What a barrel bath looks like. Turnkey barrel bath

It is not always advisable to build a full-fledged steam room in a small summer cottage. When the owners come there only in the summer, or even less often on weekends, then such a building is unprofitable. But what if you want to take a steam bath? The answer is simple! It is necessary to build a barrel bath. It's inexpensive, easy, and fast! How to build it yourself and from what materials is described below.

What is a barrel sauna?

It often happens that a person loves a bathhouse, but there is not enough money, time, space or all combined to build a full-fledged structure. It is in such cases that a barrel bath is built. This design is inexpensive, compact, interesting, original and, in terms of functions, can be the same as a full-fledged one.

It is not known exactly who invented this structure. On this score, there is only an assumption according to which the roots of its origin go from Japan. There people go to a place called sento. They are not really steaming there. Rather, they wash in a hot bath, which maintains a strict temperature of 55 o C. They go there in a company. Visually, the sento resembles a large deep basin or barrel. Before getting into this font, the Japanese wash themselves in the usual way, and then climb in there, relax and talk. Those who do not always have the opportunity to visit the public sento build a smaller analogue at home - furo. The Finns, seeing such a structure, decided to build something similar. They turned the barrel over to a horizontal position and enlarged it several times. This is how a barrel-bath has turned out, in which there is a steam room, a vestibule and a recreation area.

Pros and cons of construction (table)

+ -
Compact size and light weight. It follows from this that construction
no capital foundation is needed for it.
The outer coating of the boards requires periodic repairs.
Easy and quick to assemble. For the construction of a small bath
three days is enough.
There will not be enough space for a large company to relax.
There is no need to involve special equipment for construction work.In order to use such a bath in winter, it is necessary
insulate thoroughly.
The bath is mobile due to the fact that it has a rigid structure and
small mass. If you put it on a trailer, then you can carry it with
wherever you go.
Heats up quickly.
Originality of design.

Choosing materials

To make your time in the barrel bath as convenient as possible, pay special attention to the choice of the tree from which it will be built. A stationary bath can be built from almost any material, because inside it you can build a cladding from more suitable raw materials. This option is not suitable with a barrel sauna. For her, you need to immediately select good material.

For example, coniferous trees are completely unsuitable material for the construction of such a structure due to the release of resinous substances when heated, which can burn the skin. The exception is cedar. The numerous healing and aromatherapy properties with which it is endowed are perfect for a bath. The technical qualities of this wood species are also high: the material is not subject to deformation, cracks do not appear on it from temperature changes, does not shrink, is moisture resistant and is not afraid of microorganisms. The variety of colors and textures of cedar is impressive.

Another great option for building such a bath is oak. It has a strong and solid structure, due to which the structure will be durable. Moisture does not destructively affect the oak, but, on the contrary, hardens. The wood becomes more durable. Oak is famous for its deep saturated dark shades, has excellent textured patterns and medicinal properties. The disadvantage of oak wood is its high price. Because of this, it is very rare to find a barrel bath made entirely of oak. More often, separate parts are built from this rock.

The traditional material from which the baths are built is linden wood. Creation of a mild and healing microclimate in the bath is its main advantage. For a long time, with the help of a linden bath, they tried to heal the respiratory system, liver and kidneys. Linden wood vapors have a positive effect on the skin: they rejuvenate and cleanse it. This material does not shrink, it is easy to process. A bathhouse built of this type of wood will warm up quickly and retain heat well.

Aspen wood is also used for the construction of the barrel-bath. In terms of properties, it is almost the same as linden. Their advantages and disadvantages are the same. True, linden is much less susceptible to the destructive effects of moisture, does not deform and much fewer cracks appear on it. Due to its relatively low price, this tree can be called the most popular in the construction of baths.

In addition to the above species, alder, fir, birch wood is also used for the construction of a conventional bath. But these rocks are not quite suitable for the construction of a barrel-bath.

Views (table)

Name Description
Ordinary Russian bath Differs in hot and humid steam. You can steam in it with brooms. It usually consists of 2 rooms: a steam room and a washing room. After sitting a little in the steam room and sweating, you can go to wash in the shower.
In this design option, it is imperative to think over the water drainage system. So that it does not stagnate, the barrel bath is placed under a slight slope.
The stove in it is installed between two rooms. It is equipped with a water heating tank. This tank should go into the shower room. In the steam room there is a grid with stones on which water is poured. They are heated from the firebox.
The furnace part of the furnace is located in the washing room. It is better to fence it off so as not to burn yourself during bath procedures.
There is not much space in such a ben, so the stove should be as small as possible. The walls near the furnace are insulated with refractory material.
Sauna It differs in that the air in it is dry. It can consist of one room. Often such a structure is equipped with a font into which cold water is poured. If there is not enough space, then sometimes a bucket is used for pouring water. It is considered a tradition to plunge into cold water after a sauna.
It is easier to arrange it than the previous one. The room must be airtight: the doors must be tightly closed, there are no cracks in the floor and walls. The sauna has only a small hole in the roof or wall with a special shutter that can be closed partially or completely.
The water is not used in the sauna, so there is no need for a drain. Comfortable benches and a stove with a heating stove are installed in it. Do not pour water on the stones in the sauna. You can drip a few drops of essential oil or herbal tincture. Thus, therapeutic and preventive aromatherapy is created.
The sauna can be installed both vertically and horizontally.
Ofuro Similar to the Japanese sento. Visually resembles a baptismal font. Heated by the built-in stove. It has no roof, but it is used all year round. They put it on a wooden flooring. From the inside, it is equipped with a wooden bench and a stove, which is fenced with a wooden partition so that no one gets burned during the bath procedures. According to Japanese wisdom, the ofura banya combines all four elements: earth, fire, water and air. The wood from which it is made acts as the earth, the fire is the stove. And the creation of complete harmony is due to the water and air surrounding the person in this bath. In it, he relaxes and recovers.
Visually, it can resemble a simple barrel or be of an elongated shape. The stove does not have to be installed inside the structure. Sometimes it is placed next to it and pipes are drawn from it, which heat the water inside. This is the safer option. True, so, it takes a much longer amount of time to warm up, and, consequently, fuel consumption increases.
Usually they spend 10–20 minutes in it, and then the steamed body must be wiped off with a rigid mitten.

Photo gallery: varieties of barrel baths

Sauna barrel sauna from the inside Another version of the barrel-bath Barrel bath ofuro elongated Barrel bath ofuro Russian bath-barrel

Preparing the material

Choosing the right quality material is the key to building a barrel-bath.

  • If you plan to process the boards yourself, then purchase them in the following sizes - 4.5–5 centimeters thick, 9–9.5 centimeters wide.
  • If you do not have special equipment for processing wood, then you will have to order boards from qualified specialists. In order for you to prepare the boards of the correct dimensions, you must first create a detailed drawing plan, which will indicate all the dimensions. To create all the blanks that will ideally fit each other, the master will have to try, because this process is quite time consuming.
  • With the help of the plan, you can understand not only the shape of the necessary elements, but also their number.
  • It is necessary to prepare boards that will lie around the circumference of the bath, close the "bottoms" of the barrel, that is, those places where the door and the back wall will be located, as well as wooden stands for the bath. The bars are the latter.
  • Around the circumference, the barrel-bath is pulled together with iron strips. They become a kind of hoops, like on a simple barrel.
  • The door and windows must be perfectly aligned so that the tightness of the structure is not compromised.
  • Purchase in advance the planks for indoor landscaping - floor, benches, etc.
  • The stove must be insulated from the wooden elements of the structure. Take care of the presence of heat-resistant material.
  • When designing, find a place to build a small ventilation window.
  • Think about how and from what material the chimney will be built.
  • If you are planning to build a Russian bath, then provide for a water drain and a tank for heating the water.
  • The roof material is chosen depending on what kind of structure the roof has. You can build a gable roof and cover it with a rigid roof, or lay a soft roof on top of the barrel-bath.
  • Purchase fasteners: screws and nails.
  • Sometimes such a bath is equipped with a small veranda. If you are planning it, then purchase building materials for its construction.

How to organize water drainage

Such a need exists for a design that will use a lot of water.

Of course, if the bath is used infrequently, then it is enough to make holes in the floor through which the liquid will flow out and go into the soil. But if frequent use of the structure is planned, then the water drainage system must be thought out in more detail. Otherwise, the water may stagnate under the bath, which will adversely affect the bath. The first call will be the appearance of an unpleasant odor. This means that a fungus has appeared under the knowledge, and it begins to rot. After that, the floor begins to deteriorate, become unreliable and, in the end, can fail.

To build the correct water drainage, the barrel-bath is placed under a small slope. This way, the water will drain towards the end of the wash. There, in the floor, you need to make a hole and attach a pipe to it, which will go into the drain hole. To prevent this pipe from cracking due to temperature changes in winter, it must be insulated.

Inside the bathhouse itself, the floor is made in the form of a lattice. This is necessary not only to make it easier to walk. Thus, water will not linger on the surface and the floor will dry out from all sides.

DIY technology and construction stages

When all the elements are prepared, they must be treated with antiseptics, dried and you can start assembling.

Putting the base together

There is no need to prepare a powerful foundation for a barrel-bath. It is enough to put the barrel itself on a special wooden base. For the structure to be reliable, this base must be strong and, it must be installed on a flat surface. It supports the bath above the ground and carries the entire load.

  1. The base is two, three or four wooden elements made of boards 30–35 centimeters wide and 3.5–4 centimeters thick. Their number depends on how long the structure will be. On each element, it is necessary to mark and cut out a recess, which in shape will repeat the arc of the barrel. The lower boards of the bath will subsequently be fixed on them.
  2. Then these stands must be placed evenly apart from each other. One of the stands is located under the entrance to the bathhouse, the other under the back wall. If necessary, build additional stands.
  3. Then, the stands are fastened to each other so that a rigid and even structure is obtained.

Front and back walls

These elements of the bath must be perfectly flat. In the back wall, provide a place where a pair of windows will be located. There should be a door in the front wall. The location of the bars where the boards should be fixed depends on where the windows and the door will be. The bars are attached across the structure.

Assemble a square with equal sides using planks and sticks. Draw a circle from the middle of this square and carefully cut it out with a jigsaw.

On the resulting circles, mark the places where the windows and the door will be. Cut openings for them. If necessary, reinforce the holes made around the perimeter using additional bars.

Cooking boards for the walls

Now place and prepare the boards with which you will sheathe the walls of the barrel bath. Cut grooves in each board at the level where the front and back walls will be installed. Their width should be equal to the thickness of the boards from which the front and back walls are made. The depth of the groove is 0.8–1 centimeters. They will need to install round "bottoms" of the bath-barrel.

In the event that there will be two rooms in the future bath, the grooves must be cut in 3 places. The third groove is made for room partitioning.

Windows and door

As mentioned earlier, doors and windows must close tightly. Therefore, their manufacture is not an easy task. In order not to spoil the whole work, experts advise ordering them from the masters. Otherwise, bath procedures will not have the desired effect.

Putting together a barrel bath

  1. First of all, it is necessary to establish the basis for the future design. It should be on a firm, prepared site with a slight incline. Lead a drain pipe to it in advance. In the future, you will connect a drain to it, which will be installed in the bath.
  2. Mark the middle on the base arcs. The first board is attached exactly here.
  3. Along the entire length of the arc, install the boards on both sides of the first. The grooves made in the boards should become a single groove. This is how the floor of the bath is closed
  4. Now it is necessary to install the front and rear walls in the grooves of the floor. They must enter tightly and be held without support. With the help of these walls, the shape of the future structure is formed.
  5. Further, the boards are attached to the front and back walls. They must be fastened parallel to both sides of the barrel-bath.
  6. When the circumference of the bath is completely covered with boards, the structure must be pulled together with a metal tape. This should be done not in one place, but in several (from 2 to 4, depending on the length of the bath). It is necessary to make holes at the ends of the tapes, pass a bolt through them and tighten them by tightening the nut.
  7. Now install the windows and the door.
  8. The next stage is the construction of the roof. For this, a soft roof such as shingles can be used. And you can cover it with metal sheets, which are laid on top, having previously laid the waterproofing material. Some people build a gable roof. As a roofing material, metal or corrugated board is used.
  9. Then comes the construction of the veranda, if it is provided for by the plan.

We equip the bathhouse inside

Cover the walls and all wooden elements of the bath with linseed oil. It will protect the tree from the damaging effects of moisture.

The arrangement is the final stage in the construction of the bath. Now it is necessary to place those elements in it, thanks to which it will be called a bath.

  1. Make a hole in the floor to drain the water and connect it to the pipe.
  2. Install rigid flooring. To make it easier to clean the room, make it removable.
  3. Make and secure the shelves.
  4. Decorate the walls, ceiling and floor with thermal insulation material where the stove will be installed.
  5. Install the stove and take out the chimney. The place where the chimney exits to the outside must be insulated with heat-resistant material.
  6. Connect the water tank.
  7. If there is a desire, then you can bring the water supply.
  8. Install a shower tray and shower if planned.
  9. If there is enough space, then you can build a small table.
  10. Make the wiring, remembering to properly waterproof its cable part and electrical fittings.
  11. Install a hot tub near the bathhouse, if you wish. You can plunge into it after the body has steamed.
  12. If you plan to use the bath all year round, then build insulation outside so that the heat stays in it longer. This must be done with steam and waterproofing.

Video: building a barrel bath

The construction of a barrel-bath has many nuances, having studied which, you can build this beautiful structure, which in terms of functionality is practically no worse than a stationary bath. It will cost you much less and can be built in a matter of days. Good luck!

The main task of any foundation is to raise the bath from the ground so that its wooden legs, treated with a non-washable antiseptic, do not absorb moisture and serve as long as possible. If our barrel bath is installed on the correct foundation, it is protected from possible distortions and distortions, which, in turn, lead to loose doors and loss of heat.

Ready-made barrel-bath "Super-Lux" with a visor

There are many options for foundations. Here are the most common ones:

    The most budgetary option is to install a barrel bath on a bar with a cross section of 150x100mm (a bar can be purchased from us) and a length equal to the length of the bath. In this option, it is necessary to level the plot to an ideal state in terms of level. Between the timber and the ground, lay a waterproofing material that does not allow moisture to pass through. With a fortunate combination of circumstances, you must be prepared to replace the timber every 5-10 years as it becomes unusable.

    A fairly simple option is to install a barrel bath using a bar on large-format paving slabs at least 40x40 cm in size.The tiles can be laid out pointwise under the legs themselves (and connected with a bar), or with lines-paths along the entire length of the bath. The tile is laid out on a specially prepared area: the top layer of the earth is removed to a dense soil, a sand cushion is poured, compacted and spilled with water, gravel is laid on it, and only after that the paving slabs are laid exactly at the level. We highly recommend inviting professionals for the preparatory work, so that the land work is carried out efficiently, and the slabs are at the same, required level.

    Installation on a site completely paved with paving slabs. Here it is also important to take into account the correctness of the technology for its laying, think over the possibility of draining water and take into account the possibility of seasonal swelling of the soil and a change in the geometry of the site. And also be prepared for the fact that in winter the tiles are covered with ice and can lead to injuries.

    Installation on foundation blocks. For this method, preliminary preparation of the site is also necessary (removal of the topsoil, sand cushion and gravel filling). Durable blocks are installed under the legs. The main disadvantage of this method is the unaesthetic appearance of the blocks themselves.

    And finally, the method that we recommend to our customers is the installation of a barrel-bath on galvanized multi-turn piles. This type of foundation allows you to mount the bath in almost any soil, does not require complex and costly earthworks, does not threaten your lawn and landscape design, does not require leveling the site. The piles are durable and reliable, do not require replacement for a long time, they are screwed in with a special technique to a depth below the freezing level, which guarantees the stability and reliability of the entire structure.

As you can see, there are many options! But our experts will be happy to advise and help you choose the best foundation option that suits you! After all, we ourselves are interested in our barrel-baths being installed correctly, serving as long as possible and bringing only joy and health to you and your loved ones!

The construction of a full-fledged bathhouse structure on a summer cottage used in the summer is not always advisable, since the costs of its manufacture are quite high. Sometimes it is preferable to use the budget version of the bath, made from scratch in literally a couple of days. At the same time, outwardly, such a structure can have a completely finished and attractive appearance (due to the use of special techniques for outdoor decoration).

In the article we will talk about how to make a barrel bath with your own hands, what materials to use, as well as drawings, diagrams, photo and video instructions.

The longitudinal dimensions of such structures range from 2 to 6 meters; Moreover, the smallest buildings usually consist of only one steam room with a stove.

Large structures can include a washing room, a recreation room, and an impromptu porch with a canopy.


For the construction of a barrel bath, you can use wood of such well-known species as fir, spruce or larch. Taking into account the special operating conditions at the summer cottage (precipitation, sudden changes in external temperatures, as well as high humidity), it is best to use moisture-resistant types of wood. These species include cedar and larch, the high cost of which is fully repaid by the possibility of their long-term exploitation.

As for the shape of the blanks for the manufacture of an improvised bath, a well-planed edged board with a special joint of the "thorn in the groove" type can be used as such.

For the convenience of assembling the structure, it is advisable to give the typesetting elements a rounded shape, choosing a part of the material according to a special template. When using ordinary flat boards, workpieces of small width should be selected, the radial size of which allows the shape of the structure to be as close as possible to the circle.


As a rule, there is no need for a foundation. It is enough to prepare a flat platform and place a special base on it, which serves as a reliable support for a round-shaped structure.

The following can be used as such a platform:

  • completely concreted or asphalted area;
  • concreted area with paving slabs laid out along the screed;
  • an ordinary well-rammed soil surface with a wooden shield laid on it;

In addition, an old reinforced concrete slab of a suitable size can be used to prepare a flat area.

When assembling the support base, try to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. For its arrangement, a high-quality edged board with a thickness of at least 5 cm should be used, pre-treated with a special impregnation or any other compound that protects the wood from decay.
  2. The distance between the transverse support boards should be no more than 1.5 meters, and their total number should be selected based on the size of the bath.
  3. During the assembly process, a rounded groove is made on the cross-beams, exactly repeating the contours of the structure installed on them (when preparing the groove, be sure to make sure that the unselected part of the board is at least 10 cm on each side).
  4. To give the structure additional rigidity when assembling the structure, you should use metal blanks installed in the corner joints and at the joints of the individual base elements.

Assembly order

The assembly of the bath body begins with the installation of partitions fixed on the base crossbars. When arranging them, one should not forget about special openings intended for the installation of door and window blocks, as well as the processing of wood material with special protective impregnation.

Then, on the finished oval base, several boards of the required length are laid, connected to each other according to the "thorn in the groove" method. Upon completion of the preparation of a part of the circle, sufficient to fix the end partitions, the latter are installed in place and securely fixed. After that, you can safely continue forming a circle from the boards supported by the partitions.

The required rigidity of the barrel-bath structure is ensured through the use of tightening metal hoops. For reliable adhesion of the covering hoops, special iron clamps are used, by means of which subsequently (after the wood has dried out) it will be possible to tighten the structure, preventing the formation of cracks.

As for the exterior finishing of the building, its function can be performed by a traditional soft roof, mounted on the upper sector of the bath. When arranging it, this part of the barrel is first covered with a waterproofing material (plastic wrap, for example), and then covered with roofing material or bituminous tiles.


Assembly of the barrel-bath:


In the photo you can see the various executions of the barrel bath:


And now, you can familiarize yourself with the diagrams and drawings for the manufacture of a barrel bath:

The barrel bath is a truly unique invention, which organically combines the health properties of an ordinary bath, the beneficial qualities of natural wood, mobility and maximum convenience of a collapsible design.

Provided that it is properly assembled, the barrel-shaped bath is very reliable and as durable as possible. Such a structure can be easily attached to the car and taken to any desired location.

The bath has a small volume and heats up in the shortest possible time. Despite its modest size, such a steam room can be equipped with all the necessary devices for a full and maximum comfortable rest. At the same time, you can handle the assembly of the barrel on your own.


The bathhouse can be transported or even rolled (moved) manually, with the help of several friends. The weight of the barrel-bath is on average 1.5 tons, so it will be possible to handle the transportation of the structure over short distances manually, and almost any machine is capable of pulling such a weight.

For comparison - just one brick oven for an ordinary bath can weigh much more than 1500 kg.

High warm-up speed

In warm weather, it will be very hot in such a bath in half an hour.


The average area occupied by a barrel-shaped bath does not exceed 10 m 2, so this design is ideal for placement in small areas.

Original design

The bathhouse has an attractive and very pleasant appearance. Psychologists all over the world claim that contemplation of rounded shapes helps a person to relax, and this is very useful when visiting a bath.


You will spend much less money on assembling a bath in the form of a barrel compared to building a capital steam room of a similar area.

Also, among the advantages of the structure under consideration, there is no need to equip the foundation. For a stationary installation, it will be enough to prepare a pair of strong beams, rigidly and reliably connected to each other, and install the barrel on them.

Extreme ease of maintenance and operation

Fewer corners means less dirt in hard-to-reach places, less footprint - less hassle to clean.


Even with a modest area inside such a bath, you can equip a shower, a dressing room and all the necessary equipment. On average, a barrel sauna can accommodate 4-8 people.

Due to the high-quality thermal insulation and the multilayerness of the barrel, the effect of a thermos is created inside such a bath, which can significantly reduce the cost of fuel and electricity.

The averaged data of numerous calculations indicate that thanks to the round shape alone, the operation of the barrel-bath will cost 20-30% less money than the maintenance of an ordinary steam room.

What materials should be used to make a barrel-bath?

With the assembly and further operation of the barrel, there will be no problems and difficulties if you initially pay due attention to the selection of suitable materials.

To assemble the bath, use only properly dried and properly sawn wood into pieces of suitable size. Choose the type of wood in accordance with your preferences and material capabilities. It is recommended to give preference in favor of oak, linden, pine, spruce, and also cedar.

The optimal width of the boards is 9 cm, the thickness is 4-5 cm. It is desirable that the wooden boards initially have a thorn-groove connection - this will allow you to assemble the structure with the least expenditure of time and effort.

But even if such spikes and grooves are absent initially, make the mentioned connection yourself. It allows to obtain durable, reliable, stable and robust prefabricated systems, which, if necessary, can be repeatedly disassembled and assembled without deteriorating the operational properties of the structure.

Additionally, you need to purchase or make yourself a few strong steel hoops. These products will provide additional fixation of the barrel around the entire perimeter.

All the required accessories are easily purchased in specialized stores that sell various products for baths and saunas.

Calculate the required number of metal hoops and wooden boards individually in accordance with the dimensions of your future steam room. Typically, the length of such a barrel varies from 250 to 500 cm. Additionally, such a structure can be equipped with various extensions.

A bath in the form of a barrel, if it is planned to be used throughout the year, needs to be equipped with high-quality thermal insulation. Traditionally, mineral wool materials are used for insulation.

The top of such a steam room can be arranged at your discretion. Here, focus on personal preference. The main thing is that the roof reliably protects the bath from adverse weather conditions and ensures effective and timely removal of moisture.

Barrel Bath Assembly Guide

Ready-made drum assembly kits are available for sale. The prefabricated elements come in a variety of sizes, so you can choose and buy the right material without any problems. This will save time and effort.

Also, all the necessary structural elements can be made by hand. The assembly of the barrel is carried out in the following sequence.

First step. Make the base a steam room. Saw a 5x20 cm board into pieces according to the diameter of the barrel. Place the supports in increments of up to 150 cm. Determine the specific number of supports individually in accordance with the length of the structure.

To connect, cut grooves in the upper ends of the boards. The shape of these slots should follow the circumference of the barrel. Determine the dimensions of the grooves so that the remaining uncut part of the board has a width of 100 mm or more.

Second step. Collect the required number of internal partitions, as well as the end walls of the future bath. Use a grooved board for assembly. Connect wooden planks with cross bars. Fix the transverse bars themselves in such a way that in the future they do not interfere with the installation of windows and doors.

In ready-made kits, the necessary end elements are sold in an assembly, which is very convenient.

Step three. Cut the tongue-and-groove board according to the length of the barrel. Sand the ends of the elements, and then treat the boards with an antiseptic impregnation.

Fourth step. Install the supports at the same pitch. Lay on them the bottom of a barrel-bath made of several wooden planks connected using the thorn-groove method. As soon as a sector of the circle is formed, the size of which would be sufficient for mounting the end walls, place these walls in the appropriate places and continue laying the boards until the circle is complete.

Fifth step. Secure the assembled barrel with metal hoops.

Sixth step. Install windows and doors.

Seventh step... Equip the roof. A reliable option is a roof on rafters. To create rafters, use a bar with a cross section of 5 cm. You can cover such a roof with corrugated board, metal tile or other similar material. Attach the topcoat to the pre-assembled plank battens.

If the bath will be visited only in warm weather, you can refuse insulation. The design of the steam room is such that it will be able to warm up enough in about half an hour and keep the heat for 2-3 hours, and this time is enough for most visitors to the steam room.

In conclusion, it will remain to treat the outer surfaces of the walls with a fire retardant, and the inner ones with an antiseptic, then you can proceed to the internal arrangement of the steam room.

Internal arrangement of a mobile bath

Inside, such a bath can be equipped like any other steam room. It even has enough space for a small dressing room and a compact shower.

When choosing a stove, be guided by modern electrical models. Such units do not take up much space and do not need a chimney. A 6 kW electric sauna heater will be more than enough for a barrel sauna. However, such ovens are capable of producing extremely dry steam.

If you are not satisfied with this, give preference small metal wood stove... Choose the specific model and dimensions of the structure with reference to the volume of the steam room. Do not forget about fire safety measures: wooden structures are necessarily protected from all heating elements using non-combustible sheet materials, and the places where the chimney passes are insulated with fire-resistant insulation.

When arranging the floor, be sure to slope in the direction of the drain. For 1 m of surface length, there should be a slope of about 1 degree.

For interior finishing of floors, walls and benches it is best to use larch. Such wood will not burn the skin. Place the benches along the wall opposite to the stove. You can also install benches at the side walls.

Lay electric wires in fire-resistant insulation. Sockets, switches, lamps - all of this must have an appropriate protection class.

It is very easy to take care of such a bath.- it is enough to regularly ventilate the steam room and treat the walls with high-quality protective equipment at least annually.

Thus, in just a couple of days you can independently assemble a barrel bath, which will delight you and your guests with its light steam for many years. Follow the instructions and everything will definitely work out.

Happy work!

Why not build a bathhouse on your site? All is good, only many are stopped by the fact that the construction process itself takes a lot of time, a lot of money is spent on the project of a bathhouse and construction, and the same amount is spent on interior decoration and equipment. And the site is not rubber, more or less a decent bath - this is already 10-15 squares at least. So what, and live without a bath all my life?

If there is no life without a bath

There is nothing of the kind. If you really don't have a bath at all, but with a place or money is tense, then you can consider a rather original, inexpensive, compact and interesting option - a barrel bath with your own hands. Drawings and photos will be attached to the text, and we will try to tell the rest in words. In the beginning - what is it all about, a barrel-bath? Frankly, no one can really say where such constructions came from, but there are still some assumptions.

The fact is that in Japan their traditional bathhouse, sento, is not quite similar to ours. In our understanding, they do not take a steam bath, but take a hot bath, with a strictly controlled temperature of 55 degrees. Sento is a collective bathhouse and looks like a huge deep basin or barrel. The audience, having previously washed themselves, climbs into such a barrel-font for a bath and steam, at the same time talking on abstract Japanese topics.

Japanese and Finnish barrel saunas. What is the difference?

But all Japanese have time to go to the public bath. Those who cannot live without good steaming install a miniature analogue of sento, called furo, right at home. And this is already a real barrel with a lid, into which the head is pushed, having previously filled the barrel with water at a temperature of 55 degrees.

Probably, the Finns spied on this design and decided that it would be nice to build the same barrel to save time and money, just install it horizontally and increase its size five times. Then the bath tub will turn into a real bath, with a steam room, a vestibule and a relaxation area, and a Finnish barrel bath looks like this.

A person who is absolutely far from wooden architecture can build such a structure with his own hands, and in the finished form there is a barrel-bath of three or four hundred thousand. Not three hundred thousand to have your own mobile bath with a steam room? It's not scary, then you can assemble it with your own hands, and quickly and without much time and special tools.

Since the barrel bath is assembled entirely from good wood, all the healing properties of a traditional bath are fully preserved. From the point of view of technology, it is a solid structure that does not take up much space; it can be transported anywhere in the world on a conventional car trailer or, in extreme cases, in the back of a one and a half ton truck. We hope there is no need to explain what prospects open up for the owner of such a miracle.

Barrel-bath materials

The interior of the barrel-bath is a Spartan luxury. That is, there is everything that is necessary for the adoption of bath procedures, and even a little more:

In addition, the interior of such a bath can absorb any design fantasies, since the very approach to the construction and design of the building is unconventional. But only if the materials used for interior decoration are still the same wood: cedar, linden, birch, pine or spruce. The advantages of a barrel-bath also include the absence of corners, as such, and a very uniform heating, which is facilitated by a round or oval section of a cedar barrel bath or a barrel bath made of another tree.

Forms and designs

The design of such a bath is thought out to the smallest detail, it can be clearly seen in the drawings. There is no need to build an expensive foundation, since the bathhouse feels great on a flat, rammed area, in extreme cases, on a monolithic concrete floor slab, which is not a problem to get. Beams-runners are installed on the base, on which the main structure of the barrel-bath rests. These beams are needed not only for reliable fixing of the structure, but also so that the surface of the bath does not have contact with the soil.

You can't build a barrel bath from bad and low-quality materials. But the very minimum will be needed for good timber. The boards must have either a special radial profile or a profile designed for a tongue-and-groove connection. As a rule, they use a board 4.5 cm thick and 9 cm wide. Steel hoops will be needed to mount the barrel, which tighten and firmly fix the entire structure.

Actually, these are all the tricks you need to know about the barrel bath, and good wood and a properly made stove will take care of the optimal microclimate in your new bath. Happy experiments!