior and exterior work, as well as a sample of paint from the walls of entrance no.

According to the conclusions of the expert's conclusion No. Expert 1 from DD.MM.YYYY, BIV DD.MM.YYYY diagnosed: Dermatitis (photodermatosis?), The origin of which is not possible to speak out due to the variety of reasons for its occurrence. Irritant (irritant) and allergic skin expressions in the form of dermatitis are possible only when the irritating agent (allergen) comes into direct contact with the skin. Experts do not have any data indicating the intake of drugs aimed at treating acute duodenal ulcers in the period from September 2010, however, one of the side effects of drugs (de-nol, omeprazole) is itching of the skin, photosensitivity, erythrem , skin rash. At the time of the examination, the skin of the BIV was clean, of normal color, there were no manifestations of dermatitis. It is not possible to speak about the intolerance of BIV odors due to the lack of data confirming this fact.

According to the conclusion of the expert Expert 2 No. from DD.MM.YYYY, the sample of enamel "PF-115 Economy" presented to the experts and the paint and varnish material that forms the coating on the walls of the entrance house No. grade PF, made from basic raw materials of the same quality composition. It is not possible to compare paints and varnishes according to the composition of the volatile part, since when a paint and varnish coating is formed from a paint and varnish material, its properties as a liquid product are lost (volatile components evaporate).

The white sample of enamel "PF-115 Economy" submitted for research on packaging, labeling on the packaging, as well as the mass fraction of non-volatile substances meets the regulatory requirements.

The presented enamel sample contains such toxic substances as xylenes and other aromatic compounds (toluene, ethylbenzene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene), which are part of organic solvents used in the production of paints and varnishes (white spirit, white spirit in a mixture with xylenes, solvent, etc.), that is, their presence is due to the properties of the component that make up the enamel.

Taking into account the circumstances established in the case, and also taking into account the conclusions of the experts, the court concludes that the plaintiff did not provide evidence that it was the repair work carried out by the housing department-2, including painting the walls, baseboards in the entrance, that led to a deterioration in her well-being and evidence of a causal relationship between the quality of services performed and the disease.

The plaintiff's arguments that the paint and varnish material - enamel PF-115 Economy is intended only for outdoor work is refuted by the evidence presented in the case materials.

The claims of the BIV against the housing department for the recovery of compensation for moral damage in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles should be left unsatisfied.

The decision can be appealed to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Khakassia within one month from the date of the final decision of the court by filing an appeal through the Abakan City Court.

Judge: L.M. Paximadi

Repair of entrances is one of the key activities of our company "RemontStroy". Our specialists have solid practical experience in performing major and current repairs of common / communal property in buildings of various types.

Repair of house entrances - standard list of works

Apartment buildings are not only the basis, but also the future of the modern housing market, and since high-rise buildings have much more “owners” than private ones, and the need for repair arises more often. As such, repairs in the entrance can be major or ongoing.

The complex of renovation works includes repairs:

  • engineering networks;
  • roof and under-roof space;
  • basements and basement;
  • foundation, facade (also its insulation);
  • elevator;
  • devices and systems for recording resource consumption.

Current repair work includes:

  • painting or whitewashing canvases, walls, flights of stairs, railings, panels and partitions;
  • repair and replacement of window frames, doorways and public sheets, installation of glass;
  • sealing cracks, holes, the causes of which are the natural wear of the coating or mechanical stress (vandalism).

The order of repair services for the entrance of the house is in the jurisdiction of the ZhEK and other municipal organizations working in the field of public utilities, but the city budget is limited and cannot always be used for repair work. Our prices for the repair of entrances are rightfully considered one of the most democratic in Moscow and the Moscow region - now you can not wait until funds appear in the budget, and at low costs, quickly return your home to visual appeal.

Painting the walls in the entrance

One of the most popular types of work is painting walls in common areas of apartment buildings. Our specialists are not only highly qualified craftsmen who are able to bring your entrance to a full order in record time, but also guarantee you assistance in choosing high-quality and inexpensive paints and varnishes.

The scope of work includes:

  • dismantling of the old finishing coating;
  • repair / preparation for painting (filling holes, cracks, leveling, priming);
  • directly staining;
  • cleaning the room.

By ordering the service of repairing the entrances of houses in RemontStroy, you get more services for less money - below you can see our prices for all types of preparatory and finishing work:

Name of wall repair works

unit of measurement

up to 200 sq.

from 200

up to 500 sq.

from 500

up to 1000 sq.


1000 sq.

Pasting masking tape

Sealing chips, cracks, etc.

Wall priming

Painting the walls

Total price per square meter of wall

Choice of paint

When choosing a paint for an entrance, one should pay attention to such characteristics as durability, resistance to mechanical damage and abrasion, the presence of antibacterial components in the composition that prevent the appearance of mold, mildew and moss, as well as resistance to high humidity and temperature extremes.

We work with the best suppliers of dyes for various purposes and guarantee you excellent quality dye mixtures at an attractive price - no "markups" and overpayments to resellers or unscrupulous dealers. If you plan to buy paint yourself and only involve our staff in the direct repair process, we recommend choosing a combination of inexpensive polyvinyl acetate paint, used for painting the top of the wall, and more abrasion resistant acrylic, which can be used to paint the bottom of the surface.

High-quality and inexpensive repair of entrances in Moscow is "RemontStroy". We offer our clients the best quality of service - we advise, train, help choose, perform work - and the most affordable prices in the city.


As a rule, there was no renovation in our entrances for a long time, so the whitewash on the ceilings and walls has practically disappeared. Take a broom or mop and sweep any remaining whitewash off the walls. In awkward places, brush away the cobwebs with a round brush attached to the pin with tape. After that, moisten the ceiling and walls with water from a spray gun and let the room dry.

The next stage of work is the cleaning of the panels from the old paint. Take a putty knife or any other sharp tool and scrape off the old, weak paint from the walls. If the plaster separates from the wall surface, then knock it down with a hammer to the very base in order to subsequently reinforce it with a new layer of plaster.

Prime all the places that you cleaned on the walls with primer and let the room dry out. After that, proceed to plaster the places that you have recaptured. Dilute the dry mixture and apply to a section of the wall. If you need to plaster in two times, then let the first layer dry and only then apply the next layer. Do not forget to moisten the wall with water before the second layer, otherwise the plaster will not stick, but will fall off.

While the plaster is drying, putty the walls. Take a putty, putty the walls in one go and let dry. Then putty them again. As a rule, the walls are plastered twice, but if necessary, you can do this a third time.

When all the preparatory work is done at the entrance, proceed to whitewashing the ceiling. Cover all the floors on the sites with cardboard, and ask the residents of the entrance to cover their doors. After that, you can safely start whitewashing the ceiling. Dilute the oil putty in water, it is more "covering" than whitewash. To check the quality of the whitewash, dip your finger in the solution. If a thick coating of whitewash remains on it, then the solution is suitable for work, if not, then the solution is considered weak and putty should be added to it. Now strain the solution through cheesecloth into a clean bucket and use a spray gun to whitewash the staircase two times. Whitewash with the help of an assistant, because it is difficult to do this work alone.

After the whitewash dries, sand the plastered spots on the walls, as well as the whitewash that got on the panels, otherwise the paint will not stick in these places. Now mark off the lines on the panels along which the border of the painting will pass. Do it like this: take a lace, roll it in blue and attach it to the marked points on the panels. Pull the lace up and release it sharply. A trace of blue will remain on the wall. The height of the panel should be 150, 180 cm - this is the optimal height so that residents do not get dirty with whitewash.

For painting the porches, oil paint is used to make it easier to keep the entrance clean. Take the paint and pour it into one container. You will need a lot of paint, because in addition to painting the panels, you will also have to paint fragments of the flight of stairs. It is desirable that everything be painted in one color, otherwise the entrance will look unsightly.

Take the paint and pour it into a bucket. Dip the flutes in the paint and draw a 5 cm wide flat strip along the marked line, do the same at the floor of the panel. Do this around the entire perimeter at the entrance, or have your partner do it. At this time, take a roller, dip it in paint and roll it over a cuvette. Now place it against the wall near the floor and guide the roller up the panel, blending the paint along the wall, then across. Try to soak the roller in the paint more often, paint over the panel without gaps. After painting the panels for the first time, let the surface dry, then paint the walls a second time. Oil paint flows easily and covers the surface well, so you can easily handle the job.

The last stage of renovation at the entrance is painting the windows and fragments of the railings. Take a white oil paint, stir it and paint the window sashes in two rounds. Also paint over the railing pieces twice.