The lemon has thrown off the leaves and dries what to do. Lemon shed all the leaves how to revive it How to revive an orange tree at home

Diseases are divided into three types:

  • Caused by various viruses.
  • Fungal.
  • Due to unfavorable conditions.

Depending on the type of disease, methods for eliminating lemon disease are also different.

Why is it shedding leaves? What to do?

Let's try to figure out why the lemon tree sheds its leaves and what to do in this case.

Lemons come from places where they can get enough sunlight even in winter. On lack of lighting indoor lemon responds by shedding green leaves. The plant is depleted and unable to provide food for all the foliage, and gets rid of the excess.

IMPORTANT! What if he has thrown off all the leaves and dries up? Place the pot next to a sunny window on the south side and be sure to provide it with additional lighting in winter.

We talked about the rules for caring for indoor lemon in the winter in.

Blackening of leaf tips

Why do leaves fall at home? What to do?

Leaf fall is the most common lemon leaf disease. To avoid this do not overdry or overmoisten the soil in a pot. You need to water only with water at room temperature, separated by at least a day, lemon does not tolerate hard water.

REFERENCE! In the summer, when the active vegetative period begins, the plant needs additional feeding.

There are three main types of fertilizers that are required:

  • Nitrogen.
  • Phosphate.
  • Potash.

The lack of at least one of them invariably leads to diseases and deformation of leaves and fruits.

IMPORTANT! If the leaves of a lemon tree fall off, this is the plant's fastest reaction to adverse conditions.

Why does a tree dry at home? What to do?

The most common cause of drying is the roots, or rather, their diseases. Improperly selected soil, excess moisture can create a favorable environment for the development of fungus that attacks the roots.

If the plant has been transplanted, then the new pot should be no more than 5 cm in diameter compared to the previous one. Otherwise, the soil will acidify. And this again leads to decay of the roots. You will find rules and recommendations for transplanting a lemon tree at home, and from you you will learn how to properly prepare the soil.

Leaves can dry out and in the presence of pests on the trunk and roots.

Too much moving the pot frequently with a plant to new places can have a detrimental effect on its growth and vitality. Lemon simply begins to experience constant stress.

Dried up: how to revive?

If the reason for drying is a lack of watering and drying out of the soil, then the plant should be immediately pour over and cover with a plastic bag, providing him with greenhouse conditions.

You can also help lemon with a special citrus care. Its introduction will give the plant additional impetus and strength.

Root rotting is caused by fungi, which can be destroyed by fungicides. After that, cut off the damaged parts of the root and sprinkle with crushed coal.

Exposure to temperature

Lemon has the most high requirements for temperature, lighting and humidity... Leaves and trunk feel comfortable at 17 ° C, and for normal fruit ripening, at least 22-23 ° C is necessary.

Extremely negative plant reacts to sudden changes in temperature... The sudden drop in temperature, together with dry air, leads to inevitable stress. First, flowers and some ovaries begin to fall off, and then leaves. This is especially true in the autumn-winter period (you will find the rules for caring for indoor lemon in the fall, and in we talked about how to care for a tree in winter).

The air temperature should be identical to the temperature of the soil in the pot. Such differences can occur if a lemon standing on the street and accustomed to a slight cold snap is dramatically brought into a heated room. The result can be the dropping of leaves.

Drafts and simultaneous currents of warm and cold air also have a negative effect. Under such unfavorable conditions, the lemon leaves begin to curl and curl and then fall off.

Citrus pests at home

  • Shield.
  • Spider mite.
  • Mealy blackberry.
  • Nematode.
  • Garden slug.

Scabbard: how to get rid of it?

Scabbard is the most common tree pest. The first sign of its presence is a sticky coating on the lemon leaves. Bulges of about 4 mm appear on the leaves and branches, almost invisible to the eye. Covered in a dense waxy shell, they become immune to chemicals.

You can deal with sticky leaves insecticides... During watering, the poison from the leaves is washed off into the soil, absorbed by the roots and the plant becomes poisonous.

ATTENTION! The scale insect, which feeds on lemon juice, dies. But with all the effectiveness of this method, the fruits become unfit for food.

You can also fight the scabbard using folk methods. They are very effective, but more troublesome.

Washing the leaves with soapy water several times a day until the pest disappears completely. Mix green soap (5g) with anabazine sulfate (2g) and dissolve in warm water. Rinsing is performed once a week, followed by rinsing off the solution with water every other day.

Spraying with a solution of soap and kerosene... To do this, 5 g of soap and 10 g of kerosene are dissolved in a liter of warm water and the plant is sprayed twice a week. You can clearly see this method in action in the video below:

Tick: treatment

It can be found on the stem and the underside of the leaves, the sap of which it feeds on. In the process, the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry for no apparent reason.

It is not easy to spot the pest, considering its size is 1–2 mm. But the cobweb on the underside of the leaf is clearly visible, as are the yellow dots in the places of its attachment.

NOTE! It gives a good effect when fighting it. laundry soap solution... The stems and leaf surfaces are treated with it.

Another tree sprayed with sulfur, insecticides, rub the leaves with alcohol... But the most effective and harmless way is ultraviolet. Two minutes heating under an ultraviolet lamp has a detrimental effect on the tick... In addition, this method helps to heal and strengthen the plant.

In this article, we found out such questions as: why does a lemon lose its leaves and what to do while doing this, what to do if the lemon tree is withered.

Useful video

Personal experience in dealing with various pests of lemon:

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Growing lemon, like any other plant, under normal home conditions requires proper and complete care. If the lemon is not provided with the necessary living conditions, the tree begins to ache, shedding leaves and flowers. It is because of improper care at home that lemon leaves dry and fall off, and in this case it is necessary to accurately identify and eliminate the factors that led to the appearance of the problem.

Why do indoor lemon leaves dry

As a rule, most of the problems when growing lemons at home lies precisely in improper care, since the plant requires certain conditions. If the tree leaves dry in small quantities, especially in adult specimens, then this is not always a problem, and most likely indicates a natural seasonal replacement of foliage. It is necessary to sound the alarm when the lemon not only falls off the leaves, but also the trunk and branches dry. In this case, the plant needs urgent help and identification of the exact reasons.

Bad light

Light plays one of the most important roles for the proper development and health of the lemon tree. It is the lack of light that is the most common reason that the tips of the leaves and the entire leaf plate dry out in indoor lemon.

All citrus crops grown at home must be provided with adequate lighting for 12 hours a day.

For this purpose, the lemon is usually placed near the windowsills of the southwest and south windows. Elsewhere, lemons need lighting. However, excess light can also cause yellowing and drying of the leaves, as well as the fact that the trunk and branches of the lemon dry out.

Direct sunlight, especially when passing through glass, can cause burns.

To avoid burns, it is not recommended to place a lemon tree directly on the windowsills. It is best to place the pot on a table near the window with the most sunlight, shielding it from the direct sun with a light sheer curtain.

Over and under watering

Lemon is very fond of moisture, so a lack of it often leads to the fact that the leaves of the tree dry. Watering the plant in the summer should be daily, and on especially hot days - twice a day, but with a small amount of water and constantly monitoring the state of the soil in the pot.

The reason that the trunk and branches of a tree dry out can be not only a lack of moisture, but also an excess of it, as a result of which the root system begins to rot. In addition, the quality of the water, as well as its temperature, affects the condition of the plant.

You cannot water the plant with tap water; it must be boiled and defended. It is best to use purified filtered water. Often the stem of a lemon dries up even with frequent watering with cold water. The plant does not tolerate cold temperatures and when watering with cold water, a shock occurs at the roots, which negatively affects the condition of the plant.

Soil depletion

The fact that the lemon throws off the leaves and its trunk dries up is also caused by a lack of nutrients in the soil. To plant the plant, you must use a special potting mix designed for citrus plants, and every week the plant needs to be fed with liquid fertilizer for lemon.

When the soil is depleted, the lemon can quickly shed its leaves, after which the trunk of the tree begins to dry, and if the necessary measures are not taken in time, the tree may die.

In the summer, during the active growing season, it is necessary to apply top dressing every week, since lemons are very demanding on the composition of the soil and the amount of nutrients in it. In winter, the plant is fed every 2 weeks, since most mature trees bear fruit throughout the year.

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Dryness and heat in the house

Lemons are very fond of moisture, so they need not only to be watered daily, but also to be sprayed on the crown several times a day. Most of all, the tree needs spraying in summer, as well as in winter, since heating devices contribute to a strong drying out of the air. When the air is very dry, lemon leaves dry, curl up and fall off.

It is necessary to spray the plant at least 3 times a day.

To do this, you need to use clean warm water, but you should not carry out the procedure in the presence of the scorching sun, as this can provoke burns on the leaves. To increase the humidity, it is recommended to install a container of water next to the pot.

Incorrect temperature conditions

If the leaves of a lemon dry around the edges and curl at the same time, this usually indicates the presence of frequent temperature changes in the room where the lemon tree is contained. Any representative of citrus fruits is very fond of warmth and does not tolerate drafts and cold snaps.

Therefore, you should not place the plant near doors or vents. As well as next to heating devices in winter. Overheating of the tree itself or an earthen coma can lead to a complete loss of leaves, and to the fact that the trunk of the lemon will begin to dry.

The room needs to be ventilated regularly, but so that the air currents do not fall on the lemon tree. Any temperature drops, both upward and downward, are contraindicated for the plant.

The appearance of pests and diseases

Often, various diseases, as well as the appearance of pests, lead to the fact that the lemon sheds its leaves and the trunk and branches dry out. For example, when a spider mite appears on a tree, the leaves actively dry, curl and fall off, while the dryness also spreads to the branches.

In this case, you must immediately get rid of the pest by treating the plant with an insecticide or a solution of household (tar) soap.

If the plant is affected by the scabbard, then characteristic growths form on the leaves, due to which the leaves dry and quickly fall off. The methods of struggle here will be practically the same as with the appearance of a spider mite.

Incorrect feeding

Carrying out correct and timely feeding in caring for homemade lemon is of particular importance. With a lack of nutrients, lemon leaves turn yellow and dry from the end, while the veins have a fairly healthy appearance.

If feeding is carried out in excessive quantities, then the tree sheds its leaves without drying out, but at the same time the trunk of the lemon dries up.

Fertilizers must be applied once a week in the amount and concentration recommended on the packaging, while using special formulations designed specifically for citrus fruits. Various complex fertilizers for all kinds of fruit crops are not suitable for feeding lemons.

What to do if homemade lemon dries and sheds leaves

The sooner the reason for why the trunk and leaves of a lemon dries up is established, the more chances there are to save the plant from death. At the initial stage of the problem, when the tree itself actively resists the influence of negative factors or pests, it can be quickly and easily reanimated.

In fact, treating such injuries is very similar to preventative measures to prevent problems from occurring. Except for the appearance of pests, since very serious measures and the use of chemicals may be required here. What to do if homemade lemon dries:

  • If the problem is over-watering and decay of the roots, it is necessary to immediately transplant the lemon into fresh soil and a new pot, removing the damaged roots, and then carefully monitor the soil moisture;
  • If there are burns on the leaves the tree should be rearranged in partial shade or screened from the scorching sunlight with a light curtain. Many citrus growers in such situations block the sunlight with a screen, while providing artificial lighting to the lemon that does not cause burns;
  • As a rule, damaged and dried leaves must be removed. It will no longer be possible to restore them, but new healthy leaves and young shoots can grow in their place, so space should be made for them.
  • It is important to provide lemon and the right habitat, maintaining optimal moisture and regularly spraying the plant with warm water. It is also necessary to bring the temperature in the room back to normal, maintaining it in the future within the range of 18 - 22 ° C.

If you provide a lemon with all the necessary conditions for a normal existence, it will very quickly regain its strength and grow a new healthy crown.

Preventive measures

As a rule, preventive measures in this case are called providing the lemon with the necessary living conditions for maintaining health, normal flowering and stable fruiting.

One of the important conditions is daily spraying 2-3 times a day.

This measure allows not only to maintain the required level of moisture and cleanliness of the leaf plates, but also protects the plant from the appearance of such pests as spider mites and scale insects. It is important that the tree receives a large amount of bright but diffused light for 12 hours each day.

It is necessary to place a pot of lemon so that the direct rays of the sun do not fall on the tree, while it should not be exposed to drafts and overheating.

Lemon loves peace, so you should not rearrange it from place to place, trying to determine the most suitable conditions for existence. It is best to choose the optimal place right away, since when the plant is rearranged, it can shed all the leaves at once without any additional negative factors.

Kira Stoletova

Home-grown lemons require quality care. With any errors in the content, the culture does not bloom, get sick and does not bear fruit. Lemon often dries up and leaves fall off. To keep a houseplant alive, it is important to identify the factors that precede such problems and take appropriate action.

Causes of lemon drying

Most of the reasons for the yellowing and drying of the leaves of the lemon tree lie in the errors in the care of the grown crop. When a small amount of leaves on a plant dries up, do not worry: this is often a sign of seasonal rejuvenation of the deciduous mass of the plant, especially in mature trees.

If citrus sheds half of the deciduous mass or more, it is worth revising the features of the culture content at home.

Lemon leaves can dry out for the following reasons:

  • poor lighting (citrus suffers from excess or lack of sunlight);
  • insufficient watering or excess moisture in the soil;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • dry indoor air;
  • lack or excess of nutrients contained in the soil.

Leaves fall off if the indoor tree has been infected with diseases or suffers from pests. The sooner the signs of damage and the factors preceding it are identified, the faster and more successful the treatment will be. It will not work to revive the plant only if the lemon is completely dry.

How to save a lemon tree

There are more chances to save a home-grown crop with the timely detection of signs of drying out of the leaves. When the lemon just starts to dry, it still resists the effects of harmful factors - it will be able to revive it faster.

All measures for the improvement of indoor citrus are also preventive methods, because the treatment and prevention of damage to leaf plates are performed by similar actions. The only exception is the infection of the plant with fungal and viral diseases, as well as the attack of pests.

It will be possible to cure citrus from diseases at home using copper-containing formulations.

It is impossible to fight Molsecco's disease. For such a pathology, effective means and methods of treatment do not yet exist.

Organization of correct lighting

Lemon is a tropical plant. He loves moisture and sunlight. The light should be diffused, characteristic of the dense thickets of the tropical jungle. Direct sunlight leaves burns on the leaf plates, which is why their surface begins to transform, becomes dry and rough.

To save a house tree, you will have to take several important measures. The citrus owner needs:

  • Organize 12 hours of daylight hours. Supplementation is carried out with phytolamps.
  • Install the container on the south, south-east or south-west windows.
  • Protect the deciduous mass from direct sunlight with a cloth or special reflective foil overlays (they are attached to window panes).

All sun-damaged foliage will have to be removed. Dried leaves cannot be restored. It is easier to make room for the germination of young green mass.

Correction of errors in the organization of irrigation

Lemons love moisture and react poorly to lack and excess. The plant is watered in small portions of warm water, avoiding the accumulation of excess liquid in the pan. They are guided by the state of the soil in the pot. Citrus is watered as soon as the earthy clod becomes dry.

With overflows, the roots of the culture suffer. They rot and gradually die off, depriving the tree of nutrients. As a result, the structure and color of the foliage changes, it dries and falls off. With such signs, they act decisively:

  • extract the citrus from the pot;
  • carefully remove the earthen lump and rinse the roots with running warm water;
  • examine the root system for damaged tissues (all rotten processes are removed);
  • treat the cuts with charcoal or other antiseptics.

After the performed manipulations, the citrus roots are dried for up to 30 minutes, and the lemon is planted in a new substrate with a good drainage system (up to 1/3 of the total pot volume).

Temperature normalization

With sudden cold snaps and frostbite, the lemon tree can quickly lose its leaves. Even an ordinary draft can have a detrimental effect on culture.

When exposed to critical temperatures, they stabilize the microclimate in the room. The favorable temperature for the citrus content is 18-22 ° C. With careful maintenance, the tree will grow quickly and build up new healthy deciduous mass.

Air humidification

If citrus foliage begins to dry around the edge and curl up, it suffers from dry air. The normal moisture content for the content of this culture is 60-70%. With any deviations, she is sick.

Freshening a flower in a pot will not be difficult. The following measures are beneficial:

  • Spraying the foliage and tree trunk regularly with warm water and rubbing the foliage daily.
  • Covering heating devices with a thick cloth or foil: they contribute to overdrying the air near adjacent windows.
  • Installing vessels with water next to a tree.

The roots of the plant are protected from the effects of dry air by spreading sphagnum moss or a piece of wet tissue near the trunk circle.

Pest control

There are a number of diseases and pests that cause citrus to shed its foliage.

Most often, the tips of the leaves of the indoor lemon dry out due to the spider mite. A characteristic sign of infection is drying of not only the leaves, but also the branches of the plant. A thin cobweb and small black dots are located on the leaf plates. So that the indoor tree does not completely dry out due to the detrimental effect of the tick, they get rid of it. There are several effective treatment options:

  • processing of deciduous mass with an aqueous solution of laundry soap;
  • backlighting with an ultraviolet lamp;
  • the use of insecticides.

The scabbard is also dangerous for the lemon tree. When it attacks, small growths appear on the leaves, which quickly grow, destroying the leaf plate. As a result, the lemon leaves dry and fall off. The shield is fought with soapy water and insecticides.


If the tips of the leaves dry on a lemon, the reason should be sought in the lack of caring for a house tree. It will be possible to revive the plant only by normalizing its content: by properly organizing watering, air temperature and humidity, fertilization, etc. If the lemon is actively dropping foliage, check the condition of the roots and the presence of signs of infection with diseases and pests.

Now it has become quite fashionable to give beautiful flowering citrus fruits or with bright fruits. And very often it happens that having bought, at first glance, a healthy plant, after a week or two it begins to wither before our eyes. It seems that the care was good, and the place was bright, and the owner comes to him every 5 minutes to "blow off the dust particles", but all to no avail - the leaves are crumbling, the ovaries fall off. Of course, not all purchased plants follow this plot, but since this happens sometimes, it is worth considering such cases.

Why are the leaves falling?

So, you probably already know that citrus fruits love consistency and react negatively to a change of scenery. Adaptation to new conditions is called acclimatization. Why can there be problems in the form falling leaves and drying out branches? My opinion is that during acclimatization, the work of the root system can sometimes be greatly slowed down. The tree begins to receive less moisture, but the leaves do not stop evaporating it at the same high rate, as a result of which gas exchange and thermoregulation are disrupted - and they fall off. The lion's share of resources goes to fruits, which have an increased priority. Leaves, especially old ones, are containers in which citrus fruits store all the necessary substances that are used for new growth, flowering and fruiting - that is why each leaf is "worth its weight in gold."

Sometimes it happens that completely healthy-looking foliage is massively discarded. According to personal observations, this happens if, after drying, even not very strong, pour citrus abundantly. Or, after abundant watering, the pot gets into a draft and gets very cold. In the first case, I recommend not rushing to pour in a lot of water at the sight of drooping leaves, and in the second, if there is a chance of hypothermia of the root, do not water abundantly.

What should you do before buying?

In large flower shops, pests are very often present, which are difficult to control due to the huge number of plants. So first of all, before buying any plant, you need it very much. examine carefully on the subject of scale insects, spider mites and other enemies, because because of one such new thing, then you can fight pests all your life, which will quickly become familiar with your entire collection. Plants should only be purchased completely healthy with a lot of leaves, not fruits, although they will not look so decorative. Sick citrus fruits should be bought only at a large discount and if there is experience in resuscitation.

Where to buy?

In large stores and the selection of citrus fruits is huge. Mostly they are brought from Holland and Portugal. For such plants, the same must be approached with caution, because now they have learned to grow various varieties very quickly in nurseries with the help of different hormones and ideal conditions. You should not "rush" to a new batch of citrus fruits, it is better to observe the planned tree for a month and, if all is well, then get it already. Buying citrus fruits from local gardeners, the risk is much less, since mother plants are already accustomed to our conditions and cuttings taken from them are much easier to acclimate.

Do I need to remove the fruit?

So, what to do after purchasing a new citrus fruit or a sudden change of scenery for the "old-timer"? Of course, if there are fruits on it that are ripening or have already ripened, then they must be removed immediately, so that the energy can be directed in the right direction. If the tree has many leaves, blooms and small ovaries are present, then they can be left under supervision and, if the condition of the plant deteriorates, they can also be removed immediately.

Is it worth replanting?

Very often, purchased plants are sold in pots that are too small, in which the roots no longer fit and climb through the drainage holes. Changing the conditions of keeping is stressful for the plant. A transplant is just as stressful. Therefore, if there is a desire, you can immediately produce only transshipment with the preservation of an earthen coma. If the soil in which the plant is located is suspicious, then a transplant can be made, but not before the tree has acclimatized. The acclimatization period may vary, but usually it is one to two weeks.

Can you fertilize?

I want beginners to take this point very seriously and remember: diseased plants, as well as citrus fruits after transplantation in no case can not be fertilized! If the root does not work well, then the fertilizer is not absorbed and the elements pass into forms inaccessible for consumption by the roots, which causes large nutritional imbalances and huge problems. After planting in new soil for at least half a year, you should forget about fertilizers. An exception, probably, can only be foliar feeding.

Where to place?

Citrus fruits, light, warm, and moisture-loving plants, which should be located on the southeast or southwestern window sills, if we are talking about a permanent place of detention in an apartment. But when buying in the summer, you should not expose the tree to the heat. It is better to place it in the shaded place... In the same way, you should not allow the pot to be strongly cooled from drafts in the cold season, while the crown is surrounded by warm and dry room air.

How to reanimate?

This question applies not only to new, but also to old citrus fruits, which may have even given more than one excellent harvest. There can be many reasons for the deterioration of the condition, and in order to know what measures to take, you need to think about what the problems are connected with.

Rotten roots

Basically, my experience shows that the main causes of problems should be looked for in the roots. To check them, you need to carefully pull the tree out of the pot and inspect it. If the roots are good and braided with a lump, then such a procedure will not damage and the tree can be put back just as neatly. If there are rotten roots, remove them. You can tug lightly to determine the condition of the root. If it slipped like a stocking, it means rotten. If almost all of the root has rotted due to poor-quality soil or poisoning with fertilizers, then you need to place the root in water with the addition of drugs that improve rooting (if any) and soak for an hour. After that, make a transfer to light soil, you can peat. This, of course, is an extreme measure and should be resorted to if the situation is completely deplorable.

If there are not a lot of rotten roots, then after cutting them and updating part of the soil that has disappeared, you can do it, which will definitely not harm. But watering is often not worth it. I know from myself that at the sight of an oppressed plant there is always an irresistible desire to water it, which leads to bays with very negative consequences.


The reason for the poor condition of your favorite citrus tree can be sap-sucking pests, such as, or. If they are found, it is necessary to urgently take control measures and try to provide the best conditions for recovery.

In cases of any disease, in order to preserve leaves and speedy recovery, first of all, it is necessary to provide high humidity, at which the leaves practically do not evaporate water and do not fall off. To do this, small plants are placed in transparent greenhouses, which can be easily made with your own hands from an old aquarium or even a plastic bottle. With large specimens, there are more problems and the crown has to be placed under a plastic bag. It doesn't matter what kind of device you come up with - the main thing is that there was almost 100% humidity!

If your beloved tree is on the mend, it has begun to release shoots, then in no case should you immediately remove the package. This will again lead to a sharp change in conditions and acclimatization, so you need to adapt citrus fruits gradually, increasing the duration of airing every day.

I wish all your plants trouble-free acclimatization and never have to take resuscitation measures!

Nowadays it has become fashionable to present as a gift indoor citrus plants. Sometimes they are selected in flowering form or with rich fruits. Usually buyers pay attention to the appearance of the plant. In their opinion, the better it looks, the more time it will delight its owners in the future. But you can often find that after a while wilting of leaves and dropping of ovaries are observed. So how to properly care for a plant so that growing Pavlovsky lemon did not cause any difficulties and brought joy to the owners?

Causes of leaf fall

For citrus fruits, it is important to be in the same place. If the situation in the house changes, then the citrus bush reacts sharply to this. Leaves begin to fall off and twigs begin to dry out. Lemon acclimatization manifests itself in the form of a strong slowdown in the work of the root system, in this regard, less water is supplied to the tree than before. At the same time, evaporation from the leaf surface occurs at the same rate. This leads to the fact that gas exchange and thermoregulation are disrupted, as a result of which the foliage begins to fall off. The fruits receive the lion's share of all substances extracted by the roots. In addition, resources are used for flowering, fruit formation and the growth of new branches.

In order for a homemade lemon to feel good in an apartment after a purchase, it is imperative to follow the rules for caring for it.

Sometimes you can encounter a phenomenon when even the healthiest-looking leaves fall in large numbers. This usually happens if the plant has not been watered for a long time, and then the citrus was watered. Even a small amount of moisture after prolonged drying can lead to loss of foliage. Homemade lemon resuscitation it is necessary if you water the citrus heavily, and then put it in a place blown by the winds. As a result, the plant is exposed to strong cooling.

What needs to be done before buying?

If citrus is bought in a large flower shop, then you should carefully examine the bush for the presence of pests. On the plants in the store, you can encounter a scale insect, spider mite and other enemies. If you buy a diseased bush, then soon pests can infect all plants in your house.

After moving the plant from the store to your home, it is better to remove the already planted fruits so that it is easier for the plant to acclimatize

For purchase, completely healthy specimens are chosen, on which there is a large amount of foliage. If there are no fruits on the bushes, then this is not so important. Soon fruits will appear on healthy citrus fruits, delighting you with their beauty and originality.

Sometimes in stores there is a big discount on plants susceptible to various diseases. You should not buy them if you have no experience in treating flower ailments.

Where can you buy citrus?

Before purchasing a plant, many are wondering where it is best to buy it. If you choose a large store with a large variety of flowers and other plants as your place of purchase, you should be careful with your choice. Specialists of foreign nurseries, from where plants get to large chain stores, grow various varieties using hormonal preparations. Plants grow quickly, as ideal conditions are created for this. If a new batch of goods appears in the store network, then you should observe them for several weeks. If the tree is still healthy, then you can buy it.

If citrus is sold by local amateur gardeners, then it is much easier to care for it, since the plant is adapted to our conditions. Lemon acclimatization will also be much faster.

Do I need to remove the fruit?

So, you bought a new citrus or moved it to another room. What to do next? If there are fruits on the tree, then they must be removed, and then tried restore lemon.

If you have a large number of leaves, flowers and ovary, you should not get rid of them. You should carefully look after the tree. If the citrus begins to feel worse, as is immediately indicated by an unpresentable appearance, then the leaves, flowers and the ovary are removed.

If diseases begin to develop, as a result of which the leaves fall and the appearance of the citrus also leaves much to be desired, then restore lemon possible while maintaining high humidity. Under these conditions, the leaves do not evaporate water, and they also cannot fall off. It is worth putting the trees in greenhouses upholstered with transparent material. For small specimens, you can make resuscitation sites yourself using an old aquarium or a plastic bottle. If the trees are large, then you can cover them with plastic material. If the tree takes on a healthier appearance after a while and new shoots begin to grow, then the polyethylene should be left in place. After a while, it is worth first removing the material for an hour or two, and then the airing period gradually increases.

When the lemon is in bloom, the room is filled with a subtle, sweet scent.


Usually the sale of purchased plants takes place in small pots. Soon you may find that the roots do not fit in the containers and climb through the holes made in the bottom. Therefore, the owners decide to transplant the plants into another container with a larger volume. But such a transplant is very stressful for the tree, so it is worth carrying out the procedure after its acclimatization, which takes place within 2-3 weeks. In addition, for better survival, it is necessary to maintain an earthen lump during transplantation.


Indoor lemon care involves the application of fertilizers. But you cannot fertilize diseased trees, as well as those that have been transplanted. In such plants, poor work of the root system is observed due to poor absorption of fertilizers. You should not apply any fertilizers within six months after transplanting. But in rare cases, it is necessary to use foliar dressings.


Citrus fruits grow well and bear fruit abundantly in conditions of high light, warmth and humidity, therefore, trees are usually placed on the southeast or southwest side of a house or apartment. But the plant is absolutely not adapted to grow in hot conditions, therefore, after purchase, it is placed in places with a large shade.

The optimum temperature should be closely monitored. If the roots are in a draft, and the crown is in warm and dry conditions, then this is also unfavorable for the tree.

Following the care recommendations, after a while and from your citrus plant, you can get fruits

Resuscitation measures

Homemade lemon resuscitation is carried out after determining the reasons that led to this.

First, you should carefully examine the root system. Usually the tree is pulled out of the pot and examined. If the roots are normal, then the plant is carefully placed back. If rot is found, it is worth eliminating it. The usual slight twitching can help in determining the condition of the roots. If the plant is creeping, then this indicates decay. When determining the complete decay of the roots, the tree is placed in water, in which special preparations are dissolved, for an hour and a half. Then the citrus is transplanted into a pot with light soil.

If not all the roots have rotted, then the rest is washed and planted in the ground. But frequent watering is not needed in this case.

Pests often become one of the main causes of the detrimental state of citrus. They suck the sap from the plant, preventing it from getting all the nutrients it needs. Citrus can usually be attacked by red spider mites, scale insects, or mealybugs. Indoor lemon care consists in the timely detection and elimination of these pests with the help of special preparations.

If you follow all the measures when caring for citrus fruits, then soon the plant will again delight you with its beautiful appearance and excellent fruits.


Some features of growing indoor lemon

For the most part, citrus crops are subtropical, where conditions for growth are favorable in winter and summer. When growing a lemon tree in an apartment, it is worth remembering that in the summer you need a lot of sunlight and diffused light and moisture, in the fall - the irrigation is reduced, while reducing the dose of dressings and fertilizers.

In winter, it is not always possible to create optimal conditions, so the green leaf plates of the lemon fall off, in some cases the tree drops all the leaves, it happens that the foliage falls off in the summer. Not everything is so sad, the state of affairs can be corrected, but in order not to wait for all the leaves of the lemon to fall off, it is necessary to find out the reasons why this is happening:

  • insufficient illumination;
  • excessive and frequent watering;
  • lack of moisture;
  • poor and scarce soil for nutrients;
  • dry and hot air in the apartment;

Why Lemon Shed Leaves - Causes and Troubleshooting

The lack of light in the room where the lemon tree grows leads to the plant's natural processes to reduce the green part. Citrus crops are susceptible to this phenomenon, as are some related plants. As a rule, at home, lemon leaves fall due to unsuitable or uncomfortable growing conditions. In the fall and winter, you should increase the lighting time, for example by using seedling lamps or placing a lemon pot by a south-facing window.
Excessive moisture leads to wetting and acidification of the soil, which acquires a dense structure, oxygen practically does not circulate in it and access to the roots is sharply reduced, various decay processes begin. Small roots begin to gradually die off, biological processes are disrupted, as a result of which the lemon turns yellow and sheds its leaves.

Insufficient moisture leads to drying out of the soil, the roots die off, useful trace elements are not in the green part, so you can often observe a picture of the lemon dropping its leaves in the summer. The tree enters into stress, begins to actively get rid of the leaves in order to somehow preserve the existing moisture. Lack of watering is especially dangerous for young plants than for lemons five years of age and older, which have much more moisture. In addition, after a long drought, abundant watering will stress the lemon, so shedding the leaves is the norm in this case.

In order to prevent yellowing of the foliage and subsequent shedding, you need to know how to properly care for lemon at home. Avoid sudden temperature changes, do not dry out the soil, water as needed. If, for some reason, the earthen lump in a pot of lemon is dry, water it gradually, without flooding, in small doses at intervals of several hours. After a day, gradually increase the volume of water to normal until all the soil is saturated.

Lemon actively consumes nutrients during the growing season, so the depletion of the soil is unacceptable. Feed the tree in time using special complexes for citrus fruits. You should not resort only to self-made organic fertilizing, citrus needs a balanced composition of elements. If, of course, you are sure of the quality and usefulness of the prepared home fertilizer and the lemon blooms, smells and bears fruit, then feel free to feed. The lack of trace elements (boron, zinc, molybdenum, etc.) leads to the fact that the leaves of the lemon turn red, turn yellow, turn brown, dry out at the edges and crumble.
Dry and hot air at home is not suitable for lemon cultivation. Insufficient humidity, high temperatures only contribute to the shedding of leaves. Move the lemon away from the apartment batteries in winter or hang the radiator with a thick cloth, regularly spray the green mass from the spray bottle. Don't forget about the shower that loves lemon so much.

As for low temperatures, you should not keep a lemon in a room where the degree drops below + 10 ° C. otherwise, you can see falling leaves. This difficulty arises among the owners of winter greenhouses, where it is not always possible to regulate the air temperature. A citrus tree should not be left in drafts, so that later you do not wonder why the lemon tree turns yellow ...

Common diseases

Leaves can peel off when the lemon is infected with fungal infections or pests. The most common source of the problem can be aphids and spider mites, as well as a disease - gommosis, which causes yellowing and shedding of the green mass of the tree.

Use Fitoverm, wipe it with soapy water or buy Aktara, which is practically odorless and will perfectly relieve the plant not only of aphids, but also of the scale insects. Dissolve 1 g of the preparation in a liter of water and sprinkle with lemon.

Anastasia Z.

I grow a lemon for the room. The tree was developing well, but recently the leaves began to fall off. How to help the plant?

The homeland of lemon, like most other citrus fruits, is subtropical. Summers are hot there and winters are very mild. In summer, lemon needs sun and constant humidity, and in winter, with a decrease in daylight hours, watering is reduced. In winter, the plant is in a dormant period and needs a low air temperature; in a city apartment it is very difficult to provide the plant with proper conditions. At one point, you may find that the plant has started to fall off the leaves. Until the lemon is completely bare, you need to take action. What to do to prevent this from happening.

Possible causes of leaf fall

Let's figure out what is good for a plant and what is bad.

  • Working battery heating dries the air, and lemon needs moist air. Spray the leaves daily. You can put a wet towel on the battery to increase the humidity in the room.
  • Heat premises. Lemon feels comfortable at temperatures no higher than 20 ° C. In winter, when the amount of sunlight decreases and the plant is in a dormant period, the comfort temperature should be lowered to 13 ° C. If the temperature drops below, the plant sheds its leaves.
  • Excessive and frequent watering worsens the structure of the soil, the soil sour, the roots suffer from a lack of oxygen and die. Trying to survive, the lemon sheds its leaves. Lack of moisture, as well as excess, leads to the shedding of leaves and the death of roots. Trying to retain fluid in the tissues, the plant gets rid of ballast. An exception may be adult plants that have crossed the eight-year line. The supply of cell juice allows the lemon to endure this situation for a month. Watering abundantly after a long drought can also lead to stress and shedding of foliage. In this case, watering is dosed by adding water in parts at intervals of several hours.
  • Doesn't like lemon drafts, especially in winter.
  • Winter lack of light can cause loss of foliage. Provide additional lighting.
  • Do not rotate the pot around its axis and do not rearrange it during flowering - citrus does not like this very much.

Advice. Lemon that has dropped leaves cannot be fed. During the growing season, they are fed every two weeks, and in winter they are limited to the introduction of nutrients once a month. Depletion of the soil can also be the reason for the loss of the leaf apparatus.

Lemon sheds foliage - diseases are to blame

If everything is correct with agricultural technology, then it is worth looking for pests or diseases:

  1. Homoz is a disease that manifests itself in droplets on the trunk. Homoz may be due to other diseases that weaken the plant. Only complex preparations such as quadris will help here.
  2. Aphids can be identified by the deformation of young leaves. Insects form a colony on the underside of the leaf. You can wash off the pest with soapy water or treat with systemic drugs such as actellik.
  3. Spider mites love dry and warm air. White spider webs appear on the stems. Leaves and ovary fall off. Control measures are the same as for aphids.
  4. The scale insect, like aphids and ticks, feeds on plant sap, carries viral and fungal diseases. The leaves turn pale and fall off. It is difficult to deal with it manually, the grayish body of the insect adheres tightly to the stem and foliage. A solution of such drugs will help: decis, actellic or karbofos.

Do not postpone the search for the cause of the falling foliage on the back burner. Eliminate the cause of the discomfort, and citrus will delight you with flowering and fruits.

What to do if the leaves of the indoor lemon fall?

When you find the first symptoms and determine the source of the disease, do the following: use insecticides or fungicides depending on the reason + enter home regenerating care.

How to care for a lemon tree at home:

  • Place on a well-lit windowsill: south and south-east windows;
  • Increase lighting in winter (reflective panels, fluorescent lamps);
  • Moisten the air in the room, add water to the pot as needed;
  • Drain the water drained into the pan;
  • Add mineral fertilizers + microelements to the soil;

Top dressing for indoor lemon: mineral complex + add selenium, zinc, iron and molybdenum.In the spring carry more nitrogen and organics alternately, in the middle of the season- phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, and in the fall- more potassium and completely eliminate nitrogen.

↓ Write in the comments about the condition of your indoor lemon: why did the leaves fall, what was the reason?


Favorite the lemon suddenly dropped its leaves... It's a shame, and it is urgent to eliminate the cause of the pet's ill health. There may be several reasons.

1. Insufficient lighting

In autumn and winter, insufficient lighting is especially destructive in combination with a high temperature on the windowsill (over 15-18 degrees).

The lemon should stand very close to the glass in winter. It is advisable to carry out additional lighting so that the duration of daylight hours is 12 hours. It is better to use fluorescent lamps, because they are distinguished by a cold glow and do not cause overheating of the leaves. These lamps are placed directly above the plants or to the side, but very close.

You can lower the air temperature on the windowsill to the required one (10-12 degrees) by periodically opening the vents for a few minutes. It is necessary that the window opens like a transom, then the frosty air does not go down to the plant, but goes up without harming it. At the same time, drafts should not be allowed.

2. Dry air in the room

For this reason, citrus roots do not have time to make up for the rapid evaporation of water from the leaves. The air is excessively dry. Especially during the heating season. Ideally, it would be to double the window sill and cover it on top with a film lowered to the floor. Place dishes on the battery and next to it, in which to periodically add water. Plates of water can also be placed on the windowsill itself. Be sure to spray the crown of the tree with a spray bottle.

3. For a lemon tree, the combination of a stream of superheated dry air rising from the battery and cold air blowing from the slots is destructive.

There is a danger of overcooling the pot. From the cold soil, the roots do not absorb water well, and the leaves evaporate it the more, the higher the temperature of the air surrounding the crown. Therefore, plants must be watered in the cold season only with warm water, which heats up the soil in the pot to a certain extent and eliminates the moisture deficit in the leaves. And the lemon pot itself must be put on the insulation.

4. The reason for the discarding of leaves can be sparse and poor watering.

It also happens vice versa. If there is no good drainage in the pot with a tree, waterlogging of the soil may occur and root decay will begin.

5. Burn the plant with pesticides.

6. You should not be zealous with feeding.

Excessive feeding with high concentration fertilizers will only do harm. In spring and summer, it is necessary to feed no more than 2 times a month.

7. Insufficient feeding of citrus fruits with full complex fertilizers, including trace elements, which ultimately leads to depletion of plants.

On average, from October to February, citrus fruits are best fertilized about once a month.

8. The acidity of the soil is of great importance.

Her correct range for lemon is pH 5.5-7.5. Acidity below and above these indicators leads to a deficiency of nutrients even with proper feeding, since many substances pass into a form inaccessible to plants.

Why is it shedding leaves? What to do?

Let's try to figure out why the lemon tree sheds its leaves and what to do in this case.

Lemons come from places where they can get enough sunlight even in winter. On lack of lighting indoor lemon responds by shedding green leaves. The plant is depleted and unable to provide food for all the foliage, and gets rid of the excess.

We talked about the rules for caring for indoor lemon in the winter in a separate article.

Blackening of leaf tips

Lemon likes high air humidity... In winter, if the pot is next to a hot radiator, the air is very dry. Inevitably, the lemon leaves turn black and dry.

To avoid this, it will be enough spray the plant regularly, thereby bringing it closer to the optimum humidity.

Leaf spots

Yellow spots on the leaves... It is normal for the leaves of a freshly purchased lemon to turn yellow. The plant is trying to adapt to new living conditions. Why do the leaves turn yellow while at home for a sufficient time and what to do at the same time, we will find out further. Most likely, leaves are sunburned or over-fertilization.

For all his love for sunlight, he should not receive them in the open. The pot should be kept on the south side so that there is adequate lighting, but the plant needs to be shaded slightly in the summer heat. If the reason is excessive feeding, then you should rinse the soil in the pot.

Brown spots on the leaves... Lemon leaves begin to darken, turn brown and acquire a rusty hue. with a lack of phosphorus... It starts at the tips of the leaves and then spreads to the sides of the leaf.

Fruits also suffer from a lack of this trace element. The rind becomes thick and they themselves take on an ugly shape.

Rolling the leaves

Leaves curl when the lemon is kept in not very favorable conditions. Such as:

  • Insufficient ventilation with fresh air.
  • Dry air.
  • Lack of watering.
  • It may also indicate a lack of a trace element such as copper.

Why do leaves fall at home? What to do?

Leaf fall is the most common lemon leaf disease. To avoid this do not overdry or overmoisten the soil in a pot. You need to water only with water at room temperature, separated by at least a day, lemon does not tolerate hard water.

There are three main types of fertilizers that are required:

  • Nitrogen.
  • Phosphate.
  • Potash.

The lack of at least one of them invariably leads to diseases and deformation of leaves and fruits.

Why does a tree dry at home? What to do?

The most common cause of drying is the roots, or rather, their diseases. Improperly selected soil, excess moisture can create a favorable environment for the development of fungus that attacks the roots.

If the plant has been transplanted, then the new pot should be no more than 5 cm in diameter compared to the previous one. Otherwise, the soil will acidify. And this again leads to decay of the roots. You can find the rules and recommendations for transplanting a lemon tree at home here, and from this article you will learn how to properly prepare the soil.

Leaves can dry out and in the presence of pests on the trunk and roots.

Too much moving the pot frequently with a plant to new places can have a detrimental effect on its growth and vitality. Lemon simply begins to experience constant stress.

Dried up: how to revive?

If the reason for drying is a lack of watering and drying out of the soil, then the plant should be immediately pour over and cover with a plastic bag, providing him with greenhouse conditions.

You can also help lemon with a special citrus care fertilizer. Its introduction will give the plant additional impetus and strength.

Root rotting is caused by fungi, which can be destroyed by fungicides. After that, cut off the damaged parts of the root and sprinkle with crushed coal.

Exposure to temperature

Lemon has the most high requirements for temperature, lighting and humidity... Leaves and trunk feel comfortable at 17 ° C, and for normal fruit ripening, at least 22-23 ° C is necessary.

Extremely negative plant reacts to sudden changes in temperature... The sudden drop in temperature, together with dry air, leads to inevitable stress. First, flowers and some ovaries begin to fall off, and then leaves. This is especially true in the autumn-winter period (you can find the rules for caring for indoor lemon in the fall here, and in this article we talked about how to care for a tree in winter).

The air temperature should be identical to the temperature of the soil in the pot. Such differences can occur if a lemon standing on the street and accustomed to a slight cold snap is dramatically brought into a heated room. The result can be the dropping of leaves.

Drafts and simultaneous currents of warm and cold air also have a negative effect. Under such unfavorable conditions, the lemon leaves begin to curl and curl and then fall off.

Citrus pests at home

  • Shield.
  • Spider mite.
  • Mealy blackberry.
  • Nematode.
  • Garden slug.

Scabbard: how to get rid of it?

Scabbard is the most common tree pest. The first sign of its presence is a sticky coating on the lemon leaves. Bulges of about 4 mm appear on the leaves and branches, almost invisible to the eye. Covered in a dense waxy shell, they become immune to chemicals.

You can deal with sticky leaves insecticides... During watering, the poison from the leaves is washed off into the soil, absorbed by the roots and the plant becomes poisonous.

You can also fight the scabbard using folk methods. They are very effective, but more troublesome.

Washing the leaves with soapy water several times a day until the pest disappears completely. Mix green soap (5g) with anabazine sulfate (2g) and dissolve in warm water. Rinsing is performed once a week, followed by rinsing off the solution with water every other day.

Spraying with a solution of soap and kerosene... To do this, 5 g of soap and 10 g of kerosene are dissolved in a liter of warm water and the plant is sprayed twice a week. You can clearly see this method in action in the video below:

Tick: treatment

It can be found on the stem and the underside of the leaves, the sap of which it feeds on. In the process, the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry for no apparent reason.

It is not easy to spot the pest, considering its size is 1–2 mm. But the cobweb on the underside of the leaf is clearly visible, as are the yellow dots in the places of its attachment.

Another tree sprayed with sulfur, insecticides, rub the leaves with alcohol... But the most effective and harmless way is ultraviolet. Two minutes heating under an ultraviolet lamp has a detrimental effect on the tick... In addition, this method helps to heal and strengthen the plant.

In this article, we found out such questions as: why does a lemon lose its leaves and what to do while doing this, what to do if the lemon tree is withered.

Reasons for leaf fall in citrus fruits:

- depletion of plants in winter in a warm room with low light;
- excessive evaporation of water from leaves in a room with too dry air;
- an increase in air temperature in cold soil (the physiological activity of the roots is weakened);
- watering with very cold water;
- drafts;
- transferring the plant from the shade to a sunny place;
- overdrying the soil in the dishes (in this case, the water flows between the lump and the wall of the dish, and the lump remains dry; the leaves curl and fall off);
- excess water in the dishes (the soil sours, water displaces the air, the roots rot and the plant dies);
- lack or excess of nutrition (while the buds either do not appear, or fall off);
- damage to the plant by pests or diseases;

Follow these conditions for caring for lemon:

- in summer, lemon needs a warm and sunny location (preferably outdoors), in winter - light at a temperature of 15 -18 degrees;

- uniform moderate soil moisture from spring to autumn, rare watering in winter;

- it is better to filter water for watering lemon: citruses do not tolerate chlorine, lime water causes chlorosis of the leaves (in the absence of a filter, boil water for irrigation or stand it for at least a day in an open container);

- in winter water with melt water, warmed up to room temperature;

- from March to August, light lemon fertilization every week (alternate organic and mineral fertilizers);

- in winter foliar feeding once a month by spraying the entire citrus tree with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;

- frequent spraying of lemon with boiled water at room temperature and sometimes rinsing the crown under the shower;

- to humidify the air, place the citrus pot in a wide pan with water (on a stand so that no water gets into the drainage hole);

- small and careful pruning;

- Lemon transplant at the beginning of March when the soil is completely entwined with roots.

For lemon, a substrate from a mixture of turf, humus soil and sand in a ratio of 3: 1: 1 is suitable (for adult plants, twice as much humus soil is taken) add a little clay.

When transplanting, the roots of a lemon cannot be pruned; only remove dried and damaged roots.

In a lemon pot, you need good drainage (from coarse sand, pebbles, charcoal), on which you put some dry manure, and only then - the soil.

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