Iron in water filter. Iron removal from water: professional and home cleaning methods

Humanity faces many serious challenges. One of them is to find an effective one coming from natural sources. The latter should be understood, etc. Today, there are many methods of how to remove harmful impurities or reduce their amount to a minimum. Let's see what kind of water purification from iron from a well is best for us. Let's take a look at each method and talk about its advantages and disadvantages.

General information

Most often, this problem is faced by people living in country houses, or summer residents. This is due largely to the lack of high-quality drinking water in the pipeline. If there is a large vegetable garden, then it can only be watered from a well, because most of us do not have water around the clock and not with such pressure as we would like. If you are a businessman and extract water from artesian sources, and then sell it, you should know that it is strictly forbidden to sell the product without purification. This applies not only to the removal of impurities, but also to other treatments, such as reducing the hardness. We often deal with water, which contains from 2 to 10 ml / l of iron, from 0.1 to 2 mg / l of manganese. We can safely say that it is undesirable to drink such a product. It is for this reason that the purification of water from iron from a well is an extremely important point. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Advanced cleaning methods

Regardless of the purpose of your well, the water must be submitted for analysis. The only exceptions are when you are using the source for non-drinking purposes. For example, for watering the garden or for lawn maintenance. In the best case, it is necessary to resolve this issue even at a time. But, as practice shows, only 25% do this. In any case, it is necessary to hand over the water for chemical and bacteriological analysis at the SES. Only after that you need to make a decision about which cleaning system will be installed. It is advisable to talk to your neighbors and find out what kind of water they have. Today there are several effective ways to clean artesian and other natural sources:

  • mechanical;
  • ozonation;
  • chlorination;
  • aeration;
  • reverse osmosis.

If the results of the analysis from the SES are positive, then the water may not be purified at all. But this only applies to those sources that are not used for drinking purposes. These include wells for fire tanks, irrigation of land plots, etc. Let's take a closer look at which water purification from iron from a well is more rational. There are many important points here.

from iron by aeration

This method is good because, in addition to iron, it also removes such harmful impurities as manganese and hydrogen sulfide, as well as some other organic compounds. The principle of this method is quite simple, it consists in the oxidation of impurities with oxygen. The method is good because it affects a large number of harmful inclusions, but some are not effective enough. As a result of water aeration, insoluble compounds appear, which are removed by filtration or sludge. With a high pump capacity, coagulants are added, which accelerate the combination of particles, therefore, they can be removed faster. It is safe to single out several indisputable advantages of aerating water from a well. Firstly, these are low costs, but this only applies to non-pressurized systems, which consist of a tank, pump and compressor. After aeration, the water is protected from microorganisms, since oxygen is an effective oxidizing agent. There is no need to once again talk about the environmental friendliness of the method - no chemistry. Plus, the oxygenated water is delicious.

Mechanical restoration

This cleaning method is intended solely to remove mechanical impurities and refined products. is present in all natural sources as the first step. This is a filter that will remove any impurities and inclusions visible to the human eye. As noted above, after aeration of the water, compounds are formed that must be removed. So, most often they are "caught" by mechanical processing. Two-stage systems are often installed. At the first stage, a filtering device is mounted. Activated carbon, sulfocarbon, etc. can be used as a filler. At the second stage, a film filter is installed, which purifies water more efficiently. It can be said with confidence that mechanical systems, as it were, prepare a liquid for finer purification, for example, aeration, reverse osmosis, etc. The advantages of this method are that after a certain period of operation, the filter can be simply washed or treated with chlorination.

About reverse osmosis

This treatment method allows you to remove almost all impurities from water, with the exception of inclusions the size of a water molecule. For the most part, this should include gases such as hydrogen sulfide, as well as fluorine and chlorine. It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that the purification of water from ferrous iron is best carried out by osmosis. But the use of such a system implies the observance of some simple rules. First, the pressure in front of the filter is at least 3 atmospheres. Otherwise, osmosis will not work. In general, the higher the pressure, the better the overall system performance. But there are also problems here. The membrane is extremely sensitive to inclusions such as hydrogen sulfide, fluorine and chlorine. The high content of these elements in the water leads to the accelerated destruction of osmosis. To prevent this from happening, 2-3-stage carbon filters are installed.

The advantages and disadvantages of reverse osmosis

It would not be superfluous to say that such a system has many advantages. Among them, a high degree of purification and removal of inclusions such as sodium and potassium salts. Only osmosis can remove these elements. However, such a system is not without its drawbacks. The main one is a high degree of purification. "Why is this bad?" - you ask. In fact, this is the same thing as drinking discilit. It is for this reason that reverse osmosis purified liquid is not recommended for drinking water. Besides the fact that the membrane is sensitive to some inclusions, the equipment itself is quite expensive and complicated. This is due to the fact that mineralizers are often added. From the foregoing, we can conclude that reverse osmosis is advisable only when it is impossible to use other cleaning methods.

A little about chlorination

We all know that chlorine is used as the main disinfectant in central water supply systems. It provides epidemic safety, as it destroys all viruses and pathogenic microorganisms. But it is safe to say that direct chlorination of water, especially from natural sources, is used less and less. This is due to certain harm. Since chlorine enters into a chemical reaction upon contact with water, free radicals are formed - unstable molecules that do not have the best effect on the cells of the body. In principle, chlorination can be used, but it is better to do this along with ozonation or reverse osmosis. The method is relevant only when water is purified from iron from a well for industrial purposes.

All about ozonation

Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent that converts most harmful impurities into insoluble impurities. Ozonation is possible only when using special generators that produce this element. This method is excellent for removing heavy salts as well as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. Effective from dissolved iron by 95-99% is possible only by ozonation, the same applies to manganese inclusions. The principle of operation of the system is exactly the same as for aeration, only the oxidizer is more powerful. Formed insoluble compounds are removed by coal or Water purification from natural sources, wells in particular, guarantees complete disinfection of water. The method is also good in that ozone decomposes into oxygen rather quickly and somewhat improves the quality of the product. The method is becoming more and more relevant, especially after the cost of ozone generators has dropped.

Reagent and non-reagent water purification from iron

Reagent systems require one or another reagent, which is needed to restore the properties of the filter or the normal operation of the system as a whole. It is easy to conclude that reagent-free systems require nothing more than routine periodic flushing. This method of deferrization is good because there are no consumables. A system of this kind only needs a filter change every few years. A good method for purifying water from natural sources. Well removes suspended and dissolved iron, as well as manganese and hydrogen sulfide. Unfortunately, the method is often inapplicable, especially in cases where the iron content exceeds 10 mg / l. Low pH values ​​of water also hinder the use of this treatment method. In this case, it is better to use a reagent (oxidizing agent).

Electrochemical cleaning

This method appeared not so long ago, so it has not yet received widespread adoption. The principle of electrochemical cleaning is that a direct electric current is passed through the polluted water. As soon as it comes into contact with a liquid, chemical reactions will take place in the latter, as a result insoluble substances are formed, which must be removed by mechanical cleaning. The method is relevant only for industrial sources. If the purification of water from iron with ozone is used not only for industrial facilities, then the electrochemical method was created only for this. This is due to the fact that during the ongoing reactions it is difficult to control the organic composition of the liquid. Electrochemical cleaning requires sophisticated equipment and places a high load on the grid.

Ultraviolet water treatment

This method is not very popular due to the complexity of the system as a whole and insufficient efficiency. If purification of drinking water from iron by aeration or ozone is considered the main method, then ultraviolet irradiation, like chlorination, is preferable to use as an additional filter. If the liquid has optimal performance, then this is a completely different matter. Studies have shown that with good water quality, it is permissible to use ultraviolet light as the main treatment system. This solution is being implemented along with the installation of mechanical filters. For example, water purification from KIA iron is considered to be a rather effective but expensive method.

A few important details

Here we are with you and talked about what is the purification of water from iron impurities and what it is for. As you can see, it is simply impossible to do without it, especially if drinking water is obtained from the source. Regardless of the application, mechanical filters must be installed that remove insoluble compounds. But this is only the first step. By the way, water purification from KIA iron implies a rather interesting system. Its essence lies in the fact that there is a mechanical filter in front of the pump, then a fine filter, and at the outlet there is another mechanical filter. Now you will understand what this is for. The fact is that water from the source always has some kind of insoluble compounds, and they must be removed before aeration or ozonation. After cleaning, such inclusions reappear, and they must again be sifted out.


As you can see, everything is not so complicated here. The first thing you need to do is to hand over the water for analysis at the SES. Based on the results obtained, establish a specific cleaning system. If the quality is generally good, then gravity aeration or ultraviolet light can be used. If the water is not the best, then use reverse osmosis or ozonation. In any case, there are quite a few solutions, the main thing is to choose the right option. By the way, do not think that industrial water purification from iron is something superfluous, in fact, this is not at all the case. Untreated liquid is sometimes not suitable for any use.

First, you need to determine the degree of water pollution and in what form the iron is in the water.

There are the following types:

  • elementary, undissolved;
  • 2-valent, dissolved;
  • 3-valent, undissolved;
  • organic, which is subdivided into: colloidal, in the form of insoluble very small particles contained in the water in suspension, do not settle and give it turbidity; bacterial; soluble organic

For an elementary check, it is enough to pour water into a glass and let it settle for several hours.

  • Ferric iron will show itself as a rusty sludge.
  • Bivalent will give the water a dull reddish color.
  • The bacterial forms an iris on the surface.

Reagent free filtration

Does not involve the use of chemicals. Water purification from excess iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide occurs with the help of natural sorbents, which provide the oxidation reaction of dissolved iron.

These filters eliminate:

  1. turbidity,
  2. chromaticity,
  3. remove suspended particles,
  4. sand,

Reagent-free filters have the function of automatic self-cleaning by backwashing the filtering sorbent.

Reagent cleaners

Their work is based on the use of chemical reagents, which significantly accelerate the oxidation process and the formation of ferric iron.

These filters are equipped with a special tank for the preparation of regeneration solution.

Actively such types of reagents are used as:

  • sodium hydrochloride;
  • potassium permanganate or "potassium permanganate".

The deposited sediment is removed using mechanical filtration. By the method of cleaning, the following types of filters can also be distinguished.

Fill type

Charge-type filters operating on the basis of catalytic loads, where the cleaning process takes place thanks to various fillers and sorbents.

In the operation of these treatment systems, one type or several fillers of different composition can be used, which are stacked in layers and provide a comprehensive water purification not only from iron, but also other impurities.

Reverse osmosis

, which are based on the passage of liquid under pressure through a membrane that has minimal gaps that only water molecules can pass.

Almost all other elements are successfully filtered. That's why water is close in its properties to distilled and in the case of domestic use requires additional mineralization.

Using electromagnets

Filters using electromagnets, which are based on the treatment of water with ultrasound, which leads to coagulation of iron and greatly facilitates its removal with the help of various sorbents.

Depending on the model, these devices may contain:

  • solenoid electromagnet,
  • permanent magnet.


Aeration iron removal devices , work on the principle of oxidation of ferrous iron with air.

In these filters there are two ways to saturate water with oxygen:

  • gravity aeration, when water receives oxygen during the spraying process;
  • pressure head, when oxygen is supplied to water under pressure.

Ion exchange filters

Systems operating on the basis of ion-exchange resins: anion-resin or cation-resin. Such systems can be classified as multifunctional, because they are used:

  • to remove salts and soften liquids;
  • to reduce the content of iron, manganese and other metals in an undissolved state.

Adsorption systems

They work on the basis of adsorbents, which can be:

  • ash,
  • clay,
  • coconut shell,
  • shungite,
  • other artificial or natural materials.

The most popular filler is activated carbon, an environmentally friendly adsorbent with excellent filtering properties.

Which one to use for iron removal?

To facilitate the choice, cleaning systems can be conditionally divided into 3 groups:

  • one-stage filters for removal of 2 and 3-ferrous iron;
  • multifunctional systems that not only remove iron from water, but also soften it by removing salts;
  • complex purification systems designed to remove not only all types of iron, but also other elements, including manganese, hydrogen sulfide, salts, pesticides and various organics.

The main selection criteria:

  1. The degree of pollution and the list of elements and impurities for which the norm of content in water is exceeded. This information should be included in the analysis of the water composition.
  2. For what purposes the water will be used.

If the contamination is strong, it is better to use reagent systems. in which chemical components are used for water purification. Such treatment systems lose in environmental friendliness, but they are more efficient and are able to quickly purify large volumes of water.

For apartment

The water entering city apartments is pre-filtered at treatment facilities, but its characteristics do not always meet drinking fluid standards.

This fact is facilitated by the initial heavy pollution of natural sources, as well as old rusty plumbing systems. Therefore, purification of tap water from iron and other impurities is necessary.

In this case, filters for purifying water from iron can be:

  1. cartridge with additional mineralization and water softening,
  2. reverse osmosis filters,
  3. special and anti-scale.

For water purification in the apartment for household needs, main filters are installed. They purify tap water mechanically.

They are also popular with replaceable filters due to their compactness, low price, ease of maintenance and sufficient efficiency. This option is suitable for a small family. But such a filter will not protect household appliances and plumbing from rust.

Cottage and private, country house

When choosing a filter for a summer cottage or a cottage, it is necessary to take into account the fact that water from a well or well does not undergo preliminary purification, unlike urban water supply systems. It is believed that the water from the well is 100% pure, but in practice this is far from the case.

The composition of such water depends on:

  • type of soil;
  • plot heights;
  • well depth.

At the summer cottage, a lot of water is spent on irrigation and household needs. To clean it, a single-stage iron filter of the filling type is sufficient.

Water filtration for household needs will require more complex cleaning, which will not only remove all types of iron, but also eliminate:

  1. excess manganese,
  2. hydrogen sulfide,
  3. will soften the water.

Therefore, it makes sense to install two treatment systems in cottages and in the country: for household and domestic purposes. Integrated systems designed for better water purification used for cooking, washing dishes, washing and cleaning premises.

For such purposes, the following are well suited:

  • ion filters;
  • reverse osmosis systems;
  • purification systems, including not only deferrization, but also the removal of other impurities, as well as water softening.

How to make a filtration system with your own hands?

If there is no opportunity to buy iron purification systems yet, but there is a need for them, you can make an iron filter with your own hands. One option is an aeration filter.


To make it you will need a capacious container made of food-grade plastic barrel-shaped.

The liquid will enter the container through a pipe with a spray at the end.

During the spraying process, the water will come into contact with oxygen, which will lead to the oxidation reaction of the dissolved iron and the precipitation of a rusty sediment to the bottom of the container.

To remove the sediment into the bottom of the tank at a height of 10-20 cm, another pipe is mounted, which will remove the settled rust from the container.


Another option for a homemade filter is an adsorption filter.

Manufacturing steps:

  • We take a 3-5 liter container, make a hole in the bottom, drill holes in the lid.
  • We take cotton wool, foam rubber and gauze, put them in layers on the container lid.
  • We fall asleep through the hole in the bottom of fine river sand and crushed charcoal in layers.
  • We pour water from the source into the container and collect the purified water, which is mechanically cleaned.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a visual video guide for making your own purifier:

Selection criteria when purchasing a removal system

The choice of filter depends on the degree of water pollution, volumes and consumption purposes. Multifunctional filters are in the higher price category. It is also worth considering the future costs of replaceable ink cartridges and maintenance when purchasing. treatment system.

Domestic manufacturers offer a wide selection of filters for cleaning iron from brands:

  • Geyser;
  • Ekvolos;
  • Barrier;
  • Brita.

Inexpensive models are presented by the Chinese manufacturers Runxin and Canature.

The price of the filter depends on the manufacturer, the complexity of the system, and the components used. The cost of sorption filters varies from 4200 to 10000 rubles... Reverse osmosis filters will cost between 6000-12000 rubles. depending on the manufacturer.


A high-quality water purification system is a guarantee of your family's health and a guarantee of long-term operation of household appliances and plumbing.

The main point in the matter of choice is preliminary chemical analysis. water, which will help you make the right choice and not overpay for additional functions of treatment systems that you do not need.

The need to purify water from iron and manganese is obvious to almost every owner of a private house with. Since it is the increased iron content that is the main factor that reduces the quality of the water obtained from the well.

If we talk about the inhabitants of megalopolises, then in their cases the situation is not much better. Indeed, in central water supply systems, very often the quality of water can be even worse than in a liquid from a source such as a well.

In this article, we will look at the main types of filters, and determine which devices best perform their functions.

1 How to choose an iron remover filter?

Filtration of water from iron is necessary due to the negative effect of this substance on the human body. In addition to external irritations - itching of the skin and rashes, the internal organs - the liver and kidneys - are also at risk. Also, significant harm is done to household appliances - a washing machine, dishwasher and other plumbing fixtures.

The iron remover filter is a device, the use of which to combat iron in water, is most justified in today's realities.

Such filters are much cheaper than professional iron removal units, but at the same time they are highly efficient and compact in size, which makes them the best option for water purification for any home or apartment.

The principle of operation for all filtering devices is the same: initially, they carry out the oxidation of iron dissolved in water to an insoluble form (trivalent), which is then mechanically filtered.

It should be understood that initially iron is contained in water in a soluble - bivalent form, which is very difficult to remove (this can only be done, and then only in the case of its minimum concentration).

Therefore, for high-quality water purification, its preliminary oxidation is necessary, through which the transfer of iron molecules to the trivalent form is carried out.

This transformation can be done in two ways: reagent and non-reagent- that is, either with the use of chemicals or without them. Depending on this, two main groups of deironing filters are distinguished.

Reagent filters for water purification use special oxidants - manganese, chlorine, ozone.

The filter of non-reagent deferrization carries out the oxidation of iron through oxygen action: they artificially saturate the water with oxygen, which, dissolving in it, has an effect on the ferrous iron molecules, which converts them into an insoluble form.

2 What models of iron removers filters are available?

Now we will consider the main types of such equipment, as well as their specific properties.

Aeration filters are devices in which water is artificially enriched with a large amount of oxygen, which ensures rapid oxidation of soluble iron, after which it occurs

Filters for aeration are divided into two types: pressure and non-pressure. The difference lies in the fact that the liquid in the non-pressure filters is supplied to the working tank through a system of nozzles that spray the flow of incoming water.

During the flight of the drops to the bottom of the balloon, the water is intensively saturated with oxygen and the iron is oxidized. Pressure aeration is carried out when air is supplied to the working container under strong pressure, for which an automatic compressor is responsible for pumping.

After oxidation of iron, it is removed from the water stream using mechanical filters, which are equipped with an aeration unit.

Aeration devices guarantee the deferrization of water of the highest quality, for this reason, such filters cost a lot of money, but no technology can compete with them in terms of the quality of water treatment.

For home, pressure aeration is more suitable, since this method can be performed with compact equipment.

Reagent filters, in fact, differ from each other solely depending on the type of chemical used.

Today, such devices are less and less common in household use, since chemical reagents, after oxidation of iron, leave impurities in the water that are not useful for the human body. But in industrial water purification, chemical deferrization is still actively used.

In order for the iron remover filter to perform its functions efficiently and to fully deplete its resource, three simple rules must be observed:

  1. Regularly recondition the filter media as needed - mineral backfill, cationic resin, etc. Since the developed substrate does more harm than good to water.
  2. Your plumbing system must have a pressure of at least three atmospheres - if the water pressure at the inlet is lower, the efficiency of water purification will decrease.
  3. Compliance with the temperature regime: even short-term freezing of the filter is not allowed - this is detrimental to the device.

3 Choosing the best filter

To determine the leader among filters for purifying water from iron, we will compare two devices that have been holding leading positions in the domestic market for household filters for many years.

We will compare the filters Geyser AquaChief 1044 \ 5Mn and Pentair FBI 50-09T.

Briefly about the manufacturers.

Geyser is a Russian company that has been producing water purification devices for almost 30 years, over the entire period of its existence, the company's products have been repeatedly noted at various exhibitions and competitions, in addition, the brand's products enjoy a good reputation due to their optimal price-quality ratio.

Pentair is an American company that is considered one of the world leaders in the production of purification equipment. After appearing on the Russian market, the company in the shortest possible time was able to gain serious popularity among domestic consumers.

The devices will compete in the following categories: cost; quality and materials of manufacture; cleaning efficiency; performance; resource of reagents.

Cost: a reagent-free deferrization filter from the Geyser company can be purchased for 18-19 thousand, while for Pentair EIM-3 they ask for about 25 thousand.

Workmanship: the working container for both filters is made in the form of a sealed cylinder, the Geyser has a stylish silver stainless steel body, while the American one is made of blue painted metal.

Steel is of high quality everywhere, plastic units are also made to last. In truth, the Pentair filter does not visually evoke any positive emotions. Here is a clear victory for AquaChief.

Productivity: The geyser has a filtering medium volume of 32 liters and is capable of processing 1.2 m3 of water per hour, at Pentair the maximum load is limited to thirty kg, and the working capacity is 0.9 m3.

An automatic process for the restoration of functional substance is provided in each of the devices, so the restoration will take place automatically. It is best to install an in-line water filter in front of the system to protect the control valves.

Cleaning efficiency: the filter medium at Pentair is Birm - it is an aluminosilicate with addition of manganese oxide and silicon, which, in general, shows a satisfactory quality of cleaning.

Ecotar B30 is used as a filtrate in the Geyser - a charge based on ion-exchange resin enriched with functional additives. In general, both laboratory tests and practical application show that better iron removal is achieved when using the Geyser filter.

An important factor in Ecotar's treasury is the fact that its service life with regular restoration is 3 years, while in Burma it does not exceed 2 years.

Based on the results of the comparison, it can be concluded that today the best option for a water deferrization filter for the home are devices from the AquaChief line from the Geyser company. They have an optimal ratio of price and quality and provide high efficiency of water purification.

3.1 What is special about the iron remover filter? (video)

Iron water filters ACM are designed to remove finely dispersed and colloidal impurities, dissolved iron (Fe), and increased concentration of manganese (Mn) from water. Iron filters ACM is widely used to treat water from boreholes, wells, surface water bodies and other water sources with a high content of iron or manganese. Due to its relatively low purchase price and low operating costs, the data iron water filters have become widespread among the existing water treatment complexes in country houses, cottages, industrial and energy facilities. At the same time, a technologically calculated and reasonable combination of used in iron water filter ACM of light and heavy filtering materials allows the use of these deironing agents in high-performance water filtration systems for industrial facilities, enterprises, housing and communal services buildings, hotels, restaurants, etc.

The principle of operation of the ACM iron water filter:

The function of the filter bed in iron water filter ACM are made of special aluminosilicate sorbents with catalytic properties Sorbent AS and Sorbent MS. Possessing special physicochemical features, these materials, accelerating the reaction of interaction between oxygen and dissolved iron or manganese, form a special film of insoluble oxides on the surface of the granules, on which suspended particles of iron or manganese are reliably removed and deposited by adhesion. The removal of hydrogen sulphide takes place in a similar way, where hydrogen sulphide is reduced with the help of oxygen to water-insoluble sulfur, and then, also, is deposited in the layer of filter material. At the same time, in an insignificant concentration, oxygen is contained in the water, and if it is lacking, it is forcibly supplied to the water. It is the combination of these granular materials that allows iron water filter ACM is equally effective in oxidizing and precipitating both dissolved iron impurities and dissolved manganese impurities. The accumulated impurities are washed out from iron water filter during regeneration, when the load is flushed with a backwash backflow of incoming water, and all contaminants are flushed into the drain system. In this case, no additional reagents are required.

Iron water filters ACMs also reduce the concentration of aluminum, strontium, chromium, barium, heavy and non-ferrous metals, phenol, fluorine and radionuclides.

As mentioned earlier, based on the peculiarities of the principle of operation of the filtering medium of this iron water filter, its effectiveness is due to the presence of oxygen in the water, or another oxidizing agent. Therefore, for the most reliable operation of the filtration complex, in front of the ACM iron water filter, it is preliminarily recommended to install an aeration system or another oxidizer dosing complex.

As key benefits iron water filter ACM should be noted:

  • relatively low cost of filtering materials Sorbent AS and Sorbent MS, which makes the purchase of the filter itself and its further operation much cheaper than others;
  • reagent-free regeneration of the filter, since the load is washed by the reverse flow of incoming water without additional reagents;
  • normal performance at low Ph values ​​(from 6), when a number of other fillers require its adjustment;
  • combination in iron water filter backfill Sorbent AS and Sorbent MS, allows you to equally reliably remove both iron and manganese;
  • high dirt-capacity of the filter material (especially in comparison with sand filtration plants, which are widespread in industrial water treatment);
  • reasonable ratio of light Sorbent AC and heavy Sorbent MS allows the use of data iron water filters in high-performance complexes;
  • dosage of ozone, sodium hypochlorite or potassium permanganate is allowed;
  • the absence of loading of a chemically active coating on the granules ensures efficient operation iron water filter over a long service life.

In this section of the shop "AQUASOLUTION" you can order and buy a water filter from iron ACM complete, iron water filter price includes all components and fillers necessary for commissioning. We deliver ACM iron water filters across Moscow, the Moscow region and regions of Russia.

The water obtained from natural sources in the country does not always meet all quality standards, and before using it for drinking or cooking, it is necessary to additionally purify it from various impurities, including iron. Let's consider in what ways such cleaning can be done using filters.

Dangers of excess iron in drinking water

Iron is one of the most abundant metals in nature, and it gets into due to soil erosion... Due to their small size, iron particles weigh little, therefore they are easily transported with the flow of water and get into drinking wells and springs.

It is almost impossible to visually determine the presence of an increased amount of this metal, but it is easy - it has a distinct metallic taste. But an excess of Fe is harmful not only from the point of view of unpleasant taste. On dishes and plumbing fixtures, this leads to the accumulation of rusty streaks, which are difficult to clean even with aggressive detergents, on washing machines and dishwashers, and also in pipes, scale quickly forms, washed laundry remains with yellowish-red spots. The harm to health is expressed in liver damage, an increased risk of problems with the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems, and a decrease in immunity.

The water in the apartments undergoes serious purification and disinfection even before it reaches consumers, but even then it does not always turn out to be of ideal quality. For the fluid from the well at the dacha, the filter becomes the only obstacle and at the same time experiences a serious load.

In order not to have to spend money on updating cleaning systems too often, it is worth immediately purchasing devices with high power and a good margin of safety, designed for a heavy load.

Methods for deironing water

Iron can be found in water in several forms:

  • connections with other, does not precipitate;
  • bivalent, water-soluble, precipitates when reacting with oxygen;
  • trivalent, insoluble in water, gives it a yellowish color, upon reaction with oxygen forms a precipitate in the form of flakes.

Depending on the predominant type of iron and its concentration, different methods of water treatment will be effective. The valence and the amount of iron in water are determined using laboratory tests; accurate results cannot be obtained at home.

Ferrous iron filtration methods

The following cleaning methods are effective against this form of metal:

  1. . The essence of the method is that special ion exchangers in the filter cartridge react with impurities in the water. For water purification, sodium systems are usually used. The method is effective when the amount of iron in water is up to 3 mg / l; at a higher concentration, it is practically ineffective.
  2. Reverse osmotic. The bottom line is the passage of water under pressure through a partially permeable membrane from a solution of a higher concentration to a solution with a lower one. The diameter of the pores of the membrane is smaller than the size of the iron atoms, so they cannot pass through it, and are flushed down the drain. This method is effective at iron concentrations up to 15 mg / l. However, reverse osmosis filters remove not only Fe, but also other substances, some of which are useful and necessary for the body. Therefore, it is recommended to subject the filtered water to additional mineralization.
  3. Aeration. Actually, this option cannot even be called cleaning. By interacting with oxygen, ferrous iron simply turns into ferric iron, which is easier to remove. will be the usual settling of water in an open container. In addition to this method, the separation of water into many small jets by gushing or shower-like devices is also used; use injectors or ejectors for water-gas dispersion; a stream of air is passed through the water under pressure. But as an independent method of deironing water, aeration is rarely used, usually it is only one of the stages of multi-stage cleaning.

A filter should be chosen only after a laboratory analysis of water, since only it can show how much of certain substances it contains, and what kind of purification system is needed in terms of type and power.

Methods for removing ferric iron

The above methods of water purification are effective for the trivalent form of the metal only at its low concentration. At a high level of content, trapping impurities are used simply due to the small size of the cells.

We purify water without special devices

If there is no purification system at hand, and water of acceptable quality is needed, then it remains to use several simple, but not 100% effective methods.

Homemade filter

To do this, a large bottle with a volume of 4-5 liters is cut off the bottom, and a small hole is made in the lid. Further, in layers from bottom to top, place:

  • cloth, gauze, cotton wool;
  • charcoal;
  • washed river sand.

The filtration rate will be small, the water will still have to be boiled, but in the absence of more advanced devices, and such a homemade design will be useful.

Long boiling

With this method, everything is simple - boil water for at least 10-15 minutes. At high temperatures, iron compounds precipitate. But although the water is purified, scale quickly forms on the walls of the boiling vessel.


The water is frozen in any suitable container for about half, after which pour out the unfrozen residue, thaw the ice and use for drinking or cooking.


Water leave in a container with an open lid for about a day, after which, carefully, so as not to shake up the sediment, approximately 70% of the water is drained for use, the remainder is used for household needs

Types of filters with high iron content

The easiest way to filter is using a traditional filter pitcher. Pour into its upper part and wait until it passes through the membrane into the lower container. This option is simple and convenient, the jug can be placed in any convenient place, the filter is easy to change, and it is quite cheap. The only drawback is the small volume of the jug (only 2-3 liters).

Pitcher filters should be washed periodically with warm water and a mild soapy solution to remove sediment from the walls.

Another technically simple and convenient option is the use of a compact nozzle on the faucet... Typically, such a filter uses an adsorbent or ionic mesh filter that removes not only iron, but also hardness salts and chlorine compounds. Because tap water is pressurized, the filter materials are denser than those used for pitchers. Such nozzles are used only for cold water taps; they have a filtration resource on average of about 1.5-2 thousand liters. The effectiveness of such filters is about the same as that of jugs.

The most advanced option is filter systems from 1-5 stages installed under the sink and capable of providing a water treatment rate of up to 2.5 liters per minute. Obviously, the more filters there are, the more various methods of purification the water is subjected to, and the higher its quality at the outlet.

The resources of such filters are 4-25 thousand liters, and individual stages can be restored (albeit not to the original resource) and reused.

All methods of water filtration remove not only iron from it, but also other chemical and mechanical impurities.

A little about filter manufacturers

There are a lot of companies producing water purification systems, but we will dwell only on some of the most common ones.

  1. Aqualine (Taiwan). The company specializes in household filters with a system, accessories and replaceable elements for them. The products are popular due to their good quality at reasonable prices.
  2. Aquafilter (Poland). Produces reverse osmosis filters, both household and industrial main. Good quality products, certified in many countries around the world.
  3. Aquafilter (USA). The assortment includes a wide range of household filters - from the simplest mechanical filters to complex multistage filters with an electronic control system.
  4. Aquaphor (Russia). It produces jug-type filters, nozzles for faucets, multistage systems for sinks and all kinds of replacement and component products for them. In addition to them, the range includes regenerators and mineralizers for enriching water with useful elements. The company is one of the leaders in the production of water treatment systems in Russia; it sells its products to a dozen more countries.
  5. Barrier (Russia). Produces filter jugs and replaceable cassettes for them, flow-through filters (for washing), accessories and consumables.
  6. Geyser (Russia). Favorably distinguished by its low price with a high resource of production. The company produces domestic and industrial water treatment systems in the form of jugs with filters, membrane devices, multistage “sink” type installations, main purifiers. Filters produce not only the removal of chlorine, iron, various salts and other chemical impurities, but also bacterial cleaning.

The first few liters after installing a new cartridge in the filter will necessarily be cloudy and blackish. This is normal; this is how coal dust particles appear that have been shaken during transportation.

Water purification in the country, video

An excess of iron in water is not a sign that it cannot be used in everyday life, you only need. The market is rich in offers of various filtration systems, and all that remains is to choose the appropriate one based on the needs based on laboratory water analysis.