Basic principles of humanistic psychology. The problem of needs in modern psychology The problem of the need for consolation

Do modern youth think about their actions? What way of life does the society of the end of the 20th century prefer? In the proposed text, Ilya Aleksandrovich Maslov raises the problem of the consumer attitude to life.

Revealing the problem, the publicist talks about adolescents who grew up in a "consumer society". He claims that children strive to get older in order to independently and arbitrarily manage their own finances: "Children want to grow up faster ... To freely dispose of money." They do not care about the way of making money: “They don’t know how to make money yet, they don’t think about it”.

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Such children are extremely selfish: "... are sincerely convinced that adults exist only to satisfy their needs." In conclusion, the author expresses the opinion of Russian psychologists that not only young people, but also adults are focused on consumption.

I.A. Maslov believes that modern adolescents, brought up in a consumer society, do not know how to do any things just like that. They try to find benefit in everything.

I fully share the position of the author. Modern adolescents grow up to be true "literate consumers". It should be noted that a similar attitude towards life is formed in children whose parents lead a similar way of being. Both adolescents and adults are a constituent part of society. Therefore, this problem is typical for any age.

This problem is clearly expressed in the novel by Anthony Burgess "A Clockwork Orange", in which the action takes place on behalf of the antihero Alex. He is 15 years old and is the leader of a street gang. The slogan "Take everything from life" is taken literally by Alex. This character robs, rapes and kills for his own pleasure. Without a doubt, the consumer attitude towards one person's life can negatively affect the lives of others.

The American writer Chuck Palahniuk wrote about the importance of things in his novel "Fight Club". At the beginning of the novel, the protagonist is dependent on buying things, home accessories and other fashion brands. The human consumer earns solely in order to buy things that he does not even need. His life has three main elements: work, home and television. After some time, the hero simply renounces all this and realizes that for the existence of all these things that he bought for so long, he simply does not need. The consumer attitude to life is like drugs: you become addicted.

Thus, the consumerist attitude to life is the scourge of modern society.

Updated: 2017-11-16

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The third row in Maslow's pyramid is needs of belonging and love These needs come into play when the physiological and safety and protection needs are met. At this level, people tend to establish attachment relationships with others, in their family and / or in the group. Group affiliation becomes the dominant goal for a person. Consequently, a person will acutely feel the pangs of loneliness, social ostracism, lack of friendship and rejection, especially when they are caused by the absence of friends and loved ones. Students who study far from home become victims of the need for belonging, eager to be recognized and accepted in a peer group.

The needs of belonging and love play a significant role in our lives. The child desperately wants to live in an atmosphere of love and care, in which all his needs are met, and he receives a lot of affection. Teens who seek to find love in the form of respect and recognition of their independence and self-reliance gravitate towards participation in religious, musical, sports, academic, or other close-knit groups. Young people feel the need for love in the form of sexual intimacy, that is, unusual experiences with a person of the opposite sex. Popular song lyrics provide ample proof of the powerful influence of the needs of belonging and love during this period of life.

<Привязанность к родителю удовлетворяет потребность ребенка в принадлежности и любви.>

Maslow defined two types of adult love: deficit,or D-love,and existential,or B-love(Maslow, 1968). D-love is based on a deficit need - it is love that comes from the desire to get what we lack, say, self-esteem, sex, or the company of someone with whom we do not feel alone. For example, a relationship can satisfy our need for comfort and protection - whether it be a long-term relationship, a life together, or a marriage. Thus, it is selfish love that takes rather than gives. B-love, on the contrary, is based on the realization of the human value of another, without any desire to change or use him. Maslow defined this love as the love of the “being” of another, despite his imperfections. It is not possessive, not intrusive and mainly concerns the encouragement in another person of his positive self-image, self-activity, a sense of the significance of love - everything that allows a person to grow. Moreover, Maslow rejected Freud's idea that love and affection are derived from sublimated sexual instincts; for Maslow, love is not synonymous with sex. Rather, he insisted that mature love implies a healthy, loving relationship between two people based on mutual respect, admiration, and trust. Being loved and recognized is essential for a healthy sense of dignity. When you are not loved, there is emptiness and hostility.

Despite the paucity of empirical data on the needs of belonging and love, Maslow insisted that their effects on behavior are potentially damaging in a changing and fluid society like the United States. America became the land of nomads (according to the census, about one-fifth of the population changes addresses at least once a year), became a nation without roots, alienated, indifferent to the problems of home and community, overwhelmed by the shallowness of human relations. Despite the fact that people live in densely populated areas, they often do not communicate. Many hardly know the names and faces of people in the neighborhood, do not enter into conversations with them. In general, the conclusion cannot be avoided that the search for close relationships is one of the most widespread social needs of humankind.

It was Maslow who argued that the needs of belonging and love are often not met by American society, as a result of which maladjustment and pathology develop. Many people are reluctant to open themselves up to intimate relationships because they are afraid of rejection. Maslow concluded that there is evidence of a significant correlation between a happy childhood and health in adulthood. Such data, from his point of view, support the thesis that love is the main prerequisite for healthy human development.

Self-esteem needs

When our need to love and be loved by others is sufficiently satisfied, its influence on behavior decreases, opening the way self-esteem needs Maslow divided them into two main types: self-esteem and respect by others. The first includes concepts such as competence, confidence, achievement, independence and freedom. A person needs to know that he is a worthy person, that he can cope with the tasks and requirements of life. Respect for others includes concepts such as prestige, recognition, reputation, status, appreciation, and acceptance. In this case, the person needs to know that what he does is recognized and appreciated by significant others.

Meeting your self-esteem needs creates a sense of self-confidence, dignity, and an awareness that you are useful and needed in the world. On the contrary, the frustration of these needs leads to feelings of inferiority, meaninglessness, weakness, passivity and dependence. This negative self-perception, in turn, can cause significant difficulties, a feeling of emptiness and helplessness in the face of life's demands, and low self-esteem compared to others. Children whose need for respect and recognition is denied are especially prone to low self-esteem (Coopersmith, 1967).

Maslow emphasized that healthy self-esteem is based on earned respect by others, not fame, social standing, or flattery. Therefore, it is rather risky to base the satisfaction of the need for respect on the opinions of others, rather than on one's own abilities, achievements and authenticity. If our self-esteem depends on outside evaluation, we are in psychological danger. To be strong, self-respect must be based on our valid significance, and not on external factors beyond our control.

Obviously, the needs for respect in life are expressed in a variety of ways. Peer approval, the quintessence of respect for a teenager, is expressed in the fact that he is popular and is invited to parties, and the adult is usually respected for having a family and children, a well-paid job and merit in the activities of civic organizations. Maslow hypothesized that needs for respect reach their maximum level and stop growing at maturity, and then, in the middle years, their intensity decreases (Maslow, 1987). There are two reasons for this. First, adults tend to acquire a more realistic assessment of their true worth and worth, so the need for respect is no longer the driving force in their lives. Second, most adults already have a history of respect and recognition, which allows them to move towards higher levels of growing motivation. These positions may partly explain Maslow's claim that true self-actualization occurs only after reaching adulthood.

Reprinted by edition: V.N. Myasishchev. Psychology of relationships.

The problem of human needs with its enormous and sufficiently conscious psychologists of its difficulty is a branch of psychology, an attempt to bypass which, when solving any psychological issue, always leads to failure in solving this issue. Therefore, it is not so much the maturity of the prerequisites for the study of the problem as the consciousness of inevitable necessity that forces us here to formulate some preliminary provisions related to the development of the problem of needs.

It is known that the issues of cognitive activity represent a more developed area of ​​psychology. However, the psychology of cognition suffers from one-sided rationalism, an incorrect interpretation of the cognitive process due to an underestimation of the role of all aspects of the mental activity of a cognizing subject.

In this area, what remains insufficiently developed is that without which the development of the problem itself is largely hindered and made conditional.

We know what an important role was played by the turn of Soviet psychology towards the teachings of I.P. Pavlov about higher nervous activity, but at the same time, one cannot fail to say about those temporary errors and failures that psychology experienced during the same time, incorrectly applying Pavlov's ideas under the influence of one-sided physiologism, dogmatism and pedagogy. We will only point out that the indisputable principle of the study of nervous activity in the unity of the organism with its environment and the correct materialistic position on the external conditioning of both biological and psychological life were accompanied by incorrect conclusions.

The problems of the inner and deep in the psyche were suppressed and pushed aside. In attempts to study the role of the internal, they saw the "smell of idealism", identified the external with the objective, avoided the question of the internal, brought the deep closer to the deep in the instinctive-biological and psychoanalytic sense of the word.

If we can say that a consistently materialistic science of man is only one that includes both the organism and the psyche in the plan of materialistic research, then for psychology it is absolutely necessary and inevitable to consider psychological problems in terms of the unity of the internal and external, deep and superficial.

There are hardly any objections to the fact that needs are the deepest component in the dynamics of human behavior and experiences, and it is clear that the task of a consistently materialistic study of the psyche, the development of a theory of psychological and applied questions, in particular of a pedagogical nature, inevitably requires us to include a difficult needs problems in our research plan.

Rational psychology explained everything and defined everything verbally, empirical psychology in the positive sense of the word demanded a struggle for psychological facts against psychological speculation. This primarily relates to the problem of needs.

An objectively correct view of the need as the body's need for something has also found its expression in a language in which need and need are expressed in one word (in English, need means both). However, this is the most general, so to speak, philosophical, but not yet psychological, plan of definition.

For the psychological plan, it is characteristic that the need for an object arises in the subject and is experienced by him, that it exists as an objective and subjective connection, characterized both objectively and subjectively as a gravitation towards the object of need, which determines the system of human behavior and experiences in connection with the object or in relation to this item. Internal gravity and motivation are a reflection and state of the subject (hence, his body and brain) and subjective-objective attitude to the subject of need.

This preliminary, very general and insufficiently specific psychological definition only outlines the range of issues in which the tasks of research and the search for its psychological solution arise.

Before moving on to psychological issues per se, one cannot fail to mention that the problem of human needs can and should be considered from the standpoint of a number of disciplines. In addition to the indicated psychological range of issues, the knowledge that a person is a product of socio-historical conditions forces us to limit the sociological, or historical-materialistic, plan of consideration from the psychological. As you know, the founders of Marxism-Leninism elucidated the social origin and nature of needs.

Solving this problem from a socio-historical point of view, they laid the socio-genetic basis for the psychology of needs. The problems of human needs are closely related to political economy and with such issues as consumption, supply, demand, price, etc.

These problems are also closely related to issues of law and morality, with the history of culture and life of people. But it would be wrong from this to come to the conclusion that the need does not belong to the psychological field. Of course, it would not be worth dwelling on this if it were not for this extreme and incorrect statement. At the same time, it is important to touch on this side of the issue because it represents a particular example of an important fundamental problem of communication and differences in social and psychological consideration of the same facts. The fact concerning a certain group of people associated with the general conditions of their activity and behavior, even observed on one person, since it characterizes a group of people and their relationships, is the subject of historical-materialistic consideration. A fact concerning an individual in connection with the regularity of his behavior, activities and experiences as an individual, even with his social conditioning, is a psychological fact. One and the same fact can be the subject of both psychological and socio-historical study, but the plan of analysis in the first and second cases is different. Thus, ethical and unethical, noble and vile, lawful and criminal acts can be subjected to different considerations in either plane.

Along with the socio-historical study of needs, there is, as is known, a natural-historical consideration of them, which has, first of all, two planes - a comparative zoological and a physiological one.

As you know, Loeb's theory of taxis and tropisms is legitimate for the stage of development that objective research has established in the simplest organisms, the stage at which the quantitative and qualitative features of the selective reactions of an animal are clearly expressed - attraction to an object and repulsion from it, the tendency of mastering an object or avoiding him.

Without dwelling here on comparative biology and different stages of the biogenesis of needs, which should be the subject of a special study, we note only a few points that are important for further discussion of the problem. At higher levels of development of animals, we meet with complex acts of behavior, or reactions, which in psychology have long been called instincts. As you know, there was a heated discussion between I.P. Pavlov and V.A.Wagner on the nature of instincts. The first called them complex unconditioned reflexes, the second considered them to be a special kind of formation, but from the point of view of the issue we are considering, what is more important is that which did not cause disagreements between both outstanding scientists and that, at the same time, was not sufficiently examined by them.

If we compare the tendon reflex with salivary food or hugging and erection sexual, then we will see that external stimulation and reflex response are differently correlated in these two types of reflexes. While the tendon reflex is fairly constant, food and sexual reflexes clearly fluctuate depending on the state of the body and the associated state of the brain centers, and the response clearly depends not only on external influences, but also on internal conditions.

For the food reflex, these conditions are the degree of saturation associated with filling mainly the stomach, as well as with the chemical composition of the blood due to food intake and absorption of food in the gastrointestinal tract. The role of blood composition shows the dependence of instinctive, otherwise complex-unconditioned reflex, actions on physicochemical conditions, which at a high level of development are based on the same insufficiently clear physicochemical basis that determined the tropisms of the simplest animals at a low level. To an even greater extent, the role of internal conditions acts in sexual reflexes, in which both elementary reflexes and a complex chain of sequential actions are determined by a powerful influence on the nervous system of the body's biochemical processes and special products of internal secretion - hormones. Hormonal and biochemical dynamics are the somatic part of the internal component of the nervous system. Enough has been written about the relationship between internal and external biochemical regulation. Therefore, there is no need to dwell on this; we can only note here the correctness of the formula - the internal is the passed in or the external assimilated. The genetic dependence of the internal on the external does not exclude the importance of the internal, the role of which is more pronounced, the more complex the organism is and the more the role of individual experience grows.

Diversity, variability, inconsistency, multiplicity of external influences are opposed by an internal single, albeit complex and contradictory whole, the integrity of the organism, which is a synthesis of many-sided complex external influences. As a result of external influences, the internal plays an all the more significant role, the richer the assimilated external experience. This also applies, of course, to humans. But, returning to the animal, it is necessary to dwell on the second point in the characterization of instincts, not only little touched upon in the polemics of Pavlov and Wagner, but generally insufficiently developed. This is the question of the plasticity of instincts, of the adaptability of instinctively conditioned behavior and actions. We are now only interested in the question of what constitutes a modified instinct and what constitutes the force that remakes instincts.

We obtain data that are instructive for the problem of interest to us on domesticated animals. On the one hand, we know that a dog can get along well with a cat, being raised with her from an early age. On the other hand, we know that in such domestic animals as dogs, horses, the inhibition of the immediate impulses of instinct by the prohibitions of the owner is brought up, i.e. the influence of individually acquired experience, which, being a conditioned reflex connection - an association, is at the same time a force that opposes the elemental force of instinct and subjugates the behavior of the animal.

If the domestication of an animal allows him to observe the process of the formation of behavior under the influence of man, then their so-called herd instinct is especially significant in the behavior of an animal of the species that is close to human ancestors. (Note: Do not forget what year the work was written 🙂)

F. Engels came to the conclusion that the apes living in the herd were the anthropoid ancestors of man. A number of domestic and foreign authors studied the behavior of a group of monkeys, the various forms of which make it possible to speak of the powerful influence of tendencies towards communication, towards coexistence, towards a joint system of actions.

One might think that here more than anywhere else, the instinctive urge to work together and to be together is governed by individual experience in accordance with the requirements that are developed by the experience of the herd and to which the members of the herd obey.

Descriptive comparative zoological research provides factual material, without which a genetic understanding of needs is impossible. Physiology works on the disclosure of the mechanism of needs, on the laws of this mechanism and its development.

There is no doubt that the psychology of needs finds its natural basis in the physiology of higher nervous activity.

We will restrict ourselves here to only a few issues that are important for our positions. I.P. Pavlov did not use the term need, but he repeatedly spoke about the main tendencies in life - self-protective, sexual, food, etc. These instincts, or complex unconditioned reflexes, are carried out, according to Pavlov, mainly by the activity of the subcortical formations of the brain. The state of these tendencies and their central formations is associated with the "infection" of brain cells, which is the most important condition for the formation and identification of conditioned reflex connections. The charge of subcortical formations entails a state of charge of the cortical representation, unconditioned reflexes. But with the development of I.P. Pavlov's teaching about the role of the subcortical region of the brain charging the cortex, one should pay attention to the fact that in the relationship of the cortical and subcortical regions of the brain, a topically different distribution of excitation and inhibition processes is found, depending on the nature of the unconditioned reflex - sexual, food , defensive, etc.

At the same time, the one-sided view of only the antagonism of the cortex and the subcortex or of the individual relationships between them must be supplemented by the view of synergy with a dynamic change in these relationships. In this regard, the physiological foundations of both needs and emotions require proper coverage. If little is said about the needs in the physiology of I.P. Pavlov, then the question of emotions has repeatedly attracted his attention. IP Pavlov brought together emotions and instincts, or complex unconditioned reflexes, referring them to the activity of the subcortical region. But for the psychology of emotions and for their physiological explanation, their closeness to feelings and the need to correctly understand intellectual and ethical emotions and complex emotional states of uplift, inspiration, etc. are important. These latter, in accordance with the integrity of the work of the brain, include cortical processes and are unthinkable without them. And this makes us look more broadly at the cerebral substrate of emotions and, considering the active state of the subcortical region as the main dynamic condition of emotion, not exclude, but include in the understanding of the mechanism of emotion, the role of the cortical component, different depending on its level, in the understanding of the mechanism of emotion.

At the same time, taking into account the role of the general somatic, vegetative-visceral, endocrine-biochemical components of the manifestation of emotion, it is necessary to take into account the role of the powerful wave of intero- and proprioceptive impulses going to the brain. This leads to a view of emotions as integral states of the organism of various neurodynamic structures and confirms V.M.Bekhterev's idea of ​​mimic-somatic reflexes as components of emotions.

It is easy to see that our excursion into the field of emotions is directly related to the problem of human needs. The unity of the internal and external instinctive tendencies of animal behavior is the mechanism of a complex unconditioned reflex, which is carried out by the subcortical part of the brain. The very excitement of the instinctive mechanism of reactions combines external influences with viscerogenic nervous and endocrine-biochemical phenomena. Obviously, all these systems of impulses with their intensity and vital significance cannot but penetrate the cerebral cortex, reflect on the cortex and change its state in accordance with the above. But, as you know, for a long time already shared in humans (and this has a certain relation to animals) instinctive drives, mainly innate, organically unconditioned, and acquired in life, brought up at the highest human level, cultural, ideological needs. In contrast to innate drives - tendencies that are mainly unconditioned reflex in nature, acquired needs reflect those dynamic tendencies that characterize a dynamic stereotype. We have already noted that conditioned reflex, or associative, communication has an incentive force. It is likely that the painfulness of reworking a strong stereotype is due not only to the strength of the ties, but also to the strength of the tendency to react and repeat it. This applies entirely to so-called habits and to the strength of habits that create so-called habitual needs. The role of experience affects not only the creation of needs, but also the way of satisfying them. This explains to us the pathology of drives and needs: abnormal forms of satisfaction of needs, for example, in the genital area, sexual perversion.

At the same time, the habitual satisfaction of a need can lead to its hypertrophy and to such a differentiation of it, which is called its refinement, sophistication, sophistication, without touching on the positive or negative meaning of these words. In this regard, it is impossible not to mention that some needs, being satisfied, create such biochemical changes in the body that they have an effect not only due to conditioned reflex connections, but also due to the coming biochemical consequences of satisfying needs, which are a source of increased needs and a painful state of so-called abstinence in the absence of satisfaction. This, as you know, applies to drug addicts and to the most common form of drug addiction - alcoholism.

From all that has been stated, we see how wide the range of the problem of human needs and its correct and complete, in particular, physiological coverage.



Returning to the psychological side of the problem, we must first of all talk about the need for a developed state in order for genetic research to be purposeful; otherwise, so that it could pose questions in relation to the past to explain what was developed in the present, and on the basis of this present could predict development trends in the future.

Accordingly, the central content of the research is the developed need, i.e. a conscious need, which in a conscious form reflects a gravitation towards the object of need and an internal urge that directs a person's ability to possess an object or possess an action. It should be mentioned that the formation of a conscious need is also a task of physiological explanation, the solution of which is possible only in the future.

The degree of awareness of the need is characterized by different levels, of which the highest corresponds not only to the report in the object of the need, but also in its motives and sources. The lowest level is characterized by vague gravitation in the absence of awareness of the object and the motive of gravitation towards it. At the same time, the highest conscious level of need is characterized by another feature that is also subject to further physiological explanation, namely, higher self-regulation - the possession of the need and the entire system of actions arising from it. High self-control refers to controlling your impulses when they are at their maximum.

The integrity of the organism, nervous system and psyche is expressed in need by the fact that, reflecting even some partial need, it is always the need of the individual as a whole, as a mental individual. The unity of personality, organism and life experience does not exclude, but with a variety of life experience it presupposes an organic connection, a system of needs. For some individuals, it can be more consistent and harmonious, for others - an expression of contradictory, which is reflected in the nature of the unity of the resulting action.

The need represents the main type of a person's relationship to objective reality. It is the main type of a person's relationship to the environment, because it represents the connection of the body with vital objects and circumstances. Like any attitude, it expresses the selective connection of a person with various aspects of the surrounding reality. Like any relation, it is potential, i.e. is detected by the action of the object and by the known state of the subject. Like any relationship, and even more than any other kind of relationship, it is characterized by activity. If we can conditionally talk about an indifferent or passive attitude, then this term is inapplicable even conditionally to needs, since the need either exists as an active attitude or does not exist at all. Needs, like other relationships, are clearly affected not only by the different degree of their consciousness, but also by the different ratio of the innate and acquired components.

The different course of life processes is reflected in the rhythmic nature of the tension of needs. Depending on the living conditions, the need grows, intensifies, is satisfied and fades away. However, this dynamics is all the more pronounced, the more organic the need is. Thus, the need for air, more precisely, for oxygen, is expressed by the respiratory rhythm; in food and sexual activity the rhythm is also clearly expressed. If, on the contrary, we turn to the need for purity, the need for communication, for work, for intellectual and artistic needs, then there is no rhythm in them, although the wavelike nature of the increase and decrease of the need in connection with its satisfaction is found here too.

As the most important component of a person's neuropsychic life, need is associated with all aspects of higher nervous or mental activity. The more intense the need, the more clearly this connection becomes.

First of all, of course, the question arises about the relationship between need, desire and desire.

It is not a verbal-logical distinction that is important here, but the establishment of objective distinctions. It was correctly pointed out that desires and aspirations differ from drives in that the latter reflect a direct organically conditioned drive that does not even require a differentiated consciousness of the object and the motives of this drive. In addition, desire and striving do not represent one or another level and type of need, but only moments of subjective reflection of the attractive action of the object, and in striving they are reflected with great active motive force.

Above, we have already indicated the connection between needs, drives-tendencies and emotions. The dynamics of the relationship between needs and emotions requires a special study, but the question of the relationship between the characteristics of emotions and needs should be posed in two ways.

First, it is a reflection of temperament in the unity of needs and emotions. Typical variants of the correlation of strength - the acuteness of needs and emotional fervor with the resistance of their tension are characterized by the main types of temperaments and are in close connection with the typological features of the nervous system, we will not dwell on something here due to the comparative clarity of the issue. However, here, too, the relationship between type and systemicity, to which we have already paid attention (1954), requires attention, saying that the main typical properties - strength, mobility, balance - could be different for the same person in different systems. Therefore, an indication of the general type in humans is usually insufficient. This has a close relationship with needs. So, the usual life, as well as clinical observation, as you know, notes that a great craving for food is not necessarily accompanied by an intense sex drive. The intensity and severity of drives is neither in direct nor in contrast to intellectual or other cultural needs, and this does not depend on the different levels of culture and needs determined by the entire history of human development. The needs for work and intellectual satisfaction are not parallel. Also, the needs for literature, music, painting are not parallel. It would be wrong to reduce all the difference in these latter needs to education, just as it would be wrong to explain the difference in the ability to explain by learning. Without touching on the subtle and complex relationships in these issues, we will only repeat that both in needs, as in general types, the underestimated and still insufficiently developed Pavlovian principle of consistency must be taken into account.

Secondly, the connection between the need and the type of emotional reaction is characteristic. It is known that obstacles and failures in satisfying needs cause emotions of irritation, i.e. emotions with a predominance of arousal processes - from irritable discontent to rage. The role of obstacles is shown in the experiments of both the physiological school of I.P. Pavlov and the psychological school of K. Levin (K. Lewin, 1926).

In the experiments of the school of I.P. Pavlov, it was found that the difficulty in solving the problem causes a breakdown in the direction of excitement or inhibition. A breakdown in the direction of inhibition can pass through the phase of the reaction of excitement or irritation. Psychologically, the dissatisfaction of a need can cause a refusal and extinction of a need or, according to clinical experience, oppression, depression as a psychological equivalent of physiological inhibition in some cases and as a complex indirect reaction to failure (frustration) (see: Rosenzweig, I946) with an exacerbation of feelings low value - in other cases (see: A. Adler, 1922). Solving a problem, mastering an object, and satisfying a need evoke the emotion of satisfaction. Thus, joy, anger and sadness are expressions of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of a need. Insufficiently clear, but a special place in the satisfaction of needs is fear. Although this unclear relationship was the center of special interest in the issue of the relationship between emotions and needs in the constructions of psychoanalysis, but regardless of numerous criticisms on this matter, the emotion of fear has long and firmly been associated with the problem of self-protective instinct, or a complex unconditioned reflex. Psychological and psychobiological research is clearly insufficient here. It should be noted that the physiological study of higher nervous activity, having given a general interpretation of the states of fear, did not receive sufficient experimental material. Therefore, both from the physiological and from the psychological point of view, this issue requires further elucidation. At the same time, it is clear that the emotion of fear associated with a defensive reflex - repulsion, rejection and repulsion, is clearly incompatible with the attractive nature of the object, attraction to it and the need for it. Although much has been written about the self-defense instinct, about the instinctive drive for self-defense, the reflection of the instinctive tendency toward self-defense can in no way be attributed to needs.

We have repeatedly pointed out the importance and necessity of developing a connection between the principles of reflection and relation (1953, 1956) in psychology: need as a type of relation is associated with other types of relations and with different types of reflection. As for other types of relationship, here we can first of all mention love and interest.

Possession of a loved one, or reciprocity of a loved one, is a means of satisfying a need. In love, as well as in need, the beloved object is the source of an actively positive attitude. However, need and love appear as two sides of a single relationship, as its emotional and evaluative side, on the one hand, and as its incentive-conative side, on the other. We cannot here touch on the dynamic relationship of both concepts in general, but in connection with what has been said about the reaction of rage, we note the importance of turning love into an emotional relationship of another sign in the absence of reciprocity.

If love is a type of predominant emotional relationship, then another type of it - interest - is associated with a predominantly cognitive relationship (see: V.G. Ivanov, 1955).

Of course; we are far from thinking of one-sided intellectualization of the concept of interest. It, as in every respect, contains all the functional components of mental activity, but interest is dominated by cognitive emotion associated with the need for intellectual mastery, and volitional effort is associated with the predominance of the intellectual difficulty of the task. Therefore, we defined interest as an actively positive attitude towards a cognitive object and as a need for intellectual mastery. If interest is genetically related to the orienting reflex “what is it” (Pavlov), which arises and persists only in relation to new objects, then the interest is not only and not so much a reaction as an attitude, which is expressed by a system of subjectively and objectively active components, defined as the need for knowledge, i.e. intellectual mastery of the new, unknown. However, interest expresses not only an attitude towards cognition, for example, towards a particular science, but a more general attitude towards a significant object of reality, towards the cognitive mastery of it.

Interest as a tendency of cognitive reflection, at the same time, coincides with the need for knowledge from primitive curiosity to scientific knowledge.

As you know, various aspects of mental activity represent different aspects of the process of reflecting reality. The simplest form of reflective activity psychologically is sensation. The tension of the need as a holistic and active relationship reflects the charging of the centers, which, due to the integrity of the brain and the body, affects all aspects of activity, including sensations. An article by B.G. Ananyev (1957) is devoted to this issue, showing the important dependencies that exist between sensation and need, different in the stage of need, different correlations with sensation, depending on the nature of the need and the influence not only of needs on sensations, but also the role of sensation in development of needs.

It is possible, adhering to the data presented by B. G. Anan'ev, to add some more considerations.

So, the charging of the centers, associated with the exacerbation of the need, causes a change in the entire functional state of the brain. Physiological studies of P.O. Makarov (1955), which should supplement what has been said above about the physiological side of needs, show that with experimental thirst, the electroencephalogram, the nature of sensitivity, data of adequate optical chronaxy, increase, the interval required to distinguish stimuli of optical or acoustic, etc. Complex nervous activity also changes. For example, when assessing the degree of experimental thirst with the amount of water consumed to quench it, it can be seen that some subjects correctly estimate the required amount, drinking the same amount that they indicated to quench their thirst, others overestimate, and still others underestimate thirst.

The clinic presents pathological material that is very essential for understanding the issue, in which we will note here only those related to sensations.

In addition to the complex, rather than linear, ratio of the pungency of taste to various food substances both during experimental fasting and in persons suffering from alimentary dystrophy (see: N.K. Bekhterev Psychoneurological Institute) an extraordinary exacerbation of the sense of smell, exceeding any expectation, in a patient suffering from ideas of a "bad smell" emanating from her body. Because of this, she felt an irresistible need to constantly sniff. This overstrain, due to difficult experiences, caused a sharp increase in olfactory sensitivity. In another case, in a patient with a painfully sharp exacerbation of sexual need, stimuli that are extremely remotely associated with sexual irritation, not only the shaking of a man's hand, not only the sound of his voice, but even the sound of steps, caused strong sexual overexcitation, marked by the patient's complaints and a picture of sharp pathological changes in the electroencephalogram.

Here the picture of the dominant appears clearly, reflecting the pathological need that determines the entire course of neuropsychic processes. At the same time, one cannot fail to point out the features specific to human psychology. With a psychological sexual dominant, the patient struggled with her, and her appeal to the clinic expresses not only a struggle, but also a search for help in the fight against this attraction.

Therefore, as a characteristic of the human psyche, it is necessary to point out that physiological need under normal conditions cannot fully become the dominant of a person with a intact personality, since they are opposed by socially conditioned tendencies of behavior, and a decrease in human behavior to the level of an animal is associated with the disintegration of socially conditioned impulses.


The need, expressing the state of the brain and the body as a whole, most of all affects the systems of reactions aimed at perceiving an object and mastering it. Physiologically, it is associated with the dominant mechanism and with the corresponding need for systemic excitation and inhibition. The correlate of this physiological mechanism, as you know, is the mental process of attention, which is associated with the direct interest and direction of not only simpler, but also more complex mental processes and even broader creative activity. IP Pavlov spoke about "relentless thinking", about the "heat of knowledge", about "intellectual passion", which represent the expression of the need for intellectual activity. It must, however, be emphasized that it is not only an intellectual need that matters, but that any need also directs the highest reflective activity towards the subject of need.

Therefore, not only feeling, but also all aspects of intellectual activity are involved in satisfying an artistic musical need. Need also mobilizes the higher processes of a person's neuropsychic activity, his creative imagination, in which consciousness in the fullest sense of the word, as Lenin said, not only reflects, but also creates the real world.

Scientific grouping of needs, their classification, represent an essential task. The existing heterogeneity of classifications, of course, speaks of a different understanding of needs, depending on the fact that much in the understanding of needs is also speculative. For example, tendencies characteristic of all organisms, including humans, in particular, a self-protective tendency, are often identified with instincts. There is no doubt about the existence of this trend, but the question arises: can it be attributed to needs. In any case, - firstly, from the point of view of the synthesis of subjective and objective experience, as mentioned above, this cannot be done. The self-protective tendency appears in the form of reactions, not needs. Secondly, there is a tendency to define the basic necessities of life in overly broad terms.

So, 3. Freud, who has a lot of concrete experience, at the same time speaks of "the drive for life and the drive for death." Both concepts seem to be overly abstract or collective, which, perhaps, could be used in natural-philosophical terms, but for psychology they turn out to be too broad, since there is no real experience of the need for life.

A very broad, but more real concept is the need for activity. Carried out at every step of life, it represents the realization of a number of needs in various forms of activity, and the highest form of its manifestation in a person is labor, i.e. productive, socially useful activity. It is clear that not only do needs vary in terms of their intensity in connection with living conditions, but they also vary depending on the individual. The need is the main source of the vital activity of the personality, its main manifestation and the most important differentiating moment in the characteristics of the personality. The vast variety of tendencies that may dominate, from food and sexual attraction to the need for work, provide essential grounds for differentiating personalities and characters. The ratio of acquired and congenital needs is therefore an important indicator of personality and character.

It is impossible not to return as an example of a solid construction of concepts to the second need - the drive, indicated by Freud, "the drive to death or destruction", which at the last stage of his activity he recognized as the main one. Suicide and sadism as examples of this drive are not only not proof of its universal significance, but, on the contrary, a vivid example of the unfoundedness of Freud's assertion, since they represent an exception, and not a common example for life.

This implies the need to construct a classification of needs on the basis of genetic research, which alone can scientifically resolve the issue of the development of the mechanism and classification of needs. Accordingly, needs should be studied from a very early age, when we are still dealing with that state of internal motives, in which we can only talk about impulses or pre-needs. One of the first and most important manifestations of life is the sucking reflex, which is sometimes called the sucking need, although it is, in essence, about the age-related infant form of satisfying the nutritional need. Here, the role of the internal charging of food centers is especially clear, which causes certain reactions that give satisfaction, and which, when dissatisfied, causes characteristic and violent reactions. It is extremely important that on this basis a relationship arises between the infant and the mother, which includes the "need to communicate with the mother." The huge role of this initial type of communication with people and the need for it does not require argumentation. The characteristic human need for communication with his own kind, already noticeable in the first stages of infancy, later becomes a characteristic feature of the human personality. Since this connection between an infant and a female mother is characteristic of all mammals, it is obvious that it is here that it is important and necessary to look for the differences between man and animals close to him. This area naturally requires attention and study. Here, the object of the attractive force of the need for communication becomes a person with his face, voice and speech as the most important components of this object.

An important task is to trace the development of two most important needs for the entire history of man - communication and activity, their combination as a need for active communication, or communication in an activity that represents a characteristic specifically human need. In the 4th half of the year, the child begins to more and more clearly reveal personal activity. He begins to master the means of his will. The words "give, I want" express his need for an object and a primitive volitional attitude towards it. The need for communication is expressed in both reactions and words. Crying when a mother leaves, as well as joy when she comes, is a well-known phenomenon. Behavior in the absence of a mother is increasingly accompanied by refusal of activities, food, crying and expressions "I want to go to my mother", "where is my mother", is a clear expression of the fact that the image of the mother as a trace of past experience becomes internal, characteristically determining the content of behavior, and the need to communicate with the mother - his driving force. There is no need to say that the social circle is expanding, that the need for communication extends to other persons. It should be noted that, depending on the circle and nature of communication, this need forms from childhood pronounced character traits: sociability, isolation, free or inhibited behavior in the presence of others.

The metaphorically and psychologically important term "attachment" vividly expresses the sometimes short-term, but extremely vivid, sometimes long-term expression of the attraction of one person to another, which appears in childhood by the relentless desire to be together according to the formula "with you." This also expresses the desire to be closer to the object of affection, to sit, eat, sleep next to him, put on his things, talk to him, perceive what he is, draw his attention to his impressions, share or act like him, etc. ... This irrepressible need to be together is often met with a tactless rebuff with the words "do not bother, do not bother, leave me alone, go do something."

The following formula deserves the greatest attention, which in different versions we met already in the third year of a child's life: “I don’t want to play, I want to work with you”.

Just like attachments, imitation deserves attention. From the point of view of the above, the idea of ​​the imitative is considered too from a mechanically reflex point of view and requires much more consideration of attachment, the need for communication, i.e. the attitude towards the person whom the child imitates and which has the greatest educational value, since it forms the child's mode of action.

Speaking about the developing activity of the child and the need for it as a driving factor, we see how, as he develops from isolated and poorly coordinated movements, he moves on to operating with objects. The need for human activity in accordance with his essence represents the need for creatively transforming activity. This nature of activity is found in a child from an early age.

I will allow myself to express, perhaps somewhat inconsistent with the generally accepted idea that the well-known formula - play is the main form of activity of a child of an early age, for example, preschool - does not always correctly and not always deeply reflect the meaning of the child's activity and, in particular , his play activities. A child free from responsibilities is engaged in creatively transforming activities in a form accessible to him.

In our society, unreasonable mothers are sometimes guided by the formula: "I worked, let my son be free from the burdens of labor." Often, the school does not carry out sufficient work, either with the family or with the students, to educate the correct attitude towards the work of children.

In capitalist society, labor-intensive children of the disadvantaged classes have very little time to play. However, the reserves of their energy available in this case are also spent on the game, which represents imagination in activity. The same, in essence, remains in adults, of course, with changes corresponding to development. For the whole doctrine of needs, their structure, their role in the development of the relationship between play and work, needs for both are extremely important. Objective reality, reflected by a person, exists for him as a system of stimuli only in theoretical physiological terms. Psychologically, it exists as a system of objects and requirements. The upbringing of a person consists in the fact that the system of his behavior through the influences of the social environment, otherwise the requirements of other people, is directed towards these requirements. As you know, the directions of external and internal requirements may not coincide. At the age of four, we meet with a number of children the formula: “I don’t want to, but I need to.”

Play represents a form of transformative activity that is determined not by necessity, but by desire. On the contrary, labor is obligatory and does not depend on desire, but is determined by social requirements.

The task of social and labor education is to synthesize desire and duty in work, to unite the necessity and freedom of labor.

The most important task of upbringing follows from these provisions - to make the required activity an object of need. For a student, this is learning, industrial work, social activity. In successful examples of pedagogical experience, which, although there are many, but still not enough, we have a harmonious development of these three elements, but their discrepancies are not uncommon. The most difficult thing to resolve is that if we meet in a student a combination of a developed need for learning and social activity, then production labor does not yet appear in the necessary unity with them.

The development of students and the development of their needs go hand in hand with the formation of independence in behavior.

A huge path of development lies from childish stubbornness to conscious independence. And if the behavior of a stubborn child is a complex of aggressively defensive reactions, then independence in behavior is an internal need based on the synthesis of individual and socio-moral requirements. On the way to this free independence, a person carries out significant work to master the highest forms of self-regulation. The moral imperative, mystified by idealistic philosophy, combines in independent acts the unity of necessity and freedom, representing the real product of the history of human development under the conditions of a system of social requirements. The integrity of behavior, and hence the internal coordination of needs, is not just a consequence of favorable conditions, but the result of a lot of work on self-education. Is there a need for self-education? Apparently, it appears from a certain moment. Materials on the formation of a personality from the stage of the emergence of moral requirements for oneself show that from this moment an internal prerequisite for self-education arises. This process of synthesis of higher social requirements with numerous fluctuations and often breakdowns reaches full development when the main life goals and the main plan of the life path are formed.

The foregoing allows us to see the diversity and complexity of the problem, sets tasks for further research and, first of all, allows us to approach the methodological provisions of the study of needs, which are, of course, the basis of scientific research.

The need represents the individual's internal gravitation to some object, action or state, therefore, the need must be studied in terms of the individual's connection with this object, process, etc. as a causative agent of need.

Demand intensity criteria are:

a) overcoming difficulties in its satisfaction;

b) the stability of gravitation in time. They are easy to install externally. To this must be added two other criteria;

c) internal motivation, which is either distinctly, explicitly, or latently expressed in speech, in a speech report. Of course, it is easy to say that an inner urge, not expressed in speech, represents an unconscious need, but can this state be called a need? It is not difficult to see that here we are dealing with the huge question of the conscious or unconscious psychic. Considering that even a child even up to two years old can express desire and need in words, it can be argued that, to a greater or lesser extent, the need always finds its expression in the word, although this word reflects the object and motives of the need with varying degrees of distinctness. Thus, a person's word necessarily participates in one way or another in the formation and expression of a need. At a high level of development of the need, as already mentioned, the degree of awareness of its goal - the object, its motives reaches maximum clarity and depth. Accordingly, verbal expression should be recognized as an important objective indicator not only of awareness, but in general of the presence of a need in a person;

d) finally, in connection with what has also been said, it is necessary to take into account the ratio of the needs and requirements of the environment. External requirements can be an internal obstacle to the realization of needs, to their inhibition. As mentioned above, the need can be realized, i.e. reflected in speech, but hidden. It should be emphasized that this side of the question of need must also find its physiological illumination, but it is obvious that here inhibition, although it has an internal character, but its form, which differs from the known types of inhibition in animals, requires a special characterization and further development of the doctrine of higher human nervous activity. These tasks also relate to the question of the relationship between requirements and needs, their possible coincidence, divergence, struggle, victory of one or the other. Here the need appears in relation to other aspects of the psyche.

It is well known that the methods for studying needs are not only not developed, but are very difficult to develop. The above-mentioned fundamental provisions are significant both for observation and for experiment. The difficulty of the experiment is all the more great since important life circumstances play a role in the emergence of needs, and, consequently, in the study of them. If this creates difficulties for natural experimental research, then it is even less accessible for a laboratory experiment.

In this regard, it is necessary to mention two types of experimental research. You can investigate hunger and thirst, the need for oxygen, artificially creating a lack of essential substances. Thus did P.O. Makarov and others. You can cause a temporary formation of desire, striving, desire, create a state in which this or that object acquires an attractive force, and study the dynamics of such a need, as K. Levin did. However, the more interesting his experimental and dynamic experiments, the more strange his external mechanical interpretation seems, if not to consider it metaphorical. The most important thing is that in his study, without sufficient preliminary clarification, he considers as a need what, perhaps, it is more correct to consider temporary aspirations, desires, tendencies of a transient nature and small life significance. Considering that a number of studies by K. Levin and his school cover the issue of substitute education, one can raise the question of whether everything that Levin studied is not so much needs as their substitute education.

In art, as in play, we have a kind of substitute for life and have much in common with it, but one cannot ignore the essential difference between life, play and art and identify them, forgetting about their essential differences.

K. Levin does not cover this vital issue, perhaps that is why his lively and interesting experiment and the conclusions drawn from it admit of a combination with a methodologically and vitally unacceptable theory. However, approaching it from the standpoint of the methodological criteria put forward, it should be said that the use in the experiment of Levin of various methods of disturbing activity - interruptions, obstacles, etc. - brings it closer to the task of studying needs and allows us to recognize that the connection between the research methods of K. Levin and the question of needs is not accidental. Therefore, in natural-experimental conditions for the study of purposeful play or work (educational, production) activities, taking into account those methodological points that have been indicated, it is possible to correctly approach the question of needs and, as experience shows, as well as the work carried out, to obtain material for studying the needs ... Natural experiment has received wide acceptance in our country, but its practical application is inversely proportional to this wide acceptance. In the conditions of school, in conditions of production and in the clinic, even methodically insufficiently perfect application of it has given, gives and will undoubtedly give important facts.

The above consideration, while far from illuminating all aspects of the question, nevertheless, at the beginning of our systematic work in the field of needs, poses problems, the solution of which, as we have tried to show, seems to be theoretically important. At the same time, one can hardly doubt that educational psychology and practice, not only educational, but also educational, need to develop a psychology of needs, since external conditions and external requirements only have a positive effect when they turn into internal impulses of behavior.


The orientation of a person's activity, his plans and desires is connected with his needs, which are designed to provide him with a comfortable existence. Of course, needs pass through the filter of a person's self-concept, his value beliefs and attitudes. nevertheless, needs are a trigger for the individual's activity. A lot of energy is stored inside a person and this energy is associated with needs. First of all. activity will be determined by biological, so-called primary needs (search activity, safety, food, sleep, etc.). But besides these, there are social (secondary) needs, which can be both explicit and latent (latent). It is these unmanifest needs that are the source of a person's personal, interpersonal and social problems. Scientists have been trying to classify needs for a long time, and there are plenty of such classifications to understand their importance for life. One such psychologist was Henry Murray, famous for developing the TAT (Thematic Apperception Test). The purpose of the methodology was to study the intrapersonal conflicts of a person associated with drives, interests and motives. Read the 32 needs according to Murray and listen to yourself, analyze how these needs manifest in your life or they are not given to manifest openly and they act automatically, forcing the consciousness to surrender to their driving force.

List of needs according to G. Murray

1. Autonomy - the need for independence- the desire to free oneself or flight from any restriction, the desire to free oneself from guardianship, regime, order, regulation of hard work. Free yourself from bonds and restrictions. Resist coercion. Avoid or discontinue activities prescribed by oppressive authoritarian figures. Be independent and act according to your motives. Not to be bound by anything, not to be responsible for anything. Disregard conventions. Stubbornness, non-conformism, conflict, anarchism are also generated by the need for superiority over people and social conditions to which it is necessary to obey. And besides, the desire for independence can be conditioned by material and practical interests.

2. Aggression - the need for aggression- the desire by word or action to dishonor, condemn, curse, humiliate, destroy the enemy. Force to overcome opposition. Fight. To avenge insults. Attack, insult, kill. Resist violence or punish. Tendency to aggression). Aggressiveness can be caused both by the need to defend one's material and practical interests (possibly even illegal), and by the same need for superiority, that is, hypertrophied ambition that responds to even the slightest, and sometimes imaginary, manifestations of someone else's superiority.

3. Affiliation (from English affiliation - connection, connection) - need for intimacy, the desire to be in the company of other people, the person's need to create warm, emotionally significant relationships with other people. Search for friendship - striving for friendship, love; goodwill, sympathy for other people, suffering in the absence of friendly relations, the desire to remove obstacles in relationships, the desire to bring people closer.Close contact and interact with loved ones (or those who are similar to the subject himself or love him). Provide pleasure and affection for the cathectable object. Stay true in friendship. The need for social friendliness, (the desire for unification, communication).

4. Thrift - the need for frugality, conservation.

5. Attention - the need for disclosure, the need to be in the center of attention - the desire to "conquer" others, to draw attention to oneself, to amaze with one's achievements and personality traits. Make an impression. To be seen and heard. Excite, surprise, enchant, entertain, shock, intrigue, amuse, seduce. The need for demonstrativeness, the desire to manifest, to show oneself. No objection, but for the sake of clarity: a given need is sometimes defined here as the need to be the object of attention.

6. Dominance is the need for control- the desire and ability to occupy a dominant position in the group and exert a predominant influence on others, to dictate their will to others, the desire to control, prevent, influence, direct behavior by word, order, persuade, limit others. Control the environment. Influence or direct behaviorothers - by suggestion, seduction, persuasion. indication. Dissuade, limit, prohibit.To dominate. There are no objections, but infurther, this need will be defined as the need for superiority.

7. Achievement - the need to be first- the desire to overcome something, to surpass others, to do something better, to reach the highest level in a certain matter, to be consistent and purposeful; the desire to overcome, overcome, get ahead of others; to do something quickly and well, to achieve heights in any business. Do something difficult. Control, manipulate, organize - in relation to physical objects, people or ideas. Do this as quickly and independently as possible. Overcome obstacles and achieve high performance. Self-improvement. Compete and stay ahead of others. Exercise talents and thereby increase self-esteem. The need for success. There is no "overcoming tendency" if there is no purpose in the effort. The “need for counteraction” lies not in the process of overcoming, but in the purpose of these efforts, that is, in the very same “achievement of success”. The desire for success can be motivated by both the needs of self-affirmation (the need for superiority, respect, the need to beobject of attention) and materially - practical interests.

8. Protection- the need to find a patron - waiting for advice, help, helplessness, seeking solace, advice, gentle treatment. Satisfy needs with the compassionate help of a loved one. To be someone who is taken care of, supported, cared for, protected, loved, given advice, led, forgiven, consoled. Stay close to a dedicated guardian. Always have someone who will provide support, seeking help (addiction). Need for help (desire to receive help).

9. Game- the need for play, preference for playing any serious activity, love of witticisms; sometimes combined with carelessness, irresponsibility; desire for entertainment, revelry, passion for sports. To act "for fun" - without other goals, to behave aimlessly. Laugh, joke. Look for relaxation after stress in pleasures. The desire to play. Participate in games, sports events, dancing, parties, gambling.

10. Avoiding failure- the need to avoid failures, the need to avoid punishment - restraining one's own impulses in order to avoid punishment, condemnation, the need to reckon with public opinion. In avoiding shame. Avoid humiliation. Get away from difficulties or avoid situations in which humiliation, contempt, ridicule, indifference of others is possible. Refrain from acting to avoid failure, need for patience. The need for security, the desire to avoid responsibility.

11. Avoiding blame- the need to avoid accusations.

12. Training- the need for clarification, training

13. Danger- the need to avoid danger fear, anxiety, horror, panic, excessive caution, lack of initiative, avoidance of the fight.

14. Rejection - the need to reject others, the desire to reject attempts at rapprochement; criticality, solitude, shamelessness. Get rid of the negatively catheted object. Get rid of, refuse, expel or ignore the subordinate. Neglect or trick an object. Rejection. The need for avoidance, the repulsion of an unpleasant and undesirable person). An emotional need requires not only saturation, but also comfort. Emotional discomfort is generated by a much wider range of reasons than unpleasant people alone.

15. Cognition - the need for knowledge.

16. Obedience- the need for obedience- passive obedience - intrapunitivity, passive submission to force, acceptance of fate, recognition of one's own inferiority. In self-abasement. Passively obey external forces. Willingness to accept resentment, accusations, criticism, punishment. Willingness to surrender. Submit to fate. To admit their own "second rate", to admit their delusions, mistakes, defeats. Confess and atone for guilt. Blame yourself, belittle yourself, make yourself worse. Look for pain, punishment, illness, misfortune and rejoice in them. The need to demote, humiliate, the desire to be “below” someone, the need to obey. Let us attribute these points to the need for security, which manifests itself in a much more diverse way. The strange "need to obey" probably means the need to neglect their ambitions in favor of the force that ensures the safety of the individual.

17. Patron- the need to be a patron, the need to provide assistance, to be a comforter, to take care, to provide material assistance, to provide shelter. In custody.

Show compassion and help the defenseless in meeting their needs - a child or someone who is weak, exhausted, tired, inexperienced, infirm, defeated, humiliated, lonely, depressed, sick, in difficulty. Help in case of danger. Feed, support, comfort, protect, patronize, heal. The universal comforter and friend of the “mourning”.

18. Understanding - the need for understanding, to be understood, accepted.

19. OrderNSneedorder- striving for neatness, ordering, accuracy, beauty. Put everything in order. Strive for cleanliness, orderliness, balance, neatness, orderliness. The scientist strives for consistency, because he knows that the truth has a harmonious form. The craftsman avoids the mess, because the order is much more practical. For a housewife, order is a matter of pride. For a bachelor, this is a painful necessity. For a pedant, the desire for order can take on painful and meaningless forms. For an esthete, order is a matter of aesthetic pleasure. For a technician, it is a condition that ensures the safety of work. For a commander, order is a requirement of the charter. 20.

20. Recognition- the need for recognition.

21 . Acquisition- the need for acquisition. The desire to acquire, collect, collect. Have.

22. Counteraction - need overcoming defeat, failure - differs from the need to achieve an emphasis on independence in action. The main features are willpower, perseverance, fearlessness. In struggle, master the situation or compensate for failure. Repeated actions to get rid of humiliation. Overcome weakness, suppress fear. To wash away the shame with action. Look for obstacles and difficulties. Respect yourself and be proud of yourself. The tendency to overcome defeats, failures.

23. Risk- the need to avoid risk.

24. Self-preservation- the need for self-defense - difficulties with admitting their own mistakes, the desire to justify themselves by referring to circumstances, to defend their rights; refusal to analyze their mistakes; the need to avoid danger, excessive caution, lack of initiative, evasion from the fight. In defense. Defend against attacks, criticism, accusations. Hush up or justify mistakes, failures, humiliations. Defend ya. Harm avoidance. The tendency to defend, make excuses. Self-defense as self-justification is also conditioned by both the need for superiority (one's righteousness) and the protection of one's material and practical interests.

25. Sex- the sexual need to create and develop erotic relationships. Have sex with someone of the opposite sex. Erotic, sexual attraction.

26 . Creation- the need to create

27. Status- the need for status, desire to work under the guidance of a stronger, smarter, more talented person, strives to become someone's follower. Admire and support your superiors. Praise, honor, exalt. Readily succumb to the influence of others. Have an example to follow. Obey custom. The need to respect, admire, the desire to recognize the superiority of others. Desire for patronage over oneself, in assistance from the patron.

28. Judgment- the need for judgment, the desire to pose general questions or to answer them, the tendency to abstract formulas, the passion for generalizations, the passion for eternal questions about the meaning of life, good and evil, etc. Be interested in theory. Reflect, formulate, analyze, generalize. Striving for comprehension and inner analysis. The need for understanding (intellectual orientation, the desire to understand). But after all, no one will understand what is completely uninteresting to him. The "need for understanding" is driven either by an emotional need, which derives pleasure from the play of the mind in the discovery of the unknown, or by material and practical interests, for which awareness is very useful.

29. Respect -needv respect and support - sociality (sociophilia) - forgetting the group's own interests in the name of the group's interests, altruistic orientation, nobility, compliance, caring for others. The need to care, the desire to help. Let us classify these points as manifestations of empathic need.

30. Damage- the need to avoid harm, damage, protection from physical harm. In avoiding pain, injury, disease, death. Avoid dangerous situations. Take preventive measures.

31. Sensuality- the need for sensory impressions. AND create sensory impressions and enjoy them. The need to feel, the desire to experience sensations.

32. Selfishness(narcissism)- the desire to put one's own interests above all, complacency, autoeroticism, painful sensitivity to humiliation, shyness; the tendency towards subjectivity in the perception of the external world often merges with the need for aggression or rejection.

Ivan Kotva, psychologist

The need for comfort, support, and help from others, especially in dealing with our vicious impulses — the so-called “sins of the flesh,” stems from a genuine feeling of helplessness and intense physical suffering. As the physical arousal of a religious person grows under the influence of religious concepts, vegetative irritation increases, which reaches a level close to satisfaction, which, however, does not lead to real physical relaxation. The experience of treating mentally ill priests shows that at the moment of reaching the peak of religious ecstasy, involuntary ejaculation often occurs. Normal orgiastic satisfaction is replaced by general physical arousal, which does not affect the genitals and, as if inadvertently, against desire, causes release.

At first, sexual satisfaction was naturally seen as something good and beautiful, something that unites man with all of nature. After the separation of sexual and religious feelings, sexuality began to be seen as something bad, infernal, diabolical.

Now I would like to briefly summarize. People who have lost the ability to discharge, over time, begin to feel sexual arousal as something painful, burdensome, destructive. Indeed, not finding discharge, sexual arousal becomes destructive and painful. Thus, we became convinced that the basis of the religious approach to sex as a destructive, devilish force that dooms a person to eternal damnation is based on real physical processes. As a result, the attitude towards sexuality becomes ambivalent. At the same time, the usual religious and moralistic assessments of "good - bad", "heavenly - earthly", "divine - devilish", turn into symbols of sexual pleasure, on the one hand, and punishment for it, on the other hand.

The passionate striving for salvation and liberation from "sins" at the conscious level and from sexual tension at the unconscious level is carefully guarded. The states of religious ecstasy are nothing more than the states of sexual arousal of the autonomic nervous system, which do not lend themselves to discharge. Religious excitement is impossible to comprehend, and, consequently, to overcome without understanding the contradiction that determines its existence. For religious excitement is not only antisexual, but also largely sexual in nature. From a sexual-energetic point of view, such arousal is unhygienic.

In no social group does hysteria and perversion flourish like in the ascetic circles of the church. It does not follow, however, that such ascetics should be treated like perverted criminals. In conversations with religious people, it often turns out that they understand their condition well enough. Their lives, like other people, are divided into two parts - official and personal. Officially, they consider sexuality to be a sin, but unofficially, they understand all too well that they could not live without substitute pleasure. Indeed, many of them are able to understand the sexual-energetic resolution of the contradiction between sexual arousal and morality. If you do not deny them humanity and gain their confidence, then they will discover the understanding that the state of union with God they describe is a sense of belonging to the life of all nature. Like all people, they feel that they are a kind of microcosm in a microcosm. It should be recognized that their true essence is deep conviction. Their faith really has a real basis, which is made up of vegetative currents in the body and attainable states of ecstasy. For poor men and women, religious feelings are completely genuine. This feeling loses its authenticity only to the extent that it rejects and hides from itself its source and unconscious desire for pleasure. Thus, priests and religious persons develop a psychological attitude characterized by invented kindness.

For all the incompleteness of the above characteristics and religious feeling, nevertheless, the main provisions can be summarized as follows.

1. Religious arousal is vegetative arousal, the sexual nature of which is misrepresented.

2. By misrepresenting arousal, a religious person denies the existence of his sexuality.

3. Religious ecstasy serves as a substitute for orgastic-vegetative excitement.

4. Religious ecstasy does not free one from sexuality; at best, it causes muscle and mental fatigue.

5. Religious feeling is subjectively authentic and has a physiological basis.

6. Denial of the sexual nature of this arousal leads to a loss of sincerity of character.

Children don't believe in God. Generally speaking, belief in God becomes entrenched in the psychological makeup of children as they learn to suppress sexual arousal accompanied by masturbation. Through this suppression, children develop a sense of fear of pleasure. Now they are beginning to truly believe and fear God. On the one hand, they fear God because they see in him some kind of omniscient and omnipotent being. On the other hand, they turn to him with a request to protect them from their sexual arousal. In this case, only one goal is pursued - the prevention of masturbation. Thus, the rooting of religious ideas occurs in the early years of childhood. Nevertheless, the idea of ​​God could not shackle the sexual energy of a child if it was not associated with the real figures of the father and mother. He who does not honor his father is sinful. In other words, one who is not afraid of the father and indulges in sexual pleasure is punished. The strict father does not indulge the wishes of the child and therefore is the representative of God on earth. To the child's imagination, he appears as the executor of God's will. A clear understanding of the father's human weaknesses and shortcomings can shake respect for him, but this does not lead to rejection of him. He continues to personify the abstract-mystical concept of God. In a patriarchal society, turning to God really means turning to the real authority of the father. By referring to "God", the child is actually referring to the real father. In the psychological structure of the child, sexual arousal, the idea of ​​the father and the idea of ​​God constitute a kind of unity. In therapeutic practice, this unity occurs in the form of a spasm of the genital muscles. When such a spasm is removed, the idea of ​​God and the fear of the father are deprived of support. This shows that genital spasm not only realizes the physiological rooting of religious fear in the structure of the personality, but also leads to the emergence of fear of pleasure, which becomes the support of any religious morality.1

There are complex and subtle interrelationships between various cults, the socio-economic structure of society and the structure of the personality, which undoubtedly require further research. Genital shyness and fear of pleasure constitute the energetic support of all patriarchal religions with an anti-sexual orientation.