Popular names of beauty salons in America. American beauty salons: interior features

First of all, it is worth starting with the fact that in the USA there is no such boom in beauty as in Russia (yes, beauty bloggers appeared here, but the Internet and reality are still different worlds. And at most, I think, there will only be New York exception ...)?.
American women treat their appearance quite simply, especially in California, where it is always hot and the lifestyle is generally relaxed. Only comfortable and simple clothes are in use here: sneakers or flip flops, leggings or shorts, a T-shirt or a T-shirt. And therefore, since such an outfit, then what kind of make-up is there, when you go to the store, or go to yoga or for a walk with the dog, you can go without any makeup at all. From this all follows, in my opinion, such a plus that women here are not steamed up on unnecessary difficulties, do not smear on themselves five layers of plaster, do not break their legs on stiletto heels, going for bread, do not enlarge their lips and do not build nails for big money , and men love them as they are (of course, there are exceptions everywhere, and ladies with fantastic coloring and nails with rhinestones can also be found here, especially if they are going somewhere, in the same club?). But, hence the minus. Due to the fact that the demand for beauty salons is not very large (more precisely, there are a lot of salons, but the requests from clients are clearly quite simple), because everyone is already fine, then the quality of all these services is pretty bad. This is despite the fact that America is ahead of the rest of the world, plus cinematic Hollywood, but making a beautiful haircut and perfect manicure here is not a simple matter. And I am not at all happy with this.

It is also worth mentioning here that the nail salon and hairdresser in the USA are two separate establishments. Such beauty salons, which you can come to for a haircut, and on eyebrows, and on nails, i.e. hang out in one place for the whole day and become beautiful at once in all possible places, something I have not met with us. At most, I can assume that this is already something not for mere mortals, and where they do everything at once - it will be very expensive.
As a result, such a separate system, in my opinion, is completely inconvenient, because when the time has come to tint the hair, and renew the nails, and correct the shape of the eyebrows, then you need to go to three completely different places. And if you also choose good salons and masters according to reviews, then as for evil they are usually located in completely opposite sides of Los Angeles ?.

Manicure and pedicure

In Russia, I constantly went to the same master for many years, but when I moved to the United States, I myself became interested in varnishes and lived for a long time doing this business on my own. Then I still had an attempt to go to the salon for a manicure and pedicure, but it did not live up to my expectations.

The point is that nails are almost always done here - Filipinos (if I'm not mistaken, in general, ladies from somewhere from South Asia, not very steamed on beauty). Their whole salons are straight, and from this it follows that a) such salons are available to everyone; b) their salary is clearly not high, therefore, the requirements for the quality of work are low; v) they don't speak English at all. And all these aunts do nail services somehow and a continuous conveyor, i.e. as soon as possible they smear, rub and paint everything. And then "Next!" ?.

How everything happens: you come to the salon, choose the desired nail polish colors from the shelf, and then you are seated in a chair. One aunty makes her arms, the other at the same time makes her legs. To all this, they can still offer a face mask, massage and other nonsense (I personally refuse all of this). In more decent salons, there are already massage chairs in advance, the remote control usually lies nearby, you can operate it yourself.
For example, here are two options "so-so" and "decent":

So, on my first trip to such a salon, I was a little scared of such vigorous activity of the masters, there they have like a plant for the production of money-pedi (that's how it is terribly called here), but I'm used to a more relaxed atmosphere in Russian salons, when a master draws for you flowers on nails and at the same time chatting with you about all sorts of nonsense.

In addition, for my nails I chose a dark blue color of varnish, which is not so easy to paint evenly nails (when the varnish is dark and monochromatic, all the sins are very visible), and naturally I did not like the result (the next day I repainted nails herself). I can just as well do a manicure for myself, painting my knee nails, sitting on the couch and watching the new series. Not so hot, but it will do! ? From the salon, I still expect a masterful application of varnish with a full hand, and not "how it happened, it happened."
And besides all this, they scratched my leg with a pumice stone, peeled off a little skin on the side of my foot. The lady who did the pedicure was very actively rubbing my heels, while not really looking at what and where she rubs at all, so she missed and slipped the superfluous. After leaving the salon, I even started bleeding and had to cover my beauty victim with a plaster, because I was in barefoot shoes. This, of course, my legs are very skinny and my skin is thin, but this clearly does not forgive the “master”. As far as I remember, this experience cost me $ 33 (without tips, which are required here), which I will not call cheap.

Here are real examples of what you can get from local craftsmen:

I also looked at more expensive options for services, even several times more expensive than a regular manicure, but the photographs of the work did not tempt me either. In addition, there is a clear problem with nail design. Of course, we also make it, but in comparison with my concept of “nail design” and what girls now draw on their nails, even in small towns in Russia, the gnarled flower on the ring finger does not match in any way. If you want something trendy, stylish, smooth ... don't get your hopes up. Or if they are already doing a design here, they do it to the fullest! The first example I came across:

After killing several hours in search, we still went to the manicure shop in front of my house. All with the same Filipinos, but more decent. And for the first time I really liked the manicure and pedicure. Here is straight without pretensions! The second time, the pedicure was done just perfect, but with the hands they adjusted it a little. They painted it evenly, but my aunt was in a hurry and, as the final finishing touch, applied top-drying with a bold layer and not on the entire nail, but where the brush fell. Thus, when the drying dries up, everything somehow pulled together, the varnish under the top and without it became a different color, and in general - on the C grade.
For a manicure and pedicure in this salon, I pay $ 35 (no tip). This is my hand:

Tips and Notes! Choose a nail salon according to reviews (on the same yelp.com) and see photographs of nails, go where they do it carefully and people are happy (but if you are used to a beautiful manicure in your country, do not hope for much here). In addition, choose a salon so that it is decent inside, you can look into it so that everything is clean and modern seats. Pay attention to the tools of the masters, and also make sure that during the manicure you should apply a disinfectant to your nails. Don't be fooled by cheap prices!
If you don't find anything at all, look for Russian masters through girls you know or through social media. networks.
Here in the salons they also make gel polish, but I did not do it, I can not say anything about this. With him, neat work is all the more necessary, otherwise it will be unpleasant to walk for two weeks with smeared varnish on the nails.
Extended nails are not in fashion here (they wear short or short lengths, black ladies usually have very long and sharp nails, as in the photo above).
And also as a nuance that I noticed. It is considered normal here to have regrown toenails, including those with a pedicure or even a jacket. I honestly don't understand this fashion (and how to wear shoes?) ... Therefore, when you come to the salon, immediately say how long you want your nails not only on your hands, but also on your feet. Usually, the nails are simply filed here, leveling the edge, and leaving the length with which you came. I once sat in a salon next to a woman who was getting a pedicure on her nails that had grown by half a centimeter?
I wanted to add pictures of such pedicures as an example, but did not find something indicative and at the same time not disgusting? And I also saw enough of hairy toes on women ...


With her search, I also did not work out for many years and I would not say that in the end something concrete worked out, it just temporarily subsided somehow. So far I have found a master who understands that 1 cm is one centimeter of hair, and a little tint is a little tint.

They cut their hair almost always and everywhere it is normal, of course, I would definitely not recommend going to very cheap salons, but a women's haircut for $ 40 - a ladder or evenly - no problem. That is, if you prefer a standard hairstyle, then here you can easily get it. There are many hairdressers around the city, there is a large network of SuperCuts in Los Angeles, where they cut their hair is acceptable, albeit very quickly. I remember when I first went there for a haircut, I was very surprised, they cut my hair in about 15 minutes, although my hair was not short ?. They have there just like with a manicure - a continuous stream. And "next, next!" Time is money. Americans do not like to sit in salons, here many people like the system - they come, get their hair cut, and leave.

But if you want some kind of special haircut, then be ready to look for a suitable master. My husband faced this case. He has the usual modern hairstyle with a forelock up, nothing really that special and special, just a youth men's haircut, but as it turned out, it cannot be done everywhere. He rejected different salons for a very long time: where they simply did not cut their hair the way he needed, once they even cut their hair crookedly, which, of course, he didn’t like at all, but somewhere normal, but too expensive for a man’s hairstyle. So over the years, he found the best option for himself - to go to Asians. He is now getting his hair cut in a small, shabby barbershop run by an elderly Chinese couple. This place is very reminiscent of our Russian cheap "basement" hairdressing salons, which were popular with the common people in my childhood - century-old hairdressing chairs, cheap office chairs in a row for waiting, in the corner a tiny old TV. But they cut their hair well, very carefully and diligently (usually it takes at least 40 minutes for a husband's haircut!), And this pleasure costs only $ 15 (no tip, but the husband always leaves them $ 20, and they only take cash). And the most amazing thing is that there is always a huge queue for them, men sometimes sit for two hours, waiting for their haircut (ladies, they do not cut their hair). Moreover, they have no record, and there are whole crowds of people who want to get their hair cut, which cannot be said about many expensive and newfangled salons. This is a rare case when the quality is noticeably higher than the price.
Alas, I was not lucky with Asians. True, my bad experience happened with the Koreans. Never go to them to dye your hair if you are a Slav! Firstly, their English is terrible, and to explain what you want is just a disaster, and secondly, the ideas about hair color, as it turned out, we have with them are very different. They cut well and at affordable prices, dyed me a couple of times satisfactorily, but on the third, when I asked to return my dark blond hair color, she left them with red and black hair. My hair was so ruined that there were no words to describe it all. None of the masks and balms that I just poured on my head while sitting for hours in the bathroom did not help. I had a broom on my head, of a terrible color, which did not suit me at all (for the blond eyebrows!), And at the same time my hair fell off so much that I would have wiped off any cat during the molt. I had to cut everything under a short bob and grow my hair for another year in order to completely cut off everything that “burned out” from the paint. So my idea to regain my color and grow my hair was delayed for two whole years.
The victim is not the only one like that, my sister somehow agreed to make herself small highlights (milliations), although her hair color, unlike me, is very beautiful brown. Returning home from the salon, she painted over all these highlights with dark hair dye bought in the nearest store. So we live here ?. You want the best, it turns out ...
Advice! In connection with this nightmarish experience, I will say that if you decide to dye your hair in an American salon, look for a master for yourself in a way that you did not even look for a husband for yourself. Look for masters through friends or in social media. networks, see their work inside and out! If you don't like something, don't go to them.
Always carry with you photos of what you want to get on your head. Haircut, hair color, shade. Explain what and how you want, ask the master about everything that he does on your head. Alas, but with the phrase “To your taste. You, as a specialist, know better, ”I started. Now I am preparing to go for a new hairstyle in almost a month, planning what and how I want. I am glad, of course, that the hair grows back and is restored, but if it were not for that case, my hair would obviously already reach the shoulder blades, and I still ate it below the shoulders and did not even reach the length that I have was before going to the unfortunate Koreans.

As for the eyebrows, I never found a good master. I did a thread correction once, in the same salon, where I cut my hair for the last time. They made the eyebrows even, but, alas, as usual, standard, that is, without choosing a shape for my face personally. And, of course, they mowed half of what I painstakingly grew in order to be eyebrowed in the current fashion.
Then I was interested in eyebrow salons from the popular cosmetic brands Benefit and Anastasia Beverly Hills, but their reviews are twofold, who likes it, who doesn't. Plus, again, where the reviews are even good, this is from Benefit, again you have to go through half the city. At Anastasia, I read a lot of complaints that they don't do anything special, but work in 10 minutes costs $ 60 (for example, you will be charged 15 bucks for eyebrow shaping in a regular salon). In short, I waved my hand at them, went to Moscow and quickly unlearned an eyebrow artist from a girl, a top Russian blogger and professional make-up artist, who gives her master classes. Therefore, I mock my eyebrows at home, and the way I want ?.

With other cosmetic procedures, alas, I will not tell you. Once I went to a cosmetology clinic to remove a copilar star from my cheek, 15 minutes of the laser cost $ 500. The asterisk was removed (pah-pah-pah), but new vessels still appear. I plan to go some more in the future, I hope there is something cheaper.

If you went to beauty salons in America and to a beautician, please share your experience in the comments. It will be interesting for me and other cleaners to read ?.

  • This is security. If a beauty salon has gone through all the checks and has all the necessary documents, then they are definitely in business for more than one day. So, if something happens to me after the procedure, they will help me, they will cover medical expenses and moral costs. Courts with clients, which so scare those who come here, are actually an opportunity to get money from the insurance company.
  • The selection of masters for the salon is a separate topic; the salon is unlikely to risk its license by hiring an unskilled worker. Large networks even conduct corporate trainings for staff, so the quality of work is always about the same for the masters, regardless of who you go to that day.
  • The salon master is very interested in working well with you, because tips are very common here - I leave about 20% of the check for tea to the salon master. By the way, a private master is left with tea only in rare cases - he also works for himself. Also, the business of salons is greatly influenced by the services of reviews, which the salons themselves cannot moderate, which means they can clean up, remove negative responses, etc.
  • This is a convenient work schedule. In case of illness, a person goes to a hospital or urgent care, because private doctors (working completely separately) have an appointment for 2 months in advance. There are far fewer private clinics than hospitals or urgent care. It's the same in beauty salons. If I want a massage today, then I will not sign up 3 weeks in advance to get to some super-master. I'll go to the massage parlor and get the service the same day! With a haircut the same way - I go to the salon that is closer to me and has a convenient time for me. Because I know if they break my back or ruin my hair, I will go to court and get a good moral compensation.

New York is home to a huge number of different beauty salons, hairdressers, manicure and pedicure salons and spas. New Yorkers take care of themselves and love to spend time in different salons. In such a huge city like New York, how to choose the right place is quite difficult. If you are delighted with the service, do not forget to leave a tip. In this section, read about the five best beauty salons in New York.

A trip to a beauty salon in New York

In New York, you need to know the specific places to go to. After long walks in the city or on a day of sightseeing, end your day at the spa with your family and girlfriends, or get ready for the hair salon.

1. SPA Belles

SPA Belles is the best place for manicure and pedicure in New York. If you are preparing for a serious event, come to this salon for a manicure and pedicure. It also offers other services such as wax, oxygen temperature, massages and facials. Great service at affordable prices. Manicure from $ 15 and pedicure from $ 35.

2. Red Door Spa by Elizabeth Arden

Red Door Spa is one of the first beauty salons in New York. More elite contingent of the city spends time here. From the moment you enter until the end of your sessions, you will feel like a queen. All procedures are performed by professionals. I especially recommend the signature Red Door Signature Massage. This acupressure uses natural oils to create the perfect harmony between body and mind. An 80-minute full body massage costs approximately $ 200.

3. Scott J Aveda

Come to Scott J Aveda and pamper yourself and your hair! The specialists working in the hairdressing salon are trained in the methods of Aveda and use the products of this company. After all procedures, your hair will look revitalized and shiny. Different stylists (beginners and professionals) work here, each hairdresser has its own prices, depending on the length of service. All services include consultation, hair washing, head, neck and shoulder massage. Among other things

4. Metamorphosis Day Spa

Metamorphosis Day Spa is one of the most beloved salons among New Yorkers. They use a very convenient online booking system. Many visitors have their favorite massage therapists. The salon has everything for a comfortable and unforgettable stay. They offer a wide variety of treatments, come here for massages, facials and manicures.

5. The DryBar

For a beautiful weekend styling, I recommend coming to the DryBar salon. In this place, hair is not cut or dyed, but simply styled. Choose from different hairstyles on their so-called menu. There are many options such as: manhattan (straight hair), cosmo (large waves) and others. Your hair will look gorgeous! Shampooing and styling costs approximately $ 40.

In our today's material, we will be pleased to introduce you to a unique selection of the most unusual and eccentric beauty salons that amaze the imagination of visitors and attract the eye of new customers.

Let's take a look at the unique ideas and stunning conceptual ideas implemented in these modern art projects.

25. Boob-Baring Barbers in Sydney. The hairdressing salon has an unusual format. It was created especially for men, and the haircut is done by topless girls.

24. Sexy Barber Shops. The beauty studio is also geared towards the stronger gender, as the staff are women dressed in sexy lingerie.

23. Retro Hollywood in New York is distinguished by original decoration, sustained in retro style.

22. 3D Hairstyle Facades in Austria has a fantastic exterior that resembles loose hair. It attracts close attention of lovers of grace and style.

21. Modern Punk in Dublin. The beauty studio is distinguished by its colorful interior design, designed in a modern style.

20. The Otherworldly Undersea Interiors Spa impresses with its quirky décor and dazzling illumination system featuring multi-colored LED lighting and unique ceiling lights.

19. Naughty Haircuts is a sports-themed franchise that provides men with a wide range of services from haircuts to manicures.

18. Space Age Hair in London. The design of this complex is sustained in a futuristic style, due to which it attracts the gaze and interest of the public.

17. The Emergency Room in Berlin has a creative design with a medical theme.

16. Hipster Salons. The restaurant was decorated by specialists in an original manner. It attracts not only local residents, but also itinerant travelers and show business stars.

15. Hip London Salon in London. This hip parlor is decorated in a funky style, with huge windows, bright wall décor, unique furnishings and a cozy atmosphere that amaze the eye with its magnetism and creativity.

14. Copper Clad Houses in Tokyo. The beauty center is located in a modern building with an original facade design, made using copper tiles.

13. Hair-Inspired Architecture. The salon was designed by Israeli designers Lior Vaknin and Sabi Aroch using plasterboard structures and an unexpected green and white tint palette.

12. Ultra Minimalist Salons in Osaka. The beauty studio is decorated in the style of minimalism with the dominance of light colors, textured wood in the decoration and laconic furniture set.

11. Holistic Health Hotels in Las Vegas. The unmatched design of the nail bar is made with colorful flowing draperies, original decorations, a dazzling illumination system and multifunctional equipment.

10. Salons as Art Galleries. The barber shop functions as an art studio, showcasing stunning paintings by talented artists to the eyes of clients.

9. Quirkily Stacked Architecture. The stunning façade of the building, in the form of two polyhedral geometric cubes, was designed by CAPD using a contrasting black and white color scheme.

8. Spaceship Beauty Parlors. The beauty studio hall looks like a sci-fi movie set. The decoration was designed in an expressive red and white color scheme that amazes the eyes of visitors.

7. Anpanman Hair. This kids hair salon is sure to be loved by comic book lovers!

6. Beauty Parlors for Pyros in Memphis. This establishment employs a master who specializes in professional hair burning.

5. Cavernous Concrete in Austin. The hairdressing salon has been decorated with concrete and wood in the décor of the wall surfaces and creative furniture.

4. Drugstore Mini-Salons. The mini-salon is located in the largest shopping mall. Customers can not only buy cosmetics and perfumes, but also receive professional advice on applying makeup.

3. Breakfast Club. In such an establishment, customers can not only have their hair cut, but also taste a wide range of delicious dishes located on the buffet. From sausages and eggs to coffee and tea!

2. Tween Luxury. This salon is aimed at children. The masters will apply special play make-up to the kids, and the teenagers will be able to have their hair cut, get a manicure and pedicure.

1. Emerging Artist In-Salon Art Exhibit. A unique hairdressing salon showcases the work of the talented specialist Sean McKinney (Sean McKinney).

We've brought you a stunning selection of establishments with mesmerizing and eccentric modern art décor. You should definitely visit one of them during your trip to different countries.

Professional craftsmen, a breathtaking interior, pleasant music, an individual approach, an amazing atmosphere of beauty and bliss - all this can be obtained in a beauty salon. In one place you can have relaxing spa treatments, manicure and pedicure, hairdressing and massage.

Despite the fact that you can take care of your nails and hand skin at home, many people still prefer to go to an expensive beauty salon. The attention that the masters give to the client, and the relaxation that comes during their favorite procedure, lift the mood and make you feel special.

Especially for those who like to feel “at their best”, STALEKS has prepared the “top-most” beauty salons in the world. We have selected the best salons according to the following criteria: rating, availability of innovative and trendy procedures, qualifications of craftsmen, clientele (number of entries, "star" clients) and interior design.

We will tell you about unique luxury places where you can get the whole range of procedures and even get acquainted with media celebrities.



An exclusive beauty house, the style of which reflects the exquisite taste of the owner Joelle Mardinian, a famous TV star and make-up artist. The salon has been named the best for three years in a row according to the World SPA Awards - a world-famous award in the beauty industry.

An interesting fact - on the MBC1 channel Maison de Joelle appeared in its own section in a reality show! Every week in the program "Joelle" TV viewers follow the reincarnation of the heroes.

The Maison de Joelle Jumeirah salon is located on the 3rd floor of the Kempinski Hotel in the Mall of the Emirates. Professional therapists will provide a wide range of services, from creating spectacular hairstyles and evening make-up to relaxing spa treatments and even tattoos.

As for nail art, in the salon you can sign up for a classic edged or French manicure and pedicure. Prices, by the way, are quite acceptable for such a rich country as the Emirates - about 100 dirhams ($ 27). Separately, you will have to pay for the application of the coating: 50 dirhams ($ 14) for a single color nail art and above, depending on the complexity of the design and the materials used.

Celebrities sign up for the procedures at the Maison de Joelle: the journalist Souhair al-Qaisi, the actress Lindsay Lohan and the TV personality Kim Kardashian are regular clients.



From the hot Emirates we will move to cool Europe, namely London, where one of the famous beauty salons is located. The Ritz is located on the 7th floor of the hotel on Piccadilly Street, overlooking a picturesque panorama of Green Park.

In the salon you can sign up for facial and body skin care procedures, massage, spa. The services can be used by both hotel guests and any interested visitors. The Ritz's artisans use a range of skin and hair care products that are 100% organic.

Qualified nail masters for $ 30 will make you a manicure using the European (edging) technique. The procedure includes processing the cuticle, filing the nail to a special shape, using exfoliating scrubs and lotions. A manicure with a single color gel polish will cost $ 40, but you can choose less budget options. We've already written about the stunning $ 120 gold manicure that you can sign up for at The Ritz Salon.



It is difficult to imagine how the network of a branded beauty salon can grow. Founded in 1922, today Regis has branches in 30 countries - more than 10,000 stores around the world!

Despite its scale, Regis Corporation focuses not so much on "celebrity" clients as on people with middle incomes. Anyone can sign up for a salon and get advice from a stylist, which, by the way, is free.

Despite the fact that the history of Regis began with the idea of ​​providing quality hairdressing services, at the moment in the salon you can go through all kinds of procedures for body, hand, face and hair care. Manicure is no exception: the basic procedure with pushing back the cuticle (in the USA, it is the unedging technique that is widespread without the use of scissors or nippers!), Nails are filed and trimmed, and high-quality gel polishes are used for coating. At the end of the manicure, the masters massage the hands and moisturize the hands and cuticles with a special oil.



Once upon a time 24x gold, diamonds and pearls were meant to be jewelry, but now the indulgent masters of the Images Luxury Lounge can add them to your nails. The unique luxury manicure procedure includes unedged nail care, varnishing and applying precious stones to your taste and budget, hand massage with lavender lotion.

The "cheapest" - nail art for $ 500 using 4-10 diamonds. The next level is the "gold rush", manicure for $ 2500-$ 10,000. This amount includes not only varnish with particles of real 24-carat gold, but also champagne, French pastries and a personal set for manicure as a gift. They know how to lure a client!

In addition to gemstone manicure and pedicure, Images Luxury Lounge also provides eyebrow, eyelash and facial treatments. Prices are not as cosmic as for a diamond or gold manicure - around $ 40, depending on the complexity of the procedure.



The DOLORES Beauty Center has gathered a constellation of world-class professional masters. 10 world champions, 5 European champions, 2 Eastern European champions, 4 Russian champions, 1 Moscow champion and 1 American champion - they all work in the same beauty salon. Looking at such a titled composition of masters, you immediately understand that you have fallen into the “wrong hands”. DOLORES specialists regularly perform with shows and master classes, maintain their professional level and undergo training in world schools.

This professional approach attracted the interest of many representatives of the Russian elite: politicians, businessmen, artists and sportsmen. The luxurious interior of the salon also attracts wealthy clients - the style of a historic 19th century mansion with beautiful marble staircases, a huge golden chandelier, glass tables and leather sofas.

In the DOLORES beauty salon you can go through any procedure for hair, skin and nail care. Masters of the nail industry will embody a unique design and make a neat manicure (price about 5000 rubles - $ 75), provide a nail extension service (8000 rubles - $ 120), and do a pedicure (4500 rubles - $ 68).



France is the birthplace of beauty and femininity, and Paris is the capital of luxury, romance and luxury.

One of the finest Parisian hotels, the Hilton, is home to a true spa paradise, offering personalized treatments from professional beauticians, makeup artists, nail artists and stylists.

The cost of services in this center is impressive. For a day of paradise relaxation and a full range of procedures, you can pay from 1000 euros. Cosmetological manipulations cost about 150 euros on average, manicure and pedicure with the development of an individual design can be done for 140 euros. There are discounts for regular customers - moreover, there is no such thing as a “queue” for guests. The wizard will be available at any time convenient for the client.



Beauty saloon IL COLPO opened in 2011. The architecture of the building, with its huge full-height windows on the front wall, allows for spectacular views of Victoria Harbor.

Inside there is a real cyberspace: furniture in the style of "liquid metal", the division of the salon into three sections depending on the services provided: for hair care procedures, for nail art and manicure, a section of the spa center.

Nail service at IL COLPO includes traditional manicures and pedicures, gel coatings, gemstone nail designs. Prices are considered acceptable by Chinese standards: $ 230 for a coated manicure, almost twice as much ($ 430) for a pedicure, from $ 350 for medical manipulations for the skin of the hands and feet (massage, relaxing baths, acupuncture).

Have you been to these salons or are you dreaming of visiting? How can you assess the level of service in such luxurious places? Is it worth paying extra for “heavenly pleasure” and relaxation? Do not forget that the guarantee of a high-quality manicure is not a fashionable salon and expensive varnishes with particles of gold, but the professionalism of the master and a good tool. The STALEKS PRO brand offers durable products made from high quality medical steel. In our catalog, tools are available for different areas of the beauty industry, so that each master can find the most convenient and suitable one for himself.