How to clean the extract in an apartment building. Modernization of the system to improve work

The microclimate of the apartment depends on the intensity of air circulation, which is provided with natural or artificial ventilation. Most apartment houses Equipped with a natural exhaust system. She often fails. A fungus appears in the bathrooms, mold. Humidity in the apartment rises, the walls in the kitchen are quickly darker. There are several ways to improve air exchange, but the main thing is cleaning the ventilation in the apartment.

Causes of unsatisfactory operation of the air exchange system

Ventilation B. apartment house Does not always change the situation. Therefore, the first stage is to determine the source of the problem. Allocate a number of main reasons:

  1. Plastic double-glazed windows or new hermetic doors. Venting an apartment building occurs due to the temperature difference and pressure inside and outside the room. Old wooden windows and doors missed a lot of fresh air. Due to this, there is ventilating room.
    New double-glazed windows and doors are tightly closed the room, disturbing the natural movement of the air exchange. Correct the situation can microbrowing system installed on plastic windows.
  2. Ventcanal clogging. In an apartment building, the ventilation system consists of basic and adjacent branches. The main channel is clogged due to the partial collapse of the masonry or hitting a large garbage.
    The adjacent branches overlooking the apartment reduce air bandwidth due to the mud and soot accumulated on the walls of the mud and soot, an old grid or a rolling piece of plaster.
  3. Connect a powerful hood. If the neighbor brought the accurate forced hood in the main ventkane, then the balance is broke in other apartments, the air movement is almost completely stopped.
  4. The deterioration of the air masters in the summer. Associated with a small temperature difference between the residential zone and the street. Help the installation of the air conditioner or exhaust fan.
  5. Design or construction errors. There are cases when neither cleaning nor forced ventilation will help. The reason is the violation of the structure of the ventilation channel.

There are several ways to independently determine the performance of the ventilation system:

Ventilation options in the apartment

After clarifying the reasons for bad work of the system, consider how to clean ventilation in the apartment.

According to the housing regulations, ventilation in an apartment building has the right to serve only organizations, with permission to conduct such types of work. Residents are strictly forbidden to perform any actions with general-purpose engineering networks.

On the other hand, no one places the cleaning of the ventilation channels to the connection site with the shared riser. Consider several ways:

Events on disinfection

After the ventilation cleaning is completed in an apartment building, it can be disinfected. Do not necessarily cause specialized services. Simple processing of the channel walls with grille with a chlorine solution will kill all microbes.

It is an integral part of the ventilation system. The extractor is rapidly contaminated with fat, which reduces its efficiency.

Clean the hood in the kitchen

Briefly, cleaning is performed in several stages:

  • Disassembly. Removed cover, metal grille, air filter, air duct.
  • Flushing parts. Metal and galvanized parts are clean warm water With the addition of cleaning agent or soda. Then they are rinsed under cold running water.
  • Drying details. Each part of the hood is wiping into a dry towel.
  • Replacing the filter. Air filter is erased in weak soap solution Or replaces new.
  • Assembly and setting up an exhaust place.


Cleaning ventilation in the apartment is possible without attracting third-party organizations. All necessary means, materials, tools are sold in business stores. The main thing is not to rush, follow the instructions, do not invent a new one.

If ventilation works well, we forget about its existence. Be interested in how to clean the ventilation in the apartment, we begin when the mold appears on the walls and the smell of dampness in the bathroom, the underwear will dry for a long time, the windows are fisted and the smell can be determined that they can be prepared for lunch at the neighbors. After all, the indispensable condition for good human well-being is the constant influx of fresh clean air, and the violation of ventilation in the apartment leads to a decrease in performance, rapid fatigue, the development of allergies, asthma and other chronic diseases.

Unfortunately effective complex installations forced ventilation still remain the prerogative of modern residential complexes recent years the buildings. The vast majority of apartment buildings, both older "Khrushchev" and later nine-sixteen-storey, are equipped with ventilation systems with natural motivation. This is the cheapest, well for all familiar scheme, when the ventilation channels from each apartment are connected to a common to the entrance to the vertical canal. The reasons why ventilation in an apartment designed for natural air exchange due to "looseness" and windows and doors can be somewhat:

  1. Replacing old windows on modern double-glazed windows. For the work of "hood" with natural motion, a constant air flow from the street is needed, which provided the gaps of the old window. The hermetic heat-saving double-glazed windows overlaps the natural flow of air, the humidity of the air rises, the windows constantly faded, the mold and the smell of dampness appear in the apartment. The room has to be constantly ventilated, as a result, the energy-saving function of plastic windows is not ensured and measures are required to improve ventilation.
  2. The ventilation canal clogged, blocked when redeveloped another apartment in the entrance or a removal of air from a very powerful kitchen drawing was removed. Natural ventilation of apartment buildings is calculated on air flow no more than 90 cubic meters. m / hour and when connected to it only one kitchen exhaust, creating an air flow with a power of more than 1000 cubic meters. m / h, ventilation systems Neighboring apartments will inevitably suffer. When clogged, the ventilation riser will require its professional cleaning, and in the second case, the full repair of ventilation in the apartment by creating a neighbor's problem.
  3. In winter, the extractor works well, and bad ventilation in the apartment is observed only in summer Heat. Basic condition efficient work Ventilation with natural motion is the temperature difference indoors and outside.

    In the summer, this difference is insignificant and the old standards stands assumed that in the summer the tenants will air the premises, opening the windows. Regular cleaning of ventilation in the apartment can normalize the situation slightly, but completely solve the problem only installing a forced system.

Check the performance of the ventilation channel

Knowing how to check the ventilation in the apartment with the help of submitted means, you can quickly establish the degree of working capacity and take steps to improve its efficiency.

So, for checking the thrust in Ventkanal, you must open the window in any room and bring a lighter or candles to the ventilating hole in the kitchen or bathroom. If ventilation works well, it pulls the flame towards the channel. True, representatives of gas services do not recommend using this method in houses with main gas supply due to its fire hazard in the event of a gas leakage in any apartment entrance.

There is a second one safe method. When the window is open to the ventilation grille, you can bring a sheet of paper papers but better than a cigarette or thin toilet. A good thrust should pull the paper to the grille, that is, ventilation works fine.

In hot weather, air is too "heavy" and efficiency natural ventilation Check these ways will not be able to check. If, when checking in cool weather, the flame lighters remained fixed, and the paper sheet is not adhesive to the grille, the ventilation must be cleaned.

How to clean the ventilation by prickly means

One of the most common reasons, because of which ventilation does not work in the apartment, there may be ordinary clogging: fat deposits, dust, dirt, small garbage, years accumulating in the mines of Ventskanalov.

According to the rules of exploitation of apartment buildings, residents of the residents for main engineering systems are prohibited. Therefore, the cleaning of ventilation in the apartment, as parts of an apartment building is a function of professional services that have a license to perform such works and well acquainted with the device of the ventilation system in a particular home.

On the other hand, each owner of the apartment must maintain in order all the engineering systems located in it and know how to clean the ventilation in the apartment, or rather, to perform the preventive cleaning of the ventilation channel, which goes out of the apartment to a common riser.

To do this, you must carefully remove the ventilation grille and wash off the fat, dust and dirt from it. You can use neutral detergents. Dirt and fat with channels adjacent to the hole need to scrape the scraper, and then inserting in ventilation hole The vacuum cleaner hose, it is well supplied for 4-5 minutes, moving along the channel up and down. After completing the dry cleaning, the available area of \u200b\u200bVentkanal wipe a slightly damp cloth and closed the hole with the grille.

Important! It is strictly forbidden during self-cleaning of the ventilation channel to launch bulky objects into it or used to dissolve the difficult pollution to dissolve the aggressive chemical reagents and solvents. It is permissible only to use dry ice, which perfectly dissolves the fatty flask and evaporates, without leaving odor.

Overview of ventilation improvement methods

Simple mechanical cleaning of ventilation channels, apartment and trunk, especially in the houses of the old building, it is not always able to increase the efficiency of the ventilation system. Several recommendations, how to improve ventilation in the apartment will help you choose the optimal version of the budget, thanks to which your home will be filled with clean fresh air and life in it will become pleasant and comfortable.

When replacing old windows on double-glazed windows, choose models with microwing function. If the problems with the operation of the ventilation occurred after the installation of plastic windows, they can be installed special devices that will restore the natural air flow from the street: valves-ventilators or accessories, which closes the window without pressing and imitating the poundes of the gaps and strokes of old wooden windows. This is inexpensive improvement will save you from high humidity And the smell of dampness, but the problems of purification of polluted street air will not solve.

To improve the ventilation of individual rooms, a kitchen, toilet, a bathroom can be installed a sub-exhaust fan. These devices are quite effective, designed to work in conditions of high humidity and are produced in the window, soldering or wall design.

A comprehensive supply and exhaust ventilation system is able to provide a high-quality atmosphere in the premises of any destination, but this is an expensive project that requires a complete reconstruction of the apartment in the house of the old building. Apartments in modern new homes such a ventilation system are already equipped.

Even in an apartment with effective supply-exhaust ventilation should not be abandoned by the advantages of the proven centuries of natural ventilation, especially if the house is located in the green area. For example, a fireplace, a well-venting room and a dyeing air - an excellent example of a natural ventilation and air conditioning device, especially in winter.

The word "ventilation" came to us from ancient Rome, where it meant to ventilate the premises. Then for this just opened.

But in our time this method is not suitable, so every home, apartment, and even more so - the company has its own ventilation system consisting of ventilation channels and mines, through which the spent air is removed, dust, odors.

According to modern standards, cleaning the ventilation system should be carried out at least once every six months.

At the location of the ventilation is divided into two types:

  • household;
  • production.

Household ventilation according to the method of moving the mass of air can be both mechanical and natural. And production - almost always mechanical forced submission air.

In the usual multi-unit or long ventilation Most often is natural. Air flow occurs due to its arrival through windows and doors, and the outflow - through the hole of the ventilation channel, which is usually located in the upper part of the kitchen room. In large private homes, it can be mechanical, that is, there is an exhaust fan in its composition.

But in any case, periodically, it needs to carry out work on cleaning ventilation channels, and sometimes - and by their disinfection.

Understand that ventilation clogged is easy if you pay attention to the following signs:

  • in the house became a stroke;
  • when opening windows, there is almost no draft;
  • kitchen smells easily apply to home and do not destroy long;
  • in the house there is an increased;
  • the windows began to fog, although this was not previously observed;
  • foci of fungus and mold appeared, which indicates a high humidity of the air in the house, causing due to the lack of ventilation.

If there are doubts about the fact that it is caused by clogging ventilation, then it is possible to check its performance.

Check is carried out in one of the following ways:

  • Apply the burning match or lighter to the opening of the ventilation grid - if the flame is sucked in the channel or even goes out, then the ventilation works fine if the flame bar remains directly - it means clogged.
  • Apply a small piece of paper to the ventilation grid. If he sticks to her - then the thrust is excellent, if it falls - there is no traction.

The first way can be dangerous if a lot of cobwebs accumulated in the ventral channel. She can catch fire, which will lead. Therefore, it is better to use the second way.

If it was found that the thrust is weak or there is not at all, it is necessary to do the clean ventilation.

Nowadays, among the services provided by specialized companies, there is also ventilation clearance service. But if you do not want to pay, and you think that you can fine yourself, you can take it into your hands.

So, there are two options for developing events:

  • attracting third-party specialists;
  • performance.

Clean the channel for yourself

If you live in a high-rise building, your ventilation hole goes into the overall ventilation shaft, which through all floors rises to the roof.

Unfortunately, only in rare cases in this mine has a separate channel for each apartment. Most often it is one common channel passing through all apartments located over each other. It is for this reason that the thrust is broken, you can feel smells spreading from the neighbors.

In order to clean the channel on its own, you need to take the following steps:

  • Release the place under Ventkanal from the stove and kitchen furniture. Put old newspapers on the floor, as the dirt can be sprinkled.
  • Put the wall with a stool or stepladder.
  • Under the channel, creemet with newspapers - wallpapers, paint or tile can be contaminated with shivering sediments from the channel walls.
  • Remove the ventilation grille, rinse it with soap or powder. If it is old and yellow, it is worth replacing a new suitable size.
  • Put in your hands thick gloves and gently fade out of the canal all the garbage and dirt. Act carefully, since there may be sharp pebbles or pieces of solution, nails, glass and other unpleasant debris right up to dead mice and insects.
  • If it is not a pity to clog the vacuum cleaner, then the remnants of small garbage can be removed with it.
  • Install the ventilation grille and check the craving already known to you.

If the thrust is not, it means that the channel is clogged above. This is a problem, as you can not get to the bed. There is one way out - to attract managing companySince surely you are not alone on this riser suffer without ventilation.

If you live in a private house and you have an extensive ventilation system, you will not be able to clean it yourself. More precisely, it will be possible, but only with the use of special mechanized equipment, which you probably do not have.

In addition, and you can hardly use it.

In order to clean your ventilation, specialists can use several methods.

These are methods such as:

  • mechanical - a vacuum and brush machine (cleaning is performed quickly, but does not allow efficiently removing fat downsions);
  • chemical - by spraying special inside the duct (it is necessary to fully seal it, because chemistry is toxic);
  • combined - combines the previous two methods that are used alternately (the method is expensive, but effective)
  • blasting - consists in spraying soda particles or dry ice inside the air duct with compressed air (also requires complete sealing of the system and quite considerable time, but is very effective).

Applicable equipment and materials

With self-cleaning of ventilation, you will quite bypass such as a vacuum cleaner, a small spatula for the excavation of garbage, the rash on a long handle.

For mechanized cleaning, you may need:

  • brush machine;
  • blaster for soda or dry ice;
  • special chemicals;
  • vacuum vacuum cleaner.

Need to clean ventilation mechanically. This is a movable low-size installation, equipped with brushes to remove dirt from the walls of the channels. Mostly copes only with dust.


Installation equipped with a sprayer and designed for feeding under high pressure Soda and dry ice. The cleaning process somewhat resembles cleaning surfaces with sandblasting.

A device connected to the channel outlet and intended for suction of dirt and dust separated from the surface of its walls during operation. The vacuum cleaner can remove not only mechanical pollution, but also the chemicals used in the process.

Sprayers and chemicals

We are needed to accelerate the peeling and dirt that threw on the walls of the ventilation channels. In the case of a complex system, other tools may also be needed. Therefore, the company usually always conducts preliminary analysis field activities.

ATTENTION: Equipment and all necessary reagents are always provided by the company's manufacturer and are included in the cost of cleaning the system. If you are offered to pay extra for anything - do not agree and call the dispatcher of the company.

Since ventilation pulls out of the house with dust, bacteria, spores of fungus and mold, preferably after carrying out the mechanical cleaning of the air duct and its disinfection. This is especially important for families where there are allergies.

Also disinfection is obligatory to carry out such premises in Ventscanlas as:

  • kitchen;
  • pools;
  • warehouses;
  • hospitals.

It is practically impossible to carry disinfection independently and is even dangerous for those living in the house, so it is necessary to attract specialists for this. They competently will be disinfected and take care of all chemical substances Were removed from the channels.

Before starting work, serious companies make a washed from the walls of the air ducts in order to accurately determine the composition of microflora and apply the most effective means.

Thus, if the cleaning of ventilation in an apartment or house can still be carried out independently, then disinfection is a lot of specialists.

The optimal conditions indoors are created thanks to a properly organized ventilation system. At the same time, it is important that the amount of air that enters the room and is removed from it is approximately equal. This will help to avoid the formation of drafts. All the necessary parameters of the air environment (temperature, humidity and multiple air exchange) must be normal so that in such a room it was not only pleasant, but also useful to be. Cleaning the ventilation largely contributes to this and normalizes the operation of the system.

Causes of failure of ventilation systems

Even the most productive and effective system Maybe with the time to give a failure. It is possible to determine the deterioration of air flow circulation, if you pay attention to the absence of a sufficient amount of fresh air inflow, also the cause unpleasant odor In the room there may be a weak traction in exhaust air ducts, condensate falling in rooms with increased level Humidity, formation of fungus and mold. The main reasons are the ventilation system reduced its functionality, the following factors are:

  • blockage in the air duct;
  • depressurization of the ventilation channel section;
  • the failure of the equipment supporting the parameters is normal using automatic control.

Most often, the breakdown of the system is a consequence of a blockage, in this case the ventilation is cleaned. To avoid such consequences, it is recommended to perform regularly preventive service all system. Measures that can be taken even by the owner of private housing are to organize the cleaning of the most complex areas (knees, inputs and outputs of ventilation channels). In order to describe the system, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of access to them.

Consequences of the work of polluted ventilation

Cleaning air ducts of ventilation systems will avoid a number of problems that usually occur if the air has ceased to circulate due to the formation of a blockage:

  • equipment breakdown, since if the system performance was not reduced, but at the same time there are obstacles for free air movement, the device will work at the limit power values, which threatens overload and breakage;
  • irregular cleaning of ventilation systems is the reason for the deterioration of the well-being of people who are indoors;
  • reducing the efficiency of the system along with its download leads to a decrease in the service life of the entire ventilation;
  • the accumulation of various contaminants in the air ducts, as well as layers of substances on their walls, is a danger due to the possibility of fire.

Applied technique

Special equipment for cleaning ventilation can greatly simplify the task. At the same time, strength and time, but the specialized technique does not own private housing owners, and therefore, it is necessary to attract professionals to fulfill such work. Cleaning the ventilation of industrial and civil buildings has its own characteristics: availability harmful substances In the air, the probability of sedimentation on the walls of the air ducts of the exhaust elements, the intensity and level of contamination of the air flow transmitted through the ventilation channels and so on. It is often necessary to clean ventilation from fat deposits, for example, it is necessary in catering establishments or residential buildings In the hood over the stove.

Exists whole line ways to remove contaminants accumulated in ventilation channels. Here a lot depends on what configuration system indoors, which allows the use of different equipment for cleaning ventilation:

  • Brushful pneumatic machines.
  • Flexible shafts for cleaning ventilation grids, valves and splitters of different kinds.
  • Installation of vacuum type.

Independent cleaning of ventilation from fat and other complex contaminants will require the use of brusons and detergents. If the central ventilation systems are recommended to be serviced in preventive purposes once a year, then local ventilation (Extract over the grill, stove) The cleaning of ventilation air ducts must be performed once a week, otherwise the layers of fat deposits can lead to fire.

Maintenance features

Technologies allow you to produce a video inspection of the condition of the air duct. Thanks to these devices, a specialist conducts an analysis of the degree of contamination of the system. In order to determine the level of harmfulness of the circulated air due to the content of dust in it, bacteria and the rice of the fungus, the chemical analysis is additionally performed. Cleaning the ventilation and air conditioning system involves making disinfection. This is explained by the features of the air conditioner device.

On the surface of the evaporator (one of the main components of the cooling equipment), condensate regularly falls, which causes moisture constant in the mechanism. Taking into account the fact that air flows of varying degrees of pollution pass through it, part of the dust from the air settles on the evaporator.

Resulting in favorable conditions To maintain vital activity of various bacteria, spore fungus. In this case, cleaning and disinfection of ventilation systems are performed.

Additionally, other methods for cleaning ventilation channels, such as the use of dry ice, are used to use special equipment. This is the most sparing way that removes almost any contamination. Dry ice can be used in systems with air ducts from miscellaneous materialMoreover, after evaporation, he does not leave condensation.

Cleaning ventilation in an apartment building and other major objects is made using this method due to its effectiveness. Along with it, other cleaning equipment can be involved in certain areas of particular complexity.

In any building or construction, the ventilation system should be provided, which is paved in the construction process. The ventilation system is needed to remove contaminated and wet air, which is formed as a result of the operation of the subject of plumbing and household appliances. Also ventilation is the main element of a favorable microclimate indoor. Your tone and well-being depends on air quality.

By the method of moving air flows, natural and artificial ventilation distinguish. It also happens the supply and exhaust.

Types of ventilation

Natural ventilation provides for the circulation of air, which is created due to the air temperature difference on the street and in the apartment, and atmospheric pressure. These are the cheapest ventilation systems, so they are equipped with almost all old houses. But the system is not widely popular, as it is completely dependent on weather conditions.

Artificial ventilation provides for air circulation, which is created using special equipment. These systems are currently used in all apartment buildings.

Supply ventilation is delivered fresh air In the room, and exhaust - removes polluted air with the help of ventilated devices, and today is the most common system. Therefore, many issues appear as you can clean supply-exhaust ventilation. For those who have not come across this, it will be difficult to fulfill this procedure, but the following information will help you.

Sooner or later, any air circulation system is clogged and operates poorly, and the main signs that you need to clean ventilation in the house are:

  • air blocking;
  • a large amount of condensate on glasses and dampness in the apartment, darkened corners;
  • education of web around login;
  • big accumulation of dust and small garbage.

Causes of clogging ventilation

The most common cause of clogging of air channels is deposition large number Dust and dirt in the mines of these channels.

The second reason is the failure of the ventilation devices.

In all houses for the total engineering system Replies special servicewhich has access to such work, so it becomes clear who should help ventilation in an apartment building. But every vest has the right to clear the air channel of his apartment. Therefore, you will be useful to learn how to clear ventilation in the apartment itself.

Methods of cleaning ventilation

  • cleaning with screwdrivers. To do this, it is necessary to carefully remove the grille and with the help of special detergents, remove all fat, dirt and garbage from your channel;
  • cleaning with dry ice, which perfectly removes fat and then evaporates, leaving no smell.

Attention! With self-cleaning, it is forbidden to lower overall objects in the mine channels and use chemical reagents.

If you live in an old building, and you are interested in the question of how to clean the ventilation in Khrushchev, then one mechanical cleaning method will be little. For this you need to take care of such things:

  • on new windows, install a valve-conductor, restoring a natural air flow;
  • establish a supply-exhaust device, eliminating moisture from the room and providing an optimal atmosphere in your apartment. Such devices are mounted both in the windows and on the walls.

The most likely places of ventilation pollution in the apartment is a bathroom and a kitchen. Therefore, many are wondering how to clean ventilation in the bathroom. For this suitable mechanical method Cleaning - 15 minutes and your air channel will be clean.

Ventilation systems in an apartment building

All modern apartment houses Equipped with two types of ventilation system:

  1. Vertical ventilation channel It is displayed in the attic horizontal box - on this system, air masses from all floors are sent to the horizontal box and outward.
  2. Vertical air channels are displayed in the attic - along this system, air masses through a single ventilation shaft are directed to the roof.

But these modern systems Ventilations do not always cope with their functions. In the first case, air masses from the horizontal box can fall into the apartment of the last floor. To avoid this, you need to do the following:

  • double the diameter of the horizontal box is twice, it is better to perform such work with a specialist in order not to disturb the engineering structure;
  • air canals recent Floors Take a horizontal box at the ventilation mine.

In the second case, to improve the operation of the ventilation, it is enough to extend the height of the air channel to one meter using a conventional pipe.

How to clean ventilation

When we know everything about air circulation, you can now find out how to clean this system. This process consists of five stages:

Before proceeding with work, you need to examine everything and check. To do this, bring a lighter or match with fire to ventilation output. If the flames are stretching into the channel, then you can not worry about anything, but if it stands still, it means that your mine is scored and the time has come to learn how to clean the ventilation in the apartment.

Important! With a large cluster of the web, use another non-fire hazard test.

Mechanical cleaning

During this you need to take a big eRS or steel rope And clean the air canal, try to clean as much as possible. Clean it from dirt, garbage and fat. If it does not help, you need to take the items more and clean again. When cleaning air channels, it is necessary to be attentive in order not to evoke on the nest of the OS or other unpleasant insects.

Air circulation

For check natural circulation air, you can use the patch of paper and open the lash interior doors. If the flap of paper does not react, you need to improve the circulation. To do this, it is enough to establish a gap between the door and the floor at a distance of 4 cm.

Influx of air

Natural ventilation is provided by open windows and doors. But in winter they will not be particularly unjited, so you need to resort to additional ways of air inflows to the room. Today, almost every home is standing plastic windowswho are securely held, not only heat, but also air. Therefore, on all modern windows Stained the supply slots. Cold air comes from slots and mixed with warm air from the battery. Winter it effective method Install the optimal microclimate in the apartment.

True, there are rooms in which the supply slots may not be enough. In this case, they put the intake wall valves that additionally saturate the room with fresh air.

Additional exhaust system

If after installation supply equipmentNo need to circulate air, you can install an additional exhaust system. That is, an electric fan is mounted in the ventilation channel, which pumps air. Thus, it provides your room with a sufficient amount of fresh air.

To finally understand how to clear the ventilation in the apartment itself, the video best will help to figure it out:

If you suddenly not work special equipment, then you will not hurt to know how to clean the ventilation of the crankcase. Maybe the reason in this. To do this, you need to disconnect the battery and remove the air intake nozzle. And then disconnect the drive throttle valve and hose. Only after that you can proceed to the cleaning of all other parts.