Salary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. What is the salary of an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

EMERCOM employees are people of a noble profession. It is unlikely that they go into this field of activity for big money or dizzying career growth. Still, saving lives is a job that often involves risking one's own life to complete a task. Given this circumstance, every future and present employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations has a fair desire to more or less adequately ensure these risks. To understand what is the salary of the Ministry of Emergencies, you need to know how payments are formed here.

Key components of income generation in the structure:

  1. Fixed salary.
  2. Salary by rank.
  3. Additional allowances.

Salaries: fixed and by rank - the values ​​are extremely understandable, they are transparent and do not depend on external factors. Minor discrepancies in the amount of salary are allowed depending on the region of residence and work of the EMERCOM employee. Graduation by rank is similar to that in a professional army - a sergeant will earn less than a lieutenant, and a lieutenant less than a major, all other things being equal. It is worth considering in more detail the technology of distributing allowances, it is they that form the total amount of earnings of an employee of the Ministry of Emergencies and determine the difference between the incomes of employees.

Basic salary increments arise on certain grounds. The main ones include:

  • unusual working conditions;
  • interaction with information that falls into the category of "state secrets";
  • success in work;
  • awards and incentives;
  • loyalty awards - for seniority and service;
  • working conditions from the category of harmful and hazardous to health;
  • regional coefficients.

From this list, it is especially necessary to note the working conditions from the category of harmful and hazardous to health.

The bonus in this case is equal to the employee's standard working salary, at least doubling the monthly income.

If we consider the salary in the Ministry of Emergency Situations as a whole for the entire department, it is necessary to distinguish between direct employees and employees of the organization. All employees are professional rescuers with ranks and titles, from this group people are elected to the management of the service.

Workers are salaried citizens with no extensive list of privileges. The difference between the remuneration of mercenaries and the composition of the department is significant, both in salary and in allowances. The salaries of EMERCOM employees are higher. Moreover, the salary of an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations almost does not provide for allowances.

Salary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2016

Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations work directly for the state and fall into the category of employees in budgetary spheres. As you know, several years ago the government signed a decree on the systematic increase in salaries of employees of various ministries in stages. This program, which also increases salaries in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Armed Forces, should be completed in 2018. The ultimate goal of the program is to double the salary level.

Not so long ago, a representative of the Ministry of Finance of Russia spoke about the results of the program. According to him, as of 2016, the junior team already earns 2.5 times more compared to the period when the program was launched. Senior representatives, however, can count on a 1.5-fold increase in salaries in the near future.

At the moment, the average salary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow for employees of the Ministry in 2016 is 50 thousand rubles. Comparable income in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the Nizhny Novgorod Region is slightly lower. These data are published on the official website of the Ministry of Emergencies. Independent statistics contradict the official information, the average salary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on them is 25-30 thousand rubles.

Raising salaries in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

The salary increase for EMERCOM employees was actively discussed back in 2015. So, on March 27, 2015, an official meeting of the heads of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was held, the main topic of which was the increase in the salaries of representatives of the fire service in the near future. The senior management also identified the unsatisfactory level of salaries as the most important problem of the department in the whole country. It was proposed to solve the problem at the expense of a widespread increase in allowances by a quarter, and employees of the search and rescue teams should begin to receive a 15 percent increase in salary. Thus, the question of whether the Ministry of Emergency Situations' salaries will be increased was no longer a separate issue.

The first stage of salary increases took place in 2015, and the second was completed in 2016. The program is planned to be fully implemented in 2018. If in 2015 the average level reached 35 thousand according to official data, then in 2016 it was 50 thousand. A significant increase in the level was achieved thanks to the new system of monetary allowances. Now the salary of firefighters in the Ministry of Emergencies, and the salary of the rescuer of the Ministry of Emergencies, as well as the salary of the FPS of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, will be calculated with increased rates according to the conditions of the complexity of the work and its risk to life.

Salary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations 2017

There is not much information about the indexation of salaries in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017, the latest news on the salary of the Ministry of Emergencies is mostly contradictory. On the other hand, the aforementioned program of planned salary increases until 2018 has not been canceled by the government. The income of each employee participating in the program should double. There is also no news from the State Duma yet - an increase in the salary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017 has not yet been discussed. But, according to unconfirmed information from various sources, in the government's plans, the salary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017 will increase due to an increase in incentive and compensation allowances for emergency workers by 25 percent.

There is no need to say once again how important such a service as the Ministry of Emergency Situations is for any state, this is clear to everyone. Even the smallest understand that there must be those who are fighting fire and floods, fires and floods, man-made or natural disasters and other cataclysms that are increasingly occurring in the modern world.

There are emergency response services in any country in the world, perhaps under a different name than the Russian Emergencies Ministry, but this does not change the essence of the issue. No one questions the need for such a service, it is important and performs one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, it is fighting many challenges, both natural problems and artificially created people, that is, you and me, intentionally or unintentionally.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations is one of the largest in Russia, and is represented by its services in almost every settlement, except for small villages. The EMERCOM system of the Russian Federation includes fire departments, natural disaster management, private security and other services.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations, as befits a state structure, is supported by the state, that is, all security, including monetary allowance, is at its expense. The Ministry of Emergency Situations receives wages from the state, like all civil servants (state employees), as well as all of them, count on an increase in their salaries and timely indexation.

Salary Ministry of Emergency Situations will raise on 3,7-4,0 % in 2018 !?

We will have to disappoint the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, there will be no salary increase in 2018, only salary indexation will be made by the amount of official inflation, and this is within the range of 3.7-4.0 percent. It is this information that is available today, and this applies to all, without exception, those who receive their wages from the state, and these are teachers, doctors, educators, cultural workers, military, police ..., salaries will be indexed by the figure that indicated above.

Hanging, indexation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of salaries, salaries of 2018

You and without us understand why such a situation with wages in Russia, why it has not been raised by the state for more than a year, and it is not indexed to the level of increase in the cost of living that we actually observe, but to some small percentage of official inflation , which is far from reality, the rise in prices for consumer goods and services that we see, we pay for them.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the Emergencies Ministry for Russia, it is a very important service, whose employees, at the risk of their lives, carry out their official duties. Therefore, the level of wages they have is quite high in comparison with the national average, and they also have a number of benefits, but this does not justify the fact that their real income in terms of wages decreases annually.

Both the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the large army of those who work for the state, as well as those who receive social benefits from it, and these are pensioners, disabled people and others, do not see any compensation in the rise in the cost of living, and they are unlikely to see it given the current economic situation in Russia, even in the coming and maybe distant years.

It is worth noting the following - the EMERCOM of Russia employs, if not the best of the best, then practically some of them. These are "selected" guys and girls, men and women of the younger generation, who are always ready to risk their lives for the sake of saving someone else's, to come to the rescue, they are ready to link their professional activities precisely to the fight against cataclysms, natural disasters, and so on.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations employs literate people who have passed the selection and managed to prove that they deserve high confidence in serving their profession. Therefore, they are doubly offended that their work in recent years has not been as appreciated by the state as they would like. After all, every day we see one after another some kind of man-made, artificially created or natural accidents, which are eliminated by the employees of the Ministry of Emergencies.

Of course, I would like the state to pay attention to these civil servants, as well as to the others, because with such salaries that they receive today "you will not go far", especially when compared with the level of salaries of the same professions in far from the richest European countries where they are at least two to two and a half times higher.

We believe that Russia is a very rich country, which can afford to pay decent wages to those who work for it and serve its interests, and these are primarily state employees, which include employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Perhaps our wealth is "squandered" for other purposes, but this is the second question, and the first is the worthy maintenance of those whom you hired to work, this is what the Russian leadership should remember, which, first of all, should be ashamed in front of its own people, for such the level of remuneration of civil servants.

What to expect for the Ministry of Emergencies in salaries and its employees in 2018?

Without a doubt, the Russian authorities understand without us that state employees, like pensioners, need to raise wages and pensions, but we are unlikely to wait for something in 2018, because we should not forget about the presidential elections and the World Cup, which " will pull "colossal funds from the federal budget.

Perhaps there will be some profit from the World Cup in the future, but from the costs of the presidential elections, this is an investment in nowhere. Among other things, we need to remember that Russia is under international sanctions because of Crimea, Donbass, Syria and our interference in the election of the American president, as well as low energy prices, which have been at a fairly low level for three years now.

We must not forget that the Russian budget was filled more than half earlier by the sale of raw materials, hydrocarbons, first of all, and this is oil and gas, which for three years now have been sold at a rather low price, which does not suit Russia at all.

In addition to all our problems, one can add one more - on the hydrocarbon market after international sanctions were lifted from Iran, and the United States is increasing production and, accordingly, the sale of shale oil and gas. Therefore, recently, two very powerful competitors of Russia have appeared on the world hydrocarbon market at once, which does not promise our country an "easy life" in the near, as well as in the distant future.

Latest, fresh news salaries of the Ministry of Emergency Situations 2018, indexation

We are in a hurry to tell you the latest news of indexation, salary increases for employees of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia in 2018, as it became known, salaries of employees of this department are indexed by 3.7 percent and no more, as well as all the rest of those who receive salaries from the state.

We do not yet know how much such information can be believed, but there is no doubt that it is close to reality, and even if this figure turns out to be not entirely correct, it is close enough to the one that will turn out to be final, so you can focus on the percentage of indexing, which we indicated above.

In conclusion, I would like to wish all employees of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations the following - do not despair and do not be upset, because you and I have experienced the worst times. Therefore, everything will be as usual in Russia, because we live with you like on a swing, today we are below, and tomorrow we will definitely be at the top, that's all - all the best to you and your family, love them, but don't forget yourself. !

Average salaries of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2018

It cannot be said that the average salary of EMERCOM employees is small, it is an order of magnitude higher than that of many other civil servants, especially teachers, educators, junior medical personnel and ranges from 40,000 to 45,000 rubles, depending on the region of the Russian Federation and working conditions.

Also, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are paid about twenty percent for their mastering of related professions that are necessary in their work. But we believe they get all this deservedly, because few people in our country are, by the nature of their activities, in a zone of constant risk, work in places with increased danger to life.

What is included in the salary of an employee of the Ministry of Emergencies

The salary of employees of the structure consists of the following components:

  1. Official salary.
  2. Additional payment for the title.
  3. All kinds of allowances.

The size of the official salary is determined by several factors, for example, the region where the specialist of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations serves.

The attachment of wages to rank

With regard to the attachment of salary to rank, everything is clear: as in any service, in this structure, earnings for an employee with the rank of junior sergeant will be lower than for a lieutenant. EMERCOM employees are not military personnel, since they do not undergo military service. And although such an employee cannot be called an officer, he must wear shoulder straps. In addition, he receives the title in the same way as any other military man.

The salary for special titles is established by a government decree. It is fixed and is paid in the same amount for any region of the Russian Federation. For example, the additional payment for a rank for a colonel is 13 thousand rubles, for a lieutenant colonel - 12 thousand rubles. A lieutenant for the rank receives 10 thousand rubles, a sergeant - 6.5 thousand rubles, and a private - 5 thousand rubles.

Salary allowances for an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

There are many different allowances that can significantly increase the salary of an employee of the Ministry of Emergencies:

  • one-time bonuses and other payments;
  • the payment of special allowances is carried out in the case of the service's attachment to the preservation of state secrets;
  • bonus for work experience;
  • an employee who wants to master an additional specialty receives an additional payment of 20% of the salary;
  • additional payment for service in distant regions of Russia;
  • bonuses for success in work.

In addition, there is an additional payment for work carried out in circumstances that pose a threat to the life and health of the employee. The last markup is the largest. With a constant risk to the life and health of the employee, this allowance can be up to 100%. Typically, such an additional payment is paid to workers working in combat units. In other situations, the copay is slightly less.

For example, an additional payment for 25 years of work experience is 40% of the salary. Bonuses for conscientious work, paid three times a year, range from 50 to 100 percent.

Financial aid

Another important supplement to the salary of an Emergencies Ministry specialist is financial assistance. The amount of financial assistance per year is at least one monthly salary. Many workers file an application for financial assistance to the manager when they go on pay leave, although it can be received at any time. In addition, when submitting a motivated report, financial assistance can be increased up to 5 times.

If a specialist of a structure and an employee has an academic degree and title, he is also encouraged by the state. The candidate of sciences receives an additional payment of 3 thousand rubles, and the doctor - 5 thousand rubles. employees with an academic title - associate professor or senior researcher, receive an additional payment of 10% every month. An employee with an academic title is a professor, receives an additional payment of 20%.

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev approved a program on the gradual improvement of salaries in state institutions, which is planned to be fully implemented by 2018.

The chairman of the Ministry of Finance said about this program that, under it, salaries will be increased not only for employees in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also for firefighters. And the Minister of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov, said that for the employees of his department, in accordance with it, new conditions for calculating wages are provided. Based on such parameters as the category of the city where a particular employee serves and what position he has, he will receive a salary 60% more than he has now.

The minister said that already at present the junior staff earns 2.5 times more than before the time when this program was introduced. And the chief of senior staff can count on a 1.5-fold increase in pay in the future. The officers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are expected to receive an average salary of 50,000 rubles a month. The department plans to announce a more accurate salary in the near future. But one can already imagine that if now an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receives 60,000 rubles, then an increase in this amount of payment by 1.6 times will be quite significant. Based on the voiced coefficients, it is possible to preliminarily calculate the average earnings of firefighters and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in all places in Russia.

Vladimir Puchkov added that EMERCOM employees will receive especially high remuneration for performing difficult combat missions, that is, those that are combined with a risk to life. They are present in services such as fire departments, aviation, rescue services, divers and dog handlers. But he also said that a simple increase in the level of salaries is not enough to fully motivate employees. It is better to start developing new methods of stimulation through training in related specialties. In other words, if an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations works additionally in a fire department or in a special unit, he is entitled to an additional payment. Below are eight eligibility criteria.

Additional payments and allowances to the employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

For special conditions of service, this also includes a surcharge for work with personal protective equipment of the respiratory system;
for work with information containing state secrets;
for special achievements in the service;
incentive payments or bonuses;
length of service or length of service;
for class qualifications;
district multiplying factors;
for performing tasks that are associated with a risk to health and life and increased danger.

Moreover, for events in which the employee faces a risk to life, he receives a bonus equal to the monthly salary.

With the help of allowances, the state seeks to motivate employees in the Ministry of Emergencies to improve their professionalism and quality of work. Plus, the premiums guarantee their social protection even more. It is also possible to achieve that the efficiency of the work of rescuers will increase when they provide assistance to citizens. Because when a specialist is competent in various fields, he will be able to perform tasks in a complex manner.

It should be added that this year, allowances were introduced for firefighters at the highest level, which will be issued for such work as participation in extinguishing a fire of the third category of complexity and more, as well as for eliminating a fire in large cities.

If we consider the earnings of EMERCOM employees in the regions of the Russian Federation, it turns out that those who, for example, work in the Moscow region, receive almost 26,000 rubles, in the Kirov region - 10,000, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - 30,000 rubles, and in the Nizhny Novgorod region - 17,500.

Since the beginning of 2014, together with the increase in the minimum wage, the earnings of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have increased by 5.5%.



On the establishment of monthly salaries for employees of the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service

Document with changes made:
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 03/13/2015, N 0001201503130029);
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 01.07.2016, N 0001201607010031).

In accordance with Part 4 of Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Social Guarantees to Employees of Certain Federal Executive Bodies and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" the Government of the Russian Federation


1. Install:

the size of monthly salaries in accordance with the replaced position for typical positions of employees of the federal fire service of the State fire service in accordance with Appendix No. 1;

the size of monthly salaries in accordance with the assigned special rank of employees of the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service in accordance with Appendix No. 2.

2. This resolution applies to legal relations that arose from January 1, 2013.

Prime Minister
Russian Federation
D. Medvedev

Appendix N 1. Sizes of monthly salaries in accordance with the replaced position for typical positions of employees of the federal fire service of the State fire service

Appendix N 1

I. Typical positions of senior, senior and middle commanding personnel

1. The central office of the EMERCOM of Russia

First Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters

Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters

Department Director

Deputy Director of the Department

Head of Department

Head of department in the department

Deputy Head of Division in the Department

Senior Inspector


2. Regional Centers for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters *, National Center for Crisis Management of the EMERCOM of Russia


Head: Regional Center, National Crisis Management Center EMERCOM of Russia

Deputy Head of the National Crisis Management Center EMERCOM of Russia

Deputy Head of the Regional Center

Head of Department of the Regional Center

Deputy Head of Directorate of the Regional Center

Department head

Deputy Head of Department

Head of department, operational duty officer

3. Main departments of the EMERCOM of Russia for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a population of over 2.5 million people *, crisis management centers of regional centers of the EMERCOM of Russia


* Monthly salaries for typical positions of employees of territorial bodies of the EMERCOM of Russia deployed in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions are increased by 10 percent.

Head of the main department

Head of Department

Deputy Head of Department

Department head

Deputy Head of Department

Department Director

4. Main departments of the EMERCOM of Russia for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a population of less than 2.5 million people, crisis management centers of the main departments of the EMERCOM of Russia for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a population of over 2.5 million people

Head of the main department

Head of the Crisis Management Center

Deputy Head of the Crisis Management Center

Department head

Deputy Head of Department

5. Fire and rescue teams and fire and rescue units of the federal fire service, detachments and fire departments of the federal fire service

(Subsection as amended, entered into force on July 9, 2016 by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2016 N 601. - See the previous version)

Chief of the fire and rescue squad of the 1st category, detachment of the 1st category

Chief of the fire and rescue squad of the 2nd grade, detachment of the 2nd grade

Head of the fire and rescue squad 3 grade, detachment 3 grade

Head of the fire and rescue department, fire department

Department Director

Senior Inspector


II. Typical positions of private and junior commanding personnel

1. The cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions

Senior firefighter


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2015 N 201. - See previous edition)

** Employees of the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service who enrolled in the educational organization & nbsp EMERCOM of Russia during the training period are paid salaries for positions held by them before entering training.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2015 N 201. - See previous edition)

2. Centers of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and cities with a population of over 100 thousand people

Squad Leader, Junior Inspector

Senior firefighter


Cadet of the educational organization & nbsp EMERCOM of Russia (for employees of the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service from among citizens who did not serve before enrolling in training) **

(Position as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2015 N 201. - See the previous edition)

** Employees of the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service who enrolled in the & nbsp educational organization & nbsp EMERCOM of Russia, during the training period, are paid salaries for positions held by them before entering training.
(Footnote as amended, entered into force on March 21, 2015 by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2015 N 201. - See the previous version)

3. Other areas

Squad Leader, Junior Inspector

Senior firefighter


Cadet of the & nbsp educational organization & nbsp EMERCOM of Russia (for employees of the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service from among citizens who did not serve before enrolling in training) **

(Position as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2015 N 201. - See the previous edition)

** Employees of the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service who enrolled in the & nbsp educational organization of the EMERCOM of Russia during the training period are paid salaries for positions held by them before entering training.
(Footnote as amended, entered into force on March 21, 2015 by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2015 N 201. - See the previous version)

Appendix N 2. Sizes of monthly salaries in accordance with the assigned special rank of employees of the federal fire service of the State fire service

Appendix N 2

Typical position name

Salary (rubles)

Colonel General of Internal Service

Lieutenant General of Internal Service

Major General of Internal Service

Colonel of Internal Service

Lieutenant Colonel of Internal Service

Major of Internal Service

Internal Service Captain

Senior Lieutenant of the Internal Service

Lieutenant of Internal Service

Junior Lieutenant of Internal Service

Senior Warrant Officer of the Internal Service

Ensign of the Internal Service

Petty Officer of Internal Service

Senior Sergeant of Internal Service

Internal Service Sergeant

Junior Sergeant of Internal Service

Private internal service

Document revision taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Codex"