Bath with a terrace: project options. Projects of baths with a terrace: a selection of options Small bath with a large veranda

The bathhouse was the main "washing" place in many countries, from the Middle Ages to the advent of centralized water supply. In modern times, such a building is intended primarily for recreation in the company of family and friends. But if in a small bathhouse it only comes out to take a steam bath, then an extensive bathhouse with a terrace is a symbol of solid material security, because it will take a considerable amount of time and finance to build it.

Advantages of a bath with a terrace, veranda

Veranda is a small open or closed structure with a roof. It is part of the bath structure, located on the same foundation with it. The veranda is being built together with the bathhouse or later. The terrace is equipped with its own foundation, another foundation raised above the ground. Such a site is closed, open, universal. The latter option is suitable for full use both in summer and winter.

A bathhouse with a veranda or terrace has many advantages:

  • on the site in front of the bath you can organize barbecue, barbecue, grill;
  • friendly gatherings, family lunch or dinner are also convenient here;
  • a huge selection of modern building materials, design solutions allows you to create a building in any style;
  • the extension can be placed both on the side of the bathhouse and between the house and the bathhouse, in order to relax without going far;
  • on the territory of the site, plants will be beautifully placed in tubs, flowerpots;
  • a well-executed building allows you to maximally comply with the chosen concept of landscape design, without making the architectural ensemble fragmented;
  • since you do not have to build a separate roof over the recreation area and the washing place, as well as connect them with paths, the savings in time and building materials are obvious;
  • from the open terrace, veranda, you can admire the sunset or sunrise over a cup of tea, wrapped in a soft blanket;
  • the outdoor pool can be easily positioned directly on the terrace.

A brazier, a barbecue grill, an open stone or brick hearth, several benches or full-fledged armchairs, as well as tables are placed on a standard site.

Choosing a location for the location of the building

The place for the bath should be chosen very carefully, especially when the site is small and the neighbors are very close. If there is such an opportunity, the bathhouse is placed near a natural or artificial reservoir; it is a great pleasure to plunge into the cool waters immediately after the hot steam room.

According to current standards, the following minimum distances to other buildings are required:

  • from a residential building - 7-10 m;
  • to buildings made of non-combustible material - 6-9 m;
  • to wooden outbuildings - 10-13 m;
  • to wooden buildings with a non-combustible coating - 7-9 m;
  • from the carriageway - 6-7 m;
  • from a neighboring fence or border - 1-2 m;
  • to a neighbor's house - 15-17 m;
  • to the forest - 16 m;
  • to a well, a well - 10 m;
  • up to tall trees - 4 m, bushes - 2 m.

It is also important to discuss in advance the location of the future bath in relation to common areas, if any, a pond for bathing, a playground, etc. could be damaged during floods.

Even a tall bathhouse is stirred so as not to shade the neighboring area. The slope of the sauna roof is made to their side, and the entrance must be visible from the house, which is very important during kindling.

Selection of materials for construction

Materials for construction are selected mainly as environmentally friendly, natural, and high quality as possible. The structure is being built in such a way as to serve for many years, retaining its beautiful appearance, practically requiring no repairs.

The following building materials are most often used for construction:

  • natural wood - logs, boards, timber;
  • brick, natural stone;
  • foam concrete, gas silicate blocks;
  • glass, including fireproof, frosted, colored;
  • sand, gravel, clay, cement;
  • various types of vapor barrier, waterproofing, thermal protection;
  • pipes made of plastic, metal;
  • ceramic tiles - for decorating the floor, walls;
  • tile, ondulin, roofing felt, slate - for roofing.

The internal bath room is exposed to hot water, high temperature, the open area in front of it - to the influence of wind, precipitation, direct sunlight, which is important to consider during construction. For the construction of the bath itself, conifers are preferred, but it is better to finish it with deciduous ones - resinous substances, with long-term exposure, have a detrimental effect on the respiratory system. Such a construction is carried out with a frame or in the form of a log house. Brick, stone, and also built using the "clay" technology (from wood and clay) baths are less common.

Since high humidity is constantly present in the room, high-quality plastering of walls, ceilings, and floors is necessary.

Which floor to choose for the future terrace

The choice of flooring depends on the materials from which the entire structure is made, its stylistic design.

Basic requirements for flooring on a sauna porch, veranda, terrace:

  • the coating should not slip - this will help avoid injury if the floor is wet;
  • the material is chosen frost-resistant, which is important in the coldest regions;
  • high resistance to abrasion, deformation - they walk around the site in various shoes.

When the site is partially or completely open, when performing the floor, it is necessary to make a slight slope (no more than two to four degrees) towards the street so that the water can easily flow down.

It is desirable that the entrance to the site can be made both from the street and from the sauna building.

Stone, tile or wood

The most popular coating option is decking. It is made of natural wood or wood with the addition of polypropylene. The last option is characterized by low swelling, practically does not deform from external influences. Of the tree species, the most commonly used are larch, ash, spruce, pine, hornbeam, oak, less often fir, Brazil nut, cedar, teak.
The use of natural or artificial stone, ceramic tiles is justified if the washing facility is at least partially decorated by them. When using tiles, the most textured one is chosen, which will not slip. In brick buildings, the floor is sometimes made of paving slabs, which visually unite the area with the paths in the garden. Porcelain stoneware is also acceptable, it is only important to lay it in accordance with all the rules.

Choosing a terrace board

When making a wooden floor on a terrace by yourself, it is recommended to cover it with antiseptics, moisture-resistant or fire-resistant impregnations, means containing oils, wax, intended for outdoor use. All of them are available transparent, tinted or with a whitening effect.

Purchased decking can be smooth or corrugated - the latter is recommended for sauna verandas and terraces. A board made of composite material contains wood flour obtained from valuable wood species and various polymers.

Dimensions of buildings

A modern bathhouse is not only a steam room, a washing room, but also a whole complex capable of combining a relaxation room, a kitchen, a toilet, and a small bedroom. Such a structure, if necessary, can become a full-fledged summer housing. The sauna terrace will house a barbecue area, a fireplace, and even a small pool.

When drawing up a plan, it is important to take into account many rules and principles for the construction of such structures. The minimum comfortable area of ​​the steam room is 9-11 meters, the height is from two. Doors and windows are made on the south, in extreme cases - on the east side, in order to minimize heat loss. All electrical appliances, wires, sockets, switches, if any, must be protected from moisture in order to avoid electric shock in case of their malfunction.

The choice of a suitable project depends on how large the area is around the house:

  • 6 by 9 meters - "classic", optimal dimensions of a bathhouse in a spacious yard. The guest area here is so large that it can accommodate not only a family of four or six people, but also a dozen of friends. It is recommended to build a common foundation for both zones, you can even organize a second floor: then there will be a sauna and the veranda itself downstairs, upstairs there will be a billiards room or a relaxation room, a toilet;
  • The bathhouse attached to a residential building has dimensions of 6 by 6 or 5 by 6 meters - such proportions look harmonious on any standard area. The construction allows you to significantly increase the area of ​​the house, creating a cozy place under a canopy for gatherings with family and friends. A definite plus here is additional protection from the cold of the building itself;
  • 4 by 4 or 4 by 4.5 meters - also a typical bathhouse, consisting of a steam room, a font, a relaxation area. The veranda is located on its own foundation - it is usually open, which is not very convenient, provided that the entrance is made from the street. In some versions, the structure is made covered, or part of the room is converted into a small dressing room;
  • in the bathing project 4 by 6 meters, the vestibule is provided immediately, since it is supposed to use the building in the autumn-winter period. The shower here is not combined with the steam room, but they are almost the same size - the latter is always slightly larger, since it must accommodate at least two or three people at a time;
  • a typical bathhouse 5 by 6 meters has a protruding terrace, a fenced dressing room, which takes up very little space. The veranda is designed as an extension, sometimes it is L-shaped, which allows you to conveniently place a large company by equipping a comfortable barbecue corner, fireplace or tea area;
  • in the bathhouse project 6 by 6 meters there is a spacious steam room, shower, changing room, vestibule, resting place or even a small bedroom. Here you can also equip a smoking room. The terrace is either closed or open.

The heavier the planned structure is, the more solid the foundation is made for it. With simultaneous construction, in most cases, the foundation for the veranda and the bathhouse itself is performed at the same time, but since the shrinkage for both structures is very different, a rigid connection between them should be avoided. Any distortions, cracks, if any, are masked with polyurethane foam.

The following foundations are used as a reliable foundation:

  • columnar - represents pillars of concrete, which are dug in in several places around the perimeter, to a depth of 55-75 cm. The distance between them should be at least 130-200 cm. Instead of them, bored piles are sometimes used;
  • tape is a concrete strip that runs along the entire perimeter of the building. The design requires a lot of materials, time-consuming, therefore it is used relatively rarely;
  • slab - is a "cushion" of concrete, used for construction on "soft" soil. Such a foundation is expensive, but the most reliable and durable.

Popular layouts, options for placing terraces

Before starting construction, you need to create a project with all dimensions. The layout of a bath with a terrace can be closed, open, corner, can be one-story or have a second floor, lounges, annexes, sliding doors.

The terrace is positioned in three different ways:

  • in front of the entrance - such a layout allows you to clearly zone the space;
  • separate from the bathhouse - usually next to the pool;
  • along the entire perimeter of the building - plays the role of a fence, usually completely covered with a roof.

Bath with an ordinary terrace

An open area is ideal for the warm season. A portable barbecue and sun loungers are placed on it. There are usually no side walls or any fences here, and under the roof there is only a firewood, the dimensions of which depend on how often the bathhouse is used, and the total supply of firewood.

Sauna with a covered terrace

The closed area is fully used all year round. It is decorated with glass walls, a transparent or translucent roof. A barbecue stove, miniature fountains, plants in tubs and pots are neatly placed here. The building is necessarily insulated, and the recreation room is transferred to the terrace, the woodshed is located there. If space permits, you can equip a full-fledged gym.

Corner type with terrace

The main advantage of such a bathhouse is that the only stove is located almost in the center, heating all rooms at the same time, which is especially important in the cold season. Such buildings are often placed in small areas, significantly saving space or "bypassing" large objects such as trees, pillars. The finished building looks stylish and original.

With terrace and barbecue

The building is not only a bathhouse combined with a resting place, but also a full-fledged summer kitchen, which has everything you need. Here it is important to correctly and beautifully arrange the chimney - it must remove smoke with high quality, and also leave room for the free movement of the one who will be engaged in cooking. The stove itself, as well as the place around it, is usually made of natural stone.

Two-storey bath

A two-story building significantly saves space in a small area. Sauna, washing room, dressing room are located on the first floor, resting place - on the second. The upper floor is decorated with a "sloping" roof, which allows full use of almost the entire attic area. The larger the area of ​​the building, the more time it will take to warm it up.

With terrace and relaxation room

The main emphasis here is on the design of the rest room. Usually it is made spacious enough to accommodate up to ten people. In such a room, billiards or a pair of exercise equipment, a table and soft sofas, a real or electric fireplace are placed. A table with chairs can also be placed on the veranda - many people prefer to relax in the fresh air after a hot sauna.

Two-story with an open attic

Such a building will require significant financial investments, since it is impossible to make it small: the average area of ​​a building, where everything you need is compactly located is 30-45 sq. m. The attic on the second floor is sometimes closed, but more often it is equipped with a spacious, cozy balcony that can be glazed. It will take a lot of space for the stairs to the top, it is also important to think over a heating system for such an extensive bathhouse.

With sliding wall

Sliding walls in the bathhouse are a newfangled invention that is gaining popularity every year. In fact, this is a closed veranda, which, when the wall is pushed back, becomes open. Sliding structures are made of various materials - plastic, glass, plywood, textile stretched over a frame, metal. Often used are kind of "accordions" in the Japanese style, removable shields, which move back approximately like awnings.

With an attached gazebo

The gazebo, located under a common roof with a sauna, is a neat canopy over the dining area. To enter the gazebo, it was more convenient to leave it, the floor level is made the same in both zones. The roof of the building is made single-pitched, gable, multi-pitched, the gazebo itself - quadrangular, round, octagonal, etc. Here they also equip an outdoor fireplace, barbecue, barbecue, put soft chairs or wooden benches.

For lovers of winter bathing procedures, the covered area between the residential building and the bathhouse is ideal. Such a project is acceptable for owners of small plots, and the heating system is made common for the entire building - one stove heats the entire house. The sewerage system will also be unified. A small pool is often located here, decorated with a transparent roof, which saves on lighting during the day. The main thing in such a building is to take care of fire safety, it is advisable to use non-combustible materials, refractory impregnations, and keep fire extinguishers within reach.

Interior design ideas

The interior of the bath should be as hygienic and safe as possible. The same applies to the enclosed terrace space. The open area is made resistant to external weather phenomena - its parts are varnished, painted in different colors. The tighter the interiors, the lighter the finish is required; to expand the space even more, mirrors are suitable - in wet rooms they are covered with special compounds that prevent fogging.

Wooden buildings are most often decorated with house carvings - they are present on the railings, roof edges, in the decoration of windows. To diversify the interior design, wood of different shades is used. The bathhouse, decorated in the style of an old Russian hut, looks interesting - it looks like a log house, with a rough "clumsy" interior decor, solid benches along the walls, wooden tubs "antique". The very space of the steam room is forbidden to paint, varnish - most of these compounds emit all kinds of poisons when heated.

The brick bathhouse is decorated with wrought iron railings, wood stands, fireplace with metal shutter doors. The roof of the ethnic style building is covered with reed and straw. A bathhouse in a modern style has practically no decorations - everything that it contains is as simple as possible in form, strictly functional. A round building with a terrace looks very original, but its full-fledged design can only be done by true masters of their craft - the interior design, the shape of each room here must be appropriate.

Furniture for different styles is suitable for wooden, with wrought iron legs, wicker rattan. For spacious rooms, as well as for families with children, swing benches are useful. A flat-screen TV or a computer with a game console is sometimes placed in the recreation room - it is important that such a room does not have high humidity that could damage expensive electrical appliances.


A self-built bathhouse allows you to have a great rest, practically without leaving home. It is attached to the house, decorated in all sorts of ways. If self-construction is difficult, you can always turn to professionals - many firms are engaged in the creation of "turnkey" bath buildings and taking into account all the wishes of the customer. The flight of imagination is endless here, limited only by the amount of finances of the future owner.

The construction of a small bathhouse always entails an expansion of the area. Gradually, the owners realize that there is not enough rest room, and there is not enough space for guests. How to solve the problem without spending a lot of money and effort? There is an exit! The veranda to the bathhouse will add romance, airiness to the building and add useful space. The veranda can be made open or closed, and it can be used not only in the warm season. How to attach the veranda to the bath with our own hands, we will consider in more detail in this article.

The veranda to the bathhouse can be used as a place for receiving guests and relaxing

How to place the structure, in what place to make it an extension is not an easy question. The most practical and inexpensive option is to make an extension directly in front of the porch, so there will be no need to change the layout and the veranda room will organically fit into the building.

The easiest way is to place the veranda extension on the side of the bath.

But there are modern ways to place a veranda to your bathhouse. Let's take a closer look at some of the reviews about which are mostly positive.

Form and its features

The veranda is not always a rectangular extension of the correct shape. Semicircular, oval or triangular attached models look organically. Especially if the facade is completely glazed and has an original design. These will not be an easy decoration and highlight of the bath, but they will also be a place for gathering your guests.

The semicircular veranda looks rich.

It will be more difficult to build a semicircular or oval structure with your own lessons, but the bathhouse will look modern and original.

Design features

The veranda can be either part of the bathhouse or a separate building. When the structure is built separately, it is connected to the bathhouse by a covered corridor. The long or corner model can be divided into two zones: the kitchen and the lounge. Traditionally, the largest bath wall is chosen for the long model, but this is not a prerequisite. The structure may have several exits: the main one and to the garden or to the pool.

Covered veranda to the bathhouse under a separate roof.

The veranda can be fully covered or partially open, with a balcony or loggia. The loggia is used only in the warm season, it usually goes out into the garden. It can be divided inside the room into a small dressing room and the main part with a seating area. In large models, craftsmen manage to place a guest room, which they use in the summer.

All the nuances are worth noting when drawing up a plan-scheme. You should not start construction without first depicting the selected option schematically. The plan will help not only not to make mistakes during construction, but also to correctly calculate the building material.

What material is suitable for building a veranda?

Traditionally, for the construction of a veranda, the same material is used from which the bathhouse is assembled. But you can approach the issue with imagination, and make a model from a completely different material. So, for a brick bath, you can build a terrace from a bar or rounded logs. With the right finish, the design will look harmonious.

It is not necessary to build an annex from the material of natural moisture to an already established wooden bath. The shrinkage of the structure will be uneven and the terrace will skew. Take the choice of material seriously, its quality will depend not only on how long the building will stand, but also on its appearance.

After the project and material are selected, you can proceed to construction. It will not be difficult to cope with the construction of a terrace with your own hands, the main thing is to follow all the subtleties and instructions.

Choosing the foundation for the veranda

It is easier to build a terrace together with a bath, so the shrinkage of the structure will be uniform and there is no need to fasten two foundations together. But alas, not everyone thinks about the veranda during the construction phase of the bath.

Schematic design of the veranda to the bath.

The weight of the terrace is small, so a simpler version of the foundation is chosen for it. Since it is in any case better to put the veranda on a separate foundation, you can go to the trick and create an illusory effect of the integrity of the structure. To do this, put the veranda as close to the bathhouse as possible, leaving a gap of 20-30 mm between them, which is then filled with foam or mineral wool and covered under cashing.

So that two different bases do not harm each other, it is necessary to carefully calculate everything, and take into account the peculiarities of the soil. It often happens that the soil on an area of ​​1–3 m is different.

Between each other, the bathhouse and the terrace, with the correct calculation, will behave like approximate neighbors and cracking with undocking will not occur. But for the fortress, you can connect the foundations with metal brackets, 1–2 each at the joints. They will not reduce the load, but they will not allow the veranda to move away from the bath.

For a small lightweight veranda, strip or columnar types of foundation are suitable. The columns are laid out under the load-bearing walls in increments of 1 m.

Assembling the walls of the veranda

The easiest way is to build a frame terrace with your own hands. Collect the walls from the bottom harness. The lower log or timber is taken with a larger section, so if the main one is used 100x100 mm, then the strapping must be made of 100x150 mm. All wooden elements are treated with antiseptic compounds before assembly.

The racks of the veranda are attached to each other using metal corners.

The harness is attached to the foundation using metal anchors. Anchors pull the tree to the base using a nut and washer. It is necessary to lay the anchor at the stage of pouring the foundation.

It is necessary to fasten the lower harness with a level. It should be strictly horizontal. After the bottom strapping, vertical posts are attached. There are two ways to mount the racks:

  • cut;
  • using metal corners.

The second option is easier to do with your own hands. But it is better to take the corners reinforced, galvanized. Each rack is fixed on both sides with corners, and to give rigidity, temporary jibs are attached. Jibs can be used small for each rack separately or long for several bars at once.

The vertical beams should be fastened so that the windows and doors of the veranda are between them, otherwise it will be impossible to leave the opening in the right place.

The walls are insulated with mineral wool or ecowool and sheathed with just a board or panels. From above, the veranda is sheathed with imitation timber, block house or siding.

The floors on the veranda may or may not have additional insulation, but the ceiling will have to be additionally insulated.

Glazing of the veranda - subtleties and features

The veranda attached to the bathhouse is rarely built warm, but in any case it has glazing. The windows give the veranda airiness and light. There are several ways to glaze the veranda:

  • Full glazing;
  • Partial glazing.

Let's understand the features of each type in more detail.

Full glazing

When the veranda is fully glazed, the walls consist of practically only large windows. All windows are panoramic, in some cases they are considered small.

Balcony windows on a fully glazed veranda are installed around the entire perimeter.

The windows are made non-opening, but for better ventilation they are made with 1-2 vents. It is difficult to make full glazing with your own hands.

Partial glazing

Partial glazing is a structure, the walls of which are 120 cm from lumber or brick, and the rest is glazed. Glazing can be like balcony frames, an easy way to work with your own hands.

The veranda can be partially glazed or generally open.

Due to the large number of windows, the veranda is always light, until sunset, and it is not necessary to make additional lighting in it. For large verandas with a guest room, some of the windows are covered with curtains or blinds are installed.

How to make the roof of the veranda correctly

The roof structure at the veranda can be separate or shared with the bath. It all depends on the design features of the veranda.

When the pediment of the bath is located above the veranda, the roof is combined and made into a common slope. The option under a common roof is good because there is no need to think over a water drainage system.

For a structure located perpendicular to the gable, it is easier to make a separate roof. One-pitched is made with its own chambers, and the upper part should go under the roof slope of the bathhouse by 15 cm, so water will not get inside the veranda. The slope has an angle of inclination depending on the selected roofing material and wind load.

The roof is assembled using the following technology:

  1. The rafter system is being mounted.
  2. Steam and waterproofing is attached on top.
  3. Further, the lathing is done with a step depending on the selected roof.
  4. Roofing material is being laid.

The roofing material is chosen the same that lies on the roof of the bath. So, the design will fit into the overall design.

What are the verandas to the bath can be seen in more detail in the video:

The veranda will give the bath a special comfort and the owners will not have to think about where to place guests at a large table during the rain or in the heat, when insects do not allow them to sit outdoors.

Baths have existed in Russia since ancient times. And if earlier in Russia the task of the bath was to maintain cleanliness, now it is not only a structure for hygienic purposes, but also a wonderful place to relax, as well as a way to emphasize its worth, since not every person can afford a bath. This building is nowadays being built soundly from high-quality materials so that it is reliable, warm and practical. A modern bath can be a whole complex containing everything that can be in an ordinary house: this is a pool, a relaxation room, an open-air bath, and the steam room itself.

Standard project of a one-story bathhouse with living quarters

Nowadays, a bathhouse can have a residential floor, which significantly saves space if the site is small. There may also be a veranda that can be protected from annoying insects and spend summer evenings there in a cool, cozy place. There is a possibility to put a barbecue oven on the sauna terrace. Such a site will be an excellent place to relax and receive guests. The dimensions of such an extension, of course, depend on the capabilities of the site, however, you can make it both as large and miniature as possible, and when choosing a project for a bath with a terrace, you should focus on the size of the territory and the location of other objects on it.

Sauna with a large terrace made of laminated veneer lumber with block house finishing

If you want to distribute space favorably, then a bathhouse or a house with a terrace is the most competent solution. You will have an additional area for relaxation, protected from rain and sun, while being filled with fresh air. In terms of construction costs, it is not very expensive. The most popular terrace designs are structures under the same roof as the house, as well as outdoors or with glass walls. If you decide to build a bathhouse with a terrace, then this is the right choice, since such construction will cost much less than a separate construction of a bathhouse and a separate one - a gazebo.

Bath with a glass veranda

Sauna with a covered veranda

Classic options

If you are just going to build a bathhouse, and you have a large enough plot, then you can choose a 6x9 bathhouse project with a terrace: such a bathhouse will be very convenient for a large company or family, and the terrace will have a common foundation with the bathhouse. The building itself will allow you to place inside not only a steam room, but also other attributes of home coziness and comfort, and on the second floor of the bath you can arrange a room for guests, which will have a large area. A 6 × 9 bath can be made of a log house, rounded logs or glued beams, as well as stone materials. It is best to build it from chopped logs, which are more durable and better retain heat. Such projects of houses with a terrace, a photo of one of which is posted below, are quite popular, although they are more expensive. You can view an overview of the timber bath here:

Construction of a log house for a bathhouse 6 × 9 with a veranda

If you want to expand the living area of ​​the house, then you can finish building a bathhouse, which can be either a separate building or adjacent to the house.

For such a case, a 6x6 bathhouse project with a terrace is perfect, which will optimally enlarge your house and add a cozy area for summer holidays. Now, in the heat, you can be outside and enjoy the fresh air and birdsong. The increase in the space of the house will be done quite competently, since a similar size of the bath will fit neatly on any site and go well with any cottage.

Sauna project with a terrace 6 × 6

Corner buildings

In addition to typical buildings, the project of a corner bath with a terrace, which is considered a fairly new find in construction, is becoming very common. This building has a unique shape. Such a bath will take up much less space on the site, while due to its angular shape it will be quite spacious inside. Such a bath must be built with a terrace, then it harmoniously fits into the design of the entire building as a whole. It can be built from almost any materials: the choice is mainly due to the financial capabilities of the owner, as well as the compatibility of the finished type of bath with other buildings and the house.

Corner bath model and project

Corner baths are often erected when it is necessary for the building to be located close to the cottage. Terraces adjacent to the house can be of a standard shape - rectangular, square. However, it is the corner structure that is distinguished, first of all, by a convenient and ergonomic placement, due to which the layout of the site becomes the most logical and beautiful. In addition, such a solution will help not only to correctly distribute the free space on the site, but also to put in order the territory adjacent to the house. It is pleasant to relax on the terrace in warm weather, and now the rain will not prevent you from enjoying the warm summer days. There are projects of angular terraces of different costs and sizes, so choosing the right one is not difficult.

Bathhouse adjacent to the house

Modern projects of verandas and terraces are suitable not only for country houses and baths, but also for shops, summer cottages and other objects, to which it is technically possible to attach a terrace.

Two-story options with living quarters

The rational use of the territory of the land plot on which the residential building is located is becoming more and more relevant. The plots are usually small, and the owners often want not only to live in a cozy big house, but also to place a summer cottage, a gazebo and, if possible, some other objects for their convenience in their yard. This is especially true if construction is just beginning.

If there is no house on the site yet, but you plan to build a residential building in the future, then it is wiser to start construction with a bath, since it will serve even after the completion of construction work. At first, the bathhouse can serve as a summer house, and it can be used for its intended purpose or even store some tools in it. After the house is completed, the bath will perfectly fit into and become a great place for your relaxation with friends or family. If you start construction with the construction or delivery of a finished construction trailer, then after it becomes unnecessary, the question arises of how to remove it from the site, and this is an unnecessary and completely unnecessary problem. Therefore, it is better if a bathhouse first appears on the site. Two-story projects with a terrace are the most relevant; if you are planning further construction, you want to get another additional room in which you can relax or accommodate guests, you want to save usable space on the site, then this design is ideal.

Wooden two-story sauna

Sauna cottages with terraces

A cottage with a large terrace and indoor facilities for a bath is not only beautiful, but also comfortable. On the terrace, you can organize a gazebo for cooking kebabs and other dishes that require open air for cooking. This extension in the house can be both a playground for a child, and an excellent place for dancing and gathering guests. You can read or relax there even in bad weather, as the terrace is usually sheltered from rain and sun. You can hang mosquito nets or make decorative curtains to keep out the wind and flies.

House-bath with a terrace

Inexpensive options

Frame houses with a terrace are the most inexpensive compared to others. The advantages of frame houses are that the house is much cheaper than an analogue from a block or brick, while it is not inferior in quality. An important advantage of frame construction is the fact that such a house is being built in an extremely short time, which is very important, for example, for a summer cottage or those people who do not want to delay construction for a long time. The advantage of such a construction can be considered the fact that after the construction of a frame house there is little debris left. The project of a house with a large terrace is considered popular: such a design will visually increase the space of the house, but at the same time it will not steal much space from the yard.

Frame house with a terrace

If you love classics, you will certainly be interested in projects of wooden houses with a terrace. Wooden houses not only have an attractive appearance and do not need interior and exterior decoration, which significantly saves the customer's money, but also fits perfectly into the countryside landscape. Such a house will look great next to a log bath. As a rule, wooden houses are erected quite quickly, while they are unpretentious in operation, do not require heavy equipment for their construction, and are erected quite quickly.

Modern house projects with terraces can be used not only for private construction. For example, cafe projects with a terrace have been popular for a long time. The photo can be seen below. They are used mainly in summer, and the extension allows you to expand the area and move some of the tables outside.

Summer terrace attached to the cafe

The relaxation room in the bathhouse has become as important a part as the steam room. During the bath procedures, the effect of the high temperatures of the sauna alternates with intervals for the restoration of the body between visits to the steam room. The relaxation room is designed to make these breaks comfortable. When planning to build a bathhouse, you should definitely allocate a room for restoration.

Professional advice will tell you how to choose the right project correctly.


Bath projects with a relaxation room can be divided into three groups. The first group is the traditional one-story baths. They are built of capital building materials with low thermal conductivity, they have a standard set of premises: there is a steam room, a shower room, a relaxation room, a dressing room, and sometimes a terrace.

The recreation room is located on the ground floor next to the steam room and the washroom and combines the functions of a dressing room. This is the most convenient option, which allows you to maintain an optimal temperature in all rooms, since the stove evenly heats all adjacent rooms with steam supply to the sauna section.

This layout allows the furnace to be placed in the steam room, which is not always convenient, and in the rest room.

The stoker is at a comfortable temperature, and it is also easier to clean up the litter after kindling. Modern high-tech long-burning stoves can have a glass screen, which allows you to admire the play of flame while relaxing, creating a pleasant fireplace atmosphere and giving living warmth to the inhabitants of the room. The simple layout, however, includes everything you need for bath procedures, and has great variability in area.

The minimum building area is from 16 sq. meters, which is convenient for small areas, the maximum - at the request of the owner. This option does not require large investments due to the energy intensity of the heating.

The second group - projects with a recreation room located in the attic or on the second floor. This will require the construction of a second floor or roof insulation., which will entail additional consumption of materials, the foundation will need to be strengthened to increase the bearing load. This option is convenient for a small building area.

On the ground floor there is a dressing room, a dressing room, a steam room, and a washroom. On the second floor there is a rest room with or without a balcony. You will need to allocate space for a flight of stairs. A beautiful spiral staircase can decorate the interior of a bath.

The third group of projects - with the removal of the recreation room on the terrace. This layout is convenient for summer use. In the cold season, the terrace will need to be glazed and a heating system should be thought out. However, this arrangement of the rest room gives a lot of scope for the implementation of design solutions.

A panoramic view of the landscape adds aesthetic pleasure to the minutes of relaxation.

The choice of layout depends on the seasonality of the use of the bath. For year-round use, the first and second group of projects are suitable. In summer, it is enough to have a rest room under a canopy with flexible glazing made of film or polycarbonate for a budget option.

The availability of free space on the site is of great importance, and if it is not enough, then raising the rest room to the attic will be a good way out. Heating the second floor in the cold season requires an air or water circuit... Installing a long burning oven with a convector on the ground floor can solve this problem.

Placing a bath on the site must meet fire safety standards and ease of use. It is advisable to orient the windows of the rest room to an attractive view.... It's nice to see beautiful landscapes in front of your eyes, not a fence or a neighbor's shed.

It is advisable to choose an elevated area for good ventilation and water drainage... An effective addition can be the proximity of an artificial or natural reservoir.

Particular attention is paid to materials for the construction of a bath. Traditionally, preference is given to natural wood in the form of a bar or rounded logs of linden, aspen, cedar.

Pine is more affordable, has a beautiful knotty grain pattern and is a popular material for a bath in the country. Its disadvantage is the porous structure of the wood, which greatly changes the performance from heating and high humidity, therefore, in a steam room and shower, pine must be sheathed with a lath of hardwood, and for a rest room, pine with its pleasant smell and aesthetic appearance will be the best solution.

Brick is a more expensive material, but it has the best indicators of durability, resistance to temperature extremes.

A budget building can also be built from foam blocks. The construction of a bathhouse from blocks can be done by hand, even without special knowledge.

The interiors are sheathed with a block house, finished with tiles or natural stone.

The design of the rest room assumes adherence to a certain style, depending on the design, finishing materials are selected.

Subtleties of design

Designing a bathhouse yourself is an exciting experience. To do this, you need to stock up on paper, a pencil and a ruler.

For a family of 4-5 people and several guests, the optimal size is a 6x6 meter bath with an attic... On the ground floor there is an entrance hall, a steam room, a shower room with a toilet, a recreation room or a living room. The rest room can be supplemented with a kitchen, and the second floor is reserved for leisure and additional places to accommodate guests or family members. The entrance area of ​​the second floor with an area of ​​18 meters can be used as a studio or billiard room. Behind it are two symmetrical bedrooms or rooms for children of 9 sq. meters.

The functionality of the bath is expanding significantly, and for this you do not need to build a large house. The compact layout with a bathroom meets the needs of the average family for a country vacation.

With terrace

A sauna with a terrace is a great option for summer meals in the fresh air after sauna procedures. A barbecue grill can be placed on the site in front of the bathhouse or you can enter the grill area into the veranda space. To do this, the size of the terrace must be increased so as to provide free access to the brazier and to avoid smoke from the dining table and windows.

The minimum distance between the stove and the table must be at least 2 meters. A brazier is put on a ready-made metal or a stone brazier is built from bricks with a chimney. For such a barbecue, a separate foundation is erected, which is taken into account at the design stage.

It is better to make the floor of the terrace from paving slabs or sandstone if the terrace is open. For the glazed terrace, a wooden floor is also used.... The glazing is made of sliding aluminum or plastic frames. Plastic frames are used for warm glazing. Lightweight aluminum structures protect against the elements, but the temperature inside the enclosed space will only be a couple of degrees higher than outside.

A bathhouse with barbecue and panoramic glazing on the veranda will become a place of attraction for households after a week of work.

With swimming pool

The benefits of bathing procedures will increase manifold when arranging a pool or hot tub in the relaxation room. The pool is located near the shower room.

The pool bowl is made of concrete and finished with tiles.

The tiles are selected to match the overall decoration of the rest room. Floral ornament and mosaic will add oriental flavor. For a Russian-style bathhouse, stone, brick and wooden sides are suitable.

In one-story saunas, a complex is often designed from a terrace with a baptismal font under a canopy. The hot tub is made of wood and placed on a wooden platform in the fresh air..

In the Japanese version, the heating of the font is equipped with electric heating elements that are built into the body. Combining a recreation area with a bathhouse, for summer swimming, a ready-made frame or a stationary pool is installed, sun loungers or beach chairs are placed next to it.

The reservoir can have strict geometric outlines or be close to the natural form. In this case, the shore is decorated with pebbles and plants: hosta, astilbe, cereals. A bath with a pool on the terrace is closed from prying eyes by a hedge from flowering shrubs or vines on supports.

The integrated recreation area requires good lighting as it is used in the evening.

Lighting of the territory with electricity is done if there are communications, a more economical option is lighting with LEDs or solar-powered lanterns.

Small room

Small saunas cannot boast of a large set of premises, therefore, a shower is often located in the relaxation room. When decorating rooms with such a planning solution, it is necessary to take into account the increased humidity and select the appropriate materials: tiles, plastic panels, natural or artificial stone.

The shower must be fenced off from the recreation area with a glass or plastic partition so that the spray does not interfere with the rest.

Furniture is preferably purchased from moisture-resistant materials. The correct selection of finishes will make the use of the shower convenient, and the stay in the rest room will be comfortable.


The rest room design is determined by the chosen decoration style. For finishing the bath, it is better to select natural materials that are resistant to moisture. It is convenient to keep all rooms clean if the space is not cluttered with unnecessary items and the surfaces are easy to clean. The rest room design is determined by the chosen decoration style.

Rural or Russian style

The direction involves the use of natural wood for wall and floor cladding. The tree is treated with special compounds against fungus and covered with oil or wax. The natural color of wood gives the interior a light tone, which visually enlarges the space.

It looks interesting to use unedged boards in wall cladding, which are cleaned of bark and polished. The room takes on brutal features.

This inexpensive finish serves as a thermal insulation and aesthetic accent.

The walls can be sheathed with coniferous clapboard, decorated with carvings.

Furniture in such a rest room is made with your own hands from solid pine or purchased ready-made and complemented with decor from relief images on a tree with a bath theme. Log walls look beautiful as a symbol of traditional Russian culture. For budget options, a block house made of plastic is used imitating various types of wood.

Scandinavian style

The optimal combination of functionality and simplicity. The finish is dominated by white with brown or black structural elements..

The main material is wood and glass. The whole color scheme is calm, a geometric theme can be traced everywhere. The use of natural or artificial stone is appropriate here; a panel made of wood cuts looks original. All furnishings are practical and durable.

What we are really proud of is the build quality. Our teams of carpenters have good experience in assembling baths; we come to the construction site with a full set of tools.

  • Adjustable posts. On verandas and terraces, we use special adjustable posts, which gives an undeniable advantage when the building shrinks. Any wooden bath is susceptible to shrinkage (the timber can both collect water and dry), which can lead to distortions. Thanks to the adjustment system, the posts can be adjusted to the required level. We install them by default, no additional payments are required for this!
  • Beautiful balusters. As a rule, open terraces in baths and houses are decorated with carved balusters. We do not nail down the bead remaining from the construction instead of balusters - we use only materials intended for this, made in the workshop. At the same time, we do not use clumsy work technologies - both preils and balusters will be nailed neatly, without cracks and ugly protruding nails.
  • Open and closed terraces. If the project provides for a closed veranda, and you want an open one (or vice versa) - not a problem. These changes are easily introduced into the project even at the discussion stage. You can also change the offset value, install benches and a table, and carry out lighting.