Innovative activities like. Innovative activity of the enterprise

Lecture "Organization

Innovation activity "

The essence of innovation and its functions (stimulating, investment, reproduction).

Innovation represents the first practical application of a new scientific and technical, production and technological, organizational and managerial or other solution that can increase the final economic results of the financial and economic (commercial) activities of the enterprise.

Not all innovations are of a qualitative nature, radically changing the technology and organization of production. Many innovations involve relatively minor changes. The history of economics shows that most often scientific and technological progress is not revolutionary, but evolutionary. Such innovations can be defined as improvements.

Improvements- these are innovations characterized by a relatively small impact on the dynamics of the development of a particular object.

All types of management activities are interrelated and, as a rule, should be carried out in parallel (Fig. 1). Moreover, the ultimate success of any type of management activity depends on its innovative component. And vice versa: the ultimate success of innovative management is possible only on the basis of the implementation of its ideas and developments in the practice of other types of management.

The innovation fulfills the following three functions:

- reproductive;

- investment;

- stimulating.

Reproductive function means that innovation is an important source of funding for expanded reproduction. The meaning of the reproductive function is to profit from innovation and use it as a source of financial resources.

The profit received from the implementation of the innovation can be used in various directions, including as capital. This capital can be used to finance new types of innovation. Thus, the use of the profit from innovation for investment constitutes the content investment function innovation.

Making a profit through the implementation of innovation directly corresponds to the main goal of any commercial organization. Profit serves as an incentive for the entrepreneur to introduce new innovations; encourages to constantly study demand, improve the organization of marketing activities, apply modern methods of financial management. It all makes up the content stimulating function innovation.

The concept of innovation and innovation process.

Innovative activity is a complex of scientific, technological, organizational, financial and commercial activities aimed at the commercialization of accumulated knowledge, technologies and equipment.

Innovation process is a process of successive transformation of an idea into a product, going through the stages of fundamental and applied research, design development, marketing, production and sales

Types of innovative activities of the enterprise.

Innovative activity of the enterprise for the development, implementation, development and commercialization of innovations includes:

1. Carrying out research and development work on the development of the idea of ​​innovation, laboratory research, the manufacture of laboratory samples of new products, types of new technology, new designs and products;

2. Selection of the necessary types of raw materials and materials for the manufacture of new types of products;

3. Development of a technological process for the manufacture of new products;

4. Design, manufacture, testing and mastering of equipment samples necessary for the manufacture of products;

5. Development and implementation of new organizational and management solutions aimed at implementing innovations;

6. Research, development or acquisition of the necessary information resources and information support of innovations;

7. Training, education, retraining and special methods of personnel selection required for R&D;

8. Carrying out work or purchasing the necessary documentation for licensing, patenting, acquisition of know-how;

9. Organization and conduct of marketing research to promote innovation, etc.

Characteristic features of innovation:

1. Increased risk;

2. Cyclicity at the micro and macro level (at the macro level, associated with the large Kondratyev cycles, at the micro level with the life cycle of a particular product);

3. Dependence of the efficiency of resource use on the level of technology novelty;

4. Specific marketing and models for promoting innovations to the market.

Stages of knowledge reproduction.

The economic content of innovation can be revealed using the reproductive approach, highlighting the entire sequence of stages that are continuous and interconnected:

Life cycle of innovation

Innovation processes can be presented as successively replacing each other stages of the life cycle of new products - from theoretical substantiation of its concept to experimental development, testing and mass distribution.

Managers specializing in the management of innovation processes must have a good understanding of the life cycle curve of any innovation, i.e. periods of its ups and downs in order to timely enter the market with next innovations (Figure 2).

After the creation of an innovation in the course of scientific and technical activities of the first three stages - fundamental and applied research, experimental design and other similar works - the processes of industrial and commercial use of innovations begin, which have confirmed their effectiveness in the course of experimental tests.

The dynamics of financial flows of the stages of innovation processes is shown in the figure using curve 1. It shows that at stages 1, 2, 3, during which innovations (innovations) are still being created, the amount of investment costs will constantly increase.

However, already at the stage of implementation and especially at the stage of growth in production volumes carried out on the basis of mastered innovations, the amount of investments required for this will tend to decrease.

At the stages of commercialization of effective innovation, sooner or later the moment of return comes, i.e. full return on investment. The dynamics of the processes of change in sales volumes is shown in the form of curve 2.

Technological structure.

Technological structure - a set of technologies characteristic of a certain level of production development. It is believed that 5 technological orders have been passed in the world, at the moment the Sixth technological structure is coming.

The concept of the innovation cycle. Stages of the innovation cycle. The innovation cycle model. Types of the innovation cycle. The minimum and maximum duration of the innovation cycle. The innovation cycle and the life cycle of a product or service. Methods for reducing the innovation cycle.

Joint ventures

A joint venture can be defined as an institution of inter-firm cooperation in the development, production or marketing of a product, is not based on short-term market transactions and involves significant and lasting contributions from partners in the form of capital, technology or other assets. In many cases, management responsibilities are divided between partner firms.

There are four types of technology-oriented joint ventures:

cooperation between firms only in research;

sharing proven technologies within a single product line or across multiple products. These JVs are particularly well known in the global microelectronics and robotics industries for their widespread cross-licensing practices;

joint development of one or more products (in commercial aircraft and motor building, in certain segments of the telecommunications, microelectronic and biotechnological industries);

cooperation through the performance of various functions or stages of the product life cycle, inherent in a number of international ones. JV in the field of biotechnology, pharmacology, in the steel industry and the automotive industry. This refers to situations when one firm develops a new product or marketing procedure, and another firm carries out production and adaptation to the foreign market.

Business incubator models.

There are a number of options for organizing incubators, and the choice of a specific solution depends on the stakeholders and the purpose of the incubator. There are the following categories:


Special (for example, high technology);

Star-shaped model;

Public and social incubators;

Virtual incubators.

Group model- these incubators invite and serve all types of businesses. The advantages are a mixed business environment and the stimulation of communication between enterprises, as well as the production of various types of goods and services. This mixed environment makes it easier to find clients and is suitable for areas with a low concentration of business activities, such as incubators in large cities serving businesses in the countryside.

Special model- such incubators are created to support start-up enterprises working in a specific industry, for example, automotive, biotechnology, IT. This option is suitable for areas where businesses with a specific sector are concentrated, and is often supported by universities or large companies that would like to transfer technology or research to small start-up businesses that have the same level of specialized knowledge and skills. These incubators require special infrastructure, facilities, laboratories and equipment. Additionally, it is required that incubator personnel also have a good knowledge of the specifics of the industry.

Star model- such incubators are created in areas with a low density of entrepreneurs, for example, in small cities and rural areas. This model offers an efficient way of providing wide access to services and incubator rooms and eliminates the costs that would be required to set up multiple separate incubators. The central incubator acts as the core of this system, where management is located and basic services are provided, such as educational, meeting rooms, office and production facilities, broadband Internet access, etc.

This central incubator is connected (using information technology, if possible) by satellite incubators, which can be very small local entrepreneurship support centers that provide information, consulting and general business services. In such satellite incubators, work space may be provided on a part-time or time-basis basis.

Public / social incubators- Many incubators are not created with the aim of generating profit for the owner or participants, but for returning the resulting profit back to the incubator and achieving sustainability. These incubators are often set up as part of local community projects and can have a significant impact on improving local economies and increasing entrepreneurial knowledge and values. The use of best practices is equally important for such incubators, and their activities should be aimed at improving the well-being of the whole society in this area - “social integration”.

Virtual incubators- with the penetration and development of information and telecommunication technologies, the need to provide a physical infrastructure for incubation decreases.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs, for personal, family or financial reasons, decide to start their own business at home or in the immediate vicinity. However, they still need access to services and support, even if they do not need the premises offered by the incubator. This no-wall model operates over information networks, providing services to entrepreneurs remotely, and increasingly over the Internet, using e-mail and virtual private networks (VPNs) to link entrepreneurs with a virtual incubator sophis or with each other. Virtual incubators are often created from physically existing incubators, which allows the incubator to grow its client base, develop communities of interest among entrepreneurs, and create a sustainable local and regional communication network.

Lecture "Organization

Innovation activity "

Functions and types of innovation. Features of innovation

Innovative activity can be organized at different levels of management - directly at the enterprise, within the framework of the association of enterprises, at the regional and state level. At each level, its own ways and methods of organizing innovation are applied.

Innovation strategy at the micro level, i.e. at the level of an enterprise or organization (Fig. 19.1), is determined by the basic development strategies of the enterprise, the nature of the innovative tasks arising from this, the presence of the innovative potential of the enterprise.

An innovation strategy determines the type of innovation activity, its forms, as well as specific methods of its organization. The organization of innovative activities is aimed at streamlining the processes of generating new ideas, searching and developing technical solutions, creating innovations, introducing them into production and company management, and commercializing innovations.

Rice. 19.1.

Organization of innovation activity includes the formation and reorganization of structures that carry out innovation processes. Such work can take place in various forms, the main of which are creation, absorption, selection.

Creation - it is the formation of new enterprises, structural divisions or units designed to carry out innovative activities. These can be design and scientific and technical departments and independent organizations created both inside and outside the parent organization.

In some cases, a very effective organizational mechanism can be absorption a large company of small innovative firms whose activities are within the circle of interests of this company. This mechanism leads to a significant reduction in the time it takes to enter the market with a new product, and, in addition, allows you to obtain a synergistic effect from the combination of innovative achievements. Small innovative firms themselves may also be interested in takeovers, since they do not always have sufficient funds to continue innovation.

The mechanism that complements the takeover is the establishment of close ties between a large company and small innovative firms based on long-term contractual relationships. This partnership creates an innovative environment for a manufacturing company.

Selection - an organizational mechanism involving the creation of independent innovative companies that were previously part of integral entities. It is advisable to carry out such actions when a new direction of activity is formed, not related to the main specialization of the company, diverting its resources to itself. A dedicated structure can be created as a subsidiary of the parent company, as a separate small enterprise under the founding of a large parent company, in order to then be transformed into an outsourcing firm serving the innovation process of the client firm.

The firm's innovation strategies can be divided into two groups: R&D strategies and innovation implementation and adaptation strategies. In the first group of strategies, the following can be distinguished:

  • 1) licensing strategy. Unfinished or completed developments are acquired for the purpose of their further development and use;
  • 2) parallel development strategy. This strategy involves the simultaneous acquisition of a technological license for a finished product and the implementation and development of its own developments;
  • 3) a research leadership strategy aimed at achieving advanced positions in the field of certain R&D.

The second group of strategies is associated with the introduction of innovations. Among them:

  • 1) strategy to support the product line. Its meaning is to improve the consumer properties of manufactured traditional goods that are not subject to strong obsolescence;
  • 2) strategy of product and process simulation, in which the company borrows technology from outside;
  • 3) a strategy of radical technological and product advancement. This is a rather expensive and risky strategy, but in some cases it leads to success;
  • 4) the strategy of waiting for the leader. It is accepted by large enterprises-leaders during periods of new products entering the market, the demand for which has not yet been determined. Initially, a small firm enters the market, and then, if successful, the leader seizes the initiative.

An important factor in the success of an enterprise's innovative activities is to stimulate the creative activity of its employees. How to achieve the participation of each specialist in the search for new technologies, products and management solutions? How to form everyone's creative attitude to their work? How to motivate employees of an entrepreneurial structure to change? The answers to these questions lie not only in management theory, but also in the practice of the firm. In order for the author or authors of an idea to take up its implementation with enthusiasm, they need support. That is why organizations need to develop special programs to support and encourage experimentation and experimenters. Everyone who has expressed a new idea or developed this or that innovative project, under certain conditions, is guaranteed support from the management, which may relate to finance, and consultation, and supply, and production space, and the working time of other employees, and equipment, and raw materials. , and accessories.

People are always the main source of change in every business structure. Many specialists have the ability to generate new ideas and implement them. However, this ability is used for the good of the firm only if the following conditions and prerequisites are met:

  • - people are committed to the goals of their organization;
  • - employees have a consistent vision of problem solving;
  • - each member of the team has a real opportunity to do something in practice, using his ability to innovate.

One of the elements of the innovation climate is the formation of a motivating vision among employees. Vision - it is a complex of ideas of employees of an organization (enterprise) about what this organization (enterprise) should become in the future. Creating a vision is more important than forming traditional plans. Not only mind, but also emotion is involved in creating a vision. In this regard, the elements of the organization's culture are primarily involved in the formation of the vision.

Organizations often use external sources of innovation, in particular through the creation or participation in the creation of venture capital firms. Venture capital firms, being subject to increased risk, force almost every employee with renewed vigor to generate new ideas and work on their implementation. The result of the activities of most venture capital firms is known: either they fail financially, thereby "closing" an unpromising search direction, or they succeed, and then, as a rule, a strong venture capital company is bought by a large firm that participated in its creation, and the founders of the venture capital firm in as a reward for risk, successful search and results achieved, they receive a very significant amount, equivalent to the value of their company. Thus, any large innovation firm can not only carry out research and development within its walls, helping in the formation of a number of venture capital companies, it can expand the field of its research and experiments, and conduct them "by the wrong hands", acquiring researchers and experimenters are a team of highly motivated enthusiasts.

Many firms successfully apply the motivation mechanism, creating internal risk projects within their structures. Internal ventures create additional motives for creative work, form within themselves a favorable innovation climate, a true passion for change, and contribute to changes in the entire company as a whole.

It is impossible to create an innovative climate at an enterprise by order, say, by administratively assigning this responsibility to any structural unit of the enterprise.

The most effective factor in the formation of an innovative climate at an enterprise is the creation of autonomous groups (teams) for the implementation of activities and management of any work. Groups (teams) become the main building block of the company. The team can include representatives from all functional services and are provided with the necessary resources.

Leaders of innovative organizations strive to develop the ability to innovate in management personnel, cultivating and rewarding the qualities of people that meet the following requirements:

  • openness, receptivity, readiness for new experiences;
  • independence, non-conformism;
  • flexibility, willingness to abandon previous ideas and models;
  • tolerance for others and for other ideas and worldviews.

One of the most effective forms of enhancing the innovative activity of employees is the so-called retreats.

Retreat - it is a form of employee training through regular staff meetings with a fixed agenda. Often, retreats are held outside working hours, for example on Saturday, and are accompanied by informal communication between employees, which contributes to the establishment of productive communications between team members. This form of increasing the efficiency of the work of teams has become a kind of form of professional development and training. It also allows you to liberate the innovative potential of employees, to involve them in creativity, in the search for new, better approaches to their work. Retreats take the form of informal discussions, during which employees in a relaxed atmosphere put forward their own solutions to the problems of the development of the department or the company as a whole.

The functions of the state in the field of innovation management include the following:

  • the formation of state programs and the establishment of development priorities in the scientific and technical sphere;
  • financing of fundamental research that determines the future level of development of the country, the development of fundamental science;
  • the development of education, the formation of conditions for the fruitful integration of science, universities and business, the organization of training scientific and engineering personnel;
  • regulation of activities in special economic and technology-innovative zones;
  • development of venture funds;
  • formation and development of a national innovation system that ensures an innovation climate (Fig. 19.2).

The state develops a strategy and priorities for the development of science, technology and technology. The state places orders for research, development and production of priority products for state needs, and also forms guidelines for national economic needs in certain types and groups of goods, which are advisory in nature.

Rice. 19.2.

The essential role of state authorities is to ensure the conditions and ability of enterprises to develop innovatively. The ability to develop innovatively is a property of a market economic system that allows one to generate on its own basis innovations that ensure the competitiveness of the system in interaction with external forces. For purposeful actions to stimulate and regulate the innovative activity of enterprises, the state has the following levers and tools:

  • stimulating credit and financial, tax and depreciation policies;
  • a system of economic benefits for innovation entities and investors;
  • support for the production of new products.

The state can act directly as an economic entity (investor) in the implementation of socially significant innovative projects: modern technologies, products and services in the fields of transport, communications, energy, housing and communal services. At the same time, favorable interest and tax rates, the scale of credit resources are of fundamental importance for the implementation of the innovative strategy of enterprises.

The state creates conditions for positive changes in the innovation sphere. It provides support and incentives for investors investing in knowledge-intensive, high-tech production by establishing tax incentives, government guarantees and subsidizing loans. One of the essential functions of the state in the innovation sphere is the improvement of the tax system in order to create favorable conditions for the conduct of innovative activities by all subjects, regardless of the form of ownership and types of financing. In modern economic conditions, this is, first of all, the clarification of the taxable base, the formation of a depreciation policy that stimulates investments in high-tech equipment.

The state creates conditions for the formation of joint organizations with foreign partners for the production of domestic products and their sale on the foreign market. Also, the state can contribute to the promotion of domestic innovations abroad, support exhibition and fair activities, information exchange in innovative areas, create forms of interaction with EU member states, the CIS, and other states in the scientific and technical sphere.

In implementing its innovation policy, the state uses tools such as public-private partnership in the scientific and technical sphere, the fund for promoting the development of small enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere, the Russian Fund for Technological Development (RFTR), the Development Bank (VEB), the Russian Venture Company, technology parks, science cities, special economic and technology-innovative zones. The state's innovation policy is also aimed at increasing the level of intellectual property protection. The implementation of innovation policy involves increasing the degree of implementation of laws, strengthening civil liberties and political rights of citizens. Other areas of government activity to improve the innovative nature of the country's economy include strengthening political stability, strengthening anti-corruption measures, and expanding freedom of the press. One of the most important objects of government activity in the innovation sphere is education. Improving the quality of both secondary and higher education, developing business education, increasing the intensity of personnel training in public and private organizations - all these are important areas of the state's innovation policy.

Modern means of implementing innovative activity both at the state level and at the enterprise level are being transformed and modified under the influence of modern information and communication technologies, the capabilities of computers and the Internet. Recently, they have been replenished with a relatively new crowdsourcing technology based on the massive exchange of knowledge of many participants.

The term "crowdsourcing" is a neologism, it combines two English-language terms: crowd - crowd and source - a source. Crowdsourcing refers to the handover of an assignment, usually performed by the organization's staff or an external contractor, to an undefined, usually large group of people in the form of an open proposal. This proposal aims to create new knowledge. This can be either the creation of a new technology, a new product in the form of an operating system, or the creation of an encyclopedia ("Wikipedia"), or the processing of a large amount of data. In other words, crowdsourcing is a technology of using the resources (usually intellectual) of a large number of people within the framework of one project.

A striking example of the use of crowdsourcing in the development of innovative activity is the activity of the company "InnoCcntivc", which carries out the so-called open innovation. This company widely uses crowdsourcing for research in various fields - from engineering to management. InnoCentive proposes a number of problems for open discussion on the Internet, and also makes proposed solutions. Having existed since 2002, this open innovation center has brought together a large number of firms and organizations conducting scientific research interested in attracting intellectual resources, as well as more than 125 thousand researchers offering their solutions for specific companies. The company provides rewards for the most interesting solutions, but a significant part of ideas goes to the drink on a free basis. Anyone with Internet access can become a member of this community.

The results of the use of crowdsourcing by IBM are impressive. Within the framework of the program that bore the name Innovation Jam, more than 150,000 people from 104 countries were attracted, who participated in a virtual brainstorming on new ideas in the field of transport, environmental protection, finance, commerce. IBM subsequently selected the most interesting ideas from the point of view of commercial use, of which it formed 10 large-scale projects with an initial investment of $ 100 million, which made it possible to obtain a significant commercial effect in the first year after their implementation. A similar procedure for the concentration of innovative activity using modern information technologies was applied for innovations in the non-profit sphere - during the preparation and holding of the UN Conference on Cities in 2006. It was carried out by IBM and received the name Value Jam. As part of this procedure, it was possible to achieve massive participation in the development of new ideas regarding the organization of life in cities using the achievements of new technologies.

Thus, crowdsourcing has recently become a powerful vehicle for innovation. Currently, companies can develop and manufacture their own products directly with the participation of consumers, using the intellectual resources of a large number of people. The use of crowdsourcing in domestic innovation can yield significant results in many areas.


  • 1. Innovation is an innovation in engineering, technology, work organization or management that increases efficiency.
  • 2. Innovation management is aimed at studying the mechanisms of stimulation and effective management of innovation processes at the macro and micro levels in order to ensure the development and strengthening of the competitive positions of organizations, countries and regions through the creation, development and commercialization of innovations in various sectors of the economy.
  • 3. Innovation activity includes, in addition to the development and production of new products, a wide range of activities but the effective promotion of innovations to the market, the sale and acquisition of patents and licenses, knowledge management, etc.
  • 4. Organization of innovative activity at the enterprise includes the formation of an innovative strategy, stimulation of creative activity, the activities of small creative groups, the use of knowledge management methods, the organization of internal and external venture capital.
  • 5. The functions of the state in the field of innovation management are: in the formation of state programs and the establishment of development priorities in the scientific and technical sphere; funding fundamental research that determines the future level of development of the country; in the development of fundamental science; in the development of education, the formation of conditions for the fruitful integration of science, universities and business, the organization of training scientific and engineering personnel; in the regulation of activities in special economic and technology-innovative zones; in the development of venture funds; in the formation and development of a national innovation system that provides an innovative climate.
  • 6. Among the modern means of implementing innovative activity both at the state level and at the enterprise level, under the influence of modern information and communication technologies, the capabilities of computers and the Internet, a relatively new technology of crowdsourcing has emerged, based on the massive exchange of knowledge of many participants. Thanks to this technology, companies and authorities can develop and manufacture products or services directly with the participation of consumers, using the intellectual resources of a large number of people.

The company presents a set of measures aimed at introducing new technologies or creating new products. The ability to offer the consumer products that have no analogues helps to bypass competitors. Therefore, it is important for any organization to be innovative.

The main incentive for innovative activities in modern enterprises is the obsolescence of manufactured goods. In order to identify products, the release of which is no longer relevant at the current level of technical progress in the world, a special check is periodically carried out at enterprises. The purpose of such an audit is to identify outdated technologies and products.

In addition, on the basis of the work carried out, the leaders of the organization are trying to find ways to independently transfer their products or services to the category of obsolete ones, without waiting for the moment when competitors figure out this. Ideally, this analysis identifies the firm's innovation priorities.

The teacher is an integral part of the process of his professional development. For those who work in the traditional system, it is enough to master the technique, which is a complex of teaching skills. This alone will allow it to be carried out in full and to achieve certain successes at the same time. However, for the implementation of the innovative activity of a teacher, his professional training is not enough. At the same time, the readiness of the teacher himself to become on the path of improvement is also important.

Definition of the concept

What do we mean by the innovative activity of a teacher? This is something new, if we compare it with the previous one, aimed at improving the quality of education. In general, the term "innovation" in its modern sense means the manifestation of new elements or forms. The synonym for this word is "innovation".

The modern teacher is considered somewhat deeper, while having a broader semantic designation. It is understood as the purposeful work of a teacher, based on understanding his own professional experience by studying and comparing the educational process in order to change it and at the same time receive a better education.

We can say that the teacher's innovative activity is a phenomenon that reflects the teacher's creative potential. If we consider this term from the point of view of its application to the general educational process, then we can talk about its relative youth. And this explains the existence of various approaches to explaining this concept.

On the one hand, pedagogical innovations are understood as various innovations aimed at changing the technology of education and training to increase their effectiveness. But sometimes another meaning is put into this concept. Innovation includes not only the creation and diffusion of innovations, but also changes and transformations in the style of thinking and in the way of activity that are associated with these innovations. In any case, it is something progressive, useful, cutting edge, modern and positive.

Currently, Russia is undergoing the processes of standardization of all levels of education, without exception. This led to the creation of the Federal State Educational Standard. The purpose of this work is a certain unification and availability for widespread practical use of scientifically secured experimental work in education and training. The innovative activity of the teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is designed to bring about positive changes in the existing education system. This is necessary for Russia to enter the international market that offers such services, and to bring the curricula of schools and preschool educational institutions in line with those that are generally accepted throughout the world.

Signs of innovation

The process of introducing various innovations into the education process largely depends on the potential of the teacher himself. How to determine the teacher's readiness for innovative activities? Personality potential in this case is associated with such parameters as:

Having a creative ability to generate and produce new ideas and ideas, as well as to design and model them in practice;

Willingness to be different from existing ideas, new, the basis of which is panoramic and flexible thinking, as well as tolerance of character;

Education and development in cultural and aesthetic terms;

The desire to improve their activities, as well as the presence of internal methods and means that will ensure it.

The teacher's readiness for innovative activities is also understood as having a great capacity for work, the ability to restrain strong irritants, a high emotional status and a desire to approach his work creatively. But besides personal teachers, a teacher must also have some special qualities. These include knowledge of new technologies, the ability to develop projects, mastery of the latest teaching methods, as well as the ability to analyze and identify the causes of existing shortcomings.

Specificity of innovation

The participation of teachers in innovative activities has its own characteristics. It presupposes the presence of the necessary degree of freedom in the respective subjects. Indeed, due to its specificity, the innovative activity of a teacher in preschool educational institutions and in schools is most often carried out by touch. The point is that such decisions are beyond the scope of existing experience. It is also worth noting that today the innovative activity of the teacher in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is regulated and controlled only partially. In this regard, one has to trust the innovator, the researcher, assuming that everything that he undertakes in the process of searching for new solutions and truth will not harm the interests of society.

This approach leads to the realization that freedom of creativity should go alongside the high personal responsibility of a teacher engaged in innovative activities.

The importance of innovation

Is the organization of the teacher's innovative activity so necessary? The importance of this area is due to the fact that in modern conditions the development of education, culture and society is impossible without:

Socio-economic changes, implying the need to update the entire educational system, as well as technologies and methods of organizing the cognitive process in educational institutions of various types;

Strengthening the humanitarization of the content of curricula, which is expressed in a continuous change in the volume and composition of disciplines, the introduction of new subjects that involve a constant search for improved learning technologies and organizational forms;

Changes in the attitude of the teacher himself to the application and development of innovations;

Entry of educational institutions into the system of market relations, which will make it possible to form their real degree of competitiveness.

What, ultimately, caused the need for the development of the teacher's innovative activity? The main reason for this direction is the fierce competition with which every collective that offers services in the field of education faces almost everywhere.

Today, all educational institutions must independently improve their level of work, monitor and be able to predict the situation in the relevant market, and be slightly ahead of everyone, using the latest scientific and technological achievements.

Signs of innovation

What can be said about the participation of teachers in innovative activities? This question is both complex and simple. On the one hand, you can easily identify the latest approaches and techniques that the teacher uses. After all, they differ from those that were used before their introduction. On the other hand, it is very difficult to describe and justify innovative activities. After all, innovation is not just a fixation of a certain fact. Each of the forms of the teacher's innovative activity is a whole system.

Its description must necessarily contain the purpose and content, implementation timeframes, existing problems and their solution. That is, everything that innovation is aimed at. The methods of analyzing the results obtained should also be explained. It is necessary to give an indication of the forms of innovative activities of the teacher.

Classification of innovation

According to their purpose, all the latest implementations in the training system are conventionally divided into:

  1. Are common... These are global concepts found in modern education. They find their manifestation in the optimization of the educational process, the development of humanistic provisions, practical and information technologies, as well as in the organization and management of pedagogical processes.
  2. Private... They take place in cases where the innovative experimental activity of teachers is in the form of author's innovations, developed in accordance with the modern directions of the educational process, and is implemented in a separate educational institution.

By belonging to the educational process, innovative activities are associated with:

  1. With the introduction of an integrated approach into the education system. After all, the traditional system of acquiring knowledge is guided by the already achieved level of technologies and sciences and is not capable of meeting the requirements of a society in its dynamic development.
  2. With the organization of the entire educational process and the introduction of the latest pedagogical technologies, which are the main factor in the development of innovative methods and means of acquiring knowledge.
  3. With specialization and specialization in general education. Such directions presuppose the formation of the necessary conditions for the teacher's innovative activity with its transition to a system of flexible and open continuous individualized teaching of the individual throughout his life.
  4. With the professionalization of existing management activities. This is one of the conditions for the effectiveness and success of innovative directions in educational institutions.

Based on the concept of renewal and the content of educational processes, the teacher's innovative activity is divided into method-oriented and problem-oriented. Let's consider them in more detail.

Method-oriented activity

When applying it, it is assumed that one or another education technology will be implemented. This could be:

Using the latest information technologies;

Application of the principle of integration to the content of education.

In addition, based on the experience of the teacher's innovative activity within the framework of methodological-oriented work, he can use the training:







Within the framework of the use of such technologies, a prerequisite is the preparedness and competence of the teacher, who is able to use such approaches as:

  1. Personality-oriented. It can be achieved through the implementation of a strategy of support and respect, understanding, assistance and cooperation of the preschool educational institution administration in the field of choosing the means and methods of the teacher's work.
  2. Essential. It is reflected in the interaction of teachers with students to develop their abilities in order to form essential systemic knowledge and establish intersubject connections.
  3. Operational and activity. This approach is based on the positions of the Federal State Educational Standard. Students form the ability to act during the educational process, assimilating knowledge through their practical application.
  4. Professional oriented. This is a competency-based approach. It allows students to develop professional attitudes.
  5. Acmeological. This approach is closely related to the essential. It is used in the organization of innovative education with the development of new, as well as updating existing methods and teaching aids. This approach allows students to form creative thinking and contributes to their self-development, self-improvement, self-education and self-control.
  6. Creative and developing. This approach is designed to shape productive thinking. It develops students' creative attitude to their activities, as well as the abilities and qualities of a creative personality, skills and abilities of a scientific and creative nature.
  7. Contextual. This approach allows you to bring the content of the curriculum subjects into line with the state educational standard developed in the country.

Problem-oriented activity

Such innovative processes provide for the solution of a certain type of tasks that are associated with the formation of a high degree of competitiveness in the individual.

At the same time, the activities of the teacher are aimed at developing in students:

Awareness of their personal and social significance;

Ability to set goals for self-complication of problems and tasks, as well as self-actualization, which is a prerequisite for the creative development of a competitive personality;

An adequate sense of freedom and justified risk, which contributes to the formation of responsibility in the decisions made;

The maximum concentration of their abilities in order to realize them at the most suitable moment, which is called "delayed victory".

One of the most pressing problems that the modern education system is trying to solve is the upbringing of a socially competitive person. This concept includes professional stability, social mobility of an individual and her ability to carry out the process of professional development. In doing so, learners must be educated to be receptive to innovation. This will allow them in the future to change their field of activity easier, and to be always ready to move to a new area of ​​work, which is more prestigious.

It is possible to form a competitive personality at this stage of the development of society only through the introduction and inclusion of methodological and problem-oriented innovations in the learning process.

Additional classification

The following types of innovations are also distinguished in the education system:

  1. In terms of scale - federal and regional, national-regional and at the level of educational institutions.
  2. Separate (local, private, individual, that is, not related to each other), modular (a chain of private innovations, interconnected), systemic.
  3. By origin - improved (modified), combined (attached to a previously known component), fundamentally new.

Problems of introducing innovations

Often, the conduct of innovative activities is difficult for teachers. This is what affects the need for scientific and methodological support of their work. The formal nature of the pioneering work being carried out, which can often be observed in the OA, is due to:

Low level of basic teacher training;

Formation of the environment of activity in the classical, traditional mode;

A low degree of readiness for innovative activities;

Lack of motivation due to overload;

Failure to determine the most priority area for oneself, which causes dispersion of activities and does not give tangible results.

At the same time, it is impossible to imagine the work of a modern educational institution without innovative methods. But in order to achieve the intended goals, teachers need certain types of support. For some, psychological support is important, for others - an individual consultation with a methodologist or a practicing teacher. One of the prerequisites for innovative work is the availability of a sufficient amount of special educational and methodological literature, as well as the latest material and technical base.

The innovative activity of teachers in the modern education system should become a personal category, a kind of creative process and the result of creative activity. It also presupposes the presence of some degree of freedom in the actions of the respective subjects.

The main value of the innovative activity carried out by the teacher lies in the fact that it allows the formation of a personality capable of self-expression and the use of his abilities simultaneously with creativity. The difficulties that arise in the process of such work, according to many practitioners, can be resolved on their own.

The main result will be:

The creation of which will ensure the study, sustainable development and further implementation of best practices;

Taking a leadership position of educational institution in the field of educational services;

Creation of a positive image of the staff of the educational institution.

Innovation activity is a process aimed at the implementation of the results of completed research and development or other scientific and technical achievements into a new or improved product sold on the market, into a new or improved technological process used in practice, as well as related research and development. Innovation begins with the emergence of a scientific and technical idea and ends with the distribution of the product.

The essence of innovation lies in its directions:

Management of the processes of creating new knowledge;

Managing the creativity of those who create new knowledge;

Management of assimilation and diffusion (diffusion) of innovations;

Management of social and psychological aspects of innovation.

The innovation cycle in a rather detailed interpretation is shown in Fig. 2.1.

Rice. 2.1. Characteristics of the stages of the innovation cycle

Innovation activity as a system has the following properties: interconnection and interaction of all elements, integrity, consistency and synchronicity in time, consistency with the objectives and goals of the organization, adaptability, flexibility to environmental changes, autonomy of the management structure, management functions, multifunctionality and multidimensionality, renewability.

An innovation process is a purposeful activity to transform scientific knowledge into innovation and diffusion of the latter, that is, a conscious sequential chain of events aimed at obtaining a certain type of effect by an innovator by satisfying existing or new needs. This is not just a reproduction of new products, but a conscious, systematic activity for the effective implementation of knowledge.

The innovation process can be thought of in different ways. In a broad context, the initial stage of the implementation of the innovation process can be considered the period of time from the definition (awareness) of the need to implement the innovation to the creation of a working version of the innovation project. The middle stage lasts from the development of the final version of the technical justification and the business plan of the innovative project to its practical implementation at the enterprise as an experimental model. The final stage is the implementation of the transfer of innovations and their further dissemination in the country's economy and beyond. In fig. 2.2 10 stages are presented - from making decisions on a new means of satisfying social needs in the implementation of an innovative project.

In a simplified version, the investment process consists of the following main stages:

The origin of the idea of ​​innovation;

Justification of the need for innovative change;

Evaluation of the effectiveness of innovation;

Development and technical implementation of an innovative idea;

Implementation of innovation in the system;

Promotion of innovation in the market.

The organizational and material basis of the investment process with the organizational and production, research and development structures, aimed at the implementation of innovative activities.

Applied research and development

From the standpoint of an enterprise, the mechanism for managing innovation is always specific, since it is aimed at achieving certain innovative goals by influencing specific factors that ensure the achievement of certain goals, and this influence is carried out through the use of certain resources of the enterprise.

Innovation can be driven by manufacturers or buyers. In modern conditions, large organizations in developed countries have developed stable mechanisms for the management of innovation processes, reflecting the features of the integration of science and production, an increasing focus of research and development on market needs. New tasks make changes in the system of connections both vertically between management levels and horizontally between scientific and design and technological departments. In highly developed countries, since the 80s of the XX century, the development and implementation of innovations has become a continuous controlled process, when innovative ideas (in the future, production plans and programs) cover all areas of enterprise activity.

In the process of preparing and mastering technical and product innovations, the enterprise implements the types of activities to which all departments are involved:

1. Research work is carried out to the greatest extent at the first stage of generation, selection of ideas and marketing research. At the stage of technological preparation of production and the development of serial production of new products, research and development work contributes to the improvement of technological processes, the introduction of advanced equipment, technological equipment and control means, an increase in the level of mechanization and automation of work, and the like.

2. Design and technological work is carried out at all stages of the creation and development of new products, but they are most extensive at the stage of design and technological preparation of production.

3. Organizational and planning work - a set of interrelated processes of planning, organization, accounting and control at all stages and stages of production preparation, ensuring the readiness of enterprises to create and manufacture new products. Bonds aimed at more complete observance of such principles as specialization, parallelism, continuity, proportionality, straightforwardness, automaticity and rhythm at all stages of production preparation.

Organizational and planning works include: the development of long-term and operational schedules for the preparation of production of new products in general, as well as its individual stages and stages; planning marketing research of consumer needs, research on the positioning of a new product, which will determine a possible competitive strategy; organization of work to create a regulatory framework for different stages of production preparation; establishment of standard structures and functions of divisions of enterprises that create new products; operational management of production preparation; organization of work to ensure the readiness of enterprises and their subdivisions for the release of a new product, the development of organizational projects that simulate the process of preparation of production - from research work to the use of products by consumers, determination of the predicted level of competitiveness of new products, planning of product withdrawal from the market.

4. Work of a material and technical nature provides for ensuring the material and technical readiness of enterprises for the creation and release of new products. At the level of an industrial enterprise, this is the provision of timely and complete supplies of basic and auxiliary materials, equipment, spare parts, etc., necessary for the release of new products.

5. Work of an economic nature - a set of interrelated processes that provide an economic justification for the creation, production and operation of new products. They include: determining the economic feasibility of creating, producing and operating a new product; calculation of marginal prices for a soob product; establishment of terms and sources of financing for the creation and development of new products; implementation of a number of economic calculations related to the creation, development of serial production and operation of new products. At the level of an industrial enterprise, the economic aspects of preparing new products also include viewing planning and economic information, standards, forms of documentation, the current planning system, accounting and evaluating the activities of enterprise divisions, taking into account the specifics of new products; development of standards for labor costs for the periods of mastering the product.

6. Work of a socio-psychological nature - a set of interrelated processes that ensure the socio-psychological readiness of enterprises to create and manufacture new products. They consist in explanatory work about the need to create and master new products of a certain level of quality at a specified time, production volumes and minimum costs; informing the team about the need for professional, qualification and organizational changes during the creation and development of new products; in the mobilization of the enterprise management of the creative potential of the personnel for the creation and release of products in the shortest possible time at the lowest cost of living and materialized labor.

The main types of innovations in the enterprise include innovations in products, technological processes, personnel and management.

Product innovation can be viewed in terms of:

New use of an already known product;

Changes in the appearance of an already known product;

Fundamental change of an already known product (improvement of certain characteristics, quality improvement, reduction of production costs due to the use of new materials or new technological means);

Inventions of a radically new product.

Therefore, each new product can be characterized by:

The presence of new technical solutions, their significance (scientific and technical aspect);

Impact on the market, that is, market novelty (marketing aspect).

If the new product model is better than the existing one in terms of technical and economic characteristics (due to the use of new scientific recommendations, inventions and technical solutions) and the costs of its development are small, and there is no market novelty in the product, then its implementation is unlikely to provide profit to the manufacturer. At the same time, the market novelty of a product can be achieved without scientific and technical solutions - thanks to changes in appearance, size, shape.

Management should be oriented in market conditions to improve technology. Technology (Greek Techpe - art, craftsmanship, skill, and logic - a set of techniques and methods of obtaining, processing, processing raw materials, materials or products that are carried out in various industries). It is also a scientific discipline that develops and improves these methods and techniques.

The technology includes the technological process, technical control, instructions for performing the technical process, rules, requirements, maps, graphics, etc.

From the point of view of innovation management, it is said about the technology of production, trade, establishing sources of supply, sales, counting and accounting, drafting documents, information support, personnel selection, making and implementing management decisions, and the like.

The technology must be cost effective and competitive. Technology management would be much easier if costs could be ignored.

The basis of innovation policy at manufacturing enterprises of various industries is precisely product innovation. They are decisive from the point of view of the purpose of the enterprise - to meet the specific needs of society. But it is necessary to take into account the connection with other types of innovation activity, because product innovations contribute to technological innovation, personnel and management activities. The latter, therefore, ensure the successful and efficient implementation of product innovations.

The intraorganizational path of technical innovations is presented in table. 2.1.

Table 2.1. Intraorganizational way of innovation in the enterprise

Stages of innovation implementation

The essence of the activity

Updating innovation

Identifying the problem, deciding on the feasibility of changes, recognizing the need for innovation

Obtaining and analyzing information about innovation

Active search for information about innovation from various sources, abstracting

Evaluation of options and selection of innovation

Analysis of information on acceptable innovations, selection of the best innovation option

Making a decision to introduce an innovation

Adoption and approval by the management of the decision on the implementation of innovation in production


Trial implementation, if necessary - adjustments, final implementation and use


Diffusion, internal and external

Based on the analysis of the essential properties of the new technology, its preliminary selection is carried out, and the main criterion is the economic efficiency of the innovation, which ensures the survival, efficiency, competitiveness and profitability of the enterprise. The most important indicators characterizing the efficiency of the technological process are:

Unit costs of raw materials, energy per unit of production;

Finished product quality;

The number of finished products;

The intensity of the process;

Production costs;

Production cost;

Labor productivity.

Typical mistakes of technology implementation managers:

Attempts to simultaneously implement several innovations. In the event of failure as a result, it is difficult to detect and quickly eliminate its causes. At the same time, the future of innovation depends on early trials.

Comparison of the new technology with the current level of production, and not with the level that will be achieved after the introduction of the innovation.

The use of quantitative indicators to assess new technology, which is aimed at improving the quality of production. Before starting implementation, managers must develop a specification for a new technology, criteria for its assessment, create the necessary infrastructure (information support, accounting, calculation methodology).

In fact, one must proceed from the extent to which the technology meets the requirements of consumers. For example, it is impossible to achieve the desired market success by offering an overly expensive sports car when the market needs a cheap compact car for a small family.

New technology can introduce an economically and technologically efficient enterprise. At high rates of scientific and technological progress, it changes equipment, technology, and introduces new products to the market.

The choice of a specific technology is carried out using an assessment system based on a qualitative professional analysis of intermediate and final results. The main purpose of the assessment is to identify the need for changes in resource provision, management practices, and organization of project implementation. The findings of the people who make this assessment influence the following aspects:

Funding volume;

Balance between different measures (directions)

Implementation plans.

The prolongation, change or termination of technological innovations, as well as the formation of new ones, depend on these estimates. The stages of implementation and the criteria for assessment are inextricably linked. At the first stage, it is decided whether the company can afford to introduce a new technology by assessing the technical advantages and the innovation's relevance to the specialization of production.

The assessment is carried out by technical experts and managers. There is a natural phenomenon: the more the innovation corresponds to the direction of the production activity of the enterprise, the less severe is the assessment of its technical advantages. Conversely, in order to dig up the leadership in the feasibility of the project, it is quite consistent with the previous specialization, it is necessary to select strong arguments to prove the benefits of the project.

The assessment system can include internal and external expertise. The internal one provides for the compilation of an evaluation commission from among the employees. This is an economic, but too subjective composition of experts. The involvement of an independent external committee completely solves this problem.

In the second step, managers decide if they should implement a particular technology. For this, the payback period and other indicators are calculated.

With such a formalized assessment method, various forms of rating are used, as a rule, according to the financial criteria "cost-benefit". In addition, it provides for the assessment of non-financial indicators: compliance with specialization, completion date of the implementation program, market size, demand growth rate, competitiveness, and the like.

Each company chooses its own assessment methodology according to the selected criteria. An example of an expert assessment of the criteria for a new technology is given in table. 2.2.

Table 2.2. Criteria for evaluating a new technology at an enterprise

Conditions, designation


Option value criterion

Prospects for another technology

Forecasted sales volume, rubles



Market expansion rate

Significantly higher than the average rate of market expansion for this enterprise;

Equal to the average;

Below the average

Market share

Become a leader;

Will become one of two or three leaders;

Play an insignificant role

Enterprise readiness to embrace new technology

new technology is perceived as a success factor in the future

One of several important factors;

There are more important factors.

Probability of success of the prospect of new technology = M G K S

Continuation tab. 2.2.

Probability of success

Technical problems

There are no technical problems, you just need to direct resources to the introduction of new technology;

There are some technical problems, but they are not difficult to eliminate;

Significant technical problems

Technological competition

The company is a technology leader;

one of two or three leading enterprises;

One of many, it has no technology advantage

Availability of resources

The enterprise has sufficient capacity and a mass of qualified personnel;

There are certain difficulties with resources, but can be avoided;

The attraction of external additional resources cannot be avoided.

Availability of a mechanism and introduction of new technology

Production units are ready for implementation;

It is not clear who should implement the production;

Manufacturing units are opposed to implementation

Probability of success = B C F T

A rating is calculated for each innovative project. The method takes into account the various characteristics of the latest technology, so the manager can comprehensively assess the effectiveness. In addition, this method makes it possible to identify points on which discrepancies between experts have been identified. So, the discussion is directed to the weak points.

Allows you to evaluate a project with financial and non-financial criteria;

Allows you to bring estimates and accurate information about the company into a single whole;

The criteria are formed on the basis of the specifics of a particular enterprise.

With the advancement of the project to the implementation stage, the assessment should be specific, for which specialists from various industries are involved in the decision-making process. The challenge for the innovative manager is to skillfully manage the diversified opinion of the professionals.

The process of technological innovation in an enterprise as an activity depends on how much they will ensure the creation of a commercially profitable product. Therefore, an innovation manager must:

Investigate the compliance of existing and new technologies with the mission and strategic goals of the enterprise;

Determine the possibilities of technology for created products that have or may have high demand in the future;

Conduct research in order to realize these opportunities, develop a new product (product);

Design production facilities for the release of a trial batch of products;

Test a prototype for a riiku;

Implement technology for batch production.

Such a scheme for organizing the innovation process and managing it within the enterprise provides for close interaction of the functional divisions of the management

systems, especially those that are involved in the development, production and sale of new products and customer service.

Technological innovations, like product innovations, are based on the concept of a life cycle, that is, technologies also have their own life cycle. The sequence of implementation of technological innovations is shown in Fig. 2.3.

With such a model for introducing innovations at the enterprise, the focus is on the constant search for new ideas, which is carried out by special research departments (laboratories), creating automated data banks.

"Disadvantages" at the enterprise are revealed through certification of workplaces. A passport is a document that makes it possible to characterize the possibilities of effective use of production facilities, equipment, the use of specialists, to assess the economic and social efficiency of innovations, to rank their selection taking into account costs. Experience has shown that the rapid diffusion of innovation is facilitated by:

The advantage of the new technology over the previous ones;

Compatibility with existing systems, procedures, infrastructure, etc .;

Ease of use;

Easy to test and test, copy without excessive cost.

Rice.2.3. Consistency of technological innovation

The new technology differs not only in production characteristics, but also in consumer ones (a new product must necessarily be better than its predecessors). The most important characteristics of a new technology: expected benefits, requirements for product characteristics, etc. create the basis for a quantitative justification of the project, most often in the form of financial analysis. At this stage, the planned sales volumes of the new product are estimated, which will determine their sufficiency to obtain the planned income. After the preparation of the sales plan, the management of the company evaluates the possible expenses and income. Cost assessment is carried out by the IIDR department, production, marketing and financial departments. They calculate forecasts of sales volumes, costs and incomes associated with the introduction of new technology and the release of new products on the market.

The effectiveness of technological innovation is also calculated on the basis of annual averages, excluding or taking into account discounting, based on an assessment of comparative effectiveness. The integral effect of technical innovation (E) can be calculated using the formula (2.1) * 3:

* 3: (Orlov P.A. Determination of the effectiveness of real investments // Finance of Ukraine. - No. 1. - 2006. - P. 57.)


where WITH- savings in running costs per year t; A - depreciation of the pairing, due to investments; K - capital costs per year and; H - tax on profit from the amount of savings in current expenses; E is the cost of related economic, social, environmental results; T is the life cycle of an innovation; α is the discount factor.

Characteristics of the innovation infrastructure

The defining feature of the modern innovation process is the industrial use of the results of applied scientific research, that is, the integration of science and industry. This creates conditions for the application of the achievements of scientific and technological progress and the development of economic organizations. At the same time, the competitive potential of enterprises is increasing, new consumer needs are being met, and the demand for innovative developments is growing.

Such conditions facilitate scientific and technical cooperation, new organizational forms of such interaction are emerging, and a modern infrastructure is being created. The content of the concept of "infrastructure" is extremely wide, the main types and organizational forms depend on the purpose. The increase in the market supply of innovative products puts forward quite important tasks for the innovative infrastructure - the commercialization of the results of innovative activities, giving them the shape of a product, ensuring market entry and promoting successful implementation, that is, implementation. How important this is can be seen from the assessment provided by the surveyed enterprises: 18.3% of them note the lack of information about sales markets, 16% - the lack of demand for innovative products, and 14.5% - the insensitivity of enterprises to innovations. The presence of these problems is a direct consequence of insufficient attention to such forms of infrastructural support for innovative activities as the development of a distribution network, marketing support, advertising, exhibition complexes, and service maintenance of innovative products. However, we must not forget that these services are important not only at the final stage of innovation. The problem of commercializing an intellectual product arises even at the initial stage of developing an innovative idea, and in many respects it depends on its solution at all stages of the innovation process whether this idea will turn into an innovative product.

The features of the material and technical, resource and system-wide support of innovative activity are considered, which make it possible to submit the composition of the innovative infrastructure according to the classification given in Table. 2.3.

Table 2.3. Composition and classification of innovation infrastructure


Organizational form

Material and technical support of innovative activity

Organizational and economic infrastructure

Technoparks; technopolises; business incubators; science city; individual innovative enterprises; firms and centers for the provision and infrastructure services

Experimental infrastructure

Science parks, centers, institutes, laboratories; technology centers; scientific and technological centers; experience in experimental sites, centers, laboratories, sites

Design and engineering infrastructure

Design institutes, firms; design firms, bureaus, laboratories, sites

Resource support for innovation

Financial and economic infrastructure

Specialized state or communal innovative banking institutions, funds, firms, venture investment banks

Information and communication infrastructure

Global information networks Internet; scientific and technical funds; libraries; information databases; depository system

HR infrastructure

Institutions of higher and secondary education for the training of specialists with a relevant profile of knowledge; centers, schools, colleges with special vocational training; centers and educational institutions for the training and retraining of specialists in the field of innovation

System-wide support of innovation activity

Regulatory infrastructure

Laws of Ukraine on innovation activity; tax legislation on innovative enterprises; the system of regulation of export-import relations in the field of innovation; state and local regulations regarding the functioning of innovative enterprises; legal and consulting firms