Finishing around the front door from the outside. Do-it-yourself leatherette door trim: subtleties of rear and front door trim

How to decorate the slopes of the front door? This question is asked by both those who bought fresh concrete walls and those who got an apartment with a "Soviet" renovation. We found 11 ways. Alas, there are no ideal ones among them - there are minuses everywhere.

1. Drywall

One of the most popular and time-consuming ways to decorate a doorway. GKL needs not only to be installed, but also to be putty, and then painted (better with water-based acrylic paint) or pasted over with wallpaper. But in the end, the surface of the slopes will be beautiful and even.

The disadvantages of this option are the fragility of the coating (the wallpaper will peel off and tear, the painted surface will quickly get dirty).

Photo from the site

2. Plaster

Plastering slopes requires a certain skill. As in the case of drywall, the opening after the rough finish must be filled, painted or pasted over with wallpaper (or choose another finish option).

The disadvantages are the same - the coating will be short-lived, it is difficult to care for it. The disadvantages of plaster are also that the work with it is "dirty" and takes a lot of time.

Photo from the site

3. Decorative plaster

Variety of point number 2. "Decorativka" is applied to a previously plastered surface. If the decorative plaster is textured, then the rough layer does not need to be displayed perfectly even. You can choose plaster with colored stone chips - it is very durable.

Of the minuses - the high cost of materials, laborious and "dirty" work.

Frame from

The adjacent wall can be covered with wallpaper, painted or decorative plaster can be applied to it.

Frame from

4. MDF panels

An easier and faster way to trim slopes. In addition, the work does not require a lot of materials and tools.

Disadvantage - MDF panels can only be mounted on narrow slopes. Otherwise, there will be seams between the panels.

Photo from the site

5. Laminate

A variation of point No. 4. But - the laminate is suitable for openings of any depth (the seams between the panels will be neat and almost invisible).

Laminate slopes are inexpensive, but they will look the same.

Photo from the site

6. Tree

Suitable for those who have the interior of the hallway - in the appropriate style.

Wood is an environmentally friendly, not very expensive material, it is not difficult to fix it. However, the finished surface needs to be treated with special compounds (for example, varnish), which will have to be updated periodically.

Photo from the site

7. Chipboard panels

Inexpensive, but also not modern way of finishing slopes. It is more often used for thick walls.

Chipboard panels are easy to clean, but short-lived (they are afraid of moisture, easily scratched).

Photo from the site

8. Dobors

This option is especially good if there are several doors in the hallway (interior and exterior). In this case, all boxes and slopes can be finished with the same material.

Dobors are relatively easy to install. But the material itself is more expensive than chipboard, laminate and other analogues.

Photo from the site

9.PVC panels

Such slopes look very "simple". But the material is inexpensive, durable, not afraid of moisture, easy to clean. In addition, it is easy to work with it - assembling the panels does not require much skill.

Photo from the site

10. Artificial or natural stone

This method of finishing slopes has already gone out of fashion. And it was good for the durability and high wear resistance of the material, ease of installation. Of the minuses, the process of "applying" the stone is lengthy. Another disadvantage is that adjacent walls can only be painted or covered with decorative plaster. Other finishing options (wallpapering, installation of MDF or other panels) will require the involvement of virtuoso repairmen.

Photo from the site

11. Tile or mosaic

Tile slopes are very durable, easy to clean, are not afraid of moisture, do not scratch. But sometimes they look a little strange - tiles on vertical surfaces traditionally appear in bathrooms, toilets and kitchens. Another disadvantage is the complexity and duration of the installation of such slopes.

Photo from the site

In most cases, finishing the front door from the inside with your own hands is done without any problems. However, in order to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to have the correct information. Next, we will consider all the nuances of this procedure.

First of all, we will consider how you can sheathe the front door. The interior design requires fewer requirements (in terms of technical characteristics) than the external one, therefore there is a greater variety of choices. The most popular options are:

  • Plastic panels. PVC is an inexpensive material that has many advantages: environmental friendliness, variety of shades, long service life, ease of use, etc. The disadvantage is weak physical stamina.
  • Wood. An unusual and very luxurious option. You can decorate the front door very nicely. The only negative is low moisture resistance.
  • Dye. The canvas will not receive additional qualities (heat and moisture resistance), but the work can be done in the shortest possible time.
  • You can also trim the iron door with leather. This option is elegant. Various materials are also actively used, for example, velor.
  • Adhesive tape. The easiest and most affordable option. However, the service life of such a material is very low.
  • Another easy option is to upholster the door with a door upholstery kit.

Only the most popular options are presented above. In fact, there may be many more.

What can be done with wood

You can decorate the front door from the inside in different ways. First, consider the option with varnish painting. The work is done in the following sequence:

  • It is not necessary to remove the canvas from the hinges, but it is necessary to lay something on the floor so as not to get dirty.
  • We completely dismantle all the accessories (locks, handles, peephole, decorative elements, etc.). In most cases, a screwdriver is sufficient for this. If you can't remove some element, you can seal it with tape. This should be done as smoothly as possible, if you do not want to wipe off the remaining varnish with a solvent.
  • Evaluating the original surface. If it is not too smooth, we process it with a grinder or by hand (fine emery).
  • We cover the wood with a protective impregnation. This is necessary to improve its moisture resistance.
  • After its complete drying, we apply varnish (or paint). It is better to do this with a roller. We apply several layers, while each next one is applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

As you can see, finishing the front door inside the apartment with varnish is very simple.

Now let's figure out how to veneer. For this we need an iron and a sheet of paper (clean). The work is done like this:

  • We put the strips of veneer on the canvas (removed from the hinges and removed from the fittings) and do the fitting. It is necessary to achieve a coincidence of the picture. If necessary, we make a pruning. At the end, it is advisable to number them - in this case, you do not get confused.
  • Peel off the ends of the canvas (if possible).
  • We put the prepared strips on the door in the correct sequence.
  • In turn, remove the protective film and glue it.
  • To remove wrinkles or bubbles, iron through the paper with a hot iron.
  • If gaps appear in the joints, they should be removed immediately. To remove the strip, you need to reheat it with an iron and pick it up with a knife (or spatula).

Such a facing of the front door with your own hands is done without difficulty in most cases. The main thing is to maintain perfect accuracy. This method (like the previous one) can also be used for metal.

Iron sheet finishing

  • We remove the canvas, remove the accessories.
  • We fix special wooden slats along the entire perimeter - they will be clamps. We glue them on liquid nails.
  • We measure and cut off the laminate. Observe perfect accuracy.
  • We collect the shield from the panels, as tightly as possible. We do a fitting, if there are errors, we correct them.
  • We apply glue to the canvas and, if indicated in the instructions, wait for a while.
  • We transfer the made shield to it and press it with a load. Only the duration is very important, but also the force of pressing.
  • Putting it all back.

The technology of sticking plastic panels looks exactly the same. The only difference is that instead of slats, there are special PVC profiles.

In the end, we will consider how to trim the front door with leatherette or leather. This work is a little more difficult than the previous ones.

  • We completely disassemble the structure.
  • The first step is to stick a sheet of foam rubber onto the surface. First, we cut off the required amount of material and only then apply the glue.

Tip: if you don't have enough skill, you can divide a piece of foam rubber into two parts and glue them in parts. So you will definitely have time before setting.

  • With the help of a clerical knife, we cut off the excess that appears.
  • Cutting off our matter.
  • Now we apply glue along the upper end.
  • We glue the skin on it. It is necessary to achieve perfect accuracy, since it will be impossible to correct mistakes in the future.
  • Having achieved accuracy, we glue the matter along the rest of the ends (from top to bottom). At the same time, you need to constantly smooth the skin so that wrinkles do not appear - it will be impossible to correct them in the future.
  • We make cuts for the installation of accessories, preferably with a shoe knife.
  • We remove all surplus (if any).
  • We put the fittings in place.
  • We process the material with protective compounds (if desired).

This technique allows you to improve the technical characteristics of the canvas (especially noise and heat insulation). Therefore, it is popular to this day.

Sections of the article:

In the process of carrying out repair work in an apartment or a private house, it often becomes necessary to replace many coatings and systems. This also applies to windows and doors. After the installation of the entrance door is completed, there remains a sloppy opening with potholes in the partitions and a damaged coating. The finishing of these surfaces is carried out precisely in order to hide such working imperfections in the place where the entrance door is installed. For such a cladding from the inside, a wide variety of materials are used that you can see in the photo in this article. Moreover, today in the building materials market, each consumer can choose exactly what is needed and suitable for the interior of the hallway.

Finishing materials

A well-executed front door finish will add aesthetics, neatness and completeness to the room. Many people today are worried about how to finish the front door with the highest quality. Which material, texture or color to choose?

The main task is to achieve such a result that would allow the entrance door from the side of the dwelling to harmoniously and naturally fit into the implemented design idea of ​​the hallway.

Before proceeding with the choice of material for finishing near the space of the entrance door, it is necessary to take into account a number of general requirements or wishes. For example, in a situation where the doors from the rooms go into the hallway, it makes sense to make the front door slightly different from the rest. After all, the front door is the main one.

If the hallway is not too spacious, or even cramped, you can consider the option of a mirrored design of the front door. This option will not only create the illusion of an increase in space, but also from an aesthetic point of view, it will look very impressive. True, such a decision is not recommended to be implemented if there are small children in the home.

Also, an important point when choosing the type of finish for the front door is the need to insulate the structure. It is better to lay the insulation on the inside, as otherwise the material will not last too long. First of all, this rule applies to common staircases and private houses.

Most often, wood, natural leather or its substitutes, plastic panels, MDF are used as the material for finishing the interior of the front door. Alternatively, self-adhesive tape or paint can be used.

In addition, we must not forget about the decoration of the doorway. Considering the fact that living quarters, as a rule, are characterized by stability and constancy of internal temperatures, the front door can be revetted with siding, plaster, decorative stone or clapboard.

Warming and finishing of the door leaf

The first step is to prepare insulation, for example, foam. As a rule, the inner part of a metal door is equipped with stiffening ribs that form a kind of cells. According to the size of these sections, it is necessary to cut out pieces of foam, the thickness of which will be about 30-40 mm.

The next step is to use a foam gun. It is necessary to apply a contour around the perimeter of each section, and inside the recess, an additional two strips of the composition. Then the prepared piece of foam is glued. Identical operations should be performed with all cells in the door. It is important not to forget and leave space for the installation of a door lock.

After that, it is necessary to prepare a place for finishing the inner surface of the door. For this purpose, a mounting plate is used. A sheet of plywood and a cap of self-tapping screws are installed in her pocket, with the help of which fastening to the door will take place. The bar must be fixed on three sides, with the exception of the top. It is from there that the external upholstery device will begin.

It should be emphasized that the plywood used must be moisture resistant. In addition, as it is installed, it is recommended to cover it with a glossy paint in advance. Now you should take a sheet of plywood together and carefully, so as not to damage the foam, push it inside the installed mounting plate.

After that, you need to spread the prepared glue on the top of the plywood and install another part of the mounting plate on it. There is no need to fix it with self-tapping screws.

On the resulting surface, you can fill a layer of leatherette or another option for finishing.

Door portal finishing

To minimize heat loss through the doorway, you should take the most responsible approach to its sealing. The main role in achieving this result is played by finishing the slopes of the entrance door, which must be faced after the completion of the main installation work.

There are several basic finishing options for front door jambs. Among the main ones, plastering, the use of MDF panels, the installation of gypsum boards with subsequent painting, and the installation of laminate should be highlighted. The first step is to level the slopes with plaster mortar or using plasterboard sheets. The first option is more time consuming. To plaster the slopes, it will be necessary to prepare a cement-sand mixture, and also use special painting corners for better leveling.

The space between the corners must be filled with mortar and carefully smooth the surface with a spatula. After the plaster has dried, you can continue finishing the slopes with any material. In addition to the described method, it can be used for facing the gypsum board. They must be cut into pieces of the required size in advance. To fix the gypsum board plates, a frame or frameless method is used. In the second case, an adhesive mixture is used. Let's consider some finishing options in more detail.

Decoration of the opening with plastic panels

Decorating the entrance door from the inside with plastic panels is especially popular among consumers. This is due to the democratic price and ease of installation of these structures. As a result of the implementation of such a technical solution, homeowners receive a flawlessly even and uncommon coating that will add aesthetics to any interior.
The main advantages of plastic are simplicity and ease of installation, ease of maintenance, moisture resistance, resistance to different temperatures. In addition, the plastic door trim panels do not fade in the sun. Also, an important advantage of this solution is the absence of the need for preliminary preparatory work before installing the panels. The surface on which the panel will be laid does not need to be leveled.

Arrangement of the opening with a stone

The use of stone as a finishing material will not only add aesthetics to the hallway, but can make its appearance simply gorgeous. Often, with this type of cladding, artificial slabs of small thickness are used. It is best to give preference to a stone no more than 4 mm thick.

For fixing stone slabs, a special compound. The use of a self-adhesive backing will protect the material from fractures and cracking. The most popular solution for this finish is to use a solid piece of stone. Such a cladding will look aesthetically pleasing, elegant, visually resembling a monolithic piece of stone. Such door trim will look really beautiful with the corresponding decoration of the door portal.

Other options

It should be noted that not all consumers can afford to decorate the space near the front door with decorative stone. This is a rather expensive material, so MDF panels or laminate can be used as an alternative. They are not at all worse than monolithic stone slabs, but they have a number of specific differences. The advantage of these materials is their availability and ease of use.

Laminate is a more practical option for MDF panels. This material is relatively inexpensive, beautiful and outwardly neat. Both laminate and MDF are durable, moisture resistant, and resistant to cleaning and disinfecting agents. To slightly improve the aesthetic characteristics of the interior of the entrance door, you can cover the MDF with natural veneer. This will add prestige and elegance to the overall design.

In a small hallway of an ordinary-sized apartment, the front door looks great, in the decoration of the space near which elements from natural wood are used. And if the pattern of the cladding is combined with the ornament of the furniture installed in the hallway, then the interior of the room will become as harmonious as possible. A more expensive option is wood veneer trim.

Recently, a combination of different materials has been increasingly used for decoration. With such a combination, it is important to pay attention to their compatibility, quality and reliable installation. To carry out the work, you will need certain tools and materials. First of all, this is polystyrene (polyurethane foam), polyurethane foam, a plywood sheet with a thickness of about 9 mm, a knife for cutting foam plastic, waterproof construction glue and a special mounting bar with self-tapping screws and a press washer.

The canvases may lose their attractive appearance over time, and the owners are seriously thinking about replacing them. But this is not always reasonable - in most cases, the situation is corrected by finishing wooden doors.

To return the neat look to the canvas, it is upholstered with different materials and decorated with fittings. It is quite possible to do this yourself. To trim wooden doors you will need:

  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • construction stapler;
  • construction and decorative nails;
  • assembly glue;
  • the necessary accessories;
  • insulation;
  • pliers;
  • screwdriver;
  • ticks;
  • material chosen for finishing.

What materials are suitable for upholstery?

To update the door structure, spending a minimum of time and effort, you can simply paint the canvas in any color. Sheathing a wooden door is more labor-intensive and time-consuming.

Different materials are suitable for upholstery of wooden doors with your own hands.

  • Laminate is a board for decoration, from the inside, lined with waterproof paper. The modern construction market offers many design options for this material: imitation of wood, stone, tiles, etc. Thanks to this assortment, you can create a beautiful decorative design of the door in any interior. In addition, the laminate provides excellent heat and sound insulation. But due to the hygroscopicity of the material, it is used only for interior cladding.

  • Plastic- finishing made of polyvinyl chloride with the addition of chemicals that increase the resistance of the material to high temperatures, ultraviolet radiation and moisture. It is easy to install and maintain. Vinyl plastic is widely used for decoration - a durable, resilient material that is easily attached with glue to wood, concrete, and metal. Usually, plastic is not sheathed on the outside, it mainly serves for interior decoration.

  • If it is chosen for upholstery, then experts advise to sheathe the door with leatherette made on the basis of synthetic fabric. Such material is elastic, easy to stretch, does not crack even at high temperatures, has high strength, can be of various shades and is suitable for upholstery on both the inner and outer sides of the fabric.

  • Door finishing MDF panels popular because of their resistance to moisture and mechanical damage. This is achieved by covering it with a polyvinyl chloride film. MDF can be used to decorate the front door with your own hands.

  • An excellent solution would be to sheathe an old wooden door. clapboard. This material is made of wooden slats of small thickness, equipped with special grooves for ease of fastening.

  • Ship plywood looks like solid wood on the outside. It is treated with wood stain and coated with frost-resistant varnish, so it can be used for decoration of entrance doors.

Preparatory work

  • Dismantling of locks, peephole, decor, handles.
  • Gentle removal of old coatings. The main thing is not to damage the sash.
  • Removing the canvas from the hinges and laying it horizontally on a table or several stools.
  • Cutting the material for finishing according to the sash parameters.

Leatherette upholstery

In the past, leatherette trimmed linen was considered a luxury. Now this is a more affordable decor option, and it is very popular. A neat appearance, good heat and sound insulation properties make leatherette an excellent solution to sheathe a door.


Wooden doors can be trimmed both from the inside and from the outside. There are some differences in technology.

In the case of working with wooden products from the inside, they begin by determining the scheme for opening the door - inward or outward. This determines the size and location of the sealing beads.

Upholstery inside do it yourself leatherette doors step by step:

WITH outside the upholstery process is as follows:

  • The door is closed and 1 cm recede from the edge of the canvas.
  • At the bottom, just above the edge of the sash, a sealing bead is fixed.
  • The canvas is upholstered with insulation, starting at the top and dropping evenly on both sides. It is important not to allow the material to sag.
  • The last step is to cover the door with leatherette, securing the folded edges with nails. If desired, form a pattern with decorative fasteners.


Facing metal doors with leatherette is a more complicated matter. Most modern manufacturers supply doors already with interior decoration. But some inexpensive models do not have such elements and require independent upholstery.

Scheme interior decoration metal door:

  • The steel sheet of the canvas must be overlaid around the perimeter with wooden slats, attach the foam and seal the cracks with polyurethane foam. Cover the resulting layer with a sheet of plywood.
  • Insulation is applied to the door, carefully pulling it, securing it with glue or staples.
  • The leatherette is cut to fit the sash, leaving a margin for tucking.
  • The material is fixed from above, then, pulling, they are lowered along the edges.

If desired, create a drawing on the canvas using decorative elements.

Scheme outer upholstery metal doors:

  • According to the size of the sash, a synthetic winterizer or foam rubber is cut, making it 8-10 mm smaller than the canvas.
  • Leatherette is cut according to the formula: the size of the insulation plus 6-7 cm.
  • Insulation is glued to the door. You need to wait some time for the material to adhere.
  • Fasten a layer of leatherette, evenly pulling it so that there is no sagging. The edges are folded over the ends of the canvas and fixed with glue.
  • Install the necessary accessories.

Clapboard sheathing

The lining is ideal for upholstery of wood and metal products, entrance and exterior canvases. The slats are easy to assemble due to the fact that they are equipped with special grooves.


Independently and at a minimum cost, you can sheathe a wooden door with clapboard. The technology is pretty simple:

  • Prepare the door leaf for upholstery by removing it and removing the old covering.
  • Place horizontally.
  • Cut the lining to the desired size.
  • Attach the first plank with a finishing nail exactly along the edge of the canvas. Use a level to adjust.
  • The next panels should be tightly joined with the previous ones and fastened with nails.
  • Clean the ends at the end of the work.
  • Treat the finished surface with varnish, wait until it dries, and install the fittings.


This process is more complicated. Preparation proceeds in the same way as in the first case. The slats are cut to the required size.

There are two ways to attach them to the door leaf:

  • use special fasteners (cleats) to place the skin directly on the metal;
  • make a wooden frame from a narrow beam to the size of the door and fasten the slats to it, joining them to each other and securing them with nails. This option is well suited if additional door insulation is planned: the heat-insulating material is laid under the crate.

Finish the work by sanding the ends, varnishing and then installing the necessary accessories.

The door to the house or apartment must be reliable and match the style chosen for the home. Metal doors are popular due to their strength. But to divert eyes or for aesthetic reasons, they are decorated in all sorts of ways.

Which one you choose for your home depends on the style of the interior, financial capabilities and what kind of material you like.

Types of finishing of metal doors

Just metal doors without finishing can be seen only in a bank vault or in a safe. Home doors are covered with various materials:

  • vinyl leather (vinyl leather);
  • MDF panels;
  • natural or artificial veneer;
  • wood;
  • use a laminate;
  • PVC film;
  • painted in the required color with powder paint;
  • revetted with artificial or natural stone.

And they decorate the door not only outside, but also inside the apartment. Thanks to the cladding, it is possible to fit the steel door into houses and apartments with modern, classic, vintage and other interior trends. And the finishing of the slopes supports them.

A door outside the house does not often undergo changes if it is without glass inserts. For the most part, the owners do not do this due to practical and economic considerations - the door gets dirty from the outside more than from the inside, so the finish may not last long.

And you need to link the door not with the style of the entrance or site, but with the interior. Our advice will be useful.

  • All doors fit harmoniously into the interior, but the entrance should be different from the interior doors.
  • In a small hallway, it is reasonable to make the door light. Yes, it is impractical, but if the decoration is decorative stone or brick, then this question is no longer necessary.
  • The front door is insulated from the inside and up to decorative finishing.

The design of the front door inside the apartment may be the same as the portal, or it may be different. For example, an interesting option is a wooden door and an opening lined with bricks or decorative stone. Or a wooden door against the background of wooden slopes and the same panels on the wall of the hallway.

5 options for finishing the entrance door inside the apartment

It is better to order a door with insulation and decorative coating from the manufacturer (especially with vinyl leather). Although, with a strong desire, the same laminate, film and even a decorative stone can be glued with your own hands.

You just need to choose a suitable adhesive solution.

Advice: to finish the door, it must be removed from its hinges, laid horizontally, cleaned, and removed from debris and dust. Do not forget to also remove the lock, peephole, handle, chain and other accessories.

1. PVC film

The PVC film already has an adhesive backing. It is glued from above and from the middle, carefully removing air bubbles.

2. Laminate, MDF and wood

First, a canvas is collected from the laminate plates, cut to the size of the door. Then they attach it to the door with liquid nails, placing a load on top.

Wooden panels are fixed in the same way.

3. Veneer

The veneer is first laid on the door leaf for fitting. The stripes are then numbered to preserve the drawing. The veneer must be taken with an adhesive back (it is covered with paper). After peeling off the paper, the strips begin to stick from the center of the door to its edges.

Each strip is ironed through the paper. There should be no gaps between the stripes for the pattern to be solid.

But if they have formed, it is worth reheating the glue and moving the element by lifting it with a spatula. At the end, the ends are attached, then the veneer edge will not be noticeable.

4. Paint

There is nothing difficult in painting a door with ordinary metal paint. But the product is sprayed with powder paint in special chambers. You can't do this with your own hands.

5. Decorative stone

For facing the door leaf, a decorative stone no more than 4 mm thick is suitable. Otherwise, the door will become heavy and may even warp over time. You can use individual bricks, pieces of stone, and a whole slab, cut to the size of the door.

Often, stone plates already have an adhesive backing. However, the door is constantly opening, so it is worth using a special building resin.

So not only will the stone sit denser and more reliable, but the resin will also be able to prevent cracks, chips and breaks of the material in the future.

Options for decorative stone for facing the front door

Important! Door cladding can increase the thickness of the door. Therefore, we recommend installing a lever lock or a cylindrical one, but with an extension for the square of the handle and the inner part of the lock. You will be told more in the hardware store.

Finishing the slopes near the front door

The most expensive and luxurious door will lose its beauty when slopes are not neatly finished. And the task is to make them look beautiful, fit into the overall style of the hallway and corridor, and be practical.

Slopes must be leveled with plaster or plasterboard before decorating. However, if you have chosen a decorative stone or brick to decorate the slopes of the entrance door inside the apartment, the plasterboard sheets may not support the weight of the finish.

Therefore, plaster, yes with the addition of alabaster, is attached to the wall reliably and quickly.

The principle of pasting slopes practically does not differ from finishing work in an apartment.

  • For laminate and MDF panels, a flat surface is needed if the width of the slope is very large. If it is narrow, then some errors will not be a hindrance. They are attached to a thin layer of polyurethane foam, which fills the space between the material and the wall.
  • It is not recommended to take plastic for slopes due to its fragility and cheap appearance.
  • Clinker tiles in the form of bricks will be appropriate both in houses and in apartments.
  • The finishing stone is not cheap, but it also looks presentable and expensive. It is attached to liquid nails or a special resin.