How can I plant Victoria if there is not enough space. How and when is Victoria transplanted? Selection and preparation of a new place

The best time to plant a new bed of strawberries is considered the end of May, as young seedlings have time to grow stronger over the summer and turn into strong bushes. Those who expect to get their first crop in May are recommended to plant Victoria in the fall.

By rooting the mustache that forms on the bushes in mid-summer. Young curly shoots with leaf sockets at the ends are a little grounded and rooted near the mother bush, and in August-September they are separated and transplanted to the prepared bed. Planting Victoria in the fall is optimal due to suitable weather conditions, since in the first half of September it is no longer hot, humid enough and far from frost. In addition, a rainy day does not prevent the laying of a new garden at all, but contributes to a better rooting of strawberries.

The correct landing of Victoria is carried out in a well-prepared soil. For a new garden, it is better to choose a place that is already in the middle of summer freed from onions, garlic, dill, spinach, lettuce and other herbs. Good predecessors, as well as siderates, are peas or beans. You can grow others, it is advisable to choose those that grow quickly and form a sufficient vegetative mass - phacelia, mustard, rapeseed and others. By the time the mustache is rooted, the grown siderates will already become an excellent organic fertilizer.

Instead of siderates, you can fertilize with potash and phosphorus fertilizers, make compost. It is recommended to dip the roots of seedlings in a solution of mullein diluted in a ratio of 1: 3 before planting. An approximate Victoria landing pattern is 30x60 cm, where 30 is the distance between the holes, and 60 is between the rows. In each hole, 2-3 rooted shoots can be planted to exclude empty places in case of failure.

The rest of the landing of Victoria in the fall is similar to the spring. It is important to choose the depth of the hole correctly, so that the root system is completely hidden underground, and the growth bud is on the surface of the soil. The young garden bed needs to be watered properly, to loosen the row-spacing soil. Necessarily or straw for protection against cold and the first frosts.

Landing of Victoria in the fall can be done on agrofibre. To do this, cover the soil with the finished wells with a special cloth that allows moisture and air to pass through, but prevents moisture from evaporating. Agrotextile fabric is fixed by driving in pegs, making incisions in the locations of the holes, where the plants are carefully placed together with the ground on the roots. Watering a young garden.

Agrofibre protects strawberries from some pests, prevents the emergence of weeds, and most importantly, reliably protects Victoria in the winter, acting as a reliable insulation. The berries of strawberries grown with agrotextile are always clean and appetizing, they are easy and convenient to pick - just mulch the row spacing of the bed with sawdust.

In the spring, you need to take care of the young garden: remove last year's withered leaves, loosen the ground, mulch with sawdust to protect against possible frosts.

Good day, our readers. Today we will talk about strawberries.

This is one of the most beloved berries of children and adults.

Eating this berry is a pleasure because it has a pleasant aroma, sweet taste and juicy flesh.

And jams and compotes are an integral part of the stocks of almost every basement. Who has summer cottages, or personal plots of land required.

In this article we will talk about why strawberries should be planted in August. How to choose seedlings. And how to care for strawberry bushes.

Cooking strawberry seedlings

There is one belief. In order for the strawberries to grow well and give a large crop, it should be stolen from someone else's garden or front garden.

But as we understand, in order to get a high-quality and sweet strawberry crop, you should purchase healthy strawberry bushes. And especially when it comes to elite varieties. They, in turn, are expensive.

Frigo seedlings

Frigo seedlings have recently become popular .

These are the best selected bushes that are quenched by negative temperatures. To do this, seedlings are dug up in late autumn, placed in bags and stored at low sub-zero temperatures.

Despite its prevalence, berry bushes should be carefully looked after and monitored. You should buy seedlings in proven places, it is best to do this in large nurseries and greenhouses.

Saplings are usually sold from July to August. Before buying, you should carefully inspect each bush.

Bush selection criteria

It must meet the following criteria:

  • Leaves  have a saturated green color, the presence of dots, spots, dryness is not allowed.
  • Horn.  The thickness of the horn of the seedling should not be less than 7 mm.
  • Bush  has an elastic, strong middle of green color.
  • The roots  In open seedlings, the root length should be 5-7 cm. If you take strawberries in a peat pot, then the roots should stick out at the bottom of the pot holes. If you choose seedlings in plastic cups, the roots should be throughout the entire volume of the glass.

As you know, this is the sequence of choosing seedlings when buying in nurseries and greenhouses. But often friends and neighbors exchange various bushes and varieties of strawberries. In this case, inspection should be carried out according to the same criteria and the best samples should be selected.

Bush restoration

And before landing, resuscitation should be done.

To restore the roots they should be put in water. To accelerate root formation, specialized formulations can be added to water, for example root or heteroauxin. Professionals recommends using natural products honey (a teaspoon) or scarlet (one crushed leaf) instead of special products.

In order to increase survival rate, leave 2-3 leaves on the bush and this is enough. If you leave a lot of leaves, a lot of moisture gets lost through their surface, and since we still have a weak rhizome, the bush will acclimatize for a long time, get sick.

Prune roots  to a length of 4-5 cm. This is enough.

Young roots will give rapid growth to the whole strawberry bush.

Preparing the landing site

The soil

Strawberries grow well on chernozem soils with an acidity of about 6%, on sod-podzolic soils, clay and sand. Adult bushes are not afraid of drought. The use of lowlands or confined land is unacceptable.

Planting strawberries near ponds and surface groundwater are not recommended. Dark gray forest soil is ideal for strawberries.

Most importantly, strawberry bushes love the sun, and in the shade you will not wait for normal fruits.

A place

Before you start planting seedlings, you should clear the land of weed species of herbs. Inspect for pests and, if necessary, treat with special preparations.

If necessary, the land allocated for strawberries should be dug up. Two weeks before planting seedlings, we fertilize the plot.


As a fertilizer, you can use humus, compost or droppings.

Usually this mixture contains:

  • compost +
  • ash +
  • manure (horse or cow, rotten).

Such fertilizer will need 1 bucket per 1 sq. Km. m

Also do not forget about phosphates  (potassium sulfate and superphosphate).

They are added according to the instructions on the packaging.

Recently used already ready-made combined fertilizersthat contain everything you need for the growth and development of plants. Consultation with sellers of the store will be required.

10-12 days after fertilizing, our soil is ready for planting strawberry bushes.

Treatment of the old site

If your place does not allow transplanting strawberries to a new place, then you will need to pre-treat the land before planting.

To begin with, we breed baking soda 200 gr. (pack) in 10 liters of water, and spill a piece of land.

We wait about three days, and prepare a solution of potassium permanganate. Add 2-3 grams to a bucket of water. potassium permanganate.

These two compounds will help disinfect the soil from pests and diseases. Also, after 2-3 days, you can begin to plant strawberry bushes.

Place strawberries in crop rotation plot

If you have a large plot, then strawberries should be transplanted using the crop rotation rule. That is, we alternate the planting of various crops on the site.

The best predecessors will be onion and garlic. Then comes dill, parsley, radish, oats, salad and so on.

Do not plant strawberries in the places of planting of cucumbers, cabbage, potatoes, eggplant, peppers.

Planting strawberry bushes

Basic landing patterns

There are several strawberry planting schemes in total:

  • Single line planting. From the name, everything is clear, we plant strawberries in a row. The distance between the rows is about 60 cm. And the distance between the bushes is 15-20 cm.
  • Two-line planting. The stripes consist of two rows. The distance between the strips is about 60 cm. And in the strip, the distance between the rows should be 30 cm, and between the bushes the same as with the single-line scheme.

Dig the strawberry bush into the prepared soil so that the middle of the bush peeks slightly above the ground.

  • If you deepen too much, the middle will begin to rot and the bush will die.
  • If the roots are left on the surface, the middle will dry out, which in turn will lead to the death of the bush.

The best option is to plant seedlings on the hills.

After planting, be sure to water abundantly. Do not forget to cover the young seedlings with straw, sawdust, and then cover with a film to create a greenhouse effect. Subsequently, weed and water.

To save space, strawberries are planted in pyramids of various shapes and types, using hanging pots.

Step-by-step instruction

How to transplant strawberries in the summer in August with division and mustache?

According to experts, it is best to plant strawberry bushes on a warm cloudy evening. Before starting planting, we will analyze the main types of propagation of strawberries.

Mustache Reproduction

This method is the most tested and often used. Some simply buy several bushes of an expensive strawberry variety, and then propagate them.

Mustache Propagation Process:

  1. We plant purchased copies of strawberry bushes and cut off all the antennae. We collect the first crop and select the best bushes.
  2. After that, in August we plant these bushes separately. They are also called uterine. Then in the spring when the buds will be tied, we just cut them off.
  3. And we leave the antennae, only the largest ones, we get rid of the rest.
  4. Around June, rosettes are formed on the antennae (new delivery of leaflets).
  5. We drop these sockets into the ground lightly and watered.
  6. We are waiting for 3-4 weeks and the new seedlings are ready, we continue to spud, water and loosen the soil.
  7. When you decide to transplant seedlings, before this 10-12 days you should trim the antennae from the uterine bush.
  8. After this, the young seedlings switch to their own root nutrition. And the bushes are ready for transplanting to a permanent place.

The strawberry propagation sequence described above shows how easy and convenient it is to get your favorite strawberry seedlings with your own hands.


Planting seedlings is in the prepared soil.

  1. The site is divided into rows, the distance between which is 60 - 80 cm.
  2. Rows are best done in bulk.
  3. Bushes are planted in prepared holes at a distance of 20 cm from each other.
  4. The depth of the holes is approximately 15 cm.
  5. Each bush is laid in a pit, so that the middle of the bush is above ground level.

Bush division

There is a second way to propagate strawberry bushes - this is the division of the bush itself. This method is usually used for strawberry varieties such as repair  Strawberry. Since these varieties have almost no whiskers.

A young bush at the end of the season has several growth points. The bush should be carefully divided without damaging the leaves and roots. Selected seedlings should have the most solid and strong roots, and not damaged leaves.

Planting strawberries using agrofiber and black film

Recently, gardeners began to use agrofibre or black dense film when planting strawberry bushes.

Advantages of the method

This method has several advantages.:

  • Berries receive the greatest protection against pests.
  • Under agrofibre or film, moisture persists for a very long time.
  • It protects against frost.
  • Weed does not grow under the films.
  • After rain, the berries are not dirty.

Process step by step

We consider how much film we need, buy and start laying agrofibre over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe land.

  1. The soil under the film is prepared as described above. We fix the edges of the film with stones or sprinkle with earth.
  2. Then we mark the places for planting the seedlings and make accurate cuts crosswise.
  3. Dig holes with your hand and lay the seedlings. The incision should be small so that weeds do not break through it.
  4. After planting, water abundantly. You can not water a little bit, this will lead to the appearance of a fungus. D
  5. for convenience, boards are laid on the film or fiber along which it is easy and convenient to move, and the film will not be damaged.

In cases where strawberries are planted in open ground without a film, it is recommended to plant parsley between rows to protect from slugs.

Strawberry bushes should be fed in a timely manner.


Now, not only experienced gardeners, but every lover knows almost all the details of growing strawberry bushes.

Thanks to these techniques, you will be able to get a rich harvest every year of these unusual, fragrant berries. Strawberries should be replanted in the summer, around August after flowering.

During the winter, it will take root, and next season you will get your very first crop. It should be noted that strawberries are a very tender berry. And subject to all the rules of planting and care, at your site you will be able to get a stable good crop for many years.

The magnitude and quality of the strawberry crop depends on the variety of the berry and the observance of the agricultural technology of its cultivation on the site. Garden strawberries do not like to be in one place for a long time, and starting from the third year, they stop the formation of the rosette, reduce the number of peduncles, which affects yield. In order for the renewal of the berry plantation to be successful, it is important to know when it is better to transplant strawberries to a new place: in autumn or spring.

Why you need to transplant strawberries to a new place in the fall

The process of transplanting strawberries has two goals: updating plants and changing the place of their cultivation. The peculiarity of this perennial plant is that from the third year of vegetation, the rosette begins to age sharply.

Gardeners love strawberries for their active and long-lasting fruiting.

The change in the berry growing area is due to the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria and fungi in the soil.

Autumn transplant is preferable for the following reasons:

  1. Well-rooted plants in the late fall, during wintering, lay many flower stalks, and already in the next season they begin to bear fruit actively. With a spring transplant, the plant spends strength on rooting, so it forms significantly fewer berries.
  2. Autumn weather is preferred for better rooting of young outlets. Plants take root quickly during cool autumn days. In addition, the bushes do not have to be watered often because the moisture in the soil lasts longer and the likelihood of rain in the autumn is greater than in the spring.
  3. In autumn, a wide variety of choice of planting material and its price is lower than during the spring excitement of summer residents. If the gardener decided to change the variety grown on the site, he can choose the most advantageous option for himself.
  4. Transplanting in the fall is more profitable in terms of physical costs. Work can be carried out without haste, since there are much less urgent matters on the site in the fall than in the spring.

Transplant Dates

It is impossible to answer the question when it is better to transplant strawberries to a new place in the fall. It all depends on the weather, as well as climatic conditions.

It is the autumn transplant that contributes to productivity

You should focus on the following indicators:

  • climatic conditions of the region;
  • microclimate of the site;
  • weather;
  • quality of planting material;
  • methods of propagation of berries.

It is better to transplant outlets at a temperature of 15 to 23 ° C, with sufficient soil moisture.

The optimal transplant dates in different regions are as follows:

  1. The middle strip of Russia and the Moscow Region is from mid-August to the end of September.
  2. Southern regions - from early September to mid-October.
  3. Northern regions and the Urals - from early June to late July.

IMPORTANT. The timing adjustment is made depending on the specific weather conditions. If frost is planned, it is worth hurrying with a transplant, otherwise the seedlings will not have time to take root.

Selection and preparation of a landing site

The best place to grow strawberries is the southwestern part of the plot with a slight slope to prevent moisture stagnation. The occurrence of groundwater in the area should be no higher than 80 cm. A slight elevation will protect the roots from decay, which may appear in early spring after snow melts.

Weather conditions establish certain requirements for the rules of transplantation, watering, pruning

The selected area should be sunny, but not blown by strong through winds. A sufficient amount of sun will allow you to get not only large berries in large quantities, but also make them sweeter.

Soil preparation

Strawberry prefers fertile soil 5.7-6.2 pH. Peat and sandy soils are not suitable for plants.

The correct selection of fertilizers, timely digging and loosening can create all conditions for the rapid growth and ripening of berries

Best strawberry predecessors:

  • radish;
  • carrot;
  • legumes;
  • garlic;
  • greens: parsley, dill;
  • beet.
  • solanaceous, especially potatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • cucumbers.

TIP. The site selected for strawberries in the spring should be planted with onions or garlic, or seeded with siderates: lupine, cereals.

A bed under the strawberries is deeply dug. 70 g of superphosphate, 30 g of ammonium nitrate and potassium salt are added to the soil per 1 square meter. After preparation, the site is left for 10-14 days so that the soil settles.

For disinfection, experienced gardeners are advised to treat the site with an antiseptic solution: add 3 tbsp. To 10 liters of water. l vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l ash, 2 tbsp. l vinegar, 2 tbsp. l liquid soap or dishwashing detergent.

Video: Strawberry transplant to a new place

Transplant technology: step by step instructions with photos

Features of breeding repair varieties

Unlike ordinary varieties, the repair strawberry does not give a mustache - air processes. Therefore, seedlings are carried out by dividing an adult bush.

The outlet of the repairing grade is dug out of the soil. It consists of a central lignified root, to which young shoots are attached. The bush is divided into several parts so that in each there are personal roots 5-7 centimeters long.

Remontance - the ability to bloom and bear fruit many times

Old leaves and remaining peduncles are removed from the separated process. If left on the outlet, the plant will lose strength and take root too slowly. The root is dipped in Fitosporin-M for 2 hours. This technique will protect the plant from fungus and fill the roots with vitality.  After this time, the sockets are planted according to the technology described above.

Plant care after transplantation and top dressing for the winter

Young outlets need to help take root. To do this, they are regularly watered, treatment is carried out from pests, the soil is loosened, weeds are removed. If there is no rain, in the first 10 days, watering is carried out every other day. Then the frequency is reduced.

If whiskers begin to form on transplanted plants, they are immediately removed so that the outlet does not waste power.  With the threat of frost, strawberries are covered with covering material.

Particular attention when transplanting strawberries and preparing it for winter is given to top dressing. At this time, the main nutrients of the plant are phosphorus and potassium.

Experts advise feeding the bushes with the following formulations for feeding rooted rosettes:

  1. Wood ash. It contains the optimal content of phosphorus, potassium, and also contains calcium, boron, zinc, iodine and copper. It does not make sense to pour dry matter on the soil, since the nutrition of the roots in this case will be limited. An infusion is prepared for feeding: 300 g of ash are dissolved in 10 l of water and left for 4 days. Fertilize each bush with a liter of infusion.
  2. Superphosphate. Fertilizer is poured with boiling water for a day, during the infusion, the solution is periodically stirred. After insisting, a liter of infusion is poured under each bush.
  3. The combined mixture. 20 g of nitroammophoski, 30 g of potassium sulfate, 250 g of wood ash are taken per 10 l of water. The components insist for a day, then spend 500 ml for each bush.

IMPORTANT. Top dressing is applied only to moist soil so that the fertilizer does not burn the roots.

Subject to the technology of strawberry transplantation in autumn, the plant roots well during the winter. In the spring it will give a rich harvest.

How to care for Victoria in the spring, care for strawberries.Everyone has a Victoria in the country, in the spring when everything starts to grow, many have questions care for victoriawhat to do? Victoria leaves live 50-60 days a year. The topsoil up to 3 cm can be removed, so you will protect the planting from pests that winter in the litter. In the spring, when the weather allows, you can begin to clean Victoria from last year's foliage, garbage. You can cut off all the foliage leaving only a growth point. You can sprinkle the entire Victoria plantation with wood ash, (read all about fertilizer with wood ash). Care for Victoria (Strawberry) in the Spring  includes fertilizer and mulching. Sprinkling with ash, also sprinkling with sawdust or ordinary humus. But on this spring care for victoria (strawberries)  it doesn’t end. In early May, Victoria needs to be fed with a complex mineral fertilizer. Before budding, spray the bushes with copper sulfate solution, so you will prevent diseases of young foliage. When there are green leaves on the bushes of Victoria, you need a solution of mullein with ammonium sulfate for each bush. If you trust only natural fertilizers can except wood ash, fertilize with humate potassium (sodium).Water strawberries once a week with warm, settled water. You can water it before flowering by sprinkling, but as soon as the flowers appear, you need to water it under the bush, excluding getting on the leaves themselves.

Growing and caring for Victoria

Have you decided to plant this wonderful berry on your site? To do this, you need:

  • Choose a placePrepare the soilPurchase planting material

The landing place for this wonderful berry is sunny. Then we prepare the soil for planting. Victoria prefers fertile land and for this we bring in humus of their calculation two buckets per square meter, and as mineral fertilizers - ash at the rate of two liters per square meter. The berries are planted in spring, summer and autumn. The best planting time is the month of April.

At this time, seedlings are well received, less sick, and in June you can already harvest. For planting, you need to take outlets with a well-developed root system. Planted on a flat area, making small indentations and spilling them with water.

The distance between the rows is 50-60 centimeters, between the sockets - 30. In order for the socket to work well, dip its roots into a mixture of mullein and clay.

The mixture is made at the rate of 1 bucket of clay per 0.5 buckets of mullein, diluted with water to a creamy consistency. After planting, water abundantly. Then water as it dries.

Before flowering, watering can be done with a sprinkler, and then with a hose along the grooves. Victoria loves organic fertilizers and, for feeding, I use mullein. I breed him 1:10. I feed plants twice a season.

First time in early spring and then during the beginning of flowering. I feed after watering on moist ground. After that, I loosen the soil and then mulch with straw or small grass, cut on a grass cutter. Thanks to the mulching, the moisture remains longer, the soil does not crust, the berry remains clean and this protects the berries from raw rot and weeds. In order to get the crop of berries larger and larger, during flowering and fruiting we remove the mustache. And if you want to propagate the berry, then after harvesting, leave 1-2 mustaches closer to the mother plant. Further care for Victoria is reduced to watering, preventing the plants from drying out, weeding the weeds and removing ohshih listev.Dlya to berry wintered well, it should be in late autumn well shed. And before frost cover it with foliage, straw or other material.

I, Galina Nikolaevna Sukhova, have vast experience in farming, with which I generously share on the pages of my site

Proper Victoria Care - Rich Harvest

It will allow you to get a rich harvest, starting from its planting and watering, and ending with the harvest. It is no secret that Victoria has many useful properties, not to mention its excellent taste.

A rich harvest is the result of proper care for Victoria. Garden strawberries, which are usually called "Victoria" - a very tasty and fragrant berry. In fact, Victoria is only a strawberry variety. Caring for wild strawberries and Victoria have some features and differences.

Landing victoria

Victoria needs to be planted on a flat, with a slight slope to the west, site. It is necessary that the landing site be well protected from the wind, which in winter, blowing snow from plants, can cause them to die from frost. Victoria grows best on sandy soils containing a large amount of humus. Victoria propagates by a mustache, growing in the middle of summer. From the nodes located on the mustache, new shoots grow - rosettes from leaves and roots.

The first 2 to 3 rosettes from the main plant are considered the most suitable for reproduction. The most suitable are mustaches from two-year-old bushes. When 4-6 leaves are formed on the outlet, it should be cut off from the mustache and, together with a lump of earth, put in a prepared hole in a permanent place. Victoria is usually planted in spring or autumn, with preliminary preparation of the soil.

If spring planting is expected, then the soil should be prepared from autumn, if autumn, then the plot is prepared in June. 6 kg of humus and mineral fertilizers are applied to the dug up land per square meter: potassium salt and ammonium nitrate of 20 g each, plus 25 g of superphosphate. In order to make it convenient to care for the plants, they are planted in rows like ridges, up to 10 cm high. Between the bushes should be left 20 - 30 cm, with an aisle of 60 - 70 cm.

Victoria Care & Watering

Victoria is very whimsical to care and watering. With regular work to save moisture by loosening the soil, mulching, snow retention, removing weeds, you can do without watering.

But when it is watered up to 10 times per season, a more generous crop is possible. After flowering, the land on the garden is mulched with wood shavings, straw or dry moss. This protects the berries from the disease with raw rot. In mid-autumn, you need to make a second mulching with peat or grain waste.

The thickness of the mulch should be 5 - 8 cm. After harvesting, loosen the earth around the bushes. With exposed roots, the plant must be spud.

An important role for obtaining a good strawberry crop is its weeding. Good and timely care for victoria  will be pleased with the harvest of berries, indispensable in the treatment of kidney and liver diseases, diabetes. Victoria berries favor blood formation, increase working capacity, and strengthen immunity. Read also about the repairing varieties of Victoria, as we often call it, or just strawberries.

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Group for country life lovers: gardeners and florists, gardeners  and lovers of an active lifestyle, useful work and rest, hunters, mushroom pickers and fishers. Here are useful tips for beginners (and not only) gardeners, gardeners, gardeners. P. S. If you are not registered on the service, first go through a simple registration, go to the group via the link. "Country Hobbies"

How to care for Victoria?

Victoria is one of the famous varieties of strawberry garden. In connection with the wide distribution of this variety, the name is tightly fixed in everyday life for garden strawberries in general. To harvest this berry pleased you with quantity and quality, you need to know how to care for Victoria correctly.

How to care for Victoria

Watering Victoria

Victoria is very demanding on care and watering. If it is not always possible to water it, then it is necessary to carry out work to preserve moisture in the soil. This can help you loosening the soil, covering the ground with snow, timely removal of weeds, mulching.

As a rule, watering strawberries 9-10 times per season allows you to get a rich harvest. For watering, you can use a garden watering can without a nozzle and carefully water directly under the root of the plant.

How to care for Victoria in the fall

After the flowering season, it is imperative to mulch the soil with dry moss, straw or wood shavings. This simple procedure will protect the berries from infection with gray rot.

Closer to mid-autumn, re-mulching is required using waste from grain production or peat. The thickness of the mulch layer should be about 5 - 8 cm. When mulching, it should be remembered that the leaves of Victoria should not be covered.

After harvesting, it is necessary to loosen the compacted soil around the plants. In the case of exposure of the roots of the plant, it must be spud. To maintain good yield, Victoria beds should be weeded regularly.

When weeding, you can use mini-hoes and garden rippers.

How to care for Victoria in the spring

In order to ensure the flowering of bushes and an active ovary of berries, Victoria bushes in the spring can be treated with boric acid. And before flowering and during the ovary, it is useful to treat Victoria with zinc sulfate. Also in the spring after harvesting the leaves, you can fertilize the soil.

Landing victoria

Victoria strawberry propagation occurs with the help of a mustache, which grows in the plant by mid-summer. On these mustaches there are nodes from which the leaves and roots actually grow.

Two or three rosettes located at the mother plant are considered the most high-quality for reproduction. Mustaches are best taken from plants of the 2nd year.

After 4 to 6 leaves appear on the outlet, it must be separated from the mother plant and transplanted to the prepared place. In order not to damage the roots, rosettes must be excavated with a lump of earth and planted in prepared and spilled holes. Victoria is planted in spring or autumn.

For a more comfortable planting in the spring, the soil must be prepared in the fall (dig, harbor). If you decide to plant Victoria in the fall, then you can prepare the site in June. Also, when preparing the site, fertilizing will not be superfluous. For good growth and development of Victoria, it is necessary to pay per 1 m2:

  • 20 g of ammonium nitrate; 25 g of superphosphate; 6 kg of humus

To ensure comfortable access to plants during irrigation or weeding, Victoria is best planted in even rows from small ridges of land with a height of 7 - 10 cm. The distance between the rows should be taken about 60 - 70 cm, and between two planted plants - 20 - 30 cm. For more detailed ideas about planting Victoria can watch a video for beginner gardeners.

Choosing a site for landing

It is best to plant garden strawberries on a flat area, which has a slight slope of the relief to the west. This feature of the surface of the plot will allow strawberry leaves to receive more sunlight in the afternoon.

It is also desirable that the site is protected from the wind. Victoria feels most comfortable on sandy soils with a high humus content.

Victoria - a delicious victory with little secrets

Greetings, dear readers, One of the first varieties of the well-known garden strawberry is Victoria berry. Victoria fruits have an unusual aroma; they look beautiful and appetizing on a dish.

Victoria is a berry that has many valuable properties and contains nutrients. It contains vitamin C. The name Victoria is very suitable for this berry. To feel Victoria - a victory - you need to see a well-groomed garden of beautiful berries.

And for this you need to properly care for the plant. Let's talk about the garden plot. Victoria propagated by a mustache. They usually appear in the middle of summer. For further growing plants use sockets located next to the mother bush.

Mustaches from biennial plants are best suited. You need to plant a rosette with four leaves on the ridge, separating it from the general plant. Victoria bushes are planted in spring or autumn. But at the same time, the landing site is prepared in advance.

The beds are prepared for spring planting in the fall, and for the autumn - in the month of June, not forgetting to fertilize the ground. It is advisable to land Victoria out of the blue with a slope in a westerly direction.

In winter, snow should accumulate on the site, so that Victoria bushes do not die. In this regard, the garden bed must be positioned so that it is not much blown by the wind. In order to plant bushes, it is necessary to make holes on the prepared garden bed, in which mustaches are excavated along with a lump of soil.

This should be done immediately, without leaving the outlet for the next days. The berry - Victoria is susceptible to infection with gray rot, to prevent this disease, the soil on the ridge is mulched with wood shavings or straws, 10 cm thick. At the same time, the leaves of the plant are not covered.

When harvested, the earth around the berry bushes must be loosened. When the roots are exposed, the berries are spudded, regular weeding of Victoria is the key to obtaining a good harvest. Before flowering, in order to prevent the disease of gray rot, it is necessary to spray with iodine solution. Special requirements are made for watering the bushes.

Save a large amount of vitamin products will allow moderate watering of the plant. Without additional moisture, Victoria will grow if it is covered with snow in winter, high-quality weeding is done, timely and regular loosening of the soil is made. Today it’s all about the plot. Do not miss the opportunity to enjoy the berries of Victoria.

Her taste is canceled, and the benefits are immense. When eating, carefully rinse the fruit under running water. You can use strawberries for fasting days due to its low calorie content.

Using a decoction of berries and leaves will help lose weight.

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We grow Victoria: three kilograms from a bush

Irina Lebedeva, an accountant by profession and a gardener by vocation, has been growing Victoria for 40 years. But even with such experience, it is recognized that the results are different and depend on weather conditions, seedlings or seeds.

That is why she does not like to experiment and plants exclusively early varieties. A plot of 12 acres in the village of Krasnoe went to her from her parents. There, she and her husband Sergei Vladimirovich spend every summer.

During this time, collect up to 3 kg of berries from one bush. At the same time, the berries are large in size - with a child’s cam. “Victoria, or, speaking science, garden large-fruited strawberries is one of my favorite berries,” says Irina Aleksandrovna. - Despite the fact that there is not so much space on the site, I allocated 3 beds for her so that not only fresh food would be enough, but also preparations for the winter.

When and where to plant- I usually plant in early May. I think that the sooner it is planted, the better it develops. I plant in the evening so that strawberries can acclimatize during the night. - It is better to prepare the beds in the fall, and immediately start planting in the spring.

Strawberries love a sunny, open place. The direction of the beds is desirable to do from south to north. It is in this location that she makes the most of solar energy.

Try not to plant it under an apple tree or cherry. Soil moisture is another important factor. If the groundwater is close, then the bed should be raised to 30-35 cm so that the roots do not rot.

In dry places, beds are not high - 8-10 cm. Seedlings grown using the Frigo technology are best planted in spring (read more about it on our website). Grown with antennae or seeds, if the roots of the plant are strong, you can plant them right now, so that the plant is ready to lower the temperature in September. Now you need to feed the plants planted with microelements for berry crops, for example Gumi-omi.

You can treat the beds with special chemicals for the prevention of diseases and pests, such as "Fufanon", "Ordan", "Abiga-Peak". How to plant- I make the distance between the rows 60 cm, and between the plants in a row - 20 cm. I make the depth of the hole for the entire length of the root.

I dip the root of the plant in a solution of mullein or humus with the ground. In the hole I add 1 tbsp. l “Agrovit-Kora” or a pinch of “Kemira-Universal”. Planted so that the growth point was at the level of the soil.

A shallow or, conversely, deep landing leads to the death of plants or to their poor development. After planting, I water with water - 250 ml per plant as the soil dries. - First of all, we note that the key to a large crop is a quality, healthy planting material.

In our case, this means a developed root system of at least 15 cm and a small rosette of leaves. The distance between plants should be slightly larger than Irina does: between rows - 70 cm, and between plants in a row - 30 cm.

When it is planted less often, it is less and sick, it gives more yield, and the distance promotes ventilation and good lighting. On the bed, weeds are first removed, then they are leveled and made depending on the size of the root, that is, on its entire length. Then, compost (a couple of scoops), ash (half a matchbox for one hole) and a little earth are laid in this hole.

All this mass is mixed, watered and only then strawberries are planted. Then they fall asleep with earth and watered again. Before engaging in landings at the summer cottage, it is necessary to draw up a plan and observe crop rotation. That is, to alternate certain crops on the beds.

Strawberries can be planted after any predecessors, except for nightshade ones (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, pepper, petunia, tobacco). But you can not plant it next to raspberries, because they have the same pests.

Before the formation of flower stalks, you need to water from a watering can, and after they appear, use a ladle under the spine. The maximum yield for strawberries is the first two years, and then the yield decreases, the risk of pests starting up increases. You can plant strawberries in the garden where it grew, after 2 seasons.

And before that, you can plant garlic or mustard, which will improve the soil. You can also grow strawberries where legumes were planted in the previous season. How to prepare for wintering?

- In the autumn, when the temperature is established - 2-5C I cover the bed with Agroteks (covering material). And in spring, when snow melts, I take it off. - Each summer resident has his own method of mulching (covering the soil with a protective layer) of strawberries - mowed lawn grass, sawdust of deciduous trees, hay.

But one of the means that will save the gardener from unnecessary trouble is the Kostravit-M1 mulch. It protects the soil from overheating, retains moisture longer, saves from pests and inhibits weed growth. Also, mulch will save strawberries from freezing in winter.

The recommended thickness of the mulching layer is 1.5-2 cm in spring, and 3 cm before winter. What varieties to choose?This year, Irina Alexandrovna had not so many berries, but they were all very large, about 8 cm long.

The hostess believes that this is the merit of the variety, which has not failed her for the 2nd season. Despite the dimensions, the taste does not get worse.

The main varieties used by Irina Aleksandrovna are Gigantella and Festivalnaya. All varieties are divided into 4 groups: early, medium, late ripening and repair. It all depends on the summer resident’s preferences, what kind of strawberries he wants to see on his plot. Early varieties ripen at the end of June - these are Kimberly, Korona, Olvia.

The berries are sweet, large, bright red, winter-hardy. The middle ones ripen in early July - Rusich, Black Swong, Vima-Zanta, Zenga-Zengana. Berries from 20 g, sweet and sour taste, medium hardiness winter. Late - in mid-July - “Vima Tarda”, “Vicoda”, “Charlotte”.

The berries are medium-sized, the taste is sweet and sour, the winter hardiness is good. The garden strawberry is reputable. She gives berries a little bit, but then all summer. Also, their feature is that the berries are larger and sweeter than ordinary varieties.

It blooms from May to October: Vima-Rina, Geneva, Moscow Delicacy, Brighton, Queen Elizabeth II. How to propagate?Irina Alexandrovna propagates strawberries with a mustache.

Just now I transplanted it to the garden where the onion grew. - This method has many drawbacks, although it is easy to use. After 3 generations, the berry begins to lose its properties.

It becomes smaller, the taste deteriorates, productivity decreases, and susceptibility to diseases increases. The next drawback is the transfer of diseases from the garden to the garden.

Strawberries, on which gardeners leave a mustache, spend their energy not on laying fruit buds, but on feeding their young shoots. To avoid these problems, it is necessary to update the planting material, that is, take seedlings of the first reproduction. They give the maximum yield.

Saplings of this class can be found today. Sellers should have varietal certificates confirming this. There is another modern way - the new technology of frigo (in the translation "cold").

Throughout the summer, farmers grow strawberries in open fields in nurseries. During this time, she is not allowed to give the crop, her mustache is removed. Then they dig up strawberries, cut the leaves, and plant the seedlings in a refrigerator for storage.

And in this condition it is stored until the moment when it needs to be planted. To us, in Udmurtia, frozen roots are brought from the Dutch nursery in the spring. After planting, after two months, gardeners receive a guaranteed harvest.

You can make an application for the purchase of seedlings of 1 reproduction using frigo technology by phone at the Agricultural Academy 55-02-07, (average price - 25-35 rubles per seedling). How to care?Twice a season, Irina Aleksandrovna, does liquid top dressing for strawberries.

The first time - in May, before flowering, and the second time - in early July, after harvesting. - For liquid feeding strawberries, I use fresh chicken droppings. A few hours before dressing the beds well water.

Then, in 10 liters of water, carefully mix a portion of fresh chicken manure at a rate of 1:10 and water evenly from a watering can. After harvesting, I remove all weeds, loosen the soil around all the bushes and cover with a small layer of cow manure to fertilize the ground.

I do not use any chemicals. - Experts advise feeding strawberries in spring with nitrogen fertilizers in accordance with the instructions on the package (for example, AFC 16-16-16, 10 grams per square meter). But do not overdo it.

It is also recommended to regularly introduce a complex of microelements for berry crops, for example, Gumi-omi. After harvesting, it can be treated with special chemicals for the prevention of diseases and pests, such as Fufanon, Ordan, Abiga Peak.

How to get rid of pestsIrina Aleksandrovna is sure that the pests do not touch Victoria, because she replaces it every three years to a new place. The main strawberry pests are the larvae of the May beetle (grouse). When digging the beds, you need to remove the larvae manually.

Another method of struggle is to cover the beds during the summer of beetles in May with covering material, a film or roofing material. Another enemies of strawberries - nematodes - are small worms. It is very difficult to deal with them. The main way is to observe crop rotation.

Eliminate the garden after 3-4 years of fruiting and burn the remains of plants. You can get rid of them with a folk remedy - pour a decoction of marigolds or plant marigolds on a future bed for several months.

Before planting, when preparing a garden bed, you can plant it, for example, with mustard, it heals the soil. After a month, you can dig everything up and plant strawberry seedlings.

Many people do not want to eat purchased berries and grow them on their own sites. One of the most popular cultures is rightfully recognized as a sweet and rich strawberry. It can be met in many gardens. However, really well-groomed and juicy berries of Victoria give only well-groomed and properly planted bushes. Today we will consider in detail how to plant strawberries and how to properly care for them.

Optimal timing

Before embarking on a strawberry planting, it’s worth figuring out when it’s best to do this. It is worth considering that the optimal time for planting strawberries directly depends on its specific variety. For example, for the early and remontant species of this culture, the timing will vary.

The development of the Victoria root system takes place in waves. So, the first step of rapid growth is usually in the early spring. Strawberry grows most efficiently if it is located in fairly warm soil, the temperature of which is +9 or +10 degrees. The next active phase takes effect after the fruiting process. It gradually comes to naught in July, when the maximum temperature indicators for the summer are kept in the yard.

There is another phase of strawberry growth. It falls on the end of August and the beginning of September. In this autumn period, the temperature of the soil gradually decreases and reaches a mark of +20 degrees. For this reason, it is so important to refer to the appropriate agricultural practices aimed at normalizing the temperature parameter of the earth. This can be drip irrigation or mulching. With such techniques, the root system will begin to develop almost continuously, and the second and third phases will become one.

As for the early varieties of strawberries, their fruit buds are laid at temperature values \u200b\u200bof +16 or +18 degrees (in conditions of short daylight hours). New plants begin to be created only after the fruiting process - at this time the antennae quietly break through, fresh rosettes appear. This happens, as a rule, in June or July. Fresh sprouts take root only in July-August. The laying and differentiation of the kidneys usually takes place in September-October. Stronger leaves with a leathery surface grow closer to the winter season - they still have to endure frosts. The roots, which were formed in the fall, live for about 7-9 months, that is, from August to April. They will act as the basis for a new crop.

Because of this, if we decide to plant Victoria in August or September, then we will be able to 100% realize the potential of the chosen culture, since the root system will have time to fully develop.

As for the repairing varieties, they form buds regardless of daylight hours. They are recommended to be planted in April-May. If you choose a spring planting, then the active fruiting of the culture will be in the second half of the summer season. If you plant repairing varieties in the fall, then there will be few advantages from this - you will only have to cover the plant, since such types of strawberry bushes are very heat-loving.

Contrary to popular belief, many experts and experienced gardeners strongly do not recommend planting Victoria in the summer. This is due to the fact that the seedlings may not withstand the heat and heat.


Before planting strawberries on your site, you need to correctly conduct preparatory work. Moreover, you will need to prepare not only plants, but also the ground. This stage cannot be neglected, otherwise a good harvest can not be expected - you will only waste your time and energy. Consider a step-by-step instruction on how to prepare all the necessary components.


A transplant of berry seedlings must be carried out on a cloudy day - it should not be hot outside. It is better to familiarize yourself with the weather forecast for a few days in order to plan everything. An hour and a half before transplanting, the bush needs to be properly watered. You can use not only ordinary water, but also a warm solution of humus (not too strong) or herbal tincture of the same temperature. Further, when the seedlings have already been dug up, its rhizomes will need to be soaked in a specialized composition for 1.5-2 hours. Today, several popular solutions are used, which are addressed by many owners of gardens.

  • Biostimulator of growth.The use of this tool is considered the simplest. To do this, buy a specific growth stimulator and insist in it seedlings. Such a solution is especially suitable for those who can independently choose the optimal composition.
  • Sourdough on herbs.There are several relevant recipes for the preparation of such top dressing. For example, nettles and green parts of legumes can be used. They are poured with warm water, covered with double superphosphate and left to ferment. It usually takes about 1-2 weeks to prepare this natural composition. The content of this solution will contain nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. It is possible to soak seedlings in it, and in the future to use it as top dressing.

  • A solution of garlic. With the help of garlic, you can deter plantings from various insects. It is crushed, added to warm water, and then the roots of the plant are soaked in the resulting composition.

When choosing young bushes for transplantation, it is worth considering some important parameters.

  • On each bush there should be 3-5 leaves (fresh and without spots / damage).
  • Rhizomes should be neat and straight, devoid of putrid traces. Density should be medium.
  • The length of the roots of seedlings should not be more than 10-12 cm. If the rhizomes are longer, then they need to be shortened independently with scissors. It is forbidden to break off their hands.

There are 2 methods for harvesting seedlings - from antennae or seeds. It is advised to resort to the use of seeds only if you want to grow a brand new variety on your site. When growing seedlings from seeds, it is better to put wet sand with fertilizers into action. The latter should be disinfected if you typed it from the forest. This can be done by heating the sand in the oven.

When growing strawberries from the antennae, it is worthwhile to select well grown and dense bushes, on which mustaches will be grown in the future. In the spring, from such bushes it is necessary to cut off all the ovaries so that they can reproduce vegetatively. In July, you will need to choose 1-2 sockets from each antenna.

About 1.5-2 weeks before planting, the outlets will need to be carefully separated from the mustache, so that the seedlings are more likely to adapt to a new place.

The soil

Properly preparing the seedlings for future planting, you can proceed to the preparation of the soil. You will definitely need to choose a suitable site for planting plants. The earth should be located in a well-lit place, because Victoria loves him very much. Without sufficient lighting, the fruits will not grow large and juicy, and their sweetness can suffer from this. In addition, there will not be a good strawberry crop in the shade.

You also need to pay attention to the level of moisture in the soil in which you plan to plant the crop. Victoria loves water, but it should not be too much. In wetlands, the berry will grow very poorly.   Groundwater level should not be closer than 1.5 m from the surface.In addition, the soil should be loosened (but not too much), fertile and have a neutral acid level. In the case when its acidity is high, before planting, you will need to supplement it with calcium fertilizers or turn to the use of slaked lime. To reduce the acidity of the earth, it is permissible to use cement waste, since calcium is also present in them.

It is important to take into account the fact that the plants previously grew in the selected area. Victoria will not be able to "live" in those places where sunflowers, cabbage or other nightshade previously grew.

Even proper soil cultivation will not help here. But if in the designated place there used to be carrots or parsley, then strawberries can be planted there safely - it will develop well.

Before planting Victoria, the soil will need to be properly handled. The pre-selected area will need to be dug to the depth of the bayonet, and then weeds should be carefully removed from its surface. The first cop should be held in October / November, and the second - in the spring or summer before planting the crop. It will be necessary to thoroughly loosen the ground, otherwise it will be difficult for the rhizomes to germinate. Victoria does not grow very well in overly dense soil.

Be sure to remove all weeds. It is advisable to do this with your hands - do not use herbicides, because they can harm seedlings.There are several steps to get rid of weeds. First, weed grass is removed by hand (if it is not too much), they are digging the ground, and then proceed to cleaning the remaining roots. If the weeds have grown very densely in the selected area, then they will need to be mowed. Then they dig and loosen the earth, and in the end they destroy the roots with a rake. It is advisable to carry out such work in the fall. In the spring, you can dig the earth again, while removing the remaining inclusions.

Fertilize the soil well before planting strawberries. Fertilizing should be not too little, and not too much. You can add a combination of organic and mineral fertilizers. But do not overdo it with organics, otherwise plants can subsequently become "targets" for fungal diseases.

Planting bushes

The scheme for planting strawberries in open ground is quite simple and understandable. Planting bushes should be done on a cloudy day when the weather is not too hot on the street. It is permissible to do this in the evening. Be sure to water the seedlings an hour before planting. It is advisable to moisten the seedlings in water or a special biostimulator according to the scheme described previously.

Please note - a healthy seedling should have 3-4 strong leaves and sufficiently developed rhizomes. Now you need to fix each strawberry bush so that its growth point is on a par with the top of the bed, and the root system is straightened at the edges of the mound prepared for planting.

Further, carefully supporting the bush, you need to fill it with pre-prepared soil and water it immediately. This is done in order to maximize the effective interaction of roots and soil. It is required to ensure that the growth point does not go too deep or is too much "lifted" above the ground.

Victoria should be planted very carefully and carefully. Do not make too sharp movements. Try not to damage the seedlings.


Do not think that work with Victoria ends at her landing. In the future, this culture will require careful care, without which you will not have to rely on a good harvest. Let us consider step by step how it will be necessary to care for strawberry bushes so that it grows healthy and gives rich harvests.

Mustache pruning

If you want strawberry bushes to give a good and rich harvest with large and sweet fruits, then you should cut off all their mustaches twice a season.

The first time to carry out this procedure will be needed at the very beginning of the growing season. This is necessary so that the plant does not spend extra energy on the growth of antennae, but sends all the nutrients to the formation of quality berries. If you neglect such a simple procedure, the berries, of course, will ripen, but will be small and grow in small quantities. And their taste will be far from ideal.

The second time a strawberry mustache grows at the end of the fruitful period. This time they will again need to be cut, and at the very base. But keep in mind that the shoots are usually quite strong, so the antennae should never be pulled out by hand.Otherwise, you risk tearing the bush along with the roots.

It is permissible to trim only with a special garden pruner or scissors with fairly sharp blades.

Top dressing

We must not forget that freshly planted strawberries always require mulching. Most often, needles are used for these purposes. This component prevents the development of various plant diseases, and also repels all kinds of pests. Instead of needles, straw, dry grass or foliage is permissible. It is also important to remember the proper feeding of strawberries. This stage should be passed approximately 2 weeks after the completion of planting work.

The specified procedure must be carried out both in spring and autumn. In addition, it is advisable to feed the culture immediately after the fruiting period (if you have not had time with this matter a bit, then you can carry out such work in the fall). Victoria fertilizer at the end of the fruitful stage and harvest is most often carried out using high-quality organic products. There are plenty of such, but most gardeners use mullein (manure) or chicken droppings.

Often add wood ash, which can easily replace superphosphate and potassium salt. As for mineral fertilizers, then people often stop at the previously mentioned potassium salt or urea. However, experts advise you to use these tools if you have no organics left.

This crop will need additional nutrition after the process of autumn pruning. This procedure is necessary for the cultivation of sweet fruits. After that, it is permissible to turn to fertilizer in the form of potassium humate. Next, you will need to thoroughly loosen the ground, carefully and accurately cover the bed and do not touch it until spring.

Of course, every summer resident chooses such top dressing as he considers the best for his garden. To date, there are many options for such tools. This can be not only organic or mineral variants, but also ordinary ammonia, iodine, yeast, nettle tincture, or even whey infusion, called sour milk.

Consider for the future that young plants, which are only 1 year old, may not be fertilized in spring.

If in the process of their planting an insufficient amount of fertilizer was used, then without carrying out the indicated procedure it will not be possible to do. Top dressing is usually laid on the ground, previously cleaned of any litter.

Loosening and weeding

If you cut off all unnecessary mustache from the bushes of Victoria, then you can start weeding the beds in order to get rid of annoying weeds, as well as additionally loosen the soil between the rows of beds. This is necessary so that the roots of the planted vegetation receive the necessary amount of oxygen.

When loosening, try to stay away from the rhizomes of Victoria. As a rule, they are at shallow depths.

It is advisable to indent from the seedling by about 12-15 cm.

After loosening the ground, it is permissible to pour some more fresh soil under the bushes. This stage is required so that during the summer growth the roots do not break out. Then the bare root can cause the whole bush to freeze with the onset of winter cold. For the same reason, the yield in the next season may be quite low.


You can’t stop watering Victoria even if it has long ceased to bear fruit, especially considering the fact that July and August are the hottest summer months, which are often given out as quite arid. Landing under such conditions just needs good watering.

Watering strawberries is required at least once every 7-10 days.

Do not bring the situation to the point where the plantings themselves indicate that they lack watering.  Bushes can noticeably wilt, the foliage will begin to gradually dry out. However, such plantings cannot be transfused.

With the onset of autumn, if frequent rains begin to rain, then you yourself will not need to water the berries - nature will do everything for you. But if the autumn is too dry, then you will need to moisten the bushes yourself and do it regularly, since the laying of flower buds will depend on this.

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