Dagestan State Pedagogical University (DSPU). Dagestan State Pedagogical University: faculties An excerpt characterizing the Dagestan State Pedagogical University

Today it is the largest scientific and educational complex in the region. There are more than 15 faculties here. Structural divisions offer applicants over 30 specialties, areas of training, and master's programs.

Historical information

Dagestan Pedagogical University has been operating since 1917. It was founded in the city of Temirkhan-Shura (modern name - Buynaksk). It was called and it was located in the building of one school. The established university did not last long. During the civil war he had to stop his activities. The work of the institute was resumed in 1931.

During the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, the university operated in Makhachkala. He worked in a new status. It was a women's teachers' institute. In 1964 a transformation took place. The university began to be called a pedagogical institute. And in 1994 the status changed. The university continued to conduct educational activities as the Dagestan State Pedagogical University.

The goals of the university and its current work

The pedagogical university has one main goal. It is to meet the needs of the labor market of the Republic of Dagestan with well-trained teaching staff. This goal is being successfully achieved. Every year, several hundred specialists who have completed full-time and part-time studies leave the university. Graduates are in demand. This is confirmed by annual employment monitoring. For example, in 2013, the collected information showed that only 1.1% of university graduates were registered with employment centers.

The Dagestan State Pedagogical University in Makhachkala provides training in a wide range of specialties and areas of training. Sometimes new educational programs are opened. In 2013, creative directions appeared. These are “Design”, and “Decorative and Applied Arts”, and “Painting”, and “Graphics”, and “Sculpture”.

Structural units

The university has gained fame and prestige thanks to its fruitfully functioning faculties related to the following profiles:

  • physics, computer science and mathematics;
  • history;
  • right;
  • management;
  • foreign languages;
  • Dagestan philology;
  • geography;
  • philology;
  • teaching children in primary school;
  • engineering and pedagogical areas;
  • technology and economics;
  • preschool education;
  • creativity;
  • BJJ and physical culture;
  • social pedagogy and psychology;

Popular faculties of the Dagestan State Pedagogical University

Modern applicants choose departments that offer current and in-demand specialties. These include the Faculty of Management. It appeared in 1996, when the university was already functioning with a new organizational and legal status and was expanding the list of areas of training. The created division offered “Management” to applicants. The faculty still provides training in this area of ​​training. Applicants choosing "Management" are enrolled in a bachelor's degree program. For specialists with higher education, the faculty has a master's program - “Management Theory and Educational Administration”.

The Faculty of Technology and Economics is of interest to applicants. This is a promising and practice-oriented structural unit of the Dagestan State Pedagogical University. The Faculty of Technology and Economics appeared in 1995 on the basis of the Industrial and Pedagogical Faculty, which had been operating since 1979. The structural unit conducts educational activities in several areas - “Technology and Entrepreneurship”, “Economic Theory”, “Economics”, “Pedagogical Education” (profiles - “Economics and Technology”, “Informatics and Technology”).

Scientific activity

The university is engaged not only in educational activities, but also in science. All work is carried out in several directions:

  • physico-mathematical;
  • chemical;
  • historical;
  • economic;
  • philological;
  • geographical;
  • environmental;
  • pedagogical;
  • psychological.

The most interesting results of scientific research activities are published in the journal “News of the Dagestan State Pedagogical University”. It has been published since 2007 and is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications of the Higher Attestation Commission. In each issue you can find works by teachers, graduate students, doctoral students on topics related to psychology, pedagogy, theory and teaching methods.

University on the world stage

The goals of the university include the development of international activities. The rector of the Dagestan State Pedagogical University, Magomed Imranovich Abdulaev, is actively involved in this. For example, as of 2013, the educational institution had concluded over 20 agreements with universities from near and far abroad.

Now contacts are also being established. DSPU cooperates with universities in Turkey, Jordan, Great Britain, Cyprus, Belgium, Ukraine, Poland, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and other countries. The agreements established between universities have a positive effect on the final result of the activities of the DSPU. They promote the constant exchange of students and graduate students, participation in international conferences, research projects, and forums.

Dagestan State Pedagogical University is a worthy higher education institution with a glorious history and traditions. It has developed over many years and now strives for better results in its activities, continues to improve educational services, and perform high-quality work in the direction of international cooperation. The development of the university is currently carried out under the leadership of Magomed Imranovich Abdulaev - rector of the university, professor, doctor of legal sciences.


Orders for enrollment in DSPU in bachelor's and specialty areas:


  • Order No. 99 dated July 29, 2018 “On the enrollment of applicants to places within the special quota for admission to the number of full-time students for the 1st year in 2018.”
    • Appendix to Order No. 99 dated July 29, 2018 ... (List of applicants enrolled as full-time students of the DSPU for places within a special quota).
  • Order No. 100 dated 08/03/2018 “On the admission of applicants at the first stage to the main competitive places within the framework of the target numbers for admission to the number of full-time students for the 1st year in 2018.”
    • Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 100 dated August 3, 2018 ... (List of applicants enrolled at the first stage in the amount of 80% of the total number for the main competitive places for study in undergraduate programs).
    • Appendix No. 2 to order No. 100 dated August 3, 2018 ... (List of applicants enrolled at the first stage in the amount of 80% of the total number for the main competitive places for training in specialty programs).
  • Order No. 101 dated 08.08.2018 “On the admission of applicants at the second stage to the main competitive places within the framework of the target numbers for admission to full-time students for the 1st year in 2018.”
    • Appendix No. 1 to the order dated 08.08.2018 No. 101 ... (List of applicants enrolled at the second stage in the amount of 20% of the total number for the main competitive places for study in undergraduate programs).
    • Appendix No. 2 to the order dated 08.08.2018 No. 101 ... (List of applicants enrolled at the second stage in the amount of 20% of the total number for the main competitive places for training in specialty programs).
  • Order of the DSPU dated August 28, 2018 No. 106/1 “On the enrollment of applicants to places within a special quota in the number of correspondence students for the 1st year in 2018.”
    • Appendix to the order of the DSPU dated 08.28.2018 No. 106/1 ... (List of applicants enrolled in the number of students of the DSPU correspondence course for the 1st year of undergraduate studies in 2018 by faculties, areas of training and orientation (training profiles) for places in within a special admission quota).
  • Order of the DSPU dated August 29, 2018 No. 107/2 “On the enrollment of applicants to places under agreements for the provision of paid educational services as full-time first-year students in 2018.”
    • Appendix to the order of the DSPU dated 08/29/2018 No. 107/2 ... (List of applicants enrolled in places under agreements for the provision of paid educational services from 09/01/2018 as full-time students for the 1st year in 2018 for educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs for obtaining the qualification level of bachelor in areas of training and focus (training profiles).
  • Order of the DSPU dated August 30, 2018 No. 108 “On the admission of applicants to the main competitive places within the framework of the target numbers for admission to the number of correspondence students for the 1st year in 2018.”
    • Appendix to the order of the DSPU dated 08/30/2018 No. 108 ... (List of applicants enrolled in places on a state budgetary basis from 09/01/2018 as part-time students for the 1st year in 2018 in educational programs of higher education - programs bachelor's degree to obtain the qualification level bachelor by faculties, areas of training and focus (training profiles).
  • Order No. 123/1 dated September 28, 2018 “On the enrollment of applicants to places under agreements for the provision of paid educational services as part-time students for the 1st year in 2018.”
    • Appendix to the order of September 28, 2018 No. 123/1 ... (List of applicants enrolled in places under agreements for the provision of paid educational services from September 1, 2018 to the number of correspondence students for 1 year in 2018 for educational higher education programs - bachelor's programs for obtaining the bachelor's qualification level in areas of training and focus (training profiles).


Orders for enrollment in DSPU in master's areas:


  • Order No. 104 dated August 24, 2018 “On the admission of applicants to the main competitive places within the target numbers for admission to full-time students for 1 year of study in 2018 in master’s programs.”
    • Appendix to the Order of the DSPU dated 08/24/2018 No. 104 ... (List of persons enrolled in 1 year of master's studies from 09/01/2018 on a full-time basis for educational programs of higher education - master's programs for places financed by the federal budget, by faculties, areas of training and master's programs).
  • Order of the DSPU dated August 28, 2018 No. 106 “On the admission of applicants to the main competitive places within the framework of the target numbers for admission to the number of correspondence students for the 1st year in 2018 in master’s educational programs.”
    • Appendix to the order of the DSPU dated 08/28/2018 No. 106 ... (List of persons enrolled for 1 year of master's studies from 09/01/2018 by correspondence for educational programs of higher education - master's programs for places financed by the federal budget, by faculties, areas of training and master's programs).
  • Order of the DSPU dated August 30, 2018 No. 108/1 “On the enrollment of applicants under agreements for the provision of paid educational services as full-time first-year students in 2018 in master’s programs.
    • Appendix to the order of the DSPU dated 08/30/2018 No. 108/1 ... (List of applicants enrolled in places under agreements for the provision of paid educational services from 09/01/2018 as full-time students in the 1st year of higher educational programs education - master's programs for obtaining the master's qualification level in areas of training and master's programs).
  • Order No. 123/2 dated September 28, 2018 “On the enrollment of applicants to places under agreements for the provision of paid educational services as part-time 1st-year students in 2018 in master’s programs.”
    • Appendix to the order of the DSPU dated 09/28/2018 No. 123/2 ... (List of applicants enrolled in places under agreements for the provision of paid educational services from 09/01/2018 as part-time students for 1st year in higher education programs education - master's programs for obtaining the master's qualification level in areas of training and master's programs).



On September 13, the primary school faculty of the Dagestan State Pedagogical University held an event “White Cranes” dedicated to Rasul Gamzatov and the celebration of the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan. The event was attended by 1st year students. Event…


On September 13, on the eve of the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan, a round table was held in the conference hall of the Dagestan State Pedagogical University. The organizers were the University Youth Affairs Department. Round table moderator, leading management specialist...

09/13/2019 A gala event dedicated to the birthday of Rasul Gamzatov was held at the Faculty of Preschool Education

About the university

State educational institution of higher professional education "Dagestan State Pedagogical University" - State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education DSPU - is a university of federal subordination, having the status of a legal entity, implementing professional educational programs of higher, postgraduate, additional professional education and pre-university training. The University carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Laws of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, Model Regulations “On the Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education (Higher Education Institution) of the Russian Federation”, normative and legal acts The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Education and other legislative acts, the Charter of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Dagestan State Pedagogical University".

The pedagogical university traces its history back to November 12, 1917, when a pedagogical institute was opened in the building of the Real School in Dagestan in the city of Temirkhan-Shura (now Buinaksk). The first rector was a graduate of the Faculty of History of Azerbaijan University, Javadbek Rafikbegov. The opening was initiated and supported by such famous personalities as the Minister of Education of Dagestan Nurmagomed Shakhsuvarov, representatives of the intelligentsia, political and religious figures Jalaludin Korkmasov, Nazhmudin Gotsinsky, Gaidar Bammatov and others. During the civil war, the first pedagogical university in Dagestan had to temporarily stop working.

In 1931, activity was restored under the new government. Then, during the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR on November 1, 1943, the university received the status of the Dagestan Women's Teachers' Institute in Makhachkala. In 1954 it was renamed the Dagestan State Women's Pedagogical Institute named after G. Tsadasa. Over time, the institute has consistently transformed into one of the significant centers of teacher education in Dagestan and Russia. In 1964, the Women's Pedagogical Institute was transformed into the Dagestan State Pedagogical Institute (Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 1467 of December 30, 1963), and in 1994 into the Dagestan State Pedagogical University (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1691-R of September 11, 1992 g., Order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education No. 699 of July 12, 1994 and Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 200 of July 27, 1994).

In the year of the 50th anniversary of the USSR, the pedagogical institute was awarded a diploma of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR and the Jubilee Medal “50 Years of the USSR” for high achievements in education and long-term development of pedagogical traditions.

A great scientist and public figure, member, played a huge role in the formation of the Dagestan State Pedagogical Institute. corr. APN USSR Magomedov Akhmed Magomedovich.

A great contribution to the development of the university was made by Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, author of more than 130 scientific works on biology and ecology, Deputy of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan of several convocations Sheikh Ibragimovich Ismailov, who headed the Dagestan State Pedagogical (Institute) University from 1987 to 2006.

DSPU is the largest scientific and educational complex in the region. Minister of Education and Science A.A. Fursenko in the magazine “100 Nations” called the Dagestan State Pedagogical University the second largest number of students in the entire Southern Federal District. In 2008, DSPU was awarded a Certificate of Honor with inclusion in the All-Russian National Register "100 Best Universities of Russia" in the section "Education Elite of Russia".

The number of students is more than 28 thousand people. The university has 5 branches throughout the republic - in the cities of Derbent, Buinaksk, Khasavyurt, Izberbash and Kizilyurt. The university structure includes 5 institutes, 23 faculties, 93 departments, 4 interuniversity centers, postgraduate studies in 29 specialties, doctoral studies in 3 specialties, 5 scientific laboratories, dissertation councils in 14 specialties.
DSPU takes into account the needs of the economy, social development and the teaching labor market of the region, satisfies the needs of educational and cultural institutions of the republic, providing them with qualified specialists and scientific and methodological assistance. In accordance with the state license (License No. 001957 reg. No. 1948 dated 07.14.2009) and Accreditation (Certificate of state accreditation Series AA No. 002165, reg. No. 2125 dated 07.17.2009) DSPU provides training in 34 training specialties certified specialists, 9 areas of bachelor's training and 5 areas of master's training.
More than 1,560 teachers successfully train bachelors, specialists and masters of pedagogy and education at the DSPU, of which 262 are doctors of science, 694 are candidates of science and associate professors. The scientific and educational activities of the university are based on the principles of continuity and continuity of the educational process; integration of the school's system of higher and postgraduate professional education into the European education system, while preserving and developing the achievements and traditions of Russian higher education.
Scientific research at the university is focused on the development of the country's national socio-economic and educational potential, taking into account global trends, historical, cultural and scientific traditions of Russia and Dagestan. Applied science solves the problems of increasing the standard of living of the population, ensuring the competitiveness of the economy, and protecting the environment. In the humanities and social sciences, the main attention is focused on the fundamental problems of the organization and functioning of a democratic society, the theory of education of interethnic and interfaith relations in society, research of fundamental scientific and philosophical problems, the creation of new pedagogical technologies, and the study of the laws of the Russian market economy.
The university has scientific schools headed by true professionals in their field. The only scientific school of correctional pedagogy and special psychology in the North Caucasus and well-known among European scientists is headed by the rector, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor D.M. Mallaev. An interesting scientific school of comparative literature is headed by Doctor of Philology, Professor Z.N. Akavov. The young scientific school on Russian literature is headed by Doctor of Philology, Professor R.G. Kadimov. In the field of inorganic chemistry, the scientific school is headed by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor A.M. Gasanaliev, in the field of Russian language - Doctor of Philology, Professor L.I. Shotskaya, in the field of methods of teaching the native language - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor G.G. Burzhunov. There are also scientific schools of mathematical analysis (headed by Doctor of Mathematical Sciences, Professor I.I. Sharaputdinov), on the theory of the history of the Russian language (headed by Doctor of Philology, Professor A.G. Abdullaev). Pedagogical University scientists publish their monographs not only in Russia, but also in the USA, Great Britain, Turkey, Syria and other countries.

Research institutes and centers
Research Institute of Family and Family Education
Research Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry
Interuniversity Center for the Development of Teacher Education
Interuniversity Center for Correctional Education
Institute of Experimental Pedagogy
Research Institute of Biogeography and Landscape Ecology
Institute of Nanotechnical Psychophysics and Microelectronics

Research laboratories
National-Russian bilingualism and the formation of Russian speech among Dagestani students. Head - G.G. Burzhunov
Personality-oriented educational space in Dagestan. Head - Tsakhaeva A.A.
Research of multicomponent systems; thermodynamics of melts. Leaders - Gasanaliev A.M., Gamataeva B.Yu.
Educational management: methodology, theory, practice. Head - Sadykova Z.L.
Small schools. Head - Aripov M.A.
Physics of polymers and composites. Head - Magomedov G.M.
Electrical properties of composites. Head - Abakarov S.A.
Physics of thin films. Head - Abduragimov G.A.

Postgraduate and doctoral studies are open and functioning at the DSPU, which provide postgraduate training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel, including postgraduate students in 25 specialties, doctoral students in 3 specialties. The scientific supervision of graduate students at the university is carried out by more than 80 highly qualified specialists, including more than 60 doctors of science. The university has dissertation councils.
Student science is developing. Student research competitions are held annually; the best works have more than once become laureates of All-Russian scientific and creative competitions.
According to statistics, 80% of graduates are employed in their specialty, many have already achieved high success in the professional field, becoming ministers and heads of various republican and municipal departments and departments. The glory of the university lies in its graduates - talented teachers, scientists and cultural figures. Our graduates have become major organizers of public education, honored teachers of the USSR, the RSFSR, and Heroes of Socialist Labor. Among them are Kh. Lokalova, Kh. Kazieva, people's poetess of Dagestan, holder of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called F. Aliyeva.
DSPU can also be proud of its enormous sporting achievements - it occupies one of the first places in Europe in the number of trained champions of all levels. An Olympic Training Center has been created, and there is a Sports Palace with 2,000 seats. From the alma mater of the DSPU came such famous athletes as fencers, four-time Olympic champion V. Nazlymov, world and Olympic champion Mark Rakita, freestyle wrestlers Y. Shakhmuradov, V. Yumin, Z. Abdulbekov, S. Murtazaliev, K. Kuramagomedov, boxers G. Gaidarbekov, S. Ibragimov. In 2007, 5 people became world champions in arm wrestling; The DSPU student rescue team became the champion of Russia in 2007. Traditionally, sports training in freestyle wrestling, taekwondo, wushu, and other martial arts is developed here. A relatively new sport for Dagestan, rugby, is developing: the DGPU team is a repeated winner and winner of first place among teams in the south of Russia.

The works of students of the art and graphic department of the DSPU were exhibited at exhibitions in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Helsinki, Warsaw, Prague, New York and other cities of the world.

An important positive quality for DSPU is the high appreciation of the current rector D.M. Mallaev, which is reflected in the recognition of him by famous figures in politics, science, culture and sports in Russia, led by the Chairman of the Advisory Council Anton Bruy in August 2007, worthy of being among the best people in the country . His name is listed in volume VII of the encyclopedia “The Best People of Russia”. Jafar Mallaev – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Honorary Worker of the Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Dagestan, head of the scientific grant of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation, creator of the Rehabilitation Center for the treatment of defects and correction in the development of children. He is the author of more than 200 published works in the field of education. Jafar Mallaev is the owner of the Golden Badge “Heart and Swan” and the title “Knight of Humane Pedagogy”, Holder of the Highest National Award in the field of education of the Order named after “A.S. Makarenko”.

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Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Dagestan State Pedagogical University
(Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education DSPU)

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original name
International name

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Former names

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Year of foundation
Closing year

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Year of reorganization

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Target capital

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The president

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Scientific director

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Foreign students

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Bachelor's degree

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Master's degree

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Postgraduate studies

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Doctoral studies

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The doctors

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Russia 22x20px Russia, Makhachkala


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Legal address

367003, Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, st. M. Yaragsky, 57


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Coordinates: K:Educational institutions founded in 1917 [[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]]

Dagestan State Pedagogical University (DSPU listen)) is a university located in the city of Makhachkala. Founded on November 12, 1917. The training of bachelors, specialists and masters of pedagogy and education at the DSPU is carried out by more than 1,560 teachers, of which 262 are doctors of science, 694 are candidates of science and associate professors.

The number of students is more than 15 thousand people. The university has 1 branch in the republic - in the city of Derbent. The university structure includes 5 institutes, 15 faculties, 70 departments, 2 interuniversity centers, postgraduate studies in 42 specialties, 5 scientific laboratories, dissertation councils in 4 specialties.

general information

DSPU is the largest scientific and educational complex in the region. Minister of Education and Science A. A. Fursenko in the magazine “100 Nations” called the Dagestan State Pedagogical University the second largest number of students in the entire Southern Federal District. In 2008, DSPU was awarded a Certificate of Honor with inclusion in the All-Russian National Register “100 Best Universities of Russia” in the section “Education Elite of Russia”.

DSPU takes into account the needs of the economy, social development and the teaching labor market of the region, satisfies the needs of educational and cultural institutions of the republic, providing them with qualified specialists and scientific and methodological assistance. In accordance with the state license (License No. 002585 reg. No. 2469 dated 02.15.2012) and accreditation (Certificate of state accreditation Series 90A01 No. 0001182, reg. No. 1107 dated 09.12.2014). DSPU provides training in 34 specialties for the preparation of certified specialists, 9 areas for the preparation of bachelors and 4 areas for the preparation of masters.


The pedagogical university traces its history back to November 12, 1917, when a pedagogical institute was opened in the building of the Real School in Dagestan in the city of Temirkhan-Shura (now Buinaksk). The first rector was a graduate of the Faculty of History of Azerbaijan University, Javadbek Rafikbegov. The opening was initiated and supported by such famous personalities as the Minister of Education of Dagestan Nurmagomed Shakhsuvarov, representatives of the intelligentsia, political and religious figures Jalaludin Korkmasov, Nazhmudin Gotsinsky, Gaidar Bammatov and others. During the civil war, the first pedagogical university in Dagestan had to temporarily stop working. In 1931, activity was restored under the new government. Then, during the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR on November 1, 1943, the university received the status of the Dagestan Women's Teachers' Institute in Makhachkala. In 1954 it was renamed the Dagestan State Women's Pedagogical Institute named after. G. Tsadasy. Over time, the institute has consistently transformed into one of the significant centers of teacher education in Dagestan and Russia. In 1964, the Women's Pedagogical Institute was transformed into the Dagestan State Pedagogical Institute (Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 1467 of December 30, 1963), and in 1994 into the Dagestan State Pedagogical University (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1691-R of September 11, 1992 g., Order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education No. 699 of July 12, 1994 and Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 200 of July 27, 1994).

In the year of the 50th anniversary of the USSR, the pedagogical institute was awarded a diploma of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR and the Jubilee Medal “50 Years of the USSR” for high achievements in education and long-term development of pedagogical traditions.

A great scientist and public figure, member, played a huge role in the formation of the Dagestan State Pedagogical Institute. corr. APN USSR Magomedov Akhmed Magomedovich.

A great contribution to the development of the university was made by Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, author of more than 130 scientific works on biology and ecology, Deputy of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan of several convocations Sheikh Ibragimovich Ismailov, who headed the Dagestan State Pedagogical (Institute) University from 1987 to 2006.

The scientific and pedagogical potential of the university has grown significantly thanks to the activities of Jafar Mikhailovich Mallaev, who became the first Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences to head the Dagestan State Pedagogical University from 2007 to 2012. Being a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, an outstanding domestic defectologist, D.M. Mallaev successfully combined scientific, pedagogical and administrative work at the university with social activities, being the chairman of the Dagestan regional branch of the all-Russian public organization “All-Russian Pedagogical Assembly”. Author of more than 300 publications, head of the scientific school "Humanization of General and Special Education".

Faculties of DSPU

Institutes of the DSPU

  • Engineering and Pedagogical Institute
  • Institute of Culture and Arts
  • Research Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry.
  • Research Institute of Philology.
  • Research Institute of Defectology, Clinical Psychology and Inclusive Education.

Branches of DSPU

  • Branch in Derbent

Famous graduates

  • Magomedbekova, Zagidat Magomedovna (1920-1999) - Dagestan specialist.
  • Aladdin Garunov () - artist, sculptor, painter, graphic artist.
  • Svetlana Lapina () - Russian track and field athlete.

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An excerpt characterizing the Dagestan State Pedagogical University

“Where to?” the boy asked quietly. - We have nowhere to go now...
I couldn’t stand it any longer and decided to talk to this unfortunate, clinging to each other, frightened pair of children, whom fate suddenly, for no reason, for nothing, threw into some alien world that was completely incomprehensible to them. And I could only try to imagine how scary and wild all this must have been, especially for this little baby who still had no idea what death was...
I came closer to them and quietly, so as not to scare them, said:
- Let's talk, I can hear you.
– Oh, Vidas, see, she hears us!!! – the little girl squealed. - And who are you? You are good? Can you tell mom that we're scared?..
Words flowed in a continuous stream from her lips, apparently she was very afraid that I would suddenly disappear and she would not have time to say everything. And then she looked at the ambulance again and saw that the doctors’ activity had doubled.
- Look, look, they’re going to take us all away - but what about us?! – the little girl babbled in horror, completely not understanding what was happening.
I felt completely at a dead end, since for the first time I encountered children who had just died and had no idea how to explain all this to them. The boy seemed to already understand something, but his sister was so terribly frightened by what was happening that her little heart did not want to understand anything at all...
For a moment I was completely at a loss. I really wanted to calm her down, but I couldn’t find the right words for this and, for fear of making things worse, I remained silent for now.
Suddenly the figure of a man appeared from the ambulance, and I heard one of the nurses shout to someone: “We’re losing, we’re losing!” And I realized that the next person to lose his life was apparently his father...
- Oh, daddy!!! – the girl squealed joyfully. “And I already thought you left us, but here you are!” Oh how good!..
The father, not understanding anything, looked around, when suddenly he saw his wounded body and the doctors fussing around him, grabbed his head with both hands and quietly howled... It was very strange to watch such a large and strong adult man contemplating his death in such wild horror . Or maybe this is exactly how it should have happened?.. Because he, unlike the children, just understood that his earthly life was over and that, even with the greatest desire, nothing more could be done...
“Daddy, daddy, aren’t you glad?” You can see us, right? You can, right?.. – his daughter squealed happily, not understanding his despair.
And my father looked at them with such confusion and pain that my heart simply broke...
“My God, you too?!.. And you?..” was all he could say. - Well, what are you for?!
In the ambulance, the three bodies were already completely covered, and there was no longer any doubt that all these unfortunate people were already dead. Only my mother remained alive so far, whose “awakening” I honestly didn’t envy at all. After all, seeing that she had lost her entire family, this woman could simply refuse to live.
- Dad, dad, will mom wake up soon too? – as if nothing had happened, the girl asked joyfully.
The father stood in complete confusion, but I saw that he was trying with all his might to pull himself together in order to somehow reassure his baby daughter.
“Katenka, honey, mom won’t wake up.” “She will no longer be with us,” the father said as calmly as possible.
- How can it not be?!.. We’re all in place, aren’t we? We should be together!!! Isn’t it?.. – little Katya did not give up.
I realized that it would be very difficult for my father to somehow understandably explain to this little man - his daughter - that life had changed a lot for them and there would be no return to the old world, no matter how much she wanted it... The father himself was completely shocked and , in my opinion, he needed consolation no less than his daughter. The boy was holding up best of all so far, although I could clearly see that he was also very, very scared. Everything happened too unexpectedly, and none of them were ready for it. But, apparently, some kind of “instinct of masculinity” kicked in for the boy when he saw his “big and strong” dad in such a confused state, and he, poor thing, in a purely masculine way, took over the “reins of government” from the hands of the confused father into his own small, shaking children's hands...
Before this, I had never seen people (except my grandfather) at the moment of their death. And it was on that ill-fated evening that I realized how helpless and unprepared people face the moment of their transition to another world!.. Probably the fear of something completely unknown to them, as well as the view of their body from the outside (but without their presence in it!) , created a real shock to those who did not suspect anything about it, but, unfortunately, were already “leaving” people.
- Dad, dad, look - they are taking us away, and mom too! How can we find her now?!..
The little girl “shaked” her father’s sleeve, trying to attract his attention, but he was still somewhere “between worlds” and did not pay any attention to her... I was very surprised and even disappointed by such unworthy behavior of her father. No matter how frightened he was, there was a tiny person standing at his feet - his tiny daughter, in whose eyes he was the “strongest and best” dad in the world, whose participation and support she really needed at the moment. And, in my opinion, he simply had no right to become limp in her presence to such an extent...
I saw that these poor children had absolutely no idea what to do now or where to go. To be honest, I had no such idea either. But someone had to do something and I decided to intervene again. It may be completely none of my business, but I simply could not calmly watch all this.
- Excuse me, what is your name? – I quietly asked my father.
This simple question brought him out of the “stupor” into which he “went headlong”, unable to come back. Staring at me in great surprise, he said in confusion:
– Valery... Where did you come from?!... Did you die too? Why can you hear us?
I was very glad that I managed to somehow return him and immediately replied:
– No, I didn’t die, I was just walking by when it all happened. But I can hear you and talk to you. If you want it of course.
Now they all looked at me in surprise...
- Why are you alive if you can hear us? – the little girl asked.
I was just about to answer her when suddenly a young dark-haired woman suddenly appeared and, without having time to say anything, disappeared again.
- Mom, mom, here you are!!! – Katya shouted happily. – I told you that she would come, I told you so!!!
I realized that the woman’s life was apparently “hanging by a thread” at the moment, and for a moment her essence was simply knocked out of her physical body.
– Well, where is she?!.. – Katya was upset. - She was just here!..
The girl was apparently very tired from such a huge influx of various emotions, and her face became very pale, helpless and sad... She tightly clung to her brother’s hand, as if seeking support from him, and quietly whispered:

Dagestan State Pedagogical University

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Dagestan State Pedagogical University"
(Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education DSPU)
Year of foundation




Legal address

367003, Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, st. M. Yaragsky, 57


Dagestan State Pedagogical University named after Gamzat Tsadas (DSPU) - university located in the city of Makhachkala. Founded on November 12, 1917. More than 1,560 teachers successfully train bachelors, specialists and masters of pedagogy and education at the DSPU, of which 262 are doctors of science, 694 are candidates of science and associate professors. The number of students is more than 28 thousand people. The university has 5 branches throughout the republic - in the cities of Derbent, Buinaksk, Khasavyurt, Izberbash and Kizilyurt. The university structure includes 5 institutes, 23 faculties, 93 departments, 4 interuniversity centers, postgraduate studies in 29 specialties, doctoral studies in 3 specialties, 5 scientific laboratories, dissertation councils in 14 specialties.

general information

DSPU is the largest scientific and educational complex in the region. Minister of Education and Science A. A. Fursenko in the magazine “100 Nations” called the Dagestan State Pedagogical University the second largest number of students in the entire Southern Federal District. In 2008, DSPU was awarded a Certificate of Honor with inclusion in the All-Russian National Register “100 Best Universities of Russia” in the section “Education Elite of Russia”.

DSPU takes into account the needs of the economy, social development and the teaching labor market of the region, satisfies the needs of educational and cultural institutions of the republic, providing them with qualified specialists and scientific and methodological assistance. In accordance with the state license (License No. 001957 reg. No. 1948 dated 07.14.2009) and Accreditation (Certificate of state accreditation Series AA No. 002165, reg. No. 2125 dated 07.17.2009) DSPU provides training in 34 training specialties certified specialists, 9 areas of bachelor's training and 5 areas of master's training.


The pedagogical university traces its history back to November 12, 1917, when a pedagogical institute was opened in the building of the Real School in Dagestan in the city of Temirkhan-Shura (now Buinaksk). The first rector was a graduate of the Faculty of History of Azerbaijan University, Javadbek Rafikbegov. The opening was initiated and supported by such famous personalities as the Minister of Education of Dagestan Nurmagomed Shakhsuvarov, representatives of the intelligentsia, political and religious figures Jalaludin Korkmasov, Nazhmudin Gotsinsky, Gaidar Bammatov and others. During the civil war, the first pedagogical university in Dagestan had to temporarily stop working. In 1931, activity was restored under the new government. Then, during the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR on November 1, 1943, the university received the status of the Dagestan Women's Teachers' Institute in Makhachkala. In 1954 it was renamed the Dagestan State Women's Pedagogical Institute named after. G. Tsadasy. Over time, the institute has consistently transformed into one of the significant centers of teacher education in Dagestan and Russia. In 1964, the Women's Pedagogical Institute was transformed into the Dagestan State Pedagogical Institute (Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 1467 of December 30, 1963), and in 1994 into the Dagestan State Pedagogical University (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1691-R of September 11, 1992 g., Order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education No. 699 of July 12, 1994 and Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 200 of July 27, 1994).

In the year of the 50th anniversary of the USSR, the pedagogical institute was awarded a diploma of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR and the Jubilee Medal “50 Years of the USSR” for high achievements in education and long-term development of pedagogical traditions.

A great scientist and public figure, member, played a huge role in the formation of the Dagestan State Pedagogical Institute. corr. APN USSR Magomedov Akhmed Magomedovich.

A great contribution to the development of the university was made by Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, author of more than 130 scientific works on biology and ecology, Deputy of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan of several convocations Sheikh Ibragimovich Ismailov, who headed the Dagestan State Pedagogical (Institute) University from 1987 to 2006.

Faculties of DSPU

  • Faculty of Music
  • Faculty of Art and Graphics
  • Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science
  • Faculty of Economics and Design
  • History department
  • Faculty of Philology
  • Faculty of Dagestan Philology
  • Faculty of Biology and Chemistry
  • Faculty of Geography
  • Faculty of Primary Schools
  • Faculty of Technology and Economics
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Mathematics
  • Faculty of Physics
  • Faculty of Life Safety
  • Faculty of Pre-University Training
  • Management department


  • University of the Foreign languages
  • Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology
  • Art Institute
  • Institute of Physical Culture
  • Institute for the Development of Education, Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel (institute website: iro.ucoz.com)
  • Engineering and Pedagogical Institute


  • Branch in Derbent
  • Branch in Khasavyurt
  • Branch in the city of Izberbash
  • Branch in the city of Buinaksk
  • Branch in Kizilyurt

Famous graduates

  • Magomedbekova, Zagidat Magomedovna (1920-1999) - Dagestan specialist.
  • Aladdin Garunov () - artist, sculptor, painter, graphic artist.
  • Svetlana Lapina () - Russian track and field athlete.



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