Multilevel plasterboard ceilings - the variety is large, but the material is one. A beautiful solution for finishing: a multi-level plasterboard ceiling with lighting and multi-level stretch structures these

From the author: want to add a special touch to your interior? Do you need to decorate the plane beautifully? Multilevel plasterboard ceilings will help to add zest to the design. This design is ideal for a room with uneven ceilings or where you need to hide the outlets of plumbing and lighting. Plasterboard sheets allow you to create curved shapes and a variety of bends.

In this article, we will tell you in detail how to make the most common structure with your own hands - a two-level plasterboard ceiling. And also here you can see photos and videos of this type of work.

Multilevel ceilings are quite common in the kitchen. With such structures, you can add lighting in the required place and hide unnecessary faucets and hoods. To install one, no special knowledge is required - it is enough to master the installation of a single-level ceiling. But I want to warn you: you must be aware that such work should be performed by specialists, and this article is of a recommendatory nature.

Preparing to work with drywall

Basic list of tools and materials:

  • scissors for metal;
  • Bulgarian;
  • straight rail;
  • construction knife;
  • puncher;
  • dowels;
  • rasp;
  • needle roller;
  • level and line.

Before starting work, decide on the number of levels - this can be affected by the differences in the plane and the number of elements that need to be hidden. Measure the heights of all corners of the room, starting from the lowest. Step back 5 centimeters down and use a level to mark the horizontal line around the entire perimeter. fastened to a structure made of profiles, which, in turn, are fastened to a concrete base.

So, to begin with, we prepare the surface - we do an inspection. Particular attention should be paid to cracks, if there are any - they need to be putty. And also, if there are places of infection by the fungus, they must be well treated with an antiseptic.

We draw a drawing of the future ceiling on a plane: the first level is indicated by a solid line, the second by a dotted line. Important: if you decide to add insulation to the structure, take this into account when marking. Now we see what will come of it.


Everything is ready, and you can proceed to the main thing - we make a skeleton. This stage of work must be approached as seriously and carefully as possible, because the whole structure will be held on the frame, and the final result will depend on the accuracy of the installation.

It is important to give the frame good strength; for this, longitudinal stiffeners must be added to the parallel straight metal profiles. It is not necessary that the ribs be symmetrical - in general, they are fastened at the places of future joints, and this will guarantee the reliability of the fastening.

Drywall can be attached to both metal profiles and wooden structures. We do not recommend choosing a tree, as it is short-lived - it can be eaten by a bark beetle or swell from moisture. If you nevertheless decide to fasten the structure to wooden blocks, then treat them well with antiseptics a day before installation.

So, we measure out the desired piece of the profile, cut it with metal scissors or a grinder. Wooden blocks are cut with a hacksaw.

We fix it. Of course, it is easier to make fasteners on a wooden frame. It is enough to connect the drywall to the bars with self-tapping screws. If the surface is concrete, then you need to use a hammer drill. With its help, we make holes in the ceiling and fasten the profiles with self-tapping screws.

Do not allow metal profiles to be joined end-to-end; a small gap must be left. This will keep you out of trouble if the material expands.

Multilevel ceilings are a spectacular design option for a room. They are able to visually change the volume of the room: to increase the height of the ceilings or the width of the room. Multilevel ceilings are characterized by rather complex structures, but you can make them yourself without the help of professionals. Let's figure out what multilevel stretch ceilings are and how to install them. Photos will help in this matter.

Advantages of multi-level stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings today are a popular way of finishing, since they have a lot of advantages in comparison with other coating options.

Among the main ones are:

  • Room zoning. The photo shows interesting options.
  • Levels mask systems: wiring, cables, pipes, concrete ceiling defects.
  • Soundproofing.
  • A combination of several types of lighting fixtures: the use of spotlights, diode strips, shades, chandeliers at different levels, light of various colors and shades. Photos will help you choose the right option for a particular room.
  • The use of various shapes, textures, color palette. According to the configuration, they come with arcs, corners, circles and ovals, colors and other options. By texture: matte or glossy.
  • They are durable in service, since the stretch ceiling does not fade, fade or deform.
  • Creation of the original design of the premises, which does not require large cash costs.
  • Visual increase in ceiling height: based on the play of tiers, colors. But the ceilings in the room should not be too low, since multi-level structures take up some of the height.

Installation of multilevel stretch ceilings

It includes the following stages: preparatory, main, finishing or decoration. Let's take a look at each of them separately.


At this stage, prepare the required tools and materials, a concrete base and mark out.

Preparation of materials

To install the ceiling you need:

  • screwdriver;
  • puncher;
  • building level;
  • jigsaw;
  • scissors for metal;
  • drywall;
  • metal profile for the frame;
  • fasteners: dowels and screws
  • custom-made stretch cover according to the exact dimensions.

When the material is prepared, prepare the concrete base for the installation of the stretch multilevel ceiling.

Preparation of the concrete base

Works include:

  • getting rid of exfoliated plaster;
  • so that mold does not occur, the ceiling surface is treated with a specialized primer with antiseptic properties;
  • determination of the height and number of levels of the ceiling. The first level is a stretch fabric. A box made of drywall sheets runs along the perimeter, which will become the basis for fastening the canvas. The second level can be an interesting figure, it is mounted 10 cm lower. The third level can be created as waves from drywall sheets. This design will add something new and bright to the interior of the room. Photos will help you choose the option for the room.

Performing markup

The lines are applied to the ceiling according to the prepared templates of the future structure. You can use a projector connected to a laptop or computer.

The main stage

After the markings are applied, bend the profile to the shape of the future configuration of the ceiling levels.

First, the frame is mounted. For this:

  • The UD profile is mounted. It is fastened according to a special scheme with a step of up to 30 cm. This rule is due to the load on the profile caused by the tension of the canvas.
  • Next, the profile is mounted along the inner borders of the plasterboard box. Fasteners are placed at a distance of 20-30 cm.
  • Installation of CD-racks and connection with a metal profile. The fixing step is 20 centimeters.
  • Next, you should make and adjust the design of the side bumpers.

As soon as the construction of the frame from the metal profile of the first level has been completed, lay the electrical wiring and consider the arrangement of the lighting fixtures.

After the end of the previous process, the resulting frame from a metal profile should be sheathed with sheets of drywall. The third level of the stretch ceiling is carried out in a similar way.

Important! Two plasterboard sheets must be fixed on a single piece of metal profile. It should be borne in mind that more than a hundred self-tapping screws should be used for each sheet. This fastening guarantees strength and reliability.

Decorating or decorating

The finishing system includes several stages. Let's deal with each one separately.

Painting plasterboard boxes

The plasterboard base is primed, then puttyed. Once this is done, the seams should be covered with specialized tape. Next, a repeated priming and finishing putty is carried out. The box should be painted using acrylic or water-based silicone paint.

After the box is painted, complete the embedded pads for each type of lighting fixture.

Lighting fixtures

At the finishing stage, bookmark the lighting devices. Their location should be carefully considered, especially if a combination of several types is intended. For example, spotlights and chandeliers. It should be remembered that due to the competent arrangement of the devices, you can perform an effective zoning of the room.

Important! Platforms for each of the fixtures for the chandelier and spotlights must be installed even before the web is tensioned. When installing them, you should strictly adhere to the recommendations and advice for the implementation of fasteners.

Installation of tension cover

This is the final stage. Despite all the characteristics of the canvas, it is quite fragile and can be damaged.

There are several mounting options. Among the main ones:

  • harpoon system. In order for the canvas to be stretched as expected, measurements should be taken as carefully as possible. You need to order it 7% less;
  • wedge system. Option only for people with experience. In it, you can repeatedly drag the canvas and careful measurements are not required.

The best and most affordable way of attaching a tension web without the help of a professional is the first option. Along the perimeter of the entire space, it is necessary to install specialized baguettes designed for the harpoon system. It is necessary to raise the air temperature in the room to fifty degrees. This is done to soften the canvas. Then the harpoon can be inserted into the groove provided for it in the baguette without difficulty. To do this, use a specialized spatula. The fact that the harpoon has entered the groove and is firmly fixed will be notified by a characteristic click.

If folds remain during installation, then the canvas is heated to smooth them out. When the surface has cooled down, it will be possible to install lamps on the pre-prepared platforms. After the device is installed, it is fixed with a heat-insulating ring.

You can independently create a multi-level ceiling, the main thing is to follow simple tips and tricks. Such designs can make the interior interesting and attractive.

Video tip:

Today, the utmost attention is paid to the appearance of the ceiling. This is understandable: the usual white smooth coating will not suit anyone. Today, multi-level ceilings are in vogue - they are not only create a beautiful, unique look in the room, so also allow you to hide all communications and wiring.

Any, even the most daring ceiling fantasies can be realized drywall: from it you can even do it yourself, without the involvement of specialists, to create simple and complex ceilings. We will talk about this today.

The following properties give particular popularity to gyiscardon:

  • practicality;
  • convenience;
  • the ability to implement the most complex forms of ceiling space.

It can be either a level plasterboard ceiling in the simplest version, or more complex designs- it all depends on your preferences.

How to decide on ceiling design options

Despite the fact that plasterboard does not limit the choice of ceiling design, when choosing a design option, you still have to pay attention and take into account the following objective reasons:

  1. The area of ​​the room.
  2. The height of the walls.
  3. The shape of the room.
  4. Light direction and natural light intensity.
  5. The functional purpose of the room.

We decorate the ceiling in different types of premises

In a small room, single-level ceilings with a simple design are ideal for decorating the ceiling space.

A little advice: in a small room with a low ceiling, give up the installation of multi-level structures - the ceiling should not be bulky, otherwise the room will visually become even smaller, with a maximum ceiling of two levels.

Choosing a single-level design, do not despair - such a ceiling can also be "beaten" by other design methods. Including using modern lamps.

It is quite understandable that multilevel ceilings look gorgeous in a large spacious room (they are often called "stepped" among the people).

This method of decorating the ceiling space knows no restrictions in the choice of options:

  1. The easiest one is to do curbs around the perimeter of the room.
  2. More complex ceiling figures.
  3. Three-level ceiling.

A little advice for novice builders: while developing your own "own" ceiling design, look at the work of designers in magazines or on websites - this will help form the final choice of one or another ceiling design that is most appropriate in a given room.

The first stage is the preparation of all the necessary materials and tools

A ceiling of two levels or more, as a rule, is mounted on a pre-assembled metal frame. We will not consider a simpler option for gluing plasterboard tiles to the ceiling, since this option has practically not been used recently.

The explanation for this is simple: suspension systems are more practical, they allow you to hide all communications. At the same time, gluing drywall tiles requires a lot of time and effort to level them.

Installation of the 2nd level of the ceiling requires the following materials and tools:

  • Plasterboard sheets calculated for a given area of ​​the room.

A little tip: during transportation and storage, drywall sheets should be placed in a horizontal position. It is strictly forbidden to install them on the edge - this leads to deformation of the material.

  • Metal profiles for a frame of two types:

a) UD-27- guide profile;

b) CD-60- carrier.

A small tip: the frame lathing must be performed with profiles that are at least 0.55 mm thick. Ideally, the profile thickness should be 0.8 mm - this will exclude deformation of the frame and, as a result, deformation of the entire ceiling structure.

  • Distancers (suspensions), onto which the frame profiles are directly attached. Their standard length is 3 meters.

A little advice: it is quite possible to mount ceilings in two and three levels with a greater length. To do this, you need to "build up" the profile with the help of special butt joints, they must be fixed to both parts of the profile with special screws.

  • Crab- fastening element for connections of perpendicular post profiles at the same level.
  • The second level of the ceiling will require the use of special fastener part, with which the profiles can be securely fixed one above the other. The peculiarity of this part is the possibility of adjustment.
  • Dowel nails... With their help, we will attach metal profiles to the walls and ceiling plate.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Ceiling level (laser).

DIY false ceiling installation

  1. We carry out the layout of the room. Novice builders have a natural question: how to beat off the ceiling level? Initially, you need to decide on the choice of ceiling lighting:

1.1. The use of spotlights will require an offset from the ceiling plate from 5 to 10 cm.

1.2. The lined lighting assumes to add more to the height of the luminaires 2-3 cm. This will allow reliable ventilation for the built-in lamps.

1.3. The ceiling level (laser) will help us determine the lowest angle in the room. We make a mark in the corner and transfer the outlined line to other walls.

1.4. Install UD profile along the drawn line, securing with dowel nails.

A little tip: the anchor must be positioned in increments 40 cm, no more.

  1. We attach frame profiles to the crate.

2.1. For a simple design in a small room, it is enough to perform markup with a step in 60cm... Then a CD profile is cut along the entire perimeter of the room.

A little tip: set the profile guides so that their center is at the mark

2.2. We fix the frame profiles using suspensions (fastening step at least 40 cm), first to the ceiling slab, then to the profile.

A little tip: pull the cords along the profiles, this will allow you to more evenly fix the suspensions

2.3. In a room with a width of more than 2.5 m, it is necessary to install jumpers, they are placed strictly perpendicular to the profiles. Crabs come in handy here.

2.4. After the frame is assembled, you can start installing the built-in lighting.

  1. Fastening drywall on the installed harness.

It is important to remember: you need to lay drywall sheets in a staggered manner (staggered). Then the joints of the sheets will not match.

  1. Close up the joints- and the single-level ceiling structure is ready.

DIY multi-level structures

If you have succeeded in creating a single-level ceiling structure on your own, then you can also master multi-level ceilings.

After the first level of the ceiling is ready (we described its installation basis above), we proceed to the installation of the multi-level structure:

  1. We carry out the markup- this is the most difficult stage of the work. The correctness of the proportions and shapes of all subsequent levels of the ceiling depends on how correctly the marking will be performed.
  2. Assembly all the following levels is carried out similarly to how the first one was mounted:

2.1. Putting the frame together.

We warn the question that arises for novice builders: the second level cannot be fixed on the ceiling plate, what to do? You need to screw the suspensions to the profiles of the first level, and not to the ceiling.

2.2. Arrangement of smooth lines on the profile.

A little tip: using metal scissors, we recommend making small cuts on the edges of the profile every 5 cm. This will allow the profile to bend more easily in the desired direction.

2.3. We sew drywall.

A little tip: when installing complex lines, we recommend cutting drywall at the assembly site. To do this, leave a certain margin on the sheets. It is best to cut at the installation site with a fine-toothed hacksaw.

Despite the fact that multi-level stretch ceilings have been used for quite a long time to decorate a wide variety of premises, for most people, each of their visualizations is somewhat akin to a revelation. Largely due to the fact that they look really inventive and luxurious - and simply cannot fail to impress with the created harmony of lines and shapes. And this applies to both devoted lovers of the classics and daring innovators who welcome new design trends with great enthusiasm. Today we will talk about the existing diversity in this niche, some of the nuances of use on the example of specific photos from modern interiors. We will also touch on the issue of installation, because many are worried about its specifics: a complicated design requires close attention, and it is difficult to disagree with this.

All the disadvantages and advantages of using

Of course, it's worth starting with this. After all, most real estate owners consider this or that repair option primarily through the prism of practicality - and there is nothing wrong with that. And just as bad news, given the available alternative in the form of a positive one, is always desirable to be heard first, let us first turn our attention to some objective limitations multi-level ceiling structures with pvc films.

  • categorical incompatibility with low rooms;
  • relatively high price tag;
  • temperature limits;
  • complicated installation;
  • complete dependence on the geometry of a particular room.

These are the main disadvantages of using multi-level ceilings: as objective and undeniable as the inevitable admiration when contemplating them. but positive aspects associated with their use, much more. Here they are:

  • attractive appearance;
  • unlimited possibilities of integrating light sources and constructing an original light pattern in the room;
  • organization of zone lighting;
  • expanding the visual scale of the room;
  • dear, noble look;
  • combination with the interior of any style;
  • flawlessly smooth and even ceiling surface;
  • various color combinations;
  • complete waterproof and dustproof;
  • the possibility of using both in residential and in public premises;
  • long service life.

Installation features

The very fact of the presence of several levels in the ceiling configuration means that it will take much longer to tinker with the installation than with the usual single-level structure. However, tinkering is not quite the right word, since it characterizes the actions of the person who does not know the algorithm for performing work at all. We offer you a specific plan of all the manipulations for the installation of multi-level PVC ceilings in a concise but very convenient form:

  1. with the help of a pencil and a level, the layout of the room is carried out, for this, 50-100 millimeters recede from the lower corner - this will be the lower point of the upper level;
  2. at the points marked according to your plan, the UD wall profile is installed with the required step of at least 300 millimeters;
  3. the location of the box to be used is marked, based on the center of the room;
  4. the next step is to fix the UD wall profile on it;
  5. the CD ceiling profile functions as vertical posts inside the box and is fixed with a 200 mm pitch with metal screws;
  6. a base frame is obtained, ready for plasterboard sheathing;
  7. the wiring is carried out to the places where the light sources are installed;
  8. the frame is sheathed with sheets of hl, after which they are covered with a serpyanka tape, primed and carefully putty;
  9. holes for lamps are cut out, wiring is taken out;
  10. finishing is done - painting or whitewashing;
  11. a baguette for stretched fabrics is attached to the inner surface of the box;
  12. after the air warms up to 40 degrees, the vinyl film is stretched, followed by fixation through a harpoon to the mounted molding;
  13. installation of spotlights and other light sources in the room.

This algorithm shows that the main feature of the installation is the need to design a special boxes using sheets of drywall, which will serve as a separator between the levels.

We offer you a video that may give you comprehensive answers on the installation of stretch ceilings of this type.

Existing types and features of the texture

The key to the demand for any finishing material is variety. And this applies not only to the shades used, but also to the nature of the surface. This has been said more than once, and for sure the organizations involved in the installation of the organization have already buzzed about this to you, but stretch ceilings can be 3 types of texture:

  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • satin.

The latter are also often called tissue, and there is a reason for this, since their basis is fundamentally different from the polyvinyl chloride films used to create the first two mentioned textures. It resembles a classic matte surface - but only after a kind of processing, as a result of which it "learned" to reflect light well. In addition, fabric ceiling structures most often have one more positive point - seamlessness... And although with the help of competently directed lighting, even the most noticeable and ugly-looking seams can be leveled, the seamless factor for many owners is still decisive.

Also, multi-level satin ceilings look much more expensive - their visual perfection, coupled with the ability to play well with glare of light, attracts the attention of those who like to build an impressive noble interior.

Glossy texture seems to everyone more familiar, accessible and elegant. It's really fun and beautiful when the constructed ceiling reflects what is below, and also captures visual information from the cone of the room. But - for the time being. An overly intrusive multi-level specularity can cause irritation and discomfort, so let's write this feature of the glossy texture into controversial advantages: it all depends on the specific implementation in a particular room. And from the perception of a specific person, of course.

What up matte multilevel ceilings, they are preferred in cases where they do not want to shift the accents of the interior perception towards the ceiling surface. It does not attract much attention to itself, does not participate in the reflection of light reflections in any way and performs a nominal function. Most of all, a matte surface is similar to a well-plastered ceiling. A revived classic? Perhaps.

If we try to classify tension-type multilevel ceiling structures by type, then it is most appropriate to take as a basis the number of color shades used, their interaction and some decorative features. In this case, the following types can be distinguished:

  • monochromatic - only one color is used at all levels of the ceiling structure;
  • multicolor - we include here those configurations that combine more than one shade;
  • artistic - there is not only a certain number of color variations, but also artistic improvisations with the help of illumination and LEDs located at one level or another, forming an interesting pattern or even a solid drawing, concept;
  • with photo printing - one of the richest groups in wonderful decorative revelations.

As a rule, in modern interiors such configurations are widespread, which play on any combination of two different shades. It can be:

  • gradients;
  • contrasting tones.

With help photo printing the necessary visual content of the structures is achieved, and they fit perfectly into the modeled interior. We tried to list the most popular motives and solutions below and back up the words with deeds - that is, a photo:

  • starry sky;
  • ornamental graphics;
  • silk screen printing;
  • Flora and fauna;
  • architecture;
  • technique;
  • still lifes;
  • frescoes.

Interaction with lighting

Existing light sources for stretch ceilings are the same as perfume for a person: it seems that it is possible without it, but it is more interesting with it. Likewise, lighting allows you to bring more expressiveness into the room and favorably emphasize the visual luxury and structural splendor of the ceiling surface.

What are the best sources for this?


  • an infinite number of location options for solving different problems;
  • ideal for performing the zone lighting function;
  • a variety of configurations.


  • suitable for large rooms;
  • act as a central light source;
  • capable of producing both concentrated and diffused light.


  • used as local illumination;
  • perform a decorative function.

LED strips

  • form a hidden illumination system;
  • take part in the creation of conceptual artistic solutions;
  • increase the volume of the room.

We offer you a look at the most interesting ways of interaction of multilevel tension structures with different light sources.

Nuances of use in the interior

If ordinary stretch canvases in one level can be used almost everywhere, then with multi-level there are some limitations. However, they concern primarily the features room geometry and her parameters, and not the specifics of the appointment. In order for them to reveal their full visual potential, it is necessary to take into account not only the height of the ceilings, but also the functional areas in the room.

Living room

The chance to meet multi-level stretch canvases in the hall is very high. Moreover, the larger the room itself, the more the chances increase. Everything lies on the surface: a large number of square meters allows creative imagination to unfold and bring to life the most daring and complex project.


One of the most popular solutions is the allocation of one of two basic functional areas in this room:

  • dining room;
  • working.

This is solved by mounting the box along the placed kitchen unit or by constructing a separate segment in the center. Everything turns out pretty nice, cozy and fresh. Home atmosphere - it couldn't be better!

Hallway / Corridor

Even in the most spacious apartments and houses, the entrance hall and the adjoining corridor often look somewhat compressed uncomfortable and sometimes can cause a slight attack of claustrophobia in people who are inclined to this phobia. The use of stretch multi-level ceilings helps to influence the perception of the interior - with properly designed boxes, you can lengthen the hallway or make an overly narrow corridor wider and more comfortable. Add to this spectacular lighting, beautiful ornament - and even the most inhospitable and gloomy room will be transformed.


A technique that works flawlessly is the allocation of a bedside area. Placing an additional level in this place with accent lighting allows you to create a gentle intimate mood in the room. After all, a bedroom is not only for sleep, but also for love.

The main thing is not to overdo it with the light intensity and shades on the multi-level canvas. Save colorful, flashy tones for other rooms. For example, a nursery.

A selection of photos with interesting design options

For dessert - a wonderful collection of photo examples from modern interiors, where multilevel tension structures act as a single whole with the general design style and make a strong impression.


If you are faced with the task of making repairs as quickly as possible, then it is unlikely that you should use multi-level stretch ceilings. The fact is that choosing their configuration will take a lot of time: you need to think over how many levels to use, what lighting pattern to integrate the interior and many more seemingly trifling, but such important in practice nuances, on which your future level of comfort directly depends. Are you ready for this? Then go ahead: you have already received the starting information, now it's just a little - a good choice!

You can find many stories on the Internet about how people assembled multi-tiered ceilings with tension structures with their own hands. Installation of such a ceiling is not an easy undertaking, the process requires preparation and experience, but this is also possible.

The options will differ in the complexity of the design, the number of tiers and design. You can, for example, make level ceilings, very simple with the usual geometry in two tiers, where the stretch canvas will be the basis of the ceiling. But they also make designs in three levels with complex curvilinear elements, interweaving of colors, etc.

Modern multi-level stretch ceilings:

  • Assumes a rich color palette;
  • Differ in texture;
  • Provide an opportunity to use high-quality photo printing;
  • They involve the use of dense and translucent textures in one design, etc.

The number of levels in theory can be infinite - and these levels can be mounted at any angle, and these are cones, and arches, and dunes.

What are the advantages of multi-level stretch ceilings

The first and foremost advantage is the perfect design. This is not from the category of "simple and modest", such a ceiling is a self-sufficient interior element.

And there are enough other advantages:

  • Such a structure can be erected in rooms with any functional load - living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, swimming pool, sauna, loggia, etc.
  • perfectly masks all defects of the base ceiling.
  • In the inter-ceiling space, it is really possible to hide the communication system, they attract the eye too much, which makes the interior seem somehow unfinished, careless.
  • Several levels of the ceiling are always additional thermal insulation and sound insulation.
  • According to fire safety standards, such a ceiling also has no complaints, the ceiling is hardly flammable.
  • The canvas is strong enough, like the plasterboard sheathing, the service life of the structure is quite long, from 15 years.
  • The design requires minimal cleaning - just wipe the surface with a slightly damp cloth.

Multilevel ceilings are so good that by correctly distributing the location of the levels, playing with the color of the tiers and, of course, lighting, you can successfully zone the room. Ready-made standard sketches can be found on the Internet, or you can create it yourself.

Profile for multi-level stretch ceilings: why you need it

It is worth understanding here - you need two profiles, more precisely, two types of profile. One is for attaching a tension cloth, the second is for creating a metal frame, which will be sheathed with plasterboard.

For a stretch ceiling, they usually use:

  • Or an aluminum profile (baguette). It is a highly rigid construction that guarantees a reliable and durable fastening, perfectly holds the corner when notching.
  • Or a plastic baguette. It is a versatile profile that can be combined with any type of ceiling harpoon. And its lower locking part geometrically practically repeats the aluminum version.

Types of profiles for stretching fabric:

  • Universal. It is designed to work with curved and volumetric structures.
  • Ceiling. Fastens the canvas along the edges directly to the surface of the base ceiling, used if there is no access to the walls.
  • Wall. It is necessary for fastening the tension cloth along the perimeter of the room to the wall.

Sometimes they use separate profiles - if, for example, the area of ​​the room is very large, more than 60 squares. But the corner profile is closer to this topic, since it participates in the creation of multi-level ceiling structures, the corner connection of canvases.

Installation of multi-level stretch ceilings: what it consists of

Almost any process of installing a ceiling structure begins with marking. Around the perimeter of the room, mark the level of the lower tier. The lower tier is drywall. Mark with a water level / laser level.

  • A UD profile is attached along the perimeter of the entire room, the fixing step will be no more than 300 mm.
  • After that, the border of the box is marked from the side of the center of the room. The UD profile is attached along the marked line, with the same step - 300 mm.
  • Next, you cut and fasten vertical posts and horizontal strips along the inside of the box. The spacing between the posts will be no more than 20 cm. The material used is a CD-profile. All interplane connections are made with special self-tapping screws for metal.

The frame is complete. This is a plan for installing a multi-level ceiling, where the stretch ceiling is taken out to the upper tiers, which is more common.

Installation of a multi-level ceiling: what's next

The process of creating a layered structure continues the wiring process. If you put lamps in a stretch canvas, you need to mount platforms under them.

After that, the frame is sewn up with plasterboard, the edges from adjacent slabs will fall on one profile. One drywall sheet will require about 100 self-tapping screws.

  • The surface is primed, irregularities are putty, the seams are bandaged with a special tape;
  • After re-priming, the entire surface is putty with a finishing putty, you need to putty twice with a very thin layer, after that - again the primer;
  • Next, holes are cut for the lamps, drywall is painted (better - with acrylic or silicone water emulsion);
  • The installation of the tensioning fabric is carried out last, first, a baguette is attached to the inner vertical surface of the box;
  • The air warms up to at least 40 degrees, the film is attached from the corner, during installation, the temperature should warm up to 60 degrees;
  • Insert the harpoon with a spatula into the baguette until it snaps into place;
  • After the ceiling has cooled down, it will become as even as possible, then holes for the lamps will be cut through it and the lamps will be installed directly.

In fact, this is how the work ends. Plasterboard tiers can be made with your own hands, and to install a tension cloth, special devices are required, the same heat gun, therefore it is more often installed by specialists.

The material on how to install the stretch ceiling curtain yourself may also be useful:

Design of a three-level stretch ceiling

Multilevel ceilings decorate the interior by themselves. And today, not only illumination can favorably emphasize the three-level structure - this is also done by the play of color, the use of fashionable shades, and the use of interesting shapes of the ceiling figures. Flower, sun, cloud, pyramids, drops, etc.

Very often there are decorative cornices on such a ceiling, as well as stucco elements.

If this is a combined room, for example, a kitchen + a living room, three ceiling levels help a lot to zone the room. Highlighting the cooking area + dining room, sofa area, etc.

If the ceilings in the apartment are high, you can combine the ceiling zoning with a podium device, for example.

Installation of multi-level stretch ceilings (video)

It is not for nothing that multilevel ceilings have so many fans: they are modern, not pretentious, if they have not overdone the design, are durable and work well as a connecting link in the interior.

Good luck with the repair!

Design of a multi-level stretch ceiling (interior photo)