Insulation of the house with penoizol: the advantages of the material as insulation and the stages of implementation. How to insulate walls with penoizol with your own hands and technical characteristics of insulation Insulation of a house with liquid foam

Modern technologies have made great strides forward, and today the new materials, such as liquid foam in cylinders, have replaced the clay and sawdust used to insulate houses. Did not hear? It's time to eliminate this defect!

What is this liquid foam?

So, penoizol (as it is also called) is produced in special foam generators and ejector units right on the site during construction. However, such material is also found in cylinders. Of course, the operation of the latter is somewhat simpler. As for the first type, in this case all the necessary components are loaded into the installation, which, under the action of compressed air, form foam.

After the liquid mass has been applied to the treated area of ​​the wall, it turns into a solid state within 20 minutes. But for such insulation to acquire all its properties finally, it will take at least 3 hours. Not bad, right? Let's talk about this material in more detail, what are its advantages and disadvantages, when it can be used, and in what cases it is not worth giving preference to this type of insulation, and, of course, we will focus on the features of operation.

Where can we apply penoizol in cylinders?

Liquid foam has found its application almost everywhere where it is necessary to carry out insulation, which means in the construction industry and during repair work. With the help of this new generation material, it is possible to provide thermal insulation for absolutely all structures, regardless of their purpose (residential or industrial). At the same time, it does not matter what exactly will be insulated, the facade of the building or its roof, foundation, attic, and maybe even the walls of the basement.

Moreover, thanks to the convenient form of release, insulation of the floor and walls of houses with liquid foam is available even to inexperienced builders, it will not be difficult to insulate even a pipeline or other industrial equipment. This building material is in great demand not only because of its thermal insulation characteristics, which are better than the properties of sheet form, but also because of other positive nuances. For large-scale tasks, you will have to rent or purchase special equipment, and for small jobs, a very convenient form of release is suitable - cylinders.

Pros and cons of liquid foam

Let's start, of course, with the pros. If we compare liquid foam with other insulating materials that are used to insulate the walls of houses, then its layer with a thickness of only 10 cm can easily be compared with 30-mm sheets of standard polystyrene foam, with 20 cm and with an almost three-meter layer of concrete. At the same time, it is incredibly easy to operate and insulates all cracks as reliably as possible.

It is also distinguished by its durability and is not afraid of temperature extremes. Various microorganisms do not live on it, and such insulation is not of interest to rodents.

It is worth noting the environmental friendliness, high density, as well as the excellent sound insulation characteristics of this material. But there is still a fly in the ointment in the use of such a novelty in the building materials market. Firstly, it gives a linear shrinkage, the values ​​of which reach 5%, this is the case if walls or other cavities are poured without pressure. Secondly, a not very pleasant smell immediately appears, but over time it disappears.

Apply liquid foam yourself

To carry out filling foam, you should read the instructions for its use. In principle, this technological process is not difficult, especially if the material is sold in cylinders. Absolutely everyone can cope with such a task.

  1. Why do you need to insulate the house?
  2. Foaming walls with penoizol
  3. Insulation of the ceiling and roof

A warm home not only makes your life more comfortable, but also allows you to significantly reduce heating costs. For this reason, many owners of country houses insulate walls, ceilings and floors with foam insulation. This insulation is relatively inexpensive and has impressive performance. In this article, we will tell you how to properly insulate a house with penoizol, what are the advantages of this material and what are the nuances in the process of insulation.

In one of our past articles, we covered in detail. Today we will talk about why it is necessary to insulate a house and about the very process of insulating various surfaces.

Why do you need to insulate the house?

Before proceeding to the description of the process of warming with penoizol, let's first decide why it is necessary to insulate the house? The answer to this question seems to be on the surface, but not everyone is able to formulate for themselves clear criteria for the need to install insulation. So, let's outline the main advantages of warming rooms with penoizol:

  • Saving on building materials

    A small layer of penoizol will allow you to significantly save on construction costs. Its thermal conductivity coefficient is significantly lower than that of the materials from which houses are traditionally built, plus it is significantly cheaper.

  • Reduced heating costs

    Regardless of what type of boiler you use, gas or electric, house insulation with penoizol will significantly reduce your heating costs. The saved funds will allow you to discard the purchase of insulation in a short time.

  • Constant temperature and humidity
  • Noise protection

    Penoizol is not only an excellent insulation material, it also has excellent sound insulation properties. The material absorbs up to 95% of sound vibrations and is able to reliably protect your house from noise from the street.

Photo 1: Insulation of the floor in the attic with liquid penoizol

These are some of the most important advantages that speak in favor of carrying out insulation work with penoizol. Insulation of the roof, walls and ceiling in a private house has its own characteristics, which let's talk about separately.

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Foaming walls with penoizol

In any country house, the outer walls are the largest surface area in contact with the environment. If the material from which they are made has a high coefficient of thermal conductivity, then it is here that the main heat loss occurs. For this reason, special attention should be paid to wall insulation.

It is possible to insulate with penoizol both the outer and inner surface of the wall. If insulation is planned at the construction stage, then for these purposes a cavity is provided inside the masonry, into which the heat-insulating material is subsequently laid.

Insulation of walls with penoizol from the inside of the building has several significant disadvantages:

  1. Insulation steals usable space.

    A layer of foam insulation only 5 centimeters thick on the walls in a 20 m² room reduces it by 0.5 m²

  2. Condensation formation.

    A layer of insulation retains precious heat inside the room, as a result of which the wall in contact with the environment does not warm up from the inside and remains very cold. In the cold season, when the temperature difference is especially large, condensation forms between the layer of insulation material and the wall. High humidity leads to the formation of fungi and mold, dangerous to health, in this place, and also contributes to the premature destruction of masonry.

Photo 2: Insulation of the walls of a brick house from the outside

It is best to insulate with penoizol outside. To do this, you can either use sheet insulation or pour liquid into the space between the load-bearing wall and the outer skin. This insulation method is also ideal for frame houses.

Best of all, the reviews of those who really insulated will tell about the foam insulation in the walls:

He insulated the air gap in the brick-lined house with penoizol. I am satisfied, the gas consumption has been halved. I checked all the walls with a thermal imager, everything is perfectly insulated without drops. As for negative reviews, I can say the following - any technology can be screwed up with crooked hands. Contact trusted companies that guarantee quality and feel free to insulate.

Maxim Loskutov, Moscow

Most often, the interlayers between the masonry in brick houses are filled with penoizol. To do this, from the outside, a network of holes is drilled in the seams between the bricks in a checkerboard pattern, at a distance of 1.5-2 m from each other. Through them, the voids in the inter-wall space are uniformly filled with liquid foam using a special foam generator for the production of penoizol.

Do not be afraid that the hardened Penoizol will expand and destroy your walls. Unlike polyurethane foam, this material not only does not increase in volume when it dries, but also shrinks somewhat.

Photo 2: Foaming the inter-wall space with liquid penoizol

In modern houses, the walls are foamed with liquid penoizol right at the construction stage, which allows the foam layer to be distributed most efficiently and evenly. After drying in the wall, penoizol forms a uniform, seamless layer of thermal insulation that can reliably protect your home from the vagaries of nature.

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Insulation of the ceiling and roof

On average, the roof of a private house accounts for 10-20% of the total heat loss, which is why it is necessary to insulate both the ceiling and the roof itself. If there is a classic sloping roof in the house, a little preparation should be done before insulating the roof with penoizol.

Photo 4: Insulation of a sloped roof with penoizol

Taking into account the fact that liquid penoizol does not adhere well to steep surfaces until it hardens, in the process of insulating the roof it is necessary to create a kind of pockets, which are then filled with insulation. The work plan for laying liquid penoizol is as follows:

  1. From the side of the attic, a film is stretched between the rafters. The film should be chosen strong enough and fixed with a construction stapler with good tension in order to avoid sagging when foaming with penoizol.
  2. For greater confidence that the film does not sag, you can fill a number of special rails.
  3. The resulting cells are uniformly filled with liquid penoizol. In the process, it is necessary to ensure that the film does not sag. If a kind of "belly" is formed, this place should be additionally strengthened with a rail, since the protruding foam insulation after drying will interfere with the installation of the inner lining.
  4. After the foam has set a little, the film and slats should be removed and, if necessary, the insulation should be trimmed.
  5. Before the final cladding, it is necessary to cover the Pinoizol layer with a plastic wrap from the warm side, which will act as a vapor barrier. On top of it, you can already sheathe it with plasterboard or other cladding material.

Photo 5: Filling the ceiling in a country house with liquid penoizol

For insulation of the ceiling in a cold attic, in addition to liquid penoizol, its crumb can also be used. In dry form, the material can be poured with your own hands and save on the involvement of specialists.

Here is a real response from a person who insulated the ceiling of his country house with liquid penoizol:

After reading many tips and tricks, I insulated the ceiling in my country house with penoizol. The construction looks like this. I attached galvanized profile guides to the ceiling beams. On the frame from the profile, using double-sided tape, I fixed the vapor barrier film. After that, the ceiling was sewn up with moisture resistant plasterboard. Further, from the side of the attic, the formed cells were filled with liquid penoizol. Since the main goal was to save on heating, the foam layer was laid quite large, about 25 cm.

Vladimir Chirkunov, Voronezh

In conclusion, watch a short video that clearly shows how to properly insulate with penoizol:

Penoizol insulation is a highly effective technology that allows you to reduce heating costs. High thermal insulation properties guarantee the comfort of living in buildings insulated in this way.

Penoizol is a cellular plastic (expanded polystyrene) type on a urea basis. The urea resin is used in a foamy state and the addition of foamed water and hardener produces an air filled polymer. Penoizol-insulation is manufactured directly at the construction site... The whole process of warming is conventionally divided into 3 stages - pouring liquid mass into the formed void (inter-wall or inter-block layer, special formwork), polymerization and polymer solidification.

The filling of liquid raw materials is provided using a filling hose of special equipment. The filling machine consists of containers for water, resin and hardener, from which the components are fed through hoses to the mixing chamber. Air is supplied there with the help of a compressor, which provides foaming of the mass. Then the foamed liquid mass flows through the sleeve directly to the area that needs to be insulated.

A quality polymer will be obtained with proper process control. For this, devices are provided for dosing air supply, dosing components and the "Start-Stop" system, which makes it possible to stop and resume the supply of mass at any time without disturbing the structure of the mixture.

There are 3 types of mobile equipment for foam insulation:

How Penoizol is used abroad

Abroad, the use of foam insulation of buildings began in the 20s of the last century. It has now become the most popular material for universal use. The share of such insulation abroad exceeds 30% of all thermal insulation measures, while buildings of various purposes are insulated with penoizol.

Penoizol installation technology has gained great popularity with the development of the construction of frame structures. In this version, house insulation with penoizol is used for all structural elements - inter-wall space, flooring, roofing. The equipment used is similar to the Potok and Turbojet systems.

For insulation, analogs of urea foamed polymer are used, but with a minimum formaldehyde content - Iporka (Japan), Isolezh (France), Animotherm (Germany), Flotophoam (England), Insulsprey (Canada), Mofotherm "(Czech Republic and Slovakia). The most widespread liquid polystyrene foam was obtained in countries such as Germany, USA, Great Britain, Switzerland, Denmark, Czech Republic.

Penoizol insulation of walls with an interlayer of 3 to 5 cm

Warming or foaming of walls with a liquid mass can be carried out both from the outside and from the inside. A sufficient condition for ensuring effective thermal insulation is considered to be the creation of an interlayer with a thickness of 3-5 cm. Wall pouring of thermal insulation of liquid foam can be carried out in several ways.

One way is to pour it into the cavity between two layers of brickwork. The technology of circular brickwork is quite common and provides for the creation of a gap between the supporting and decorative layers. The foamed mass is sent to it. There are 2 options for insulation:

  1. Work in progress. The mixture is fed from above as the wall is erected (after 12-15 layers).
  2. In the finished wall. Filling is carried out through holes that are drilled in the decorative masonry in a checkerboard pattern over the entire surface of the wall. The hole diameter is slightly larger than the nozzle on the fill arm. The number of holes and their location should ensure complete and uniform filling.

Another option is possible - pouring into the space between the wall and the rough covering. Plasterboard, chipboard, plywood are often used as the latter. Penoizol has an important advantage - it does not expand during polymerization and hardening, which makes it possible to use sheets with low mechanical strength.

After pouring, the polymer must be allowed 4.5-5 hours to harden, after which further work can be carried out - removing excess mass, leveling the wall surface, finishing decoration, etc.

Insulation of the house with penoizol outside

Taking into account the specific properties of the material, wall insulation with penoizol is most often carried out from the outside of the building. This makes it possible to protect people as much as possible from harmful formaldehyde emissions, that is, this method is safer.

Any gas-filled material must be protected from moisture penetration, which impairs thermal insulation properties. To do this, insulating houses with penoizol from the outside requires the installation of an external protective coating.

In addition to the described method of pouring the mixture into the cavity between the brickwork, the following options for external wall insulation are used:

  1. Installation of external cladding. First, using a metal profile, a crate is mounted on the wall surface. Its elements are vertically fixed with dowels. Then cladding panels - metal or plastic - are fixed on the crate. Holes with a diameter of 35-40 mm are drilled in the panels in a staggered manner at a distance of 1.6-2.2 m from each other, they are used for pouring foam.
  2. Insulation of the finished coated wall. It can be provided for almost any facade cladding - siding, lining, etc. The considered liquid polymer is used, which is poured into the space between the wall surface and the cladding through the holes.

Insulation of a frame house with penoizol

Foam insulation is widely used in construction using frame technology. The main advantage of such buildings is the ease and speed of construction, which is ensured by penoizol. During the construction process or after its completion, all elements of the house are insulated - floor and ceiling covering, roof, walls. When insulating walls, the mass is poured into the inter-wall spaces formed between the cladding panels. The material is fed to the floor through the filling sleeves into the space between the joists before the installation of the finished floor.

Filling the attic with penoizol, liquid foam

Insulation of the attic depends on its purpose. In the case of a cold, non-residential attic space, thermal insulation is applied to the ceiling. If the ceiling is wooden, a polymer film is fixed on top of the flooring over the entire surface, and when using reinforced concrete slabs, it is laid only on the joint areas. Do-it-yourself penoizol insulation is provided by feeding the liquid mass from above with a neat leveling of the surface. It is better to start leveling 12-16 minutes after pouring, when the mass becomes viscous.

If it is important for the owner that the attic is also warm, for example, for arranging additional living space in the house, then the roof is insulated with penoizol. To do this, a film is first fixed on the roof rafter lathing, and then foam is poured into the space between the roofing material (slate, corrugated board, etc.).

Consequences of insulation with penoizol

With all the advantages of the considered insulation, there are also disadvantages:

  • the possibility of shrinkage of the mass after solidification with insufficient pressure during pouring;
  • bad smell material until it hardens completely and within several days;
  • possible deterioration of properties upon penetration of moisture that requires a protective coating;
  • risk of release of formaldehyde when heated, which limits the use of the material inside residential premises, especially bedrooms, as well as baths and saunas.

Today, as never before, the question of saving the family budget becomes relevant, he and those families who are engaged in the construction of their own houses are not bypassed. Warming a house is an important step in achieving the comfort and coziness of your own corner, saving money.

In modern construction, the actual topic is the correct insulation of the house and the material used by builders for these purposes. It must be of high quality, affordable and reliably retain heat in the house under any circumstances. It is widely applicable for the insulation of houses.

Physical basis

Prepared penoizol

Penoizol is a carbamide resin, reduced to a foam state, used in construction for thermal insulation of premises and sound insulation. It is made by mixing urea resin, hardener and foamed water and then drying them.

Developed in the 30s of the XX century, Penoizol has firmly established itself in the ranking of the most popular and universal insulation materials. Its production in all countries of the world is about 30% of all types of insulation produced.

Consumer characteristics

Like any other material, penoizol has its own physical properties that distinguish it favorably from other insulation materials:

Application in construction and industry

One of the significant qualities of urea-formaldehyde foam (the chemical name of penoizol) is its availability and low price, therefore it is used not only in the insulation of premises, but also in industry (in the extraction and processing of oil) and gardening (as a soil insulation).

Traditionally, penoizol in construction is used for:

  • sound insulation of coatings;
  • thermal insulation in three-layer brick walls;
  • insulation of frame houses;
  • insulation for roofs and attics;
  • insulation for the interfloor space.

Process technology

Penoizol is used in construction for roofing and walls.

Penoizol application technology consists of three stages:

Necessary equipment

Equipment for the preparation of penoizol

When carrying out work on warming a house with penoizol, it is necessary to take into account the fact that penoizol is a material produced not in plates, but in liquid form. This, for the most part, is the main problem with insulation.

In order to carry out work on and ceilings, you will need the following equipment:

  • penoizol;
  • metal profile;
  • drill;
  • dowels.

Foaming the walls

The walls are insulated from the outside and a protective facade is installed next. For this:

Roof treatment

You can insulate the roof in the house before or after installing the roof. Features of pouring insulation depends on the type of roof. If the roof is made of slate or metal, then it is necessary to fill in the empty space under them. If there is an attic in the house, it is necessary to insulate its floor with a thick layer of penoizol.

Before pouring the insulation, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work, which consists of several stages:

  1. The surface on which the insulation will be poured is covered with a film membrane (instead of a film, you can take corrugated board or plywood). For vapor barrier it is necessary to leave an extra 15 cm, which will overlap the wall.
  2. The spread film is fixed with staples at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other.
  3. After fixing with staples on the film, to avoid sagging, special slats are stuffed.
  4. Insulation (penoizol) is applied on top of the film.
  5. Wait 15 minutes, so that the material becomes viscous, but does not have time to harden completely, level the surface. Leave for another 4 hours until the material cools completely.
  6. After that, you can carry out further work with the roof.

Foaming the floor

Insulation of the floor in the house with penoizol is a good solution, since this insulation is in a liquid form, which allows you to fill all hard-to-reach places: cracks, seams, recesses, gaps.

The process of warming floors with penoizol is no different from the process of warming it with other types of insulation.

  1. It is necessary to install the batten crate.
  2. Penoizol is poured into all sections of the lathing lathing using a filling sleeve.
  3. Wait 4 hours, that is, the time when the material is completely polymerized and hardened.
  4. Apply plastic wrap on top with a margin of 15 cm on each side (which will overlap the wall) and secure it with wooden battens.
  5. Next, carry out the remaining work - pour concrete or lay a wooden board.

Thus, the use of penoizol is a reasonable solution for those who want to get high-quality and reliable insulation at home without spending a lot of money.

The list of properties of penoizol puts it, along with other types of insulation, in the first place in terms of quality, environmental friendliness, availability and ease of use.

Keep in mind: this material has one important drawback - high vapor permeability.

That is why, when pouring penoizol, it is necessary to install waterproofing, otherwise mold and destruction of the insulation may appear if it gets very wet.

To insulate a building from the inside and outside, repairmen use liquid foam (also known as penoizol). This is a relatively recent technology that has become widespread due to the high thermal conductivity and durability of the material. How to use a liquid substance and what do you need for insulation at home?

Three varieties of liquid foam

The types of liquid foam differ from each other not in chemical composition, but in the production container in which they are produced. The scope and complexity of the application will depend on the packaging.

Professionals use industrial liquid foam. To mix it, you will need a special installation, which costs over 20,000 rubles. Such a machine allows you to simultaneously mix the composition to a homogeneous consistency and ensure its supply under pressure. It is not worth buying a specially designed unit for one-time insulation. It is better to rent it or use other modifications of the insulation.

The second industrial variant is liquid foam in cylinders. The kit includes two components: a balloon with a paste-like mass and a catalyst. When mixed, they form an insulating mixture that is distributed under pressure. The cylinders are reusable and easy to recharge.

The simplest option, which is convenient to use at home for performing medium and small jobs, is household foam insulation in cylinders. For the distribution of porous material, use the dispenser included in the kit, or a construction gun.

Advantages and disadvantages of penoizol

Liquid foam has several main advantages, due to which modern installers choose it for insulating private and industrial buildings.

Fine-mesh structure. Penoizol belongs to breathable materials. It does not create condensation on the surface of the walls, it passes moisture through the porous layer and takes it out. This property of the material avoids the formation of fungus and with any coating.

Fire safety. Liquid foam belongs to the moderately combustible class G2. In the solid state, the material does not burn, but is charred, while molten and toxic substances are not released during combustion. This unique property gives liquid foam a further point over other insulation materials.

Resistant to temperature and humidity extremes. After complete polymerization (hardening), penoizol does not change its structure, regardless of weather conditions and indoor microclimate. Due to this, the service life of the insulation is from 50 to 80 years.

Noise isolation. The middle layer of penoizol 5–7 cm thick reduces the noise level transmitted to the external environment by 3 times, and inside the building by 2 times.

Availability of material for the price. Average cost of one household cylinder with a dispenser 500 rubles. One cylinder is enough for 6-10 m 2 of fastening of insulation boards.

Lack of surface preparation. There is no need to grind and clean the walls, which significantly saves time and financial costs for the purchase of special equipment for preparatory work.

Laying a 10 cm layer of liquid foam in terms of thermal insulation properties corresponds to 0.2 m of mineral wool; 0.3 m of regular foam; 0.35 m wood4 0.9 m brick and 2 m concrete.

However, this material also has a reverse side of the coin, which must be taken into account:

  • reduced mechanical strength;
  • deterioration of the quality of the material upon ingress of moisture;
  • the release of a small amount of formaldehyde, the preservation of an unpleasant odor for several weeks;
  • shrinkage of the insulating layer by 1% after hardening in the frame walls.

Pouring industrial foam in cylinders

Liquid thermal insulation foam consists of urea resin, a catalyst-hardener, a foaming agent and water. Additionally, modifiers and additives are introduced that improve the plasticity and other characteristics of the material. The process of mixing and transformation into a homogeneous mass takes place under the action of compressed air in a special apparatus for foamed insulation. The purchase of this installation for home use is advisable only when carrying out large-scale or regular work. Alternatively, the device can be rented.

Usually, craftsmen purchase reusable liquid foam cylinders. The content is thoroughly mixed in order to get rid of air gaps and allow the active composition to be distributed as much as possible over the surface in a dense layer. An important point when using liquid foam in cylinders is the temperature of the working mixture. Optimum for application is considered to be 20 ° C; at lower temperatures, it must be heated in warm water. Attention, the heating temperature should not exceed 50 ° C, and in the summer season the cylinder is cooled to the minimum mark, regulated by the manufacturer.

There are three fill options:

  1. 1. If the free space between the walls is up to 5 cm, the insulation is poured into the drilled holes with a diameter of 32 mm. Wall punching is carried out in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 1 m from each other. A hose is inserted into the hole (d = 30 mm). The foam composition is supplied under pressure, filling the cavities until it begins to seep through the adjacent opening.
  2. 2. Filling the walls with insulation in new buildings is done by filling the cavity with penoizol in several layers.
  3. 3. For frame houses, as well as the cavity between the wall and the plasterboard partition, the insulation is distributed from the bottom up.

After the end of the work, the liquid foam does not leave voids, completely fills depressions and small cracks. The initial degree of hardening of the insulation occurs in 20 minutes. For example, after 3-4 hours it becomes stronger, finally polymerizes after 2-5 days, and after a month it completely gains and stabilizes its solid form.

Household composition with a dispenser - heat insulator and glue in one bottle

The most popular among amateur craftsmen is liquid foam with a dispenser, which is easily applied with your own hands according to the principle of polyurethane foam. The first thing to start with is surface preparation. Complex manipulations are not required, however, it is worthwhile to perform several procedures for better adhesion of the material to the surface. We remove dust and dirt, a hose with a good water pressure will suffice. Degreasing the surface also does not hurt. After removing the dust, the walls do not need to be dried, they must remain damp. In this case, tight contact of the liquid foam with the base will be ensured, the material hardens faster.

Amateur craftsmen buy dispenser bottles more often.

The next important point is the preparation of the balloon. It must be shaken several times and heated to the desired temperature specified by the manufacturer. So you will achieve a complete combination of active substances, a homogeneous and dense distribution of the composition over the surface.

The further process of work is not much different from the technology of applying polyurethane foam. The composition is distributed through the dispenser included in the kit, or using a construction gun. When voids appear, the cylinder should be shaken periodically to get rid of air spaces. Excess liquid foam after polymerization is easily cut off with a sharp knife, as is the case with polyurethane foam.

Penoizol is used not only for thermal insulation, but also as an adhesive for tile insulation (but not for mineral wool). The sequence of work in this case is as follows. We check the plates for rust and defects, if any errors are detected, we eliminate them, clean the surface of dust. The contact points of the liquid foam with the base are thoroughly moistened with water, for convenience we use a sprinkler. There are two ways to apply the adhesive. The first option is the distribution of the foamy mass over the entire surface. The second is along the perimeter of the slab and diagonally. In practice, both options are used, however, in the second case, the adhesion will be lower, but the material consumption is more economical.

At the end, without waiting for drying, the plate is firmly pressed against the wall to be insulated. During further installation, the composition is applied not only to the base, but also to the tile joints to ensure maximum fixation. The optimal time to work with penoizol is considered to be the period from May to November.