The door is flowing. How to eliminate condensation on your front door

Reasons for the formation of condensation on the front door and how to eliminate it.

Residents of apartment buildings do not know anything about why the front door can fog up. This is due to the fact that the air at the entrance is slightly warmer than outside, so the difference between the temperature inside the house and at the entrance is not so big.

Accordingly, condensation does not form on the front doors of the apartments. But the owners of country houses in almost half of the cases pay attention to the condensation that collects on the surface of the metal front door. In this article, we will discuss the causes of condensation and how to deal with it.

Why does condensation collect on the entrance metal door in a private, country house from the inside: reasons

There can be many reasons. The fact is that when choosing an entrance door, most home owners pay attention to the anti-burglary characteristics of the product. But at the same time, little attention is paid to atmospheric coatings, as well as thermal insulation. If there are voids inside a metal door, then in almost all cases, condensation will form on its surface.

Reasons for the appearance of condensation:

  • Lack of door insulation. Most often, doors are a box, which inside may or may not be filled with thermal insulation material. It all depends on which door manufacturer you choose.
  • The presence of an air cushion between the door frame and the wall.
  • Lock. It is through the keyhole that cold air can penetrate. As a result, the door gets very cold and a dew point appears on its surface, condensation forms.

The difference between the temperature inside the house and outside is quite significant, and therefore the dew point is on the surface of the front door. Because of this, condensation forms on it. The fact is that condensation not only interferes with, but also causes the formation of fungus on the walls in the house near the entrance. But it can also cause a violation of the integrity of the doors and their rapid failure. Therefore, the reason why the door sweats must be eliminated.

How to get rid of condensation on a metal front door in winter: tips

Initially, before choosing an entrance door, you need to take care of insulation. Be sure to ask the manufacturer what material is used. To do this, it is necessary that the entire cavity inside the product is filled with heat-insulating material. It can be mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, polystyrene foam. In addition, there are modern, more expensive thermal insulation materials. This will significantly affect the cost of doors.

Tips on how to get rid of condensation on the door:

  1. You can sheathe the outside of the door with Styrofoam. Next, you should cover the surface with a coat of primer and weather resistant paint or some other coating.
  2. Be sure to take care of the insulation of the slopes. That is, the areas that are between the box and the wall. If the box is a pipe, you need to drill some holes in it and fill them with foam. This will provide better thermal insulation.
  3. Refuse to install a peephole in the entrance metal door. It is this area that is the cold bridge through which cold penetrates into the house and the door is additionally cooled. Because of what condensation forms.
  4. Place the gasket on the keyhole. This is a kind of peephole that moves. The keyhole is a cold bridge, it must be removed.
  5. Quite often, condensation forms due to insufficient and leaky fit of the door to the door frame. In this case, the problem is solved quite simply. It is necessary to glue a rubber seal, which will ensure a tight adhesion of the door surface to the frame. More often than not, the companies that installed the door can take care of such a function. Be sure to check the presence of this seal.
  6. You can use special products that prevent the door from fogging up. Be aware that if you coat the door inside and outside with this mortar, the inside of the structure may fog up. This will not fix the problem. In this case, condensation will accumulate inside the door, which will lead to its failure.

Anti-fogging agents for street metal doors: names, method of application

You can fight condensation on the surface of the front door with the help of products for car enthusiasts. Products that prevent condensation from forming on the windshield of the car are suitable.

Review of funds:

  1. Anti-fog Very Lube. This is a can containing 200 ml of solution. The product is applied once a month to a dry, clean door surface. Please note that the surface must be completely dry. Wash, dry it and only then apply the product.
  2. Novax... This is also a tool that prevents the formation of condensation on the surface. It is applied to the inside of the entrance door. After applying the product, the surface is wiped with a microfiber for glass or smooth surfaces.
  3. Shell Anti fog. Anti-fogging agent that prevents condensation from forming. It also removes fingerprints and cleans the surface. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the product for the first time in order to clean the door, and then shake the bottle again and apply a thin layer, evenly distributing it with microfiber.
  4. Atas Rocks... Good anti-fogging agent, 200 ml bottle. It is sprayed onto the surface at a distance of 20 cm from it and spread with a soft cloth. Apply once a week.
  5. Mathil Black line. Anti-fogging agent, prevents condensation. In order to prevent the accumulation of water, it is necessary to apply the agent both outside and inside the front door, evenly distributing it with a clean sponge or napkin.

Remember, these products do not eliminate the cause of condensation, but only form a special film on the door surface that changes the surface tension. Because of this, condensation still forms, but only rolls off the surface and forms a puddle of water under the door. This method will not save you from the appearance of fungus or violation of the integrity of the door. Before using such means, it is necessary to solve the problem of insufficient insulation and thermal insulation of the door.

The formation of condensation on the surface of the front door is a common problem faced by residents of private houses. In order to combat this problem, you can equip a vestibule. If this is not possible, take care of the insulation of the doors, and also insulate the cold bridges.

VIDEO: Front door sweats

A sweating door is a door leaf on which condensation forms as a result of the temperature drop. In late autumn, it remains mainly in a liquid state, freezes in winter, turning into frost and even an ice crust. For some homeowners, this problem is of little concern. They probably take this circumstance for granted. However, conscious owners know that a sweating door in this mode wears out a lot, it is the reason that the accumulated heat leaves the room. Therefore, if you do not want to change the front door after a few years, and also pay extra money for heating the dwelling, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with our thematic article, in which you will find answers to the following questions: why does the front door sweat, what are the consequences of this phenomena, as well as what can be done about it.

Why does the front door sweat?

Mostly metal entrance doors sweat. The reason for this is well known. Metal is an excellent heat conductor. In comparison with a tree, this indicator differs upwards by about 300 times. Warm air inside the room converts into condensation when it comes into contact with a crushed door. As a result, a large amount of moisture forms on the door leaf. Even in a relatively dry environment, it will not dry out quickly. If the door is not insulated, it threatens even more extensive and prolonged fogging of the front door. Not only does moisture form on the door leaf, a large amount of heat leaves the room. To summarize, there are four main reasons why the front door sweats:

  1. Sharp changes in temperature outside and inside the dwelling.
  2. Poor-quality insulation of the door leaf and box or its absence.
  3. High humidity in the living area.
  4. Violation of the technology for assembling the structure in the doorway.

What are the negative effects of a sweating front door?

Leaving the situation with the sweating front door as it is is bound to cause negative consequences. Firstly, the presence of condensation on the front door will slightly increase the humidity in the corridor and the rest of the living space. Secondly, moisture is an excellent breeding ground for mold and mildew. It will be quite difficult to withdraw them later. Third, the wear on the front door increases. In this mode, it will last less than five years. Its individual components or the entire structure will fail. Finally, the formation of condensation or ice crust is evidence that. In this case, a large energy loss is noted. If in summer this fact is unremarkable, in winter it will become quite noticeable. We believe, having familiarized yourself with the above consequences, you are aware of how important it is to eliminate the causes in time. It is possible and even necessary to deal with this. Moreover, you can do the required work with your own hands.

How do I keep my front door from sweating?

There are five main ways to keep your front door from sweating. We draw your attention to achieve the best effect, you should not perform any of the following points, but all at once (sequentially):

  1. Seal gaps and seams. Often, after the installation of the front door, gaps remain. If the specialists who installed your front door forgot to do this, insulate the seams yourself. This can be done using polyurethane foam and a pneumatic gun.
  2. Insulate the door leaf. there are several ways: fill the inner cavity with insulation or glue the insulation around the perimeter (or the required segment, for example, between the bottom of the canvas and the threshold). In this case, the dismantling of the door and the sequential execution of actions will be required. according to the algorithm... How to choose the right insulation,.
  3. Seal the keyhole. Draft can enter through a small hole large enough to allow cold air to enter. This problem can be solved by purchasing a special rubber insert. In practice, its functionality is as follows. It is nothing more than an overlay that fits over the keyhole. If you need to open the lock with a key, it moves to the side, then returns to its original state.
  4. Cover the door leaf with special paint or sheathe it additionally. On sale you can find the so-called liquid insulation, which is applied with a roller or brush to the door leaf. This paint forms a kind of protective film. It not only prevents cold air from entering the room, but also prevents condensation from forming.
  5. Install a vestibule or an additional entrance door. This is the most energy-consuming and expensive way to keep your front door from sweating. In turn, it is the most effective. The tambour can be organized in the form of additional space, which appears as a result of the installation of a second entrance door. It is best to choose a wooden door of suitable parameters for this purpose. The above comparative parameter regarding the thermal conductivity of materials allows the tree to better retain heat inside the room and not let cool air out of the vestibule.

The front door tends to accumulate condensation on itself. This problem is most often faced by owners of private houses. Iron or metal products may fog up. Many owners have no idea why the front door sweats, and how to cope with this nuisance. Therefore, before you buy entrance doors, read our article.

The owners of city apartments do not face this. Never observe frost or water droplets at the inlet. But, if you install the same structure in a suburban dwelling, "sweating" immediately manifests itself. Many people still do not understand why the entrance metal door in a private house sweats.

The door in a private house "sweats"

This only happens in winter or during the cold off-season. When it is frosty outside, it is cold from the entrance, and from inside the room the air temperature is higher. There is a kind of "struggle" between heat and cold, which is hindered by the door. Drops of liquid are visible on its inner side. And, if the tightness is not sufficient, the liquid is converted into a layer of frost.

It depends not only on the tightness, but also on the quality of the product. When making iron structures, you need to think about it. If the product is made to order, or you are buying a finished product, always pay attention to quality. Ask your dealer if the product is suitable for use in the harsh climate where you intend to install it.

For frosty conditions, an appropriate product is required. Many manufacturers are guided only by the fact that their structures will be mounted only in city apartments with entrances.

How to explain the formation of condensation

So why does the front metal door sweat? Conscientious manufacturers always provide for insulation and the absence of gaps (gaps) between the box and the base. But, this is not yet a guarantee of the absence of condensation. This is explained as follows: iron products are excellent heat conductors, and, during design, cold bridges always remain in the gaps, in the door frame and in the rib.

The distance between the inner and outer cladding is filled with insulation. But, no matter how hard the craftsmen try, there are still many details in the design that conduct cold temperatures. Therefore, it is not possible to completely isolate the input. Frost will always get to the inside through the bridges. The inner cover will perspire. Since the air surrounding the entrance is not able to retain moisture. It settles on a plane with dew drops.

The frames of the doorway can be covered with a layer of snow. If the cold penetrates very strongly through the cracks. It is necessary to ensure that the base of the blade is adjacent to the body. The temperature must not be allowed to drop below freezing inside the room near the entrance. In this case, frost formation can be avoided.

What to do?

If the front door sweats, what to do? How to fix the situation? In order not to face the problem of condensation, even when designing a private house, you need to think over some details:

  • If condensation accumulates due to the temperature difference in front of and behind the entrance, then take care to equip a cool vestibule at the entrance. This will create a gradual transition from frosty air to warm.

  • Mount a small canopy or canopy over the entrance. Thanks to this, there will be no exposure to the rays of the sun and precipitation on the outside of the canvas.

  • Experienced craftsmen advise covering the metal sheet with polymer powders. They are weather-resistant. They help to avoid the "struggle" of different temperatures.
  • Outside, it is better to finish the front door with panels that are impregnated with weather-resistant solutions. This will also serve as a decoration.
  • It is better to fill all cavities in metal parts with foam for installation. This will not form cold bridges.

To visualize how to properly equip the entrance to a private house, you can see step-by-step photos from the masters.

The spaces between the walls and the box must also be filled with foam. And the box, which is a profiled pipe, must be drilled in the marked places. Foam is pumped in through the holes. It acts as a heater and does not let cold air inside, and warm air outside.

There are times when all the installation rules are followed, and the surface still sweats or freezes. What to do with it? This problem arises from the lining on the inside. If the canvas is covered with a material that does not allow warm air to pass through.


So, there are several reasons for the fogging of the front doors in a private house. The main one is a low-quality product. Therefore, when buying, keep an eye on this. Otherwise, the front door installed in the house will not last long. Since "sweating" makes the product unusable. But, if you overlooked this nuance, then follow the recommendations presented. And the problem will be solved!

The appearance of condensation on the iron door of a residential building is a problem that suddenly manifests itself when frosty weather sets in. Not everyone knows why the entrance metal door "sweats". Such "sweating" occurs mainly in individual housing, due to non-observance of the half-forgotten requirements of building codes and regulations (SNiP) for the arrangement of dwellings and a number of accompanying reasons, the main of which is the presence of metal parts.

When installing a wooden door at the entrance, such a problem will not arise at all. But the iron door has a number of undeniable advantages in the private sector, and the solution to the question of what to do with condensation on the entrance metal door can be found in several different ways, which we will consider in the article.

Causes of condensation

Condensation is a product of humid air settling on a cold surface due to a sharp temperature difference outside and in a heated house: the iron begins to "sweat." The combination of plastic windows and insufficient natural ventilation contributes to the rapid appearance of this effect at the first frost. In case of an unfavorable outcome, spread on other surfaces of the interior of the room.

At the initial stage, this problem can still be dealt with with temporary measures, but it is highly advisable not to launch a thorough solution to the issue, since the long and constant presence and accumulation of moisture leads to a quick damage to property and mold formation with fungal infection, which will be much more difficult to eliminate later.


The reasons for the formation of an excessive presence of moisture can be listed point by point:

  1. Insufficient supply and exhaust natural ventilation of the dwelling or its absence.
  2. Inadequate thermal insulation of the door and frame of the metal structure, as well as an insufficient level of heating in the hallway.
  3. Incorrect installation and adhesion of internal slopes.

The first point that it is desirable to take into account even at the stage of building a house is the arrangement according to the requirements of SNiP, built into the walls of the supply air - exhaust system ventilation of all premises of a residential building. She will ventilate the home around the clock and quietly in a natural way at no additional cost, regardless of the presence of people. The house will never appear under any circumstances, and the increased air humidity (over 55%) is eliminated by the natural weathering of the flow through the ventilation shafts.

If, for some reason, there is no such built-in system, you should install forced ventilation devices (hoods), which are included as needed in the network and are powered. Installation of devices is required in places increased emitting humid air, such as in a bathroom or kitchen.

The second moment, contributing to the appearance of condensation on the front door, is the formation of so-called "cold bridges" - places hidden from the eyes in the door trim, which do not have sufficient insulation. In fact, they are the main points of leakage with significant heat loss rates. As a rule, on a metal door, these are already installed lock cases, built-in eyes, bells, reinforcement ribs, etc.

A significant effect on the appearance of moisture with further formation of frost can be exerted by a loose fit of the door leaf to the jamb or damage or absence of a rubber seal when closed. Additional insulation of the door with a layer of 10 mm of plywood sheathing with preliminary pouring of polyurethane foam into hard-to-reach places and replacement of unusable elements will help to eliminate these shortcomings. It can also be effective to use sheet polystyrene with a thickness of 30 mm or more, with other permissible parameters.

A poorly assembled door with a violation of installation tolerances in both planes, which, in turn, leads to a loose fit of the slopes, is the third, although rather rare, cause of condensation. However, the elimination of this problem will require the possible dismantling of the entire structure, which should be carried out in the warm season. In this case, during the reinstallation process, you must draw about special attention to filling all the voids around the perimeter of the product between the box and the doorway with insulation in order to avoid cold bridges from appearing here.

With any of the methods used, there must be a tight and airtight closing of the metal door.

Possible consequences

If you postpone the decision to eliminate the issue under discussion, this can lead to the premature loss of some door functions, and the latent accumulation of excess moisture in inconspicuous and hard-to-reach places - to the appearance and growth of mold with inevitable infection with fungus. In addition, high humidity, in spite of the special anti-corrosion treatment of the product, contributes to more accelerated corrosion of the metal, especially in the lower part of the door, and leads first to the detachment of the decorative layer from the base, and soon to its rapid destruction.

Additional radiators near the entrance will help circulate warmer dry air.

Conscientious manufacturers of metal doors, of course, are aware of the existence of such a shortcoming and try to prevent its occurrence by installing certified fittings and locking systems, as well as using high-quality materials to insulate all potentially vulnerable areas of the product and possible points of formation of "cold bridges". the attitude cannot but affect the price of the finished product, which is sometimes very significant.

Other solutions

Along with the already mentioned types of elimination of the causes of condensation on a metal door in a private house, it is recommended to take other steps to thoroughly eradicate the problem. They should be carried out during the warm season. They are connected with additional measures to prevent in the future the direct impact of external freezing temperatures on the entrance iron door and to prevent it from sweating. These include such as:

Most often, the metal sheet together with the frame is installed with an overlap with the outer wall, which is not always practical, especially in regions with severe frosts, and does not at all contribute to saving precious heat. The entrance door, installed with an indentation inward from the edge of the outer wall by at least 7-10 cm, in addition to reducing heat loss, will make it possible, if an urgent need arises, to fix on the outside above the lintel of the doorway a felt or carpet canopy (preferably reaching the ground), forming an air a buffer zone that significantly prevents the direct penetration of cold streams into the dwelling.

Such a folk trick will not add aesthetic decoration, but it will almost immediately eliminate the flow of condensation on the door.

Another effective way to create a minimum air buffer zone that will extinguish the ability to condense moisture on the inside is to install a second door. With such a solution, it is imperative to install a wooden canvas, which will contribute to a guaranteed getting rid of the problem and a significant reduction in heat loss. The distance between the frames of both doors should be eight cm or more, depending on the width of the opening. The resulting microtambour should be sheathed with decorative wood panels that can be painted.

The next option that specialists can offer is the most costly and time consuming. This is the creation of an entrance vestibule, what our great-grandfathers called a passage, but in a modern design. In other words, you will have to build a small closed unheated room with its own front door, which will create protection from direct contact with frosty and humid air.

If the area in front of the entrance allows and the availability of sufficient funds, this is the most optimal way to resolve the issue, a bonus to which will be the resulting small hallway, in which you can place hangers for outerwear and shelves for shoes. If it is made of plastic stained-glass windows, then it will decorate with its appearance the entrance part of a residential building.

Attention, only TODAY!

The metal door is durable and reliable, but it has one significant drawback - the metal is easily destroyed by moisture. Entrance iron doors, which are located in the contact zone of warm and cold air, are especially affected by condensation, which contributes to the formation of moisture droplets on the surface of the door. How to avoid condensation on metal entrance doors? What should be done to protect the metal sheathing of the front door from premature destruction? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

Metal entrance doors: advantages and disadvantages

Entrances provide reliable protection of the home from unauthorized intrusions, are distinguished by high strength, reliability and durability. They can be installed in city apartments and country houses, while metal door leaves perfectly isolate the room from drafts, low temperatures, dust, precipitation. Metal door leaves reduce the noise level and serve as an excellent soundproof barrier. In the event of a fire, metal doors restrain smoke from entering the apartment, prevent the rapid spread of fire.

With all the advantages of metal doors, the structures have one very big drawback - quick deterioration of the metal sheathing of the front door with constant exposure to high humidity. Even special compounds cannot prevent the development of rust on door leaves when interacting with water.

Condensation on an iron door: causes of the phenomenon

Condensation - moisture droplets on the surface of the door trim. Moisture appears when the temperature difference is large, when it is very warm inside the room, and outside the house, the thermometer mark drops to very low values. Condensation is especially often observed in country or country houses, in which there is only a single front door and there is no transitional vestibule ("cold" corridor).

When the air temperature inside the house rises, warm currents spread throughout all rooms. When heated air reaches a cold metal entrance door, it quickly cools down, turning into mist that settles on the structural door elements. Accumulating, water dust turns into drops flowing down the metal door leaf. A similar phenomenon can be seen on window panes, especially if the glazing is made in one thread.

Often the reason for the formation of condensation is a sharp difference in temperature outside and indoors.

How to avoid condensation and preserve the metal door?

There are several reasons that aggravate the appearance of condensation on the door during the cold season:

  • The presence of gaps (cold bridges) between the door leaf and the frame of the frame. When installing a metal door, it is worth carefully isolating possible voids and cracks using special insulation materials: polyurethane foam, tow, mineral wool, mortar, polystyrene. Cold bridges appear in places where locks are inserted, door peepholes, inside a door leaf made of metal in the area of ​​reinforcing the stiffening ribs of the spatial frame.

Advice! When purchasing a ready-made metal door, you should make sure that additional insulation of the door leaf has been completed.

  • Moisture can condense not only on the metal surface of the door, but also on the slopes around the opening, which is possible if the tightness of the door to the frame is broken. In this case, the formation of condensation or frost is observed on the slopes (with a significant decrease in the outside air temperature).

The equipment of a special room in front of the door (vestibule) or an unheated corridor can help to avoid the problem of condensation. When developing a floor plan for a country house, it is worth immediately foreseeing the construction of such a room.

Equipment of entrance doors with awnings or canopies will somewhat defuse the problem. In this case, it is possible to avoid the effects of atmospheric precipitation.

Additional finishing of metal door leaves with special protective compounds or panels with weather-resistant impregnation reduces the risk of premature destruction of the door from condensation.
Insulation of the entrance door with sheet polystyrene with subsequent decorative finishing will reduce the occurrence of condensation.

Causes of condensation on the front doors: video

Condensation on the doors: photo