How to prepare interior doors for painting without removing old paint? How to paint interior doors correctly? How to paint interior doors with paint.

Interior doors are designed for space zoning, protecting the room from external noise. In addition, a room with closed doors will allow the owner to retire and go about their business, without the intervention of other family members.

The door structure consists of:

  • boxes - the stationary part of the door;
  • canvases - a moving part;
  • accessories.

In houses, sliding, swing, folding structures are most often installed.

Depending on the number of leaves or canvases, one- and two-leafed ones are distinguished. Sometimes one and a half-leaf designs are found. In them, one canvas is half the width of the other. The smaller sash is closed, and with the larger one, the passage opens or closes.

Wood or its substitutes: plastic, glass and other materials are used as material for the manufacture of the box and canvas.

If the glass and plastic construction does not need additional processing, then the wooden door, as well as MDF products, require additional painting or varnishing. This will improve the appearance and increase the service life.

Attention! Only a dry surface can be painted. Otherwise, the paint will peel off and flake off.

What paint to paint the interior doors?

What is the best way to paint the structure? Do-it-yourself painting of interior doors, be it solid wood, MDF or fiberboard, is performed using:

  • nitro enamels;
  • alkyd enamel;
  • acrylic enamel;
  • colored varnish.


Dignity. This type of paint allows you to get a durable, resistant to external mechanical stress coating. A high-quality coating is obtained by using a mixture of nitro enamel and nitro varnish.

Disadvantages. When stained, it gives off a pungent and toxic odor. Therefore, painting work is carried out only in well-ventilated areas.

Alkyd enamel.

It is made from a mixture of alkyd varnish, solvents, fillers and coloring pigments. It is also possible to add various antiseptics and other special components. White spirit is more often used as a solvent. The main component is pentaphthalic or glyphthalic varnish. Letter marking for PF or GF enamel depends on the type of varnish used. Sand, as well as marble or granite chips play the role of fillers.


  • Refers to universal paints, as it is suitable for processing for both internal and external work.
  • The coating that forms after application is durable, resistant to abrasion, and retains its original color for a long time.
  • Available in matte or glossy appearance;
  • Large color palette.

Disadvantages: Strong, toxic odor during the application of the protective layer and the drying of the surface.

Attention! Only alkyd enamel paint can be coated with alkyd enamel.

Acrylic enamel.

It contains acrylic resin, pigments, organic solvents. It is also possible to introduce into their composition various additives that improve the quality of the paint. This type is made on a water basis, so the desired thickness of the paint can be obtained by gradually adding water to the thickened composition.


  • practically does not emit a smell, so you can paint the interior door even when people live in the room;
  • dries quickly;
  • does not fade in the sun;
  • long service life of the protective layer.

Colored varnishes.

Used when you want to leave visible the structure of the tree and give a certain color.


  • wide range of colors;
  • original design.


  • release of a sharp, toxic odor during work and drying.

How to paint the doors?

Painting of interior doors is carried out by specialists, but you can do this work yourself.

Doors are painted both new and those that were previously painted.

How to repaint interior doors?

To repaint the doors in a different color, remove the old paint. If it does not hold well, then it is removed from the surface of the structure. The canvas can be previously removed from the hinges, or painted on site. The fittings are removed or sealed with masking tape.

You can use a spatula, sander, emery paper, or blowtorch to remove paint.

There are also paint removers on the construction market.

Attention! After the tree is freed from the paint layer, the holes formed must be filled with a putty. Its color should not contrast with the shade of the paint, so as not to shine through it.

After grinding, the surfaces of the canvas and the box are primed.

How to paint interior doors?

You will need a wide brush or roller to paint. If the door is made of a combination of glass and wood, then a narrow brush will be needed for high-quality staining of hard-to-reach areas of the canvas.

If the canvas is left in the door frame, then cover the floor with newspapers or paper in the area where the work is to be done so that it remains clean. In this case, painting should be started from the top.

A good effect will be obtained if the painted layer is varnished. In this case, the layer will turn out to be durable, and the surface will acquire a beautiful shine.

What is the best way to paint the interior doors?

If the doors are old, plastered, then it is better to paint them with enamel, which will hide the defects and they will not be visually visible.

In a poorly ventilated area or where the owners live, it is better to use water-based paints. When working with them, there is no pungent and poisonous smell. Therefore, to the question: "What paint is better to paint in a living room?" there is only one answer: it is better to use acrylic enamel.

If the paint gives off a strong odor, then it is better to do this work outdoors.

Good enamel is not cheap. Therefore, if you want the coating to serve for a long time and please the eye, you will have to choose enamels from trusted companies, although they are more expensive.

How to paint interior doors made of MDF?

MDF is a fiberboard made from fine wood chips. The density of the slab is average. The material is environmentally friendly, dense enough, smooth and even.

It is better to paint with acrylic colored varnish or enamel. To calculate the required amount of enamel, measure the door set to be painted, calculate the surface area, taking into account that both the door leaf and the frame should be painted. The paint consumption is indicated on the enamel can. Divide the area of ​​the painted surface by the consumption per 1 sq. M. and get the required amount of enamel. It is advisable to add 10% to the calculated value.

It is better to buy paint at once for the entire volume of work.

If you have not yet chosen what color and how to paint the structure, then it is better to use a colorful fan. But before purchasing, it is better to paint over a small area with this paint and make a choice after it dries, since the dried layer may have a darker color.

Before choosing which paint to paint a wooden structure, keep in mind that on large planes, light colors seem darker. In addition, the perception of color is also influenced by the kind of lighting in the room. If you need to decide on the choice of the exact tone and shade, then it is better to make the choice in natural light, for example, on the street.

In addition, an exclusive pattern can be applied to the surface of the canvas and platbands, which will emphasize the individuality of the decor of your room.

Interior doors made of chipboard. How to paint?

Painting and preparation of a chipboard surface for it is almost the same as for a structure made of wood or MDF.

Chipboard - particle board. It is made from wood shavings and sawdust. Formaldehyde resin acts as a binder. The surface of this material is covered with veneer, laminate, or painted in the desired color.

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One way or another, everyone has a need for redecorating the apartment. Usually they start by re-gluing the wallpaper. And then there is a need to replace the interior doors. But this is not at all necessary. Old ones are often made of much better quality, from good wood, and you just need to make some effort to transform them. Anyone armed with the knowledge of modern paints and varnishes and familiar with painting technology can give an old interior door a new life, fit it into an updated interior.

The easiest way to do this is with brushes, rollers and paint cans.

Paints for interior doors are of the following types:

  • acrylic varnishes
  • alkyd enamels
  • acrylic enamels
  • nitro paints

If you remove the layers of old paint, which are probably on the old door, with a solvent and emery, then you can see an interesting and beautiful drawing of a tree. In this case, it is better to choose a varnish for interior work for painting. Colorless or tint, it accentuates natural patterns wood and give the door a fresh look. Before varnishing, you can use various tinting impregnations based on natural oils, which can help change the color, make the wood more resistant to environmental influences, and the varnish film will further strengthen the effect.

The lacquer coating is almost odorless, dries quickly and is quite safe. The varnish is easy to apply and does not spread over the surface, however, modern high-quality varnishes are not cheap.

Alkyd enamels

The most common paint for interior doors is alkyd enamel. These paints are cheap, have a rich color palette and, when dry, provide a very durable finish. The main disadvantage of using alkyd enamel is pungent smell of fumes, which does not erode for more than a day. Evaporation of enamel solvents can lead to allergies and even poisoning, therefore, to use this paint, it is necessary either to ensure that there are no residents in the apartment, or to carry out work in the open air.

Acrylic enamels

In the case when these conditions are impracticable, you can use acrylic enamel to paint the interior doors. These paints are practically odorless, but the resulting coating is not very durable. Acrylic enamels create a matte finish, so most often acrylic varnish is applied over the enamel, due to which the surface acquires gloss and additional durability of the coating... A wide color palette of these paints allows them to be used to find various design solutions.

Nitro paints

When painting interior wooden doors, nitro paint or nitro varnish are considered the best materials in terms of coating durability. However, using them requires protective equipment such as a respirator, as the paint is very toxic and can cause an allergic reaction. To use it, the absence of people or work in the fresh air is required. Besides, road nitro paints... But the quality of the coating justifies the price.

For redecorating interior doors with your own hands, in addition to the selected paint, you need:

  • spatulas,
  • paint brushes and rollers,
  • sandpaper,
  • putty,
  • masking tape,
  • primer,
  • solvent,
  • construction hair dryer.

To prepare the door for painting, it is necessary to remove a layer of old paint. The easiest and most effective way to do this is with a construction hair dryer, but if you don't have one, you can do it with a spatula and sandpaper. Some paints, such as vinyl and nitrocellulose, can be removed well with chemical solvents. Modern products of this type come in the form of gels, powders and liquids. They are applied to the surface to be cleaned and kept for some time, which is indicated on the solvent packaging.

After removing the old coating, the door must be washed and cracks and chips, if any, must be repaired with a putty. After the putty has dried, the surface must be carefully sanded with fine sandpaper and washed again.

It is possible to paint only after complete drying. To improve the quality of the coating, the door must be removed from the hinges - so unevenness and sagging can be avoided when applying a paint layer.

Before starting work, fittings that cannot be removed are pasted over with masking tape. It will also help to keep the glass inserts clean and will allow, if necessary, to accurately paint the door in several colors.

Before painting, a wooden interior door is better prime, which will improve the adhesion of paint to wood and reduce its consumption. The primer is selected individually for each type of paint.

When choosing a primer and paint, it is also necessary to take into account which zones of the apartment the door separates. If you have to paint the door to the bathroom, then you should choose varnishes and paints marked "waterproof" and with an antifungal effect.

The better to paint interior doors

Painting is the easiest and most affordable way to quickly change the design of a room. The modern choice of materials makes it possible to unfold your imagination, and with the help of the selected paint, even from a simple door, create a real masterpiece of art.

However, what types of color scheme to choose for painting door leaves of different material?

Types of varnish coatings

Even the smallest hardware store can offer a large number of varnish items today. But which ones are suitable for working with door surfaces?

Coloring of the door leaf and frame can be done using two main types of material: varnishes and paints.

The coating from such material can be of different types. There are color and colorless varnish options.

Colored, can be bright with any shade, or vice versa, imitate the color of an expensive wood species. They are used to change color and shade, as well as to emphasize the advantages of the wood from which the doors are made.

Another advantage of the lacquer coating is that it gives the surface a matte or glossy shade, which creates an excellent visual effect.

Colorless varnish is usually used as a protective coating, for example, a layer of stain. And also to improve the appearance. Like colored varnishes, colorless gives the surface a glossy sheen. On unpainted wood, this material emphasizes the texture, highlighting not only advantages but also disadvantages with defects in processing.

Varnishes are produced on various bases, which form its own special properties of one type or another.

  • Acrylic. Although such a coating is not very resistant to mechanical stress, the use of acrylic varnish has its advantages. It can be diluted with water, it does not have a pungent odor, and most importantly, it is waterproof and non-flammable.
  • Alkyd. Most often used for parquet flooring. This varnish is resistant to external influences and moisture. The coating will last up to two years or more.
  • Alcoholic. Typically used on furniture or musical instruments. Provides a very resistant and durable coating.

There are also tons of polyurethane, oil or nitrocellulose based options. But, it is best to choose acrylic or alkyd varnishes, which dry quickly and are perfectly absorbed into the wood.

Alternatively, stains can be used for coating, which penetrate into the structure of the tree, painting its surface. Layers of such material perfectly imitate, for example, mahogany. However, after the stain has dried, it is advisable to create an outer protective layer using a colorless varnish.

Types of paint

Paint for interior doors can also be of different types, depending on its composition. For these purposes, both acrylic or alkyd enamels and nitro paint are suitable. Alternatively, you can use an oil-based color scheme that is already rare today. So, what is the difference between these materials, and with what paint to paint the interior doors?

Acrylic enamel

Another name is water-based paint. Its main base consists of acrylic resins, pigment additive and water. The coating turns out to be very resistant to all kinds of influences, it does not fade in direct sunlight, and does not peel off. The only drawback is that the paint is not too resistant to mechanical damage: scratches, impacts and chips.

The water base does not require the use of strong odor chemicals. To get the consistency you need in terms of density, you just need to add water.

And the main advantage of acrylic enamel is the almost complete absence of an unpleasant odor. This makes it possible to carry out painting work inside the house, without even arranging serious airing of the rooms (such a color scheme is not completely odorless, but it is very insignificant and not harsh as in analogues).

It is important to know that water-based paint has one significant drawback. Painting work must be carried out at positive temperatures. Painting doors in winter in an unheated room is guaranteed to give poor quality at the exit. The water in the color scheme will simply freeze, and the paint will peel off!

Alkyd enamel

Such paint is cheap and available to everyone. It contains alkyd varnish, solvents and dyes. Most often, there is also a filler, represented by quartz or marble chips. What type of varnish is in the composition of alkyd enamel can be understood by the marking (PF - pentaphthalic, GF - glyphthalic).

This is a universal type of paint, with its help you can paint interior and entrance doors (from the street side). The layers are durable, and perfectly tolerate any impacts (mechanical, moisture, temperature fluctuations). The color palette is presented in all possible colors, and the tonality can be either glossy or matte.

There is only one negative property. Unlike acrylic enamel, which is virtually odorless, alkyd is the complete opposite. The composition has a sharp unpleasant odor. This is facilitated by its composition. Therefore, you need to work with such a color scheme outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. And it is better to leave the painted door at the place of painting until it dries completely.

It is important that alkyd enamels can be applied to a completely dry surface. If the door has already been painted with other types of paint, these layers will have to be removed. Alkyd paints are applied only to coatings of the same composition.

Nitro paints

An even cheaper option for staining doors. The coating can be applied to any surface. Nitro paint layers are very durable and resistant to impact. Especially if you use nitro enamel in combination with the same nitro lacquer.

But there is also a disadvantage due to the chemical composition. Such paint is not odorless, and you can work with it only with good ventilation.

But, all the disadvantages are leveled by the widespread use of such material. Nitro paint can be used to paint doors from any material, even a chipboard plate.

To work with this type of color scheme, you need to stock up on solvent, the coating dries very quickly, and then random stains will be very difficult to remove!

Matching paint to material

The paint for the doors is selected based on the material from which they are made. For example, it is almost impossible to paint surfaces with MDF with stain. Therefore, the appearance of the interior door panels will depend on the choice.

Natural wood

Perhaps the most common and desirable material for the manufacture of any door systems. The texture of natural wood creates an excellent visual effect.

For wood, you can pick up varnishes or stains. This will accentuate the characteristics of the material, and highlight the wood fiber textured look.

Even a tree just opened with a colorless varnish will have an excellent appearance and will serve a long service.

Any type is suitable for wooden surfaces. But, for doors in bathrooms and bathrooms, it is better to give preference to a more waterproof alkyd enamel.

This material is made from sawdust and pressure shavings. When choosing how to paint an MDF interior door, you can pick up almost any type of paint. You can simply update the appearance of such a product by applying a layer of colorless glossy varnish.

You can also use odorless acrylic water-based paint, just try not to dilute it too much. This choice will be great when working indoors, or in a nursery.

Alkyd enamel is perfect for painting MDF surfaces, while creating a waterproof layer.

For painting doors made with fiberboard, you can use any kind of paint. In this case, both nitro enamel and acrylic are suitable.

The very technology of painting any interior doors is quite simple and does not require the participation of specialists. The main thing is to carefully prepare the surfaces before applying the layers of dye. The technique for using different types of paint is the same, just like a brush or a roller is used with a tool. High-quality paints with proper preparation of the door will serve a long service.

How to paint the door correctly?

Every detail is important in a harmonious interior. This applies not only to furniture and decor, but also to elements such as doors. Without these components, no modern dwelling can exist. The door leaf should be not only functional, but also attractive in order to successfully complement the existing ensemble. Often the owners want to renovate their doors, but do not know how to do it correctly. Today we will talk about how best to paint this element of the home to make it even more attractive.


It's no secret that over time, all the details in the interior wear out and gradually lose their original appearance. Higher quality and more reliable materials age slightly more slowly, while inexpensive and fake materials age much earlier. Noticing that the interior or front door to the dwelling has lost its visual appeal, many owners want to return it to its former attractiveness.

A good solution to this issue is the usual painting. Fortunately, modern manufacturers produce coatings that easily fit not only on wooden canvases, but also on metal or plastic surfaces, so the optimal paint can be selected for any material.

However, often people turn to such an update of the door structure, not because it is badly worn out and requires restoration, but in order to revive the interior a little and bring fresh colors into it.

Do not underestimate the role of the door leaf and its colors in the interior, as often such elements radically change the tone of the ensemble and give it a particular style.

Paints and varnishes are good not only for decorating and updating doors, but also for the choice of shades. Today in stores you can find mixtures of not only classic and neutral, but also the most unexpected and even acidic tones. This suggests that the modern consumer is free to shape absolutely any interior, from classics to insane avant-garde.

Many users give preference to painting doors also due to the fact that everyone can cope with this process. It is not too complicated and does not require special knowledge and skills. It is enough to know only the basic basics of painting door leaves.

Product materials

Almost all types of modern interior doors are suitable for painting. High-quality wood or veneer canvases are ideal.

There are many attractive and durable hardwood models on the furniture market today, which include:

  • Beech. Otherwise, this breed is called the "tree of kings" because of its unsurpassed quality and solid appearance.
  • Oak. Oak doors boast enviable durability, reliability and a unique shade. This is especially true of the luxurious bog oak.
  • Nut. This attractive wood has an interesting moire pattern and rich dark shade.
  • Ash. In terms of strength, this material is comparable to oak, but it costs much less.
  • Linden. This wood has a light shade and is inexpensive.

No less popular canvases from coniferous tree species, such as:

  • Spruce. This material is not very durable, but it is ideal for an interior door.
  • Pine. Pine canvases have a pleasant and calm color. In addition, these doors are inexpensive and attractive.
  • Cedar. Cedar doors are highly reliable and resistant to mold.
  • Alder. Alder doors in their characteristics are in many ways similar to pine models, but they are more resistant to temperature extremes and exposure to humid air.

Hybrid products are also suitable for painting, which include a frame made of veneered or solid pine wood or an inexpensive canvas made of materials such as MDF, fiberboard or chipboard. Often such products are covered with veneer.

In addition, attractive veneered specimens can be shielded or paneled. Paneled structures are ideal for installation as a traditional piece of furniture. Conventional shield options can be used in a slightly different way.

Due to their smooth surface, they are often used to create hidden interior paintings. Otherwise, such elements are called "invisible" doors.

You can paint not only a wooden, but also a plastic door. But if you want to achieve the most persistent and attractive result, then you will have to stock up on special spray paint in cans. For example, this could be the popular Amphibolin 2000 formulation.

How to paint in the apartment with your own hands?

The choice of a suitable paint and varnish coating mainly depends on what kind of appearance of the door leaf you plan to get as a result, on the experience in such matters and, of course, on the conditions in which the painting will be carried out. If you are going to process a door outside the walls of a dwelling, then you must choose an odorless finish so as not to harm the health of the people around.

There are several types of enamel paints on the market that can be used to treat the door and its constituent components:

  • Acrylic. Such paint perfectly hides any defects on the painted surface. It also protects the material from dampness and moisture, and the formation of mold. It can also be used for glass. Today, many companies produce high-quality acrylic compounds that are environmentally friendly.
  • Alkyd. This composition is very similar to traditional oil paint, but has more significant protective characteristics that can last up to 4 years.
  • Polyurethane. This paint is highly durable and durable. It perfectly fills the pores of natural wood, which protects it from moisture and pollution.

How to paint interior doors with your own hands

Have a desire to freshen up the interior, but the old door leaf is still in good condition? You can restore the doors a bit and paint them a new color. You can entrust this work to a specialist or do it yourself. This does not require special skills, it is enough to study the issue and follow the recommendations: “how to paint interior doors”.

Preparing the door leaf for painting

Before proceeding directly to painting, you need to prepare the door leaf. Preparation includes several stages:

  1. Remove the door from its hinges. This will make it more convenient to carry out all the necessary work.
  2. It is advisable to remove the lock and handle so as not to smear it in paint.
  3. Remove old staining defects or all paint. If the old paintwork is in good condition, then the entire layer may not be removed completely. Only places where there are obvious defects. If you need to remove the layer completely, then you will need a building hair dryer or a special paint remover.
  4. Wash the door from dirt and dust.
  5. Degrease the surface with a solvent.
  6. If there are flaws on the surface: cracks, potholes, they need to be putty.
  7. Degrease and prime the surface again.
  8. Allow the primed canvas to dry and repeat again.

The preparatory stage has been passed. You can start painting the canvas.

Selection of paints and varnishes

There are two options for materials for restoration:

The varnish is used for wooden doors. It emphasizes the natural structure of the wood. Hides imperfections and adds shine. Easy to apply, dries quickly and does not have an unpleasant odor.

The paint is suitable for doors made of any materials: wood, plastic, metal, MDF, PVC, chipboard, fiberboard. Different types of paints are used for different materials.

Paint selection rules

There is a huge selection of paints and varnishes on the market. You need to take a responsible approach in the choice of paint in order to buy quality products.

Follow some rules when choosing paint:

  • it is advisable to choose odorless materials;
  • give priority to water-based;
  • choose the right paint tone that will match the style with the floor, furniture or the color of the walls;
  • when repainting, consider compatibility with the previous coat.

Types of paints for painting interior doors

Paints are divided by purpose into the following types:

  1. Water-based. Inexpensive, without a strong unpleasant odor, dries quickly. An excellent option for painting interior doors with your own hands.
  2. Acrylic. Expensive, no toxic odor, dries quickly, has a huge selection of colors. Fits well in one layer. Therefore, if you want to paint a wooden interior door with your own hands, then choose acrylic paint. After drying, it creates a matte finish. To give a glossy shine, it is varnished on top.
  3. Thermoenamel. Most often used for entrance structures. Protects the surface from temperature extremes. Convenient to use. Sold both in a can and in a spray can.
  4. Polyurethane. Resistant to damage and scratches. It is widely used for constructions from solid oak, ash, pine and other valuable species. Because when the wood is deformed, cracks do not appear on the paint.
  5. Nitro paint. Expensive toxic. Use outdoors, in a well-ventilated area, or with a respirator. Moisture and heat resistant.
  6. Interior. It is more often used for painting MDF structures. It contains special additives that extend the service life.
  7. Glazing. Transparent or natural wood color. Emphasizes the natural beauty of wood.
  8. Alkyd. Affordable, many different colors. But a persistent smell in the room lasts up to three days.

The type of paint and varnish material affects the staining result.

Stages of painting the door

The canvas has been prepared, the paint and varnish material has been purchased, the question remains: “how to repaint the interior doors”. To make the stain look like a professional, you need to perform the following steps in stages:

  1. Prepare the necessary tools.
  2. It is advisable to remove the door from its hinges and place it in a horizontal position. This reduces the likelihood of dripping.
  3. Then we remove the fittings so as not to get dirty. If this is difficult, then seal it with masking tape.
  4. If there are glass inserts, they also need to be sealed with tape.
  5. Apply the first coat gently. With a brush, go through hard-to-reach places: panels, decorative overlays. Use a roller to paint even surfaces.
  6. Let the coating dry. Then apply a second coat. Repeat as necessary. But more often than not, two layers are enough.
  7. Leave to dry completely. Then repeat the same steps with the second side.

After the coating is completely dry on both sides, you can install the fittings and hang the door on the hinges.

Dyeing technology

The dyeing technology may vary depending on:

  • the material from which the canvas is made;
  • type of paintwork.

It is necessary to take into account the features of all materials and follow the step-by-step instructions.

If you want to paint a veneer door, use varnish, stain or acrylic enamel. In order to preserve the environmental friendliness of the structure.

MDF door painting

Features of painting MDF canvas:

  1. The surface needs to be made glossy. Therefore, you need to choose the appropriate paint and varnish materials.
  2. To increase adhesion, the surface must first be primed.
  3. MDF surfaces strongly absorb paint, so it is better to choose quick-drying compositions.
  4. If the leaves are deaf, then use a paint roller. This will save time, paint, and lint from the brush.
  5. The more varnish to prime the door, the more uniform the surface will look after painting.

No special skills are required to paint MDF surfaces. Enough to do the job consistently and accurately.

Painting a door under a tree

The door structure made of almost any material can be painted with an imitation of natural wood. To do this, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Apply a layer of base paint. Let it dry.
  2. We clean the surface with sandpaper. It is advisable to choose sandpaper with fine grain.
  3. Apply a second coat of paint in a darker shade.
  4. Immediately, without letting it dry, use a comb to apply a pattern under a tree. Leave it to dry completely.
  5. We clean the surface and varnish it.

You need to know that not all types of plastic can be painted this way. Also, when working with plastic, it is better to use a brush rather than a roller. To achieve a greater resemblance to natural wood.

How to paint a wooden door

Solid wood products look expensive and beautiful. Therefore, people try to keep the natural texture and color. And they ask themselves the question: “how to paint old wooden interior doors, so as to preserve their natural texture”. I cover wooden structures with varnish, glaze enamel or wood-like paint. You can also make such surfaces semi-antique.

For wood surfaces, choose a paint with natural oils. Solid wood products can be easily spray painted. This saves time and material consumption. The varnish is applied in two or three layers. Until the surface is perfectly smooth.

Required tools

To prepare the canvas for painting, you will need the following tools:

  • putty knife;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • Bulgarian;
  • screwdriver;
  • sandpaper.

You can do without the entire list. It depends on the condition of the old door covering.

Prepare for staining:

  • paint tray;
  • gloves;
  • respirator;
  • masking tape;
  • brushes;
  • roller.

You can do without a respirator if you buy paint without a toxic smell. In addition, old newspapers or other material may be needed to cover the surface on which the painting will be done.

During the operation of the internal door structure, in a house or apartment, the color of the canvas gradually fades, scratches and other damage appear, and the time comes for restoration and staining. You can independently eliminate all defects and paint the canvas. To do this, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of paint, preparation of the canvas and directly painting.

If you are the owner of wooden doors, then over time you may encounter a certain problem. The thing is that during the operation the tree will lose its appearance. To restore and protect it, you need to paint wooden doors in an apartment or house.

But, this raises a number of questions: how to paint a wooden door? How? What paint should I use? What should be considered when painting a wooden door? If you have never encountered painting wooden doors, then this article is for you. And for experienced builders, it will be useful.

Choosing a paint and varnish material for a wooden door

What can be called the most important detail in painting any surface? That's right, paint. The durability of the coating, its quality, appearance, etc. depends on its choice. Therefore, the choice of paint and varnish material for wood must be approached very seriously. Some people think that the quality of paint can be neglected, however, in our case, this is unreasonable. The quality is always above the price!

Advice! There is a small way to save money on quality paint. In the event that its expiration date comes to an end, stores offer discounts for such goods. If you want to paint wooden doors right away, then you can safely buy such a composition.

So what paint is best for wooden doors? After all, the range of goods is very large. First, you need to know that paints and varnishes are divided into two types:

  • Transparent.
  • Opaque.
  • Transparent include varnish, various impregnations and protective glaze. In the event that you want to emphasize the very structure of the tree, while retaining its natural color, then this painting of doors under a tree is just for you. As for opaque compositions, this includes paints familiar to us. For working with wood, nitro paint, acrylic compounds and alkyd enamels are most often used. Each type of paint for wooden doors has its own characteristics.

    Alkyd enamel

    Let's start with alkyd enamel. It can be called the most affordable. We are glad to have a wide assortment of colors and shades. After application and complete drying of the paint, a coating appears on the surface, which is strong, durable and resistant to external factors. The wear resistance of the material is excellent. Consumption - economical. And paint for doors dries pretty quickly.

    If we talk about the lack of paint, then we note a not entirely healthy smell, which will be retained in the room for at least two days after painting. Vapors of paint adversely affect the health of people who have allergies or respiratory diseases. It is also not recommended to use alkyd enamel for painting the wooden doors of the children's room.

    Nitro paint

    This composition has a high aesthetic property, a large palette of colors and shades, which is much larger than that of alkyd or acrylic paints. The main advantages of the paint are durability and a high level of wear resistance. But, the harm to the health of nitro paint is even higher than that of the previous version. The fumes are toxic, so painting wooden doors with this paint should be done in a well-ventilated area. And you cannot enter the room until the composition is dry.

    Acrylic enamel

    So we come to the third option. Acrylic enamel is the best solution to paint interior wooden doors. Acrylic enamel on a water dispersion basis is easy to apply, has excellent hiding power, fits perfectly on wood, and when dry, does not emit any toxic and unpleasant odors.

    Among the disadvantages of paint can be noted high cost and low strength. But, to impart durability to the coating and preserve its appearance, the paint is covered with a special acrylic varnish.


    Varnishes are used for solid wood doors. Opening with varnish will protect the wood from moisture, sunlight, dirt and other negative influences, as well as paint. But, due to its transparency, the coating will accentuate the structure of the tree. And if you want to give it a certain tone, then buy a tinting varnish.

    Now you just have to decide on the composition. And if you have chosen acrylic paint, then a new question arises: which color to choose?

    Choosing a paint color

    We have already mentioned that the range of color solutions is quite large, so everyone can bring their own design solutions to life. Some paint the door white, while others decide to use red or black. But, the choice of color should not be done out of your own desires. The interior of the rooms and their design should be taken into account. After all, you must agree that the doors of a snow-white look will look out of place in a room that is made in eco style or where dark tones prevail.

    Modern design defines three main trends in door color between rooms:

    • gentle pastel colors: light blue, peach, green, pink, lavender;
    • rich dark tones: brown, cherry, blue, chocolate;
    • bright colors such as red, orange, or yellow.

    Here are some design tips for choosing paint colors that everyone needs to know before starting to paint their interior doors:

  • If you have a wooden house, it is better to cover solid wood doors with ordinary varnish or transparent oil impregnation.
  • In the bedroom, where pastel colors should prevail, the doors should be the same, white, blue, lavender, etc. They will create coziness and comfort. The same goes for children's rooms.

  • Dark tones (cherry, chocolate, red nut) are used for the living room to give it luxury, taste and sophistication.
  • For adherents of the classic interior, which has antique or old furniture, you can use artificial aging of the interior door.
  • Do not paint the door frame to match the walls, but darker or lighter.
  • With such simple rules, you can quickly decide which paint to buy to paint your wooden doors. So, when you have figured out how to paint the doors, have decided on the color of the paint, you can proceed to the technology of work.

    We collect tools and materials for work

    Any painting is done with specific tools. You can apply paint in three ways: with a brush, roller or spray gun. The best option is a roller, it is faster to work with it than with a brush, and it is cheaper than a spray gun. However, to get to hard-to-reach places, brushes will not be in the way. So, the set of tools is as follows:

    • roller and bath;
    • paint brush;
    • rags;
    • masking tape;
    • gloves;
    • sandpaper;
    • 4 stools or 2 goats;
    • putty knife;
    • vacuum cleaner.

    As for the materials, they are:

  • Solvent.
  • Putty.
  • Paintwork material.
  • Primer.
  • Got everything you need? Then let's get started.

    Preparatory work

    To begin with, wooden doors for painting should be prepared. The first step is to remove them from their hinges. Now place them on a support (2 goats or 3 stools). When working with alkyd paints, it is best to work outdoors. Disassemble the fittings so that no unnecessary items remain. Loop handles that are not removable should be wrapped in paper or foil and secured with tape. Fix the locking mechanism and cover it with tape.

  • Removing the old coating, if any (paint, putty, primer). You need to remove everything up to the tree. To make things easier, you can use a sander, wood remover, or sandpaper.

  • Then sand the doors to remove any scratches, dents, and any remaining paint. After working with a sander, vacuum the surface.
  • If there are imperfections on the tree, then finish them with putty. Treat the crevices especially carefully.
  • When the putty is dry, re-putty the doors. In this case, first with a medium grain size, and then fine-grained.
  • Note! If the tree has darkened over time, it can be restored (lightened) with a special solution. This bleached solution consists of water and bleach, combined in a 1: 3 ratio.

    After such preparation, painting wooden doors with your own hands is not difficult.

    Door painting schemes

    The fact is that the door leaf itself can be different. Depending on this, the procedure for performing staining at home and tools also change. Door designs can be as follows:

  • Shield canvas. In this case, you need to paint the door in 3 steps. A roller is used, since there are no traces, lint from it and painting is done economically, evenly. The process should start from the top corner, moving laterally from left to right. When the first coat is applied, wait until it dries. Now you can apply the next layer, only in the longitudinal direction. Again, wait for the layer to dry. At the end, the third layer of paint is applied, according to the same principle as the first, in the transverse direction.

  • Paneled canvas. Here you will already have to work with both a roller and paint. These doors are characterized by patterns and recesses. To begin with, with a paint brush, all the recesses of the door are processed that are beyond the power of the roller. Make sure that paint does not leak from excess. When all hard-to-reach places have been processed, you can start working with a roller. Painting should be alternate, as in the first case.

  • Now that you have decided on the dyeing technology, let's move from theory to practice.

    Dyeing process

    Further work will not be difficult, you just need to follow the instructions and perform each step correctly. The process itself can be broken down into specific stages:

  • Lay the doors that have been prepared in a horizontal position on a surface covered with polyethylene. If the doors have glass, protect them with masking tape.
  • Prepare paint according to package directions.
  • Take a paint brush and work with it all the small elements of the doors, panels and details that protrude.
  • Using a roller and a tray, apply the first coat of the colorant.
  • When the entire leaf of the wooden door has been processed, leave it to dry completely.
  • Apply a second coat in the opposite direction.
  • To get a brighter and more saturated color, it is better to paint a wooden door in three layers.
  • After drying, it remains to turn the canvas over and paint in the same order.
  • As you can see, the process is simple and within the power of any ordinary user. To see everything clearly, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with this video:

    In order to avoid any mistakes, it is important not to forget about the rules followed by experienced painters. What are these rules or nuances? Here is a list of them:

  • When working with veneered doors, material delamination is often observed in the lower part. This can be corrected by carefully separating the cover from the base, treating the wrong side of the veneer and the base itself with glue for such work and gluing in place. When doing this, use clamps. For a snug fit, a board or plywood is laid on top. When the glue is dry, you can start painting.
  • You can paint wooden doors without removing them from their hinges. But at the same time, you should protect the adjacent surfaces so as not to stain them. For this, a newspaper and masking tape are suitable.
  • When working with the roller, squeeze it well. Otherwise, smudges may appear.

  • If you get smudges while working with a brush, you can get rid of them with a simple sponge. Just blot that spot and roll over it.
  • There is no need to paint the hinges and lock of wooden doors.
  • The weak point of wooden doors is the frame protrusions and door edges. When opening or closing, they contact, so they are often overwritten. They need to be painted in at least 3 layers.
  • When working with new paint brushes, comb them out and immerse them in water for several hours. As a result, there will be no lint left and the bristles will be softened.
  • The masking tape you use to protect the surfaces should be removed immediately after painting is completed. If you do this after the paint has dried, the tape may peel off the coating.
  • During the drying time of the wooden door, it should not be exposed to direct sunlight, insects, dust and dirt.
  • If you adhere to these rules when painting a wooden door, then you can achieve the best quality of the painted surface. This will also extend the life of the paint.


    That's all you need to know if you decide to paint your doors. Thanks to these tips and instructions, the work can be done quickly and easily with your own hands, without special skills in painting. Your wooden doors will be like new, and your home comfort will last for many years. Do not be afraid to start painting, just buy the necessary tools and materials, gather your strength and act!

    No matter how high-quality the doors are, time passes and their external renewal is required. To paint a door means not only to apply it correctly, but also to choose the right composition. This only guarantees that the effect is expected.

    In the house, almost all frames and canvases are made of wood. And therefore, it is with them that the owner mainly has to deal, since plastic, aluminum or glass cannot be painted. Therefore, first it is worth figuring out how different wood paints differ.


    1. Decide on the advisability of applying this or that composition, as well as what color the door should eventually acquire. There are quite a few nuances on this point.
    • If the canvas is made of solid wood, and even more so of a valuable species, then it is better to emphasize the texture of the material than to completely cover it with an opaque layer of LKS.
    • For doors made of MDF or paneled structures, everything is exactly the opposite - the painting of doors of this type is made with any composition that lays on the base, reliably hiding all its possible defects.
    • Consider the general style of the room. This will help you choose the right shade of paint for the frame and sash. If it is difficult to make a decision, then you should focus on neutral options. For example, paint the door white.

    1. Assess the conditions for using the composition. Competent painting of any door assumes that the place of its installation is taken into account. The explanation is simple - all rooms have specific features. Since LKS, regardless of the type, perform not only a decorating function, but also a protective one, it is imperative to take into account such factors as the values ​​of humidity and temperature in a particular room, their possible fluctuations, intensity, and the like. It is to them that wood "painfully" reacts.

    Only an analysis of all factors will give a clear understanding of what exactly and how to paint a wooden door.

    It is also necessary to take into account the specifics of the work ahead. The paint is applied to wood in various ways - by brush, roller, spraying. The expediency of choosing a technique is determined by the design features of the canvas. And here it is necessary to focus on the fluidity of the composition, its consistency. It is clear that it is not difficult to dilute the paint for wooden doors, there are white spirit, synthetic solvents and the like on sale.

    But how will their introduction affect the final color of the base? Will peeling and warping of old paint start? Such moments must be taken into account when reconstructing a worn-out door, repainting it. Not all formulations are compatible.

    Varieties of LKS


    The expediency of their use follows from the definition: such compositions reliably protect the base without hiding its texture. For example, for doors in timber buildings (log cabins) - the best choice. This group of LCS includes various varnishes (colorless and with tinting components), impregnating compositions (including complex action), glazes.


    In everyday life, it is these LKSs that are usually called paints. It is worth noting that not all of them are suitable for home use, and therefore, when choosing a composition, you need to carefully read the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer!

    • Oil. The cheapest paints that are gradually losing their popularity. They reliably protect wood from external factors and are sold in a large assortment. But painting wooden doors with your own hands with such a composition is inconvenient in the sense that you will have to wait a long time for it to completely dry out.
    • Acrylic. They are based on water, and therefore it is these paints that are most often used to paint wood. Advantages - quick hardening of the layer, its elasticity, good fluidity of the composition, absence of harmful components.

    Paints of this group do not differ in wear resistance. To keep them on the wood longer, it is advisable to apply another layer on top - to cover it with a special acrylic varnish.

    • Nitroenamels. They are characterized by a large color palette (up to 15,000 different shades). With their help, the problem of how best to repaint the door is solved quickly. If you add such a plus as increased wear resistance, then one of the acceptable options. But there is a negative point - toxic fumes. In the process of work, it is necessary to organize effective ventilation of the room. In some cases, it is recommended to use a respirator.
    • Alkyd paints. Painting of interior doors with compounds of this group gives many advantages - the durability of the protective layer, a large selection of shades, and low cost of decoration. But the downside is that a pungent, unpleasant smell lasts in the room for a long time. In this regard, alkyd paints are identical to nitro enamels. Moreover, under certain conditions, harmful substances continue to be released into the environment even after the composition has hardened. When deciding which paint is better to paint wood, you need to understand that the use of these LKSs to update interior doors in bedrooms, nurseries is not recommended.

    Operating procedure

    Preliminary activities

    • It is advisable to dismantle the door to reduce the consumption of LKS and ensure maximum convenience of work. The place where to place it is selected based on the properties of the selected paint. It is better to handle wood with nitro enamels or alkyd compounds outdoors (on the veranda, in the yard, under a canopy).
    • All fittings are removed - handles, latches, and so on. If some elements are non-removable (for example, glass inserts), they are securely closed (with tape, PVC tape). As a last resort, a layer of grease is applied. This is necessary so that these areas of the door are not stained with the coloring composition during operation.
    • Cleaning the base. It is from this that the stage of correct staining of the door leaf begins. All previously applied layers are removed - as a result, the tree should be completely bare.
    • Assessment of the condition of wood and the degree of its damage. This allows you to choose the right formulations (primers, impregnating agents) and the type of paint.

    At this stage, it is advisable to reconstruct the door leaf if, for some reason, it does not suit its work. For example, if it is necessary to outweigh the hinges, you can make a sample of wood. If you need to rearrange the handle, drill.

    Preparing the canvas

    • Sanding wood. At this stage, minor material defects (scratches, dents) can be leveled, which will facilitate further painting. If you work with a household grinder, it will not take much time for this, and the leveling quality will be high. It is only necessary to regularly remove wood dust and monitor the condition of the base.
    • To get rid of dark spots, it is advisable to "lighten" the tree. In everyday life, chlorine bleach is used, additionally diluted with water (3 to 1).
    • After the canvas has dried, it is impregnated with an antiseptic composition and dried again.
    • Remaining defects (small cracks, for example) are removed with a putty.
    • The door prepared in this way is subjected to repeated, final grinding.

    Painting order

    • The stability of the web is checked. If necessary, film or old material is placed under the door to protect the base.
    • First of all, the paint is applied to especially difficult areas - protrusions, curly bends, and the like. That is, for anything that does not fit the definition of "flat surface". If a paneled door is being processed, then you should start by applying the composition to its recesses.
    • Correctly carry out a complete painting of the door in three steps. First, the LKS is applied in a horizontal direction, from top to bottom. After the layer has dried, re-painting, but with a vertical movement of the roller. The third "run" is done in the same way as the first.

    This technology will ensure the uniformity of the door color and the complete absence of various grooves, dried drops, gaps, streaks, and the like. In addition, applying the composition in several layers increases the color saturation. If the paint was repeatedly diluted with a solvent during work, it is especially important. The processing of the canvas with varnishes, stains, glaze is carried out according to the same scheme.

    The owner himself will have to decide what paint to paint any of the wooden doors in his own house. What needs to be taken into account and what criteria to focus on when buying a LCS is noted, and in some detail. The choice is yours, home craftsmen.

    Have a desire to freshen up the interior, but the old door leaf is still in good condition? You can restore the doors a bit and paint them a new color. You can entrust this work to a specialist or do it yourself. This does not require special skills, it is enough to study the issue and follow the recommendations: “how to paint interior doors”.

    Before proceeding directly to painting, you need to prepare the door leaf. Preparation includes several stages:

    1. Remove the door from its hinges. This will make it more convenient to carry out all the necessary work.
    2. It is advisable to remove the lock and handle so as not to smear it in paint.
    3. Remove old staining defects or all paint. If the old paintwork is in good condition, then the entire layer may not be removed completely. Only places where there are obvious defects. If you need to remove the layer completely, then you will need a building hair dryer or a special paint remover.
    4. Wash the door from dirt and dust.
    5. Degrease the surface with a solvent.
    6. If there are flaws on the surface: cracks, potholes, they need to be putty.
    7. Degrease and prime the surface again.
    8. Allow the primed canvas to dry and repeat again.

    The preparatory stage has been passed. You can start painting the canvas.

    Selection of paints and varnishes

    There are two options for materials for restoration:

    • dye.

    The varnish is used for wooden doors. It emphasizes the natural structure of the wood. Hides imperfections and adds shine. Easy to apply, dries quickly and does not have an unpleasant odor.

    The paint is suitable for doors made of any materials: wood, plastic, metal, MDF, PVC, chipboard, fiberboard. Different types of paints are used for different materials.

    Paint selection rules

    There is a huge selection of paints and varnishes on the market. You need to take a responsible approach in the choice of paint in order to buy quality products.

    Follow some rules when choosing paint:

    • it is advisable to choose odorless materials;
    • give priority to water-based;
    • choose the right paint tone that will match the style with the floor, furniture or the color of the walls;
    • when repainting, consider compatibility with the previous coat.

    Types of paints for painting interior doors

    Paints are divided by purpose into the following types:

    1. Water-based. Inexpensive, without a strong unpleasant odor, dries quickly. An excellent option for painting interior doors with your own hands.
    2. Acrylic. Expensive, no toxic odor, dries quickly, has a huge selection of colors. Fits well in one layer. Therefore, if you want to paint a wooden interior door with your own hands, then choose acrylic paint. After drying, it creates a matte finish. To give a glossy shine, it is varnished on top.
    3. Thermoenamel. Most often used for entrance structures. Protects the surface from temperature extremes. Convenient to use. Sold both in a can and in a spray can.
    4. Polyurethane. Resistant to damage and scratches. It is widely used for constructions from solid oak, ash, pine and other valuable species. Because when the wood is deformed, cracks do not appear on the paint.
    5. Nitro paint. Expensive toxic. Use outdoors, in a well-ventilated area, or with a respirator. Moisture and heat resistant.
    6. Interior. It is more often used for painting MDF structures. It contains special additives that extend the service life.
    7. Glazing. Transparent or natural wood color. Emphasizes the natural beauty of wood.
    8. Alkyd. Affordable, many different colors. But a persistent smell in the room lasts up to three days.

    The type of paint and varnish material affects the staining result.

    Stages of painting the door

    The canvas has been prepared, the paint and varnish material has been purchased, the question remains: “how to repaint the interior doors”. To make the stain look like a professional, you need to perform the following steps in stages:

    1. Prepare the necessary tools.
    2. It is advisable to remove the door from its hinges and place it in a horizontal position. This reduces the likelihood of dripping.
    3. Then we remove the fittings so as not to get dirty. If this is difficult, then seal it with masking tape.
    4. If there are glass inserts, they also need to be sealed with tape.
    5. Apply the first coat gently. With a brush, go through hard-to-reach places: panels, decorative overlays. Use a roller to paint even surfaces.
    6. Let the coating dry. Then apply a second coat. Repeat as necessary. But more often than not, two layers are enough.
    7. Leave to dry completely. Then repeat the same steps with the second side.

    After the coating is completely dry on both sides, you can install the fittings and hang the door on the hinges.

    Dyeing technology

    The dyeing technology may vary depending on:

    • the material from which the canvas is made;
    • type of paintwork.

    It is necessary to take into account the features of all materials and follow the step-by-step instructions.

    If you want to paint a veneer door, use varnish, stain or acrylic enamel. In order to preserve the environmental friendliness of the structure.

    MDF door painting

    Features of painting MDF canvas:

    1. The surface needs to be made glossy. Therefore, you need to choose the appropriate paint and varnish materials.
    2. To increase adhesion, the surface must first be primed.
    3. MDF surfaces strongly absorb paint, so it is better to choose quick-drying compositions.
    4. If the leaves are deaf, then use a paint roller. This will save time, paint, and lint from the brush.
    5. The more varnish to prime the door, the more uniform the surface will look after painting.

    No special skills are required to paint MDF surfaces. Enough to do the job consistently and accurately.

    Painting a door under a tree

    The door structure made of almost any material can be painted with an imitation of natural wood. To do this, you need to perform the following actions:

    1. Apply a layer of base paint. Let it dry.
    2. We clean the surface with sandpaper. It is advisable to choose sandpaper with fine grain.
    3. Apply a second coat of paint in a darker shade.
    4. Immediately, without letting it dry, use a comb to apply a pattern under a tree. Leave it to dry completely.
    5. We clean the surface and varnish it.

    You need to know that not all types of plastic can be painted this way. Also, when working with plastic, it is better to use a brush rather than a roller. To achieve a greater resemblance to natural wood.

    How to paint a wooden door

    Solid wood products look expensive and beautiful. Therefore, people try to keep the natural texture and color. And they ask themselves the question: “how to paint old wooden interior doors, so as to preserve their natural texture”. I cover wooden structures with varnish, glaze enamel or wood-like paint. You can also make such surfaces semi-antique.

    For wood surfaces, choose a paint with natural oils. Solid wood products can be easily spray painted. This saves time and material consumption. The varnish is applied in two or three layers. Until the surface is perfectly smooth.

    Required tools

    To prepare the canvas for painting, you will need the following tools:

    • putty knife;
    • construction hair dryer;
    • Bulgarian;
    • screwdriver;
    • sandpaper.

    You can do without the entire list. It depends on the condition of the old door covering.

    Prepare for staining:

    • paint tray;
    • gloves;
    • respirator;
    • masking tape;
    • brushes;
    • roller.

    You can do without a respirator if you buy paint without a toxic smell. In addition, old newspapers or other material may be needed to cover the surface on which the painting will be done.

    During the operation of the internal door structure, in a house or apartment, the color of the canvas gradually fades, scratches and other damage appear, and the time comes for restoration and staining. You can independently eliminate all defects and paint the canvas. To do this, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of paint, preparation of the canvas and directly painting.