How to move Windows programs to another drive losslessly.

Anton Maksimov, 12.08.2016 (17.10.2018)

As you probably know, Windows 10 has its own catalog of programs called "Store" (despite the name, free programs are also abundant in it). These applications are installed in just a couple of clicks and you can use them right away. But where they are installed and how you can change the location is far from immediately clear, because during installation, the system does not ask for a disk for storage. It turns out that everything is quite simple. It is very easy to move an already installed program from the Store or specify a disk for installing new ones.

Let's start by moving the already installed programs. To do this, open the Windows settings and in the "System" section, select the "Device memory" item and the disk from which we want to transfer applications. Then we select the item "Applications and games". A list of installed programs appears, which includes both classic applications (for the desktop) and applications from the Windows store.

Select an application from the Store from the list and click on it. Two buttons "Move" and "Delete" appear.

We select "Move", after which a new window is formed in front of us, in which we must select the disk to which you want to move the application. To complete the process, click on the "Move" button.

Now let's look at how we can set the drive on which to install all new programs. To do this, switch to the settings in the "System" section, select the "Device memory" item. At the bottom, click on the item "Change where new content is saved".

In the window that appears, we find the item "New applications will be saved here" and change the disk to the one where you need to save the newly installed programs.

After that, all new programs will automatically install on it.

It should be additionally reminded that only those programs that were installed through the Windows store can be transferred in this way. Classic applications are installed “the old fashioned way” - each time a new program is installed, a storage location is selected. You can't just move a classic application to another drive. To do this, it is better to remove it and then install it again, choosing a new disk at the beginning of the installation.

In this article, we will review SymMover, a program that will allow us to solve one of the main problems when changing hard drives.

Your old HDD is full. Of course, if you store mostly simple files, videos and music on it, moving to a new, more spacious drive will not cause problems. But the software, which often consists of modules that overlap with links to certain places on the hard disk, is difficult to move unless you reinstall it (which can lead to the loss of personal files).

SymMover solves this problem as follows. First, it copies the program folder itself, then creates in its place something like a shortcut that sends all requests from Windows to a new location. And that's not all! In addition to programs, SymMover can copy any folder in this way - fooling the system.

This miracle is designed for Vista and "seven" - the program has not yet been ported to XP and Metro. Also, both the "donor" and "acceptor" must be formatted in NTFS, but for the above systems, problems should not arise.


Before I begin, let me warn you. You should not try to use the program on the software, the installation discs from which are lost or inaccessible. When moving, there is a small probability that the files will still be damaged, and despite the scanty value of this probability, neither I nor the site are responsible in case of data loss as a result of using the program.

I declare that I have tested this program many times personally and there were no problems. But just in case, remember that you use it at your own peril and risk.

Using SymMover

When you run the program, you will not see anything interesting besides information about free space on disks and their partitions:

To benefit from a program, you must first add the programs and folders that you want to move. To do this, click the "Add" button:

You will see a list of installed programs, as well as a menu in which you can select folders yourself. Do not forget to specify the destination as well - by default the program copies to the D: / SymMover / folder.

After you select several programs and folders, return to the main menu and click on the green arrow to start the process. As you can see, for example, I have selected the "fattest" pieces of software.

Naturally, the process will go better, faster and with better quality, because without it you will only see a green, boring panel.

After the Mover finishes its work, check the program's functionality, and if you are interested, take a look at its new "house" on the neighboring hard drive.

As you can see, my test program (Boxee) works without issue.

Download SymMover

To download this miracle of wonders from our portal,. As I said, the program is available only for Vista and Windows 7. XP users are out of luck, and beta testers of the eighth version simply haven't delivered it yet.


The main obstacle to a clean computer is our laziness. We are too lazy to clean up temporary files after deleting. We are too lazy to reinstall the system. We're too lazy to go out and buy a new hard drive.

Programs make it all much easier. Reinstall Windows without losing personal files? No problem, . Clean out temporary and junk files? There is a wonderful one. The hard drive can be purchased from the online store. Now you can easily move to a new larger disk without reinstalling and re-downloading everything again. In a way, this is good because it saves time. On the other hand, this indulgence of human laziness can ultimately lead to something bad. You should be careful - for now!

When installing programs on a computer, users almost always leave the default settings, in particular the path where the application will be installed. As a result, the folder with installed programs on the system disk can grow to indecent sizes and you constantly have to free up free space there. On the one hand, it seems to be not scary, but in the absence of space on the system disk, Windows starts to freeze or may stop altogether.

FreeMove - move software from the system disk

It is very simple, without uninstalling and then reinstalling applications, a small free program FreeMove will help to solve the above problem. Its main function is to transfer any folders to other drives, including those in which various applications are installed. The transfer is carried out in such a way that the functionality of the applications is fully preserved.

Download, write to disk and run FreeMove (no installation required). The application interface is only English, but all actions are absolutely clear. In the "Move From" field, select the folder that we want to move. Accordingly, the “To” field will contain the destination address. Then we click on the "Move" button and the procedure is completed.

The principle of operation of the FreeMove utility is quite unusual: after moving data to a specified location, all files are deleted from the original folder, and shortcuts remain in their place. So that this picture in Windows Explorer does not confuse you, before moving, check the box next to the item "Set original folder to hidden" - this option will hide the original folders.

For FreeMove to work, you must have the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 wrapper installed. In addition, to transfer data from the Program Files folder, the utility must be run as administrator.

We urgently need to reinstall Windows and the question arose, is there any universal way transfer the program with all the settings from the old operating system to the new one without reinstalling. First of all, the torrent client is of interest, I have about 100 distributions in it, I also need to transfer the Opera and Mozilla browser, they have a lot of necessary bookmarks, well, the VirtualBox virtual machine, it has three operating systems installed, I dare not be more impudent. A year ago I was in the same situation, I tried to transfer everything myself to a new Windows, I used the instructions on the Internet, but unfortunately I could not transfer anything, it may be funny for you, but for me it was a disaster, so I ask for help. Denis.

How to transfer the program

I have been asked for a long time to tell how transfer the program from one computer to another, such an article is being prepared, as for transferring programs from old Windows to a new one, of course there is a way and I will explain it to you now. One thing, but first of all, we will consider the transfer of programs to Windows XP and at the end of the article the same information for Windows 7.
The method is simple and repeatedly tested, but unfortunately it is not universal and will not work for some programs, but then something else will do, experiment, if you succeed and the program works, then in most cases you will have to enter the key, be prepared for this.

  • For the future, Denis, if you need to carry out risky manipulations with a computer, with your own or someone else's and you are not sure of a favorable outcome of the case, first of all, before your experiments, make a backup of the system, for example, in the Acronis program. If something goes wrong with you, you will be able to roll back, reconsider your actions, find an error and start over, believe me, this is very convenient (creating a restore point sometimes does not help, remember this). For example, I am often asked to unlock the operating system from a virus Send SMS and reinstall Windows, in which case, before searching, I always create a system backup, in principle it is not difficult to search for a Winlock virus, but there is always a possibility of erroneous actions and if there is a backup, I feel much more confident ...

So we need transfer programs uTorrent, Opera, Mozilla and the VirtualBox virtual machine, and then we'll talk about how to port other programs.

First of all, we will transfer the program uTorrent with all settings. We better copy the working folder of the uTorrent program from the folder to the USB flash drive C: \ Program Files, it is called uTorrent.

Secondly, copy the uTorrent folder from the folder Application Data, it is hidden, in order to see it, you need to remove this attribute, Start-> Control Panel, then Folder Options-> View, then check the "Show hidden files and folders" item and uncheck the "Hide protected system files" item.

It is located at C: \ Documents and Settings \ Username \ Application Data \ uTorrent, it is in Application Data that all service folders of programs are located,

we also transfer it to a USB flash drive, the name, as you can see, for the folders is the same Opera, and the content is different, do not confuse them, after reinstalling the operating system, you will need to transfer everything we copied to its original place. By the way, if you open the uTorrent folder located in the Application Data, you will see all your distributions in it.

  • As for the programs Opera, Mozilla, we do the same with them.

We reinstall the operating system. We do not reinstall the programs, but return the folders we copied to the new Windows XP to their places, one in C: \ Program Files, and the other in C: \ Documents and Settings \ Username \ Application Data \. Run the programs with a file with the extension.exe, for example uTorrent.exe

from a personal folder located in C: \ Program Files. Have you started it? You can make sure that all your distributions are in place.
VirtualBox virtual machine, before reinstalling the operating system, copy the personal folder of the Oracle machine to the USB flash drive at C: \ Program Files \ Oracle.

We also copy the VirtualBox VMs folder, at C: \ Documents and Settings \ Username \ VirtualBox VMs,

I want to say that in volume it will be quite large, depending on the operating systems installed in VirtualBox.

That's it, reinstall Windows XP. We do not reinstall the VirtualBox program, but simply return the folders we copied to their places. We start your virtual operating systems for the first time directly from the C: \ Documents and Settings \ Username \ VirtualBox VMs folder.

As for the transfer of programs to a freshly installed Windows 7 we do almost the same, only instead of the Application Data folder in Windows 7, the folder is used Roaming located at C: \ Users \ ALEX \ AppData \ Roaming.

Software developers are constantly making programs easier to use, but installing them is time-consuming and tedious. That is why the question of how to transfer the program to a PC in working order worries users.

Transferring programs from one computer to another can come in handy in such cases:

You need to reinstall Windows;

Want to buy a new PC and move the programs you already used there;

It is necessary to replace the hard drive (hard drive) without losing the necessary data.

The easiest way is to transfer the program to another computer via PickMeApp.

Transferring programs usingPickMeApp.

The lightest and most affordable product for transferring installed programs, this applicationPickMeApp.

1. The application can be downloaded from our website.

2. Installing the utility is pretty easy. But there are several but, during installation, select the installation in the C drive, the Program Files folder and, for example, the port folder (this is how the path C: \ Program Files \ Port will look like). Also, during installation, you will be prompted to install 3 more programs that you may not need. In the gray boxes with the text, press the Decline button 3 times. If you don't, Opera, Uninstaller and RegCleaner will be installed!

3. PickMeApp works only in English, but everything is clear and so, in working withPickMeApp. If you have any questions, just read this manual carefully. The program will sort all applications that are installed on your computer into two folders: Qualified Applications and Nonqualified Applications (those that can be transferred and those that are not). Applications can only be migrated from the first Qualified Applications folder. The big disadvantage of the program is the ability to transfer not all programs:

4. Put a check mark next to the desired program and press "Capture" to move.

5. Wait until the end of copying and click the "Save As Exe" button in the right part of the window:

6. All program files will be saved in the folderPickMeApp / TAPPS:

7. Copy them to a USB flash drive or hard drive. Install the utility on another computerPickMeApp and launch the selected programs:

8. That's all the transfer is complete.

It is imperative to pay attention before transferring the program to another computer:

You can transfer programs only as an administrator;

Even if you use paid applications, large software like Microsoft Office will not work after moving;

Along with the files, you can move viruses and infected files located in the copied folder.

So you have moved all the programs you need to a new or different computer. But what to do if you need programs that cannot be moved usingPickMeApp?

Create or download a portable version of the required program.

First, I'll tell you what the portable version of the program is. This is a program that can work on any computer from any storage medium. Usually programs are installed on a computer and if, for example, you copy a program to another computer, it will not function correctly. The difference between the portable version is that it can work anywhere and is not tied to any computer. Such a program can be carried with you on a USB flash drive and on which computer you did not run it, it will work everywhere, naturally within the framework of a family of operating systems.

I will not tell you how to create a portable program, for many it may seem difficult. You can not create, but simply download on the Internet almost any program in the portable version. Just write to the search "download the name of the program portable" - we find and download the program you need. If you have any questions, you can ask them on our forum.