What is a vocation. Ask yourself the right questions.

It usually sounds something like this - "I seem to live at the wrong time", "I was born / intended for something greater", "I have a purpose, but I do not know how to realize it", "I want to understand why I was born / born", "I want to know my mission", "I don't know who I should go to work for", "I do not like what I do, and there is a feeling that I need to do something else, but I don’t know what I am doing "," I don't understand why I live " other.

The question of one's own fulfillment, the manifestation of one's talents and abilities, the application of one's strength and energy in the right direction, the question of rejection of one's work, one's business, the question of manifestation in life of an occupation that would be very important to heart. And in this regard, people often rush into searches, “look for” themselves, want to find “that” sphere, “that” activity, perhaps without attaching importance to what is already there. Many people want to find a "life's work", something that captivates and occupies all thoughts.

So how do you know the purpose and calling? In order to understand what is generally being discussed, I will dwell on the very concepts of what is vocation and what is destination... It is worth distinguishing between these concepts. First you need to answer these questions for yourself. What destination For you? And what is it to you vocation? How do you understand this for yourself? What does this mean for you? This will help you understand what exactly you need to understand now, learn about yourself.

It is also important to ask yourself a couple more simple questions - why do you need to know your purpose / calling? And what will change in your life after you find out? What do you think your life will be like after this? Perhaps the request will be reformulated into a different one and will sound differently, Already more specific.

I will return to the concepts themselves - in Reincarnation these concepts are defined as follows - there is the purpose of the Soul and there is a person's vocation... After adding two words, the definition becomes clearer.

The Soul has a purpose, what is assigned to it, certain tasks that it needs to complete. The purpose- this is a kind of global goal, a task to do something, like "bring light", "give love". Or maybe not global, everything is individual. Purpose is the purpose of the Soul.

It happens that the Soul also often realizes its purpose in the space between lives, where there is a strict hierarchy and each Soul has its own occupation - specialization... And the Soul can carry this activity with it into embodiment and engage in something similar in the physical world.

Human vocation- this is what the Soul will use to realize its purpose, what the Soul is called into this world for. With the help of what activity, what occupation it will fulfill its purpose. As a rule, this is what a person likes to do, what a person likes to do in life. The search for your vocation, "your" occupation is like the call of the Soul for the realization of the destiny. If the Soul follows a vocation, then it will fulfill its purpose as well.

Remembering your addictions in children's games will help you understand what vocation you might have. From the child's games, you can notice a lot what he likes, what he loved to play - build everyone, manage, or teach everyone, or heal, or play daughters-mothers, or something else. If you remember what you were fond of in childhood, what gave pleasure, you can already understand a lot.

I see how people who know who they are and what they own, what talents, abilities, what they like in life, and do just that - I see how happy they are, and how they are burning with their activities, I see how simple it is living with this knowledge. How great it is to know who you are in this world, and not just to know, but to embody it in practice - to have a "dream job", to understand the nature of your Soul, then life is easier and more joyful, and desires and dreams come true more easily, and money for what you need always appears!

When you find out the purpose of your Soul and your vocation in this life, household chores, the need to go to the store, buy food and cook are unlikely to disappear, interaction with other people will not disappear, bills for light and communal apartments will not disappear, and garbage is still needed will endure. But! It will become much easier, an understanding of what to do and how to live, what is needed and not needed, in which direction to move and how to get what is needed, will come.

There will be an opportunity to stand on own way! And on its way, and the tailwind and the holes are less. Some of the questions may disappear altogether, perhaps the circle of contacts will change or you will have to change your job, field of activity, and, possibly, place of residence. Taking actions in the right direction, way will draw under your feet, literally opening up under the feet of the walker.

You will gain a connection with your Soul, begin to listen to your desires, and life will become different, it will develop differently. The right people will come across, the right events will happen, and opportunities will turn up. Life always favors those who go their own way. Those who walk are important to the world, it will give them everything! But those who walk need to give themselves to the world and what they know how, what they are capable of and what they were born for.

Why else do you need to know your purpose and vocation:

  • To find and feel "your place" in life,
  • to enjoy your occupation, activity, joy of life,
  • if we talk about the Soul, then in order to complete the tasks for this incarnation and allow your Soul to develop, evolve.

Finding a vocation is an extremely interesting topic that we are fortunate enough to discuss today. Let's not miss the opportunity and talk in detail about human self-determination. Let's discuss the meaning of the word "vocation", its synonyms, as well as ways to find oneself.


The explanatory dictionary is cold and offers only two meanings for the word:

  1. Addiction to any business. For example, "Vasily will become a mathematician by vocation, do not fill his head with literature!"
  2. Life's work, appointment. "Since then, helping people with addictions has become his calling."

But what can a dictionary know about a true human vocation? This, of course, is primarily a philosophical and psychological problem. A drama that unfolds separately in each individual life. Slips, hopes of disappointment, when a person chooses one, thinks: "This is it!". Then the mirages deceive him, he realizes that he did not quite choose himself, someone else made the choice instead: relatives, parents, social situation. And he generally wanted the wrong and wrong.

Yes, the examples are chosen correctly, and the dictionary speaks the truth, how can it be wrong? But history keeps the result, and we, among other things, will talk about how to find your place in life and not regret it, but first synonyms.

Replacement words

Vocation is generally a rather difficult topic, therefore, in order to consolidate the result, one can also recall semantic analogs that will be useful to the reader, and we, in turn, do not have the habit of hiding them from him. Here they are:

  • talent;
  • purpose;
  • capabilities;
  • addiction;
  • business (of all life);
  • craft (of all life);
  • talent;

Familiar words. It is not so difficult to find a synonym for "vocation", it is just very easy. How to understand your personal, individual gift, talent, mission? Next in line is the mechanism for revealing one's own fundamental inclination.

When is the first time a person thinks about choosing a path in life?

This happens at the age of 15-17. The lower limit is grade 9 high school, and the upper limit is senior grade. Man is a flexible creature, so he adapts to the requirements of social and biological time. True, there are different points of view. For example, Erich Fromm, a well-known psychologist and philosopher, dropped a phrase in one of his books that the most favorable time for choosing a profession in his entire life is the age closer to 30. This position has its own reasons: a person is already mature enough to consciously choose something ... The probability of a mistake is not so great, there are fewer or no fears at all, because there is experience.

But most people don't have that luxury. The social and biological dimensions of human existence are unforgiving. And then it will only get worse, the speed increases every day. For example, in Japan, children already at the age of five are forced to take tests that will determine their entire future destiny: what school they go to, what company they will work for. But the little ones still do not know anything about the vocation. The interpretation of this word is all the more inaccessible to them. Therefore, European and Russian children are still lucky.

For them, the moment of self-determination comes in early adolescence (at the age of 15-17), as already mentioned. Along with the need to choose a path in life, perhaps for the first time, serious thoughts appear that inhibit vigorous activity, sometimes harm it. For the first time, a person realizes responsibility for his life and his choice.

Trial and error method

So that fears, like waves, do not swallow a boy or a girl and do not destroy children during this period, they must approach the threshold of early adolescence with specific baggage: circles, clubs of interest, all kinds of games. Then the process of professional self-determination will not be so painful and painful. Although here we are disingenuous, for vocation means suffering. Some things in life cannot come easily, no matter how much you prepare for them.

However, it is still invaluable in solving this problem. If a person is not allowed out of the house, not allowed to create and experiment, for him the process of self-determination, firstly, can drag on for a lifetime, and secondly, it can be extremely painful.

The child must try, seek, lose, suffer (within reasonable limits), but find himself. If you are persistent, then in the vastness of being you will find the work of your whole life, and possibly several key specialties. The time is now such that in the issue of vocation (this is proved by practice) you need to be a “multi-instrumentalist”, that is, to understand several areas of knowledge at once.

Is it worth waiting for divine illumination?

There is such a very harmful myth regarding the purpose that, they say, who from the very beginning know what they want from life, who they want to be. This can be heard especially often from writers. Stephen King and Ray Bradbury admitted that they had been writing since they were 12 years old. And the author of Dandelion Wine claimed to have produced at least 1,000 words every day from that very age. Another hyper-popular writer, George Martin, fantasized about life on other planets from the age of 4 or 5. And they all say that they always knew that writing was their vocation.

So, to a certain extent, this is a confluence of circumstances and such insignificant trifles that it’s a shame to talk about. For example, if modern idols got to their parents despotic or evil, they would not exist as phenomena. King's mother always supported him. Bradbury had his own literary agent at the age of 22, even before he published his first story.

Of course, when it comes to vocation, the interpretation of a word and thinking about it, people come to mind different cases, and here one cannot discount the perseverance, will, character of certain heroes.

For example, if you read Dovlatov, you can find out: some journalists even went hungry, but did not give up their craft. And this was not because they are frail or arrogant, but simply a vocation - a mysterious business and defies a mathematical formula.

God or nature creates a man or woman with a certain plan, but does not reveal the latter to his children, so that it would be more interesting for them to live. Sometimes the purpose becomes apparent only in adulthood. Remember that famous example from Bulgakov about a man who has been teaching Roman law for 20 years, and at the age of 21 realizes that he really likes to grow flowers, and Roman law, on the contrary, is not at all close to him? If the reader wants to familiarize himself with the passage in its original form, then let us tell him: it is in the novel "The White Guard".

And all because people do not have enough courage, and maybe experience, to live according to their own understanding and desire from the very beginning. God has nothing to do with it, this is the struggle that a person must win himself.

Given the variety of professions that exist in the world, it is difficult to choose the one that suits a particular person. But, it is necessary to do this, since the whole future life will depend on the correct decision. Since children rarely think about such things, their parents first tell them about the choice of a future profession. Then the teacher at the school. If they are wrong, then the person himself is trying to understand his calling. And this search can drag on for a lifetime. Especially in the case of the versatility of nature, which pushes in all directions. It does not give the opportunity to dwell on one thing. But, there are a number of techniques to help you understand your vocation. They will be discussed below.

What is a vocation?

A vocation is a person's ability to engage in a particular type of activity. As they say "what the soul is for." If you guess with the choice of your future specialty, then you can achieve the greatest growth in this craft. Since most people's lives depend on employment, understanding your calling means securing your own future. The main thing is not to confuse this word with the closely related "destiny", which denotes the life mission of a person entrusted to him from above.

How to understand your calling?

Unlike mission, which is sacred in nature, vocation is a rather pragmatic concept. It can be determined by a person's inner inclinations, his genetics, upbringing and a number of other factors. In order not to get confused in introspection, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with a few simple tips on how to understand your calling. The main thing is to know that every person has it. It’s just easier for some to see it, and harder for others.

1. Analyze your interests.

A good way to define your calling is to figure out what you enjoy doing. You should listen to your inner voice. Hear him and correctly interpret the prompts received. To do this, you need to understand that in everyday affairs it does not evoke a sensation. What the soul is for. From what the body produces hormones of happiness. After all, doing what you love, you can achieve more than in any other profession. It is not uncommon for a hobby to turn into, replacing routine work and even bringing in a lot more money.

2. Critically assess your abilities.

Trying to find out your calling, it is very important to draw a clear line between "I want" and "I can." Perhaps someone wants to be a football player, but has been limping since childhood. Of course, this will not prevent him from playing for himself. But, of course, they won't take him to the top league. The other gets his neighbors all his life playing grandfather's piano, while never going on the big stage.

Even if there is no opportunity to do what you love, you should not despair. Indeed, very often a person has not one, but several inclinations. And among them it is worth choosing the one that works best.

3. Discard commercialism.

When choosing a future profession, the financial viability of the job plays a significant role. People are looking for a vocation not where it is more interesting, but where it is more profitable. And then all their lives they are engaged in an unloved business, in an uncomfortable office, with unpleasant employees.

To avoid this, it is advisable to plan your future not only in terms of earnings, but also your preferences. It is enough for a person to imagine himself, at least for a while, very rich and independent. And then analyze what he would like to do if he had everything. Perhaps the thoughts that come to mind at such a moment will be the key to solving this problem.

4. Talk to others.

A soulful conversation with family or friends can also help you understand yourself better. It's not for nothing that they say that from the outside it is better to know. Most likely, they will pay attention to details that the person did not even think about.

Relatives' memories of our childhood hobbies can be especially helpful. Because it is during this period of our life that we are the most sincere. Someone liked to help dad in the garage, another mom in the garden, the third with his grandfather looked after pets. Perhaps, in these children's activities, the future choice of an engineer, agronomist or veterinarian is laid.

5. Expand your knowledge of professions.

Sometimes difficulties in finding your vocation are associated with a low level of knowledge of a person. He simply does not have the information necessary to make a choice. Often, coming to one job, an employee is gradually retrained in a completely different direction. It's just that the person did not know that there was such a specialty that would help him fully self-actualize.

Most importantly, it doesn't cost much to obtain such information. It is enough to search the Internet, read books or watch thematic documentaries.

6. Understand what is our benefit.

Since a person is a social phenomenon, then his vocation cannot be considered separately from society. In the end, even by ear, this word sounds like something noble and necessary. Moreover, by benefiting others, a person increases his personal relevance and recognition. So, the benefit is mutual. According to the principle of competent employment. At first, it is not so important how the employer can be useful to the applicant, the main thing is in what the applicant is able to benefit the company.

The main clue in this case can be the requests of others. What kind of assignments do they most often turn to? Perhaps this is precisely our main feature.

7. Remember your idols.

Each of us has people we would like to be like. Real life examples, or favorite movie characters, book characters, etc. It is worth pondering over the question of what unites them all. What is the profession and? Indeed, very often, such idols are an unrealized dream of ourselves. Most likely, our vocation may lie precisely in their kind of activity.

We looked at ways to understand your calling. There may be many more. But, even the listed seven techniques can help everyone understand themselves and their talents deeper. It is better to use all of these tips, and then select the most common tips.

Svetlana Badovskaya
The article "The profession of" teacher ": by vocation or? ... "

Profession« Teacher» - "By vocation, or?."

“First, we teach our children. Then we ourselves learn from them. Whoever does not want to do this is lagging behind his time. "

Jan Rainis

One of the hardest professions in the world - teacher!

Probably not everyone is capable to become a teacher, because for this not just get a higher education, and you also need to have a genuine craving for profession... The one who has chosen the path of the teacher devotes himself entirely to education, otherwise he would not be able to instill in his students a love of knowledge.

At a new stage of time, when the speed of development of science and technology determines the tasks of education, it is necessary to constantly learn all: and For teachers, and Disciples. And first of all learn to fruitfully build interpersonal relationships with each other.

Real Teacher grows and develops together with students, taking them into the world of the unknown. Every child has abilities and talents. And in order for them to open, it is necessary to master the ways, methods, techniques of the mind, soul and high Spirit!

Teacher in the modern school, not the only source of information, with the only correct point of view. Therefore, he accepts the position of a person in the person of a student, his personal opinion, his point of view, his position, which often differs from others.

Love children "Comfortable" who do not contradict anyone, sit quietly, receive good grades - a lot of intelligence and energy is not needed.

Necessary learn to love those who reread, who loses interest in learning, who does not want to go to school.

These common truths should be understood by teachers of schools and universities, as well as students who have chosen this noblest and most difficult profession.

Why do you often hear from schoolchildren: -That, some new teacher, young and angry. Shouts at us, makes us redo the work a hundred times, clean the workplace behind everyone. The old one was kind and never shouted at us, even when we were late ...

If you turn to statistics the quality of the educational process in universities over a decade and a half, it is possible to trace the tendency of the growth of commercial education and a decrease in the budgetary provision of universities by the state. What are the consequences of such trends. Is quality teaching possible in schools provided "Paid" diplomas and weak vocational training.

Here is a review of a parent of one of the city's schools about professionalism of the teacher: - Yes, Lord, what will you take from her? I graduated from the institute for money in absentia, I haven’t read a single book, but gives my child three marks ...

What do we have today?

Definitely low professional training of young specialists is due to the increase in the volume of commercial training of students! Hence the low level of competition among students entering the university. They take everyone in a row with the fact that when they really need it study, many "Drop out"... But global "Dropout" does not happen, since many universities have a system for purchasing grades. Every year, issue after issue, a huge number of so-called specialists appear, including teachers, but only a few come to school, and even then without the necessary knowledge, talent and desire. Future university students are in advance oriented towards the wave of commercial relations between a teacher and a student.

Arriving at school, a young teacher finds himself in a world of unknown relationships. teacher-student, teachers-teachers, head teacher and director, teacher-states... Lots of advice and advice from senior colleagues and administration, first setbacks and despair. How to build your pedagogical destiny in the flow of events and the information boom, to determine the manner of communication with students and colleagues, to orient yourself correctly in the process of creating your pedagogical credo?

Many questions have to be answered, first of all, by oneself.

How, you ask?

V.G.Belinsky spoke: "Without striving for something new, there is no life, no development, no progress"... These words were spoken a long time ago. And it seems to me that these words are about him, about the modern teacher, about teacher who strives forward, who is ready to master everything new, innovative and successfully apply in the practice of his work.

Modern society is inextricably linked with the process of informatization. Life itself forces us to actively use information computer technologies (ICT) in the educational process.

The child's brain, tuned in to gaining knowledge in the form of entertainment programs on television, much more easily perceives the proposed teacher information using ICT. Hence, teacher it is necessary to master not only modern methods, but also new educational technologies in order to communicate in the same language with a child and continuously developing computer technologies. Front teacher the task is to educate children in such a way that they can quickly and flexibly respond to changing conditions, be able to discover new problems and tasks, and find ways to solve them.

A student of the XXI century, who came to school from the modern world, focused mainly on material values, plunges into a completely different world - a world with prevailing spiritual orientations. Some guys are protesting violently, others are adjusting to the school's demands.

To the teacher you need to show maximum patience and understanding, constantly improve your own level of education and organize the educational process in such a way that each student feels comfortable.

It is difficult to be like that if at the university you were not taught to think, look, study!

Is there a way out of this situation? Is the state ready admit failure of the predominance of commercial education and outline ways to solve the problem? It is very difficult to answer this question.

But to answer the question: "What teacher is a vocation or a specialty according to a diploma? ", I will try anyway.

Let's try to figure out whether it is necessary vocation in the chosen profession or enough marks in the diploma of specialization.

And what is it vocation?

Addiction, inner attraction to some business, some profession, in possession or in the belief that you have the necessary abilities for that, there is vocation... Can feel vocation for science, vocation to music and follow your own vocation.

At any profession is very important so that a person loves his job and receives spiritual satisfaction from it.

Working in a preschool educational institution as a music director, I met a very interesting person and a good teacher, Shulga Lyudmila Petrovna. Lyudmila Petrovna dreamed from early childhood become as an educator and devoted her entire adult life to raising children in a kindergarten. Many dozens of grateful pupils with warmth and tenderness recall the years spent next to Lyudmila Petrovna. Why did this extraordinary woman and educator sink into the hearts of her pupils.

To understand this, you need to be around as long as possible, and be able to observe the continuous pedagogical process, which is built on inspired creativity. These are extraordinary activities, joint creative projects and research with parents, magical scenarios of fairy tales and show performances, puppet shows before bedtime. And, of course, as a result - the excellent knowledge of the lucky children in school, who every day visit group No. 9 under an unpretentious name "Rocket".

Yes, this is exactly the case when they say: "Works on vocation.

But why do they say so about rare teachers? What is the secret and the magic of the present and talented teachers?

Maybe in his appearance, or in a rich arsenal of knowledge. Or maybe he got to the right place at the right time and is lucky?

How to figure it out? What is the guarantee that you will be as teacher?

Maybe know your subject well? Skillfully use didactic and methodological developments? Love children?

Or maybe you need to be able to communicate competently and effectively?

Is there something more important and something less important of the above in teaching profession? Many and many teachers they know their subject well, know how to use the methodology of teaching the subject, love children, but do not feel satisfaction from the work they do. We often hear that the reasons for this dissatisfaction are in low wages teachers... It's hard to disagree. But let's imagine that the situation changes magically and you and I receive a decent salary, won't all the problems that torment us disappear from our school life? Can we say that the amount of money we receive contains a secret professional excellence?

The educational process at school is a complex system of pedagogical interaction. Pedagogical axiom reads: may be professor in the field of their subject, but if there is no relationship between teacher and students, there will be no educational results.

Teacher - representative of the profession, which belongs to the "man-man" system, and therefore, no matter what he does, fulfilling his professional duties, he has to interact, communicate with other people. The more effective teacher knows how to organize this interaction, the more pleasure he gets from the results and the process of labor itself. The transition to person-centered learning, based on respect for the personality of the child, knowledge of his characteristics and the construction of training, taking into account the characteristics and needs of each, requires a change in the style of the teacher's relationship with students. Relationships are just as important as the rules for organizing the lesson. It is possible to master the rules of relationships only in practical activity, it is necessary to analyze actions more often, to carry out self-reflection of pedagogical activity, and then gradually what is called cooperation in pedagogy, an active type of interaction, will form and develop.

Summing up the above, it can be argued that the more information, methods and tools in his work uses teacher the more diligently he analyzes his pedagogical activity, the greater the effect of his work. After all, not a single most modern computer and the fastest Internet will provide teacher the main thing is the ability to create, study, work on yourself, experiment and share your knowledge and experience gained in the process of self-education. Then, for sure, after many years about this the teacher will be told: « Teacher from God! How lucky we are! "