Workbench in the garage: types of designs and their features. Instructions for creating a folding table in a garage with your own hands How to make a folding table for a garage

The garage is a multifunctional space. You can put and repair cars in it, design and manufacture various things and mechanisms with your own hands.

If a person likes to spend time in the garage, doing repair work, you need to properly equip your workplace. The workbench is a multifunctional work table on which you can process various materials, carry out locksmith, electromechanical and assembly work. Also, in the design of the workbench, you can think of shelves and drawers to store tools and other items.

Types of workbenches

Workbenches are made for metal (locksmith) and wood (carpentry) processing. The designs differ in the material of the countertops. For locksmith models, the tabletop must necessarily be metal, since working with metal involves the use of machine oil and other liquids that can leave traces on a wooden surface.

Also, when processing metal parts, effort is often required, the use of a sharp tool, therefore, it is best to equip the workbench with a metal tabletop.

Joiner's workbenches are designed to work with wood, so they are not as durable and functional as locksmith models.

Workbench construction

If the design of the desktop in the garage is made by hand, then first of all you need to carefully think over every detail, figure out where the tools will be placed, what work will be carried out on the workbench. The model of the table in the garage depends on this.

Standard models are often equipped with drawers that can be made of wood or metal. Also, the design of the table can be supplemented with shelves, a power shield for a hanging tool, which will always be at hand. But most importantly, the workbench must be stable, durable and reliable.


    Grinder with a wheel for cutting metal and a grinding disc.

    Welding machine and electrodes. Overalls and protective equipment for welding.

  1. Screwdriver.

    Jigsaw for cutting plywood.

Materials (edit)

    Corner 50 mm by 50 mm, thickness 4 mm, length 6.4 m.

    Square tube 60 mm by 40 mm, thickness 2 mm, length 24 m.

    Corner 40 mm by 40 mm, thickness 4 mm, length 6.75 m.

    Steel strip 40 mm wide, 4 mm thick, 8 m long.

    Steel sheet for table top 2200 mm by 750 mm. Thickness 2 mm.

    Steel sheet for making drawer holders. Thickness 2 mm.

    Wooden boards for countertops. Thickness 50 mm.

    Plywood for the manufacture of drawers and for the side and back walls of the table. Thickness 15 mm

    Drawer guides.

    Screws for assembling plywood boxes.

    Self-tapping screws for metal.

    Anchor bolts.

    Paint for wood and metal.

The workbench, which will be made of these materials, has quite impressive dimensions: the length of the table is 220 cm, the width is 75 cm. The overall design and a large table top allow you to place a vice and, for example, emery or other tools at different ends of the table.

The first step in making a workbench is cutting the existing material into elements. The profile pipe is intended for the manufacture of the frame. The steel corner is designed to create stiffeners. It is cut into pieces and a power frame is formed from it. Also, a steel corner is needed for edging the tabletop on which the boards will be laid.

The steel strip is intended for the manufacture of guides on which the side panels will be attached. Also, this material will go to brackets for attaching boxes and plywood.

The desk drawers are made of plywood.

The second step is welding the power frame of the workbench. The first elements of the table top are welded - 2 pipes 2200 mm long and 2 pipes 750 mm each. The frame should be welded so that one more frame from the corners can be welded on top of it, into which the boards of the table top will be laid. To reinforce the tabletop, it is required to weld on a few more steel pipes after 40 cm, which will serve as stiffeners.

Then 4 side legs are welded along the edges of the workbench. Their length is 900 mm. Power jumpers are welded between the legs, reinforcing the structure.

After the base frame is ready, you can start welding the structure for the boxes. For this, square frames are formed from steel pipes, which are welded to the tabletop from both sides of the table. The frames are reinforced with longitudinal stiffeners.

The third step is making a frame for the countertop. Two steel corners, 2200 mm long and two more corners 750 mm long, are needed to make the frame. The structure is welded so that wood planks lay inside it.

The frame from the corner is laid on the frame made of pipes and welded. It turns out a reinforced tabletop, 8 cm high with internal stiffening ribs.

The metal frame of the workbench is almost ready, it remains to weld the lathing of the panel for attaching the tool. This requires one metal corner with a length of 2200 mm and 4 corners with a length of 950 mm. Two elements are attached to the sides of the structure and two in the middle for reinforcement. The toolbox is welded to the worktop.

A frame made of corners and pipes is ready. You can begin to strengthen the structure. Brackets are welded to the sides of the table, which are cut from a steel strip. A total of 24 parts are needed. A hole is drilled in the middle of each bracket. Using these holes, the side and back walls of the plywood table will be attached to the metal frame of the workbench.

The fourth stage is the manufacture of desk drawers. Plywood is cut into blanks, which are twisted with screws. The number of drawers depends on what will be stored in the table. If small parts, then you can build 3 boxes, if large - then 2. It all depends on personal preference.

Drawers can be positioned on both sides of the table, pull-out structures can be mounted on one half, and ordinary open shelves on the other.

After the drawers are assembled, metal strips with holes need to be welded between the sides of the drawer sections. A slide for the drawer guides will be attached to these holes from the inside.

The fifth stage is laying the boards into the tabletop frame. Boards with a thickness of 50 mm are cut into workpieces of a certain length. If a long board is available, then you need three blanks 245 mm wide and 2190 mm long. If long boards are not available, you can lay the workpieces across the table. For this purpose, wood with a width of 205 mm is cut into 10 pieces with a length of 740 mm.

Before placing the wood in the table frame, it must be treated with an antiseptic solution. This will protect the material from rotting and damage by beetles.

Then it is imperative to paint the entire metal structure of the workbench. This will protect the metal from corrosion. It is best to use a weatherproof and anti-corrosion coating option. The welding seams should be painted especially carefully. It is recommended to thoroughly clean metal drops and irregularities before painting. This can be done with an angle grinder with a metal disc.

After the structure is dry, you can start laying the boards on the countertop. They should not be driven too tightly into the frame. This is due to the fact that the tree tends to expand and dry out when the temperature and humidity change. It is better to leave a small gap of a few millimeters between the boards. The surface of the wood needs to be sanded to make it easier to lay the sheet metal over the wood. Boards around the entire perimeter of the table are screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws.

The sixth stage is the fastening of the top steel sheet. It can be welded to the worktop, but there is wood inside the structure, which can ignite during the welding process. Therefore, it is best to attach the steel sheet with hidden self-tapping screws to the wood planks. Previously, the metal must be painted on both sides with a rust converter. This covering material looks like a transparent paint and varnish coating, it is easy to restore and reliably protects the metal from rust. You can also paint the metal countertop with the paint that covered the frame. It will be nice, but over time the paint may scratch and the table will not look too new.

The last step is to install the boxes on the rails and fasten the plywood to the side walls., shelves and power board in front of the table. This work can be called finishing the workbench. After the work with plywood is over, it must be coated with a compound that will protect the material from environmental influences. Also, do not forget about the design of the power shield for tools. You can attach special hooks or self-tapping screws to it, to which the necessary things will be hung.

In order to make it convenient to work at the workbench, you can attach a special lamp with a bending stand to the power shield. In this case, you can optionally direct the flow of light to the desired location.

Video - The process of making a workbench

Installing a vise on a locksmith workbench

A vice is an indispensable attribute of a locksmith's workbench. It is not recommended to attach a clamping tool weighing several tens of kilograms to the worktop itself. It is best to place a 1 cm thick metal spacer between the table metal and the tool. Drill holes for anchor bolts in the spacer. Then, in the same places, drill holes of the same size in the countertop. The whole structure is fastened with anchor bolts.

Safety requirements for homemade workbench construction

  1. If the garage area is not too large, then you can make a smaller table for plumbing work with your own hands. But, it is worth knowing that the entire structure must be stable, not swayed and not budge with little effort.
  2. The workplace should be organized so that nothing interferes with the person. When working with a vice, all unnecessary tools must be removed from the tabletop.
  3. Corners and protruding parts of the table should not be too sharp and have cutting edges.
  4. After repair work behind the workbench, you need to remove the workplace from metal shavings, oil drops and other materials.
  5. If a homemade workbench is made correctly, then it can easily withstand a load of 200 kg.

Plywood for shield

Video - DIY workbench in the garage

Everyone knows that a garage is necessary in order to put a car in it. However, many car owners use this room as a warehouse for unnecessary things, and if space permits, then they convert it into a small workshop. Therefore, the appropriate equipment is installed in it - racks, shelves and a workbench. The latter is a multifunctional working table used for processing various materials, carrying out locksmith, assembly and electromechanical work. Garage workbenches can be made by hand.

Workbench design features

A garage workbench is often compared to a writing desk because it provides the convenience of carrying out a variety of jobs and makes it possible to keep all the necessary tools at hand. Thus, in addition to the countertop, it has a large number of shelves and drawers. The workbench structure consists of the following elements:

The workbench must be well lit. For this install a stationary rotary lamp that plugs into an outlet. It can be installed on the wall, near the workbench, but it is much more practical to build electrical equipment directly into it. In this case, there will be no electrification problems if you need to install the table in a new place.

Garage workbenches

Types of workbenches

There are two types of such tables:

  • carpentry;
  • locksmiths.

Joiner's is a metal or wooden frame, the tabletop of which is made of wood. It is best not to process metal parts on it, because traces of machine oil remain on its surface, which are very difficult to get rid of. In addition, metal shavings often damage the surface of the table, as a result of which it will not last very long.

For work in the garage it is best to use a locksmith workbench, which is a universal model. Its table top is metal, therefore it is used for processing wooden and metal parts. A wide variety of actions are performed on it: sawing, cutting, sharpening, grinding. In addition, such a structure is much more stable than a carpentry, which is very important for working with metal parts, since during work there is often strong pressure on the surface of the tabletop. Tools are stored in shelves that are specially provided for this.

Material used

To make a workbench in the garage with your own hands, two materials are used: wood and metal. The difference between these structures will be in reliability and resistance to various force and mechanical influences. In this regard, a metal workbench will significantly outperform a wooden one. There are other points worth mentioning:

  • It is difficult to make a metal structure with your own hands, because welding will be required, and it is also necessary to have skills in working with metal. It is also quite difficult to machine a piece of iron. Therefore, in order to make a desktop of this type with your own hands, you will need special equipment and specific knowledge.
  • A tree is quite another matter. To make a do-it-yourself wooden workbench for the garage, only a standard set of home tools will be needed- a grinder, a screwdriver, an electric jigsaw, a hammer, etc. You can even use only a hand hacksaw, but the work in this case will be a little more complicated.
  • If we take into account the operational and technical aspects of a desktop made of a particular material, then here it is necessary to highlight the large weight of the metal product and the rather low strength of the wooden workbench. The ideal option would be to combine these two materials in one product, for example, make a workbench out of wood, and cover its tabletop with a thin layer of iron. In this case, even the use of a vice and other similar devices will not be able to harm him.

Thus, the combination of materials is the ideal solution for making a workbench into the garage with your own hands. However, if the desktop will not be used too often, but from time to time, then it is best to do with a completely wooden structure.

Preparatory work

Before you start making a do-it-yourself workbench for a garage, you should decide what dimensions and configuration the future design will have.

When equipping a garage with your own hands it is very important to choose the right place where the workbench will be installed. The best option would be a part of the garage with good lighting and electrical outlets. It is necessary to take into account such a moment as the direction of natural lighting. The light should fall from the left side or straight. In this case, the work surface will always be illuminated.

The length of the table top should be such that it can easily accommodate tools and large parts that are required for work. Its width should not be more than 50 - 60 cm. This allows you to easily reach the opposite edge. One side can be equipped for working with an electric cutting tool: circular saw, jigsaw, etc. For this purpose, fix the plank so that it protrudes from the edge of the workbench by 200 - 300 mm.

Also, before making a workbench in the garage with your own hands, you need to clarify one more parameter - its height. The convenience of the work depends on how correctly it will be determined. To determine the height, you need stand up straight, bend your arms at the elbows and mentally lean your elbows on an imaginary table. The distance between the floor and bent arms will be the ideal height for future construction.

Required tools and materials

To make a workbench in a garage, you need the following tools:

  • a grinder with a grinding disc and a wheel for cutting metal;
  • level;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • welding machine and electrodes;
  • roulette;
  • jigsaw for cutting plywood.


  • corner 4 mm thick;
  • steel strip 4 mm thick;
  • steel sheet required for the manufacture of holders for boxes with a thickness of 2 mm;
  • plywood for the manufacture of back, side walls of the table and drawers with a thickness of 15 mm;
  • screws;
  • anchor bolts;
  • square pipe 2 mm thick;
  • the steel sheet to be used for the countertop is 2 mm thick;
  • wooden boards for a table top with a thickness of 50 mm;
  • guides for table drawers;
  • self-tapping screws for metal;
  • paint for metal and wood.

A structure made from these materials will be reliable and very durable. Planks will be used for niches and shelves, and steel strips will be needed to create bumpers on the table surface.

DIY garage workbench assembly

After completing all the preparatory work, they begin to assemble the workbench for the garage with their own hands. For this, 4 supports are taken, made of a steel corner. The legs for the desktop must be the same size. In the upper part, they are fastened together using a corner and welding. Thus, if you look at the structure from above, you should get a rectangle with dimensions of 100x50 cm.

The same action is done from below. At a height of about 15 cm from the floor, trim pieces of the corner are welded, which will subsequently provide additional rigidity the whole structure. If such a need arises, then you can weld on additional racks that will be needed to fix shelves and drawers.

As soon as the frame is ready, they begin to make the workbench cover. Edged oak boards are taken, 25 cm wide and 5 cm thick. The length of the boards is determined based on the calculations made earlier. The boards are laid on top of the frame and fastened very tightly to each other. To do this, along the perimeter of the upper connecting elements of the frame, a number of holes are made for the bolts.

Holes are also drilled in the boards of the countertops through which they will be attached to the frame. From the top side too need to drill holes so that the bolt heads fit in them.

After the cover is fixed, they begin to cover it with metal. For this, galvanized iron is used. A suitable sized metal sheet is fixed to the surface using conventional self-tapping screws. Be aware that burrs can form on the metal edges when cutting, so file them for safety.

At this, the work on the manufacture of the simplest workbench for the garage is considered complete. It is quite simple to make such a structure with your own hands. For better stability against workbench legs metal corners or rectangles are welded from below that allow you to screw the structure to the floor.

Thus, a workbench in a garage is a very handy tool. It can be equipped with additional drawers, shelves and tool holders. A special screen is screwed to the side of the structure, which is closer to the wall, which will be used to place pliers, screwdrivers, nippers, etc. on it. A do-it-yourself workbench is often no worse than a purchased one.

There is very little space for a car to work. It is worth putting something and there is no place at all.
It was decided to install a compact table, but the table gets in the way anyway. A folding table has become an ideal option. It takes up a minimum of space.

Once I took apart an old wardrobe. A hand did not rise to carry him to the trash, and for good reason.

For the table we need:
- chipboard;
- a pair of loops;
- self-tapping screws for wood;
- corners;
- furniture cut-in nuts;
- a bar for legs;
- anchor bolts;
- support bar.

First of all, we mark the table level. We carry out the markup using a level. Whether it is a regular construction or water from a tube with water. I used the latter. I marked two points and, having attached a block, marked the line along which I will fasten.
We drill through holes in the bar and attach it to the anchor bolts.

Next, we mark on the bars for the legs, the places for installing the corners. The corners are taken from the same old cabinet. There are two holes in the corner. One round, the other with a cut.
The round will be attached to the table legs.

The corners will be screwed onto the furniture nuts. The nuts were all removed from the same old cabinet.

We drill holes and screw the nuts into the legs.

Similarly, we mark the holes in the tabletop. We screw in the nuts.

We fasten the hinges to our bar. First we fasten it on the bar, and then we apply the countertop and fasten the hinges to it.

This is what the bolted legs look like. To remove them, just twist the screws a couple of times and the legs are removed. The screws cannot be completely loosened. The screws are taken from the same cabinet and have a countersunk head.

To keep our table in a folded state and not fall, you need to mount it on the wall. For this we take a small block. We mark holes on it and fasten it to the wall.

In the role of the holder, we will have a regular latch.

This is how the table keeps when folded and takes up almost no working space in the garage.

Legs are removed and set to the side.

This is what the table looks like when unfolded.

In conclusion, I will note. Almost all of the main parts of the table were taken from an old cabinet. Who was not thrown out, but carefully stood in the corner and waited in the wings, now his time has come. The table can withstand a weight of about 85 kg, I think it will withstand a hundred)

Detailed assembly instructions, as always, can be seen in the video:

For most motorists, a do-it-yourself desktop in a garage is an indispensable piece of equipment, especially if it is heavy and durable enough. It can handle wood or metal parts, assemble car parts, repair them and much more. The article will tell you how to make a table for a garage with your own hands.

Features of garage equipment

For most car enthusiasts, the garage is a hideout for cars and a second home where they can spend quite a lot of time. This also requires a special approach to the equipment of the premises. With a negligent attitude towards this issue, the duration of the useful service of vehicles can be significantly reduced, and it is very inconvenient to carry out repairs in a poorly equipped garage.

First of all, when arranging a room, you must:

  • Provide a minimum level of moisture in it and maintain the desired temperature. Even in severe enough frosts, the car should not freeze too much.
  • Create a comfortable and pleasant working environment for the owner.
  • Provide enough space for convenient storage of spare parts. At the same time, access to them must be performed in the most convenient way.
  • Provide the ability to quickly warm up the garage and reliable protection from the penetration of criminals.

Of particular importance for the car owner is the correct one.

Here you need to have:

  • Various racks and shelves for storing tools and spare parts.
  • Workbench or table in the garage.
  • Welding machine.
  • Compressor (see).
  • Oil and water separator.

In his garage, each car owner can install many additional accessories and equipment at his discretion.

How to make a comfortable garage table

The place to work should be:

  • Convenient to work with.
  • Cozy.
  • Ergonomic and practical.
  • Everything you need should be here.

Tip: You should start arranging a place for work with your own hands, based on your own preferences. Everyone has their own preferences, someone here will be engaged in carving their favorite landscapes on wood, someone will collect radios, and someone will prefer to do modernization of garden tools.

The first thing to do is to assemble the table with your own hands in the garage.

He might be:

  • Wooden.
  • Metallic.
  • A finished workbench in the garage... On the table, you can draw projects and plans, tinker, do other things you love.

A properly equipped table should be equipped with drawers for storing small work accessories:

  • Tools.
  • Hardware.
  • With special handy drawers and jars to accommodate different sizes of the desired nuts, bolts, diodes and the like.
  • You can place tools and small parts on special racks and, which simplifies the design of the table.

How to make a folding table

Tip: Before proceeding with the assembly of the table, you should decide what it will look like, what it is intended for.

  • If there is a curved floor, it should be leveled. It is not necessary to level the whole, just the area where the folding garage table will be located is enough.
  • The tabletop is made by gluing the board. You can not make it, but simply tear off the table top from an already unnecessary table or use an old door. The main thing is that this item is not too heavy, otherwise it will be very difficult to unfold and then fold the table.
  • Legs are cut from any boards or bars. The main condition is their strength.

A garage is primarily needed by everyone to store a car. However, experienced, competent drivers use the premises for technical inspection, repair work, and machine maintenance. And they know how not only to fill in oil, but even to do some rather complicated work from a technical point of view, repairing their favorite car. As a result, the garage transforms from a simple storage facility into a real workshop. And here you should already have all the equipment you need for work. In this case, a workbench in the garage is simply necessary.

Why is the workbench so useful, what is it? The point is that the workbench is a special work table with many functions. On it, you can effectively engage in electromechanical, installation and locksmith work in convenient conditions. This table is perfect for processing all kinds of materials. At the same time, everyone who wishes, if responsibly approaches the task, will be able to make a reliable workbench in the garage with their own hands.

Let's take a closer look at the workbench. It is often compared to a writing desk. It maximizes human capabilities, as it provides an excellent opportunity to effectively use a durable surface for work. At the same time, there is also a sufficient number of sections for storing the necessary items, tools and parts. It is such a real workbench, complemented by numerous shelves and drawers, that is most effective and convenient for working in the garage.

Let's list the main structural elements of the workbench.

  • The frame with legs is a supporting base. It is she who becomes the base on which all steel parts are already fixed.
  • The countertop should wash powerful, thick and durable. She has to withstand the most serious mechanical stress, for example, hammer blows. It is customary to make a tabletop from a thick wooden board or metal.
  • Bedside tables are usually placed at the edges. It's great when there are many drawers, shelves. In such sections it is convenient to store the necessary parts, compact spare parts, small tools.
  • An additional shelf usually takes up space directly under the countertop. There it is most logical to place those items, tools, parts that are most often used directly while working on the workbench. It will be very convenient to take them: everything you need will be in the free access zone.

Pay attention to an important point. When you put a table in the garage, be sure to take care of the light level. Consider alternative lighting for your work area in advance. For example, you can use different types of lighting fixtures. Install an additional light source on the ceiling, and attach a swivel lamp with a directed beam of light to the wall or table. For more efficient work, as well as compliance with safety regulations, good lighting is necessary.

Types of workbenches

Before installing a specific workbench in the garage, it is worth figuring out what types of such desktops are. It is customary to divide workbenches into locksmiths and workers.

The joiner's workbench has a wooden table top. The frame can be made of wood, metal. Of course, a wooden tabletop, no matter how thick it is, is still quite vulnerable. It is inconvenient to work on such a workbench with metal parts. The surface of a wooden countertop is damaged by metal shavings; it is difficult to remove numerous traces of machine oil from it. Unfortunately, the lifespan of such workbenches is short.

A locksmith workbench in the garage is more suitable. It is he who attracts with reliability, durability, increased wear resistance and versatility. The main secret is a sturdy metal worktop. On it you can comfortably work with parts made of any materials, in particular, metal. On locksmith's workbenches, they grind and cut, sharpen and saw. The advantage of the workbench is also its stability, because when working with metal parts, a lot of pressure is sometimes exerted on the tabletop. It is better to store tools on shelves, drawers of a workbench.

Materials: competition of wood and metal

Do you want to make a workbench in the garage yourself? Then you will need to choose the main material: such tables are made of metal and wood. As a result, finished structures differ in the level of reliability and stability. Of course, a metal workbench is more functional, stable and durable.

Let's pay attention to the main features of workbenches made of different materials.

  • In the process of making a workbench, it is easier to work, of course, with wood. It is enough to stock up on a hammer, jigsaws, screwdrivers and a grinder or a hacksaw to quickly make a wooden workbench.
  • It is much more difficult to make a metal work table, since you need to be able to handle metal, as well as carry out welding work. It is quite difficult to work with iron blanks. It is desirable to have at least minimal skills. In addition, special equipment is required here.
  • When experts compare metal and wooden workbenches, they note: a wooden table is less durable, but a metal table is too heavy, not so convenient to use.
  • Combined workbenches are the optimal solution. You can make a wooden countertop, and then additionally cover it with a metal layer. And then you can safely work with metal, use a vice.

Do you want to have your own workbench in the garage, want to make it yourself, but don't intend to use it too often? Then a traditional wooden work table will be the best option for you. Just make the countertop thicker, more reliable. It is very important to ensure resistance to mechanical stress.

Preparatory process

We will learn how to make a do-it-yourself workbench in the garage. First you need to prepare for work. First of all, determine the optimal design, size and shape of your future workbench. Let's say that sometimes the best option is to place a workbench in the corner of the garage. This will allow efficient use of space and create a comfortable working area.

  • Choosing a place to set up a workbench is one of the most important tasks. The level of illumination is of great importance here. Think about what natural light will be like. The best option is when the light comes directly or from the left side. When it comes to artificial lighting, everything must be properly organized. It is advisable to make an overhead light, as well as install an additional source of directional illumination of the working area.
  • The efficiency of work on the workbench and the level of comfort largely depend on the height of the worktop. The optimal height must be calculated in advance. Just stand up straight and bend your arms at the elbows. Imagine you are leaning on a workbench. This is exactly the distance between your hands and the floor and is the optimal workbench height.
  • It is not necessary to make the width too large. It's great if the person can freely reach the opposite edge of the countertop. A good size is 50 cm wide. The length can be made much larger. The longer the table, the more parts and large tools can be laid out on it.

A good solution is to equip your workbench with the right tools. For example, a jigsaw, a circular saw is fixed on the tabletop.

We select tools, materials

Let's immediately clarify the list of materials and tools. For work, you need a drill and a welding machine, a tape measure and a level, a grinder with an electric jigsaw. Be sure to stock up on the following materials.

  • Steel strip and corner. The thickness should be 4 mm.
  • Anchor bolts, screws and self-tapping screws.
  • Square tube with a thickness of 2 mm.
  • Steel sheet to make drawer holders and countertops. The optimum thickness is 2 mm.
  • We need drawer guides.
  • For the countertop, you need to take a massive wooden board with a thickness of 50 mm.
  • The walls of boxes and tables are made of plywood with a thickness of 15 mm.
  • To design and improve the performance properties, paint on wood and metal is also needed.

If you make a workbench out of these materials, it will be very strong, durable and stable, easy to use.

Do-it-yourself garage workbench

Consider an algorithm for making a workbench for a garage.

  1. First, take four supports. They are made from a steel corner. The legs are fastened on top by welding.
  2. Stiffeners are needed. At a distance of 12-15 cm from the floor level, small pieces of the corner must be welded.
  3. To fix the boxes, shelves, additional racks are welded.
  4. Then comes the time to make the countertop. You can take oak boards. They must be tightly fastened to the frame. The best option is to make bolt holes around the frame in advance.
  5. Boards also need to be drilled. The bolts should fit well into the holes.
  6. Have you already secured the lid? Now it's time to sheathe it with metal. It is advisable to use galvanized iron. It is fixed with self-tapping screws.
  7. File the edges of the metal.
  8. Make shelves, countertops separately.
  9. Collect the entire workbench completely.
  10. At the final stage, it is necessary to treat the wooden elements with special compounds to prevent the formation of mold and mildew, as well as fire retardants. You can additionally design your desktop using.

When you want the workbench to stand as securely as possible, you can attach it to the floor by welding metal corners to the legs.

If you approach the task as responsibly as possible, follow the technology and use useful tips, your workbench will in no way be inferior to ready-made desktops from the store.

Video: we study the process of making a workbench in a garage

Do you want to visually consider all the key points, the algorithm of work in the manufacture of workbenches for the garage? Now you have a great opportunity to see all the useful information on the video.

Here you just feel like a direct participant in the events! It will be possible to assess the complexity, the order of work. In the videos, the emphasis is on all the most significant nuances. After viewing, if you take the matter responsibly, you will be able to install such a functional desktop in the garage with your own hands.

Good luck to you! Have a reliable, efficient workbench in your garage. With him, work will turn into pleasure.