What do you need to pull up. Pull-ups from scratch

Greetings, dear readers. Just imagine, the Guinness record for pull-ups in one set is 232 reps! Unimaginable numbers, isn't it? Especially for people who can't pull up at all. You will hardly be able to reach such numbers, although who knows. But I'll tell you for sure how to learn how to pull up a lot!

To dispel all your doubts about whether to start pulling up or not, I will tell you about the benefits of this exercise.


Now you just need to go to the bar and, with the correct technique, pull up as many times as possible before breaking the technique. If you didn't manage to pull up at all, it doesn't matter! We have a solution for such cases too!

Reverse and forward progression method

If during your school years you were fond of horizontal bars, then you are probably familiar with the "ladder" game. For those who are not in the subject, I will explain. Two opponents take turns doing pull-ups, starting with one repetition and each time increasing their number by 1 repetition. The winner is the one who completes the required number of pull-ups last. So this is an exact copy of the direct progression method.

The reverse progression, on the contrary, begins with a large number of pull-ups. Then, in each successive approach, the number of pull-ups decreases.

The reverse and forward progression method can be used not only within one workout, but throughout the entire training cycle.

You need to train according to this scheme 3 times a week, every other day. Do 5 sets of reverse progression. But from week to week, increase the number of repetitions in each set. As you can see, the program assumes that you already know how to pull yourself up. If not, then you will have to devote several weeks to the preparatory exercises, which I will discuss in the following chapters.

Advantages of the method:

  • Simplicity
  • The direct progression method corresponds to the main principle of increasing muscle mass - the load should be increased
  • Not suitable for beginners

Negative pull-up method

Use it if you want to learn how to pull up from scratch.

The essence of the method is to exclude the entire upward phase. You only put in effort when you go down. If you already know how to pull-ups, then with which you will not be able to pull up, but you will be able to go down in a controlled manner. It is easier for beginners, they do not need weights.

How to take the starting position?

  1. You can use a high stand that will allow you to sit in the starting position (chin above the bar)
  2. Asking your partner to help you climb up
  3. Use a low bar just above your head. In this case, jumping slightly, take the starting position. At the same time, you will have to bend your legs so that they do not touch the floor when you lower

This technique can be used in preparation for the "Pull-ups in 30 weeks" program. You have to train 3 times a week, adhering to the same number of repetitions and approaches as in the mentioned program.

  • Suitable for beginners
  • Put more stress on muscles, which stimulates their more active growth
  • Complement a standard workout
  • Cannot be used often. Due to the increased load on the muscles
  • Requires additional equipment or partner assistance

Lewis Armstrong Pull-Up Program

The training outline was developed by Marine Corps Officer Charles Lewis Armstrong. His goal was to increase the number of pull-ups in one approach to the maximum possible figure. Just what we need!

What did the American officer's training program consist of? It included 5 lessons per week, and after 2 days of rest.

Monday is a hard day. You need to master 5 approaches, performing each to failure. But the correct technique must not be violated!

Tuesday is the day of the "pyramid". Think about the direct progression method. Start with one repetition and continue to the maximum number of repetitions. And after pulling up the maximum number of times, do one more approach to failure.

Wednesday. Your task is to do 9 trips with a fixed number of repetitions. Moreover, every three approaches it is necessary to change the grip. Stretch first with a wide grip, then with a medium grip and at the end with a reverse narrow grip.

Thursday. It will remind you of the environment, but there will be not 9 approaches, but the maximum. If you master more than 9 sets, then add 1 repetition to each set of each day next week.

Friday is a day of memories. Remember which of the previous days was the most difficult, and repeat it.

As a visual aid, watch the video:

  • A variety of loads allows you to comprehensively work out the muscles of the arms, deltas, chest and back
  • Will help genetically gifted athletes quickly improve pull-up performance
  • Not suitable for beginners
  • Overtraining is very likely

Assistance Exercises for Beginners

If you want to pull up, but you can't do it, then you can heed the advice of experienced fitness trainers. Do not immediately run to the bar, start with general strengthening exercises!

If earlier you saw sports only in pictures or you are a fragile girl, then at the initial stage you can train according to the system of physical development of Evgeny Sandov.


  • Dumbbell Curls - Do 10 reps

  • Push-ups - complete to failure
  • Alternating Standing Dumbbell Curls - Do 25 reps per arm
  • Raise your arms with dumbbells to the sides, palms facing up. Flex and extend both arms - do 25 reps

  • Side Dumbbell Raises - Do 15 reps

  • Front Dumbbell Curls - Do 15 reps
  • Raise your arms with dumbbells to the sides, palms facing down. Rotate the brushes up and down and back and forth. Perform to failure
  • Take a dumbbell by one end and spread your arms to the sides. Rotate the brushes forward, then back. Follow to failure
  • Lying Leg Raises - Complete to Failure

As a simulated pull-up exercise, either a dumbbell pull to the belt in an incline is suitable.

In the second stage, include Australian pull-ups in the complex. You can perform the exercise using the "Pull-ups in 30 weeks" program.

We will listen to the advice of professionals who have gone from zero pull-ups to breaking records and answer frequently asked questions.

What if you never manage to pull up on the bar?

Use in exercise machines to build muscle. But do not forget that the key to muscle growth is proper nutrition.

If you are overweight, you will have to lose weight first. By creating a calorie deficit in the diet.

Use half-range pull-ups.

Secrets of pull-ups or how to pull up more

The duration of the lessons should be no more than 40 minutes a day.

Reduce the workout load if you feel like you're running out of time to recover.

What exercises can you do on the bar?

  • To make pull-ups easier
  • Great exercise - pull-ups on a low bar

A few words in the end

The summary is this: everyone can learn to pull up. Moreover, you are able to bring your results to fantastic values. The main thing is to believe in yourself!

Well friends, subscribe to updates and share useful articles with your friends. See you soon!

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We are sure that many have been waiting for today's info-post with impatience, without realizing it themselves. This is because the topic of the release was the issue of increasing the number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar. I must say right away that there are no secrets in this matter, but this is the whole point!


If you read the forums and VKontakte groups, you get an insistent feeling that 20 pull-ups are a real barrier separating those who really train seriously from everyone else. Indeed, many can pull up 15-16 well, even 18-19 times, but doing more than 20 reps for the vast majority is already becoming a problem.

Some practical tips

Council number 1. If you want to increase the maximum number of pull-ups, then pull up to the maximum! After a certain milestone, it is very difficult to increase the number of pull-ups without pulling up directly to the maximum, because pull-ups to the maximum involve a certain not only physical, but also a psychological attitude.

When you pull up under 20, a turning point comes when you realize that you can do the maximum not in one breath, but hang a little and stretch out more. That is, not only current strength is used, but also some strength endurance. You just need to understand and use it, and not jump right off the horizontal bar as soon as your strength runs out, although many make this mistake.

Council number 2. Do not set yourself limits, or deliberately exaggerate them. Sprinters never aim to stop at the finish line, because then they will slow down ahead of time and lose speed. Here is the same logic! Want to do 20 pull-ups? Set yourself a goal of 25 or 30, you may not reach it, but you can definitely pull up more than 20!

Council number 3. Always pull up clean! No need to try to help yourself with inertia and kick your legs, pull-ups are a strength exercise. Have you pulled up to the maximum? Gather your willpower into a fist and draw out at least one more repetition! Better than 2! You have to reach up while you have strength. Are you running out of strength? Pull up as far as you can and linger at this point, then go down.

Three methods of training quantity

In general, we highlight 3 methods that can lead you to your goal of increasing the number of pull-ups and overcoming the milestone of 20 repetitions. They are all personally tested by us and they really work. The first method went from 5 to 15, the second from 15 to 25, and the third from 25 to 35.

Method FIRST. The main idea of ​​this method is to reduce the rest time between sets to a minimum (45-60 seconds), while still doing the sets to the maximum.

Start with warm-up sets and go up, and when you can no longer raise the bar, then do it to the maximum. The number here is generally individual and depends on your level, but the point is to try to increase the number of repetitions in each approach from workout to workout. If your maximum was less than 10, then focus on 50 pull-ups in total for all sets. This is a random number, just to guide you at the start. It is very important to pull all the reps to the very end. You have to get off the horizontal bar when you can no longer pull yourself up at all (that is, you even pulled up by half and that's it, it doesn't go anymore). In general, do it to failure.

Method SECOND. It boils down to the fact that once a week, set aside a day on which you will do the "penetration" to the maximum and try to break your records. You do not need to immediately try to do the maximum on cold muscles, as practice shows, it is better to do 1-2 warm-up approaches, and only then gesture. So the result will be better, and the likelihood of injury is less. And there should really be a lot of approaches to the maximum. For example, we did 10 sets per workout.

It should be noted that this method is NOT SUITABLE for training outdoors in the cold season, because it requires a long rest (10-15 minutes) between sets, and during this time your muscles will cool down and the effectiveness will drop dramatically.

Method THIRD (method of 5 approaches). When you want to add reps in a tricky exercise like pull-ups (although this method works for any exercise), you need to understand that even adding 1 repetition at a maximum of 20 is just a 5% jump! It's not even a jump, it's a jump across the Grand Canyon. Well, what if 1 is the smallest possible increase in bodyweight training? We cannot throw a pound, as with iron?

Can! The essence of this method is precisely to reduce the size of the minimum step. This is done by changing your attitude to the maximum and dividing it into 5 approaches. Hence the name of the method. Instead of counting your maximum 1 time, count your maximum 5 times with 4-3-2-1 minutes rest between sets, respectively. Let's say you thought that your maximum was 20 reps (if you do 1 set), and if you do 5, then your maximum will be, for example, 60 reps (20-15-10-5-5). And on the next workout, you will try to add at least 1 repetition in each of the sets. In this case, 1 rep is no longer 5%, but only 1.7%, and if we are talking about the last approach, then even less, in fact.

Why exactly 5 approaches? We took this figure from the bulldozer, with the same success it could have been 3, or 7, this is all individual. We like the number 5, it is beautiful, so 5 approaches. Try this method on yourself, and you will be surprised that in just a month of training you can raise your maximum in the first set!

How to trick your brain?

As we said earlier, pull-ups more than 20 times have more than just a physical component. Previously, we also believed that 20 is really a lot and hard, so we easily pulled up 10-15 times, but then the strength seemed to disappear and each next pull-up went wildly hard (a familiar feeling, right?). So here are a couple of simple tricks to make a difference:

Reverse order of account. Usually, when we pull ourselves up, how do we count? 1,2,3, etc. As a result, with each next repetition, the number that we call becomes more and more and subconsciously it presses on us. As a result, we come to 20-ke simply exhausted (after 17, 18 and 19). And try to count the other way around! Start at 20 and with each repetition, decrease the number, i.e. 20, 19, 18, 17, etc. As a result, at the very end you will name very small numbers (5,4,3,2,1) and thus it will be easier for you to pull up!

Dividing the whole into parts. 20 pull-ups is not so little, while almost everyone will do 5 or 10 reps. Use the perceptual effect and divide 20 by 4 by 5 or 2 by 10, counting each time within a given interval. The effect will be the same as in the previous version - it will become a little easier to pull up!

We would like to say a few more words at the end. Many people say that you should definitely use to increase the number of pull-ups, or help a partner to finish the reps. We did not use either one or the other. We have learned to pull up more than 30 times purely with our own weight. To pull up a lot, you need to have a good grip (because you will need to hang a lot), strong and enduring muscles (arms, back), well, the attitude is also important, because only by believing in your strength you can achieve a result!

http: //site/uploads/userfiles/6565.jpg We are sure that many have been waiting for today's info-post with impatience, without realizing it themselves. This is because the topic of the release was the issue of increasing the number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar. I must say right away that there are no secrets in this matter, but this is the whole point! The information presented in the info-posts this week is given solely for informational purposes and to expand your horizons (after all, we have an educational program). We recommend using it AFTER passing the 100-day workout. If you read the forums and VKontakte groups, you get an insistent feeling that 20 pull-ups are a real barrier separating those who really train seriously from everyone else. Indeed, many can pull up 15-16 well, even 18-19 times, but doing more than 20 reps for the vast majority is already becoming a problem. Council number 1. If you want to increase the maximum number of pull-ups, then pull up to the maximum! After a certain milestone, it is very difficult to increase the number of pull-ups without pulling up directly to the maximum, because pull-ups to the maximum suggest a certain not only physical, but also a psychological attitude. When you pull up under 20, a turning point comes when you realize that you can do the maximum not in one breath, but hang a little and stretch out more. That is, not only current strength is used, but also some strength endurance. You just need to understand and use it, and not jump right off the horizontal bar as soon as you run out of strength, although many make this mistake. Council number 2. Do not set yourself limits, or deliberately exaggerate them. Sprinters never aim to stop at the finish line, because then they will slow down ahead of time and lose speed. Here is the same logic! Want to do 20 pull-ups? Set yourself a goal of 25 or 30, you may not reach it, but you can definitely pull up more than 20! Council number 3. Always pull up clean! No need to try to help yourself with inertia and kick your legs, pull-ups are a strength exercise. Have you pulled yourself up to the maximum? Gather your willpower into a fist and draw out at least one more repetition! Better than 2! You have to reach up while you have strength. Are you out of strength? Pull up as far as you can and linger at this point, then go down.

Three methods of training quantity

In general, we highlight 3 methods that can lead you to your goal of increasing the number of pull-ups and overcoming the milestone of 20 repetitions. They are all personally tested by us and they really work. The first method went from 5 to 15, the second from 15 to 25, and the third from 25 to 35. Method FIRST. The main idea of ​​this method is to reduce the rest time between sets to a minimum (45-60 seconds), while still doing the sets to the maximum. Start with warm-up sets and go up, and when you can no longer raise the bar, then do it to the maximum. The number here is generally individual and depends on your level, but the point is to try to increase the number of repetitions in each approach from workout to workout. If your maximum was less than 10, then focus on 50 pull-ups in total for all sets. This is a random number, just to guide you at the start. It is very important to pull all the reps to the very end. You have to get off the horizontal bar when you can no longer pull yourself up at all (that is, you even pulled up by half and that's it, it doesn't go anymore). In general, do it to failure. Method SECOND. It boils down to the fact that once a week, set aside a day on which you will do the "penetration" to the maximum and try to break your records. You do not need to immediately try to do the maximum on cold muscles, as practice shows, it is better to do 1-2 warm-up approaches, and only then gesture. So the result will be better, and the likelihood of injury is less. And there should really be a lot of approaches to the maximum. For example, we did 10 sets per workout. It should be noted that this method is NOT SUITABLE for training outdoors in the cold season, because it requires a long rest (10-15 minutes) between sets, and during this time your muscles will cool down and the effectiveness will drop dramatically. Method THIRD (method of 5 approaches). When you want to add reps in a tricky exercise like pull-ups (although this method works for any exercise), you need to understand that even adding 1 repetition to a maximum of 20 is just a 5% jump! It's not even a jump, it's a jump across the Grand Canyon. Well, what if 1 is the smallest possible increase in bodyweight training? We cannot throw a pound, as with iron? Can! The essence of this method is precisely to reduce the size of the minimum step. This is done by changing your attitude to the maximum and dividing it into 5 approaches. Hence the name of the method. Instead of counting your maximum 1 time, count your maximum 5 times with 4-3-2-1 minutes rest between sets, respectively. Let's say you thought that your maximum was 20 reps (if you do 1 set), and if you do 5, then your maximum will be, for example, 60 reps (20-15-10-5-5). And on the next workout, you will try to add at least 1 repetition in each of the sets. In this case, 1 rep is no longer 5%, but only 1.7%, and if we are talking about the last approach, then even less, in fact. Why exactly 5 approaches? We took this figure from the bulldozer, with the same success it could have been 3, or 7, this is all individual. We like the number 5, it is beautiful, so 5 approaches. Try this method on yourself, and you will be surprised that in just a month of training you can raise your maximum in the first set!

How to trick your brain?

As we said earlier, pull-ups more than 20 times have more than just a physical component. Previously, we also believed that 20 is really a lot and hard, so we easily pulled up 10-15 times, but then the strength seemed to disappear and each next pull-up went wildly hard (a familiar feeling, right?). So here are a couple of simple tricks to make a difference: Reverse order of counting. Usually, when we pull ourselves up, how do we count? 1,2,3, etc. As a result, with each subsequent repetition, the number that we call becomes more and more and subconsciously it presses on us. As a result, we come to 20-ke simply exhausted (after 17, 18 and 19). And try to count the other way around! Start at 20 and with each repetition, decrease the number, i.e. 20, 19, 18, 17, etc. As a result, at the very end you will name very small numbers (5,4,3,2,1) and thus it will be easier for you to pull up! Dividing the whole into parts. 20 pull-ups is not so little, while almost everyone will do 5 or 10 reps. Use the perceptual effect and divide 20 by 4 by 5 or 2 by 10, counting each time within a given interval. The effect will be the same as in the previous version - it will become a little easier to pull up! We would like to say a few more words at the end. Many people say that you should definitely use weighting agents to increase the number of pull-ups, or help a partner to finish the reps. We did not use either one or the other. We have learned to pull up more than 30 times purely with our own weight. To pull up a lot, you need to have a good grip (because you will need to hang a lot), strong and enduring muscles (arms, back), well, the attitude is also important, because only by believing in your own strength you can achieve a result! 100 Day Workout - Table of Contents

Today we have prepared a special info post for those who still do not get full-fledged pull-ups on the horizontal bar, but who really want to learn them!

Let's start with the most important thing. The only reason you’re not doing pull-ups yet is because your muscles simply don’t have enough strength to do this exercise. It really isn't easy for a beginner, so we need to prepare your muscles and ligaments and make them stronger. And in this we will be helped by leading exercises.

What are lead-in exercises?

These are lightweight exercise options that reduce the load in one or more parameters. And if the target exercise is still too hard for you (physically, technically or mentally), then it makes sense to start training its simplified version. Let's explain with the example of pull-ups:

If we look at a pulling up person from the side, we will see that first he pulls his body up, and then lowers it down. If you still remember the school course in physics, then this should remind you of something. If you did something outside the classroom, listen carefully. In this case, we need to use the formula to calculate the Work (A) that the body does:

A = F * S

What about work;
F - force (in our case: mass (m) multiplied by gravitational acceleration (g));
S - distance (range of motion).

Thus, the Work depends on two parameters - the weight of the body and the distance over which this body moves. Therefore, as leading exercises, you need to use such options for performing pull-ups in order to reduce one of these two parameters or both at once.

Option A: reduce weight

Of course, it is more correct to talk not about a decrease in body weight, which can be achieved only by losing excess weight or cutting off something unnecessary for yourself, but about compensating for a part of the gravity force that affects it. The principle is simple: reduce the effect of gravity - reduce the load.

This can be achieved either by using the lever ( , pull-ups with a chair), or due to the force of elasticity (pull-ups with rubber loops).

Australian pull-ups

To do this exercise, you need to find a low bar that you can hang from with your feet on the ground (body at a slight slope). Depending on the height of the bar, the load will change, the lower the bar, the heavier it will be.

In terms of biomechanics, Australian pull-ups differ from conventional ones in that the pull occurs in a horizontal plane, and not in a vertical one. But this version of pull-ups is perfect for those who are just starting their way in the workout, and for experienced athletes who are grinding the correct pull-up technique.

Chair-supported pull-ups

Everything is simple here: you grab the horizontal bar with your hands, and stand on a chair with your feet. But in order for this to turn out to be a good lead exercise, you need to do the following from workout to workout:

1. Strive to transfer as much body weight as possible from the legs to the arms and back. Since in this version you yourself control the load, it is important not to hack and try, first of all, to pull with your back and hands.

2. Increase the number of repetitions. The more pull-ups you do, the longer the muscles are under load and the sooner they will get stronger so that you can pull up the classic way.

Pull-ups with rubber loops

This exercise is essentially similar to the previous one, but the degree of stress on the muscles of the arms and back depends on the strength of the resistance of the rubber loop. If you can easily pull up with the loop 10 times in each circle, then you should switch to a less rigid one.

Option B: decreasing the distance

The second way to reduce the load is to reduce the range of motion. To do this, we will divide the exercise into parts and work on them separately.

Negative pull-ups

positive(when the muscles are tense) and negative(when the muscles relax).

If you cannot yet complete both phases of the pull-up at once (lift yourself up and then lower yourself down), then start with the “negative” pull-ups. Find a horizontal bar so high that, having jumped on it, you keep your chin above the bar, and then, as slowly as possible, lower yourself down, tensing only the muscles of the arms and back.

Partial repetitions

1. Positive from straight arms up to an angle of 90 degrees at the elbows;
2. Positive from an angle of 90 degrees at the elbows to the chin above the horizontal bar;
3. Negative from the chin over the horizontal bar up to an angle of 90 degrees at the elbows;
4. Negative from an angle of 90 degrees at the elbows to straight arms.

Ideally, of course, you need to do the exercise at full amplitude, but this requires a certain strength and level of training, so you do not need to be upset or worried if you can still do 1/2 or 3/4 of full amplitude pull-ups. The main thing is to train and in time the power will come!

Secrets of the crossbar masters

If there are two parameters in the formula, then you can only change them, right? Wrong! There is always a third option!

Bottom grip pull-ups

bottom grip!

Correct traction

you pull the bar towards you, and not yourself pulling to the crossbar!

Imagine that you are moving a sofa from one side of the room to the other. What will you do? Wrap your arms around the sofa and pull it towards you. At the same time, your back muscles and biceps will actively work. To easily and confidently pull up, repeat the same natural movement pattern: pull the bar towards you.

Train on horizontal bars

On your way, you will more than once come across simulators either completely replacing pull-ups, or helping to learn how to pull up from scratch. But doing them is a bad idea.

You isolate the target muscles from the rest of the body - easier, but worse. When you are hanging on a bar trying to pull up, in addition to the large muscles of the back, shoulders and biceps, many stabilizing muscles are involved in the process to help keep the body straight and coordinated. The whole body works during pull-ups. Therefore, it is better to pull up on a regular horizontal bar.

Grip training

Well, and the last moment for today. For many beginners, a separate problem is hanging on the horizontal bar on their own hands. If you have such a problem, then we would recommend at the end of each workout (after all laps!) To add a simple hang on the bar for 30-120 (depending on your level of training) seconds as a strengthening exercise for the grip. You can break the exercise into sets if you can't do it in one.

http: //site/uploads/userfiles/2094.jpg Today we have prepared a special info post for those who still do not get full-fledged pull-ups on the horizontal bar, but who really want to learn them! Let's start with the most important thing. The only reason you’re not doing pull-ups yet is because your muscles simply don’t have enough strength to do this exercise. It really isn't easy for a beginner, so we need to prepare your muscles and ligaments and make them stronger. And in this we will be helped by leading exercises.

What are lead-in exercises?

These are lightweight exercise options that reduce the load in one or more parameters. And if the target exercise is still too hard for you (physically, technically or mentally), then it makes sense to start training its simplified version. Let's explain using the example of pull-ups: If you look at a pull-up person from the side, we will see that first he pulls his body up, and then lowers it down. If you still remember the school course in physics, then this should remind you of something. If you did something outside the classroom, listen carefully. In this case, we need to use the formula to calculate the Work (A) that the body does:
A = F * S
where: A - work; F - force (in our case: mass (m) multiplied by gravitational acceleration (g)); S - distance (range of motion). Thus, the Work depends on two parameters - the weight of the body and the distance over which this body moves. Therefore, as leading exercises, you need to use such options for performing pull-ups in order to reduce one of these two parameters or both at once.

Option A: reduce weight

Of course, it is more correct to talk not about a decrease in body weight, which can be achieved only by losing excess weight or cutting off something unnecessary for yourself, but about compensating for a part of the gravity force that affects it. The principle is simple: reduce the effect of gravity - reduce the load. This can be achieved either by using the lever ( australian pull-ups, pulling up with a chair), or due to the force of elasticity (pulling up with rubber loops) .. jpg To do this exercise, you need to find a low bar that you can hang from with your feet on the ground (body at a slight slope). Depending on the height of the bar, the load will change, the lower the bar, the heavier it will be. In terms of biomechanics, Australian pull-ups differ from conventional ones in that the pull occurs in a horizontal plane, and not in a vertical one. But this version of pull-ups is perfect for both those who are just starting their way in the workout, and for experienced athletes who are grinding the correct pull-up technique.

Chair-supported pull-ups

Everything is simple here: you grab the horizontal bar with your hands, and stand on a chair with your feet. But in order for this to turn out to be a good approach exercise, you need to do the following from training to training: 1. Strive to transfer as much body weight as possible from legs to arms and back. Since in this version you yourself control the load, it is important not to hack and try, first of all, to pull with your back and hands. 2. Increase the number of repetitions. The more pull-ups you do, the longer the muscles are under load and the sooner they will get stronger so that you can pull up in the classic way ... This exercise is essentially similar to the previous one, but the degree of stress on the muscles of the arms and back depends on the strength of the resistance of the rubber loop. If you can easily pull up with the loop 10 times in each circle, then you should switch to a less rigid one.

Option B: decreasing the distance

The second way to reduce the load is to reduce the range of motion. To do this, we will divide the exercise into parts and work on them separately.

Negative pull-ups

Any exercise has two phases: positive(when the muscles are tense) and negative(when the muscles relax). If you cannot yet complete both phases of the pull-up at once (lift yourself up and then lower yourself down), then start with the “negative” pull-ups. Find a horizontal bar so high that, having jumped on it, you keep your chin above the bar, and then, as slowly as possible, lower yourself down, straining only the muscles of the arms and back.

Partial repetitions

You can go even further and divide the pull-ups not into two, but into four parts: 1. Positive from straight arms to an angle of 90 degrees at the elbows; 2. Positive from an angle of 90 degrees at the elbows to the chin above the horizontal bar; 3. Negative from the chin over the horizontal bar up to an angle of 90 degrees at the elbows; 4. Negative from an angle of 90 degrees at the elbows to straight arms. Ideally, of course, you need to do the exercise at full amplitude, but this requires a certain strength and level of training, so you do not need to be upset or worried if you can still do 1/2 or 3/4 of full amplitude pull-ups. The main thing is to train and in time the power will come!

Secrets of the crossbar masters

If there are two parameters in the formula, then you can only change them, right? Wrong! There is always a third option! .Jpg In fact, these are full-fledged classic pull-ups, but still they are easier to perform than pull-ups with a standard overhead grip. The bottom grip, as well as the neutral grip, when the palms are parallel to each other, allows you to more strongly engage the muscles of the arms. By the way, most people do their first pull-up. bottom grip! We recommend combining the approach exercises with the top grip with attempts to fully pull up with the bottom grip (or neutral grip) for the best result.

Correct traction

If you want to immediately learn the correct pull-up technique and make the learning process easier, then the following tip will help you. Every time you do pull-ups, imagine that you pull the bar towards you, and not yourself pulling to the crossbar! Imagine that you are moving a sofa from one side of the room to the other. What will you do? Wrap your arms around the sofa and pull it towards you. At the same time, your back muscles and biceps will actively work. To easily and confidently pull up, repeat the same natural movement pattern: pull the bar towards you.

Train on horizontal bars

On your way, you will more than once come across simulators that either completely replace pull-ups, or help you learn how to pull up from scratch. But doing them is a bad idea. You isolate the target muscles from the rest of the body - easier, but worse. When you are hanging on a bar trying to pull up, in addition to the large muscles of the back, shoulders and biceps, many stabilizing muscles are involved in the process to help keep the body straight and coordinated. The whole body works during pull-ups. Therefore, it is better to pull up on a regular horizontal bar.

Grip training

/uploads/editor/2017/03/2017-03-20-16-03-03-g8x.jpg Well, and the last moment for today. For many beginners, a separate problem is hanging on the horizontal bar on their own hands. If you have such a problem, then we would recommend at the end of each workout (after all laps!) To add a simple hang on the bar for 30-120 (depending on your level of training) seconds as a strengthening exercise for the grip. You can break the exercise into sets if you can't do it in one. 100 Day Workout - Table of Contents

16.04.2018 10.04.2019

Pulling up is one of the key bodyweight exercises that you need to do for developing your upper body muscles. Chin-ups are a good measure of your fitness and strength.

In this article, we will consider an important question: how to learn how to pull up from scratch on a horizontal bar for men and women, as well as analyze the issues of the pull-up technique and useful tips on how to learn how to pull up.

Why do you need to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar?

Everyone can learn to pull up on the horizontal bar, regardless of whether there was a successful experience of pull-ups in the past. This exercise helps to simultaneously work on all muscles of the arms and trunk: pectoral muscles, back and shoulder muscles, biceps and triceps. At the same time, to perform pull-ups, you only need a horizontal bar, which is easy to install at home or find on the sports field. Pulling up counts the most effective exercise with your own body weight to develop the muscles of the arms and back.

The benefits of pull-ups:

  • Pull-ups develop the muscles of the upper body and form a beautiful relief of the muscles of the arms, shoulders, chest and back.
  • Regular pull-ups help strengthen joints and ligaments.
  • Pull-ups can be done at home or outdoors, all you need is a horizontal bar or bar.
  • Pull-ups strengthen the muscular system and help keep the spine healthy and functional.
  • The ability to pull up on a horizontal bar is a good demonstration of your physical strength and endurance.
  • If you learn to pull up on the horizontal bar, then it will be easier for you to master exercises such as handstand, as well as exercises on the uneven bars and rings.

Many people wonder how quickly you can learn to pull up from scratch? It depends entirely on your fitness and training experience. If you previously knew how to pull up, then it will be much easier for your body to "remember" the load than to learn a fresh skill from scratch. Usually 3-5 weeks are enough to start pulling up on the horizontal bar at least several times. If you have never pulled up before, then you can learn how to perform this exercise well in 6-9 weeks.

What can interfere with doing pull-ups:

  • Being overweight and overweight
  • Weakly developed upper body muscles
  • Lack of pull-up practice in the past
  • Unused technique
  • Trying to do pull-ups without prep work
  • Poor functional training
  • Not knowing about pull-up exercises

In order to learn to pull up from scratch, you must prepare not only your major muscle groups, but also your stabilizing muscles, joints and ligaments. Even if you have the strength to do a back row or a heavy dumbbell lift, you may not be able to pull up. That is why it is not enough just to pump up the main muscle groups that are involved in pull-ups. (arms and latissimus dorsi)... You will need fully prepare your body to pull-ups with the help of leading exercises - they will be discussed below.

Contraindications for doing pull-ups:

  • Scoliosis
  • Herniated discs
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Spinal protrusions
  • Arthrosis

In some cases, regular pull-ups or even just hanging on a horizontal bar can help get rid of spinal diseases. But if you have already If you have back problems, then before you start pulling up, be sure to consult your doctor. Exercising on the horizontal bar can aggravate pre-existing diseases of the spine.

Pull-ups are of several types, depending on the grip of the hands:

  • Direct grip... In this case, the palms are facing away from you. This grip is considered the most preferable, when performed, the main load is on the latissimus dorsi and shoulders.
  • Reverse grip ... In this case, the palms and wrists are looking at you. It is easier to pull up with this grip, since most of the load is taken by the biceps, which help to pull the body towards the horizontal bar.
  • Mixed grip ... In this case, one hand holds the horizontal bar with a direct grip, and the other with a reverse grip. Such pull-ups can be performed when you have already mastered both grips and want to diversify the load on the muscles. Be sure to change your arms when doing these pull-ups.
  • Neutral grip ... In this case, the palms of the hands are facing each other. Neutral grip pull-ups place an emphasis on the lower lats.

At first, you can only pull up with a reverse grip, if it is easier for you. But gradually try to master pull-ups with both direct and reverse grip to work out the maximum muscle group.

Depending on the position of the hands, pull-ups are:

  • With a narrow grip: the maximum load falls on the hands (the easiest pull-up option).
  • Wide grip : maximum load falls on the latissimus dorsi (the most difficult pull-up option)... It is not recommended to combine wide and reverse grip at the same time, this can damage the ligaments.
  • Classic grip (shoulder width apart): The load is distributed proportionally, so this is the preferred pull-up.

The various grip and hand positions allow you to target all upper body muscle groups using virtually one bodyweight exercise - the pull-up. By learning how to pull up, you can improve your body even without using free weights and exercise machines. At the same time, you can always complicate this exercise: just pull up on one arm or use weights (backpack, belt).

How to pull up on the horizontal bar

Before moving on to a detailed diagram of how to learn how to pull up from scratch for men and women, let's dwell on correct pull-up technique .

So, for classic pull-ups, place your hands on a horizontal bar shoulder-width apart or slightly wider than your shoulders. The shoulder blades are brought together, the body is fully erect, the abdomen is tucked up, the shoulders are lowered, the neck does not press into the shoulders, the fingers tightly cover the bar. As you inhale, slowly pull your body up, your chin should be above the bar. Hold for a split second and, as you exhale, lower your body to its original position.

The pull-up is done slowly at every stage of the movement: both uphill and downhill. You should feel the maximum tension in the muscles of your arms and back, you should not make unnecessary movements, trying to simplify your task. In terms of muscle efficiency, it is better to do one technical pull-up than five non-technical ones. You can try pulling up with any kind of grip, first choose the easiest option for you.

Be sure to follow the correct breathing during pull-ups, otherwise your muscles will not receive enough oxygen, which means their strength and endurance will decrease. Inhale deeply through your nose with effort. (when lifting the body to the crossbar) and exhale with your mouth while relaxing (while relaxing the arms and lowering the torso).

What to do it is forbidden while doing the pull-up:

  • To swing and twist the body
  • Jerk and jerk
  • Arch your lower back or arch your back
  • Hold breath
  • Press your head into your shoulders and strain your neck

Step-by-step instructions on how to learn to pull up from scratch

In order to learn how to pull up from scratch, you need to perform a series lead exercises that will prepare your body for the load. By practicing these exercises regularly, you will be able to master the pull-ups on the bar, even if they have never done them before and even if you do not believe in yourself. These exercises are suitable for both men and women, the degree of load is independently regulated. Leading exercises will help you strengthen not only your muscles, but also your ligaments and joints.

Thanks to youtube channels for gifs: OfficialBarstarzz, Abnormal_Beings, Colin DeWaay, Xenios Charalambous, Matt Cama 2.

1. Exercises with additional weight for muscles

Weight-bearing exercises can help you strengthen your latissimus dorsi and biceps, which are involved in pull-ups. Instead of a barbell, you can use dumbbells. Perform each exercise in 3-4 sets, for 8-10 repetitions. Rest 30-60 seconds between sets. Choose a weight such that the last exercises in the approach are performed at maximum effort.

If you do not have access to simulators and free weights, then to prepare for pull-ups, you can immediately start the exercises on the horizontal bar, which are presented below.

The Australian pull-up is the perfect exercise to help you learn to pull up from scratch. To complete it, you need a low crossbar, approximately at waist level. (in the gym, you can use the bar in the Smith machine)... Note that during the Australian pull-up, your body should remain straight from heels to shoulders. You cannot bend down and bend up, the whole body is tense and taut.

The greatest advantage of the Australian pull-up is that it will within the power of absolutely everyone because its complexity is determined by the angle of inclination. The more upright your body is, the easier it is to do the exercise. Conversely, the more horizontal the body is, the more difficult it will be to perform the Australian pull-up. Also, the load depends on the height of the bar - the lower it is, the more difficult it is to pull up.

When performing Australian pull-ups, we recommend changing the grips: wide grip, shoulder width grip, narrow grip... This will allow you to effectively work all muscle groups from different angles and adapt to the pull-ups. You can perform 15-20 reps with different types of grips.

3. Pull-ups on the loops

If you don't have a bar for doing Australian pull-ups, or you want to better prepare for classic pull-ups on the bar, then you can pull up on the loops. In the gym, there are usually always such devices, but at home there is a good alternative - hinges TRX... This is a very popular machine for exercising with your own body and developing all muscle groups. With TRX, you can learn pull-ups even faster.

4. Leg-supported pull-ups

Another approach exercise is a pull-up on a low bar with your feet resting on the floor. To practice this exercise, it is not necessary to have a low crossbar; you can put a box or a chair under a regular horizontal bar and fully lean on it with your feet. It's much easier than regular pull-ups, but ideal for muscle training.

5. Pull-ups with a chair

A slightly more difficult version of the previous exercise is a pull-up with one leg resting on a chair. At first, you can fully lean one foot on a chair, but gradually try to maintain your weight with the muscles of your arms and back, leaning less and less on the chair.

Another simple but very effective exercise that will help you learn how to pull up from scratch is hanging on the bar. If you cannot hang on the horizontal bar for at least 2-3 minutes, then it will be difficult for you to pull yourself up. Hanging on a bar is useful for strengthening the wrists, developing back muscles, and straightening the spine. Also, this exercise will help the ligaments get used to your body weight.

Please note that when hanging on a horizontal bar, the shoulders should be lowered down, the neck stretched out and not squeezed into the shoulders. The body should remain free, the spine elongated, the abdomen tucked up. You can do the exercise in several sets of 1-2 minutes.

If you calmly hang on the horizontal bar for several minutes, then you can move on to the next stage - pulling up with (expander). One end of a rubber band is attached to the bar, and the other end to secure the leg. The expander will take on some of your weight and lift your body up. Rubber loops can be purchased on Aliexpress, details with product links are in the second part of the article. By the way, this type of expander is suitable not only for pull-ups, but also for many strength exercises.

8. Pull-ups with a jump

Another approach exercise that will help you learn to pull up from scratch is the jump pull-up. If you've never pulled up before, you may not be able to do it, so it's best to practice the above exercises first. If your muscle strength allows you to do a jumping chin, then this exercise will perfectly prepare you for a regular pull-up.

Its essence is as follows: you jump up to the horizontal bar as much as possible, hold yourself for a few seconds and slowly go down. This can be said to be one of the options negative pull-up.

9. Negative pull-ups

Any exercise has two phases: positive (when muscle tension occurs) and negative (when muscle relaxation occurs). If you can't handle both phases of the pull-up yet (that is, pull yourself up on the horizontal bar and go down), then do only the second phase of the exercise or the so-called negative pull-up.

For a negative pull-up, you need to stay in a bent-arm position over the bar (as if you were already pulling up) using a chair or the help of a partner. Your task is to stay at the top for as long as possible and then very slowly go down, straining the muscles of your arms and back as much as possible. Negative pull-ups are another great exercise to help you learn to pull up from scratch.

The number of repetitions in last three exercises depends on your capabilities. At first, you will probably only be doing 3-5 reps in 2 sets. But with each lesson you need to increase the results. Aim for numbers like this: 10-15 reps, 3-4 sets. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

Pull-up classes for beginners

We offer you a ready-made scheme on how to learn how to pull up from scratch for men and women. The scheme is universal and suitable for all beginners, but you can adapt it to suit your capabilities by lengthening or shortening the plan a little. Train 2-3 times a week. Before doing pull-ups, be sure to warm up and at the end stretch the muscles of your back, arms, chest:

Ideally, start your workout with back exercises. (rod rod, vertical and horizontal rod), but if this is not possible, you can only train on the horizontal bar. If you are faced with the task of learning how to pull up on a horizontal bar from scratch in a short time, then you can do it 5 times a week. But not more often, otherwise the muscles will not have time to recover and there will be no progress.

The plan below is designed for beginners. If you are already an experienced practitioner, then feel free to start with 3-4 weeks. The scheme indicates only an approximate number of repetitions, it is always better to focus on your physical capabilities. Be sure to record how many reps and sets you have done to keep track of your progress. Rest between sets can be done for 2-3 minutes, or you can dilute pull-ups with other exercises.

First week:

  • 5-8 reps 3-4 sets

Second week:

  • Leg-supported pull-ups: 10-15 reps 3-4 sets
  • 30-60 seconds in 2 sets

Third week:

    5-8 reps 3-4 sets45-90 seconds in 3 sets

Fourth week:

    10-15 reps 3-4 sets90-120 seconds in 3 sets

Fifth week:

  • 3-5 reps in 2-3 sets
  • 10-15 reps 3-4 sets90-120 seconds in 3 sets

Sixth week:

  • 3-5 reps in 2-3 sets
  • Pulling up with a chair (leaning with one leg): 5-7 reps in 2-3 sets

Seventh week:

  • Pull-up with rubber loops: 5-7 reps in 2-3 sets
  • Pulling up with a chair (leaning with one leg): 5-7 reps in 2-3 sets

Eighth week:

  • Negative pull-ups: 3-5 reps in 2-3 sets
  • Pull-up with rubber loops:

Ninth week

  • Pull-up with a jump: 3-5 reps in 2-3 sets
  • Pull-up with rubber loops: 7-10 reps in 2-3 sets

Tenth week

  • Classic pull-up: 2-3 reps in 2-3 sets
  • Pull-up with a jump: 3-5 reps in 2-3 sets

You can speed up your training plan if you are experiencing more progressive results than indicated in the chart. Or, alternatively, slow down the pace of building up the number of repetitions if you are not yet able to achieve the desired result. Don't worry, sooner or later you will be able to reach your goal!

1. Do not jerk or jerk during pull-ups. Exercises should be performed only using muscle strength, do not simplify your task with swaying and inertia.

2. Do not force exercises on the horizontal bar, especially if you are trying to learn how to pull up from scratch. Hurried, quick movements and excessive exertion can damage joints and ligaments. Always strive to improve the quality of your exercise, not increase the amount.

3. The less your initial weight, the easier it is for you to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar from scratch. Therefore, the work on pull-ups should go in parallel with the process of getting rid of excess fat.

4. During exercise, do not hold your breath, otherwise it will lead to rapid fatigue.

5. Whichever approach exercise you do on the horizontal bar or crossbar, try to gradually increase the number of repetitions and approaches. For example, if at first you can only do 3-4 Australian pull-ups, then gradually increase their number to 15-20 repetitions and increase the incline angle.

6. In order to progress in the number and quality of pull-ups, you should perform not only the summing exercises, but also train the whole body... Work with dumbbells, barbells, machines, and push-ups for best results.