How to build a shed from gas silicate blocks with your own. Block shed photo - How to build a foam block shed with your own hands: drawings, photos and videos

How does each summer resident start arranging his site? From the construction of a barn that provides minimum comfort conditions. It is in such an economic non-residential premises that the tools for working on the ground, other necessary devices and materials are located. You can, of course, hire professionals for construction work. But it will be much more economical to build a barn with your own hands.
We suggest choosing foam blocks as the main material.
Why foam blocks? What is special about this material? What makes it different from the rest: brick, plastic, wood?

Advantages and disadvantages of a foam block for construction work in the country

  1. Foam concrete is lighter (11 kg) than brick, but it is not inferior in strength. The construction will not be as heavy as if you make it from expanded clay concrete blocks.
  2. Quality concrete. Frost-resistant, soundproof material, and its heat-shielding properties are several times higher than those of bricks.
  3. The porous material has good thermal conductivity, unlike plastic. The microclimate in the barn will be like in a wooden building.
  4. Unlike wood, it is not subject to decay, does not burn. For a long time (up to 8 hours) it can be exposed to fire without destruction.
  5. It is quite simple to process cellular stone using ordinary tools, so it is easier for summer residents to lay it than wood or brick.
  6. The construction will not take much time, since the size of the finished blocks is relatively large (20x30x60 cm). By the way, if you make foam blocks yourself, you can cut out concrete elements from a monolith of a given size.
  7. Relatively cheap, economical material.

It is nevertheless necessary to take into account that, with all the advantages, the foam block also has a number of disadvantages:

  • the strength of the blocks is limited, so they should not be used for the construction of tall structures and must be transported carefully;
  • it absorbs moisture easily;
  • after laying the foam blocks, the structure must be additionally plastered due to the unsightly appearance of the concrete and the need to protect it from low temperatures.

By the way, foam concrete was invented not so long ago, only 100 years ago. By adding a foaming agent to the usual cement mixture, we obtained a qualitatively new building material. It consists of small cells-air pockets, therefore it has good thermal conductivity.

Types and brands of foam concrete

There are natural and synthetic foam blocks (aerated concrete).

  • Natural cellular stone is the result of mechanical addition of organic (protein) foam; concrete, evenly filled with air bubbles. A completely safe, environmentally friendly material, unlike synthetic. Placed on a cement-sand composition.
  • Synthetic foam concrete, gas silicate. In addition to sand, it contains lime, aluminum powder and water. The cellular structure of the material is formed as a result of chemical reactions with the release of gas. Unlike foam concrete, it is thermally fired in a kiln. As a result, smooth finished blocks are obtained. Possesses pronounced quality characteristics of foam blocks. It fits on glue, which also distinguishes it from foam concrete blocks. Belongs to the 4th class in terms of the content of harmful substances.

Foam concrete grades were distributed according to the degree of density, highlighting the main 3 types:

  1. heat insulating;
  2. constructional;
  3. constructional and heat-insulating.

The preparatory stage of construction must be taken very seriously - the quality of the future shed made of foam blocks depends on it.

The first stage of preparation for the construction of the building

  1. First you need to think about what size the utility block you will build, what are you going to put there, besides garden tools. If you plan to store a walk-behind tractor, other mechanical and power tools, they will need a separate place.
  2. If you want to keep animals, perhaps in cages, the layout will also be special.
  3. A separate place is also needed for fertilizers - organic, chemical. Understand how many functional areas will be in the building and whether there will be a workshop.
  4. Solve the issue with the presence of windows. Will they be complete, or just make a small window from a glass block. How many entrances do you plan - one or two.
  5. A barn for a summer residence, of course, is the simplest design. But it is still desirable to theoretically prepare for the construction. Choose a project that suits you, a diagram, a drawing. Such information is provided in large quantities by corresponding sites on the Internet.
  6. In the same place, read in advance how to build a shed from foam blocks.
  7. Then choose the most convenient location for the building. Usually it is placed near a residential building: it is convenient to walk for inventory.
  8. It is imperative that when choosing a place, one must take into account the presence of electrical underground wiring, a sewer system and build as far as possible from them.
  9. Calculate the size of the block shed. We offer a variant of the most convenient household structure, with a total size of 600x300 cm, two isolated zones 200x300 and 400x300 cm. This room will house both a workshop and animal cages.

The second stage of preparation for the construction of the building

  • This stage begins with the choice of the type of foundation. Most often, utility rooms are built from a foam block, brick, stone on a strip monolithic foundation. If the soil in the country is soft or the building is very heavy, you cannot imagine a better slab foundation.
  • Make a formwork for pouring the foundation.
  • Consider which roof - shed, gable or straight to choose. We recommend building a gable. It is built at different angles of inclination of the slopes (at the request of the owner). Of course, a roof with a lower slope withstands gusts of wind better, but then the attic, which is formed after the construction of the rafter system, will turn out to be low. This can be a useful room where food, things, utensils are stored. The height of the roof and the size of the attic will depend on you, up to the arrangement of the room on the second floor.
  • Decide on the roofing material. Slate roofing will be a more economical option than metal roofing.
  • Calculate how many foam blocks you need. This is easy to do, knowing the size of the structure. You also need to calculate the number of rows of future masonry. Divide the height of the barn by the height of the block - get the number of strips. Do not forget to subtract the dimensions of window and door openings from the general calculations, so as not to purchase unnecessary material.
  • To erect a roof, you need to prepare materials:
    • wooden beams for floor beams (100x50 mm - 20 pieces);
    • timber for rafters (section 100x50 mm - 20 units);
    • Mauerlat (150x50 mm - 2 pieces);
    • unedged board for screed rafters (100x25 mm - one);
    • thermal insulation - 3 rolls;
    • metal rods 10 - 12 mm for the foundation.

You must first make the front, rear and side overhangs. Thoroughly measure the width and length of the base of the building to determine their linear size, which should be made 0.5 meters larger than the base. This way, you can avoid getting moisture on the surface of the shed, as the edges of the roof will hang over the walls.

Building a barn

When the preparatory work is completed, we begin to build a shed from foam blocks with our own hands.
We carry out work sequentially according to the instructions:

  1. Preparation of the strip foundation. After leveling the surface intended for construction, we make the markings. The width of the required trench, which we will dig along the perimeter, should be 30 cm, the depth from 50 cm to one meter, depending on the degree of soil freezing in winter (below the freezing level). We fill in the ditch in even layers, first with sand, then gravel, then gravel (total height up to 25 cm). We tamp each layer. Then we lay a layer of waterproofing material so that it completely covers the trench.
  2. We install the formwork (its edges should be above the level of the trench). We will fix the formwork with props. It must stand firmly while pouring.
  3. Then we lay a mesh of reinforcement or a frame made of metal rods into the trench.
  4. Fill with concrete. For filling, choose a warm, sunny, but not hot day. The concrete screed will take more than a month to dry. It needs to be sprayed with water from time to time to avoid cracking.
  5. After the foundation has dried, we clean the concrete coating from dirt, close up the filling defects, cover it with roofing material (or waterproofing material).
  6. Before laying the blocks, prepare a sand-cement mortar (1: 3).
  7. We start laying from the corner of the future shed along the perimeter of the foundation. It is advisable to use a corner foam block with an ideal angle. We check with a building level and a plumb line the correctness of the construction of each row.
  8. Make sure that the seams are no more than 30 mm thick.
  9. In order for the walls to be strong, reinforcement rods are placed on the blocks of each 3rd row.

Do-it-yourself installation of a gable roof of a barn

The shed was laid out from the foam blocks. The roof is erected after the cement adhesive has hardened in the following sequence:

  1. On the upper row of the foam block wall we put a waterproofing material - roofing felt, folded in 2 layers. We attach the Mauerlat on top - wooden bars 50x150 mm.
  2. We expose the extreme farms. We align them, strengthen them with temporary stops (with a board that is nailed to the wall during the construction of the house), fasten them to the Mauerlat. We pull the twine between the gables, creating a direction for installing the next trusses.
  3. We assemble the rafters on the ground, having previously cut out a gap for attaching to the Mauerlat, then lift and mount with metal fasteners.
  4. We put under-roof insulation on top of the rafter system - a hydro-barrier film membrane. The waterproofing layers overlap one another by 7 cm, fastened with a stapler.
  5. The counter-rail is mounted with self-tapping screws, then the crate, after which the roofing material can also be overlapped.

After completing the main work, you can begin to warm the outer walls of the built shed, carry out internal work, equip the shed with gutters.

The need for a shed in a summer cottage or on the territory of a country lady is beyond doubt. If it is not there, or the old premises have fallen into disrepair, then the question of construction arises. This article will be of interest to those who decide to build a barn with their own hands. Using tips and tricks, you can build a utility block or a shed for a summer residence in the shortest possible time.

  • Preparation for construction
    • Structural design
    • Tape
    • Slab
    • Columnar
  • Shed for a summer residence: photo ideas

Preparation for construction

Before starting the construction of even a small structure, several important issues need to be resolved.

  • Choose a place to build.
  • Draw up a clear plan for the location of the building.
  • Select a project for the construction.
  • Make an estimate.
  • Purchase materials for construction.
Legislative norms for the construction of buildings and structures on a garden plot

Sanitary and hygienic standards for the construction of auxiliary premises in the garden area

When choosing a place for a barn, it is necessary to build on the sanitary standards established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. It is not necessary to register such buildings, but it is necessary to observe the necessary distances between objects. Remember that the purpose of the barn can be different, and if the toilet has one distance from the residential building, then the poultry house and the usual barn are completely different. Do not run into trouble with your neighbors, because in case of violation of the conditions for placing a building, you will receive an order for demolition and an administrative fine.

Important! An ancillary space should be located only within your property. If a building goes beyond the boundaries of your land, then completely different laws affect its construction.

Approximate site plan

Structural design

The layout plan and the layout of the building are necessary for the further construction of the foundation. There is no need to build a shed, especially a major one, in a lowland, on flooded areas, on a crumbling slope. In these cases, you can wait for the premature destruction of your works.

The construction project is selected based on the goals of the construction. You can build a small wooden shed for gardening tools, a wooden poultry house, a sawmill, or a solid stone utility block with a toilet and shower. If you don't know how to draw projects, you can choose a barn plan at the end of the article.

Barn project with a cellar

Customer reviews on the cost of construction

Building estimates cannot be ignored. Many readers ask questions, how much should a barn of one type or another cost. Prices for materials and construction are very different in all regions of our country, and it is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. But it can be argued that the services of workers, even the lowest skilled, will account for at least a third of the total.

Customer reviews for the construction of a wooden utility block 3x6 meters speak of a price of at least 30 thousand just for the work of builders! Of course, building a barn yourself is much more profitable. Someone builds from scrap materials and old boards, and someone buys a tuff block or silicate brick, makes a slab foundation, and even designs a cellar. Any construction requires a serious approach when calculating the cost of materials, otherwise you run the risk of getting into long-term construction due to lack of funds.

DIY frame shed construction

Making a foundation for an outbuilding

Any construction begins with the construction of the foundation, which is the foundation. Foundations are different, but for a shed on a garden plot, regardless of the "capital" of the structure, several types are used, the construction of which will be considered in more detail.


If you decide to make a capital structure, then it will need a strong foundation. Here you can no longer get by with slightly dug bricks for a temporary structure. It is best to choose a strip foundation. It has a number of advantages:

  • not difficult to erect without assistance;
  • production time is minimal;
  • suitable for most soils;
  • withstands the weight of a multi-storey building.

Foundation markings

For it, you will need concrete, wood for formwork, reinforcement with a diameter of 1.2 cm, sand and crushed stone for the pillow. The work flow is simple and understandable even for a beginner.

  • We clear the ground from debris, stones and roots.
  • We outline the dimensions of the foundation with pegs and a rope.
  • Dig a trench 70-80 cm wide. Its depth should be slightly more than the depth of soil freezing in your area.
  • We make formwork. It is not necessary to choose a tree for it of high quality - after the concrete has hardened, the boards can be removed. The main thing is that the height of the formwork is above the soil surface, so you will protect your structure from moisture and dirt.

    Formwork for strip foundations

  • The bottom of the foundation, and especially trenches, is covered with two layers of sand and gravel, thereby forming a cushion and drainage cushion. It will protect your future building from soil vibrations.

    Foundation pillow
  • Then the reinforcement is laid in the form of a mesh. Cell width is approximately 30-40 cm.

    Reinforcement laying
  • We fill the foundation with concrete, let it grab, remove the formwork. Your foundation is ready. For heavy structures, it is advisable to observe the time between construction and laying of the foundation. But for a light shed, complete drying of the concrete is enough.

  • Ready strip foundation for a barn

    If you are planning a large building, for example, a large utility block or a brick shed, and the soil in your area is quite mobile, then you can strengthen the structure with piles. The strip pile foundation is made according to the same principle. The only difference is that piles are installed every 1.5-2 meters.

    Installation of pile-strip foundation


    This type of foundation is not cheap, but not difficult to manufacture. Such a base is made for buildings on quicksands, swampy soils, soils subject to seasonal fluctuations and flooding. It is performed in a similar way to the strip foundation, but there are differences.

  • The sand and gravel pad should be of high quality and reach a thickness of up to 30 cm. First, sand is poured and rammed, then crushed stone.
  • Next, geotextiles are laid.

    Laying slab foundation in layers
  • Reinforcement mesh is mounted over the entire base area.

    Reinforcement mesh
  • The entire space inside the wooden formwork is filled with concrete.

  • Slab foundation


    Usually, the story begins with the simplest, but in our case, we will describe the version of a simple foundation at the end. The fact is that this type of foundation is suitable only for those regions where the soil is not subject to "walking". Moving soils will loosen the light foundation and quickly destroy the structure. This type of base for a barn can be successfully used if:

  • The construction is temporary: the calculated service life is no more than several years.
  • The groundwater level is low.
  • There are no quicksands and deep freezing of the soil.
  • There are no seasonal floods and rising waters.
  • The soil has no swampy properties.

  • Column foundation support

    If all conditions are suitable for you, then learning how to make such a foundation is very simple.

    • Marking is made for the base of the shed.
    • In the corners, holes are dug 15 cm more than the depth of soil freezing.
    • At the bottom of the holes, a 15 cm layer of sand and gravel is rammed.
    • Brick or concrete piles are installed in the holes.

    If brickwork is used, then it is important not to forget two more points.

    • Place a metal rod inside the pile to further strengthen the structure.
    • Coat the pile with waterproofing material or wrap it with roofing felt.

    Column foundation can be used as a base for small buildings

    Projects with blueprints for building a barn

    Before building, you need to imagine this and draw a detailed drawing, otherwise your barn will not only be ugly, but it may not work out at all. Although the project begins not even with a drawing, but with the formation of a clear construction goal. For example, sheds are divided into: capital and temporary. A capital shed has a completely different cost and labor costs than a temporary one. Again, which roof do you prefer: a pitched roof or a gable roof with a ridge. Both options are quite acceptable for an outdoor utility room, but the financial and time costs are different. Maybe you need a combo shed that can accommodate a poultry house, woodshed and outdoor shower at the same time. Or the needs will be satisfied by a mini-shed for garden tools. In addition to the size, the shed can be frame, brick or built of foam blocks.

    Small shed

    If you are not endowed with the talent of a draftsman and cannot choose from a variety of building options, this section is for you. Here's how to build a shed with your own hands in projects and drawings. Choosing and building!

    Sometimes there is not enough space on the site, but you want to accommodate a lot. Then projects of auxiliary buildings come to the rescue, in which several utility rooms are combined.

    Barn project with pantry and poultry house

    Utility rooms have a different focus. Someone keeps old things in a barn, and someone needs a barn for livestock.

    Livestock barn project

    The next project is for those who need a small room at their summer cottage, for example, for storing garden tools. It can be placed anywhere in a vegetable garden or garden.

    Small barn project for summer cottages

    A conventional shed frame with a sloped roof can be used for any purpose.

    Barn frame drawing

    DIY construction of a frame wooden shed: step by step instructions

    Let's start with a simple project. If the shed is urgently needed, and there is very little time for its construction, for example, a week. Then they choose a lightweight construction made of wood on a columnar or shallowly buried foundation. Such a structure can last for several years or more - everything will depend on the mobility and seasonal fluctuations of the soil. The initial stage of construction of a standard frame wooden shed with dimensions of 3x6 m with a pitched roof of 3 and 2.4 meters looks like this:

    • We cover the floor with moisture resistant OSB or thick plywood. And we begin to assemble the frame.

    The floor is covered with moisture resistant OSB

    We pass directly to the construction of the frame. If you have second hands, but not one, then you can use the method of assembling on the ground. With this option, each wall is assembled separately and mounted to the base.

    Installation of finished walls of a frame shed

    If you are working alone, it will be difficult to put the finished wall. In this case, we build on the frame from the floor. We mount the beams according to the level, taking into account the space for the windows and the doorway. In the case of construction without helpers, it will be difficult to immediately set the level of the vertical beams. To do this, use sticks-slopes.

    Barn frame with sloped sticks

    After the vertical struts, you can start installing the roof. Horizontal beams with cuts are superimposed on the frame, which will serve as the base of the roof.

    Shed roof frame structure

    The next step will be wall cladding and roofing. The simplest material option for walls is OSB boards, which must be painted to protect against weathering. The roof can be covered with a board, and roofing material can be laid on top of the board. If funds allow, then cover the roof with slate, profiled sheet or metal tiles.

    Installation of a profiled sheet on the roof Frame shed sheathed OSB

    DIY frame shed construction: video master class

    Construction of a capital shed from foam blocks

    Why the choice fell on this material, and not on brick, for example. The fact is that the foam block has a number of huge advantages. It is a warm, breathable material that is lightweight, therefore it is not labor-intensive to build from it. The lightness of foam concrete allows you to build houses alone, and the speed will increase several times, since the blocks are several times larger than bricks. Plus, foam concrete blocks are easy to install. Foam blocks are different, and you need to know about this.

    Characteristics of foam blocks

    The sizes of these building blocks also vary.

    Sizes of foam blocks

    The advantage of this material is also in the fact that the laying can take place both on special glue and on a solution.

    Tools for construction from foam blocks

    We will consider the stages of building a shed from foam blocks in more detail.

    • This is a capital structure, and it is not worth putting it on a light foundation, therefore we are erecting a strip, pile or slab foundation, as described in the section above.
    • Starting the construction of walls, we line the base of the foundation with roofing material and liquid waterproofing.
    • We start building from the corners of the shed, leveling them with a level and a plumb line.
    The first row of foam blocks

    We pull on the mooring cord and continue to build the wall along it. Bandaging the seams, as in the photo, will help protect against leaks during heavy oblique showers and protect against drafts.

    Aerated concrete masonry

    The solution or glue is applied abundantly, and its residues are removed with a tool and carefully cleaned.

    Application of mortar to aerated concrete blocks

    After the walls have been erected, the roof must be installed. To do this, a Mauerlat is mounted on the upper masonry, on which the rafter legs will be laid.

    Installation of the rafter system

    After installation of the roof support system, it is covered with a board or OSB, waterproofed, insulated and roofing material is applied.


    A foam concrete shed is a very profitable building. It is durable and warm. Such a room can be adapted for a workshop, a poultry house and a utility block.

    Foam concrete construction

    Shed for a summer residence: photo ideas

    You can use not only the interior of the barn, but also its walls, if the roof is made a little larger than necessary.

    You can sheathe the frame of the building with a profiled sheet and make the door automatically rise. This shed looks very stylish.

    A cattle shed can consist of two rooms: a covered corral and an outdoor version. Then your animals will not spoil the surrounding area and destroy the plantings.

    A small shed will look attractive when decorated with climbing plants.

    A wooden shed with a gable roof can also be beautiful if the tree is soaked in special oil and painted.

    A hozblok made of rounded logs looks like a hut from a fairy tale and will adorn any site.

    This shed will cheer you up in any weather, because it is brightly decorated by all family members.

    A shed on a personal plot is necessary, and using our advice, you can save on its construction. The main thing is not to be afraid and to calculate everything correctly.

    The construction of a shed from foam blocks is not a long matter, but it has its own nuances and peculiarities. Despite all the advantages of the material, it requires additional finishing.

    Today we will tell you how a foam block shed is made and everything that will need to be taken into account. Also on the video in this article you can see a lot of useful information.

    The attractiveness of foam blocks

    Why is a foam block used in most construction work? There is a huge variety of building materials on the market.

    Unlike other popular building materials, foam blocks have special technical characteristics, which makes them more attractive. Foam blocks combine all the positive properties that brick, wood and metal separately have.


    • Having large dimensions, foam blocks are very light, in connection with which the costs of cargo transportation are reduced, there is no need to use additional equipment for loading and unloading blocks.
    • Due to the large size and low weight, construction is faster, which in turn also reduces the cost of wages for builders.
    • Foam blocks have good thermal insulation, since there are many air chambers in the cavity of the blocks. Thermal insulation is several times higher than the thermal insulation properties of bricks.
    • The vapor barrier of the blocks is also at a high level. This eliminates the possibility of mold and mildew formation. This allows you to increase the service life of the constructed buildings.
    • Foam blocks can be easily processed and, if necessary, cut with any hacksaws.
    • The foam block does not burn, in its composition there are no harmful chemical impurities that could be released into the atmosphere. For this reason, the foam block is considered an environmentally friendly material.
    • The price of a foam block is not significantly higher than that of other building materials, and due to its dimensions, you can save a lot, since the construction of buildings and structures requires much less material than other materials with small dimensions.

    Despite all its advantages, foam blocks also have some disadvantages. Blocks are capable of absorbing moisture, as a result of which they are subject to destruction during sudden changes in temperature.

    Attention: In order to avoid this problem, a shed made of such foam blocks requires additional processing with special means.

    Thinking about what to use, wood or foam blocks for the shed, it is worth saying here that the most correct design will include both materials.

    Where to start construction

    Before starting the construction of a shed from foam blocks, it is necessary to decide for what purposes it will be used. Will pets live there or will the barn be used as a storage room.


    • All construction work begins with the creation of a drawing, the project of a shed made of foam blocks must contain all the dimensions of the structure, as well as mark the installation locations of windows, doorways and internal ceilings on the drawing.
    • The drawing is necessary to accurately determine the amount of material required for construction work. Having calculated the required amount of material, you can significantly save money, because in this case the risk of acquiring an extra volume of blocks is reduced.
    • If the drawing is ready, then you need to decide on the place of the future construction. The shed is best located behind the house in a dry place. Do not place a shed in front of the house or in a place where moisture constantly accumulates.

    If you have decided on the place of construction, then you can build a foundation. It is best to choose a foundation of a tape type, so that the future shed is reliable and durable.

    Building the foundation for the future barn

    First of all, the markup is done. On the ground, mark the dimensions and drive in the pegs. It is also immediately necessary to measure the diagonals, because our shed must have the correct geometric shape.

    Attention: When marking the foundation, you must immediately add finishing materials. The width of the foundation should be wider than the structure.


    • Before erecting the foundation, it is necessary to dig a pit, for this you need to remove the layer of earth. The dimensions of the pit must match the dimensions of the shed. Trenches must be dug for load-bearing walls.
    • Trench sizes are usually 70-80 cm deep and 50-60 cm wide... A gravel-sand pillow about 20 cm high is laid at the bottom of the trench. The pillow must be spilled with water and then tamped. This avoids further shrinkage of the foundation and the entire building as a whole.
    • After the preparatory procedures, the formwork is installed, and a frame made of reinforcement is installed in it. For the frame, reinforcement with a diameter of about 10 mm is best suited. You can make the task easier and install the frame in the trench, but then all the frame elements are connected to each other using a knitting wire.
    • For a more reliable frame, you can use a welding structure, but it must be created near the trench and then installed in it. A layer of stones or bricks must be laid out on the bottom and sides of the frame. This is necessary so that the frame does not accumulate water and does not undergo corrosive processes.

    For these purposes, a stick or remnants of reinforcement may be suitable. The foundation must be given about four weeks for it to dry, and after that you can start building a barn.

    Erection of walls from foam blocks

    Foam blocks are laid according to the same principle as brickwork:

    • When laying blocks, it is necessary to monitor the horizontality and verticality of the future walls of the room. Building levels can be used for control. The level can be purchased at any hardware store.

    Attention: Before laying the first layer of foam blocks, the foundation is treated with waterproofing. For this, a layer of roofing material is laid on the foundation.

    • The initial step in laying the blocks is to remove the corners and tighten the cord. This contributes to the maintenance of the horizontal row. Foam blocks are laid on a specialized adhesive or cement mortar. The advantage of the adhesive composition is that with this method of installation, the seams between the blocks become much smaller and this protects the room from heat dissipation.
    • Each row of blocks must be overlapped. All glue or mortar that protrudes from under the blocks must be removed. It is not recommended to use iron hammers to install the block, as they can damage the blocks, it is best to use a rubber or wooden mallet.
    • When erecting the inner walls of the barn, all joints are connected with an iron anchor.

    After the walls are erected, the stage of creating roofing and rafter systems is underway.

    Reinforcement of walls from a foam block

    Reinforcement allows you to increase the strength of the walls, and eliminates cracking.

    For wall reinforcement, you must have specialized materials:

    • Rebar rods;
    • Mix solution;
    • Brush.

    Each structure has an individual reinforcement plan:

    • Installation of fittings begins from the first rows of the laid foam block. Thereafter, reinforcement occurs every fourth row.
    • Reinforcement is carried out by cutting grooves on block surfaces. A special chasing cutter is used to cut the grooves.
    • The grooves must be cleaned of dirt and dust; for this, you can use a construction brush. You can also blow out all the dust with a construction hair dryer.
    • A pre-prepared solution is poured onto the cleaned grooves, and reinforcement rods are installed. When using a reinforcing cage, all grooves on the blocks can be made small.

    Barn roof construction

    If it is planned that the roof of the shed will be of a lean-to type, then in this case the front wall should be higher than the rear wall in order to ensure the slope of the accumulated water. It is recommended to erect a gable roof.

    There will be additional space on the roof for storing some things or feed for livestock. This type of roof looks much more attractive and has a lot of advantages. Plus, due to the additional space in the shed, it will be much warmer, since an air cushion is formed, which does not allow heat to pass through well.

    Attention: All wooden parts of the structure should be pre-treated with antiseptics. This will significantly extend the life of the wood.

    • A timber is laid on the upper part of the wall, which will hold the legs of the rafter system. Roofing material must be laid under the timber, and the timber itself must be fastened with an anchor or bolts. Beams are mounted across the beam. Beams are the base of the ceiling.
    • The rafter legs are usually assembled on the ground and are triangular in shape. After all the rafter legs are assembled, they are raised and installed on the roof, securing them for a while with special struts.
    • The tops of all legs are connected with a special board. Next comes the lathing process. All elements of the roof are treated with a special compound that protects against decay and prevents fire.
    • After installing the rafter legs, you can start roofing work. Slate, metal tiles, bituminous tiles and other modern building materials can serve as roofing materials.
    • Upon completion of work on arranging the roof of the future shed, you can install windows and mount doors. Windows and doors can be made by yourself or purchased in a store. The purchased doors and windows will be of better quality, and there will be no additional problems during installation.

    You can undoubtedly make a shed from a foam block with your own hands, but this does not mean that everything is so simple. If you stick to the recommendations, then everything will work out. The instruction will not let you make mistakes.

    The construction of outbuildings can be carried out from any suitable materials, since they are not demanding on their design. As a rule, walls are not insulated. Most often, a shed is built from foam blocks, bricks or aerated concrete.

    Construction of households. buildings are often made of foam blocks, aerated concrete or bricks.

    Building a barn without building a foundation is unacceptable. However, despite this well-known fact, many homeowners overlook this important detail. Because of this, the structure loses its reliability, it can easily be damaged due to bad weather, and this leads to the fact that the structure will need to be rebuilt.

    It is necessary to build a foundation under the shed.

    There are sheds in almost all yards, they store garden tools, various things and tools, keep birds and pets, store food and building materials, etc. Having decided to make a building from foam blocks, you will reliably and quickly solve all storage issues. Before you start building a barn, you need to draw up a project that will take into account all the established norms and needs.

    Before starting construction, you need to choose the most convenient place for construction. The shed should not be built in plain sight, and at the same time, a comfortable approach to it is necessary. It is best not to put him in front of the house, but to give him a convenient place behind the house or in the back of the yard. It is not worth building it in the lowlands, as it can be flooded during floods or rains.

    Building advantage

    The construction of sheds and other outbuildings from this material is a profitable investment.

    Foam blocks are an inexpensive, economical, durable, environmentally friendly, biodegradable material - ideal for building households. buildings.

    Compared to brick, the purchase of foam blocks is cheaper, and with it you can build a house or shed with walls more than 30 cm thick. The foam blocks are easy to saw and combine with various materials. Buildings built from foam blocks have the ability to "breathe", which reduces the likelihood of mold and various fungi, and also makes the room more comfortable.

    Foam blocks are inexpensive, economical, durable, environmentally friendly, biologically comfortable and are similar in properties and qualities to wood, but they do not burn and have durability. This material combines the advantages of wood and stone: lightness, strength and easy workability.

    The construction of foam concrete sheds has noticeable differences from construction, for example, brick sheds only in technical aspects, but not in appearance, quality and configuration. Therefore, if you have planned the construction of a brick shed, then, by making simple calculations, you can build the same shed from foam blocks. All that remains is to choose the right brand of this material. In addition, the construction of sheds from this material will take much less time. The creation of houses and sheds from foam blocks simplifies the installation of communications - in foam concrete it is very easy to groove various channels for the heating system, water pipes and electrical wiring.

    Foam block creation technology

    The process of creating foam blocks is very simple: liquid concrete is foamed, a form is poured, when it hardens, a foam concrete block is obtained.

    The technology for creating foam blocks is very simple: for this, liquid concrete is foamed, and when it hardens, foam concrete is formed, which is filled with a large number of small bubbles. These blocks are made using two technologies: cutting technology and casting. Standard sizes of material made by injection molding technology: 100x300x600 or 200x300x600. These parameters are most convenient for the construction of outbuildings and houses. With this technology, the concrete mixture is poured into molds of the specified size and waited until completely dry. In the manufacture of foam blocks using cutting technology, first of all, one large common block is formed, and then, after solidification, it is cut into pieces of the required size.

    Tools and materials

    For construction you will need: tape measure, level, square, rulers, drill, shovels.

    • measuring instruments: tape measure, folding, building level, square, ruler;
    • a tool for making mortar: a concrete mixer or drill (perforator) with a special attachment, a bucket, shovels for feeding material and for digging trenches;
    • watering can for water and containers for solution and other materials;
    • pump and flexible hose for solution supply;
    • sand, cement, gravel, water;
    • fittings and wire;
    • asbestos waterproof corrugated slate;
    • foam blocks;
    • an electric saw or a hacksaw for cutting material;
    • stairs;
    • materials for waterproofing;
    • hammer;
    • screws, nails;
    • wooden beams, boards, slats;
    • putty knife;
    • other auxiliary building material and tools for finishing and facilitating the work performed.

    Construction of a foam block shed consists of several stages.

    Barn foundation

    The construction of a barn begins with the construction of the foundation.

    You need to start building a strip foundation with digging trenches. The required depth is 50-60 cm (depending on the weight of the building). Trenches for the foundation should pass under the load-bearing internal partitions and external walls of the future shed. In the simplest version, when the shed needs to be built without internal walls, the trenches are prepared only along the perimeter.

    After that, sand and fine gravel are poured into the bottom of the trench under the foundation, in total, its height should not exceed 20 cm. In order to give the concrete rigidity, a reinforcing cage is used. Since foam blocks are not a heavy material, the rods must be taken with a cross section of 10 mm. The reinforcement should be laid in two layers and should not touch the ground on either side. The distance to the ground must be at least 50 mm.

    All transverse rods of the reinforcement are fastened with a knitting wire. For the stability of the frame, vertical rods are additionally installed. They need to be bonded to the rest to increase rigidity. After that, we build the formwork from the boards, and then pour the concrete. The mortar is fed into the trenches using a pump and flexible hose, where it will be evenly distributed by a concrete vibrator. The entire solution must be poured in one go. The finished foundation must be left for several days so that it can dry out. It is necessary to spray the foundation every day with water from a watering can so that it does not crack or dry out.

    The next stages of construction are the erection of walls and a roof.

    It is not difficult to build a barn. During construction, it is necessary to provide for a door and window opening in advance. Block walls are laid on a layer of waterproofing, which is pre-laid on the foundation. For the construction, a building mixture of cement and sand is used or a special glue is used (thanks to it, the joint seam is obtained of a minimum size).

    Each row must be shifted by half the length of the foam block relative to the previous row. Work should start from the corner of the shed being erected. For this, a corner block is used. It is very important, using the building level, to constantly monitor the verticality of the walls. can be done with an electric saw or with a hacksaw. This building material has the correct geometric shape and the same dimensions. Due to this, you can build a barn very efficiently and quickly.

    Roof installation

    The roof for the shed does not require large financial investments, while it will be enough to make a single-slope structure, covering it with slate. The basis for this structure can be a guide bar, and between it, the floor beams are installed. When arranging, it is necessary to observe a step of 1 m. A suitable diameter for a timber will be 100-150 mm. All rafters are supported by vertical rafters, while it must be borne in mind that for effective load distribution, the rack must be placed closer to the middle of the rafters. The slate must be laid with an overlap on the prepared frame. Attach it, starting from the bottom, with screws or nails.

    Barn decoration

    The finished room can be insulated, interior and exterior finishing, racks, tables or shelves for inventory and household work, etc. It all depends on the purpose for which you erected this structure.

    Didn't find the answer in the article? More information

    Not a single country house or summer cottage is complete without outbuildings. And many, before building a residential building, first of all decide to build a shed from foam blocks with their own hands. It is your labor that will save up to 50% of the cost of the entire building on construction.

    Why foam blocks?

    And really, why exactly from foam blocks? Are there few other building materials from which you can build various buildings, including sheds. Of course there is, and a lot. But foam blocks differ, first of all, in their technical characteristics, which, for example, brick or wood do not have. To put it simply, the foam blocks combined many properties of brick and wood, since they:

    • With impressive dimensions, they have a small weight, which reduces transport costs and labor intensity.
    • The dimensions of the foam block and the low weight make it possible to erect buildings and structures 3-4 times faster than from bricks.
    • They have good thermal insulation properties due to the large number of air chambers in their structure. The thermal conductivity of a foam block is almost 4 times lower than that of a brick.
    • Foam concrete blocks have good vapor barrier, which prevents such negative phenomena as mold and mildew from developing.
    • Foam concrete products are easy to process, you can cut the foam block with an ordinary hacksaw.
    • Foam concrete is not subject to combustion, it is environmentally friendly, since it contains no harmful chemical impurities that could release unwanted odors and harmful substances into the atmosphere.

    The site masters have prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate the required number of foam blocks.

    However, do not think that this material has no drawbacks. There is one, which is that a foam block shed requires external finishing, since foam concrete, having porosity, can absorb moisture, as a result of which, under the influence of temperature changes, its structure will collapse.

    The first steps towards building a barn

    If you decide to build a shed with your own hands from foam blocks, first of all you need to decide on its functionality - whether this building will be used for storing household equipment, a home workshop, or it is planned to settle living creatures there. Based on the functionality of the shed, it is necessary to make a drawing of the future structure, where to indicate the dimensions, mark the window and door openings, partitions.

    It is easier to calculate the required amount of materials from the drawing. Now the matter is small - you need to choose a place where your barn will be located. Naturally, you don't need to build it in front of the house. It is better to place it on the side or behind a residential building, but not too far from it.

    After the volumes have been calculated and the material has been purchased, you can proceed with the construction of the foundation. We choose, since the blocks, although they are lightweight, nevertheless, the building is being erected capital and requires a reliable and solid foundation.

    Foundation device

    According to the size of the barn, the area is cleared and the top layer of fertile soil is removed. A trench about 70 cm deep and 50 cm wide is being dug under the load-bearing walls. The bottom of the trench must be leveled horizontally and a gravel-sand cushion 10-15 cm high must be made. The backfill must be spilled with water and tamped.

    After that, you can expose the formwork, in which you need to install the reinforcing cage. For the manufacture of the frame, it is better to choose reinforcing bars of a periodic profile with a diameter of 8-10 mm. If knitting wire is used to connect individual elements of the frame, then the frame can be mounted directly in the trench. But the welding structure is more convenient to do on the ground near the future building. Pieces of concrete, red brick or pebbles 5 cm high are placed under the frame from below. The same is done from the sides of the frame. Instead of the above materials, you can use pieces of foam that are tied directly to the frame. In this way, a protective concrete layer 4–5 cm thick is created, which will protect the reinforcement from corrosion..

    The concrete mix is ​​placed in the prepared structure and bayonetted. That is, it is pierced with a sharp object - a stick or a reinforcing bar in order for the concrete to settle as much as possible and fill all the voids. The finished foundation must last 28 days. And only after that you can start building a shed from foam blocks.

    How to properly lay foam blocks

    The principle of laying foam blocks is no different from brickwork technology. In the same way, it is necessary to observe the horizontality of the laid out rows and the verticality of the walls. For this, there is a building level and a plumb line. Before starting laying, a layer of waterproofing from a strip of roofing material must be laid on the foundation.

    First of all, the corners are displayed and a mooring is already stretched between them - a cord that allows you to maintain the horizontal line of the row, as shown in the photo. Foam blocks can be laid on a cement-sand mortar or on a special glue. In the case of using a traditional mortar, the seams between the blocks will be larger, and if using glue, the thickness of the seams can be reduced to 3-4 mm, which will reduce the risk of heat leakage through the seams.

    When laying, it is necessary to observe the dressing of the seams. This means that there must be a whole block above each connection of two blocks in the next row. The protruding solution or glue is carefully removed from both the internal and external surfaces of the walls. When installing the unit in its place, you should use a rubber mallet, but not an iron hammer.

    If, according to the project, it is required to lay out the internal walls, then their binding to the external ones is carried out by laying a metal mesh or iron anchors in the joints.

    After the walls are laid out to the desired height, the next stage in the construction of the shed will consist in the construction of the rafter system and the installation of the roof.

    How to make a barn roof

    If it is provided for by the project, then the front wall of the shed must be made higher than the back in order to maintain the specified roof slope. But it is better to choose a gable roof, in this case there will be extra space in the attic where you can store a supply of hay for animals or other things. In addition, a gable roof looks more attractive, and due to the larger space of the attic in the shed itself, it will be warmer. After all, air is also a good heat insulator.

    For the device of the rafter system, a Mauerlat is laid on the top of the walls - a wooden beam on which the rafter legs will rest. A layer of roofing material is also laid under the Mauerlat, and the timber itself, the section of which is usually kept within 150 × 150 or 200 × 200 mm, is attached to the walls by means of bolts or anchors. The transverse floor beams are laid on the Mauerlat, which will be the basis of the ceiling of the shed and the floor of the attic.

    The rafter legs are assembled on the ground in a kind of triangle, which is fastened in the upper part with a transverse bar. After that, the structures go up and are installed alternately with their fastening with temporary spacers and jibs.

    The top of all rafter legs are connected by a ridge board. After that, a lathing step is performed, which is selected depending on the roofing material used. All wooden elements must be treated with antiseptics and fire retardants to prevent wood from rotting and to protect buildings from accidental fire.

    All that remains is to lay the roofing material, insert the windows and doors and make the floor. All this is carried out according to traditional proven technologies and should not cause difficulties in execution.