Brave Parsley. May in the country

  The lion's share of garden crops is planted in open ground only after stable warm weather is established, so the choice of what can be planted on the site and in greenhouses at the end of May is quite large: seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, flowers, as well as open sowing soil of greens and vegetables.


The end of May is the ideal time for planting pumpkin crops in the garden: cucumbers, squash. Some grow seedlings at home, but can be planted with seeds directly into the ground. The latter option is preferable because pumpkin has a very delicate root system, even with minor damage to which the plant is sick for a long time.

In many regions of Russia, the period before the summer is not yet a guarantee of favorable weather. In such conditions, it is advisable to plant gourds on warm beds. The best option is to prepare them in the fall, but you can do this in May, 2-3 weeks before sowing.

Usually, landing is done pointwise, since they require a lot of space. A hole is dug approximately 30 cm deep with a wall size of 50 * 50 cm. Finely chopped grass or unripened compost is laid at the bottom at about 1/3 of the height, you can add rotted manure, a glass of ash. A layer of garden earth is poured and compacted on top, everything is spilled with warm water. In the process of grass over-ripening, heat will be generated, which is necessary for the roots of melons.

Before planting, it is advisable to soak the seeds: wrap with a damp cloth and put in a warm place, not allowing to dry. At the first signs of biting, they are planted in the soil to a depth of 2-3 cm, covered with a film. You can put on top 5-liter plastic canisters with a cropped bottom. It should be noted that at temperatures below 18 ° C, the growth of melons is inhibited, and at high humidity the plant can rot, so the soil should be loose, and the planting site should be well-drained and sunny.


At the end of May, in favorable weather, zoned tomatoes are planted in open ground, but for the first time, plants will need shelter. Due to the cooling of the climate in most regions, seedlings are drawn out at home, because there is no way to transfer it to the greenhouse in the first decade of May. There are several ways to fix this.

  • For weak and very elongated plants: remove all the lower leaves to about the middle of the stem, place the root in the prepared hole and gently place the stem in a ring, adding the substrate.
  • Stretched seedlings with a strong stalk can be laid obliquely in the hole, and the part remaining on top can be carefully aligned and tied to a peg.
  • Some trim the top and stepsons, bury this material in a moist substrate. After a few days, roots form, several strong tomatoes are obtained instead of one overgrowth.

At the end of May, peppers and eggplant are also planted in greenhouses.

When transplanting peppers, care should be taken - the plant painfully responds to damage to the root system. You can not dig deeply, deepening the root neck, otherwise growth will slow down or stop altogether.


Root crops are less sensitive to weather anomalies, so their cultivation is not difficult. In late May, you can plant crops with different ripening dates.

  • Beet

If earlier the weather was unfavorable, then it can be planted at the end of May. It’s not too late to sow many varieties with seeds that are pre-soaked. Each seedlings contain several seeds, so thinning is necessary after emergence. For earlier germination, even in May, it is better to sow beets in the greenhouse. While seedlings of tomatoes and peppers are not yet developed, beets will have time to throw out 2-3 real leaves and will be suitable for transplanting to a permanent place. This will happen about 2 weeks faster than in open ground.

Planting beets is better in humus-rich loam. The soil should be loose with a normal alkaline reaction. Fertilizers can be applied (per 1 m 2 - 15 g of ammonium nitrate, 15 g of potassium chloride and 35 g of superphosphate in powder). Beets easily take root. Even with damage to the root system, the plant recovers for 3-5 days, releasing new leaves. The main condition is wet ground.

  • Carrot

In late May, you can also sow various varieties of carrots. The early ripe will have time to ripen by mid-September. Seeds are pre-soaked and washed, because they have a layer of esters that prevent germination.

The soil should be light (you can add sand and peat), rich in humus. Sowing is done in well-shed grooves to a depth of 2 cm. After the seeds are covered, you do not need to water it, otherwise a crust will form that will prevent the germination of tender shoots of carrots. It is necessary to constantly maintain soil moisture. It is optimal to sprout the beds with a film or special material before the shoots appear.

  • Potatoes

By tradition, summer residents leave for potato planting on the second May holidays, but for winter storage, this root crop can be planted at the end of May, and even until mid-June.

A handful of compost and a handful of ash are added to the wells during planting. It is good if the field from last year is pre-fertilized with rotted manure.

In late May and early June, you can plant a developed bush of early planted potatoes on a separate bed (2 * 2 m), wait until the stems reach 20 cm, spread them apart and fix them, bending to the ground. The bending procedure as the stems grow back is repeated again, increasing the number of nests. Thus, up to 20 kg of potatoes from the bush. You can fertilize the bed with a mullein diluted in water.


Typically, cauliflower at the end of May is planted with seedlings. This plant, like beets, is quite cold-resistant, therefore it does not need shelters. However, it is possible to sow seeds directly into the soil. Early varieties (Express, Snow globe) ripen in about 85 days, so with the May sowing in August, you can count on the crop. Cauliflower does not tolerate picking well, so accuracy is required when transferring from a greenhouse or when planting from pots.

The soil for this culture should not be acidic, otherwise the development of the plant will be inhibited. Options for preparing the optimal soil mix:

  • 3 parts of lowland peat, part of sawdust, part of rotted manure;
  • part of lowland peat, 10 parts of humus, part of sand.

You can add mineral fertilizers, but experienced gardeners manage with ash, sprinkling it over the leaves in May and throughout the summer. This will not only serve as food for seedlings and deoxidize the soil, but also protect the leaves from pests.


The onion is also quite suitable for planting in early May. It is better to plant sevka, since chernushka is demanding on the soil and develops for a long time.

Preliminary preparation will significantly accelerate the germination time. It is worth adopting a few basic tricks.

  • It is better to presoak the sevka for several hours (it can be in salt water, in a solution of potassium permanganate or humate).
  • You can carefully cut the bottom ("heel") to white primordia, so the root system is formed much faster. This advice is especially relevant for varieties of family onions.
  • Seeds (chernushka) are pre-soaked in a glass of hot tea leaves with ½ teaspoon of soda, then dried and sown. In good soil, the sprouts will appear in a week.

When the first shoots appear, it is important to prevent the formation of earthen crust, it is useful to loosen the onion during the first half of the growing season after rain or watering.


In late May, you can plant peas, and beans. It is believed that when these crops are planted at this time, the harvest will be low due to their impatience with the heat, however, few regions can boast of too warm weather. The end of May and most of June are usually cool and humid, so the plantings feel comfortable.

Seeds can be pre-soaked for several hours, but not necessary, since the peas planted in the morning in the moist ground already swell in the soil by evening.

The roots of peas go deep in a meter. Experienced gardeners recommend planting it in the trunk circles of young apple trees - this gives the soil enrichment with nitrogen.

When planting in the grooves, you can make compost mixed with ash.

Leaf crops and greens

Spinach and various types of salads can also be planted in late May. Quickly ascend, parsley, cilantro. Many summer residents sow these crops throughout the season, since the leaves of young plants are much more delicate in taste.

The main requirement for fast seedlings is loose and moist soil. After falling asleep, grooves with seeds are not irrigated from above, but covered with breathable material or mulched with a centimeter layer of mowed finely chopped grass (from under a lawn mower). Sprouts will be able to break through, and the soil will be enriched with nitrogen and nutrients from humus litter.

Trees, Shrubs and Berries

In late May, you can plant any berry and fruit crops, if they are sold with a closed root system. This applies to seedlings of trees and shrubs, as well as seedlings of strawberries and strawberries. It is important to properly prepare the landing wells and provide watering.

The end of May is an appropriate time for the reproduction of gooseberries and currants by layering. Strong branches of the lower tier are bent to the ground, fixed and slightly sprinkled with earth at the point of contact. You can propagate berry bushes and lignified cuttings, dropping them in a shaded, moist place.


Many flowers do not tolerate frost, and when the weather is cool, they wither and get sick, so the seedlings of annuals and biennials mostly planted in late May. These include:

  • asters
  • marigold;
  • petunias;
  • cloves;
  • chrysanthemums (at the end of May you can cuttings);

With favorable weather, plantings will soon please flowering.

So, at the end of May you can plant the garden with plants of almost all kinds: vegetables, herbs, berries, fruit trees and flowers. For most of them, shelter will be required: temporary, as for melons, or permanent, as for tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.

Adapting to climate change, many summer residents are revising their spring work plans, as well as picking up early and cold-resistant varieties of crops. At the end of May, the weather is relatively stable, so the main volume of landings falls precisely during this period. If the varieties are chosen correctly, and the soil is prepared taking into account the characteristics of each crop, then the labor expended will surely pay off.

As soon as the soil warms up to 6–8 ° С, potatoes can be planted on the site. And what other vegetables and greens should be planted in May?

In the middle lane, heat-loving crops (cauliflower, melon, watermelon, early varieties of pumpkins, cucumbers) are only sown in seedlings in early May, as return frosts can destroy delicate plants. And closer to June (depending on weather conditions), grown plants are transplanted into the ground or greenhouse. However, crops that are more resistant to cold at the end of spring can be sown immediately in open ground.

White cabbage

   In May, a cruciferous flea can damage cabbage. If this small bug is found, treat the plants with Inta-Vir

Sow cabbage seeds into pre-prepared grooves of 6–7 pieces per hole to a depth of 1.5–2 cm. Pour warm water and mulch the soil. After the appearance of two true leaves, thin out the crops so that 2 plants are left in the nest. And after the appearance of the third true leaf in each well, leave only one of the strongest seedlings.

Note: cabbage loves water. A rich crop can be obtained with soil moisture of about 70%. However, do not overdo it, otherwise vascular bacteriosis may develop on the plant.

Green crops

Lettuce seeds can be sown already at a soil temperature of 5 ° C. Under such conditions, they will germinate in 5-7 days

In May, open and sowed salads, as well as parsley and dill, are sown in open ground. It is advisable to hold the seeds of parsley and dill in water for no more than three days. Then drop 10 seeds into a small hole, in a row every 10 cm make the same holes.

When seedlings appear, water them well and remove weeds in a timely manner, if necessary, thinn.

Onion set

  If in your region it is still cold in May, the soil does not warm up to 10 ° C, then plant the onion sets under the film

Before planting for 12-15 hours, soak the bulbs in warm water. When the air temperature reaches 10–15 ° С, plant sowing in moist and loose soil in the grooves, pressing them to the ground to a depth of 3-4 cm. The optimal distance between the bulbs is 8–10 cm.


  If you want the shoots of carrots to appear faster, pull the film over the bed at a height of 15 cm. When the sprouts show up, take cover

Mid-season carrot varieties are sown in the first half of May, varieties intended for long-term storage are sown at the end of the month. The soil for carrots should be loose, with sand. In heavy soil, root crops often grow ugly, curved, clumsy and small.

In addition, it is recommended to choose a site on which cucumbers, tomatoes, garlic, onions, cabbage, potatoes, and dill grew last year. But after parsley, it is better not to plant carrots, since pests that are dangerous for this root crop can remain in the soil.

In advance prepared, hatching and hardened seeds, sow in the grooves to a depth of about 2 cm, maintaining a distance of 1.5 cm. After that, sprinkle the seeds with earth, level and furrow the grooves. Before the appearance of green sprouts, water the bed abundantly and often, and then reduce the amount of water so that the carrots do not rot.


Also in May, beets are sown. At the same time, a lighted area with fertile and loose soil rich in humus is chosen. When the earth warms up to 10 ° C, sow in rows rows of seeds previously soaked in warm water. The distance between crops should be 5-10 cm, the depth of seed placement - from 1.5 to 3 cm.

After sowing, compact the soil. Under favorable conditions, seedlings will appear in a week.

  Note: you can not plant beets after spinach or chard. Good predecessors for culture - white cabbage, tomato, cucumber


Good predecessors for radishes are legumes, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and bad ones are all representatives of the Cruciferous family

Radishes are grown in sunny and wind-protected areas with light fertile soils of neutral acidity. This crop can be sown in open ground throughout the month. Landing time depends on the region and weather conditions.

Dry or previously soaked seeds are sown at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other, then lightly sprinkled with peat and compacted. If the air temperature does not fall below 18 ° C during the day, shoots appear within a week.


  Good predecessors for turnips are legumes, cucumber, tomato. And after cabbage crops it is grown no earlier than after 3 years

Turnip is an unpretentious crop, but grows best on light loamy soils with a pH of 6–7. In May, it is sown for food in the summer, but not for storage. Seeds are planted to a depth of 1-2 cm, sprinkled with soil, slightly tamped, watered and mulched with humus.

Shoots usually appear 5-6 days after sowing. And after 2 weeks they are thinned out, leaving between 10-12 cm of plants.

Spring garlic

  Garlic is not recommended to be planted after garlic, onions and potatoes. It is better to have cucumbers, zucchini, white cabbage or cauliflower previously grown on this site.

This culture is planted at the very beginning of May, when a temperature of 8-12 ° C is set on the street. Garlic grows best on loamy soil, well seasoned with organic fertilizers. Before planting, pour the rows of salt solution (3 tbsp. In a bucket of water), then plant the cloves of garlic bottom down, deepening 1-2 cm and keeping the distance between the cloves 8-10 cm.

Also in May, seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant and peppers are planted in greenhouses and greenhouses. And in the open ground under the film, you can plant seedlings of zucchini, squash and pumpkin.

In regions with a mild climate, in May you can plant and sow a large number of garden crops. But if the weather presents you with “surprises” more than once, then it is better to postpone the planting of thermophilic plants.

May is the warmest spring month when the weather becomes stable relatively warm. The earth has completely dried out from the snow. During this period, trees, bushes and grass quickly put on green outfits. Flowers are blooming. Those who think that if crops are planted in May are mistaken, they will no longer be able to fully mature by fall. In fact, at this time, daytime and nighttime air temperatures equalize, reaching the level of +10 or more degrees. Seeds placed in warm soil during this period immediately feel comfortable, so they will begin to grow without delay, sometimes ahead of similar crops planted from seedlings. In May, many vegetable crops can be planted.

From plants this month, peas and beans are sown in open ground. If you do not plant these crops immediately, but stretch the sowing days for 8-10, the ripening of the pods will be gradual, which will give you the opportunity not to miss a single fruit.

Beets are sown in early May. Then you can enjoy a vegetable in the summer. It is rarely necessary to plant, so that the root of the plant can develop normally. Radish is the earliest vegetable grown in the open field. But in order to cook salads with radishes in the summer, it is planted in May.

It is very simple to grow cabbage. It is only necessary to choose the right variety. It should be suitable for planting in your area, as well as maturing in terms of size, size, less succumbed to pest attacks.

Such root crops as carrots are planted until mid-summer. As a result, they have the opportunity, until late autumn, to have this vegetable in their garden and not be afraid that it can deteriorate from improper storage.

Corn belongs to the family of fast-growing crops and is endowed with many useful vitamins and minerals. If you have not completely decided whether to grow it or not, select a small plot for it, and next year you can plant a large area.

Young feathers of onions usually break off by the middle of June, so it makes sense to annoy this fortified vegetable back in May.

What thermophilic garden plants are planted in May

Cucumbers are better to provide comfortable conditions. Often they are planted on raised beds. After sowing the seeds of cucumbers in May, in 7-12 days it will be possible to see shoots. Given that this culture loves water, care should be taken not only about the nutrient soil, but also about its moisture.

Another garden crop that can be planted in May is zucchini. To develop, this culture needs enough space, so do not forget about a procedure such as thinning plants. Several strong bushes harvest more than 10 weak bushes. In most cases, zucchini is very productive. Therefore, do not plant a large number of seeds.

Pepper can please good harvests. At the same time, it does not require much space for its growth. If you live in a region where spring does not indulge in warmth, it would be better to plant seedlings first.

We should also say about tomatoes. To date, a huge number of tomato varieties has been bred, it will take many years to grow all. Therefore, you can experiment every year by growing new species in your garden. Depending on climatic conditions, before planting tomatoes in open ground, seedlings are bred.

What spices can I plant in May?

First of all, these are thermophilic herbs: thyme, oregano, sage, basil, parsley, chicory, dill. It is also worth planting spinach and salad, the early plantings of which begin to bitter by the summer. Therefore, it makes sense to drop them again and enjoy delicate leaves.

Anyone who loves something unusual will want to see plants in his garden that are not all planted. For example, kohlrabi cabbage. The culture is growing rapidly and ripening, no more than two months later. Pak-choi (another type of cabbage) is best planted with an interval of 20 days. Then you can get healthy greens until the fall.

In May, parsnips are planted. 3-4 seeds are laid in the ground with an interval of 20 cm. When the seedlings sprout, they leave only stronger plants. Thinking of growing a watercress, take care of its hydration. The plant will need a lot of water. More often it is planted in containers, which are then buried in water by 5-10 cm.

What plants are planted in early May?

Beet varieties such as rutabaga and chard are not afraid of even small frosts. Some gardeners plant them in the ground in early December.

Among gourds, many people like melon. If you live in a region where a hot summer prevails for a long time, you should plant a melon. In areas with more severe climatic conditions, this crop is planted from the south on a sunny site. To make the plant more warm, the ground is covered with a black film, and the seeds of tribute are placed in small holes in the shelter. In addition to heat, in this way you will protect the plantation from weeds.

Ornamental crops planted in May?

Among the bulbous plants that adorn flowerbeds in summer, many plant in May: gladiolus, dahlia, lily, and cannon. In the middle of the month it is worth planting snapdragons, pansies, a function, geranium, balsam, cosmea, digitalis. Also, at the end of spring, perennials such as phlox, delphinium, cloves, shaving, saxifrage, Iberian, medium bell are planted. At this time, sage, marigolds, majors (zinnias), and lobelia are sown. By the way, some people like to decorate flower beds with sunflowers, thereby combining the useful with the pleasant. If the weather is warm, the seeds will germinate within a week and will delight with their flowering in August.

Early flowers, such as tulips and daffodils by the end of May, are completely wilted. They will need to be divided and transplanted.

When planting ornamental crops, do not forget to look after them when they begin to bloom. In order for the flowering to be plentiful, wilted buds are removed. Plants that have tall trunks and stems must be tied to a support. Break through weeds and fertilize the soil. Watch out for soil moisture.


May is the hottest month for the gardener. Everyone is eager to get to the cottage to make landings. It is in May that real spring comes. It is in May that it is necessary to dig up a garden and prepare greenhouses and greenhouses. In May, air temperature normalizes, the sun shines much brighter, daylight hours become long. This publication will show you what to plant in may: in the greenhouse, under the film and in open ground. The following tips will be useful for those whose cottage is located in the Chernozem region or in central Russia. When determining the timing of planting a particular crop, you should focus on the weather conditions. Since at the beginning of the month frosts are possible, especially in the central and northern parts of our country.

What to plant in May in open ground

At the very beginning of May, potatoes should be planted in open ground. Recommended technology. This method of sowing potato seeds has many advantages:

  • There is no need to dig a site, just loosening up.
  • Straw protects against frost.
  • No need to water.
  • There is no need to spud and loosen.

You will only need to plant seeds in spring and harvest in the fall.   Also, at the beginning of May, all cold-resistant crops are planted in open ground, such as: onions (onions are planted, like chernushka, and sevok or greens), garlic. These crops are very resistant to cold weather, they are not afraid of even short night frosts. At the beginning of the month, radish and beets are also planted. You can plant parsley, dill, spinach, sorrel, lettuce on the greens. The beginning of May is a great time for sowing legumes - peas, beans, beans.   If stable warm weather is already established at the end of May and the risk of frost is minimal, you can start planting seedlings of cucumbers, eggplants, melons, watermelons, tobacco and other crops in open ground. Do not forget to sow sunflower seeds and corn.

What to plant in a greenhouse in May?

If you have a greenhouse in the country, then this part of the article will be useful to you. In the greenhouse, in the last month of spring, you can plant anything. As a rule, by this time it will warm up and be ready for landings. In the greenhouse, most often, plant seedlings

May for gardeners is an active time: you need to plant all the seedlings in greenhouses and open ground, sow seeds of heat-loving vegetables and herbs, and also monitor the condition of plants already growing on the territory of the site.

The main difficulty in the work is return night frosts. May weather is not happy with stability: during the daytime the air and soil warm up, and at night the temperatures are again minus. All this is a wise gardener must consider.

“The month of May has come - gardener, don't yawn!” - so says folk wisdom. There are a lot of cases on the site with the arrival of heat, especially if you plan to plant many crops and new varieties.

Follow all the rules of planting and care is not enough: the summer resident must monitor the condition of all crops in order to prevent problems in time.

What to sow in May in soil with seeds? Work in the garden in May

In May, the second wave of planting of vegetables begins. Both seeds and pre-prepared seedlings participate in the marathon.

Firstly, it significantly reduces the efforts of the gardener and saves his time. Secondly, some cultures do not tolerate picking and transplanting; thirdly, it was noticed that plants planted in the soil immediately with seeds grow more powerful and hardened.

We plant beet seeds

Heat-loving beets are planted in areas from the second half of May. Culture prefers well-lit places, fertile soils rich in humus.
  Before planting, the seeds are soaked. They are placed in rows, a space of 5 cm is left between each hole. The depth of the seed is 1.5-3 cm.

White cabbage

White cabbage seeds can be planted with the arrival of May heat when the soil warms up to 8 degrees. 6-7 seeds are placed in small holes to a depth of 2 cm. The pits are sprinkled with soil and abundantly moistened. Throughout the cultivation of cabbage, you need to remember that this is not only a heat-loving, but also a moisture-loving vegetable. Watering is carried out often and in large quantities.

With the advent of two true leaves, all seedlings are thinned out, leaving only a pair of the strongest in each hole. When the third leaf hatch, only one plant is left.

How to sow carrot seeds

In the first half of May, mid-season varieties of carrots are sown; by the end of spring, root crops are planted for long-term storage.

How to sow seeds: prepare grooves with a depth of 2 cm, arrange them in rows with an interval of 15 cm. Seeds are arranged in increments of 1.5-2 cm, sprinkled with soil and watered abundantly until sprouts appear. You can’t ram the plantings: carrots love when the soil is loose.

Experienced gardeners notice that beautiful and large root crops grow only in loose soils, so before placing carrots on the site, a little sand is added to the soil.

Onion set

May is the time for growing small onion sets. The air temperature in the street at this point should be set at +15, a minimum of +10 degrees. Before landing in the ground, the material is soaked for 12 hours in warm water.
  The bulb must be pressed into the soil to a depth of 3 cm. An interval of 8-10 cm is observed between the seeds.

Plant a pumpkin

Sweet orange fruits are planted at the end of the month, after about May 25, in some regions from the first days of June. The soil for growing pumpkins should be dry and well warmed up. If you hurry with sowing, you can lose the crop. Wells for pumpkin seeds are made small, no more than 2 pieces are immersed in each.

  What to plant in May at the cottage in the garden

Transfer of seedlings to the greenhouse and open ground

In May, indoor crops are actively transferred to the greenhouse and fairly warmed open ground. Seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, melons before changing places must be hardened. Boxes with seedlings begin to be taken out about 7-10 days before transplanting. First, seedlings are kept in new conditions for 2-3 hours. Daily time is increasing.

Transfer of tomato seedlings to the greenhouse

In unheated greenhouses, you need to monitor how the soil warms up. As soon as the indicator reaches +14 degrees at a depth of 10 cm, it is time to transfer tomato seedlings to the site. Shrubs that have been grown since the beginning of spring at home have already gained enough strength. The optimal growth of seedlings for moving is 25 cm, the exact height is determined depending on the variety.

How to transfer tomato seedlings to the greenhouse:

1. In spring, it is better to fertilize the soil in closed ground with nutrients, as greenhouse tomatoes require enhanced nutrition. A popular way to improve the composition of the soil is to add potassium sulfate (30 g per 1 m2) and superphosphate (80 g per 1 m2) to it.
  2. The height of the ridges is 30-40 cm, the width is 80-90 cm.
  3. Before removing tomatoes from the crates, the soil in them is abundantly watered with warm water.
  4. Tall varieties are planted along the walls in a row, undersized - in a checkerboard pattern.
  5. The supports are installed - trellises, ropes, stakes.

Tomatoes in the open ground

First of all, you need to find a place suitable for a thermophilic culture. There should be enough light. Already at the beginning of the month, if it is warm, hardened seedlings can move into the open ground.

Planting scheme depends on the tomato variety. The determinant varieties are sufficient indentation of 35 cm between the holes and 60 cm between the rows. Indeterminate, that is, tall, requires more space: from 80 cm between rows and 60 cm in a row.

For bushes, supports are previously thought out - pegs or other designs. They are stuck next to the hole before landing.

Outdoor Cucumbers

Seedlings that have been kept in closed ground since April are ready to move to the site in May. Important: cucumbers, unlike tomatoes, are very tender, so try not to injure their roots during transplantation. By the way, this is one of the reasons why the seeds of the pumpkin family are sown immediately on the site.

You can plant seeds in the ground, but the crop will ripen much later than seedlings. The soil should warm up to a depth of 12 cm. Usually this happens by the end of spring.

Bulgarian pepper

Unlike cucumber, sweet and bitter peppers are grown mainly in seedlings. Pepper is very thermophilic, so the timing of its landing is as close as possible to the beginning of summer. In some regions, it is better not to take risks before June.

Pepper seedlings move to an open area at two months of age. It is already clear that this should be a sunny place. Along trees, fences and buildings, such a culture is not grown. Moreover, protection against drafts is necessary. Among the requirements of pepper is also the friability and nutrition of the soil, its neutral or low acidity.

Advice to the gardener: if, due to weather conditions, pepper was not planted in time and the first buds appeared on it, then they must be cut off. This will stimulate the growth of green mass and provide reliable adaptation, and then flowering will begin.

We plant eggplant in the ground

Eggplants are planted in open ground in mid-June, but those who are eager to taste the flesh of a purple vegetable are advised to send seedlings to greenhouse conditions in May.

Eggplant is one of the most complex garden crops. Seedlings aged 90-100 days must be hardened before planting, otherwise it will die from stress. The air in the greenhouse should be warmed up to 20 degrees, the soil - up to 12. The soil is selected light - loam or sandy loam. Another feature - when transplanting, the sprouts are deepened 3 cm lower than they were before. After transplanting, the soil is mulched with peat.

Seedlings in open ground are easier to adapt, if you help her with spraying. The Zircon stimulant and the like are suitable.

  What we plant in the ground in May

If you didn’t have time to land in April

In cold regions or due to lack of time, gardeners postpone planting of cold-resistant crops in early May.

If you didn’t have time to plant summer radishes, onion sets, leaf and head lettuce, dill, parsley, beans, peas, then try to do it in May.

Even if these crops were planted, you can start the second round of cultivation to provide yourself with a fresh crop throughout the season.

A delayed landing does not mean that crops do not need shelter. Return frosts are also possible in May, therefore we do not refuse greenhouse constructions.

Depending on the variety, planting potatoes stretches from mid-April to the end of May. For the third spring month, the planting of late varieties is planned. The preparation of potatoes and soil is carried out according to standard rules.

Do not forget in May to care for already planted plants. We loosen the soil after watering, we make the fertilizers necessary for crops, we carry out the prevention of pests and diseases.