Italian patterned bathroom tiles. Italian tiles: the best examples in the interior

Italian tiles are world-renowned products of excellent quality and the best design parameters. There are more than 300 tile companies in this country, which have already shown themselves to be competent manufacturers, respecting the high requirements of modern consumers.

A huge selection of products will enable any person to choose the most suitable tile model, taking into account the style of the space, its typical features, the material capabilities of the buyer.


Many Italian factories produce beautiful series of bathroom and bathroom tiles. This assortment includes products for walls and floors, all kinds of decoration elements. For any series, a special pattern and shade performance has been developed. Basic products help create zoning with a single ornament or overviews throughout the room.

Floor tiles are very durable... Its surface has a special finish that reduces slipping. Factories select technologies that increase the resistance of the coating to the negative effects of detergents.

Most often, Italian tiles have a perfectly smooth and slippery surface of reduced thickness.

That is why in no case should tiles created for walls be used to decorate floors in bathrooms.

Ceramic products from Italy have a number of positive features:

  • they are universal... Products of this kind can be chosen for the decoration of showers, various public facilities and private hotels, baths, saunas and swimming pools;

  • are resistant to UV rays, are not afraid of high humidity, temperature fluctuations, the action of aggressive components;
  • environmentally friendly... For the production of ceramic coatings, only natural materials are used. During the production process, volatile solvents are not used, so that no toxic substances will be released during the installation or use of tiles. The material does not burn, because it does not emit elements that would support combustion, and does not absorb third-party odors. The worn-out coating can be used a second time when releasing new ceramic products;
  • tiles from Italy are hygienic... She is easy to care for;
  • saves energy... Stylish tiles from Italy can store heat, which they then radiate in the bathroom. For this reason, this material is best initially combined with the "warm floor" technology.


The main number of Italian manufacturers is engaged in the production of exclusive products, during the execution of which, even today, manual labor is widely used, therefore, collections from Italy are considered elite in our country.

In the factories of Italy, the latest technologies are being introduced all the time, the most modern machine tools are used. All machines and materials used in the production of tiles are also of Italian origin. So, craftsmen from this country came up with a technology for painting glaze... It is carried out when the material is coated. Glazed and regular types of earthenware are also Italian ideas.

For the first time in the production of ceramics, Tuscan craftsmen used white clay, which is the basis of all earthenware products.

Italian marble tiles will look great in any bathroom design, be it classic or minimalist style, avant-garde or loft. Soft tones of stone will add light and comfort to the space, and light colors will help to visually expand the walls of the room.

Today, Italian tiles showcase the amazing wonders of modern design.

Recently, the invariable leader has become products with a texture for a woven fabric.... Kitchen spaces or bathrooms, which used "denim" or "tapestry" products, look very stylish and original.

There are series, the texture of which can imitate the skin of various animals or exotic reptiles. The immense popularity is gained by ceramics "like wood" and "like metal"... All this allows you to consider the design of the room in a different way, help to make it more unusual and catchy.

The most popular among consumers is still ceramic tiles in their usual traditional design. A number of models are created by young talented craftsmen who apply picturesque patterns and ornaments. Such options can compete with the masterpieces of the Renaissance.

These ceramic tiles are most often used by decorators to create the most luxurious living interiors.

Often interesting stones or glittering elements imitating gold, silver or chrome are embedded in the glaze. Many products are used to create mosaics on floors or walls. You can find collections that contain real works of pictorial art that can be used instead of the usual decoration in the bathroom space.

Thanks to the rich assortment of tiles, you can always make unique patterns, apply your own idea on the walls or on the floors. Until now, monochromatic types of wall tiles, as well as samples depicting a marble coating or natural stone, do not lose their relevance. Tiles from the Apennines, when compared with other manufacturers, greatly benefit from style, bright enthusiasm of colors, their rich toning, impeccable performance of the texture of products.

You can also use glass tiles to decorate your home.

This is one of the most interesting materials for decorating walls, and according to its properties, experts call it even more reliable than the well-known ceramic tile. Such glass will serve you for many years.

It is environmentally friendly, is not afraid of moisture, is easy to install and care for, does not retain odors, and always looks stylish and neat. In the design of the room, the configuration of the ceramic tiles is important. When using it, you can create the desired visual perception, add a number of unusual effects. Such a tile is square, rectangular, has any possible shape.: can be diamond or even round.

How to choose?

Well-known design masters recommend choosing tiles for the bathroom first, and only then start choosing plumbing. This method will help create a harmonious design, avoid many problems with the installation of purchased tiles due to the design features of plumbing equipment. Alas, high cost cannot be the main sign of the quality of this kind of products these days.... Many manufacturers deliberately inflate the price of their products, hoping that inexperienced buyers will rely only on this criterion when choosing.

To be completely sure of the excellent quality of the purchased goods, you need to do the following:

  • Ask the seller for all documents for his products, including certificates.
  • Inspect the box with tiles from all sides. All titles and images must be clearly visible. On the box, you need to find the manufacturer's coordinates, all contact information.
  • It is best to know exactly the name of the Italian factory. Many "craftsmen" from China change one or a number of letters in the name of the factory, which is not striking, and it seems that you have products of a famous brand in your hands. Thus, they try to protect themselves from the prosecution of eminent manufacturers, while at the same time slipping low quality products at a high price to inexperienced buyers without negative consequences for themselves.

  • Open the package itself, carefully examine the tiles. Place two tiles facing each other and if you notice gaps and looseness between them, then you are 100% counterfeit.

Obviously, some ordinary people have already noticed more than once that in the kitchen, where food is prepared, at the stove itself and at the entrance to the room, the tile cover often looks shabby, which means it is untidy. This phenomenon is quite common. It arises from the wrong choice of the proper coatings. Even expensive and stylish tiles for the kitchen from Italy are made without taking into account the use in our domestic conditions. A room such as a kitchen is most often visited by family members in our country. For this reason ceramic tiles should be as resistant to various influences as possible.

There are several degrees of wear resistance. The higher this degree is, the longer this coating will serve you.

The best choice is the third or fourth class of durability, but if your family is quite large, and the kitchen is operated in a constant mode, then the floor tiles must be of the fifth class.

In addition, you need to know that the harder the product is, the less likely it will be to accidentally or deliberately split. Cases when a rather weighty frying pan or saucepan falls onto the kitchen floor are common. Such situations are fraught with the formation of cracks or chips, which can be difficult to repair. It is also worth paying attention to the thickness of the selected products: the larger it is, the more chip-resistant the surface will be.

In addition to durability, various powders or gels that are used in the maintenance of walls and floors have an effect on the preservation of the stylish appearance of the tiles. Of course, for a frequently visited kitchen, it is better to immediately choose the product with the greatest resistance to possible damage.

An important criterion is the so-called "coefficient of friction". The kitchen is also considered a rather dangerous place, as, losing balance on a slippery floor, you can fall and drop a hot frying pan or kettle on yourself. That's why you need to buy a coating with a friction coefficient above 0.75 and a rough texture.

While many difficulties can arise when purchasing floor products, there may be no problems with wall samples at all.

Keeping in mind the fact that tiles from Italy go through multiple quality control cycles, you don't have to worry about their long service life. The main problem is to choose the right design right from the start.

Types of tiles for toilets and bathrooms also differ in the type of surfaces. They can be both glossy and matte, available in glossy smooth or noticeably embossed. It is necessary to initially choose such products correctly, relying on the possibilities of its full-fledged use.

Water stains will be clearly visible on glossy tiles. It will be much easier to slip on it. Matte products are more difficult to put in order, although they mask some of the dirt under their own discreet shade.

In fact, the images or patterns on the tiles are not as important as their parameters. A product that is small in size may be out of place in the overall room, and a lot of time will be spent on its installation. Large tiles are also not in all cases suitable for kitchens, especially if they have low ceilings. Here a lot can depend on the design flight of thought.

No matter how high-quality the Italian tiles are, you still need to carefully choose such a criterion as the absorption of water falling on the product. Better if it is from 3% to 10%.

If it is advised to buy floor tiles with roughness, then the wall tiles may well be glossy. If the shiny tiles are of a dark color, it will not be easy to care for them, but light products are very easy to care for. If you want to choose a great glass tile, you need to pay attention to its appearance. The glass product should have a stylish and attractive appearance, not have cracks, chips and streaks on the surface.


The production of the best brands of Italian tiles, no doubt, is carried out on the territory of Italy itself by the following manufacturers:

  • Arcana ceramica... This company has been producing quality tiles for more than half a century and has a number of awards for the excellent quality of its products.
  • Ascot Ceramiche... The factory uses its own technologies for the production of tiles, during the production of which only natural materials are used.
  • Atlas Concorde... One of the leaders in the production of ceramic tiles uses the double firing technology, which significantly increases the performance of the samples.
  • Ceramiche ricchetti... It is engaged in the production of both tiles and artificial stone cladding materials.

  • Cerdisa Ceramiche di Sassuolo... The products of this company are exported abroad and are in demand there.
  • Elegance ceramiche... One of the youngest firms. A distinctive feature of the products is the most modern styles.
  • Iris Ceramica... One of the largest factories in Italy. The Iris Ceramica profile is the production of luxury tiles for private interior solutions.

The Italian style in the interior successfully combines the heritage of Roman luxury with the simplicity of country life. It is air filled with sun, gentle sea, natural materials and warmth. Well suited for decorating a country house, but also suitable for an apartment - the main thing is to choose the appropriate variety and make an effort to fine-tune the Italian interior design for yourself.

Distinctive features of the Italian style in the interior

The Italian interior differs from others in several attributes:

  • careless eclecticism combines pompous luxury with rustic simplicity, and each designer is free to determine for himself which edge he likes best;
  • natural materials in the decoration create a pleasant, natural atmosphere of warmth;
  • the style is characterized by large windows that let in a maximum of light, and light tulle curtains that do not prevent it from flowing inward;
  • the abundance of fresh flowers creates the feeling of a summer garden;
  • a room (even a large one) is usually combined into one and zoned with arches and furniture - in an apartment you can include a balcony in a room by making an arch in the wall that separates it;
  • curtains made of bright beads or light fabrics are hung in the arches, and sometimes they are left completely open.

The main colors of the Italian style are warm shades of beige, delicate blue, dark green and purple, natural wood. Bright accents are not welcome.

The main distinguishing characteristic is the maximalism of solutions and the general feeling of a sunny afternoon somewhere in the Mediterranean, even on a rainy February evening.

Styles and color palette

Colors vary depending on the style: they may be warmer, colder, brighter, or dimmer. Everything is determined by what kind of variation is used.

Italian rustic style

Natural materials, lots of wood and stone, no wallpaper and of course no plastic. There is a lot of light, but the colors are muted: bright accents in the rustic variety are especially inappropriate. Self-made decor elements are mandatory: an embroidered napkin under a vase, carvings, wooden figurines, a do-it-yourself rug on the floor.

If a kitchen is being drawn up, then you need earthenware that looks like it was sculpted by the owners themselves.

Italian Mediterranean style

The Mediterranean style should be reminiscent of warmth, summer and the sea. High ceilings, a lot of light, the decoration is not wood, but stone and plaster. Warm colors that are uncharacteristic for the style: yellow, soft green with a bias towards yellow. Arched openings, closed with clinking beads, frescoes and mosaics that look especially good in the bathroom (the bath itself should be the size of a small pool) are a must.

Italian classic style

All the same arches and high ceilings, but the colors are often light, without bright accents, and ostentatious luxury is also added: stucco molding, mirrors in heavy frames, classic paintings, bulky furniture, metal chandeliers with crystal elements. Sculptures, figurines and porcelain are desirable to complete the picture.

The main thing is not to squeeze and not make the classic Italian style too bulky, and the room too crowded and cramped.

Italian Tuscan style

Tuscany is a province in Italy and the Tuscan style is a mixture of French, Italian and Spanish. Colors remain natural, but brighter. Plaster is placed on the walls, tiles or marble on the floor. The furniture is lush, not too bulky, with metal elements. Be sure to have fresh flowers and a landscape with a vineyard on the wall.

Modern italian style

The design of the apartment in a modern Italian style allows you to replace traditional materials with more relevant ones. You can put laminate on the floor, not parquet. Stick wallpaper on the walls, and do not cover them with tiles or plaster. The ceilings can be made stretch (especially if the fabric option will be used). And necessarily - a lot of light, a lot of space (almost like in a loft), a lot of natural flowers, necessarily trinkets, referring to Italy in different historical periods.

Materials and finishes

The design of an Italian-style home requires the use of certain materials for both surface finishing and decoration.


The Italian-style ceiling is either plastered or the beams are left visible. It is desirable that it be tall, or at least seem so. They paint it exclusively in light colors. The modern Italian style allows you to make it stretch, fabric, and apply a drawing corresponding to the subject - a landscape or still life on top.


Italian-style wall coverings are more varied than ceiling coverings. You can stick wallpaper on them, but it's much better to cover them with plaster - embossed, beautiful, allowing you to make pretty waves or spirals. You can also use small mosaic tiles, from which to fold colorful patterns or simple pictures. Or tiles made of natural stone - large, discreet colors.


For the floor, the Italian style allows, by and large, only three options:

  • wood is beautiful, warm, durable, but requires difficult care;
  • stone - serves for years, but is heavy and may not be suitable for floors in a typical apartment;
  • tile - looks very nice, can be patterned and lasts for many years.

In the southern latitudes, where the style was born, you cannot freeze on the stone floor, on the contrary, it gives you coolness. In Russia, carpets are usually laid on it - they are especially appropriate in the village variety.

Doors and windows

The Italian style does not like traditional doorways - in the interior, instead of doors, they usually make high arches with a sloping vault, through which light and smells easily pass. The only exception is the door to the bathroom. But they try to make its design as light, light and beautiful as possible so that it does not get out of the general color.

It is easier with windows: if we are talking about an apartment, nothing can be done with them. But in a private house they are simply made as large as possible. Not panoramic, but close. They are one of the key details of the interior, which gives it a special, sunny shine.

Apartment interior in Italian style

In addition to the features of the varieties of style, the purpose of the room also affects the decor. The hall, corridor, kitchen and bedroom require a different approach to decoration.


This is where the decor looks especially good. Tiles or natural stone are placed on the floor. The walls are covered partly with mosaic tiles (usually in the area of ​​the backsplash), partly with plaster. The ceiling is whitewashed, beams are optionally left on it. An Italian-style kitchen is usually light: the lighting should be abundant, the chairs around the table should match the variety of style, the curtains should be light and let in light well.

As accessories - a vase of flowers on the table, intricate sconces in the work area, earthenware or porcelain dishes, a picture on the wall.

Living room

The living room also has a place to turn around. It can be finished with stone, but usually wood is still preferred. Parquet is placed on the floor, beautiful wallpaper or plaster on the walls. There is a lot of light in the room, murals, milky, delicate shades in the design. Necessarily a small sofa, comfortable armchairs, a floor lamp, and if the budget allows, then a fireplace and semi-antique finishing. Even in the rustic variety, a little luxury is permissible, while the classics even assume its obligatory presence.

The general impression is beautiful, cozy, pleasant to live and no less pleasant to visit here.


In the bedroom, dark, deep colors are in demand - blue, dark green, olive. They soothe, tune in to a sleepy mood. Necessarily a large bed, a pile of pillows in the bed, a large built-in wardrobe (in the modern version), with carvings on the doors (in the classic) or roughly knitted together, with a simple design (in the country). It is better to hang the doorway not with a classic light curtain, but with a heavy curtain, which will muffle the sounds of the rest of the house.


In the nursery, you can decorate the room somewhat more freely than in other rooms. Color mosaics, painting, drawings on the walls are acceptable here. Of course, calm shades should prevail, but the nursery allows you to include bright accents. In the end, the room should not look strict, but, on the contrary, it should be fun and interesting.


The room is dominated by tiles. Styling for Neapolitan bathrooms is appropriate, with frescoes on the walls, with small mosaics on the floor, with an abundance of small lamps and cute accessories.

Everything should fit into the color scheme, should create a feeling of purity and light. Even a soap dish should look stylish and fit into the interior design concept.

When the renovation is completed, it will be a pleasure to take a photo in such a bathroom.


The hallway also fits into the overall project: abundant light (preferably natural, but if there is no window, then the upper one is also possible), a simple layout, a furniture trio - a wardrobe for outerwear, a shoe stand and a small chair for putting on shoes.

Necessarily a mirror, the frame of which should correspond to the style variation.

Home decor and textiles in Italian style

To make the Italian style look good, you need to carefully choose the decor for it. So, the furniture should be in line with the general direction. For a rustic style - a headset, knitted together simply and even roughly, for a Tuscan style - closer to modern, for a modern - small-sized, but pretty furniture, which can be varied.

Necessarily small elements:

  • paintings. They can represent anything, but it is better that it was an image of a country house with Italian architecture, a neglected garden that did not know landscape design, a vineyard or a hillside where sheep graze;
  • fireplace. It is especially appropriate in the dining room, where the wood looks like a walnut, pictures in frames with gold, an obligatory bookcase, an elegant floor lamp. However, the kitchenette, even the smallest, will also look good;
  • dishes. Porcelain or clay - all the same, the main thing is to fit into the overall concept;
  • curtains. Heavy curtains, light curtains separating the banquet hall from the stairs to the guest rooms, bead curtains that hide the nursery and the kitchen. Decorating them alone can take an addicted person for several weeks;
  • figurines. Lovely shepherdesses, sheep and dogs, figurines of Roman statues, references to antiquity. Even in a one-room studio, they will look appropriate, if you do not overdo it. And if the owner is going to furnish his own two-story or one-story cottage, there won't be many of them at all;
  • Natural flowers. Placing not just fresh flowers in the house, but real small trees is a very popular trend in the Italian style. It allows you to build the illusion of a summer garden even in January and breathe shining summer colors into life. Even in a two-level apartment, which is not so large, you should not spare square meters - without this feature, the style will not fully unfold.

It doesn't matter if a cottage with its own staircase or a small studio with a lonely couch gets off. It is important whether a person has enough skill to be able to apply all the features of the Italian style for his own good and get a result that is really worth it.

Italian bathroom tiles are world renowned products of high technical quality and design characteristics. There are quite a few companies operating in the country that have established themselves as responsible and respectful manufacturers of consumers. A wide range of products allows customers to choose the most suitable option for themselves, taking into account the style of the room, its architectural features and financial capabilities.

Professional designers advise you to choose ceramic tiles first, and then start plumbing. This approach will allow you to create a harmonious style of the interior of the room, to avoid problems with laying tiles due to the design features of plumbing equipment.

Most of the Italian manufacturers produce collections of bathroom tiles, the list includes floor and wall tiles, additional decorative elements. Each series has its own pattern and color scheme, the base tile allows you to create zoned areas with one pattern or patterns in the room. The floor tiles are characterized by increased mechanical stability, the surfaces have a special finish to reduce slipping. The sliding coefficient must be at least three, the wear resistance must be at least two. In addition, companies choose a manufacturing technology that increases the resistance of the outer coating to detergents.

The technical requirements for wall tiles are not so strict, they work in more favorable conditions. On the other hand, high demands are made on her appearance and design solutions. Most often, the surfaces of wall tiles are perfectly smooth and sliding, and have a reduced thickness. Due to these features, it is strongly discouraged to use wall tiles for decorating floors in bathrooms.

How to distinguish original Italian tiles from fakes

Unfortunately, today a high price cannot serve as the main sign of quality; unscrupulous manufacturers deliberately overestimate the cost of their goods in the hope that many consumers will be guided by this indicator. What should be done to be sure of quality?

Remember that it is impossible to properly lay defective tiles on walls or floors. Such work can only be done by the most experienced tilers, and then upon close inspection, problems will be discovered. Novice craftsmen should not take on the laying of tiles with geometry violations.

Influence of design characteristics on the choice of Italian bathroom tiles

  1. It is not recommended to cover small rooms with large tiles. It visually further reduces the size of the room, in addition, the amount of unproductive waste significantly increases.
  2. Light tiles increase the volume of the room, and dark ones vice versa. It is not recommended to use more than three colors in one room, but shades can be played within wider limits. Due to the combination of shades and colors, beautiful surfaces can be created without special decorative tiles, but you should not completely abandon various patterns and images.
  3. The floor should always be darker than the walls; between it and the wall, an intermediate strip should be made several tones lighter. This technique allows not only to visually increase the height of the bathroom, but also facilitates the cleaning process.

You should be very careful in the process of choosing additional elements, follow a few rules. The first rule is to buy them from the same manufacturer from whom you purchased the tiles. The second rule is that you should not get carried away with embossed elements, they can create problems during the installation of plumbing equipment. The third rule is that skirting boards, external and internal corners, dividing stripes and other decorative elements should make the transitions between color shades smooth, and not emphasize them.

A short list of the most famous Italian tile manufacturers

There is no need to list all the Italian tile companies. We will focus only on the most famous ones, the quality of products of which has been tested by numerous consumers in various countries of the world.

Manufacturer's nameShort description
The production facilities are located in northern Italy and have been present on the building materials market for over 50 years. She constantly participates in world exhibitions of ceramics manufacturers, was awarded several diplomas for high quality.
The company has its own scientific laboratory, which develops modern production technologies. During manufacturing, only environmentally friendly materials are used.
One of the world leaders in the production of ceramic tiles, the first line was launched in 1969. During production, the technology of double firing is used, which significantly increases the performance of the product.
It is engaged in the production of not only ceramic tiles, but also facing materials made of artificial stone. Due to large investments, production facilities are constantly being renewed.
Has its own team of designers developing new collections. Founded in 1959, products are exported to many countries around the world.
It has been operating since 1954, produces tiles and porcelain stoneware, in 1991, thanks to significant production successes, it was able to enter the world stock market.
One of the youngest companies on the building materials market since 2006. A distinctive feature of the products is high quality and the most modern styles.
It is part of the world famous Concorde group for the production of ceramic tiles. The company was the first to create a special style of ceramics with sharp edges, the management is constantly introducing advanced developments.
One of the oldest companies, founded in 1884, the assortment is distinguished by a great adherence to traditional styles. The quality of the tiles is controlled online at all stages of production.
One of the most famous manufacturers of luxury ceramic tiles in the world. The high cost fully corresponds to the same high quality. The process of creating new design solutions can take several years.
Part of the Gruppo Ceramiche Gresmalt S.P.A group of companies, it has the most modern production facilities. The products are distinguished by the highest performance indicators, excellent appearance and reasonable cost.

Arcana Ceramica tiles



How to lay out tiles correctly

Italian tile is a very expensive material, the correct layout will help to reduce waste. In addition, the collections consist of several sets, you need to be able to place them on a plane, taking into account the peculiarities of finishing the outer and inner corners. Narrow stripes should not be allowed in the corners or above the bathroom, the walls and floor should look like a single whole, the tile joints should be located strictly in one line on all surfaces. For an example of possible layout methods, let's take Italian tiles 50 × 20 cm, these parameters are best suited for medium-sized bathrooms. All types of layouts are conventionally divided into several categories.

  1. "Simplified"... The whole tile is installed from one of the corners, the second corner has a cut material. This layout can be used only if the length of the trimmed tiles is more than half of the whole. In our case, the length of the wall should be at least 240 cm, further change in length may fluctuate in one direction or another in multiples of the size of the tile.
  2. "Village". The wizard in the corners sets the segments of the same length. This option is somewhat better than the first, but it cannot be considered optimal for Italian tiles either.
  3. "Classic"... First, you need to figure out the number of whole rows of tiles that can fit on the wall. For example, if the wall is 210 cm long and the tiles are 50 cm long, then four whole tiles will fit. To perform further calculations, we remove one tile, regardless of the distance of free space to the corner. Further, the remaining three rows of tiles are placed along the axis of symmetry of the wall, trims are installed in the remaining gaps. In any case, their length will be more than half the length of the whole tile, which is what we wanted to have as a result. The disadvantage of the classic layout is a slight increase in the amount of materials. But professional designers advise making such sacrifices in order to give the bathtub a beautiful look with finished designs of Italian tiles.

"Rustic" layout can be used for facing boxes with utilities. If possible, it is recommended to cut a large tile into two parts and make a butt joint in the middle of the structure. Due to this, the room takes on a complete look.

Important. Only whole tiles should be placed on secret hatches, be sure to take this point into account during the preliminary layout.

It is easier to distribute tiles on the floor, these are flat surfaces without various hatches, shelves and protrusions. The algorithm is the same, the whole tile is placed in the middle of the bathroom, long undercuts remain in the corners. Make sure that the tile joints on the floor coincide with the tile joints on the walls, this is a very important point.

How to lay tiles correctly

Work on wall decoration with tiles begins after all issues with its placement have been resolved, taking into account the above requirements. If the Italian tile has a picture or ornament, then it should be placed in the middle of the wall or next to the bathroom.

To work, you will need a tile cutter, a large comb and small flat trowel, a rubber trowel, a level, a trowel, a container for making glue and a mixer attachment for an electric drill.

Step 1. Preparation of the base. Remove dirt and dust from the surface, the cleaner it is, the better the tile will hold.

Step 2. Treat floor and wall surfaces with a penetrating primer. It not only increases the adhesion coefficient, but also serves as a waterproof barrier.

Important. Keep in mind that there are no drywall boards that are not afraid of direct contact with water. In this regard, great attention should be paid to its protection from the influence of moisture.

The coating not only and not so much protects the plates from getting wet during the adoption of water procedures, but rather from absorbing moisture from the glue. Italian ceramic tiles are almost completely waterproof, and the tile joints carefully sealed with a special grout will never let the water through. The primer protects the load-bearing surfaces from water only when the tiles are laid on the adhesive diluted with water. Apply the primer solution evenly, do not allow it to accumulate on the surface or gaps. Use a roller or wide brushes. If necessary, you can apply a second layer, but only after the first one is completely dry.

Step 3. Waterproof your bathroom. It is imperative to waterproof the sections of the walls exposed to contact with water: the outlets of the water sockets, the connection points of the sewer pipes, the wall in the area of ​​the shower, bath and sink, the entire floor and the lower part of the wall adjacent to it. Choose the type of waterproofing taking into account the characteristics of the bath, but there is one general requirement - it must provide reliable protection.

Practical advice. The reliability of waterproofing depends not so much on its technical characteristics as on the correct application and compliance with the recommendations of the manufacturers. Follow all stages of waterproofing very carefully.

The first layer of waterproofing should be applied no earlier than four hours after priming. It is much easier to work with mastics, these are modern materials that meet the highest requirements. Apply the material especially carefully to the adjacent areas around the holes in the wall or floor. In order to waterproof the drainage and pipe runways, a special sealing gasket must be placed on the first layer of fresh mastic and the surface must be re-treated.

In the corner zones of the junction of walls and floors, use a waterproofing tape, glue it into the first layer of mastic and cover with the second one. The first layer of mastic should be thinner, applied with a brush. The second layer should be thick and applied with a spatula. Let us remind you once again that there is no need to waterproof the entire surface of the walls; finish only the areas most dangerous from the point of view of moisture penetration. This will save time and money, while at the same time the reliability of the waterproofing will remain at the required level. The drying time of the mastic depends on its type, but to guarantee, leave it overnight.

You can mark the places in which the sink and bathtub will be located and not revet them. But this is quite risky, if it is necessary to install new plumbing equipment, problems will arise. Professionals do not advise saving tiles in this way, in the future, insignificant savings can cause a significant increase in the cost of repair or installation work.

Completed waterproofing of wall surfaces

Step 4. Using a rope with blue paint, draw lines on the surface of the walls along which the tiles will be located on the wall.

Step 5. Prepare the tile adhesive, carefully break up all the lumps, allow about 10 minutes for the final infusion of the solution.

Step 6. Start laying the tiles according to the markings you made. The thickness of the adhesive depends on the size of the tiles, detailed instructions are indicated on the packaging.

Important. Make sure that the back of the tiles is in contact with the adhesive over an area of ​​at least 60%. Otherwise, the fixing strength will be unreliable.

When laying tiles, use crosses, constantly check the position with a level, make sure that the tiles lie in the same plane. The lowest row of tiles on the wall should only be installed after the floor has been tiled. This will allow you to accurately measure the width of the bottom row and close the area on the wall with the waterproofing layer.

Practical advice. There are often situations when, during the fitting of the tiles, the glue fills almost the entire space of the tile joints. This is very bad, after hardening, significant problems will arise during grouting of tile joints. The grout will not have the recommended thickness, leaving areas of insignificant thickness. A very thin layer will certainly fall off, you will have to do unplanned repair work. Experienced tilers advise, before laying the next tile with the tip of a trowel or spatula, to remove a little glue at the edge of the already installed one, the groove width is about a centimeter, the glue is removed to the wall surface. This simple technique will eliminate the filling of inter-tile joints with glue, the grout will have the required thickness and will be firmly held in the joint between the tiles.

Apply a second layer of adhesive to the heating element, level with a trowel or wide spatula. When leveling, try to keep the surface horizontal, do not allow large differences in height. This will speed up the subsequent laying of tiles and reduce the cost of expensive glue.

During grouting, completely fill the joints, press the grout to the full depth of the slots. It is better to work with a rubber trowel, it is guaranteed not to leave scratches on the tile surface. Choose a high-quality grout that is not afraid of direct contact with water, which has high plasticity and inhibits the development of various microorganisms. Once the grout starts to set, wipe it off with a flat, slightly damp sponge twice. The second time must ensure a perfect surface finish.

Video - Grouting tiles

Video - Grouting mosaic with epoxy grout

Italian tiles are renowned all over the world for their unique technical characteristics as well as unusually attractive designs. The success is due to the rich, unique cultural and historical heritage of the Mediterranean country, including handicraft traditions of working with ceramics.

Original traditions

Ceramic tiles have been produced in Italy for over 10 consecutive centuries. It all started with the decoration of churches on the island of Mallorca, later the material made of red clay fell in love with the local representatives of the aristocracy. Ceramic decoration of the interior space of the house or the facade clearly demonstrated the high social status of the owner. The production of majolica (tiles covered with a special colored glaze) was the next stage in the development of traditional Italian craft.

The peculiarities of ceramic tiles from Italy include their production in small family factories. In total, there are more than 350 such brands in the country, located in the Regio Emillia and Modena regions, known for their deposits of valuable red clay. It is to this material that the products of Italian brands owe their extraordinary qualities and an attractive, warm shade. The peculiarities of the production were kept secret and passed on to their heirs and successors of the family business.

Many factories nowadays practice the production of products created with the help of manual labor. Professional designers prepare an individual, unique ornament for each customer, which is subsequently made in a limited batch.

During the production process, special forms are made, into which the secret composition is poured and then baked. There are also larger companies supplying tiles, borders, panels and decor. a certain company gives a complete picture of the offered range. The combination of innovative technologies and centuries-old traditions has made it possible to obtain unusually high-quality products - Italian tiles.

Advantages of Italian ceramic tiles

Italian materials for floor and wall decoration are considered to be among the best in the world. Their undoubted advantages include resistance to increased loads and abrasion. Compliance with the technology will allow you to get a durable and very practical coating that will not lose its original appearance throughout the entire period of operation.

An important indicator of Italian tiles is their high level of hardness. Even increased loads are not able to deform the finishing material. This parameter is especially appreciated when arranging the interior space of public premises with high traffic: cinemas, shopping centers, educational institutions.

Fire resistance is also one of the benefits of using Italian ceramic products. Due to this indicator, it can be successfully used as a finishing material for fireplaces, aprons near stoves and stoves. The excellent thermal conductivity of Italian tiles is an irreplaceable property, thanks to which it is possible to create a "warm floor" floor covering. In this case, the thermal energy generated as a result of the operation of heating devices is consumed as efficiently as possible.

In addition, the image on ceramic tiles from Italy does not lose saturation and clarity over time. The products are resistant to water, direct sunlight and are not susceptible to mildew and mildew.

Options for various premises

Italian factories produce original collections designed for different rooms:

Living room;

Hallway and many others.

Depending on the type of premises, products acquire a certain design and technical characteristics. So, Italian bathroom tiles have high levels of resistance to moisture and can be decorated with an appropriate pattern: shells, fish, sea waves, and so on. Thanks to a special rough surface, such a finishing material is not at all slippery and therefore completely safe. Tiles for the kitchen have similar properties. Options for the living room or hallway delight the owners with a stylish and modern design that goes well with an existing interior solution or allows you to create a new one.

Tiles from Italy are always in fashion

Italy is known as the trendsetter of global fashion in the field of clothing, but the same can be said for tiles. It is no coincidence that many outstanding ceramic artists were born and raised in this sunny country. Both compatriots and customers from other states actively cooperate with them. As a result of such a partnership, original collections appear that fascinate the viewer with the beauty and harmony of the pattern.

Today Italy is the undisputed leader in the creation of the current design of finishing materials.

The nature of the ornamentation may differ depending on the room where the tiles are used. For the kitchen, they choose more cheerful and carefree plots, for the living room - solemn or classic options, for the bathroom - pacifying and harmonious sea patterns.

Italian tiles, the catalog of which is presented on the site, can be made not only in the classic, but also in a more daring avant-garde style.

Original colors, unusual ornaments and textures provide great opportunities for experiments that will be appreciated by creative people.

Similar options can be used when zoning a room, since with their help you can successfully place accents and establish a hierarchy in the interior.

Original and high quality products are able to give the design originality and uniqueness. A creative and competent approach to using it as a finishing material will allow you to turn your own home into a great place for work and play.

In the modern world, there are a lot of finishing materials for bathrooms and toilets. However, despite the fact that more and more new, modified options appear every year, the old classics do not lose their relevance.

And we are talking about ceramic tiles.

This material perfectly tolerates moisture, does not deteriorate under thermal influence. Needless to say, how durable the tiles are? Modern tiles look very attractive and help create a versatile, unique room design.

Basically, the tiles are composed of clay, which is mined in the Apennine Peninsula. This clay is famous for its qualities, which is why Italian tiles are very popular all over the world.


More than 20 factories operate on the territory of Italy, the main activity of which is reduced to the production of tiles.

The oldest factory was founded over 150 years ago and is still doing an excellent job.

Many factories for the production of bathroom coatings are a real family business, and the old traditions of creating tiles are passed on from generation to generation.

Some modern enterprises produce exclusive models and collections that will not only diversify the interior, but also make a real gallery out of the bathroom.

Important! Often, manual labor is used to create a tile pattern.

Many Italian factories continue to introduce innovative technologies that allow them to produce the highest quality products.

More recently, Italian craftsmen have introduced tiles to the wide market, which are called "glaze" for a kind of coating.

Glaze applied to ordinary earthenware is also the know-how of Italian craftsmen.

Also, in the production of tiles, different types of clay are used, but mainly white, which is mined in Italy.

All materials are of the highest quality recognized throughout the world.


In factories and factories in Italy, tiles are produced not only for bathrooms, but also, this finishing material can have any other purpose.

For example:

  • finishing of facades and buildings.
  • decoration of hotels.
  • public spaces.
  • tiles are used in showers, swimming pools, saunas and so on.

Thanks to such a large list of directions, Italian tiles can be called truly versatile.

Important! If you choose a material specifically for the bathroom, then you need to pay attention to the material that is intended specifically for wet rooms or for cladding.


Approaching the choice of material, each person wants to make sure that the tiles they buy will withstand the tests of temperature and moisture. What should Italian tiles be resistant to?

  • To the action of chemicals, because often the bathroom is washed with the help of special solutions based on chemical elements.
  • Ultraviolet radiation.
  • To sudden changes in temperature.
  • To moist air and to water in general.

Ecological cleanliness

Many people on our planet are concerned that they are using materials in their homes that do not meet safety requirements.

  • Italian tiles are made from natural ingredients. At the same time, factories claim that volatile organic solvents are not used in the manufacture of this finishing material. That is why it can be concluded that when heated, toxic substances are not released even when exposed to high temperatures.
  • A distinctive feature of Italian tiles is the fact that they do not absorb odors.
  • Also, it does not have flammability properties and does not emit combustion products that can provoke fire hazardous situations.

The tiles can be used after they have served their purpose in your bathroom. The secondary raw materials are suitable for the production of new ceramic products.

Efficiency and energy saving

The tile not only meets the requirements of environmental friendliness. It has the ability to store heat, store it, and radiate it back into the room. Therefore, this type of finishing material will keep the bathroom warm, even if there is no heating.

Having received a charge from steam, the tile tends to spread it around.


Italian tiles are easy to clean. Washing it is just as easy as other furnishings in the house.

Occasionally it can be wiped off with a sponge soaked in water, and, if desired, detergent can be added.

Styles and design

Hollywood glamor

These tiles are preferable for those who want to create a real glamorous studio from their bathroom. This mosaic-style tile truly transforms a room. Creates smooth transitions of tones, helps to place accents in the interior, makes it lively and at the same time shimmer.

A distinctive feature of such tiles is their glossy surface, which adds extra shine. Feels as if the lights of a huge metropolis are located around you.


The new classic allows you to create a feeling of coziness and comfort. The style is versatile, suitable for various premises. In neoclassicism, the leading positions are taken by cream, blue, olive, sand and pearl shades. Sometimes they combine to create true color geometry.

Accents allow to dilute the interior, but at the same time, make it austere and rich. "Modern luxury", as many designers have dubbed this tile. Most often, this style is used in luxury hotel rooms or houses renovated to match the classics.

This style does not imply pomp, it consists of modern materials.


It is the basis for the use of modern technologies to create a unique style. For a bathroom in the Art Nouveau style, both limited and unlimited spaces with a shower are suitable.

There are a huge number of collections of tiles for furnishing a space in the Art Nouveau style. Most often, contrasting colors and pictures are used, which allow you to delimit the area without using any partitions.

For the Art Nouveau style, you do not need to think over plumbing and household appliances, since the design of the walls will attract more attention.


Lofts have their origins in America, when people began to populate in the premises of old factories. Loft-style tiles involve different types of bricks. Also, this is a coating for cement or artificially created concrete. Purchase of other textures is also possible.

Very often in one bathroom, residents try to combine several types of tiles at once to create the most accurate resemblance to an industrial space.


Moroccan collections offer vibrant colors and variegated prints. Such ornaments are a real proof of human genius.

In the past, Arab artists painted bathroom walls by hand.

Today, it is enough to choose the correct tile pattern. Moroccan patterns are fast, vibrant, repeating over a small area. Combines the brightest colors, from yellow, blue to green and gold.

The Moroccan style is a real standard of taste, but only if the designer is able to choose the right plumbing and accessories, which is a rather difficult task.


The vintage collection is the epitome of elegance and good taste at the same time. In the production of such tiles, pastel colors and golden shades are used.

The vintage style appeared at the turn of the 50s of the last century and is a partial echo of the late Middle Ages. Very often, such tiles are combined with borders, stucco moldings and a variety of decorative elements.

Vintage ornament contains beautiful patterns, as a rule, interlacing of leaves and flowers.

The drawing can be both soft and clear, but always located on a matte nude background.


Fusion in the bathroom interior invites you to combine the incongruous. That is, it combines different ideas and incompatible styles.

For example, on a white classic background, various painted scenes and comic characters can be located, bright shades and incongruous colors appear.

Most often, fusion-style tiles involve a combination of various variegated bright shades on one square meter.

This tile is checkered, it makes the bathtub very bright.


The minimalist collection offers monochrome colors on a glossy or matte surface. There are no drawings, images, additional decorations here.

Minimalism involves the use of soft colors in order to create cleanliness and spaciousness for the space. It can be not only one laconic color, but also a repetition of the structure of wood or stone.

Minimalist tiles are also often used not only in homes, but also in offices, hotels, and public washrooms.

This tile will ideally emphasize the features of the room, while not creating bright accents.


Tile in a modern style involves the placement of material in a structure reminiscent of marble, mirrored wall or wood. Today it is a very popular design for the bathroom, which is used all over the place, and it is very easy to match the bathroom fixtures to this style.

The modern style in the bathroom creates a sense of large space, as well as minimal workload. The surface of the tiles can be either glossy or matte.

The size of each piece is usually large, there are no mosaics.

Combination of large tiles and mosaics

Combining large pieces and a mosaic pattern can be done in order to make individual elements stand out. Most often, the entire room is finished with large tile objects, and places next to the showers, under the shelves, or the delimitation of a parallel or vertical line is done using a mosaic.

Very often this technique is used when creating oriental interiors. Small mosaics are perfect as edging in the bathroom, to create a patterned surface around the mirror.

Large tiles will soften the colorful ornament a little and make smooth transitions.

Geometric patterns

Bright geometric patterns will be a real highlight of your bathroom. They can be placed both along one wall, and they can capture the entire room at once.

However, with clean lines and unnaturally vibrant colors, you should keep your bathroom fixtures minimalist.

Otherwise, the design will look too colorful.


14 ora italiana

The name of this company stands for “14:00 Italian time”.

The company is conveniently located on the site of agricultural holdings in Italy, Emilia-Romagna region. The population is about 10,000 people, most of whom work in the factory. The oldest traditions are used in the manufacture.

The company is rapidly gaining popularity, and for many years has been a direct supplier to large construction hypermarkets.

Atlas concorde

An Italian brand that is no less popular and in demand. Atlas Concorde has contracts with many of the world's leading chains to deliver its products directly.

This brand was one of the very first to receive the fundamental rights to call its products an eco-label. In the catalogs of the manufacturer, you will find a huge number of collections.

The jewel is a collection that imitates wood, natural stone, and a combination of these materials.

Fap ceramiche

These firms combine the traditions inherited from the ancient Italian masters. This business is a family one, and the heirs of the house from generation to generation try to maintain the set trends.

The brand offers high quality products in a classic style. If you liked the collections of this manufacturer, then it can be noted that you have impeccable taste, as well as a craving for luxury.

The manufacturer offers rich and noble colors, as well as pleasant tactile sensations from contact.

A huge number of various decorative coatings are produced.

This brand is also popular in Italy and the United States of America. The brand has recently appeared on the Russian market, but has also gained popularity.

The tiles are designed in accordance with environmental requirements. Collections allow you to keep the warmth of the atmosphere in the room. We offer classic collections that imitate a marble surface.

There are also collections that are designed for high-tech houses. These are sleek glossy tiles as well as minimalist prints.

Kerama marazzi

This is probably the most popular brand not only in Italy, but also in other large countries where supplies are made. Kerama Marazzi first appeared on the construction market about 100 years ago.

To begin with, the company produced building finishing materials and has firmly established itself in the construction business. However, the brand soon began to offer ceramic mosaic tiles for bathrooms as well. The company's products are varied and of high quality.

The main direction of the collection is ethnic patterns with plant and animal prints.

This tile will be a real decoration for your room.


The tiles from the Imola brand are considered elite. It allows you to create a sophisticated interior that has a touch of luxury. For the needs of this company, three enterprises work at once.

They produce porcelain stoneware, monocottures, bicottures. These are different methods of firing tiles. The assortment includes about three hundred different collections.

It specializes in the production of bright tiles in the Art Nouveau and Fusion style. Hollywood chic is also reflected in these collections. The tiles are bright, glossy, asymmetrical. Designers offer several color combinations.

The company is experimenting not only with color options, but also with textures. Adds glaze, offers perfect gloss or glitters.

Iris ceramica

Iris ceramica has been operating on the Russian market for over 20 years. This is the production of classic ceramic tiles based on ancient traditions. The products are in great demand in the West and very popular in Russia.

Popular are collections that are created in marble, wood or concrete. the tiles are perfectly glossy, creating an atmosphere of dear cold tell. Some collections can be used in loft interiors.

The main advantage is constant marketing research, thanks to which each new collection creates a real sensation.

La fabbrica

The company has been on the Russian market for over 10 years. Mainly engaged in the wholesale and production of quality floor tiles for bathroom and other premises.

It is a direct supplier to the world's leading companies. There are collections in the Moroccan style that perfectly convey the warmth and diversity of the East. These collections allow you to create a unique bathroom design, one visit to which will delight. Very often, such tiles are ordered for cladding hammam, saunas and Turkish baths.

She actively releases collections at least three to four times a year.

The Rango company existed until 1989 as a separate company, after which it was merged with the Marazzi company.

A recognizable brand that produces bathroom tiles on a huge scale. Introduces the latest technologies into its production. Offers a variety of collections, from classic to modern.

Large suppliers purchase all collections as they are limited editions. These or those collections do not end up in Russia at all. Regardless of the style in which the tiles are made, they will definitely be successful with buyers.

Differs in a loyal pricing policy.

The Sant Agostino factory was originally a small workshop near the Monastery of St. Augustine. Thanks to the economic boom, the small factory was converted into a technology enterprise, the main goal of which was the production of Italian ceramic tiles.

This company does not have many collections, but they all correspond to the understanding of modern luxury. It's not just tiles that echo color or popular textures. There are designs that look like randomly scattered images that add personality to your bathroom.

Also, the collections of this company are often replenished, and designers offer new solutions in order to combine several options at once.

The company was formed in 1969. The tile quickly gained popularity and entered the world market. The brand is one of the most dynamic and fastest growing. The factory's products are widely distributed all over the world. Mainly offers solutions for the comfort of large classic houses.

The firm is located in Tuscany. The design of these tiles was influenced by Provence. In the images, you can often see bouquets of lavender, olives and branches, wine or grapes, as well as other symbols of this fertile land. The tiles are mainly in terracotta, beige shades. There are aqua and meadow green collections.

Also, so-called capsule collections appear, which are produced in limited editions and are not even always supplied to Russia.

You can buy such a collection only on the official website.


For the most part, it produces claddings in the traditional Italian style. But there are manners to conquer the neoclassical and even fusion style. Designers are already working on this direction. The assortment has expanded significantly and by 2018 there are more than 200 collections that can be purchased. Deliveries are made to Russia.

The traditional Italian style is mainly terracotta tiles, but also a few patterns in the form of a mosaic. The combination of large tiles and mosaics creates a unique effect. Despite all the severity, the bath acquires warm and at the same time interesting colors. Mosaic accents perfectly accentuate the structure of the room.

In recent years, the company has been actively cooperating with other manufacturers in order to create special unusual collections.

The history of this factory began in the forties of the last century. Several partners pooled their capitals and built a plant that allows for a full cycle line and production of tiles. The process was launched and tiles quickly gained popularity among Italians. Later she became known all over the world and received corresponding recognition.

After a couple of decades, the company has become a popular European brand. To date, 5 collections are available for purchase.

The design of the tiles is made in a classic manner. This means that the models are suitable for vintage, classic and neoclassical homes.

Mostly in the collections there are pearl, olive, ash, nude shades.

Examples in the interior