How to insulate a private house outside with your own hands. How to insulate a house from the outside and with what? Insulation methods for external facades

To improve the heat-saving characteristics and increase the durability of a house made of wood, brick or foam concrete, insulation is often done from the outside according to the principle of a curtain wall or using "wet" technology. In this article, we will figure out how you can carry out external insulation of a house and which thermal insulation materials are best used for this.

Overview of materials for insulation

Mineral wool

Mineral (stone or glass) wool is the most versatile insulation, which is produced with different density values. For internal insulation, a less dense version of a heat insulator is used, for an external arrangement - a more dense one, which is able to withstand various negative influences. In general, mineral wool differs from other types of insulation in its high heat-insulating ability, durability, non-combustibility, and mechanical strength. Its disadvantages are poor resistance to moisture and a rather high cost.


Ecowool belongs to environmentally friendly types of insulation with low thermal conductivity, like mineral wool heat insulator. Ecowool is made from recycled cellulose raw materials and impregnated with special compounds that prevent the material from burning and decaying. The only disadvantage of ecowool is a complex technological process of application by spraying, however, this method allows you to uniformly fill all the cracks and structural protrusions of the facades, reliably protecting the building from the penetration of cold and moisture into the interior.

Expanded polystyrene

Polystyrene foam is one of the most popular polymer types of insulation, characterized by durability, almost zero water absorption, excellent heat-saving properties, and ease of installation. Most types of expanded polystyrene boards are impregnated with fire retardants, thus improving its fire resistance. Unlike heaters made from natural components, polystyrene and other types of polymer heat insulators are not susceptible to damage by microorganisms: mold, fungus and moss.


Polyfoam is a heater with a fairly high heat-insulating ability, light in weight and easy to install, moisture-resistant and inexpensive. The disadvantages of foam include its airtightness, low resistance to mechanical damage and toxicity when ignited. In addition, polystyrene has low durability, it degrades from high temperatures and in contact with chemically aggressive substances that are part of some paints and varnishes.

What material to choose

But, along with excellent heat-saving properties, insulation materials of natural origin have increased hygroscopicity - they quickly absorb moisture, retain it in their thickness, and when frost sets in, they freeze and lose their ability to shield the cold.

In order to protect the insulation layer made of natural materials, it is recommended to use vapor barrier and waterproofing membranes, which shield moisture and at the same time do not interfere with the ventilation of the walls.

Unlike mineral wool and other types of insulation made from natural raw materials, thermal insulation made of foamed polymers practically does not absorb moisture and serves for a long time. If the installation of stone or glass wool is fraught with certain difficulties and requires compliance with safety standards, then the installation of foam, polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam can be done quickly and easily by yourself. At the same time, the thermal insulation properties of these materials are slightly worse than mineral wool.

Features of wall insulation outside the house

Insulation of walls from the outside is mainly carried out using the technology of curtain facades, leaving a ventilation gap between the insulation layer and the finishing cladding - this is how the walls of the house are more efficiently ventilated.

Stages of insulating a house from the outside when arranging a hinged facade:

  • Cleaning and drying, treatment of walls with antiseptic compounds.
  • Installation of a vapor barrier film with sealing of panel joints with mounting tape.
  • Installation of a frame for the installation of insulation and external cladding.
  • Insulation laying, fixing with disc dowels.
  • Installation of waterproofing, windproof multifunctional membrane.
  • Fastening the facade finish to the frame using clamps.

Warming of house facades can also be carried out using "wet" technology - gluing a layer of heat insulator to the outer walls and applying a layer of decorative paint or plaster.

Are you planning to reduce heating costs through proper thermal insulation, but do not know yet what is the best way to insulate the house from the outside and how to choose a material that is affordable and with excellent characteristics? Below we will consider the most popular options for insulation for external walls of a house, suitable for thermal insulation of buildings made of wood, brick and even foam blocks. But first, a little about the merits of thermal insulation.

External insulation of the house - what is it for?

Scientific research in relation to the analysis of heat losses during the operation of the house has shown that they amount to about 40%, and in some cases even more. This argument alone can be considered sufficient to think about house insulation. Of course, thermal insulation is the cost of materials and work for its implementation, but already in the very first heating season they will justify themselves.

External insulation is better than internal insulation for several reasons:

  • there will be no need to sacrifice the area of ​​the room, which will significantly decrease with the installation of internal thermal insulation;
  • the insulating layer will not accumulate condensate;
  • heat loss will be minimal;
  • the performance of sound insulation will improve.

It should be understood that in winter, the house is susceptible to frost, therefore, condensation will inevitably form in the insulation inside it... The material becomes damp, causing mold and mildew to form. Moreover, wet heaters are worse at coping with the functions assigned to them. During the summer, the insulation dries out, but not completely, which as a result leads to premature wear of the facade walls.

As a result of external insulation, the house is protected from frost, so moisture that gets into the thermal insulation layer is quickly removed to the outside, which allows you to keep the walls dry and extend their service life.

External insulation reduces the level of external noise, contributing to the creation of the most comfortable atmosphere in the house for staying.

As for the shortcomings, only one can be distinguished from the outside insulation - this is the cost of materials and installation work. Of course, you can save on paying for the services of workers and carry out thermal insulation with your own hands, but only if the installation rules are followed, which will guarantee the durability and functionality of the thermal insulation system.

Types of insulation for the facade of the house

The market of materials for thermal insulation of outside walls of a house is represented by:

More often than others, due to convenience and practicality, it is used mineral wool... The material is different high rates of thermal insulation, fireproof... In addition, mineral wool retains its original properties during temperature extremes, does not lend itself to moisture and damage caused by insect attacks. Waste from blast furnaces and mineral fibers are used for the manufacture of mineral wool. You can choose a convenient material option for yourself - in rolls or plates.

Glass wool- a kind of mineral wool, practically indistinguishable from it in properties. Just like the previous material, it is made on the basis of waste, only this time, generated in the glass production process.

When using glass wool, it is important to reliably protect hands and eyes with a mask and gloves.

Distinctive feature expanded polystyrene Is a porous structure. It is she who is responsible for the excellent thermal insulation qualities of the material. Expanded polystyrene plates consist of mini cells with air, which prevent material from rotting, do not absorb moisture. You can insulate a house outside with expanded polystyrene with your own hands - the process is simple, quick, and does not require skill and experience.

An interesting option for insulating the walls of a house from the outside is fiberglass, which is produced on the basis of broken glass, as well as sand, limestone and other components.

The material is produced in slabs and rolls. It's quick and easy to mount. Also, environmental friendliness and resistance to moisture can be ranked among the advantages.

Not so long ago, ecowool began to be used for body isolation made from cellulose fibers. The peculiarities of the material are high rates of thermal protection and resistance to moisture. Ecowool is resistant to fungi and mold, does not attract insects and mice.

How to choose the right material for thermal insulation?

Most often, the owners decide to insulate the house from the outside with expanded polystyrene, believing that this material will better cope with the role of external insulation. The decision in most cases is dictated by the low cost of the material, which is several times cheaper than mineral wool and its analogues. In addition, as mentioned above, you can insulate the facade of the house with expanded polystyrene with your own hands, saving on payment for the services of the craftsmen.

In order to achieve optimal thermal insulation of the building facade, sheets with a thickness of 5 to 10 cm can be used.

The finished foam-insulated house is additionally revetted using modern finishing materials, ranging from cement plaster to panels with imitation of stone, brick or wood.

The only type of material for insulation outside of which expanded polystyrene is not suitable is wood.

Firstly, such insulation is not vapor-permeable enough for natural wood, and secondly, it is too flammable. Not the most suitable option with the use of expanded polystyrene is also considered in the case of a ventilated facade due to the need for precise adjustment during the installation process. The average service life of the foam as insulation is 25 years.


Mineral wool in addition to excellent thermal insulation, it is responsible for improved sound insulation, which is why it would be advisable to use it to insulate houses within the city. But Basalt wool is considered the most suitable for insulating the outer walls of city houses... It will not be damaged by mice, it copes well with mechanical stress and will last at least 50 years.

Glass wool for insulation today is not the most suitable option, despite the excellent performance of thermal protection and an affordable price. The main reason for the low popularity of insulation is the difficult installation and fragility of the material. In addition, components that are hazardous to health are repelled by people.

The best option for thermal insulation is ecowool material, which is fashionable today.... It is better to use it for insulation of private houses and cottages, insulation is also suitable for thermal insulation of industrial buildings, warehouses, factories. The material does an excellent job with house insulation, does not burn, and is resistant to moisture.

Alternative insulation - types of materials

For those who are not used to following the standard path, alternative insulation options for the outside of the house have been developed. These include:

  • warm plaster;
  • liquid foam.

Liquid foam

Liquid foam is prepared before insulating the house on site using special equipment. When applied to the outside of the house, it forms a practical and reliable thermal insulation. If it is not possible to apply penoizol to the base in an even layer, then you can try to arrange the voids on the wall, arranged in a checkerboard pattern, and then fill them with liquid material. Such insulation is an expensive pleasure, but believe me, after a few seasons the savings on heating will justify the costs.

The use of warm plaster as a material for thermal insulation is a profitable and convenient option, given that it will be possible not only to insulate the building, but also to work on creating its exclusive appearance. To insulate materials, you do not need to bring the walls to perfect condition using putty mixtures.

How to properly mount insulation on the facade?

Thermal insulation can be of two types: bonded and hinged. Bonded thermal insulation is very popular, which is cheaper and more economical in comparison with hinged insulation, in addition, it allows you to decently reduce heat consumption during the operation of the house. Materials for bonded thermal insulation are used lightweight and easy to install, therefore they are suitable for insulating any type of base.

Before insulation, the house is cleaned, leveled as much as possible with the help of special mixtures. Materials for insulation are coated with glue, after which they are firmly pressed into the wall. For greater effect, the slabs are fixed with facade dowels. In order for the structure to serve as much as possible, a reinforcing mesh is used, which is also attached to the insulation with the help of glue. The finishing layer can be plaster mix or paint. As an option, siding is also suitable - durable, lightweight with imitation of various natural materials.

In conclusion, we note that thermal insulation of external walls is an excellent way to prevent heat loss, creating a comfortable and cozy environment in the room, protecting the house from external influences and extending its life.

The better to insulate the house from the outside: useful tips

Insulation options for thermal insulation of the most demanded on the market. Features of the most popular heaters. An alternative to traditional outdoor insulation. Features of installation of heaters.

The better to insulate the house outside

"Nature has no bad weather" is sung in one comedy, but you know that in winter, when the thermometer is -20 ° C, you are not laughing. In severe frost, all hope is for central heating. It fights the cold with all its might, but sometimes the cold wins. Residents of old houses are especially affected, because before they did not pay enough attention to the insulation of the walls of the house.

Wall insulation scheme for siding.

Today there are many construction companies that will help you insulate houses and apartments. They offer indoor and outdoor insulation with a variety of materials.

The first question that arises is to insulate the wall from the inside or from the outside?

You can choose any option, but it is more expedient and better to insulate the wall of the house from the outside.

This method has a couple of advantages: firstly, you save the interior space of the room, which is always in short supply. Secondly, you do not have to change the interior of the room, the relief of the walls and wallpaper.

Any additional insulation is better than nothing, but approach the choice of insulation material rationally. You need to take into account all the factors, the features of your home, the price and volume of the material. The market offers several options for insulating the walls of the house from the outside:

  • Styrofoam;
  • basalt wool;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • mineral wool;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • fiberglass;
  • cellulose insulation.

External wall insulation with foam

Insulation of walls with glass wool.

Polyfoam is popular in wall insulation, as it is inexpensive and copes well with its insulation function. There are also opponents of foam, who claim that it is harmful and vapor-proof. Due to poor vapor permeability, the windows fog up in the apartment, this can be solved with a hood. Make sure that the hoods in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen work well.

Before working with Styrofoam, seal all cracks in the wall of the house and then prime it. Make sure that the wall is level after fixing the foam to it. It's better to do this job correctly once than to go back and redo it again.

External wall insulation with basalt wool

Basalt wool is an excellent and high-quality heat insulator. It is made from natural materials, so it is safe for health. If you have children, you are afraid for their health, then choose basalt wool. This cotton wool is used to strengthen the walls of apartments, private houses, air ducts, boilers, stoves and boilers. This material is not only a heat insulator, it also prevents extraneous noise from entering the room.

Basalt wool is pressed into basalt slabs, which are then used for external insulation of the house wall. This material is not afraid of water or fire, retains heat well, and it is also durable. For wall insulation outside the house, choose high-density basalt slabs. The weight of the insulation is large, so the fasteners must be reliable, entrust this business to professionals, so that the result exceeds expectations.

External wall insulation with expanded polystyrene

Wall insulation scheme with polystyrene foam.

Expanded polystyrene is more expensive than polystyrene, but retains heat better. Miser pays twice, so think carefully before opting for cheaper material. The disadvantage of expanded polystyrene is poor vapor permeability, therefore, mold forms on the walls of the house and an unpleasant odor emanates from it. Sometimes mice can settle in polystyrene foam. The main advantage of this insulation is its lightness, it is easy to use due to its low weight.

Before starting work with expanded polystyrene, you need to make the walls even from the outside, patch up all cracks and defects. Your task is not a perfectly flat wall, but as close as possible to the ideal, so that the insulation material fits snugly against the outer wall. Start laying the material from the bottom up, the rows should be horizontal and fit snugly against each other and against the walls of the house.

External wall insulation with mineral wool

Mineral wool perfectly insulates walls, allows air to pass through well, is non-flammable, has water-resistant properties, and is environmentally friendly. This material is more expensive than the above-described heaters. In addition to this disadvantage, remember that rock wool is heavy. The weight of this material makes the work of builders much more difficult. It is pressed into mats, with which the walls are further insulated from the outside. It is better to use two layers of mineral wool: one layer is soft and the other is hard. It should be installed with the soft side against the wall, and the hard side out. The thickness of the insulation should be at least 10 cm, otherwise it will not be as warm in the room in winter as we would like.

Mineral wool will rid your walls of mold and mildew. In winter it will insulate your house, and in summer it will keep it cool.

External wall insulation with polyurethane foam (PPU)

Polyurethane foam is popular in the construction world, as it has high functionality. They insulate the walls of the house, the foundation of the building and the roof. PPU is a good heat insulator and sound insulator. If you decide to use this material, then get ready for the fact that it will be with you for 25-30 years. PPU is durable, easy to repair, easy to install and transport. It is not afraid of mice and insects, it is perfect for insulating wooden walls and any other surfaces.

External wall insulation with fiberglass

For outdoor wall insulation, fiberglass is sold in rolls or mats. First, decide what width you need, based on this, buy the appropriate sizes of fiberglass. Fiberglass is an excellent material that is recycled glass into filaments under special conditions. The thickness of the fiberglass is approximately 5 cm. In order to insulate the house from the outside, it is better to use two layers of fiberglass. One layer will be vertical and the other horizontal. Fiberglass should be laid so that the joints of the first layer overlap with the second layer.

Cellulose insulation (CU)

One of the main positive qualities of cellulose insulation is environmental friendliness. The second thing to note is the relatively low price and availability. CU is suitable for any surface: concrete, wood, metal, brick, etc. Cellulose insulation covers not only the outer walls of houses, but also attics and attics.

TsU differs in the method of application from other heaters. This material is laid or sprayed onto the required wall. The advantage of this application is that no seams remain in the insulation and heat leakage is impossible.

Knowing how you can insulate a house, what kind of insulation materials are, you can easily choose the appropriate option. Analyze all factors and choose the most rational solution. Consult a professional, entrust him with the installation. Any material will contribute to the fact that your room will be warmer in winter. In winter, you will save on heating your apartment. It is better to insulate the walls once and pay money for it, and then rejoice for many years.

The better to insulate the house from the outside: description of materials

What is the best way to insulate the house from the outside, which material is best for your walls? Polyfoam is popular in wall insulation, as it is inexpensive and copes well with its insulation function.

The better to insulate the house from the outside: choosing a heater

Surely the residents of apartment buildings are a little jealous of those who live outside the city in a private building. Own living space, garden, clean air - everyone's dream. Alas, not everything is so simple, because the harsh Russian winters force you to carefully insulate your home in order to prevent it from freezing. This presupposes an impressive investment and constant monitoring of the state of the heat-insulating material, from which the inhabitants of city houses are exempted.

Warming a house is preferable to using a dozen heating devices - you can save money and also make your home more comfortable. It is known that there are two ways to insulate a private building - outside and inside. Experienced experts recommend using both, but the top priority is to take care of the outer insulation. About what material is best suited for certain houses - below.

Requirements for thermal insulation material

The consumer is not in danger of a long search for good products - the market is saturated with goods from different manufacturers, so you can choose a decent insulation in any hardware store. However, before buying, it is necessary to analyze the material in question for its physical and chemical properties. These include:

  • thermal conductivity coefficient (characterizes the ability of the insulation to conduct or hold air; the lower the indicator, the better - you do not have to use a thick layer of material);
  • moisture absorption coefficient (indicates the material's ability to absorb water in percentage by weight; the higher the indicator, the less durable the insulation is);
  • density (based on the value, you can determine how much the material will weigh the house);
  • resistance to fire (there are 4 flammability classes; the first one (G1) is most preferable, which stops burning without an open source of fire);
  • environmental friendliness (not the most important indicator for consumers, and in vain - to preserve the health of family members, it is worth choosing only natural material from natural components that does not emit impurities into the atmosphere and does not contain synthetic elements);
  • durability (the service life of the insulation set by the manufacturer);
  • hygroscopicity (the ability to absorb vapor from the air);
  • resistance to pests (insects, rodents, birds);
  • soundproofing properties;
  • ease of installation (the insulation should be fixed quickly, with a minimum set of tools; also, a minimum amount of additional work should be done with it, such as cutting into even pieces).

It is difficult to choose a material that has all the desirable qualities. For this reason, it is possible and necessary to carry out insulation outside and inside.

Advantages of external thermal insulation

The question of insulating a private house from the outside arises in two cases - at the design stage of the building or when buying a finished one, but at the same time does not have decent thermal insulation. The second situation is more common. What are the advantages of insulating a home from the outside? These include:

  • reduced deformability of walls due to additional protection;
  • the facade perceives sharp temperature fluctuations; as a result, the service life of the structure will be extended;
  • freedom in choosing the design of the facade, even when the building is erected;
  • the area of ​​the interior remains unchanged; this allows you to carry out any kind of finishing, and the living conditions will remain the same.

Ways to insulate the house outside

The need and advantages of thermal insulation from the outside are obvious; now the consumer should familiarize himself with the methods of insulation. There are three of them:

  • "Well" arrangement of the material;
  • "Wet" glued insulation;
  • ventilated facade.

In the first case, the insulation is placed inside the walls (for example, between the layers of bricks). It turns out that he is "locked" among two levels. The method is effective, but it is impossible to implement it for an already built house.

In the second case, the layer of insulation is fixed to the glue outside the walls, then additionally attached to the dowels. Several types of coatings are applied on top - reinforcing, intermediate, decorative (finishing). A good way, it only requires the intervention of specialists; it is impossible to do wet wall insulation with your own hands without experience.

The ventilated facade resembles a "well" masonry, only the outer layer is facing material - plasterboard, tiles, siding, etc. Additionally, you will have to build a frame system for fixing the heat insulator sheets.

The last method is the most popular, widespread and profitable. It will cost much less than “wet” insulation; in addition, even a beginner can do the job with his own hands. Now the consumer is faced with the most difficult choice.

Existing materials can be divided into two large groups - organic (of natural origin) and inorganic (obtained using special materials and equipment).

Types and advantages of inorganic insulation

The first place on the list rightfully belongs to the most popular material - mineral wool. It is of three types - stone (basalt), glass and slag. Differing from each other only externally, varieties of mineral wool have the following qualities:

  • low coefficient of thermal conductivity (0.03 - 0.045);
  • density variations (from 20 to 200 kg / m3);
  • excellent noise insulation properties;
  • vapor permeability (mineral wool can "breathe");
  • fire resistance.

It is not without a number of disadvantages, including:

  • attractiveness to rodents and insectoids;
  • deterioration of thermal insulation characteristics by 50% when only 3-5% of the volume gets wet;
  • never completely dries out.

In general, mineral wool is good, but it is highly undesirable to use it for cladding a house outside.

The second known outdoor insulation is polystyrene foam. Its pluses:

  • the heat conductivity coefficient is slightly lower than that of mineral wool (0.03 - 0.037);
  • is cheaper than other heaters;
  • lightweight;
  • density from 11 to 40 kg / m3.
  • fragility;
  • release of toxic substances during fire;
  • does not "breathe", which forces residents to build additional supply and exhaust ventilation;
  • when directly wet, it absorbs moisture and becomes unusable.

Extruded polystyrene foam is not inferior in thermal conductivity to mineral wool and foam. In addition, he:

  • does not absorb moisture;
  • convenient for installation, because it is produced in plates;
  • stronger than polystyrene;
  • almost does not allow air to pass through.
  • flammable;
  • emits harmful substances during combustion.

There is one more type of raw materials used for external thermal insulation of the walls of the house - "warm" plasters. They are a mixture of beads (formed by glass, cement and hydrophobic additives). They "breathe", insulate the room from moisture, do not burn, are not afraid of sunlight, and can be easily repaired. Not very common on the market, nevertheless, experienced consumers have already appreciated this insulation.

Varieties and benefits of organic materials

For those who want to feel the maximum closeness to nature, it is recommended to use raw materials from natural ingredients. These include:

  • cork heaters - have a thermal insulation coefficient of 0.045 - 0.06; are crushed bark of a tree, pressed under the influence of hot steam and resin as a binding element; easy to cut, "breathe", do not form mold, non-toxic; today they are increasingly used to insulate walls from the outside);
  • cellulose wool (ecowool) - thermal conductivity from 0.032 to 0.038; are crushed cellulose, treated with fire retardants to increase fire-fighting properties; properties resemble cork materials, but they absorb liquid better; do not withstand heavy loads and are not suitable for wall cladding;
  • hemp - supplied in slabs, rolls, mats based on hemp fibers; does not hold the load poorly, although it is quite dense (20-60 kg / m3);
  • straw is an old way to insulate the walls of a house; breathable material treated with flame retardants to reduce flammability; practically not used today;
  • seaweed - an exotic method of covering external walls; density up to 80 kg / m3, do not burn, do not rot, do not arouse interest in rodents, are resistant to mold and mildew. Better for light walls.

Preferred insulation for house cladding

Each material has pros and cons. Based on the information presented above, you can make a symbolic rating of the highest quality materials for the walls of the house (the first is the most preferable, etc.). It is also worth considering the type of facade design.

For ventilated systems, wool is better suited - mineral, cellulose. When laying wells, preference is given to material that does not allow moisture to pass through. This is extruded polystyrene foam. Plastering of walls goes well with insulation, whose density is more than 30 kg / m3. For example, with mineral wool, EPS, foam, any organic material.

For light walls of a wooden house, a breathable material is better suited - mineral wool, hemp, ecowool, cork insulation. The first is preferable, but costs a little more.

A country house should be high-quality sheathed with reliable material. The consumer can choose any of those discussed earlier, guided by their wishes or financial capabilities. A competent approach to the purchase of insulation is the key to a long service life of a cozy home.

We insulate the house from the outside - the pros and cons of materials

An overview of the materials that can be used to insulate the house from the outside. Pros and cons of heat insulators, features of installing insulation on walls.

How to insulate a house from the outside - the best materials and methods of insulation

To provide your home with warmth in winter, it is necessary to insulate the entire structure. Materials should be selected in such a way that they do not carry an additional burden on the house. In this article we will analyze the best way to insulate the house from the outside, what technologies and recommendations should be followed.

Advantages of external thermal insulation

At the time of designing a house, you should think about the insulation of the entire structure from the outside. The main advantages of insulation:

  • due to additional protection, wall deformation is reduced;
  • the front part tolerates sharp temperature changes well, which increases its service life;
  • the area of ​​all internal premises remains unchanged.

Types of insulation materials

To understand which material is best suited for external thermal insulation, it is necessary to disassemble all the advantages and disadvantages of each. The main nuances when choosing products are their thermal conductivity, moisture resistance and vapor conductivity. Modern materials for insulating a house from the outside allow you to perform all work with high quality and get the desired result. Types of heaters:

  • < Пенопласт - материал, состоящий из вспененного полистирола, внутри которого находятся пузырьки воздуха. Выпускают его в виде плит разного размера. По своим характеристикам обладает высокой влагостойкостью и хорошей изоляцией. Недостатком является его уязвимость к солнечным лучам, легко воспламеняется и способен выделять вредные вещества.

Important! For high-quality foam insulation, take care of a good forced ventilation system.

  • Mineral wool is a material made up of fibers. It is produced in the form of rolls or plates. The positive characteristics include: good steam and sound insulation and high resistance to fire. Among the disadvantages, it should be noted that the possibility of moisture absorption, which leads to a decrease in insulating qualities, and rodents may appear in this material.
  • Penoplex is a modern polystyrene foam material. It is produced in the form of plates that have high vapor permeability, are resistant to fire and have low thermal conductivity. Due to the fact that the boards absorb practically little moisture, it can be used in any climatic conditions. Installation does not require the use of special equipment, the plates are perfectly cut with a knife and are easy to assemble.
  • Polyurethane foam is an ecological material produced in the form of a liquid insulation, thereby eliminating the formation of cracks. Using this material, bridges can form that can form condensation, from which the walls will begin to damp. Excellent frost tolerance and heat resistance.
  • Basalt slab - a product made from basalt fibers, it is produced in the form of a rectangular slab. The advantages include: high thermal insulation, the material does not burn, has good soundproofing, is resistant to moisture and high temperatures. It is also worth noting that the basalt slab is not subject to the decay process and rodents do not start in it. With the correct installation of the slabs, their service life can reach 100 years.

External insulation methods

Experts use several effective methods for high-quality thermal insulation at home:

  • the insulating material is fixed on the front part with the help of construction glue, after which the entire plane is plastered;
  • three unventilated layers are laid on the wall, after which the insulation is attached to the solution; then leave the air space and lay the wall in one brick;
  • mount the facade together with ventilation, i.e. a layer of insulation is applied to the waterproofing and sheathed with siding or other material.

Such methods are able to maintain and create comfort in winter, as well as significantly save money on energy resources. The reasons for the insulation can be different, for example, cracks or a poor heating system. To insulate the walls, all work must be done outside, because laying insulation inside the house will block the access of heat to the wall. Lack of wall heat will lead to condensation, moisture, dampness and fungus formation. Each of the described methods of house insulation has its own technological characteristics and is produced at different times of the year.

How to prepare the outer walls?

When you already know exactly what material will be used to insulate the building, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. The preparation stages consist of the following actions:

  • a layer of material is removed from the outer wall;
  • smooth out all cracks, crevices or depressions with a solution;
  • clean the wall from debris, excess dust;
  • everything is thoroughly primed with a deep penetration solution;
  • for even laying of the insulation, beacons and plumb lines are exhibited, this will allow for a high-quality finishing of the structure;
  • anchors are fixed to the upper edges of the wall, on which the cord is pulled and lowered down, this is necessary to fix the landmark when installing the frame and heat-insulating material.

All steps should be carried out without haste, because the result will depend on this.

Thermal insulation with mineral wool and foam

Today, the materials in demand are mineral wool and foam. This is due to the fact that they have almost the same installation method, and they also have similar technical characteristics.

Foam application

When using Styrofoam, the wall must be thoroughly dried. A dry wall is essential for outdoor insulation. If the structure is dry, take a sheet of the product and fix it to the plane with glue. In order for the slabs to be evenly laid out, the finishing strip must be fixed at the bottom of the wall. Once the adhesive is applied to the surface of the board, it is pressed against the wall. Dowels can be used to firmly fix the boards. The evenness of the laying is checked using a building level and plumb lines. If the first layer is laid out evenly, you can start laying the next one. A frame is installed in the window and door openings, to which the insulation is fixed. Joints and seams are glued with reinforced tape, after which the entire surface is reinforced with plaster mesh. Finally, the entire surface is primed and plastered.

Mineral wool applications

Mineral wool is a great option for brick, wood or foam block houses. For high-quality insulation, a rack frame is used. For this, the method of spacing is used, i.e. the distance between the slats should be less than the width of the slab. Thus, the insulation will fit tightly between the frame post. For a wooden house with an uneven surface, two-layer slabs are used. A loose layer of insulating material adheres perfectly to an uneven wooden surface.

Expert advice! To obtain a greater effect of insulation with mineral wool, you need to use polyethylene.

For cladding, as a rule, siding, decorative brickwork and other building materials are used.

In order to choose the right materials for insulating the house outside, carefully study all the information about each type of product, consult with experts or read the forums. In any case, for high-quality cladding of a country house, be guided by your wishes, financial capabilities and the opinion of professionals. Remember, good insulation is a guarantee of long-term operation, warmth and comfort in your home.

The better to insulate the house from the outside: materials for thermal insulation of walls

Types of materials for insulating a house outside. Advantages, disadvantages and methods of external insulation. The use of mineral wool and foam for the walls.

Surely the residents of apartment buildings are a little jealous of those who live outside the city in a private building. Own living space, garden, clean air - everyone's dream. Alas, not everything is so simple, because the harsh Russian winters force you to carefully insulate your home in order to prevent it from freezing. This presupposes an impressive investment and constant monitoring of the state of the heat-insulating material, from which the inhabitants of city houses are exempted.

Warming a house is preferable to using a dozen heating devices - you can save money and also make your home more comfortable. It is known that there are two ways to insulate a private building - outside and inside. Experienced experts recommend using both, but the top priority is to take care of the outer insulation. About what material is best suited for certain houses - below.

Requirements for thermal insulation material

The consumer is not in danger of a long search for good products - the market is saturated with goods from different manufacturers, so you can choose a decent insulation in any hardware store. However, before buying, it is necessary to analyze the material in question for its physical and chemical properties. These include:

  • thermal conductivity coefficient (characterizes the ability of the insulation to conduct or hold air; the lower the indicator, the better - you do not have to use a thick layer of material);
  • moisture absorption coefficient (indicates the material's ability to absorb water in percentage by weight; the higher the indicator, the less durable the insulation is);
  • density (based on the value, you can determine how much the material will weigh the house);
  • resistance to fire (there are 4 flammability classes; the first one (G1) is most preferable, which stops burning without an open source of fire);
  • environmental friendliness (not the most important indicator for consumers, and in vain - to preserve the health of family members, it is worth choosing only natural material from natural components that does not emit impurities into the atmosphere and does not contain synthetic elements);
  • durability (the service life of the insulation set by the manufacturer);
  • hygroscopicity (the ability to absorb vapor from the air);
  • resistance to pests (insects, rodents, birds);
  • soundproofing properties;
  • ease of installation (the insulation should be fixed quickly, with a minimum set of tools; also, a minimum amount of additional work should be done with it, such as cutting into even pieces).

It is difficult to choose a material that has all the desirable qualities. For this reason, it is possible and necessary to carry out insulation outside and inside.

Advantages of external thermal insulation

The question of insulating a private house from the outside arises in two cases - at the design stage of the building or when buying a finished one, but at the same time does not have decent thermal insulation. The second situation is more common. What are the advantages of insulating a home from the outside? These include:

  • reduced deformability of walls due to additional protection;
  • the facade perceives sharp temperature fluctuations; as a result, the service life of the structure will be extended;
  • freedom in choosing the design of the facade, even when the building is erected;
  • the area of ​​the interior remains unchanged; this allows you to carry out any kind of finishing, and the living conditions will remain the same.

Ways to insulate the house outside

The need and advantages of thermal insulation from the outside are obvious; now the consumer should familiarize himself with the methods of insulation. There are three of them:

  • "Well" arrangement of the material;
  • "Wet" glued insulation;
  • ventilated facade.

In the first case, the insulation is placed inside the walls (for example, between the layers of bricks). It turns out that he is "locked" among two levels. The method is effective, but it is impossible to implement it for an already built house.

In the second case, the layer of insulation is fixed to the glue outside the walls, then additionally attached to the dowels. Several types of coatings are applied on top - reinforcing, intermediate, decorative (finishing). A good way, it only requires the intervention of specialists; it is impossible to do wet wall insulation with your own hands without experience.

The ventilated facade resembles a "well" masonry, only the outer layer is facing material - plasterboard, tiles, siding, etc. Additionally, you will have to build a frame system for fixing the heat insulator sheets.

The last method is the most popular, widespread and profitable. It will cost much less than “wet” insulation; in addition, even a beginner can do the job with his own hands. Now the consumer is faced with the most difficult choice.

Existing materials can be divided into two large groups - organic (of natural origin) and inorganic (obtained using special materials and equipment).

Types and advantages of inorganic insulation

The first place on the list rightfully belongs to the most popular material - mineral wool. It is of three types - stone (basalt), glass and slag. Differing from each other only externally, varieties of mineral wool have the following qualities:

  • low coefficient of thermal conductivity (0.03 - 0.045);
  • density variations (from 20 to 200 kg / m3);
  • excellent noise insulation properties;
  • vapor permeability (mineral wool can "breathe");
  • fire resistance.

It is not without a number of disadvantages, including:

  • attractiveness to rodents and insectoids;
  • deterioration of thermal insulation characteristics by 50% when only 3-5% of the volume gets wet;
  • never completely dries out.

In general, mineral wool is good, but it is highly undesirable to use it for cladding a house outside.

The second known outdoor insulation is polystyrene foam. Its pluses:

  • the heat conductivity coefficient is slightly lower than that of mineral wool (0.03 - 0.037);
  • is cheaper than other heaters;
  • lightweight;
  • density from 11 to 40 kg / m3.
  • fragility;
  • release of toxic substances during fire;
  • does not "breathe", which forces residents to build additional supply and exhaust ventilation;
  • when directly wet, it absorbs moisture and becomes unusable.

Extruded polystyrene foam is not inferior in thermal conductivity to mineral wool and foam. In addition, he:

  • does not absorb moisture;
  • convenient for installation, because it is produced in plates;
  • stronger than polystyrene;
  • almost does not allow air to pass through.


  • flammable;
  • emits harmful substances during combustion.

There is one more type of raw materials used for external thermal insulation of the walls of the house - "warm" plasters. They are a mixture of beads (formed by glass, cement and hydrophobic additives). They "breathe", insulate the room from moisture, do not burn, are not afraid of sunlight, and can be easily repaired. Not very common on the market, nevertheless, experienced consumers have already appreciated this insulation.

Varieties and benefits of organic materials

For those who want to feel the maximum closeness to nature, it is recommended to use raw materials from natural ingredients. These include:

  • cork heaters - have a thermal insulation coefficient of 0.045 - 0.06; are crushed bark of a tree, pressed under the influence of hot steam and resin as a binding element; easy to cut, "breathe", do not form mold, non-toxic; today they are increasingly used to insulate walls from the outside);
  • cellulose wool (ecowool) - thermal conductivity from 0.032 to 0.038; are crushed cellulose, treated with fire retardants to increase fire-fighting properties; properties resemble cork materials, but they absorb liquid better; do not withstand heavy loads and are not suitable for wall cladding;
  • hemp - supplied in slabs, rolls, mats based on hemp fibers; does not hold the load poorly, although it is quite dense (20-60 kg / m3);
  • straw is an old way to insulate the walls of a house; breathable material treated with flame retardants to reduce flammability; practically not used today;
  • seaweed - an exotic method of covering external walls; density up to 80 kg / m3, do not burn, do not rot, do not arouse interest in rodents, are resistant to mold and mildew. Better for light walls.

Preferred insulation for house cladding

Each material has pros and cons. Based on the information presented above, you can make a symbolic rating of the highest quality materials for the walls of the house (the first is the most preferable, etc.). It is also worth considering the type of facade design.

For ventilated systems, wool is better suited - mineral, cellulose. When laying wells, preference is given to material that does not allow moisture to pass through. This is extruded polystyrene foam. Plastering of walls goes well with insulation, whose density is more than 30 kg / m3. For example, with mineral wool, EPS, foam, any organic material.

For light walls of a wooden house, a breathable material is better suited - mineral wool, hemp, ecowool, cork insulation. The first is preferable, but costs a little more.

A country house should be high-quality sheathed with reliable material. The consumer can choose any of those discussed earlier, guided by their wishes or financial capabilities. A competent approach to the purchase of insulation is the key to a long service life of a cozy home.

As soon as we decide to insulate the house, we have a huge bunch of questions in our head:

  • How to insulate the walls?
  • How to insulate walls?
  • What is the best way to insulate, from the outside or from the inside?
  • Will the house get warmer, and won't I throw money away?

In this article I will try to answer all these questions in as much detail as possible, as well as talk about the materials for insulation that are popular today.

How to properly insulate the walls of a house, outside or inside

Try asking any builder what is the best way to insulate the walls of a house, from the outside or from the inside? The answer will be obvious. Everyone knows that it is necessary to insulate walls from the outside, and to resort to thermal insulation of walls from the inside only in extreme cases. But at the same time, not everyone knows why thermal insulation of walls from inside the house is so undesirable.

Let's try to figure it out. The diagram shows three states of a house wall, with insulation outside, inside and without insulation at all:

In common human terms, the dew point is the place where water vapor turns into water, thereby creating condensation.

If you look at the diagram, you can see that there is a positive temperature to the left of the dew point, and a negative temperature to the right.

When insulated from the inside:

  1. The wall remains unprotected by home heat, since the heat barrier from the insulation will not let it into the wall. Thus, in winter, it will be largely exposed to frost, constant moisture, and it will not have time to dry out, since we blocked the way from the inside with a heater from the inside to the heat that protected the wall earlier.
  2. In the place of the dew point, condensation collects (water vapor of the air is converted into droplets of water), this point will be as close as possible to the room, which means that the formation of moisture in this place will be maximum. As already mentioned, the insulation from the inside will interfere with the natural drying of the wall.
  3. The constant formation of condensation, without natural drying, can lead to the appearance of various kinds of fungi and mold on the wall. Do not console yourself with the fact that the fungus is behind the insulation and nothing terrible will happen. Mold and various kinds of green-black formations on the wall adversely affect not only the appearance, but also the health of the residents of such a house.
  4. If you look at the diagram, you can see on it that even without insulation, there will be less moisture on the inside of the wall than with insulation from the inside.

When insulated outside:

  1. From the side of the street, the wall is protected by insulation from the cold, and taking into account the technology of insulation, and from moisture, and from the side of the room - by home heat, which sufficiently heats the wall and even in cases of various kinds of condensation and moisture absorption by the wall, will contribute to its rapid drying.
  2. We move the dew point away from the premises towards the street, which means that we also take the condensate away from the premises further.
  3. Insulation on the outside will allow you to largely preserve warmth and comfort in your home.

I think that now it has become clear to everyone why everyone is rejecting the insulation of the walls of the house from the inside, and more and more often they resort to insulation from the outside. And it is necessary to insulate the walls from the side of the room only if there is no other way out.

How to properly insulate walls with expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) from the outside

I described in detail about the insulation of walls with expanded polystyrene in one of the previous articles. Here I will mention some of the main points.

Preparing the wall for the installation of insulation

The first thing to do before insulating the walls with expanded polystyrene or EPS is to clean the outside walls of the house from dirt, dust and, which is not unimportant, trim them. After that, they must be primed if you will use glue for installing the insulation.

If there are significant pits on the wall that you cannot level with glue, then after installing the insulation, a void may remain between the expanded polystyrene plate and the wall. And this is extremely undesirable, because even a slight blow or push on the insulation to the place where the hole is, can deform it or break it.
If, during the process of warming, you come across a small bump, it will be difficult for you to glue the expanded polystyrene sheet in that place tightly to the wall.

Installation of expanded polystyrene and EPSP on the wall

Expanded polystyrene, as a rule, is glued to the wall on a special glue for expanded polystyrene plates, and sometimes on special "fungi".

In the case of thermal insulation of extruded polystyrene foam (EPS), it is necessary to make the surface on which the glue will be applied rough. There are no such problems with foam, the glue sticks it well without additional processing, and EPS - with a smoother surface, so it must be processed.

Very often, for reinforcement, expanded polystyrene is attached simultaneously to glue and to "fungi", which is the most reliable and correct solution.

After the installation of the insulation, as a rule, the walls are plastered from the outside, or lined with facing bricks.

Thermal insulation with expanded polystyrene using wooden battens

There is another type of installation of polystyrene foam plates - using a frame made of strips or other suitable material.

Slats are mounted to the wall, the thickness of which should not be less than the thickness of the insulation, and even better, so that it is larger, to create a ventilated space between the expanded polystyrene and the cladding. The distance between the slats is chosen so that the expanded polystyrene plates are tightly inserted between them without falling out.

This type of installation is acceptable if you will not be plastering or covering the walls with bricks, but bypass them with siding, for example. In this case, the slats will also become the basis for fastening the facing materials.

How to properly insulate walls outside with mineral wool

Mineral wool insulation is another popular insulation for the walls of the house.

Wall insulation with mineral wool differs from wall insulation with expanded polystyrene plates, primarily due to the characteristics of the insulation themselves.

Mineral wool, unlike expanded polystyrene, is not a sufficiently rigid insulation, therefore, the installation of mineral wool is carried out, as a rule, using the frame method. But if the wadded insulation is of sufficient density, then builders also do not disdain mounting on glue.

A frame is constructed from laths or small bars, and mineral wool is laid or rolled out between them.

If the wall is concrete or brick, the bars are attached to the wall using dowel nails. Well, if the wall of the house is wooden, then with self-tapping screws.
Additionally, you can fix the mineral wool with "fungi" so that it does not roll down.

Since wadded insulation absorbs moisture very well, it will be necessary to provide waterproofing on top of the insulation. Without this, mineral wool will absorb moisture from the street and you can forget about the effect of insulation.

It is also desirable to build more or less reliable protection against various rodents by installing metal strips along the edges of the wall.

When facing walls outside with bricks, insulation is laid between the main wall and the facing one, while these two walls are connected with special ties that pierce the mineral wool and at the same time hold it inside the wall, preventing it from sliding down in the future.

Wall insulation outside with polyurethane foam (PPU)

This is the most modern type of insulation, but also one of the most expensive. There are many advantages of wall insulation with polyurethane foam:

  • after application, it expands, filling all cavities, cracks, etc.
  • at a certain density, vapor permeability is very low, which excludes additional vapor barrier
  • has good adhesion, i.e. adheres well to the wall
  • after hardening has good mechanical strength
  • good heat and sound insulating properties

Of course, any coin has two sides, and here, there are also enough disadvantages:

  • low density polyurethane foam, has good vapor permeability, which must be taken into account when insulating.
  • low fire resistance
  • expensive material
  • spraying is recommended to be applied by professionals, which practically excludes do-it-yourself insulation
  • aging of polyurethane foam over time, with a deterioration in thermal insulation properties

It is better to entrust the insulation of the walls of the house outside with polyurethane foam to professional workers using personal protective equipment, since hazardous toxic substances are released during the spraying process.

Erecting the walls and roof of the house is only half the battle. It is necessary to make the constructed space comfortable for life. To do this, most often, the house is insulated from the outside or from the inside, and sometimes both options are used at the same time.

Do you want to insulate your home, but do not know what technologies exist and where to start? We will help you deal with this task - the article discusses the main options used for external thermal insulation. The procedure for performing the work was also considered, themed photos and useful video recommendations on the nuances of insulation were selected.

The materials from which the walls of capital structures are erected can be different: brick, concrete, slag - or aerated concrete blocks, wood, sandwich panels - these are just their main types.

For some of them, insulation is not required at all: for example, for sandwich panels. But other options need it to some extent.

Why is it necessary to insulate it from the outside? Many people associate this with the fact that in the case of a thermal insulation layer inside a building, a useful spatial volume is stolen from the interior.

This is partly true, but this is not the main reason. The critical parameter is.

A dew point forms on a surface where there is a temperature difference with a change in pressure.

And if you arrange thermal insulation inside the room, it means that the walls of the building themselves will be cold, since the insulation will save heat inside the space, and prevent it from getting on the enclosing structures.

Insulation from the inside is fraught with the fact that the dew point will form exactly inside the building, most likely on the inner surface of the main wall, which is insulated with insulation

Methods and procedure for wall insulation

It turns out that a change in the weather outside will provoke a change in humidity inside. Moreover, the changes will be significant - condensation will form on the walls, which will not be able to dry out. Hence a number of negative aspects, including development.

That is why it is so important to insulate the walls from the outside. In total, there are 3 technologies that are used to insulate capital structures. It seems reasonable to dwell on each of them in more detail.

Method number 1 - well

This is one of the most ancient ways to insulate the walls of your house from the outside. Indeed, everything is logical: capital bearing walls are built, and after that, stepping back a little, they are lined with another row of bricks, for example, half a brick thick.

Between the capital and external, let's call it a decorative wall, a void is formed - a "well", which creates the effect of a thermos.

The distance from the decorative wall to the main one is regulated with the help of special connecting steel anchors or a reinforcing mesh is laid. It covers the section of the well and serves at the same time as reinforcement for strengthening the outer wall.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Analysis of the most common mistakes in external insulation of facades of private houses:

Thermal insulation of capital buildings ceases to be a separate issue that is resolved after the house is built. Now it is decisive in the choice of the construction technology itself.

Over time, with the rise in the price of electricity and energy carriers, for example, gas, it is the questions that will come to the fore during the construction of a building heat saving.

Tell us what method of insulation you used to insulate your own home and which ones you used for this. Are you satisfied with the result? Please leave your comments in the contact block located under the article.