The prevalence of chemical elements on earth. Rating of the most important chemical elements and compounds

There is the most common chemical element and the most common substance on our amazing planet, and there is the most common chemical element in the vastness of the Universe.

The most abundant chemical element on Earth

On our planet, oxygen is the leader in prevalence. It interacts with almost all elements. Its atoms are found in almost all rocks and minerals that form the earth's crust. The modern period in the development of chemistry began precisely with the discovery of this important and paramount chemical element. The credit for this discovery is shared by Scheele, Priestley and Lavoisier. The debate about which of them is the discoverer has been going on for hundreds of years, and still has not stopped. But the very word "oxygen" was introduced by Lomonosov.

It accounts for slightly more than forty-seven percent of the entire solid mass of the earth's crust. Bound oxygen makes up nearly eighty-nine percent of the mass of fresh and seawater. Free oxygen is found in the atmosphere, making up about twenty-three percent of the mass and almost twenty-one percent of the volume. At least one and a half thousand compounds of the earth's crust contain oxygen. There are no living cells in the world that do not have this widespread element. Sixty-five percent of the mass of every living cell is oxygen.

Today, this substance is obtained industrially from air and supplied under a pressure of 15 MPa in steel cylinders. There are other ways to get it. Scopes of application - food industry, medicine, metallurgy, etc.

Where is the most common element found?

It is almost impossible to find a corner in nature where there would be no oxygen. He is everywhere - in the depths, and high above the Earth, and under water, and in the water itself. It occurs not only in connections, but also in a free state. Most likely, it is because of this that this element has always been of interest to scientists.

Geologists and chemists study the presence of oxygen in conjunction with all elements. Botanists are interested in studying the processes of nutrition and respiration of plants. Physiologists have not fully figured out the role of oxygen in the life of animals and humans. Physicists are striving to find a new way to use it to create high temperatures.

It is known that regardless of whether it is hot southern air or cold air of northern regions, the oxygen content in it is always the same and is twenty-one percent.

How is the most common substance used?

As the most abundant known substance on the planet, water is ubiquitous. Everything is covered and permeated by this substance, but it remains little studied. Modern science began to study it in depth relatively recently. Scientists have discovered many of its properties that cannot yet be explained.

Not a single human economic activity can do without this most common substance. It is difficult to imagine agriculture or industry without water, as without this substance nuclear reactors, turbines, power plants, where water is used for cooling, will not work. For household needs, people use an increasing amount of this substance from year to year. Thus, ten liters of water a day was enough for a Stone Age man. Today, at least two hundred and twenty liters are used daily for the share of every inhabitant of the Earth. People are eighty percent water, each day, everyone consumes at least one and a half liters of liquid.

The most abundant chemical element in the universe

Three-fourths of the entire Universe is hydrogen, in other words, it is the most abundant element in the Universe. Water, being the most abundant substance on our planet, is made up of more than eleven percent hydrogen.

In the earth's crust, hydrogen is one percent by mass, but as many as sixteen percent by the number of atoms. Compounds such as natural gases, oil and coal are not complete without the presence of hydrogen.

It should be noted that in a free state, this common element is extremely rare. On the surface of our planet, it is present in small quantities in some natural gases, including volcanic ones. There is free hydrogen in the atmosphere, but its presence is extremely small. It is hydrogen that is the element that creates the inner radiation belt of the earth, like a stream of protons.

About fifty percent of hydrogen is made up of many stars and the sun, where it is present in the form of plasma. It consists of most of the interstellar medium, as well as nebular gases. Hydrogen is also present in the atmospheres of planets and in comets.

It was identified as a chemical element in 1766. Henry Cavendish did it. Fifteen years later, he found out that the result of the interaction of hydrogen with oxygen is water. The "character" of hydrogen is truly explosive, for which it received the name explosive gas.

But the largest star in the universe has a diameter of 1,391,000.
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the most common substance on earth

Alternative descriptions

Melted ice

The most common liquid on earth

Clear colorless liquid

... "It is not beer that kills people, it kills people ..."

... "Like a duck ..."

... "Do not spill ..."

... "Under a lying stone ... does not flow"

... "ash two O"

... "lives in the seas and rivers, but often flies in the sky, and when she gets bored of flying, she falls to the ground again" (riddle)

... "quiet ... the coast washes away" (last)

... "subtle matter", which turned out to be on the first step of the "ladder of nature", built in the 18th century by the Swiss naturalist Charles Bonnet

You are life

65% of the human body

Without her, "neither there, nor here"

There is no life without her

Most of the vodka

The ends are usually hidden in it.

The most important inorganic substance for us

Vodka without alcohol

Vodka without alcohol

Hydrogen + oxygen

Second to water and copper pipes

Carbonated ...

Hot and cold at the tap

Ruins people unlike beer

Destroyer of people (songs.)

Distilled ...

A jewel in the desert

Friends - do not spill ...

She is not pushed in a mortar

She is watered garden and vegetable garden

The liquid cradle of life


Tasteless, colorless and odorless liquid

Bath liquid

The liquid that pours in empty speeches

A liquid that has leaked a lot

The liquid necessary for the existence of all living things

What does a snowflake consist of?

It was in her drop that the Roman sages advised to look, "if you want to know the world"

What kind of coolant, as a rule, cool a boiling reactor

The stone wears away

Painting by Russian artist S. Chuikov "Alive ..."

Well ...

Concrete component

Vodka component

Extra in vodka, according to drunkards

The best remedy for thirst

Pours from the tap

An insignificant component of vodka

Mineral water

Mineral in a bottle

Mineral, carbonated

Turbid after ice drift

We drink it and bathe in it

We drink it and we steam it

Poured into a bucket or glass

Poured into a kettle for boiling

Filler of baths and seas

A prerequisite for life

One of the most abundant substances in nature

It turns out that you can get out of it even dry

Deuterium oxide or heavy ...

She pours in empty speeches

It can flow or it can drip

It does not flow under a lying stone

The basis of all life on Earth

The basis of life

Fresh milk in the night lake

Fire and copper pipe partner

Drinking union of two gases

The flesh of the rain

Flesh of the sea

According to the French chemist Leonel, the molecule of this substance resembles a peach, on the sides of which are attached two apricots.

Herbal liqueur "Danzig gold ...", popular in Germany, contains the smallest particles of gold leaf

Fresh ...

Fresh in the lake

Fresh in the pond

Fresh liquid in the pond

Transparent colorless liquid, which is a chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen

Flowing in the jacuzzi

Hide and seek for the ends

Melted ice

Fish habitat

Escaped from the bucket

Seventh liquid on jelly

Seventh on jelly

Liquefied ice

According to the Kazakh proverb, there is only God without lack, without dirt - only she

We contain. sieve according to the saying

Contents of clepsydra

The contents of the river and the sea

Samovar content

Salted in the sea

The salty moisture of the sea

Salty sea ...

Salvation from thirst

This is the name of the linear part of the distance for one boat.

Shower fluid

Flowing from the tap

What fish "breathe"

That which will not spill true friendship

What they carry to the offended

What is poured from the tap

Obsolete antique constellation

Quenches thirst

A. A. Rowe's film "Fire, ... and Copper Pipes"

Chemical substance without which neither man nor animal will last long

Chemical substance in the form of a clear liquid

Walks without legs, sleeves without arms, mouth - without speech (riddle)

How to dilute alcohol

What in Taoism became a symbol of the triumph of apparent weakness over strength

What boils in a samovar

What measured time in ancient clepsydra

Not boiled. tea without sugar and tea leaves

Fire and copper pipe partner

Do not drink from her face, according to the saying

Flush cistern contents

On Earth - oxygen, in space - hydrogen

The universe contains the most hydrogen (74% by mass). It has been preserved since the Big Bang. Only a small fraction of the hydrogen has managed to transform into heavier elements in stars. On Earth, the most abundant element is oxygen (46–47%). Most of it is bound in the form of oxides, primarily silicon oxide (SiO 2). Terrestrial oxygen and silicon originated in massive stars that existed before the birth of the Sun. At the end of their lives, these stars exploded into supernovae and threw out the elements formed in them into space. Of course, the products of the explosion contained a lot of hydrogen and helium, as well as carbon. However, these elements and their compounds are highly volatile. They evaporated near the young Sun and were blown out by the radiation pressure to the outskirts of the solar system.

The ten most abundant elements in the Milky Way Galaxy *

* Mass fraction per million.

Of course, in our understanding, this is something integral. But it has its own structure and composition. This includes all celestial bodies and objects, matter, energy, gas, dust and much more. All this was formed and exists, regardless of whether we see it or feel it.

Scientists have long been considering such questions: What formed such a universe? And what elements fill it?

Today we will talk about which element is the most common in the universe.

It turns out that this chemical element is the lightest in the world. In addition, its monoatomic form makes up approximately 87% of the entire composition of the universe. In addition, it is found in most molecular compounds. Even in water, or, for example, it is part of organic matter. In addition, hydrogen is a particularly important part of acid-base reactions.
In addition, the element is soluble in most metals. Interestingly, hydrogen is odorless, colorless, and tasteless.

During their study, scientists referred to hydrogen as a combustible gas.
As soon as they did not define it. At one time, he bore the name of giving birth to water, and then a water-giving substance.
It was only in 1824 that it was named hydrogen.

Hydrogen is a part of 88.6% of all atoms. The rest is more helium. And only a small part are other elements.
Consequently, stars and other gases are mainly composed of hydrogen.
By the way, again, it is also present in stellar temperatures. However, in the form of plasma. And in outer space, it is represented in the form of molecules, atoms and ions. Interestingly, hydrogen is capable of forming molecular clouds.

Characterization of hydrogen

Hydrogen is a unique element because it does not have a neutron. It contains only one proton and one electron.
As indicated, this is the lightest gas. It is important that the less the mass of the molecules, the higher their speed. Even the temperature does not affect this.
The thermal conductivity of hydrogen is one of the highest among all gases.
Among other things, it is highly soluble in metals, which affects its ability to diffuse through them. Sometimes the process leads to destruction. For example, the interaction of hydrogen and carbon. In this case, decarbonization occurs.

The emergence of hydrogen

Arose in the universe after the Big Bang. Like all chemical elements. According to theory, in the first microseconds after the explosion, the temperature of the universe was above 100 billion degrees. Which formed a bond of three quarks. In turn, this interaction created a proton. Thus, the nucleus of the hydrogen atom arose. As the expansion proceeded, the temperature dropped and the quarks formed protons and neutrons. This is how hydrogen actually came into being.

In the interval from 1 to 100 seconds after the formation of the universe, some of the protons and neutrons combined. Thus, forming another element, helium.
Subsequently, the expansion of space and, as a consequence, a decrease in temperature, suspended the connective reactions. Importantly, they re-launched within the stars. This is how the atoms of other chemical elements were formed.
As a result, it turns out that hydrogen and helium are the main engines for the formation of other elements.

Helium is generally the second most abundant element in the universe. Its share is 11.3% of the entire outer space.

Helium properties

It, like hydrogen, is odorless, colorless and tasteless. In addition, it is the second lightest gas. But its boiling point is the lowest known.

Helium is an inert, non-toxic and monoatomic gas. Its thermal conductivity is high. According to this characteristic, it again ranks second after hydrogen.
Extraction of helium is carried out by a separation method at a low temperature.
Interestingly, helium was previously considered a metal. But in the process of studying it was determined that it was a gas. Moreover, the main one in the composition of the universe.

All the elements on Earth, with the exception of hydrogen and helium, were generated billions of years ago by the alchemy of stars, some of which are now inconspicuous white dwarfs somewhere on the other side of the Milky Way. The nitrogen of our DNA, the calcium of our teeth, the iron of our blood, the carbon of our apple pies are all created in the bowels of shrinking stars.

We are made of stellar matter.
Carl Sagan

Applying elements

Humanity has learned to extract and use chemical elements for its own benefit. So hydrogen and helium are used in many fields of activity. For example, in:

  • Food Industry;
  • metallurgy;
  • chemical industry;
  • oil refining;
  • electronics manufacturing;
  • cosmetic industry;
  • geology;
  • even in the military sphere, etc.

As you can see, these elements play an important role in the life of the universe. Obviously, our very existence is directly dependent on them. We know that every minute there is growth and movement. And despite the fact that they are individually small, everything around is based on these elements.
Truly, hydrogen and helium, as well as other chemical elements, are unique and amazing. Perhaps it is impossible to argue with this.