How to measure the temperature of hot water in an apartment. The temperature of hot water in an apartment building

According to the rules of SanPiN ( for an apartment, the temperature norm hot water v apartment building from the tap fits within the range of 60 ° C-75 ° C regardless of the heating system. Decree (No. 354-PP RF) allows deviation:

  • at night - within 5 ° C (0.00-5.00),
  • during the day - within 3 ° C (5.00-00.00).

The temperature of the water in the batteries determines the temperature standard for the premises, which is –18 ° С for the living room, kitchen and separate toilet, 20 ° С for the corner room, and 25 ° С for the bathroom. In the daytime, a deviation towards a decrease in a residential building is not allowed, at night - within 3 ° C, and upward - it is limited to 4 ° C. Moreover, if temperature regime is not observed, the consumer has the right to expect a reduction in the amount of payment. However, for this it is necessary to correctly measure and take into account a number of statutory requirements.
Legislative requirements

The lower temperature limit for hot water supply, according to SanPiN, is due to:

  • prevention of infection by viruses and bacteria (in particular Legionella Pneumophila), which in an environment with
  • minimizing chloroform content,
  • prevention of skin diseases and pathological changes in the subcutaneous tissue.

If the temperature deviates by more than the permissible limit, for every 3 ° C the amount of payment during the violation period is reduced every hour by 0.1%. This time is calculated by the sum of time during the billing period. If the temperature measurements show a value below 40 ° C, payment for DHW is made according to cold water tariffs.

A possible break in hot water supply, after which the amount of payment for each hour will be reduced by 0.15%, is:

  • per month - 8 hours in total,
  • at a time - 4 hours,
  • on a dead-end highway in case of an accident - 24 hours.

For heating, for each hour of deviation from the norm and exceeding the permissible break, the payment is reduced by 0.15%, and the permissible break itself is:

  • per month - 24 hours in total,
  • at a time - depending on the temperature of the living quarters: 4 hours (8-10 ° C), 8 hours (10-12 ° C) and 16 hours (from + 12 ° C).

Detection of violation of the established temperature regime

To correctly determine compliance with the standard parameters at the point of draw-off (for example, from the tap), the cooled water is drained from the pipeline within 3 minutes (no more). It is assumed that the control measurement is made into a glass, where a thermometer with a scale of at least 100 ° C is then lowered. The presence of water-saving devices, similar to the modernized aerators (, does not affect the measurement quality.

Heating quality control is carried out:

  • in the largest living room,
  • at a height of a meter and at a distance of half a meter from the battery,
  • in the center of the planes half a meter away from the outer wall, and in the center of the room.

Owner's rights in case of deviation from the temperature range

For multi-apartment and residential buildings, the Rules governing the provision of utilities in paragraph 31 determine that the service company must carry out maintenance of engineering systems and recalculate for improper or untimely provision of services. That is, in the event of a violation of the temperature regime, the owners do not have to pay to eliminate the causes of this violation.

If the state of heating or hot water supply differs from that in apartments in residential buildings in excess of the agreed tolerances and presents a systemic problem, the consumer can:

  1. Inform the service organization about the problem and find out about its causes. In this case, it is advisable to record the appeal and data of the executor receiving the information.
  2. In the absence of measures taken, apply to government agencies in order to initiate an audit (in accordance with Article 33 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). For violations of communal standards, a fine is provided (Art. 7.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).
  3. Fix the deadlines for receiving a response and eliminating the violation. Within 30 days, the official must send a response to citizens' appeals. (In the case of sending an appeal by mail, you must add the postage time). The absence of an answer threatens the official with a fine (Article 5.59 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). The deadlines for eliminating violations are not the same for different houses, however, on average, it is 45 days.
  4. Increase the flow of similar calls to increase the likelihood of execution. Relatives or friends can write, even if they do not live in the house.
  5. Contact the prosecutor's office in the absence of actions aimed at rectifying the situation on the part of authorized persons.

If the correction process is launched, then a commission (an employee of the REU and a representative of the heating network) must come to the consumer after the appeal to confirm the fact-reason for the appeal and draw up the corresponding act. After the problems are eliminated, another act is drawn up confirming this.

Permissible deviation at the point of water intake By Government Decree No. 354, the permissible norms for the deviation of the temperature regime of hot water supply were adopted:

  • for night time from 00:00 to 05:00 they correspond to 5 ° С;
  • for daytime from 05:00 to 00:00 - no more than 3 ° С.

Moreover, if the deviation from the standard is greater than these values, then for every 3 ° C it is possible to demand a decrease in utility bills by 0.1% per hour of deviation. If the device shows a temperature of 40 ° C and below, then payment must be made according to the cold water standards. But for this it is necessary to have an official measurement certificate confirming the deviation from the norms. A sample application to the management company for the hot water temperature. to the content Minimum indicator The minimum temperature threshold for hot water supply is determined at 60 ° С.

What should be the temperature of hot water in an apartment by law?

When paying for utilities, any user wants to receive a quality product for their money. That is why you should not give up if lukewarm water flows out of the tap.


Knowing the standards for the temperature of hot water, you can try to influence the services that supply utilities: take measurements, draw up an act, make a recalculation, file a complaint with a higher authority. A statement of claim for the provision of public services for hot water supply of inadequate quality and a reduction in the payment for hot water.

You can learn how management companies profit from supplying hot water of insufficiently high temperature from the video: Did you like the article? Follow the updates of the site in VKontakte or Twitter.

Rules for measuring the temperature of hot water. which document to believe?

That is, a water temperature of 59 or 76 degrees for an open water supply system will be a violation. There are several exceptions to this rule:

  • From 5 am to midnight, it is allowed to lower the minimum temperature by 3 degrees Celsius, that is, to 57 degrees with an open system;
  • From midnight to 5 in the morning, it is permissible to lower the standard by 5 degrees - to 55.

Interruption of hot water supply is also allowed in some exceptional cases:

  • Accident on the water supply line;
  • Preventive maintenance (shutdown is possible for no longer than 4 hours).

Where to go in case of non-compliance with the standards If during the measurement it turned out that the water does not correspond to the temperature set by the standards, any citizen can demand the elimination of violations from the management company.

Standard and permissible deviation of hot water temperature in the apartment


Water sampling from the consumer's tap Water sampling is carried out at the outlet from the taps of the internal water supply networks of houses. When sampling from a consumer tap, the time to drain the water before sampling depends on the purpose of sampling.

If the purpose of sampling is to assess the effect of materials in contact with water on water quality, then samples should be taken without first draining the water. For other purposes, to establish equilibrium conditions before sampling, 2-3 minutes of draining the water is sufficient.
Before sampling hot water, drain the water until a constant temperature is established.

Reduce the degree: what standards are set for water in the apartment

You can also complain to the organization of housing and communal services when the water from the tap has an unnatural smell or color. To begin with, the consumer needs to call the management company and tell about the problem that has arisen.


The company's specialist will check whether the change in water temperature is associated with a breakdown or preventive work on the mains and will inform the preliminary time of completion of the work, if the reason is in them. If the non-compliance with the temperature of hot water in the apartment is caused by another reason, the dispatcher must record the citizen's appeal and hand it over to the authorized employees of the company for consideration.

You may need the following examples of complaints: Complaint in housing and communal services for non-compliance with hot water standards Complaint to the prosecutor's office for non-compliance with hot water standards A citizen has the right to demand from the dispatcher to give his full name and application number assigned to her in the journal.

Rules for measuring the temperature of hot water in an apartment

Of the Rules for the Provision of Utilities to Owners and Users of Premises in Apartment Buildings and Residential Buildings "(approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011):" ... BEFORE DETERMINING THE TEMPERATURE OF HOT WATER AT THE DRAINAGE POINT, WATER IS DRAINED WITHIN NO MORE THAN 3 MINUTES ". In addition, clause 7.5 of the Methodological Guidelines MUK 4.3.2900-11" Measurement of the hot water temperature of centralized hot water supply systems "(approved by

Fed. service Rospotrebnadzor July 12, 2011) found that when draining “... every degree of hot water is a lot of money in his pocket!) to the chief engineer.
Do not let the meter open the tap at full power, so that the spray would fly right up to the ceiling and it would not be the temperature of the water in your tap that was measured, but the temperature of the water in the supply line at the entrance to the house or in the boiler room. alternately - I subtracted, she added. As a result, I wanted to write down in the act the real water consumption measured by the meter and by the "measuring capacity", but the commission snatched the act from my hands and took it away without my signature. But when the lawyer of housing and communal services tried to attach this act to the case the statement that "... THE ACT WITHOUT MY SIGNATURE IN ACCORDANCE WITH" RULES No. 354 "CANNOT HAVE LEGAL EFFECT ..", the judge refused this lawyer.
Be prepared for the chief engineer to show his knowledge and in response to you, "poke under your nose" the text "... Before sampling hot water, drain the water until a constant temperature is established.
RosZhKH “all project ideas Yesterday Rospotrebnadzor measured the hot water supply temperature in the apartment (as they explained to me, according to METHODICAL INSTRUCTIONS MUK 4.3.2900-11). After a ten-minute drain (no one measured the speed of the water), the temperature was 68 degrees.

There are three methods of measurement. What to believe? 1. Decree of 06 May 2011 No. 354: 5. Ensuring that the temperature of hot water at the draw-off point meets the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation (SanPiN (2) Before determining the temperature of hot water at the draw-off point, water is drained for no more than 3 minutes (in this way, according to our data, the DHW temperature is 45 degrees) (Appendix 1 to Rules 354).


Rules for measuring the temperature of hot water in an apartment snip

We are used to the comforts of our homes. Electricity, heating, gas, water - all this is an integral part of our comfort.

Hot water is one of the most demanded services. You understand this especially acutely in the summer season with a planned shutdown of water, but this lasts for a short period. The content of the article:

  • What should be the quality?
  • Permissible deviation at the point of draw-off
  • Minimum rate
  • How to take measurements?
  • How to write a complaint?
  • Is it possible to demand recalculation in case of deviation from the norms?

Dear Readers! Our articles tell about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is unique.

Rules for measuring the temperature of hot water in apartment z54

Measurement conditions Sampling and measurement of hot water temperature should be carried out in rooms with a temperature of 20-35 ° C, humidity 30-80% and a pressure of 84-106.7 kPa. 7. Sampling and Measurement 7.1. Sampling for the purpose of research for the purposes of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, production control is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN at the points of water intake. 7.2. For water withdrawal, at least 4 points are selected: 2 in the closest to the hot water network inlet to the object (building) and 2 farthest from it. The selection of points is carried out according to the technical documentation for the object where control measurements are made. 7.3.

Rules for measuring the temperature of hot water in an apartment in Belarus

RMG 43-2001 Application of the "Guide to the expression of measurement uncertainty". 3. R ​​50.2.038-2004 “Single direct measurements. Estimation of Errors and Uncertainties of the Measurement Results ”. 4.

GOST R ISO 10576-1-2006 "Guidelines for assessing compliance with established requirements", Part 1. 5. GOST 28498-90 "Liquid glass thermometers. General technical requirements.

Test methods ". 6. GOST 25336-82 “Laboratory glassware and equipment. Types, main parameters and sizes ". * approved by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 07.04.2009 N 20, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 05.05.2009, registration N 13891 Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation G.G.

Poor provision of services by utilities leads to the fact that legally competent tenants require recalculation, including for the lack of SanPiN parameters in relation to hot water supply, for which it is important to measure the temperature of hot water. Self-made measurements cannot serve as a reason to reduce charges for utilities, but they serve as the beginning to initiate a commission survey of the problem that has arisen with drawing up an act of measuring the temperature of hot water.

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Preliminary method for measuring hot water temperature

Initially, to confirm your innocence, you can perform a control measurement of the parameters of the liquid. The method of performing actions does not differ much from the manipulations that the authorized commission will carry out later. How to measure the temperature of hot water yourself should also not cause difficulty, since a household thermometer is quite suitable for these purposes. The algorithm of action is as follows:

  1. Having opened the hot water tap, it is necessary to let it drain for 3 minutes.
  2. Without reducing the stream, you need to fill a liter container. At the same time, the fluid flow is not reduced.
  3. We lower a household thermometer into the center of the container.
  4. The last unchanged thermometer readings are the desired water parameters.

It is important to know that measurements must be taken at the point of parsing, that is, at the mixer or tap. Other random places can distort the indicators. For more accurate data, it is best to perform these steps at three different points of the water intake.

Further actions in case of temperature mismatch

If, after a control reading of the parameters, it is found out that the temperature has been reduced, you need to perform the actions in the following order:

  • notify the utility service about the violations found. It is better to leave the notification in writing with a mark on the consumer's copy of the date of receipt with the signature of the person in charge;
  • if the moment of occurrence of the complaint does not coincide with the time of the repair work on the hot water supply networks, then according to Resolution 354 of the Government of the Russian Federation, 2 hours are allotted to verify the fact of the violation. But also, the time for visiting him by the commission is agreed with the consumer;
  • any check ends with drawing up an act of measuring the temperature of hot water in the apartment. The consumer and the employee of the utility company will have a copy of the drawn up act. The certificate form is typical and is used in any case of measuring the DHW temperature;
  • the service provider provides an answer, indicating the reason for the reduced parameters and the timing of their elimination.

Responsible employees of the communal organization, when performing their duties regarding how to correctly measure the temperature of hot water in an apartment, are guided by MUK 4.3.2900-11. At the same time, according to the methodological instructions, for accurate measurement of the DHW temperature, it is necessary to take the liquid at least at 4 points. At the most distant points from the hot water supply - for this, water is taken directly in the apartment and close to it - that is, in the control unit of the house.

This regulatory document also regulates, which should be in the range from 60 o to 75 o Celsius.

The methodology established that a stable SI result is achieved after 4 minutes of draining the liquid and should not exceed a 10 minute period of time. From the normative document, the consumer should be aware that the liquid is withdrawn in the control unit of the house from the taps installed to discharge hot water in the event of an accident, and not from random places formed by bursts of hot water pipes.

In case of disputing the results of the commission's work, first of all, attention should be paid to the date of the last calibration of the measuring device. This point is important in that the verification period is limited and its overdue date indicates that the error in the readings of such a thermometer may be higher than the error estimation range. Such indications as reliable cannot be accepted.

Consumer actions after receiving the act

Accurately performed actions and correctly executed documents will help induce the utility organization to perform the following actions:

  1. Execute in accordance with the procedure established by Resolution 354 of the Government of the Russian Federation.
  2. Eliminate the reasons for poor quality service provision.
  3. Recheck after elimination.

In the absence of normative measurable parameters after the expiration of the period specified in the response, or in the absence of a response from the company at all, the problem can be solved with the assistance of Rospotrebnadzor, for which all documents collected by you when working with the public utility will be important evidence. And a check for a utility company is fraught with a serious fine.

The legislation of the Russian Federation has developed many normative acts aimed at protecting the interests of citizens. Negligent utilities need to be monitored by residents. The tenants' claims of their rights, in turn, help them not to make mistakes in their future work and avoid penalties from the controlling services.

What should be the temperature of the hot water at the tap? The standards, the highest and the lowest value, as well as the permissible deviations are spelled out in SanPiN In this article, we will tell you where to file a complaint if the water temperature is below normal.

Resource supplying organizations are obliged to comply with the rules for providing the population with utilities. In the case of hot water, they relate to its pressure, composition and temperature. Responsible organizations are familiar with these criteria. Citizens are not always aware of them, although they also need it to assert their rights.

What should be the temperature norm?

The norm of hot water temperature in MKD is determined in clause 2.4 of SanPiN This range is + 60… + 75 ° C and remains unchanged for many years. It does not require changes, since it is based on the characteristics of human physiology and accompanying microflora.

The lower threshold of + 60 ° C is determined, first of all, by the survival rate of some pathogens of dangerous infectious diseases. For example, this includes bacteria that cause legionellosis. They multiply well in a warm environment, and die when the temperature rises. To completely disinfect hot water from the tap, you need to heat it up to + 70 ... + 80 ° C.

If the temperature drops to + 40 ° C, then the most favorable conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms dangerous to humans appear. This is easily explained. The temperature of + 40 ° C is very close to the natural temperature of the human body and all fluids circulating in it.

Heating above + 60 ° C is set for water in open systems. This is where the water pipes laid in multi-storey buildings belong. However, there are also closed water supply systems, for example, which do not go beyond individual buildings. They have a significantly reduced risk of microbial penetration, therefore, the minimum water temperature threshold is + 50 ° C.

The upper value of the hot water temperature in the tap according to the standard (+ 75 ° C) was selected for safety reasons. With its further increase, the risk of burns increases significantly. Children, senior citizens and people with disabilities are thus insured against dangerous injuries at home.

The norms prescribed in SanPiN are supplemented by government decree No. 354. It indicates the deviations that are allowed for the hot water temperature:

  • from midnight to 5 o'clock in the morning they are 5 ° C;
  • the rest of the time (it is considered daytime) - no more than 3 ° C.

If the temperature of hot water in an apartment building is not observed, then the tenants have the right to recalculate the payment for this service. Every three degrees of deflection will reduce pay by 0.1 percent for one hour of non-compliance.

When the temperature of hot water drops to + 40 ° C or less, it is paid at the rates of cold water supply. Such a recalculation is done on the basis of an act confirming the officially carried out measurements.

Existing standards and amendments to them allow you to calculate the minimum permissible hot water temperature. In the daytime it is + 57 ° C, at night - + 55 ° C.

Temperature measurement methods

If there are suspicions that the temperature of hot water in the tap does not correspond to existing standards, then you need to measure it. Residents are better off doing this on their own first. This way they can be convinced of the validity of the accusations against the resource supplying organization. After that, you can safely send a request for measurement by specialists with the preparation of an official act.

For self-measurement, you will need a medium-sized container and a household thermometer that can measure the temperature, at least up to + 100 ° C. We will describe further actions step by step. The procedure takes only a few minutes, so for persuasiveness, you can make a photo or video recording.

1. The tap opens and water flows freely into the drain for 2-3 minutes. This is enough to drain the water stagnant in the pipes inside the house, which has already cooled down a little.

2. The container is placed under the stream and positioned so that water can flow freely over its edges. Pour water into a saucepan, take it to the table and you cannot immerse the thermometer there. While all these manipulations are being performed, the liquid in the container gradually cools down, and the measurements turn out to be unreliable.

3. The thermometer is lowered into the water in the center of the tank. At the edges, the water, again, has time to cool down a little.

4. When the column on the thermometer stops rising, you can record the results. If they differ from the values ​​established in the standards, then you should contact the managing organization.

Reasons for lowering the temperature of hot water

Despite the existence of norms for the temperature of hot water, in some cases it can decrease, and this is not considered a violation, although the residents of an apartment building experience inconvenience. This usually happens when:

  • accidents occur on equipment that heats water and on the networks through which it is transported;
  • the resource supplying organization carries out the planned preventive maintenance or repair.

To protect the rights of the population to high-quality provision of communal resources, deadlines have been set for shutting down hot water supply:

  • up to 4 hours in a row;
  • up to 8 hours in total within a month;
  • up to 1 day in an emergency.

Where to file a complaint

If the temperature of hot water in the tap actually differs from that set by the standard, then you need to call the representatives of the managing or resource supplying organization and find out the reasons. It is possible that work is already underway and the problems will soon be fixed.

If the violation is not repeated for the first time and is persistent, then defending your rights should be approached with all seriousness. First of all, a complaint is written. This must be a competent and well-reasoned document, which the responsible organization cannot dismiss.

The name of the organization to which the complaint is sent is indicated at the top of the sheet. The addressee can also be a specific person in charge. After that, the applicant indicates information about himself: full name, address and apartment number in which the violation is recorded, telephone numbers for communication.

1. Title. It should be something like this: "Statement of violation of the standards for the provision of public services to the population." The heading is required to be clear and written in a language that officials understand.

2. Description of the essence of the problem. Here, 1-2 sentences are enough, without sharp and emotional turns, as well as without unnecessary information. Without fail, it is said about the measurement carried out, and information from the drawn up act is provided:

  • temperature readings;
  • information about the specialist who carried out the measurements;
  • measurement date.

3. Requirements. Even if it seems logically clear what a citizen wants to receive in case of violation of the norms of hot water temperature in an apartment building, this information should be prescribed. Otherwise, the actions of the responsible persons and organizations may be protracted, minimal and incomplete. The following requirements are usually indicated:

  • eliminate the causes of interruptions in hot water;
  • recalculate;
  • inform the applicant about the work performed.

Other items could be added. Each of them, the recipient will have to consider and implement, or, if it is impossible to fulfill, justify it.

4. Date of writing the complaint and signature of the person submitting it.

The complaint is made in two copies. First of all, it should be attributed to the Criminal Code or Homeowners' Association, even if they had previously ignored signals about poor service. To go further, you need a refusal to solve the problem or accept the complaint. If the citizen is convinced that the governing body is ignoring him, then he can go:

  • to the State Housing Inspection;
  • to Rospotrebnadzor;
  • to the local administration;
  • to the prosecutor's office.

In most cases, the intervention of housing inspectors or prosecutors is sufficient. They actively defend consumer rights. Upon confirmation of violations, the organization is usually fined, and also undertakes to eliminate the problems and recalculate. The execution of this order is monitored by the representatives of the regulatory authorities who issued them.

In the most difficult cases, a citizen has to independently go to court and seek support in the local media. This happens when the same employees of the State Housing Inspection and the Prosecutor's Office do not perform their duties thoroughly enough.