Can pregnant women eat canned corn? Can pregnant women eat boiled corn? The benefits and possible harm of corn for pregnant women

Can pregnant women eat corn? This product, as well as many other things, is viewed with doubt by expectant mothers. And in vain. There is practically nothing to fear here. It is healthy and environmentally friendly, it contains many trace elements and vitamins. Even if the soil in which it grew has been fertilized, the chemicals do not have the property of being deposited in the grains.

Only one ear contains an impressive amount of vitamins, among them: A, H, E, and also B4. The presence of zinc, iodine, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium and calcium should be highlighted.

An important feature of this food crop is considered to be a persistent grain shell, which remains even after prolonged heat treatment of the cob and protects the nutrients in it from destruction.

  1. For the body of the expectant mother, the property of corn to help with toxicosis is essential.
  2. Fights increased fatigue, which is especially important for women working until late pregnancy.
  3. This natural remedy also eliminates swelling.
  4. You should not give up corn after the birth of a baby - this crop improves the process of milk production.
  5. Promotes blood clotting due to the content of vitamin K.
  6. It removes toxins and radionuclides from the body.

Rare exceptions

Of course, there are people for whom the use of corn (both fresh and canned) is contraindicated:

  • with stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • at an increased risk of thrombosis, i.e. if you already have a high degree of blood clotting;
  • with gastritis;
  • with a serious underweight.

Consult a therapist - according to your blood test, he will tell you if you have a tendency to the listed diseases.

In the absence of contraindications, corn during pregnancy is completely safe, unless, of course, we are not talking about fried grains.

Canned corn

Some people are concerned about the use of canned corn during pregnancy, because the inclusion of preservatives in the diet of expectant mothers is undesirable. But for this product, perhaps, an exception can be made.

The fact is that corn grains, when preserved, practically do not lose their nutritional properties. The advantage of canned corn is that, unlike cooked corn, its kernels do not cause bloating. This is extremely important, since pregnant women have enough discomfort in the digestive tract.

In addition, canned corn has fewer calories than fresh cobs.

If you buy a ready-made product in a supermarket, you need to make sure that there is a “non-GMO” mark on the product label.

The dangers of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are still hotly debated in the scientific community. But as long as there is at least a tiny probability of their harmful effect on the body of a woman and the unborn baby, such food should be avoided.

In cans, the duration of the permissible storage of food is significantly shorter. Moreover, the inner surface of such containers is often treated with BPA plasticizer. Numerous tests have proven its negative impact on human health, including on its hormonal levels.

If you don't find corn in glass jars on the store shelves, look for the "cans" for those that say "BPA Free". Some canned food manufacturers have already stopped using the hazardous plasticizer.

An open jar of corn should be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 48 hours.

For more information on choosing this canned product, see the video "Test purchase".

Corn is the third most popular after wheat and rice. It is an environmentally friendly product, since it does not accumulate harmful chemicals in the grains. Experts recommend eating it from the first days of pregnancy.

The cob contains such valuable elements as:

  • Vitamins of group B, A, E, C, K, H;
  • Minerals - zinc, phosphorus, iodine, nickel, magnesium, iron, copper, calcium, potassium;
  • Starch;
  • Amino acids;
  • Pectins;
  • Alimentary fiber.

Such a diverse set of chemical components determines the benefits of boiled corn for pregnant women. The dense peel of the grains allows you to preserve all the valuable substances. As a result of heat treatment, the cereal does not lose its positive qualities.

Why boiled or boiled corn is useful during pregnancy:

  • It normalizes metabolism and cholesterol levels, has a positive effect on digestion and prevents stool problems. Dietary fiber is necessary for the removal of toxic substances, toxins and radionuclides from the digestive tract;
  • Helps with toxicosis - cleanses the intestines and inhibits the fermentation process. Many expectant mothers note that with systematic use, nausea and vomiting disappear;
  • It is a source of vitamins for expectant mothers. Valuable substances eliminate fatigue, improve well-being and strengthen the immune system
  • Reduces appetite, which helps to avoid problems with excess weight. Due to the high nutritional value, the feeling of fullness after consuming the product lasts for a rather long time;
  • It has a diuretic effect and relieves edema;
  • Its iron is essential for the production of red blood cells. The systematic inclusion of cereals in the diet is a good prevention of anemia;
  • Improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels, increases their elasticity, stimulates blood circulation;
  • It has a positive effect on the state of the central nervous system. Pregnant women often suffer from irritability and increased nervous excitability. Grain helps to cope with these symptoms;
  • After the baby is born, it increases the amount of milk produced;
  • Vitamin K increases blood clotting, so corn is indicated for consumption if there is a corresponding problem;
  • Starch is essential for the formation of muscle fibers and the maintenance of the nervous system. Regular intake of this substance into the body has a positive effect on the development of the fetus;
  • The complex of minerals strengthens bone tissue, which prevents problems with the musculoskeletal system after childbirth.

Not only the grains, but also other parts of this plant can have a positive effect. A decoction of corn silk is often used to treat cystitis during pregnancy. The growing uterus and the high concentration of the hormone progesterone in the blood lead to the fact that the bladder is not completely emptied. As a result, an infection appears in it. But the use of such a remedy can only be prescribed by a specialist.

Methods of use

The most common way to prepare this cereal is to boil it. To cope with toxicosis, you need to eat 1-2 tbsp on an empty stomach. spoons of grains. They will relieve nausea and vomiting, help to cope with headaches.

The canned product has fewer beneficial properties, but still retains some of the valuable components. However, if it contains many chemical additives, then the purchase should be discarded.

Canned cereals can be eaten neat or added to salads. In this case, it is advisable not to use fatty sauces and not to make it from a large number of components.

Corn oil is a good dressing option for any salad dressing. This cereal is also used to make flour. She is not in high demand. But you can bake delicious and healthy products from it.

You can eat corn and meals prepared with it in moderation throughout all trimesters and in the last weeks of pregnancy.


The benefits and harms of boiled corn for pregnant women have been well studied. Grain has a negative effect on the body in the following cases:

  • With excessive use;
  • When eating an uncooked product;
  • With an illiterate combination with other dishes;
  • When eating spoiled or low-quality grains.

In addition to these circumstances, there are medical contraindications:

  • Gastritis, ulcers and other stomach problems;
  • Severe underweight;
  • High rates of blood clotting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Individual intolerance to certain components.

Some women experience increased gas production and bloating when eating cooked cereals.

Cooking at home:

What do you need:

  • corn - 8-10 ears
  • water - 1 l
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon

Cooking method:

Peel and wash the corn. Dip each ear in boiling water for 2 minutes and then immediately cover with cold water. Separate the grains and wash them in cold boiled water. Dip them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes.

Sterilize half-liter jars and lids for 15 minutes. Then fill them 2/3 full with blanched corn kernels. Pour salt and sugar into the water. Put a saucepan of water on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil. Pour the marinade over the corn and cover. Sterilize the corn jars in boiling water for about 3.5 hours. After that, the cans should be rolled up immediately. Turn the jars upside down and leave to cool completely.

Also, if desired, corn can be preserved with whole ears, without separating the kernels.

Consumption rates

Canned food should be consumed in the morning due to its high carbohydrate content.

The daily rate for adults is 150 g. For children under the age of 10, the dose is reduced to 80 g per day, no more than 2-3 times a week.

Everything is individual, the main thing is to monitor the reaction of your body or the condition of your child.

Canned corn

Some people are concerned about the use of canned corn during pregnancy, because the inclusion of preservatives in the diet of expectant mothers is undesirable. But for this product, perhaps, an exception can be made.

The fact is that corn grains, when preserved, practically do not lose their nutritional properties. The advantage of canned corn is that, unlike cooked corn, its kernels do not cause bloating. This is extremely important, since pregnant women have enough discomfort in the digestive tract.

In addition, canned corn has fewer calories than fresh cobs.

How to choose and store canned corn

When choosing a jar, be sure to check not only the expiration date, but also the date of manufacture. If the corn was produced at the end of the summer, it means that it got into the can fresh, straight from the field. But the one that was made in the winter has already lain somewhere in a warehouse or was frozen. This affects the taste and preservation of useful properties.

Corn in a tin can not be left in it for more than a day after opening. It is better to transfer it to a glass container and store it for up to 3 days.

Healthy Canned Corn Recipes

Corn goes well with many vegetables, chicken, rice and vinegar. This gives a lot of room for culinary fantasies.

Canned Corn Vinegar

In a frying pan, fry 1 grated carrot and half of the bell pepper, cut into cubes, until tender. Then add 2-3 tablespoons of corn, half a glass of vinegar. Season with salt, add spices to taste, mix quickly and immediately pour in a glass of boiling water. Reduce heat to low and turn off after 2 minutes. Leave covered for 5-7 minutes.

The main contraindications and harm to the body from canned corn

Corn, like many foods, can trigger allergic reactions. This is due to the individual intolerance to the cereal. Therefore, you should use it with caution.

The product has contraindications

Experts identify a number of conditions in which it is necessary to abandon this product, since it can be dangerous:

  1. Thrombosis. The composition of corn contains vitamin K, due to which blood clotting increases. For people with this pathology, eating canned cereals can be dangerous.
  2. Acute form of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In large quantities, corn is digested much more slowly, which can provoke a deterioration in the general condition.
  3. Underweight or wasting. The fact is that the cereal is used for weight loss. It suppresses hunger and slows down the weight gain process significantly.

Also, negative reactions can be associated with low-quality products. As a result, signs of food poisoning may appear. To avoid undesirable consequences, you should buy corn in glass jars. Thus, buyers have the opportunity to see the quality of the grains and brine. The presence of impurities in it indicates low quality. If the brine is slightly cloudy, this is considered normal, and you can use such a product.

It is impossible to check the quality of beans from a can in a store. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the packaging. A bubbling sound should be heard when shaking.

When losing weight, it should be borne in mind that the pickle contains sugar, so the portion should be slightly smaller than regular boiled corn.

See also: Sunflower halvah - benefits and harms to the human body and composition

Corn during pregnancy: in what form to eat the product

A cereal such as corn, rich in vitamins and minerals, is simply obliged to take its place in the diet of the expectant mother (of course, if there are no contraindications on the part of health). For women "in position" corn is useful both in boiled and canned form, because even heat treatment does not deprive the product of its useful properties. Successful "companions" of the cereal are:

  • Vegetables - Chinese cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers.
  • Protein products - low-fat cheese, boiled meat, squid.

The inclusion of cereal in salads will diversify the diet, saturate it with the necessary elements. At the same time, you should not combine corn with flour products, as well as potatoes, as the problem of excessive weight gain may arise.

Boiled corn during pregnancy

Consumption of fresh seasonal product is always preferable to its canned, pickled and other analogues. However, with regard to corn, this statement is not so straightforward. It's all about such features of the product as high calorie content, as well as the ability to provoke bloating. If the inclusion of boiled cereals in the diet does not lead to discomfort, it is, of course, better for a pregnant woman to opt for this particular form of product.

Is Canned Corn Good for Diabetes

Having diabetes mellitus means sticking to your diet and keeping your blood sugar in check. Although canned corn is sweet, it is allowed in limited quantities for diabetes. So it will do more good than harm. The product tends to be digested for a long time, which contributes to a long-term feeling of fullness.

Important! In order for the harm to be minimal, it is imperative to consult with your doctor before use.

Canned corn for gastritis and pancreatitis

Gastritis is an inflammation and thinning of the stomach walls. In the presence of this disease, the stomach reacts painfully to harmful spicy, salty, fatty foods. The use of corn should be limited or not at all.

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. Each canned food consumed can be harmful and provoke an attack. Therefore, corn in cans is categorically contraindicated.

The benefits and possible harm of corn for pregnant women

Corn during pregnancy is useful in that:

  • eliminates the symptoms of toxicosis (nausea, vomiting, weakness and malaise);
  • cleanses the body of harmful substances, thereby allowing you to cope with constipation, diarrhea and restore the normal functioning of the digestive system;
  • prevents swelling;
  • normalizes cholesterol and blood sugar levels;
  • helps the fetus to form and develop.

Despite the huge amount of benefits, it is a high-calorie product. For example, depending on the cooking method, 100 g of corn porridge can contain more than 300 kcal.

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • increased blood clotting.

Nutritional value and calorie content of canned corn

Nutritional properties:

  • proteins - 2.3 g;
  • fats - 1.22 g;
  • carbohydrates - 14.4 g;
  • water - 82 g;
  • ash - 0.75 g;
  • dietary fiber - 2.1 g;
  • choline - 70 mg.

Important! Canned boiled corn has a caloric content of 119 kcal per 100 g. Raw corn - 58 kcal per 100 g.

Corn during pregnancy: restrictions on the use of the product

Despite the obvious benefits of cereals, some pathological conditions are a contraindication to the use of corn:

  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.
  • Gastritis, as well as other pathological conditions of the stomach.
  • A woman's menacingly underweight.
  • Increased blood clotting, as a result - a tendency to develop blood clots, thrombosis.
  • Individual intolerance to cereals.

Rare exceptions

Of course, there are people for whom the use of corn (both fresh and canned) is contraindicated:

  • with stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • at an increased risk of thrombosis, i.e. if you already have a high degree of blood clotting;
  • with gastritis;
  • with a serious underweight.

Consult a therapist - according to your blood test, he will tell you if you have a tendency to the listed diseases.

In the absence of contraindications, corn during pregnancy is completely safe, unless, of course, we are not talking about fried grains.

An article about the harmful properties of popcorn.

How to choose and cook corn?

During pregnancy, you can eat boiled and canned corn, as well as cereals from it. The latter is mainly used for preparing porridge.

When choosing fresh corn, you should pay attention to its appearance, the absence of black grains and mold. Groats and canned food must have a valid expiration date.

Fresh and boiled on the cob

When choosing a fresh product, a woman must follow these rules:

  • Buy cobs with leaves. Then you can be sure that the corn is less damaged during transportation.
  • Pay attention to the color of the leaves. They should be green, as yellow and dry indicate that the corn was picked a long time ago.
  • Pay attention to the grains. They should be small, pale yellow in color. These grains are easy to tear off the cob and taste good.

Also, you should not buy boiled corn from your hands in the markets, because it is not known whether the hygiene rules were followed during its preparation. It's better to do everything yourself. To do this, first rinse the corn, and cut the large ears in half and only then put them in boiling water without salt and spices. You need to cook for 30-60 minutes, depending on the degree of maturity of the product.

Porridge groats

Pregnant women are advised to use whole grains rather than buying instant cereals. Both coarse and fine grits are suitable. You can cook it in water or milk. The last ingredient will give the corn porridge its rich yellow color and mild flavor.

Both vegetables or mushrooms and dried fruits are served with the finished dish. Corn porridge goes well with cheese, bacon and eggs, as well as pumpkin.

How much corn can you eat from a can

In the absence of contraindications and restrictions, you can eat up to 400 grams of canned corn per day.

Features of the use of corn

The product contains complex carbohydrates, it also has a fairly high energy value. In this regard, its use has some peculiarities.

First of all, you need to understand that such food should be ingested in the first half of the day, so as not to overload the stomach in the evening.

An adult can eat no more than 101-150 g per day. Children under 10 years old can eat a maximum of 80 g / 24 hours. The specificity of the application of the cereal depends on a large number of factors.

During pregnancy

Expectant mothers compose their diet with the utmost responsibility and care. Experts allow adding cereal crops to it in the absence of contraindications. It will help get rid of the edema that often plagues pregnant women.

The effectiveness of the product is also manifested in early / late toxicosis. It neutralizes vomiting and bouts of nausea. Also, with regular use, the cereal eliminates anxiety caused by hormonal changes in the body.

Benefits of the product during pregnancy

With HB

It is not forbidden to eat corn while breastfeeding, but it is necessary to determine how well it is tolerated by a fragile child. It will take longer for the baby's body to digest such food.

According to doctors, the product can be started to be consumed when the child is 3 months old. It will not only act as an additional source of useful vitamins, but also make breast milk more nutritious and healthy.

Gradually, the amount of milk decreases and the quality decreases. Therefore, doctors recommend that mothers of 6-month-old babies include canned corn in their diet. It will improve lactation. But if the child has problems with stool or rashes, cereals should be excluded.

The use of the product can lead to increased gas production in infants, therefore, you need to carefully introduce it into the mother's diet.

For type 2 diabetes

Nutrition is equally important for type 2 diabetes. It is necessary to constantly monitor blood sugar levels. Heavy foods and sweets are removed from the diet, but there is no strict ban on corn.

Despite the fact that it contains sugar, moderate use of the cereal is allowed. It is important to pay attention to the glycemic index. It is known that in boiled corn it is as much as 70 units, and in canned corn - 59 units. It follows from this that diabetics need to abandon the boiled product on the cob. You should first consult with your doctor regarding the use of corn in cans.

It is necessary to constantly monitor blood sugar levels.

With gastritis and pancreatitis

Gastritis is an inflammatory disease that affects the lining of the stomach. When present, the organ becomes very susceptible to spicy, fatty foods. Doctors recommend minimizing the use of corn for gastritis or completely abandoning it, especially during periods of exacerbation of the pathology.

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the pancreas and negatively affects its functioning. In this condition, it is strictly forbidden to eat canned foods. Corn is also banned because it can trigger seizures.

When losing weight

Nutritionists usually recommend using regular boiled corn to combat those extra pounds. However, you can also try canned. It should be borne in mind that there is sugar in the brine, so the portion should be much smaller.

Modern women often resort to the help of various diets that help bring the body back to normal as soon as possible. Not too long ago, the corn diet has grown in popularity. Its essence lies in the fact that a vegetable becomes a staple food for a certain period of time.

Tea is brewed from young cobs, boiled and canned grains are consumed throughout the day. It is important to make sure that the last meal is 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Such a diet will cleanse the body, improve the emotional state and hormones, accelerate metabolism, and does not require much time and money. Experts recommend sticking to such a diet for no more than 10 days. You can re-sit on such a diet only after 6 months.

With gout

Gout develops with deviations in the process of protein metabolism. This condition requires changes in the daily diet. First of all, foods containing purines are excluded. The fact is that it is these substances that provoke the production of uric acid.

Corn is on the list of permitted foods. However, it should be taken in moderation. Since it is a seasonal grain, it is best to include boiled corn during the season.

Portion control is very important. A large amount of grains makes it difficult for the digestive system and can cause discomfort.

Gout develops when there are abnormalities in the process of protein metabolism.

Many expectant mothers, carefully monitoring their diet and fearing harm to their baby, try to use only healthy foods during this period.

Is it possible for pregnant women to eat boiled corn - is it worth it, and whether doctors recommend it to women in an interesting position - we will deal with this issue. After all, some expectant mothers look at this product with doubt, as, indeed, at many others, but they are afraid in vain.

Everyone knows that boiled corn tastes good and is loved by almost everyone. Many will probably remember how they waited for summer in childhood so that they could feast on its fresh golden cobs.

In the summer it is cooked by boiling it in salted water. And in winter, they open a jar of canned corn and add it to some salad. This is a very popular product, it is even difficult to imagine a festive table without it.

Corn is one of the most widespread and popular cereals. It is a type of food that does not accumulate chemicals that could have been used in its cultivation.

To provide the body with all the substances it needs, it is enough to eat only 50 grams of corn per day. After all, it contains vitamins B, E, C, PP, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, the amino acids lysine and tryptophan, ascorbic acid, unsaturated fatty acids, iodine.

Women living in northern regions are advised to eat corn, including in order to prevent iodine deficiency.

  • Corn contains a lot of fiber, so it cleanses the body of toxins and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Doctors advise to use it regularly also in order to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  • Corn nourishes and regenerates nerve cells and improves memory.

Boiled corn during pregnancy

Corn during pregnancy helps to cope with the symptoms of early toxicosis and significantly improves the well-being of expectant mothers.

To do this, every day in the morning, even before breakfast, eat 1-2 tablespoons of boiled corn. It prevents attacks of nausea, relieves headaches and relieves vomiting.

Contraindications to the use of boiled corn for pregnant women

But is boiled corn for all pregnant women? There are still some contraindications, or rather, restrictions on its amount during pregnancy.

It is necessary to temporarily withdraw or reduce the amount if present:

  • Overweight, since corn is high in calories, you need to limit its use or refuse altogether.
  • Propensity for allergies - in very rare cases, corn can cause side reactions, so it is advisable to start eating it with a very small amount.
  • Diarrhea - stop eating it during intestinal upset, as corn has a mild laxative effect.
  • With thrombosis, stomach diseases - give up completely.

Harm of canned corn during pregnancy

Can I get canned corn for pregnant women? - no, undesirable. The composition of such a product includes stabilizers and preservatives, and they adversely affect the health of both the expectant mother and the baby.

Only fresh self-cooked corn will benefit to the fullest.

How to cook boiled corn properly

You can prepare both food and feed varieties. But food corn has sweet grains, they just melt in the mouth, and fodder corn is still harsh. Yes, and the food is prepared from 15 minutes to one hour, and the food is prepared from two to five hours.

It is better to buy freshly harvested unpeeled ears with bright green leaves and "antennae".

Boiled corn for pregnant women, a step by step recipe

  • Put corn leaves on the bottom and sides of the pan, on them - peeled cobs.
  • We also close the ears from above with leaves, be sure to add the "antennae".
  • Fill with water (do not salt water!) So that it covers the cobs.
  • Cook from 20 minutes to 2 hours, periodically checking for readiness.
  • Serve to the table with heat, with heat on a hot plate with skewers, adding very little salt. If desired, you can not salt at all.

The corn should be cooled directly in a saucepan, in water, so that the grains do not wrinkle and do not lose their appetizing appearance. If necessary, you can leave it in a saucepan for 3-4 hours at a temperature of 60-70 degrees, in which case its taste will not be affected. Store boiled corn in the refrigerator for up to two days.

So is it possible for pregnant women to cook boiled corn - of course, yes, because it is an extremely useful product in the diet of the expectant mother.

During pregnancy, a woman's taste preferences change. And if before conception she did not eat corn, then afterwards she may sharply want to use it. Corn is a very valuable product, but still it should be eaten in moderation so as not to harm the child and his body. In what form is it better to eat this product and whether corn has contraindications, is described in this article.

The benefits of corn for the body

Corn is not only delicious, but also an incredibly healthy product. The indisputable advantage of this product is its environmental friendliness: it is one of the few cereals that do not accumulate harmful chemical fertilizers on the cob that may be present in the soil.

Yellow grains contain a lot of nutrients and vitamins:

  • vitamins of group B, K, E, A;
  • nicotinic and ascorbic acid;
  • calcium salts;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • starch;
  • iron.

Attention! A feature of corn is its persistent shell in the grains. During prolonged cooking, this shell does not collapse and allows you to keep all the nutrients inside the product.

A pregnant woman reaps many benefits from consuming corn. In the first trimester of pregnancy, toxicosis often suffers. It is with toxicosis that the substances contained inside help to cope. Even in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, nauseous sensations may not leave, therefore, a small amount of trace grains is useful for a woman to eat throughout the entire period of bearing a baby.

In what form is corn most beneficial for pregnancy?

Corn is rich in useful minerals and vitamins. This cereal should inappropriately be on a woman's table even before conception, and even more so during pregnancy. The only exception is the body's intolerance to yellow grains. Women in position can safely consume both boiled and canned corn. Heat treatment does not deprive the product of useful substances and a woman can, depending on her preferences, eat a delicacy in one form or another.

Both canned and boiled corn is useful to combine with easily digestible foods such as tomatoes, cucumbers and Chinese cabbage. The yellow beauty is also good in combination with heavier foods such as squid, boiled meat or low-fat cheese. Such a dish can be considered a complete snack. It can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, and even dinner.

It's important to know! It is not advisable to combine corn with flour products and potatoes, since the carbohydrate content in these products is too high and in combination with healthy grains it will be very difficult for the body.

If you choose a healthier product, then boiled corn is the most acceptable and safe for the body of the expectant mother and her child, as it is prepared without the use of preservatives and all kinds of other additives. And then this is only if the cobs are bought by a woman herself and prepared at home. If you buy ready-made boiled corn, then there is the likelihood of adding seasonings that are not necessary for the body.

Canned corn can contain as many additives as you want, so it's important to check the ingredients on the package. A woman should choose a product with a minimum content of additional additives and spices. In principle, these spices and additional additives are not needed for high-quality canned corn. If the product is fresh, it will store and look like this without chemicals.

Can boiled corn be consumed during pregnancy?

Boiled fresh seasonal product is always preferable to its counterparts (canned and pickled). Although harmful chemicals do not accumulate in corn grains, oversaturation of the body with useful substances is also not desirable. Overeating boiled corn can lead to bloating, indigestion, and even nausea.

It is enough to eat about 50 grams of grains per day to fully saturate your body and the baby's body with vitamins, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, lysine and tryptophan amino acids, ascorbic acid, iodine and unsaturated fatty acids.

Pregnant women living in the northern regions need to eat corn regularly, since there is always a lack of vitamins and nutrients in these regions. A boiled product well cleanses the body of toxins due to its rich fiber content. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is improved and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases is carried out. Corn nourishes and restores nerve cells, improves memory and brain activity in general.

A boiled delicacy perfectly copes with toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy and significantly improves the well-being of a woman at such a crucial period of her life. From morning to breakfast, it is enough to eat about 2 tablespoons of yellow seeds to prevent nausea attacks, get rid of headaches, dizziness and stop vomiting.

Can I Eat Canned Corn During Pregnancy?

Canned corn can be used by the expectant mother, but there are also some nuances here. On the one hand, preservation adds a lot of unnecessary impurities and spices to the product, and on the other hand, canned grains do not lose their nutrients and aromatic substances and are very useful for the body of the mother and child.

As arguments in favor of a canned delicacy, the following can be said. In this form, the product does not cause bloating and other troubles with the mother's digestive system. The calories in canned corn are much less than in boiled corn, but there are contraindications for taking such a product in the event that there are peptic ulcers and thrombosis.

Attention! In principle, doctors do not prohibit boiled corn for women in position, the main thing is not to abuse this product. But if the expectant mother wants to eat corn too much and there is a choice between fresh boiled and canned food, then it is better to give preference to the first one.

Some mothers may have an urgent need to satisfy their tastes with a canned delicacy. At the same time, the boiled version is not suitable for them. In this case, you should listen to your body and do as it wants. This situation speaks of the need for substances that only a canned ear can give, the fresh version does not contain such a number of elements.

A woman should always be guided by her preferences, since they can change every day. Today a woman wants canned corn, boiled tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow she has no desire to taste the corn taste in her mouth. You should listen to your desires in everything. The only exception is a clear intolerance to corn, which manifests itself in the form of allergies or indigestion.

Contraindications to use

Corn should be eaten in moderation, but it should be completely excluded from the diet of a pregnant woman in the following cases:

  • Overweight. You should especially avoid the use of a cooked product, since the largest amount of carbohydrates is concentrated there. The high-calorie content of the ears can provoke even more weight gain, which is highly undesirable for an already plump woman.
  • With a clear tendency to allergies. If, before pregnancy, corn caused allergic manifestations on the body, then its use after conception should be abandoned. You cannot take risks and taste the grains, even if there is a great desire to taste them.
  • With frequent intestinal disorders, especially with diarrhea. Corn has been found to have a laxative effect and can cause even more diarrhea.
  • For stomach diseases and thrombosis you cannot eat corn in any form.

If a pregnant woman feels the need to consume corn, then she cannot be denied this. This delicacy contains a lot of substances useful for the body of the mother and her unborn child. But in everything you need to know when to stop and use boiled or canned corn in limited quantities, regardless of desire.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

Nutrition issues for expectant mothers are an important and serious topic that both gynecologists and pregnant women themselves are attentive to. What products are allowed, in what quantities, with what it is better to combine them, what must be abandoned completely - many questions arise. Vegetables and fruits, despite their obvious health benefits, are also often questioned.

Corn is no exception; expectant mothers are often afraid to include it in their diet due to its high calorie content. Is corn allowed during pregnancy or should it be abandoned for the sake of maintaining a figure?

Composition and nutritional value of corn

The nutritional value of this plant consists of a whole complex of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The most significant of these are:

All of them are important for expectant mothers and have a noticeable effect on the development of the fetus. In this regard, it is not necessary to exclude corn from the diet of pregnant women: it will bring clear benefits and help to transfer the gestation process more easily. The calorie content of corn is relatively low: one ear (about 300 grams) contains no more than 260 kcal.

A pregnant woman needs no more than 2500 kcal per day, therefore, one ear will cover only one tenth of the daily energy requirement.

100 grams of corn contains no more than 20 grams of carbohydrates, so there will be no fear of excessive weight gain when you turn on its nutrition program. Do not worry about whether corn is possible for expectant mothers who are worried about their weight: it will not provoke an increase in body weight.

Important details

The benefits of corn for expectant mothers consist of how the active substances in its composition affect the woman's body. Boiled corn fully retains the entire spectrum of nutrients, so the thermally processed product can be eaten as a component of the diet that is useful in all respects:

Such a unique set of nutrients indicates that pregnant women need corn as a natural source of vitamins and minerals.

At the same time, it is important that the chemicals and fertilizers that were in the soil do not penetrate into the composition of the plant and it remains completely safe even when grown in dubious conditions.

Cooking methods: is corn always equally healthy?

Boiled corn is the easiest and easiest recipe to make. You can eat it yourself or create a variety of salads on its basis. But in this case, we are not talking about multicomponent dishes seasoned with mayonnaise, but about healthy vitamin salads from fresh vegetables.

Cooked corn kernels have excellent storage properties, so they can be stocked up for several weeks in advance.

An excellent option for a protein-vegetable salad, which is suitable for expectant mothers, looks like this:

This salad will be a delicious way to get rid of swelling, since both cucumbers and corn have excellent diuretic effects. Eggs are a source of proteins, greens will enrich the body with vitamins.

You should not use canned corn during pregnancy: it contains a lot of sugar, which negatively affects the work of the pancreas and provokes weight gain. The preservatives used in production can adversely affect the fetus, cause poisoning and lead to the penetration of toxins into the placenta.

Boiled corn can be eaten without fear of consequences, but in reasonable doses: 150-300 grams per day. An increase in the amount can be dangerous due to the fact that retinol contained in grains, in high concentrations, is extremely harmful to the fetus.

Its daily allowance for pregnant women does not exceed 4000 IU, while most often expectant mothers take multivitamins, which already include vitamin A. It is important to be careful about dosages and take into account the specifics of the diet, without overloading it with sources of retinol. An excess of this substance can lead to disorders in the development of the baby's limbs, provoke defects of internal organs. Corn is also contraindicated with a high degree of blood clotting, gastritis and peptic ulcer disease in the expectant mother.

Thus, it is possible and even useful to use a product such as corn during pregnancy, but within reasonable limits, taking care of your health and the health of your unborn baby.