Wooden flooring in a garage: how to make wooden floors with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions on how to properly make a wooden floor in a garage with your own hands How to close a wooden floor in a garage

Some box owners do not pay much attention to the flooring in the garage, preferring to leave compacted soil or clay. This approach will save you from the hassle associated with arranging the coating and repairing it. However, the earthen floor is not particularly durable, therefore, under the influence of constant loads, it is easily deformed. It also absorbs gasoline and other substances, the smell of which is very difficult to remove from the box.

The best option for a garage is a concrete or timber floor. Such coatings are characterized by high mechanical strength, wear resistance and attractive appearance. Let's take a closer look at the creation of wooden floors, since they look more interesting and have the ability to retain heat, in contrast to the concrete surface, which almost always remains cold.

Before proceeding directly to the arrangement of the flooring, it is necessary to choose the right wood for its creation. It is definitely worth giving up the idea of ​​using mahogany and walnut in boxing. A good option is conifers, which are excellent in strength and wear resistance. But it is best to opt for oak, since oak flooring will last much longer than coatings from other woods.

When choosing a material, you must adhere to a few simple rules.

Before arranging the floor, the wood must be treated with fire retardants - means to increase the fire resistance of the material, as well as substances that prevent the occurrence of putrefactive processes.

Fire retardants increase the fire resistance of wood

Installation of a wooden floor in the garage

As a rule, in car boxes, floor structures are installed on logs, which allow evenly distributing the load over the entire flooring. With the help of floors on logs, you can hide some defects in the base, as well as communication systems, such as an electric cable. However, this construction "raises" the floor by 6-10 cm, therefore it is not quite suitable for very low garages. The technology for installing a wooden floor in a garage depends on the existing base, which can be concrete or unpaved.

Installing a wooden floor on a concrete base

The concrete base does not need preliminary preparation, so you can immediately proceed directly to the installation of the wooden floor. Experts give several basic recommendations for this process:

  • you can only lay material with a moisture content of no more than 10%;
  • the installation of the lag is carried out with a certain step distance, which often varies from 40 to 50 cm;
  • the first beacons are mounted on the concrete base, the step between which is approximately 2 m;
  • fixing the lag is carried out using dowels, the distance between them is 50 cm;
  • intermediate lags are laid in the same way as lighthouses. Only after their installation do they start laying the flooring.
  • floorboards are placed perpendicular to the logs and fixed with screws or nails.

In fact, in the presence of a concrete base, it is not at all necessary to opt for a lagged structure. If the subfloor does not differ in serious differences in height and does not have large-scale defects, then thick floorboards are quite suitable for arranging the coating. Before starting the installation, the blocks are treated with linseed oil and painted, after which they are laid on a clean concrete base. Laying is carried out along the entire length of the garage, the boards are fixed with screws or nails.

Even a person without professional training can cope with the installation of a wooden floor on a concrete base in a garage, the main thing is to clearly follow the recommendations of specialists and adhere to technology.

Installing a wooden floor on a subgrade

If the base in the garage is not concrete, but is an ordinary soil, then installing a wooden floor becomes a somewhat more complicated process, which will require patience and a certain skill. In this case, preparation of the base is necessary, and the installation itself is carried out in several stages:

  1. The soil surface is leveled, for this you can use a rake, as well as an ordinary garden hoe.
  2. A sand and gravel cushion is created: first there is a 3-4 cm layer of sand, then a gravel or expanded clay layer of the same thickness. In principle, the second layer can be somewhat thicker, since it is created from materials, the fraction of which is several times larger than the size of the grains of sand.
  3. The laid sand and gravel pad is watered and then compacted well. You can do this with your hands and feet, although the use of a specialized device - an electric rammer (or a vibrating plate, a hand roller, a manual rammer) will be much more effective.
  4. Logs are mounted, which are wooden bars that hold the entire floor structure. Since the base does not differ in strength and is easily deformed, the logs are installed on pre-laid flat boards, and they must be thick enough so as not to bend during operation.

    Grounds for laying logs on the ground (holes for posts, if necessary, are dug out before filling crushed stone and sand)

All used wood should be impregnated with special compounds to give the material better moisture resistance, because the fact that it is not resistant to moisture and is subject to putrefactive processes is no secret to anyone. It is better not to neglect this recommendation!

As a support for the future floor, it is not at all necessary to use only boards, they can be replaced with posts made of brick or concrete - they will perfectly cope with the task at hand. Such supports are mounted in rows, the distance between which is 80 cm.The step between the posts themselves should be 30 cm.

Video - Wooden floor in the garage. Lags on the ground

Among other subtleties of installing a wooden floor on a ground base in a garage, the following points can be highlighted:

  • it is advisable to place the logs perpendicular to the movement of the vehicle, and the floorboards themselves - in the direction of movement. Compliance with this rule will help make the structure more durable, and the floor will become much stronger;
  • floorboards should have the same thickness - about 50-60 cm. Thinner blocks should not be taken, otherwise the floor will simply bend under the weight of the car and quickly fail;
  • before installing the boards, be sure to dry and cover with antifungal agents. Their reverse side, which will be in contact with the sand and gravel bed, must be treated with waterproofing compounds.

After arranging wooden flooring, many garage owners leave it in its original form, which is very in vain, because wood is a material that needs to be treated with care. The floor should be covered with linseed oil and painted, because this is the only way to protect the flooring from oil and gasoline stains, which are almost impossible to remove.

Video - Wooden floor in the garage. Installation, part 1

Video - Wooden floor in the garage. Installation, part 2

Video - Wooden floor in the garage. Installation, part 3

Video - Wooden floor in the garage. Installation, part 4

Video - Wooden floor in the garage. Installation, part 5

Particleboard and plywood flooring in the garage

There is another way to create a wooden garage floor, which involves using plywood or chipboard. These materials will serve as the basis for the leveling layer, the thicker it turns out, the larger the logs will be laid. Having finished with the installation of beacons, you can proceed to the installation of the lags, fixing them on the base with glue or self-tapping screws.

Plywood pieces treated with glue are placed in the fixation points. On top of the resulting mesh, sheet material is laid, which levels the floor. It is attached to the logs with self-tapping screws, about 9 pieces come out on 1 sheet. A moisture-proof film is laid on the leveling layer, and then insulation plates. All this is covered with floor boards. Thus, the floor in the garage becomes perfectly flat and very durable.

Making a decision to create a wooden floor covering in your car box is not an obstacle to arranging a viewing pit. It can be organized in several stages:

  1. A pit of the required depth is created, the bottom of which is laid flat with laid bricks, placed perpendicular to the wall surfaces.
  2. The walls of the inspection pit are lined with brick, which is located with an edge.
  3. The space between the brickwork and the ground is filled with concrete, this is done as the height of the walls grows.
  4. Brick laying is carried out until it reaches the lag level. Thus, the blocks will partially lie on the masonry. A frame is mounted in the remaining space, into which the boards covering the pit are placed.

    Metal corner laid on the walls of the inspection pit

It is quite simple to equip a viewing hole in a garage with a wooden floor, you just need to make a little effort and follow the recommendations received.

Video - Inspection pit in a garage with a wooden floor

Features of a wooden floor in a garage

The wooden floor in the garage is an environmentally friendly coating that, if properly installed and maintained, will delight the owner of the box for more than one year. However, the decision to create a floor of wood in the garage cannot be called unequivocally correct, in any case, some motorists think so, who are categorically against the use of this material. An analysis of the pros and cons of this coverage will help you make the right decision.

The advantages of choosing wood for flooring in a garage include the following factors:

  • wood has a long service life, especially after impregnation with protective agents. Wooden floors can serve for about 10 years without deforming or collapsing;
  • if part of the covering has been damaged, then it can be replaced relatively easily without dismantling the entire flooring;
  • wood is hygroscopic, that is, it absorbs moisture from the air, which helps to maintain optimal moisture levels in the garage, and this has a beneficial effect on the condition of the vehicle;
  • a wooden floor, in contrast to a concrete floor, retains heat well, so working on it is safer for health. Wood as a floor covering is often chosen by people who independently repair their car;
  • in terms of strength, a thick floorboard is not inferior to concrete screeds, therefore it can be used even in boxes for small trucks;
  • dust forms on the concrete floor, this will not be a problem with a wooden floor.

Wooden floors in the garage also have their drawbacks, which include the ability to absorb odors, susceptibility to putrefactive processes, and low fire resistance. However, all these disadvantages can be easily leveled by using special impregnations that make the performance of wood much better.

Wooden floor after staining

Summing up, it should be noted that wooden flooring in the garage is a rather controversial solution, which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Whether to give him preference or not depends on the needs of the car owner. If he often has to work in a box, then it is better to opt for wood, rather than risk his health, lying on a cold concrete screed. And to preserve the appearance of the coating, you can use special rubber strips or roofing felt strips, along which the car will drive in and out.

Garage flooring can be wood or concrete. The latter is reliable, durable and inexpensive. But wood is also slightly inferior to concrete in durability and strength, therefore, if there is a desire to make a floor in the garage from boards, this idea is quite possible to implement - the main thing is to follow all the recommendations exactly. You can also make a wooden floor over a concrete base, this is done quite often.

Features of wood flooring

Wooden floors in garages are not common, which is due to the peculiarities of installation and the tendency of wood to deform under the influence of certain factors (high humidity or vice versa, dry air). In addition, wood is highly flammable and there are flammable materials in the garage. But despite this, a considerable number of people want to create wooden floors in the garage.

Before starting construction work, you need to choose the type of wood, paying close attention to its quality. The boards must be dry as the raw material is prone to deformation. Cracks, knots and other imperfections should not be present on the products, since the flooring in the garage building is subjected to significant stress.

There are basic conditions that must be observed when creating a floor from planks in a garage with your own hands:

  1. It is preferable to purchase polished materials.
  2. It is recommended to buy wood with a margin.
  3. Boards should be impregnated with antiseptics to prevent the appearance of mold and mildew, as well as compounds that prevent fire.

To create a wood floor, you need to carefully choose the size of the products, taking into account some of the nuances. First of all, the floor covering will be subjected to significant stress - the car has an impressive weight. Therefore, the thickness of the boards must be more than 50 millimeters. It should be understood that the thickness of the floorboard is a very important indicator that should not be ignored. Be sure to create logs for the floor in the garage, their optimal size is 100x100 millimeters.

During the installation process, you will need the following tools:

  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • rule;
  • level;
  • screwdriver;
  • plane;
  • sandpaper.

How to choose wood flooring

Boards are of several types. The type of material to a large extent affects their cost, as well as the durability of the flooring.

Boards of the highest grade do not have any defects - knots, cracks and other things. It does not make sense to use this wood in the garage, since it is expensive and is mainly bought for flooring in living rooms. The wood itself looks very beautiful, and you can emphasize its beauty with a varnish or water-based wax.

Wood of the first grade may have minor defects - knots, cracks, but they should not violate the general texture pattern. This is a high quality wood, it is perfect for furnishing the flooring in the house. Also, this wood can be laid in technical rooms, but this is not advisable due to the price.

Products of the first grade may contain small knots and cracks, they have an affordable price. They are great for creating sub-flooring in a residential building and basic flooring in a garage. Perhaps this is the best value for money.

Wood of the second and third grades is not of high quality; it has many minor drawbacks. But this material is quite suitable for creating a wooden flooring in a garage. The main thing is to treat the material with antipyretics and antiseptics to prevent the occurrence of mold, mildew and inflammations.

As for how to make a floor in a garage from boards, you must first of all follow the recommendations of specialists so that the coating is reliable and durable.

To make wood flooring in the garage, you need to equip the base, the lag structure. During this work, it is necessary to take into account the height of the plinth and the dimensions of the foundation. Installation of a lag can be done in two ways. The main thing is to understand how to correctly install the joists for the floor, after which you can start working.

If the height of the basement is significant, logs can be placed on it - the foundation will serve as a support for them. They are placed across in relation to the walls of the structure. An important condition is the installation of additional supports in the form of small posts.

Stones and bricks are suitable for laying out such props, formwork is installed for mounting the supports. Due to the length of the lag, a foundation is obtained for creating a certain number of supporting structures. They are fixed in place and must be leveled.

If the basement part has a small height, the logs can be installed on the ground, but not on bare ground. Processing is carried out beforehand, the best option is leveling the surface with sand and gravel. Expanded clay is an analogue of crushed stone. A solution of sand and cement is poured on top, as a result, the coating is smooth and reliable. On such a base, the logs are installed quickly and easily.

Laying boards

After the logs are installed and securely fixed, you can proceed with the installation of the floor covering. Despite the fact that the room is technical, attention must be paid to the quality of the floor.

Laying the floor in the garage with planks starts from the far corner. The first of the boards is attached to the previously prepared logs. The floorboards should be parallel. The elements are fixed with self-tapping screws, after which a wooden plank of the same length is used and attached to the logs at a distance that slightly exceeds the width of the first board.

Then a second board is placed in the space between the first board and the plank, and wedges made of wood are inserted into the gap. These can be the remnants of rejected material. These wedges are driven in with a mallet or hammer along the entire length of the floorboard. The second floorboard is fixed using self-tapping screws. Then the rail is removed, shifted to the required distance and securely attached. In the future, the laying of the coating continues in compliance with the above installation technology.

Making wood flooring is a snap. If you follow all the recommendations, you can effortlessly create a reliable and strong foundation. It should be borne in mind that wooden flooring is quickly erased due to the increased load on it. To avoid this problem, the outer part of the boards is treated with enamel or drying oil.

It is recommended not to save on this process, because the better the surface is covered, the longer the floor covering will last. In this way, you can not only improve the appearance of the floor, but also increase its service life.

When starting to create wooden floors, you need to be careful and accurate, as well as prepare a work plan in advance. It is also required to correctly lay the logs in the garage, the distance between which must be carefully checked (for more details: ""). It is possible to cope with the installation of flooring from boards on your own, without involving specialists in this work.

An important condition is to follow the installation technology exactly, as well as select the material of suitable quality. To make the wooden floor reliable, you need to follow the installation rules and attach the boards to reliably installed logs.

A layer of waterproofing must be performed - high humidity does not affect the condition of the wood in the best way. Often, an ordinary, inexpensive plastic film acts as a waterproofing - for a garage it is quite enough, although if possible it is worth resorting to creating a more reliable protection against moisture. But in any case, at least some kind of waterproofing is needed so that the wood does not become unusable due to high humidity.

Beautifying your garage starts with choosing the right flooring. The task has many solutions, boardwalk is one of the common options. It can travel to the ground or concrete screed. Having studied the features of the process of how to make a wooden floor in a garage, you will be able to do the work on your own.

Features of a wooden floor

There is no consensus on the practicality and comfortable operation of boardwalk. The study of the features of the wooden floor in the garage will help you to finally make sure that the chosen solution is correct. Among the advantages, the following parties are noted:

  • Long service life. Pre-treatment of the wood coating with protective compounds significantly extends the life of the floor. The wear time largely depends on the intensity of the use of the garage.
  • If a separate section of the wooden floor is damaged, it is easy to replace it with new material.
  • It is much more pleasant to inspect or repair a car on a wooden surface than on a cold concrete screed.
  • The right material can rival the strength of a concrete base.
  • Simple installation allows you to arrange your own wooden floor in the garage.

Comment! The use of wood impregnations helps to reduce moisture in the garage, which slows down the corrosion process of the body.

Any garage floor covering has drawbacks; regarding wooden flooring, the following negative points should be noted:

  • Wood actively absorbs foreign odors. It is almost impossible to remove a stain from accidentally spilled oil or gasoline, and a specific aroma will remind you of the incident for a long time, especially when the engine is running.
  • The cost of the material fluctuates in different regions, therefore, from an economic point of view, it is sometimes more profitable to decorate a garage with floor tiles.
  • The wood floor is not moisture resistant, so there is a risk of rotting. It can be damaged by rodents and insects.

The problem can be prevented by treating the wooden coating with protective compounds, which will be discussed below.

Wood cover protection

Before starting the installation in the garage of a floor made of wooden planks, care should be taken to protect the material. The use of various compositions in the form of impregnations, varnishes and paints improves the performance characteristics of wood.

All the variety of protective equipment is conventionally divided into three groups:

  • Antiseptics and fire retardants. They protect the wooden floor in the garage from damage by rodents, rotting as a result of high humidity, and give it fire resistance.
  • Wood varnishes. The protective film slows down the process of floor abrasion and reduces the negative effect of mechanical stress.
  • The functions of paints are similar to those of wood varnishes and additionally play a decorative role.

Advice! Before proceeding with the processing of the wooden floor, the material is thoroughly dried and treated with antiseptic substances. The combination of formulations depends on the purpose of the garage and the potential risks.

Installation of a wooden covering on a concrete screed

The installation process is preceded by the study of the floor device, the preparation of a detailed action plan, the purchase of material. There are several technologies on how to arrange a wooden floor in a garage with your own hands. The following option is considered optimal:

  • Formation of a cement screed, reinforced with reinforcement.
  • Installation of a waterproofing layer.
  • Insulation will help to improve the quality characteristics of the floor from the boards, although this stage is not necessary for the garage.
  • Strengthening the lag.
  • Installation of floor boards.
  • Treatment of a wooden floor with protective compounds.

Materials (edit)

The list of materials for arranging a concrete screed on the garage floor with subsequent coating of wooden flooring:

  • coarse or medium-sized crushed stone to form a pillow;
  • cleaned sand for cushion and concrete preparation;
  • to get a strong screed will allow cement grade M400 and higher;
  • the function of waterproofing will be performed by polyethylene or roofing material;
  • a bar with a section of 200x200 mm goes on the transverse logs;
  • insulation is created by expanded clay or mineral wool;
  • the installation of the flooring is carried out with a board whose thickness exceeds 3 cm.

The dimensions of the board are largely determined by the weight of the car and the intensity of garage operation. The use of grooved boards greatly facilitates the installation process due to the presence of grooves, and a tight connection contributes to the formation of tight joints.

Preparatory work

Work on arranging a concrete screed in the garage as a sub-floor under a wooden deck consists of the following steps:

After the concrete base has dried, they proceed to the arrangement of waterproofing. The installation of the material is carried out with an overlap on the walls; the design of all joints with adhesive tape contributes to the achievement of tightness.

Installation of beams

Lags for a wooden floor are made from a bar of 200x200 mm. If a material with a section of 150x200 mm is used, to increase the rigidity, installation is carried out on the rib. There is a specific installation order:

  • The beams are placed across the garage with an interval of 0.3-0.5 m. The optimal spacing depends on the thickness of the wooden floor and the weight of the car.
  • Planks should be laid perpendicular to the beams.

The main steps in the process of installing a log for a wooden garage floor:

  • The tree has the ability to deform when the level of humidity or temperature changes, so a gap of 2-3 cm is left between the end of the beam and the wall.
  • Applying a level while laying will provide stability to the logs. Wooden shims will help to correct the slope.
  • Air circulation is required between the beams and the subfloor made of concrete screed. For this purpose, a gap of 2-3 cm is formed using the same wooden spacers.
  • The edges of the lag rest on a grillage, a column or a plinth with a height of about 10 cm.

Installation of beams is carried out in a direct way or with strapping around the perimeter of the garage.


Installation of wooden floors in the garage provides for thermal insulation.

Comment! The process is optional, but in the absence of a heating source, it will help keep warm during the cold season.

Expanded clay and mineral wool have suitable properties. The material is distributed into free areas between the beams.

When decorating an insulating layer with mineral wool, it is necessary to lay mats with maximum density, the presence of free space is not allowed. The impregnation with fire retardants and antiseptics will help to preserve the performance characteristics of the material. This measure will prevent the risk of fire and bugs spoiling the mineral wool. If expanded clay performs the function of insulation, it is filled up between the logs and carefully compacted. To achieve the maximum heat retention effect, the additional application of the existing insulator to the top of the transparent film will help. This is especially important if the wooden floor of the garage will run with a non-grooved board.

Finishing floor decoration

The final stage of arranging a wooden floor in the garage will be the installation of boards. The process does not contain complex steps, the key point is adherence to the tightness of the seams. Pre-treatment of joints with silicone will help to strengthen the tightness of the wooden floor.

Installation starts from the far corner of the garage. The boards are laid in such an order that the end connection of the first row is not close to the joint of the next, that is, the checkerboard method is used.

When the installation of the boardwalk in the garage is over, they proceed to the processing of the wooden covering. Before starting to apply varnish or paint, the wooden floor is cleaned of dirt and dust, antiseptic agents and other means of protection are applied. After drying, they begin to decorate the garage floor. Paints and varnishes are selected taking into account their purpose for wooden surfaces.

Advice! Areas where it is planned to contact the wheels of a car with a wooden floor can be decorated with a rubberized coating. This helps to extend the service life of the boardwalk.

Arrangement of a wooden floor on the ground

It is faster, easier and cheaper to equip a wooden floor in your garage without first setting up a concrete base. The technological process consists of the following stages:

Areas where it is planned to find the wheels of the car are strengthened with additional supports. It is also advisable to equip this place with stronger logs.

Instead of brick props, installation in the garage of a wooden floor can be carried out on a columnar foundation made by yourself. For this, holes are prepared with a drill, into which a pipe made of roofing material is inserted. A reinforcing frame is installed inside and filled with cement mortar.

The rest of the stages of arranging a wooden floor in the garage are carried out similarly to the described process of laying on a concrete base.


Despite some drawbacks, a wooden floor can become a reliable covering for a garage, provided that the technological process of laying and processing for the purpose of protection is followed.

For long-term storage of a personal vehicle, motorists have to build special garages. An important stage in the construction of such a structure is the manufacture of the floor. Some make them self-leveling, but to save money and time, you can make a wooden floor in the garage.

The construction of a wooden floor has certain disadvantages and advantages, which should be familiarized with in advance. Having dealt with them, it will be possible to decide whether it is necessary to make wood flooring in the garage.

The main advantages include:

  • Long operational life. Wood coverings treated with anti-rotting compounds do not deteriorate for several decades.
  • Ease of recovery. Repairing a wood floor is quite simple, and therefore even a person without experience will be able to restore it on their own. In 1-2 days, you can completely dismantle the coating and replace it with a new one.
  • Ease of styling. Installing a wooden floor is not as difficult as a bulk cement.
  • Strength. It seems to some that the wood structure will not support the weight of the car, but this is not the case. A square meter can withstand a mass of about two hundred kilograms without any problems.
  • Good absorbency. Woody material is often used in high humidity environments as it absorbs moisture.
  • Not dusty. It is no secret that concrete pouring surfaces are a source of dust. Wooden coverings reduce the amount of dust in the garage at times.

Despite all the listed advantages, wood structures have certain disadvantages, which include:

Which wood is suitable

Before creating a base in the garage, you will have to choose the right type of wood to use. The quality of the flooring depends on the selected material.

Tongue-and-groove boards

Some people prefer to make the floor from grooved boards, which are equipped with special connectors. The advantages of such a plank floor include the fact that it is durable and reliable. These boards are easy to use, since no additional connecting elements are used for laying them. It is enough just to insert the protrusion of one board into the groove of the other.

Chipboard or plywood

Sometimes garage owners prefer to use plywood or chipboard for flooring. Experts recommend placing such material only on a concrete surface so that the coating is durable. It is impossible to lay plywood or chipboard on damp ground, since the material will quickly deteriorate due to high humidity.

Not all plywood sheets are suitable for a garage floor, as some of them may not be strong enough. To check the strength of such a material, pay attention to its thickness, which should be about 2-3 centimeters.

Do-it-yourself wood flooring

In order for a person to make a wooden floor correctly, you will have to familiarize yourself with how to make it in stages.

We create the base

First, the arrangement of the base is carried out on which the flooring will be lined. For this, the top layer of the soil is removed, after which a mixture made of clay, gravel and sand is poured instead. Then everything is carefully compacted to make the surface stronger.

Wooden beams are connected to the edges of the foundation, between which columnar supports are installed. The distance between each beam should be about 55-65 centimeters. The gap between the boards is covered with a layer of gravel 15-20 centimeters high. This will be the main support on which the floor will be located.

Installation of beams

When making floor coverings, you need to use sturdy beams that can support the weight of the vehicle. Therefore, their thickness should be 15 x 15 centimeters. They are placed on the surface with an edge to make the structure more reliable. During installation, make sure that the distance between the walls and the beams is 3-4 centimeters.

Floor insulation

To maintain the temperature in the garage, special insulation materials are spread. Expanded polystyrene is used as the main insulation, which prevents moisture from entering the garage. You can also use foam sheets, which are also considered a good insulation material.

Laying floorboards

Despite the fact that the installation technology is quite simple, it is still better to familiarize yourself with it in advance. It is necessary to use dense boards with a thickness of about 45-50 millimeters. On average, one and a half cubic meters of materials are consumed for laying a floor in a garage.

To keep the garage floor even, check for irregularities using a level.

Protective treatment

Floor surfaces cannot be left without a protective layer, as they are exposed to mechanical damage and moisture. Therefore, after laying the coating, you should think about how to treat the floor so that it does not deteriorate.

You can cover the surface with the following compounds:

  • Varnish. This moisture resistant mixture will help to reliably protect boards from temperature changes, humidity and abrasion. The advantages of varnish include its water resistance, as well as wear resistance.

When you are going to do the decoration or repair in the garage with your own hands, you are faced with a huge selection of materials and technologies. Perhaps more attention in this matter should be paid to the device of the floors. It is on the base that the maximum load from the car acts, therefore, it must meet the following requirements: strength, resistance to abrasion, scratches and damage, do not absorb liquids, solutions and odors, do not slip, do not collect dust and be accessible.

Overview of possible options for covering the base in the garage. Which to choose

If you are an aspiring builder, don't panic. Study our advice carefully and remember, the choice is always yours.

Professionals know several types of garage floors:

  • concrete;
  • wood;
  • on the ground;
  • ceramic;
  • bulk.

Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of each in more detail.

Concrete flooring is the most popular not only among professional builders, but also among beginners. Despite all the responsibility and the mandatory sequence of the process, difficulties usually do not arise. You get a solid, level base that resists damage for a little investment. To provide protection against the absorption of odors, solutions and oils, special impregnations or coating with a paint and varnish composition will help.

The wooden floor is an environmentally friendly flooring. Suitable for installation in a panel or wooden garage. The process of installing the floor does not require a lot of time and special skills. It is a covering of boards laid on logs. It has good thermal conductivity, is easy to repair, and does not create dust. The disadvantages of wood are its absorption of liquids and odors, high fire hazard, low impact resistance. If you plan to use the garage only as a storage space for vehicles, a wooden floor will do just fine for this purpose.

Ceramic floor - a base covered with ceramic or porcelain stoneware tiles. Such a coating has good strength, resistance to moisture and odors, and is easy to clean. If you have a preference for aesthetics, even in a garage, this is the finish for you. But remember, the process of laying the tiles itself is quite lengthy and painstaking, and the cost of the coating will be much higher.

Floor on the ground practically does not require financial costs and time. This is the most elementary way to organize a base for a car parking. But there are quite a few disadvantages of this coating: dirt, absorption of moisture and odors, dampness, freezing.

The self-leveling floor creates a perfectly flat surface, which is not inferior in strength to concrete. By following the correct pouring technology, the result is an aesthetically pleasing, smooth, seamless finish that is shock, chemical and odor resistant. It is easy to clean and does not collect dust. The main disadvantage of the floor is its price. In addition to the cost of the material itself, the costs go to the preparation of a flat concrete or wooden base on which the pouring is carried out.

Knowing your capabilities and requirements, it is not difficult to choose the right coating. Let's get acquainted further with the features and detailed technology of the device of the most demanded and economical options for garage floors: concrete and wood.

Concrete floor

Fundamental rules

The concrete is poured over the ground or over an existing base. When installing on the ground, it is necessary to lay sand and crushed stone preparation with a thickness of 20 cm. To increase the strength of the concrete, it is recommended to reinforce the screed. A mesh with cells of 100x100 mm, a rod diameter of 8-16 mm, or steel fiber is suitable. This will protect the concrete from excessive compression and prevent cracking. Depending on the availability of reinforcement and insulation, the thickness of the concrete layer should be 3–10 cm. The screed solution can be purchased from the supplier, but in order to save money, we recommend preparing it yourself. To mix it, you need a concrete mixer or trough. The components of the solution: sand, cement and water are diluted in a ratio of 3: 1: 1.


To lay a concrete floor you will need:

  • roulette;
  • level;
  • rule;
  • bars;
  • beacons;
  • putty knife;
  • Master OK;
  • trough or concrete mixer;
  • vibrating plate or deep vibrator;
  • roller;
  • brushes;
  • angle grinder;
  • shovel.

Material calculation

For example, let's calculate the required amount of material for a garage with dimensions in terms of 6x4 m 2. Floor area: S = 6x4 = 24 m 2.

Determine the volume of sand V p and crushed stone V u for the pillow, each layer 100 mm thick: V u = 24x0.1x1.2 = 2.88 m 3, V p = 24x0.1x1.2 = 2.88 m 3, where 1 , 2 - coefficient of compaction and safety.

Fill the screed with a thickness of 5 cm. Screed volume: V st = 0.05x24 = 1.2 m 3. Therefore, the volume of sand: V pes2 = 3 / 5x1.2 * 1.1 = 0.79 m 3, the volume of cement and water: Vcem = 1 / 5x1.2 * 1.1 = 0.26 m 3. The factor 1.1 is used to calculate a material stock of 10%. Based on the average cement density of 1300 kg / m 3, we obtain the required weight: N cement = 0.26X1300 = 338 kg.

The amount of paint for flooring: N cr = 24x0.4 * 1.1 = 10.56 kg at a material consumption of 400 g per 1 m 2.

Step-by-step instructions for pouring a self-leveling base

  1. We prepare the base. In the case of the existing concrete slab, we clean it from dust, chips and level the surface using an angle grinder. With the device of the floor on the ground, the base must be tamped with a vibrating plate or improvised tools. Then we fill in a layer of sand 100 mm thick, followed by a layer of fine crushed stone. We spill the pillow with cement milk or water, ram it.
  2. We install waterproofing. Spread a dense polyethylene film with an overlap. It will prevent the penetration of moisture from the soil into the screed or insulation.
  3. We insulate the floor. If you want to make a warm floor, we lay the insulation over the entire area.
  4. We are laying a vapor barrier. We spread the film over the insulation.
  5. We reinforce the screed. Along the length on wooden or brick supports, we lay the reinforcement rods and use a wire to connect them with the transverse rods. When reinforcing the screed with fiberglass, add it to the mortar before concreting.
  6. Guides. We put level guides, wooden slats or metal pipes on the cement cushions. They enable convenient pouring, leveling and movement during concrete placement.
  7. Concrete preparation. Mix the mortar in a trough or concrete mixer. To improve the quality of the mixture, you can add special plasticizers or lime. But it should be borne in mind that the solution with additives must be used faster.
  8. We lay concrete. To supply the solution to the place, we use a tray, a concrete pump or a bucket. During concreting, we carry out vibration to remove air from the mixture. A vibrating screed, a deep vibrator or improvised tools will help us with this. We align the tie with a trowel and pull it out with the rule, moving along the beacons. The next day, we remove the guides from the screed and fill the grooves with mortar.
  9. Strength set and care. Concrete gains full strength after 28 days. However, you can walk on it after 10 days. During this time, pour water over the screed or cover with a film.
  10. After curing the screed should be dedusted and walked with an angle grinder for leveling.
  11. We paint the floor. If you decide to paint the screed, we advise you to use latex or epoxy paints, which must be applied to the primed surface.

Video: floor concreting

Wooden floor

Fundamental rules

A wood floor is the right solution if your garage is not a paint shop or welding shop. But as a room for car repairs, it has a number of advantages.

Interesting. One of the features of the wooden floor in the garage is the easy possibility of independent construction of an overpass or inspection pit.

Before laying logs and covering boards, it is necessary to take an important measure that will protect your floor from rot and fungus, and reduce the fire hazard. All pre-dried elements are covered with a special antiseptic and drying oil for wood.

Coating boards (blocks) should be of the same thickness, about 30–60 mm. They fit on logs along the length of the garage and in the direction of the car's movement. The logs are bars with a section of approximately (100-180) x100 mm, which are installed transversely to the blocks on brick posts with a pitch of 400-600 mm. The columns, consisting of three to four rows of bricks, are arranged under one beam at a distance of 70–100 mm. They are leveled on a concrete pad, which is poured under each support to a depth of 100 mm in the ground. Don't forget about waterproofing and vapor barrier.

Important! The thinner the board, the smaller the distance between the supports.


To install the floor, you will need:

  • sawing board;
  • hammer;
  • nail puller;
  • stapler;
  • mount;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw;
  • nails or dowels and screws;
  • grinder;
  • measurement tool;
  • mounting thread;
  • drying oil;
  • Oil paint;
  • antiseptic;
  • paint brush;
  • roller.

Material calculation

Let's calculate the amount of material for the same garage with dimensions in terms of 6x4 m 2 and a ground base. Floor area: S = 6x4 = 24 m 2.

Suppose we have floorboards with a section of 100x40 mm. Then the volume of the material for the coating: V p = 24x0.04 = 0.96 m 3.

We take the lag section with a size of 150x100 mm and a step of 600 mm. The number of required lags: N l = 6 / 0.6x1.1 = 11 pcs., Where 1.1 is the safety factor. The volume of wood for the log: V l = 11x0.15x0.1 = 0.17 m 3.

The number of brick supports: N op = 11x4 / 0.8 = 55 pcs., Where 4 m is the opening in the plan, 0.8 m is the distance between the supports of one beam. The volume of a brick for one column: V brick1 = 0.25x0.25x19.5 = 0.012 m 3, the volume for all supports: V brick = 0.012x50 = 0.61 m 3.

The amount of concrete for pillows with a cross section of 350x350 m and a height of 100 mm: V bet = 55x0.35x0.35x0.1 = 0.67 m 3. Sand: V dog = 3 / 5x0.67 = 0.40 m 3. Cement: V cement = 1 / 5x0.67 = 0.13 m 3. Based on the average cement density of 1300 kg / m 3, we obtain the required cement weight: N cement = 0.13X1300 = 175 kg.

The amount of sand with a layer thickness of 50 mm for backfilling into holes for a brick: Vsand2 = 55x0.05x0.35x0.35x1.2 = 0.40 m3, where 1.2 is the compaction coefficient.

DIY step-by-step instructions for the device

  1. We compact the soil. We fall asleep with sand and tamp.
  2. We dig holes to a depth of 10 cm with dimensions in terms of 35x35 cm for brick supports. The distance between the rows is the step of the lag and will be 60 cm.The distance between the supports in one row is 80 cm.
  3. We fill up the sand in the pits to a height of 5 cm, tamp it, spill it with water.
  4. We lay the concrete solution up to a mark 3–5 cm above the ground level. To do this, we will use boards or plywood installed as formwork.
  5. On the concrete base, we lay waterproofing, film or roofing material.
  6. Arrangement of brick posts for logs. Brick laying is carried out in three rows with a section of 25x25 cm.
  7. We arrange a vapor barrier. We put a film or roofing felt on the supports under the logs. An alternative would be to coat the undersides of the beams with a waterproofing compound.
  8. We expose the logs on the supports around the perimeter and across the garage. Ideally, the length of the beam should be equal to the opening, that is, in our case, about 4 m. Short beams can be spliced ​​"in half a tree" or with the help of galvanized overlays.
  9. We lay the floorboards on the joists and fix them with screws and nails. We leave a gap of 3-4 cm between the wall and the board, which is then closed with a plinth.
  10. After the completion of the work, the coating is checked for level and for the presence of cracks.
  11. To finish the floors, especially before painting with paint, it is necessary to walk through with a sander. Dust off. Prime and coat with epoxy or latex compounds if desired.

Video: wood flooring device

Insulation of floors

Possible options

When finishing the garage, the question of its insulation may arise. This is especially true if you plan to spend a sufficient amount of time there, and the temperature is an integral part of a comfortable stay.

Large heat losses occur due to the floors. Therefore, at the stage of their construction, you should immediately take care of their thermal insulation.

There are several options for bulk and slab floor insulation:

  • Styrofoam;
  • expanded clay;
  • mineral wool slabs;
  • construction slag;
  • sawdust.

The choice of a suitable option and the method of its installation depends on the material and construction of the planned floor.

Insulation of the concrete floor. Material selection

To reduce the heat loss of cold concrete pavement, the laying of insulation between the screed and crushed stone will help. The material must have not only low thermal conductivity, but also compressive strength, because it has both a constant load from the screed and a temporary one. Hard mineral wool slabs, polystyrene or expanded clay are suitable here.

  • The main advantages of mineral wool boards are environmental friendliness, indicators of thermal conductivity and incombustibility. However, this option is considered uneconomical for a garage.
  • Expanded clay - the most affordable insulation, has good thermal conductivity and strength. Of the minuses, we note its water absorption.
  • Polyfoam is a cheap material, but inferior in strength to the rest. Given the heavy load on the flooring, it is not recommended to use it in a garage.

The best option is to lay a layer of expanded clay 10 cm thick with a vapor barrier and waterproofing device.

The material is laid on the film using crushed stone and sand preparation. The mark is installed using wooden or metal beacons, at least 10 cm high. They are exposed to mortar or fixed with self-tapping screws. A layer of polyethylene is again spread from above, which is placed on the walls by 10–15 cm. Next, a reinforced screed is poured.

Tools and materials required for insulation

  • shovel;
  • level;
  • hammer;
  • nails;
  • nail puller;
  • stapler;
  • screwdriver;
  • wooden blocks 100x100 mm or a metal T-shaped profile 100 mm high;
  • expanded clay;
  • film.

Material calculation

Determine the amount of material for insulation with expanded clay of the above-described garage 6x4 m.

The number of beacons laid with a step of 1 m: N m = 6/1 + 1 = 7 pcs.

The length of the beacons: L m = 7x4 + 10% = 30.8 m.

The volume of expanded clay with a layer thickness of 10 cm: V ker = 24x0.1 + 20% = 2.88 m 3, where 20% is the safety factor and compaction.

The area of ​​the vapor barrier film: S pl = (6 + 0.15) x (4 + 0.15) + 10% = 28.07 m 2, where 0.15 m 2 is the material for the plant on the walls.

Instruction: screed with expanded clay

The arrangement of all layers is carried out in the same way as the instructions for a concrete floor without insulation.

Thermal insulation of a wooden floor. Material selection

With a wooden floor, there are no difficulties in choosing a heater. The main load falls on the logs and the subgrade. Insulation is usually laid loose: construction slag, sawdust or expanded clay.