Explosion at Ariana Grande's concert in Manchester. The terrorist attack at the concert of Ariana Grande

Last minute news from Manchester - an entire university town was evacuated there, where hundreds of students were taking exams. A suspicious package was found near the library. The alarm has just been cleared. But, according to some reports, people are being taken out of a crowded metro station nearby.

The situation in Manchester is heated to the limit - after a terrorist detonated a bomb at a concert the day before. 22 people died from his hands. One girl was eight years old. There are dozens of victims, mostly children and adolescents. The police named the perpetrator about two hours ago. He is said to have been known to the authorities.

Now the questions are: how did he manage to smuggle the bomb to the entrance to one of the largest indoor arenas in Europe? Did he have accomplices? And of course, what happens in Manchester by the end of the day?

Manchester. Half past ten in the evening. Spectators leave the indoor stadium after a concert by American pop diva Ariana Grande. And at this moment, the concrete structures tremble from the explosion.

The infernal machine was set in motion at the moment when the first spectators reached for the exit. Looks like a suicide bomber was waiting in the lobby and was spotted. Seconds before the explosion, the guards standing at the door began to shout for people to run to their places, but many did not have time. A homemade bomb exploded inside the building, next to the ticket booths.

“I was in the arena, heard a pop and ran to save my life. They tried to calm us down, they said that the balloon had burst. But it was not a ball, ”says the girl.

The video was filmed on a mobile phone inside the arena: you can see how the spectators rush in panic between the rows of chairs and in the aisles next to the stands, clearly not understanding where to run and where to hide.

The tragedy happened a few minutes after Ariana Grande and her musicians played the last song. A little later, on her page on the social network, the singer wrote: “I am sincerely very, very sorry. I have no words".

ISIS, a group banned in Russia, claimed responsibility for the attack. But at first not much was said about who blew himself up with the audience. The first data of the police: he supposedly fell under the influence of radicals a long time ago. A little later, the British Prime Minister still hinted: much more is known about him.

“Our law enforcement agencies believe that they know the identity of the terrorist attacker. Now the secret services are investigating whether a wider group of people was involved in preparing the attack, ”said British Prime Minister Theresa May.

Later, the police clarified: the name of the terrorist was Salman Abedi. He was 22 years old and the authorities, apparently, knew that this man was dangerous. Police raids have already taken place in two suburbs of Manchester. At some point, the special operation moved to the city center.

And in the afternoon, the police unexpectedly began the evacuation of one of the largest shopping centers in Manchester - Arendale. The buyers and sellers were kept on the street for several hours without explanation. A little later, information appeared that the guards had detained a suspicious young man near the entrance to the building, who, during the arrest, began to resist the guards.

A little later, the authorities announced the second arrest. The detainees are being interrogated. Meanwhile, Theresa May interrupted the election campaign and flew to Manchester. Here she visited the wounded. There are about 60 of them. The victims of the terrorist attack were 22 people, including an eight-year-old girl. Why did the suicide bomber target a concert in Manchester, which was attended mostly by young audiences?

"The only reason they hit the kids is to create more panic," says former CIA analyst Bob Ayers. - It's like the seizure of a school in Beslan, when children become the target. It's even worse than awful. "

Schoolchildren, students, young, laughing faces. They haven't returned home yet. Their sisters, brothers and parents turn to social networks: maybe someone accidentally saw their loved ones? But the search goes not only in the virtual world.

Because of the terrorist attack, the police cordoned off several central districts of Manchester at once. Cut off from the outside world were hundreds of spectators who managed to escape from the "Arena". Among them are small children and adolescents. They spent the night at the hotel. Here the children were waiting for their dads and mothers.

Chris and Joan Elinson have just taken their daughter, Abigel, and her friend. The girls were presented with tickets to a concert for their eighteenth birthday.

“Abigel immediately called, the bomb went off next to them. She was terribly frightened, her voice trembled. We are so happy that everything worked out! " says Chris Elinson.

“If we had left a little earlier, then everything could have turned out not so well! We are very lucky, ”adds Abigel Elinson.

Investigators are still working in the Manchester Arena area. In parallel, the sappers with the help of a controlled explosion destroyed two suspicious objects - one near the concert hall, the other on the outskirts of Manchester. And about half an hour ago, people began to gather in Albert Square, in the center of the city. Rallies in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack on the evening of May 23 will be held throughout Britain.

Last minute news from Manchester - an entire university town was evacuated there, where hundreds of students were taking exams. A suspicious package was found near the library. The alarm has just been cleared. But, according to some reports, people are being taken out of a crowded metro station nearby.

The situation in Manchester is heated to the limit - after a terrorist detonated a bomb at a concert the day before. 22 people died from his hands. One girl was eight years old. There are dozens of victims, mostly children and adolescents. The police named the perpetrator about two hours ago. He is said to have been known to the authorities.

Now the questions are: how did he manage to smuggle the bomb to the entrance to one of the largest indoor arenas in Europe? Did he have accomplices? And of course, what happens in Manchester by the end of the day?

Manchester. Half past ten in the evening. Spectators leave the indoor stadium after a concert by American pop diva Ariana Grande. And at this moment, the concrete structures tremble from the explosion.

The infernal machine was set in motion at the moment when the first spectators reached for the exit. Looks like a suicide bomber was waiting in the lobby and was spotted. Seconds before the explosion, the guards standing at the door began to shout for people to run to their places, but many did not have time. A homemade bomb exploded inside the building, next to the ticket booths.

“I was in the arena, heard a pop and ran to save my life. They tried to calm us down, they said that the balloon had burst. But it was not a ball, ”says the girl.

The video was filmed on a mobile phone inside the arena: you can see how the spectators rush in panic between the rows of chairs and in the aisles next to the stands, clearly not understanding where to run and where to hide.

The tragedy happened a few minutes after Ariana Grande and her musicians played the last song. A little later, on her page on the social network, the singer wrote: “I am sincerely very, very sorry. I have no words".

ISIS, a group banned in Russia, claimed responsibility for the attack. But at first not much was said about who blew himself up with the audience. The first data of the police: he supposedly fell under the influence of radicals a long time ago. A little later, the British Prime Minister still hinted: much more is known about him.

“Our law enforcement agencies believe that they know the identity of the terrorist attacker. Now the secret services are investigating whether a wider group of people was involved in preparing the attack, ”said British Prime Minister Theresa May.

Later, the police clarified: the name of the terrorist was Salman Abedi. He was 22 years old and the authorities, apparently, knew that this man was dangerous. Police raids have already taken place in two suburbs of Manchester. At some point, the special operation moved to the city center.

And in the afternoon, the police unexpectedly began the evacuation of one of the largest shopping centers in Manchester - Arendale. The buyers and sellers were kept on the street for several hours without explanation. A little later, information appeared that the guards had detained a suspicious young man near the entrance to the building, who, during the arrest, began to resist the guards.

A little later, the authorities announced the second arrest. The detainees are being interrogated. Meanwhile, Theresa May interrupted the election campaign and flew to Manchester. Here she visited the wounded. There are about 60 of them. The victims of the terrorist attack were 22 people, including an eight-year-old girl. Why did the suicide bomber target a concert in Manchester, which was attended mostly by young audiences?

"The only reason they hit the kids is to create more panic," says former CIA analyst Bob Ayers. - It's like the seizure of a school in Beslan, when children become the target. It's even worse than awful. "

Schoolchildren, students, young, laughing faces. They haven't returned home yet. Their sisters, brothers and parents turn to social networks: maybe someone accidentally saw their loved ones? But the search goes not only in the virtual world.

Because of the terrorist attack, the police cordoned off several central districts of Manchester at once. Cut off from the outside world were hundreds of spectators who managed to escape from the "Arena". Among them are small children and adolescents. They spent the night at the hotel. Here the children were waiting for their dads and mothers.

Chris and Joan Elinson have just taken their daughter, Abigel, and her friend. The girls were presented with tickets to a concert for their eighteenth birthday.

“Abigel immediately called, the bomb went off next to them. She was terribly frightened, her voice trembled. We are so happy that everything worked out! " says Chris Elinson.

“If we had left a little earlier, then everything could have turned out not so well! We are very lucky, ”adds Abigel Elinson.

Investigators are still working in the Manchester Arena area. In parallel, the sappers with the help of a controlled explosion destroyed two suspicious objects - one near the concert hall, the other on the outskirts of Manchester. And about half an hour ago, people began to gather in Albert Square, in the center of the city. Rallies in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack on the evening of May 23 will be held throughout Britain.

At the concert of singer Ariana Grande, held at the largest sports arena in Great Britain, an explosion sounded. Eyewitnesses reported at least two claps among spectators. The Manchester Police recorded the time of the incident. The explosion was reported at 22:35 local time (00:35 Kiev time).

As a result of the explosion in Manchester, 19 people died, 59 were hospitalized, and many received assistance on the spot. "The ambulance hospitalized 59 victims of the incident at the Manchester Arena in different hospitals and treated a number of people with minor injuries on the spot," the police said in a statement.

What happened at Ariana Grande's concert in Manchester?

A video of the explosion in the "Manchester Arena" has appeared on the web. The footage shows that the audience is already leaving the hall after the concert, but at this moment a loud bang is heard.

At first, many eyewitnesses do not understand what happened, but when they hear loud cries of those who are closer to the place of emergency, they begin to leave the arena in panic.

The explosion that occurred at the Manchester Arena during the concert of singer Ariana Grande could have been the result of a suicide bomber.

Sharing from UBC News (@ubcnews) May 22 2017 at 5:33 am PDT

The explosion itself did not occur in the hall. The police said the explosion took place in the stadium's foyer.

Ariana Grande's reaction to the terrorist attack in Manchester

The 23-year-old pop star is in shock and depressed mood. She already managed to comment on the terrible incident at her concert and posted a short tweet on her microblog:

"I am broken. Speaking from the depths of my heart, I am very, very sorry. I have no words."

Official reaction to the bombing in Manchester at the concert of Ariana Grande

British Prime Minister Theresa May made a statement in connection with the explosion at the Manchester Arena.

“We are working to obtain detailed information on what the police consider to be a horrific terrorist act. All our thoughts are now with the victims of the incident and the families of those who were affected,” the statement said.

Manchester bomb blast by suicide bomber, The Guardian

In the evening, May 22, at about 22:35 at a concert of American pop singer Ariana Grande in Manchester, powerful explosions thundered. To the place.

"Strana" chronicles the events of the terrible tragedy.

"All excursions, events and gala banquets will be canceled immediately. This order will remain in effect until the recommendation is changed," the press service of the British Parliament said.

Prior to this, British Prime Minister Theresa May said that the terrorist threat in the country had been raised to a critical level, which means an imminent threat of terrorist attacks.

12:00 As a result of the terrorist attack in Manchester, in addition to the 22 dead, another 64 people were injured. Of these, they are in critical condition, according to Manchester Health Service representatives John Rouse.

Thus, the death toll from the explosion at the "Arena Manchester" may increase.

Previously, 59 injured were reported.

Also, according to the latest data, 12 children under the age of 16 were injured. Among the dead are two Poles. Some are still missing.

There were many children and teenagers in the arena, which seats 21 thousand people.

Interfax writes about this, referring to the British mass media.

According to some reports, law enforcement agencies made a controlled explosion.
Local residents report that the area around one of the houses is cordoned off, there are many armed policemen on the street.

On the evening of May 22, at about 10:35 pm, powerful explosions thundered at a concert of American pop singer Ariana Grande in Manchester. 22 people were killed, 59 wounded were admitted to hospitals, the injured with minor injuries were treated on the spot. The Manchester bombing is the largest attack on the UK since 2005, when three London Underground trains were blown up by suicide bombers.

17:13 - The name of the suicide bomber who committed the terrorist attack in Manchester was named in Britain

Photo: twitter.com/gmpolice

13:58 An explosion sounded outside the Arndale shopping center in Manchester. Witness. The shopping center is being evacuated. The police said they were investigating the incident at the mall.

However, a little later, users reported that the mall was being opened for visitors.

13:37 British Prime Minister Theresa May during an emergency briefing said that the police have information about the suspect in the terrorist attack in Manchester.

"Police and security officials believe that," May said. However, she did not give the name of the suspect.

13:35 Police released the names of the missing after the explosion. These are six teenagers - Chloe Rutherford, Liam Curry, Olivia Campbell, Laura McIntyre, Eilid MacLeod, Courtney Boyle. Also among the missing are Courtney Boyle's stepfather, Philip Tron, as well as eight-year-old Sophie Rosa Roussos.

13:28 Donald Trump expressed his condolences in connection with the terrorist attack at the Manchester stadium. The suicide bomber who blew himself up in a crowd of people, Trump called a damn loser in life.

Photo: twitter.com/AP_Politics

13:25 British Prime Minister Theresa May said she was leaving for Manchester to meet with the chief of police, the mayor and emergency services.

13:22 The British newspaper Evening Standard named one of the victims. This is 18-year-old Georgina Kallander, who died in hospital from her wounds.

Kallandar was a longtime fan of pop singer Ariana Grande, and in 2015 she even took pictures with her.

13:18 German Chancellor Angela Merkel declared a minute of silence during her speech at the eighth Petersberg Climate Dialogue, which is taking place in Berlin.

"In connection with these tragic events, let us honor the memory of the victims with a minute of silence," said Merkel, addressing the audience.

Before a minute of silence, the Chancellor read the text of her previously published statement, in which she expressed condolences to the victims and the families of the victims, and expressed confidence that Berlin's determination to fight against terrorism has only grown as a result of the events in Manchester.

Photo: twitter.com/RegSprecher

13:04 In Paris, today, at midnight, in memory of those killed in the explosion at the stadium during a concert in Manchester. The Mayor of Paris, Anna Hidalgo, wrote about this on her Twitter.

She also expressed condolences to the relatives of those killed and injured in the explosion.

“My thoughts are with the victims, their families and those who work in the field,” Hidalgo wrote.

Photo: Twitter / Anne Hidalgo

13:01 Recall that among the victims of the explosion at a stadium in Manchester were children. The police are still unable to locate the five teenagers. They are considered missing. Yesterday's terrorist attack was the largest in Britain after the tragedy in the London Underground in 2005, which killed 50 people.

12:55 There are so many people willing to donate their blood for the victims of the terrorist attack in Manchester that the National Blood Transfusion Service reiterated that it was provided with everything necessary.

"We are not accepting applications for donating blood because of the acute reaction after yesterday's events. We have all the necessary blood supplies at the present time," the organization said on Twitter.

Photo: twitter.com/GiveBloodNHS

12:51 President Poroshenko expressed his condolences to the families of those killed in the terrorist attack in Manchester. The head of state wrote about this on his Twitter.

"Shocked by the news of the terrorist attack in Manchester. I strongly condemn any acts of terrorism. My sincere condolences to the families and loved ones of the victims," ​​Poroshenko wrote.

12:29 Manchester police unveil hotline 0800 096 0095 by which you can learn about the fate of your family and friends.

Photo: twitter.com/gmpolice

12:25 European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, said the terrorist attack in Manchester would not scare Europe.

“Fear has not prevailed. European youth will continue to enjoy their love of life, freedom and joy. Together,” Mogherini said.

Photo: twitter.com/FedericaMog

"There was a powerful clap, like a bomb explosion, this caused a general panic, and we tried to escape from the arena. There was only one clap, and everyone who was on the side of the arena from which the explosion was heard suddenly ran in our direction." said 22-year-old Majid Khan.

"The explosion echoed in the foyer of the arena and people started running," said 17-year-old Oliver Jones.

“There was a loud explosion at the end of the performance. Suddenly the lights were turned on, so we realized that this was not part of the show. At first we thought it was a bomb. There was a lot of smoke. People started running out into the street. When we got out, we saw dozens of police vans and several ambulances, "20-year-old Erin McDougle described the incident.

A group of young people reported that they saw at least five people stained with blood.

"Everyone started screaming, we were almost trampled. It smelled like burning," said 25-year-old Sophie Tedd.

10:24 The police have taken the center of Manchester under increased control.

At the latest, 59 people were injured, photo: The Guardian

The roads to the stadium were closed at night, photo: The Guardian

10:19 At the Ukrainian Embassy in the UK as of 07:20, May 23, as a result of the terrorist attack in Manchester. This was reported on the embassy's Twitter.

"As of 07:20, information about the presence of Ukrainians injured in the terrorist attack in Manchester has not been confirmed. The police are continuing to investigate the terrorist attack," the embassy said in a statement.

10:07 The largest political parties in Great Britain on June 8 due to the terrorist attack in Manchester, which killed 22 people.

Conservatives, Labor and other major parties have suspended their companies, and the Scottish National Party has postponed the promulgation of its manifesto.

British Prime Minister Theresa May was the first to announce the suspension of the campaign, issuing a statement in connection with the bombing in downtown Manchester, which she called "a horrific terrorist attack."

The Conservative Party has confirmed in a separate statement that it is suspending its campaign.

Labor's largest opposition party also canceled campaign events. This was announced by the leader of the party, Jeremy Corbin.

“I spoke with the prime minister and we came to the conclusion that all campaigns leading up to the general elections will be suspended until further notice,” he said.

The Scottish Nationalist Party, the largest in Scotland, has canceled Tuesday's release of its election manifesto due to an explosion.

The leader of the British Liberal Democrats Tim Farron canceled his pre-election visit to Gibraltar.

09:55 An explosion at a stadium in Manchester, as a result of which, according to the latest data, 22 people were killed, which managed to smuggle an explosive device into the Manchester Arena.

Greater Manchester Police Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said the terrorist died on the spot.

According to the police, the person who detonated the explosive device acted alone, but law enforcement agencies do not exclude that the attacker could belong to one of the terrorist groups.

09:49 British football club to all victims of yesterday's terrorist attack at the Manchester Arena. The statement is posted on the club's official website.

“The terrible events at the Manchester Arena resonate with great sadness. Now we are with all our hearts with the victims and the city's rescue services,” the message says.

09:43 American pop singer Ariana Grande said she felt "broken" after the explosion at her concert in Manchchester (UK). She wrote about this on Twitter.

“We are working to establish complete information about what the police consider to be a horrific terrorist act,” May said.

However, the authorities have not yet officially qualified the incident as a terrorist attack.

Manchester Police Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said local police are working with counterterrorism and intelligence officials to investigate the blast.

The government will hold an emergency security meeting in London this morning.

09:25 The US Department of Homeland Security has offered to help the UK.

"The Department of Homeland Security is closely monitoring the situation in Manchester in the UK. We are working with our foreign counterparts to obtain additional information on the cause of the explosions, as well as the casualties and deaths," the statement said.

At the same time, it is added that the US Department of Internal Affairs is ready to help "friends and allies in the UK in any way necessary" to investigate the incident.

The department also stressed that at the moment there are no threats to concert venues in the United States. "We do not have information indicating a specific, real threat to concert venues in the US. However, there may be an increase in security measures in public places and at events as officials take additional precautions," it said.

Local authorities report that the streets adjacent to the stadium are blocked. Manchester Victoria train station is closed.

The representative of the singer Ariana Grande after what happened at the "Manchester Arena" said that everything is in order with the performer.

ISIS terrorist organization claims responsibility for explosion

At about 0.35 Moscow time, an explosion occurred in the British city of Manchester. At the moment, it is known about 22 victims of the tragedy (among them there are children), another 59 people were injured. It all happened at the Manchester Arena, where the concert of the American singer Ariana Grande took place. According to local publications, an explosion occurred in the arena's foyer after the concert, which was attended by about 20 thousand people, many of whom are minors. The police called the incident a terrorist attack, saying that the bomb was detonated by a suicide bomber.

The explosion took place in the foyer

Information that a cotton occurred at the Manchester Arena stadium was received by emergency services at about 22.35 local time (0.35 Moscow time). At that time, there were about 20 thousand people on the territory of the arena - they came to the concert of the American singer Ariana Grande. The incident took place after the end of the three-hour show. According to one version, an explosion occurred in the foyer of the Manchester Arena. According to the other, there were several explosions, according to the British press. Local publications also reported panic that engulfed the crowd. It is noted that people left the stadium through 4 exits.

On the territory of the arena there were about 20 thousand people - they came to the concert of the American singer Ariana Grande. Photo - video screenshot


According to The Guardian, 22 people were killed in the explosions, and another 59 were injured. Currently, the victims are being treated in eight medical institutions. There are children among the dead.

According to media reports, there were many minors at the Ariana Grande concert. After the explosion, the hashtag #MissingManchester appeared on social networks. With its help, users spread posts about missing children, with whom their relatives cannot contact. “Broken. Very, very sorry, from the bottom of my heart. I have no words, ”Ariana Grande wrote in the morning after the incident.

Who is Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande is an American singer, actress, and singer who became famous in high school. She starred in the Nickelodeon children's sitcom Victorious (which made her her first fame), which made a big profit for the studio and lasted four seasons. As for her musical career, the release of the first album took place in 2013, Ariana was 20 years old. Songs "The Way", "Baby I" and others entered the first lines of the charts, Ariana received the American Music Awards in the category "Artist of the Year". Yesterday in Manchester, the singer was on her tour, and the blow fell on her main audience - on the youth.

The terrorist attack was committed by a suicide bomber

Law enforcers immediately called the incident a terrorist attack. This also confirms the nature of the injuries in the victims. Those in the foyer of the Manchester Arena were wounded by shrapnel. According to ABC News, the bomb was stuffed with nails. Greater Manchester County Police say the perpetrator acted alone and died at the scene after an improvised explosive device detonated. Now law enforcement officers are trying to establish whether the terrorist was part of any group. British Prime Minister Theresa May immediately after the incident said that law enforcement officers are working to establish all the details of the incident, calling the incident a "horrific terrorist act."

Those in the foyer of the Manchester Arena were wounded by shrapnel. According to ABC News, the bomb was stuffed with nails. Photo icelebtv.com

Enhanced security at the Europa League final and evacuation of the London bus station

Tomorrow, Wednesday, in Stockholm, English Manchester United and Dutch Ajax will meet in the final. The meeting will start at 21.45 Moscow time. After the terrorist attacks in England, UEFA announced that the final match of the Europa League will be held with increased security measures.

“There is currently no information to suggest that any event related to the Europa League final could be a target for an attack. UEFA has been working closely with local authorities and the Swedish Football Association for many months and the risk of a terrorist attack has been taken into account from the outset. In addition, a number of additional security measures were adopted in the aftermath of the Stockholm terrorist attack in April. UEFA encourages fans to arrive at the stadium as early as possible, as due to heightened security measures, detailed inspections will be carried out at the entrance, leading to potential delays in access to the stadium, ”UEFA said in a statement.

Also in the morning, the police closed the largest bus station "Victoria" in London and the surrounding streets due to the discovery of a suspicious object. The passengers were evacuated. In the end, everything worked out.

After the terrorist attacks in England, UEFA announced that the final match of the Europa League will be held with increased security measures. Photo epa.eu

Terrorist attack against the background of elections

In the UK, elections are due on June 8. In connection with the tragedy in Manchester, the Labor, Conservative, Liberal Democratic and Center-Left political parties have suspended their election campaigns, according to The Guardian.

Note that the early parliamentary elections were initiated by Theresa May. She was supported by the overwhelming majority of members of the House of Commons. The British prime minister and the leader of the Conservatives explained the need for early voting by the country's secession from the EU: opposition parties, according to the prime minister, oppose this process. After the vote, Theresa May plans to gain control of the majority in parliament. This could allow conservatives to facilitate the negotiation process with the European Union.

"It was a barbaric attack, deliberately aimed at the most vulnerable in our society - teenagers and children at a pop concert," - quoted by the press, British Home Secretary Amber Rudd.

Condolences from all over the world

Vladimir Putin's English-language Twitter account posted a tweet of condolences to the British prime minister in connection with the terrorist attack.