Wood-burning cast-iron stoves for summer cottages and houses. Long burning fireplace stoves Inexpensive cast iron wood burning stoves for summer cottages

It is important for people who rest at their summer cottage not only in summer, but also in winter to equip the house with a good heating device. You don't need to purchase an expensive heating system to dry your clothes, heat your home, and cook food. Many successfully use wood-burning cast iron stoves for summer cottages. It is quite simple to install such a structure yourself.

If you have a country house, then a cast-iron stove is clearly for you

Criterias of choice

A country house only needs periodic heating, so the fireplace stove must withstand long breaks in work. In addition, it should warm up as quickly as possible and have high heat transfer. And also it is worth choosing a device that is able to work for a long time on one kindling and keep warm.

It is best to choose a device that can work not only on wood, but also on some other type of fuel. This is due to the fact that in winter it is not always possible to find dry and high-quality wood for kindling. Ideally, choose a combined design, on such models there is not only a heating surface, but also a cooking surface. So you can always warm water or cook food.

In this video you will learn the specifics of the Eurokom Baron cast iron stove:

Wood-burning cast-iron stoves for summer cottages, in which a water circuit is built in, are very popular. Such models allow you to warm water for dishes or a shower, moreover, they also warm up neighboring rooms, and not just the one in which the device is installed.

In addition, the heater should not be too bulky; it is better to give preference to compact stoves that are simple and easy to use. Basically, modern cast-iron heating devices intended for summer cottages meet all these requirements.

Instrument characteristics

In a dwelling that has not been heated for a long time, dampness and high humidity prevail, and they, in turn, negatively affect any metal devices, so the latter wear out much faster. Cast iron products are very resistant to condensation, so they are not afraid of corrosion. Cast iron stoves for giving wood-fired cottages will be the ideal choice, they have increased wear resistance and durability.

In such ovens, there are also disadvantages, for example. room heating speed

Condensation, which appears on the walls of the furnace, in the chimney during melting, mixes with volatile substances of the smoke and settles on the parts of the metal device, gradually destroying them. Cast iron fuel chambers are not harmed by this effect. The only problem that the summer resident faces is that the surface is rather difficult to clean from the resulting plaque.

But as for the heating rate, cast iron appliances are inferior to metal heating structures. The fact is that the thick walls do not allow the stove to warm up quickly. Although this cannot be called a minus, since they cool down much longer, respectively, and their heat transfer is longer than that of steel devices.

In addition, there is a wide selection of cast iron wood stoves for the home, which are compact and presentable. Almost all modern models have additional lighting, water tanks and a hob.

Cast iron stove Lava "Ferlux Lawa":

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other heating system, cast iron stoves have their own advantages and disadvantages. As for the advantages, the following characteristics can be distinguished:

  1. Low cost. These fireplaces are several times cheaper than other heating devices.
  2. The stove can be purchased ready-made, so you don't have to assemble it. It is enough to perform elementary actions: choose a place and connect it to the chimney, any person can cope with this.
  3. Cheap wood is used for kindling, therefore such a stove is considered very economical. In addition, there is no need to fear that harmful chemical compounds that are released when another type of fuel burns into the air. In addition, such devices work well on other woodworking waste, as well as on coal.

Oven for a country house:

In addition, cast iron stoves do not have any electronic filling, therefore, the possibility of failure of such a fireplace is excluded. Even devices that are equipped with forced draft fans have a high reliability rate, which makes them the leaders among all furnace designs designed to heat a summer cottage.

Naturally, such popular heating devices also have their drawbacks, although there are not so many of them. These include:

  1. The fragility of the material is the main disadvantage of a cast iron wood-fired summer cottage. During transportation or installation, it is necessary to handle the parts with care, avoid impacts.
  2. Instability to temperature extremes. This is also a significant disadvantage, the fact is that due to a sharp change in temperature, the stove can simply burst. Even ordinary cold water spilling onto a hot surface can damage the integrity of the appliance. That is why the heating and cooling of the structure should be gradual.
  3. Great weight. Although such stoves are compact, the design as a whole is rather heavy. A standard 9 kW heating device will weigh about 70 kilograms, and some models even more. Therefore, during installation, you must take care of a reliable and solid foundation.

Long burning cast iron heating stove S43 (Nestor Martin):

In addition to the above points, such cast iron installations are unsafe. Therefore, when firing up and during operation of the stove, you will have to constantly monitor it, especially if there are small children in the house, because you can easily get burned. During operation, the cast-iron surface becomes very hot, therefore, the device must be installed away from flammable objects. And it is better to completely clean the space around the stove.

Installation work

Basically, all models of heating devices made of cast iron consist of three elements: a combustion stove, an ash chamber, where combustion waste is received, and a chimney.

Since such a structure is equipped with a grate, almost all the ash and ash enter the ash pan on their own. The combustion air flow is controlled by the ash door.

The assembly process of such a furnace is quite easy.

The process of assembling a cast-iron heater is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. At the very beginning, you need to choose a place where the structure will be installed. In this case, it must be borne in mind that at the sides and behind it there should be at least half a meter free space, and at least 1.25 meters will be required above and in front.
  2. Refractory material must be placed under the stove and the furnace door. It can be ceramic tiles, metal sheets or bricks, this will protect the house from fire. It is advisable to upholster the wall behind the device with such material, especially if the country house is built of wood or upholstered with plastic.
  3. After all fire-prevention measures have been taken, proceed to installation work. The furnace is placed and fixed on the refractory material.

Selenga long burning fireplace stove:

Then proceed to the installation of the chimney, it must be connected to the device. These actions are performed strictly according to the instructions., each specific model has its own connection type. You can use such a cast-iron stove only after the collar flange is thoroughly calcined.

Operating principle

As a rule, all cast iron wood burning stoves have the same operating principle. Some models, which are equipped with a fire-resistant glass door, allow not only to heat the room, but also to admire the view of burning wood. Appliances with convection heating are usually equipped with a hob on which you can prepare a delicious meal. There are devices in the form of an improved stove-stove, which can also often be seen in a country house.

Cast-iron heating installations are popular due to the fact that they do not need to be heated every three hours, it is enough to throw firewood into the stove in the morning and in the evening, and the house will be cozy and warm all day and night. In addition, the structure can be modified, and then it will work on the principle of pyrolysis combustion.

Cast iron wood burning stove Canaria Liseo Made in Germany:

This is done quite simply: a metal shutter is installed in the combustion chamber, which limits the supply of oxygen. In this regard, the wood begins not to burn, but to smolder. A burning tree begins to emit flammable gases, which, together with the smoke, penetrate into the second compartment of the furnace. Hot secondary air also enters there. After contact with this hot stream, the gas ignites and gives off additional heat to the dwelling, which ensures a fairly long burning.

But for all this to work, it is necessary to heat the stove with dry wood, the humidity of which should not exceed 25%. Otherwise, the pyrolysis gas will simply not be produced in the required amount, so the burning process simply will not happen. In winter, finding dry wood will be quite problematic. Despite this, cast iron heating installations are very popular in country and country houses due to the low cost of construction, durability and high-quality and long-term heating.

Today, not only in summer cottages for seasonal use, solid fuel stoves are installed, but also in country houses intended for permanent residence. Gas is not available everywhere, and the cost of electricity, which is growing every year, makes it necessary to look for other sources of heat. Wood heating is the first of various options in human history. In addition, wood is the most environmentally friendly fuel, which is characterized by good flammability and complete combustion. Therefore, wood-burning stoves have lived for centuries and are constantly being improved.

Advantages of long burning cast iron stoves

If we talk about stoves for a house made of metal, then cast-iron heating units have been proven for hundreds of years and are the most in demand.

Advantages of cast iron

Why cast iron? There are several reasons for its popularity:

Advantages of cast iron stoves

And cast iron stoves for a solid fuel home have some more useful qualities:

The disadvantage of cast iron stoves is that only the part of the house where it is installed is heated. But, if the device is used in water heating, then the heat is supplied to all rooms.

Long burning fireplace stoves

And if we talk about efficiency, then more and more often the owners of summer cottages and country houses are inclined to choose long-burning fireplaces. In such devices, not only solid fuel is burned, but also pyrolysis gas, which is obtained as a result of combustion. Gas, which includes methane, hydrogen and carbon oxides, is produced when there is a minimum amount of oxygen in the combustion chamber and the wood only smolders, but does not burn. For burning pyrolysis gas separate firebox intended, which is located above the combustion chamber.

In the combustion chamber, the bottom is made in the form of a grate, under which an ash pan is located - a special box for ash and solid combustion waste.

In long-burning fireplaces, the door of the combustion chamber is made of transparent refractory glass and is hermetically closed. The tightness allows you to restrict the access of air to the chamber, and the transparency allows you to admire the play of fire in the fireplace.

Long burning home fireplace stoves differ not only in high efficiency but economical, stylish design and portability. Most models are able to maintain a given temperature for ten hours. But they are distinguished by high requirements for the installation of the chimney and the installation of equipment.

In addition, the wood for them must be dry.

Furnace selection rules

Manufacturers in many countries offer a wide range of solid fuel stoves. To make the right choice, you need to answer a few questions.

Leading manufacturers of cast iron stoves

There are many solid fuel cast iron stoves on the market with different functions, using different materials and therefore in a wide price range.

The cast iron fireplace stoves of the Guca industrial plant from Serbia are distinguished by efficiency, heating safety, high efficiency, durability, heating efficiency, stylish and aesthetic appearance, and a wide range of models at any price category. Cast iron construction for the house of the Arina line it is distinguished by an interesting design of casting and decorative elements and can operate in three combustion modes, with the minimum mode providing wood burning for eight hours. And the Mercury model is distinguished by its high power with a modest size and a hob.

That Arina high has worked for two seasons. One hundred and eighty cubic meters of the house is heated perfectly, fuel is consumed very moderately. Great oven for your money.

Artem, Moscow

The Edil Kamin cast iron long burning fireplaces made in Italy confirm the desire of the inhabitants of the country for elegance and beautiful interior. Luxurious Edil Kamin fireplaces in various styles from classic to minimalism, become a decoration of country houses. In addition, they are distinguished by high quality, balanced air supply to the furnace, improved aerodynamics for removing combustion products, secondary combustion system and precise mechanics.

We recently bought an Edilkamin Dafne Forno fireplace stove with an oven for our country house. I won over her elegant appearance, beautiful ceramics and an oven. The oven is small, but for a summer residence it is exactly what you need. Warm, beautiful, tasty - three in one.

Natalia, Nizhny Novgorod

Harvia brand of Finnish cast iron stoves recognized leader in the production of heating technology with a long-standing tradition and innovative technologies for space heating. Under this brand, models are produced for a bath with adjustable legs ("Harvia 20 SL"), with a volumetric boiler for heating water and fire protection ("Harvia 20 SL Boiler"), combined, which can also be used as a cast iron fireplace stove for summer cottages, and as a heating element in a steam bath or sauna ("Harvia 20 DUO"). All Harvia models are of high quality according to consumer reviews.

The Russian-made cast iron stove of the Meta group of companies is distinguished by its simplicity of construction and design, as well as its low cost. Sealed doors with heat-resistant glass, special heat-resistant paint, and a design that takes into account Russian climatic conditions attract consumers. Fireplace stove Meta Corsica 12 completely cast iron including grate. The glass insert on its door can withstand temperatures up to 700 ° C, and a special cord in its design prevents the uncontrolled flow of air.

Russian fireplace stoves of the company Ekokamin "Bavaria" are made according to modern technologies and new equipment. They are distinguished by a large glazing area made of soot-resistant material, lining the firebox with fireclay plates that protect against burning out, two modes of operation (open combustion and economical) and a wide range of models, including options with a stove, for any consumer.

I chose a cast-iron stove "Bavaria" for my summer residence. Satisfied with her price and the ability to cook on it. Saved space, money and fuel by not buying a separate cooking stove. So far, everything is fine.

Oleg Nikolaevich, 47 years old

A huge number of products from many manufacturers with and without additional functions, in different designs, in a wide price range, allows you to choose exactly the model that will provide warmth and comfort in the house.

Many city dwellers spend not only summer in their suburban areas, but also most of spring and autumn, when the nights are still or are already cold. In this regard, the problem arises of efficient heating of a country house. Many garden partnerships are not supplied with gas, and heating the building with electricity - quite expensive"Pleasure", so summer residents often opt for solid fuel stoves.

However, not in every country house it is possible to build a full-fledged brick oven simply due to the lack of free space in the premises. An important reason for the reluctance to build brick ovens is also the hassle of their maintenance, as well as a lack of funds, since it is not so cheap to build such a structure. Therefore, cast iron often become the best option, especially since today convenient and compact heating units with excellent characteristics and design solutions are on sale.

It is also important that, in spite of relatively small size of cast iron stoves, some of them have technical characteristics designed to heat large enough areas. Therefore, the heating problem can be solved for both a small and a fairly large country house.

It will not be superfluous to compare cast iron stoves with steel heaters and with combined options. All of them are in no less demand, and such a comparison will help to better determine the choice of the optimal model.

Advantages and disadvantages of metal wood-burning stoves - in comparison

As you know, you can find on sale not only cast iron, but also steel, as well as combined furnaces, that is, made of steel, but with separate parts of structures made of cast iron. Therefore, a few words must be said about steel heating devices in order to know their advantages and disadvantages, to understand how they differ from each other.

Stainless steel ovens

The features of stainless steel stoves include the following:

  • Units made of stainless steel, in contrast to cast iron, warm up much faster, which makes it possible to hope for a shorter period of obtaining a comfortable temperature in the premises of the house. However, the heat capacity of such devices is small, they retain heat poorly, and after the fuel bookmark burns out, the heating effect is quickly lost. Therefore, manufacturers often provide for external finishing with ceramic material. In addition, double walls with an air or other thermal insulation layer are also used. If it does not have such a finish, then often the owners themselves brick it up.
  • Long-burning steel furnaces are quite economical, since they consume a small amount of fuel.
  • Stainless steel products are more resistant to corrosion processes, since, unlike black steel, it does not react with oxygen when heated, which makes its service life longer. However, the welded seams of such steel furnaces are still susceptible to oxidation, since alloying additions evaporate during welding.
  • The disadvantage of aggregates made from this material is their instability to very high temperatures. With strong overheating with an open fire, deformation of the walls of the combustion chamber is not excluded. To avoid such a reaction of the material, the firebox must have a lining, that is, the firebox is lined with heat-resistant fireclay plates or bricks.

Furnace lining is a guarantee of their increased durability

The most vulnerable point of any furnace is the fuel chamber, in which the walls are exposed to direct exposure to open flames and the highest possible temperatures. To reduce these negative influences to a minimum and achieve the durability of the device, it is carried out, which is described in detail in a separate publication of our portal.

  • Compared to cast iron, steel furnaces are not so complex in design. They are not so massive, which greatly facilitates the transportation and installation of the heater.
  • Steel is easily processed, so many summer residents make their own stoves. Fortunately, the drawings for their manufacture are quite enough on the Internet.
  • A well-made stainless steel oven has an estimated lifespan of approximately 20 years.

Furnaces made of heat-resistant black steel

Black heat-resistant steel is a more ductile and durable material than cast iron. However, heating devices made of it still have numerous disadvantages.

The characteristic features of such furnaces made of this material include:

  • Products made from black steel have a lower heat dissipation. They heat up for a long time and do not retain heat well, therefore they cool quickly. In this regard, you will have to heat the stove more often to maintain the desired temperature in the room.
  • Experts talk about the fragility of products made from this material, defining their service life at 5-7 years. The fact is that in the structure of low-carbon steel, when heated, the process of its oxidation is activated, which leads to a rather rapid burnout of surfaces. The service life of the unit can be extended by lining the furnace with fireclay bricks or plates.
  • This material is distinguished by the instability of welds to high temperatures and corrosion. With frequent high-amplitude thermal impact (and in a furnace without it - in any way), these processes often lead to cracks or ruptures.
  • The surfaces of these ovens require additional treatment with compounds that protect them from overheating.
  • The only significant advantage is that the price for stoves made of black steel is much lower than for products made of stainless steel or cast iron. In addition, the availability of the material and the simplicity of its processing encourage, in most cases, home craftsmen to make homemade stoves from black steel.

Prices for cast iron stoves

cast iron stove

Cast iron stoves

In connection with the fact that this article is devoted specifically to cast iron stoves, they should be told in more detail. Cast iron stove models are considered the best choice, so they are especially in demand among consumers. However, this material also has its positive and negative features, which should be known in advance.

The advantages of these heating devices include their following characteristics:

  • Cast iron attracts mainly because it has a pronounced high heat capacity. The material, however, does not heat up so quickly, but the walls of the furnace remain heated and actively participate in the process of heating the room for much longer.
  • If the power of the cast-iron stove for a specific area of ​​the house is selected correctly, the heating device is able to fully and fairly quickly heat the air in the room.
  • A cast-iron heater is economical in fuel consumption, since one tab is enough for the stove to give off heat for 6-12 hours. At the same time, you do not have to wait for the wood to burn out in order to close the chimney to preserve heat, as is usually done in brick ovens. Long-term burning units are able to retain heat in the house, while there is no risk of reverse draft, that is, smoke from the rooms.
  • The efficiency of such a unit is 80 ÷ 82%, which is much higher than that of brick or steel furnaces.
  • Products made from this material are highly resistant to high temperatures, since they have a low coefficient of thermal expansion. Due to this quality, the material practically does not deform.
  • Cast iron does not oxidize from high temperatures, so the walls of the fuel chamber do not burn out.
  • Parts for cast iron heating appliances are made by casting, therefore they do not have welds, which are always the weak points of any other metal furnaces.
  • Cast iron is resistant to corrosion, therefore, it does not particularly need special protective coatings. Such products are painted with heat-resistant paint or varnish, mainly for the purpose of giving them a more aesthetic appearance.
  • Modern cast iron stoves are distinguished by their exquisite design, which allows them to be used in interiors decorated in various styles. Manufacturers install beautiful doors on their products, decorated with figured molding and heat-resistant glass, which allows the unit to be used as an original fireplace.
  • The service life of such furnaces, made of gray cast iron and having a wall thickness of 10 mm, is at least 30 ÷ 35 years, and in practice it is even more impressive.
  • The relatively compact dimensions of cast iron stoves make it possible to install them even in small rooms.

The disadvantages of cast iron heating devices include the following features:

  • The main disadvantage of any cast iron products is the lack of ductility and pronounced fragility, since the material has an increased carbon content. Therefore, cast iron does not withstand sudden temperature changes. From them, as well as from sharp accented blows, for example, during careless transportation of the oven, it can crack. And at the same time, it will be impossible to restore the cast-iron part, for example, by welding.
  • The cast iron stove has a pronounced massiveness. The weight of not even oversized devices can be 180 ÷ 200 kg, which complicates their transportation and installation. For the installation of such a unit, it is very often necessary to equip a reliable solid foundation, sometimes even resorting to a small fill.
  • If the stove is used not only in the relatively warm months of the year, but also in winter, the chimney will have to be insulated. This must be done so that there are no sudden temperature changes for the heated gases, as a result of which condensate will form on the pipe walls, which reduces the draft in the furnace. This can lead to back draft and smoke.
  • A very high price for cast-iron heating devices is characteristic, which does not allow everyone to purchase them for installation in a country house.

All the shortcomings of these furnaces are compensated for by a long service life, high efficiency, high-quality and long-term heating of the premises and savings on fuel.

Combined ovens

As you can see from the above descriptions, each of the options has not only its "pluses" but also "minuses". That is why manufacturers have collected in some models the positive qualities of different materials.

So, the most widespread Tandem is stainless steel and cast iron. The furnace body is made of stainless steel, and the firebox for it is made of cast iron. If the stove model includes a hob, then it is also most often cast iron. Thus, brittle cast iron is obtained protected by the steel walls of the body, and by itself prevents overheating and deformation of the steel from direct exposure to flame.

It should be noted that all the best qualities of the two materials are collected in the combined versions of the furnaces, since they are in the structure in their places, where the risk of damage is minimal. In addition, such units have a lower cost compared to cast iron furnaces, less weight, but about the same efficiency.

Cast iron furnace design

General concepts about the device of metal furnaces

In the first part of the article, variants of different stoves were given - to compare their characteristic features. Further, we will only talk about cast iron appliances. Modern furnaces made of cast iron, manufactured at the factory, most often work on the principle of long burning, since it is this principle that is the best option in terms of efficiency and fuel economy.

Cast iron heating stoves can be made in the form of a fireplace, and some models are equipped with a water circuit, and are perfect for a country house that is large enough in area. For small houses, an ordinary stove is suitable, since direct heat radiation emanating from its walls, furnace door and stove, if provided in the structure, will be quite enough to heat it.

Wood used as fuel must have a moisture content not exceeding 20%. It is desirable that the logs have the same length, then their burning and smoldering will occur evenly, giving excellent heat transfer. Raw wood will reduce the efficiency of the stove and also contribute to an increase in soot deposits in the chimney.

Firewood prices

In addition to firewood in logs, fuel briquettes and coal can be used for heating cast-iron stoves. If you plan to heat the stove with coal, then for this it is worth purchasing its brown variety, since it is less energy-intensive and will not be able to overheat the walls of the stove. This is especially important for furnaces of a combined type, that is, from a combination of steel and cast iron parts.

What to consider when choosing and installing a cast iron stove?

Before proceeding to consider the various models of cast iron stoves, a few words should be said about their installation and preparation for it.

Installing the stove in the place chosen for it is not difficult at all. The only embarrassing moment can only be the large weight of the device. In addition, before installing a cast-iron unit, it is necessary to prepare a site for it, equipped in accordance with fire safety rules. So, preparation for the purchase and installation of the unit consists of the following stages of work:

  • The first step, starting from the size of the room, is to determine how much heat output the oven should have. Usually come from widespread standard 1 kW per 10 m². However, if the country house will be used in the winter period, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that will affect the choice of the power of the device. These include the quality of insulation of walls, floors and floors of the house, the number and material of windows, winter temperatures in the region and other nuances.

Perhaps, with such calculations, the calculator below will help many.

Modern cast-iron stoves are direct descendants of those very "bourgeois" that were widespread in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, then almost disappeared, giving way to gas and electric boilers. However, from their “great-great-grandmothers” the stoves inherited only the general principle of operation - the fuel, burning, heats up the cast iron, which gives off heat to the room. Otherwise, they have changed for the better - they have learned to consume less firewood, have become more productive, more functional and much more attractive in appearance.

Nowadays, following the constant rise in energy prices and the growth of summer cottages in districts far from civilization, the renovated "stoves" are returning to their homes. And despite the competition from solid brick stoves and practical steel stoves, many homeowners still opt for cast iron.

Cast iron stoves have important advantages:

Durability. Cast iron, which is used by reputable manufacturers, is resistant to sudden heating / cooling and humidity. The material does not burn out and does not deform under the influence of temperature loads, and due to a special coating it does not corrode. Some manufacturers give a 25 year warranty on their cast iron stoves.
High efficiency: up to 90% depending on the model, combustion mode and fuel quality.
High heat dissipation. A cast iron stove accumulates heat and continues to release it after the coals are burned out. In many models, if you put firewood in the stove before going to bed and set the long burning mode, the house will not have time to get cold by the morning.
Useful warmth. The heat generated by radiation is more beneficial and pleasant for humans. The room heats up more slowly, but more evenly. Air does not dry out. Compare. One room has hot air, stuffy, but the walls and all objects are cold. Sit on a chair - it blows cold. In the second room, the air is at a comfortable temperature, the walls and objects are warm. Where is it nicer to be? Of course in the second.
Compact dimensions. Most of the models can be placed on 1-1.5 square meters of floor space, taking into account the safe distance from the walls.
Simple and inexpensive installation when compared to the construction of a traditional stove.

Cast iron stoves are not devoid of disadvantages. Since the material is heavy, it is not used to make stoves with a wide firebox, and the technology (casting) limits the possibilities of designers. Cast iron stoves take a long time to warm up, so if you are looking for a device for a "weekend cottage" that needs to be quickly warmed up to a comfortable temperature during rare "raids", it may be worth giving preference to steel.

Never drop the cast iron stove / heavy objects onto the stove: the material may break. If you need a more spacious / original / shock-resistant, but at the same time, heat-intensive stove, then a combined model with a steel body and a cast-iron firebox can become a compromise option.

Types of heating cast-iron stoves (by function):

Classic heating stoves are the most reliable - in fact, there is nothing to break in them. Such furnaces have a simple design with a minimum of joints and seams, an ash pan, a grate, a small, usually blind door.

Heating and cooking ovens can be used instead of a kitchen stove. In standard models, there are 1-2 burners on which you can boil a kettle, reheat food or cook something simple like boiled potatoes or soup.

Fireplace stoves not only heat, but also decorate the house. They look impressive in the interior, even if they are not melted. And they literally transform everything around, when tongues of flame begin to dance behind the glazed doors, scattering hundreds of fiery bunnies on the floor and walls.

How to choose a cast iron stove in the Pech.ru catalog?

We have about 1000 cast iron stoves in our range, which can be used to heat the whole house. But you don't have to go through all of them - by adjusting the filters on the left side of the page, you can narrow the range of options to a few that are most suitable for you. The most important criteria are price, performance and functionality.

1. Indicate the amount of the purchase, taking into account the fact that you will need another chimney (you can also ask the price for the equipment on the website) and the services of installers. If the budget is small, you should pay attention to wood-burning stoves, in which only the firebox is made of cast iron.

2. Calculate the volume of the house (area x height). You can also calculate the approximate power of a cast iron stove based on 1 kW of device power for 20-25 m3 of room volume. If the house has several floors / many rooms, and you want to heat all of them, then you will need a stove with a water circuit (you can tick the appropriate box) to organize a water heating system.

3. Decide on the type and design of the oven. Ask yourself questions: do you need any other functions besides heating? where will you put the oven? If additional functions are not needed, and the oven itself will be out of sight, there is no point in paying extra for glass in the door and artistic casting. If you are going to cook on an oven, filter models with a hob, in an oven - with an oven. If the view of the fire is important to you, choose ovens with a glazed door.

Functions of different types can be combined in one oven.

You will save time looking for the perfect heating stove if you contact Pech.ru consultant by phone or via the online form. The specialist will ask clarifying questions (the scheme is approximately the same as described above), will offer several models to choose from, and will talk about the pros and cons of each of them.

Cast Iron Furnace Installation Services

In our company you can order a professional installation of a cast iron stove. The installation is carried out by experienced engineers and heating technicians who strictly adhere to the technical standards and are responsible for the work done (spelled out in the contract).

The service includes:
measurements of premises;
the choice of the location of the furnace, taking into account the direction of air flows;
selection of the method of chimney outlet;
assistance in the selection of a heating stove and auxiliary equipment;
purchase and delivery of building materials;
preparation of a heat-resistant base;
wall decoration with non-combustible materials (if necessary);
laying channels for air intake from the street (optional);
assembly, installation and thermal insulation of the chimney;
assembly and installation of the furnace;
connection and test ignition of equipment;
cleaning, garbage disposal.

Installation warranty - up to 2 years. By entrusting us with the installation of a cast iron stove, you can be sure of fire safety and correct operation of heating equipment.

You can heat your home with a hot water heating system. To do this, you will have to install an electric heating boiler or a boiler that runs on solid, liquid fuel.

You will also have to lay a heating circuit and install radiators. You can go the other way and build a stove or fireplace in the house. Both heating options will provide warmth and comfort in the house. However, they suffer from two significant disadvantages: they are expensive and labor intensive.

An alternative to the two listed heating options are the increasingly popular cast-iron stoves for summer cottages. In this article, we will try to talk about the types of cast iron stoves, their advantages and operating features.

What is a cast iron stove?

The simplest cast iron furnaces in their design are not much different from the notorious. They consist of fuel and ash chambers, which are separated by a grate. Air supply to the inside of the furnace unit and regulation of the flow rate is carried out either by the door of the ash chamber, or by means of a special damper.

The smoke is removed through a branch pipe adjacent to the fuel chamber. Heat transfer to the environment is mainly carried out by convection. An insignificant part of thermal energy is transmitted by infrared radiation.

Advantages and disadvantages

The industry offers two types of metal furnace units. Country wood-burning stoves are made of steel or cast iron. Cast iron heaters are more expensive, but they have a number of advantages that cannot be achieved in the manufacture of steel products. Cast iron wood stoves for summer cottages have:

  • long service life, which, with proper operation, can reach 30 - 40 years;
  • high heat capacity and therefore retain heat longer compared to steel furnaces;
  • greater corrosion resistance in comparison with steel products, they practically do not rust with frequent "cold" firebox;
  • Due to the low coefficient of thermal expansion, cast iron furnaces are not subject to warpage and deformation.

It should be said that cast iron has an attractive appearance. Often, manufacturers' design solutions make it possible to turn an ordinary heating device into a real work of art. Many cast iron stoves become a decoration of the interior of the room in which they are installed.

Cast iron is a rather fragile material and is afraid of sharp blows from which it can crack. Also, cast iron is "afraid" of heat shock. Cold water spilled on a hot stove can cause the metal to crack. Therefore, a cast iron stove with a hob must be of a design that excludes direct contact of the flame with the stove.

When choosing a method of heating a country house, one must proceed from the fact that it is impossible to uniformly heat the air in all rooms with the help of a cast iron heating apparatus.

A cast iron stove can provide adequate heating in only one room. Installing cast-iron stove units in such a way that they heat several rooms is prohibited by fire safety rules.

Compared to brick stoves and fireplaces, cast iron heaters have one important advantage. With a comparable thermal power, cast iron units have an order of magnitude less weight. If a brick stove weighs one ton, then the weight of a cast iron stove will be about 100 kilograms.

Therefore, the installation of a cast-iron heating device does not require the construction of a foundation. It can be installed directly on the floor. Naturally, for fire safety purposes, it must be installed on a metal sheet or a platform made of non-combustible material.

What is the efficiency?

It must be said that the simplest cast-iron stoves for the home have a relatively low coefficient of performance (COP). Usually it does not exceed 40%.

Long-burning furnace units have a higher efficiency. To increase heat transfer, they are equipped with a chamber in which pyrolysis gases (combustible gases that form when wood smolder) are burned. Air supply to this chamber is adjusted separately.

Experts are constantly working on the problem of how to improve the heat transfer of a cast iron stove. One way to increase heat transfer is to supplement the stove with so-called "smoke flows". Passing through the chimneys, hot smoke makes a longer path and gives off an additional portion of thermal energy.

Sometimes, in order to increase the heat transfer time of a cast-iron stove, to increase the efficiency, ceramic heat accumulators are installed on the chimneys.

Varieties of models

Manufacturers offer several types of cast iron heating units. They can be conditionally divided into:

Fireplace-type stove units are equipped with transparent fire doors and side heat shields made of heat-resistant glass. Heating of such “fireplaces” creates a unique cozy atmosphere caused by the warmth and the sight of burning logs.

A cast-iron stove with a cooking zone will not only provide the room with heat, but will also allow you to boil water for tea and make coffee. Not every housewife will regularly cook food on it. For this, it is more convenient to use a compact gas stove. However, this option may also be useful.

Types of fuels used

The long service life of a cast iron stove is ensured by using the "right" fuel. It is best to carry out the heating with dry hardwood firewood (oak, hornbeam, birch, etc.).

They have high heat dissipation with relatively low fuel consumption. Conifers are less suitable. Raw wood is difficult to light, it burns "reluctantly" and does not emit enough heat.

Do not use coal as fuel. Coal has a higher combustion temperature than wood. Therefore, there is a high probability of "overheating" the stove. When cast iron is heated above 450 ° C, the structure of the metal changes irreversibly, due to which its heat capacity decreases. After overheating, the furnace unit will perform significantly worse.

How to choose?

The main criterion for choosing a heating device is its thermal power. Heat output is selected based on the area of ​​the room or its volume. Usually, manufacturers in the technical documentation indicate the volume of the room that can be heated using a particular model.

Having decided on the power of the stove unit, you need to decide on its type: a simple stove, a "fireplace" or with cooking hobs. When choosing a stove for heating a house, you need to focus on reputable manufacturers with a name.

Among the well-known brands, you can advise:

  • Belgian heating units EFEL,
  • products of the Polish manufacturer EUROKOM,
  • Russian-made products from ARDENFIRE META,
  • Italian EdilKamin.

How to install a cast iron stove in a wooden house with your own hands?

Wooden buildings are the most fire hazardous. Do-it-yourself installation of a cast-iron stove in a wooden house requires strict adherence to fire safety rules:

  • As already mentioned, cast iron heaters are relatively light in weight. Therefore, they can be placed directly on the floor. To prevent fires, a thick steel sheet is placed on the floor or a podium made of heat-resistant ceramic tiles is laid. If the weight of the furnace unit exceeds 100 kg, then the floor is reinforced from below with additional props. You can also build a concrete or brick foundation.
  • On the walls located close to the heating unit, heat shields are installed to prevent heating of wooden structures. Some oven manufacturers include these screens with their products.
  • When installing chimneys, in places where they pass through wooden (combustible) walls and ceilings, heat insulation of heating parts is performed.

Reputable manufacturers attach detailed instructions for installing stoves and fire safety measures. If you follow all the recommendations exactly, the operation of the stove heating will be safe.


In this article, we tried to talk about cast iron stoves for a country house, their design, advantages, methods of installation and operation. We will be glad if this information is useful to you. Whatever your choice, we are confident that you will have the best cast iron stove for your home.