Types of fire-fighting systems, a brief description and features of use. How to quickly understand the types of fire and burglar alarms? Types of fire protection systems

According to the methods of detecting and transmitting alarms, fire alarms can be divided into several types:

  1. Addressable.
  2. Addressless.
  3. Threshold.
  4. Analog.

Let's briefly review all types. Some options may overlap with each other, they are called combined.

Address Substation

In such alarms, the "Fire" signal is generated according to a different algorithm. The control panel (SCP) receives information about the state of all sensors of the monitored space about the characteristics of the environment. Analyzing the dynamics with which these parameters change, the control panel makes a decision to send a "Fire" signal.

The main feature of this system is that the fire alarm signal is received not by a separate sensor, but by the control panel based on the analysis of changes in data received from the detectors.

Each detector installed in the system has its own address, which participates in the communication protocol between the detector and the control panel. Therefore, the control panel knows the exact place where the detector was triggered. Thanks to this, you can react more quickly to the situation.

Unaddressed PS systems

Such fire systems have a simple design, its main function is to work out certain algorithms, depending on the signals received from the sensors. The detectors in these systems are usually inexpensive and uncomplicated devices. Their task is to recognize only three states of work:"Fire", "Short circuit", "Loop break". Such devices have a low price, but a lot of cable is required for its installation. They can be classified into three types.

Type 1: three-threshold unaddressed SS.

In this signaling, it is also called one-threshold, the "Fire" signal is generated when the loop resistance reaches a certain value. The loop can take three resistance values. They correspond to the signals: "Fire", "Short circuit", "Open". These types of substations are used at objects of high and low complexity. The installation of such an alarm requires the use of a large amount of installation cable.

Type 2: an unaddressed four-threshold system.

It can be called two-threshold. This is due to the fact that two types of signals are generated in it: "Fire" and "Fault". Compared to the previous type, the control panel recognizes two resistance levels from the detectors. One corresponds to the “Fire” signal, the second “Fault”. The signals are issued by sensors with an internal self-diagnosis unit. Well suited for small installations.

Type 3: unaddressed four-threshold system 2.

It is able to distinguish between the response resistances of one or more detectors. When one detector is triggered in this system, the signal "Fire 1" is issued, it is considered a signal of potential danger, if two or more are triggered, we receive the signal "Fire 2", this is a 95% fire guarantee. It activates the fire extinguishing algorithm programmed in the control panel device.

In such fire alarms, false activation of detectors connected to the same loop is often observed.

In these systems, extra attention should be paid to wiring. If possible, it should be hidden in walls and metal sleeves.

Threshold PS

Threshold fire alarms are classified as traditional systems. The used fire alarm sensors are in one of two states: "Fire" and "Normal". When the sensor is triggered, a voltage surge occurs in the loop. Reception and control devices give out a fire signal.

However, the control panel does not distinguish between false alarms and the start of a fire. To minimize false alarms, detectors can be duplicated. The advantages of such a system include its relative cheapness, ease of installation and management.

The disadvantages include the following points:

  1. There is no sensor diagnostics.
  2. There is no fault signal.
  3. Large consumption of materials for installation.
  4. The temperature sensor detects fires when a certain temperature is reached.

During installation, threshold substations use two options for connecting loops: radial and modular. Radial connection, connects the control panel along the radial structure. In the event of a fire, the place where the signal came from can be localized, only up to the plume.

With a modular connection, you will be able to exercise greater control over fire detectors. Find a breakdown in time, take measures to eliminate it.

Analog PS

Analog PSs determine the place of fire by the number of the loop. In the presence of a large number of sensors connected to one loop, it is difficult to determine the place of the fire that has arisen. This signaling is best used for small objects. It has a low cost of equipment and operation.

Types of alarm control panels (PKP)

These devices receive and process signals about the state of affairs at the object of protection. Further, when a danger arises, they issue commands to warning devices, sound and light-sound, to the monitoring consoles of the guards about the occurrence of a fire hazard, and in many cases to the Ministry of Emergencies.

Some control panels are programmed to automatically activate fire extinguishing systems. The control panel must also diagnose the system from open circuit and short circuit. To protect against electrical problems, they are supplied with batteries. All used devices must be certified. Control devices can be of different types, differing in the number of supported loops.

The main difference between fire alarm control panels lies in the size of the protected object. Depending on the size of the object, control panels are divided into small, medium and large.

For small objects, non-addressable panels are more often used, with control over several loops. For large and medium-sized objects, it is recommended to use addressable and addressable analog control panels. For reliable operation of fire alarms, it is better to use devices from one manufacturer.

Types of sensors (detectors)

The task of fire detectors is to detect changes in the surrounding space of parameters, precursors of fire, or the fire itself. Depending on what type of threat he responds to, they are divided:

  1. Smoke.
  2. Thermal.
  3. Gas.
  4. Light.
  5. Combined.

Let's briefly evaluate their characteristics, methods of work.

Smoke detector. Its task is to respond to the appearance in the control zone of combustion products, exhaust gases. Disadvantage, frequent operation when dust or moisture gets on it. Today they are at their maximum distribution. They are installed almost everywhere where there is no dust and high humidity.

Thermal sensor. Its task is to control how the temperature value changes in a given area of ​​space. Temperature sensors are produced in two types: threshold and integral. Threshold, set to a certain temperature. When it is reached, it is triggered, it gives a signal. Integral monitors the rate at which the temperature changes. When the speed increases, triggering occurs. They are used in places where other sensors cannot be installed.

Gas sensors. Their task is to carry out chemical analysis of air at a controlled facility. When the process of combustion or smoldering has begun, specific constituents of gases are released into the air. The gas sensor reacts to them, turning on the alarm. The efficiency of such detectors is an order of magnitude higher than that of smoke detectors. In addition, they do not react to dust and moisture. Therefore, they are often installed in ventilation.

Light sensors... Their task is to record changes in the light spectrum, while emitting light from the flames. They mainly emit light in the ultraviolet spectrum.

Combined sensors, these are devices in which two or more methods of fire detection are combined. Most often, heat and smoke detectors are combined. Fire prevention experts believe that the thermal sensor reacts earlier in critical situations.

Service types

The smoke detector is the one that needs most maintenance. It is most susceptible to dust. And when the amount of dust on it exceeds a certain amount, it is triggered, sending a fire signal. In this case, the minimum maintenance is to purge it with air.

How to decide on the choice

When choosing a fire extinguishing system, first of all consult a specialist. Fire safety requirements are constantly increasing, so a specialist will help you choose the best option. And from the proposed recommendations, stop at modern analogue addressable systems.

Fire alarm is a system for detecting fires and controlling technological equipment. Depending on the configuration, it provides control of other systems, for example, warning, smoke removal and others.

In practice, there are three main types of automatic fire alarms. The difference between the systems lies in the way of organizing the loop control:

  • threshold;
  • address-polling;
  • analog addressable.

Threshold fire alarm Is a type of system based on fire detectors with two performance indicators - "norm" and "fire". The system is triggered at the threshold value of the monitored parameter (smoke, temperature). The threshold system sensors are combined into a loop.

When any of the sensors is triggered, the electrical characteristics of the signaling communication line change. That is, the system does not determine which specific sensor triggered the trigger (localization level - one communication line). This is considered the main disadvantage of this type of fire alarm, and the laying of communication lines requires a large amount of work.

To solve the problem, you can use intermediate modules connected to loops, with further integration into one system. With all its drawbacks, threshold alarms are often used due to the low cost of equipment compared to other systems.

Addressable polling signaling- this type of fire system is based on addressable fire detectors. That is, each sensor is identified by the control device separately. At the same time, not only its threshold values ​​are monitored, but also its performance. The advantage of the address-interrogation signaling is the precise determination of the place of fire or failure of any of the installed detectors.

Also, all detectors are connected by just one communication line - this simplifies the installation of the system. Compared to threshold alarms, the cost of equipment is higher, but if all costs are taken into account, then the final costs of projects are in the same price range. Address-polling automatic alarm is the best option for large objects, as it provides detailed control of each room and the performance of the entire system.

Addressable analog signaling- modern automatic system based on continuous measurement of controlled parameters by sensors. All data from detectors of this type of system are transmitted to the control panel, where, using special algorithms, the change in the situation at the facility is analyzed.

Analogue addressable systems, with a high cost of equipment and the need for qualified maintenance, provide the highest level of fire safety - if properly installed, the system remains operational even if the loop is broken. The main area of ​​application is facilities with high safety requirements.


A fire alarm loop (communication line) is an electrical circuit that connects detectors and additional elements of the system. The types of loops for automatic fire alarm are divided according to their structure, while requirements are imposed on them in accordance with the field of application, for example, ensuring the operability of the alarm in the event of a fire.

There are the following types of automatic fire alarm loops, depending on the information processing method and the type of alarm:

  • threshold;
  • addressable.

Threshold loops- the notification is triggered when the threshold value of the connected sensors is reached. A separate control unit is connected to each threshold loop. To expand the capabilities of the system, it is necessary to use several control blocks.

The principle of operation is based on changing the electrical parameters of the communication line when the connected detector is triggered. Also, a change in the parameters of the loop in certain values ​​indicates a line break or a malfunction of one of the connected sensors. They are used in automatic fire alarms of the threshold type.

Addressable loops- used with appropriate detectors. Through addressable loops, information about the status of the sensor is transmitted in digital form to the control device. The loop also provides power to the detector. For addressable loops, the number of connected detectors is limited (the number depends on the specific technical characteristics of the equipment) and strict observance of the polarity of the power supply.

Fire alarm loops are also divided according to the way of organization (topology) into:

  • radial;
  • ring.

Radial loops are used in automatic fire alarm threshold systems. The main disadvantage is that it is impossible to determine which of the sensors connected to the communication line has triggered, and the lack of monitoring the performance of the hotel sensors. The control device can only detect the failure of the entire radial loop. The advantage is the low price.

Loop loops are mainly used in analogue addressable automatic fire alarm systems. Advantages: high information content, the ability to connect a large number of different types of sensors, installation of radial branches is allowed, the system remains partially operational in the event of a loop break or failure of detectors.

The disadvantage is the high price compared to the radial topology, but this factor can only be taken into account for small objects with low fire safety requirements.


Automatic fire alarm sensors are classified according to several parameters. So, according to the method of detecting a fire, the detectors are divided into:

  • smoke;
  • thermal;
  • flame.

Smoke fire detectors- one of the most common types. They are used when the beginning of a fire presupposes the appearance of a large amount of smoke. The principle of operation of the two main types of smoke detectors (point and linear) is based on the use of optoelectronic devices.

Another type is aspiration sensors, but they are rarely used due to their complex installation and high cost.

The advantages of smoke detectors are high efficiency and low false alarm rate. Disadvantages include the inability to detect a fire with low smoke generation.

Thermal fire detectors record the change in temperature values ​​in the detection zone of the detector. A threshold temperature value is set for the detector, upon reaching which it is triggered. There are the following types of heat detectors:

    maximum, differential linear.

Each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages. So, the maximum detector is triggered only when the temperature threshold of the sensor itself is reached. The differential sensor monitors the rate of temperature change, so its inertia is lower. Linear detectors (a thermal cable) can be used as a loop of fire systems.

Thermal sensors have separate installation requirements. So, for example, such detectors cannot be mounted near heating devices.

Flame detectors- are used in areas with a high probability of an open flame with low smoke generation. The principle of operation is based on the analysis of changes in infrared radiation with a special sensor. The first samples of flame detectors were distinguished by a high percentage of false alarms, but the use of radiation frequency analysis technologies and ultraviolet sensors allowed them to be minimized.

The disadvantages of flame sensors include the high cost and the need for direct visibility of the fire site. Advantages - high accuracy of operation, immediate response to the appearance of a flame, long range, the ability to use in open areas.

Manual call points- used for manual signaling in case of fire. Structurally, it is a button with protection against accidental pressing (glass or plastic screen). A warning inscription is placed on the detector body. Manual call points are used for visual detection of fire, and must be installed at facilities with automatic fire alarms.

When choosing a suitable type of automatic fire alarm, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of the facility to identify the main factors accompanying the fire. Based on the data received, the type of automatic signaling and the equipment used are selected.

Taking into account the reduction in the cost of modern analogue addressable automatic systems, there is a tendency to abandon threshold alarms. The use of the latter type is justified for small objects with low fire risks.

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The automatic fire alarm system is designed to detect the source of fire and promptly respond to this event.

In accordance with the given algorithm, it collects and processes data on key parameters and outputs an alarm notification of a fire to the guard post (to the central control room), and also generates an evacuation notification.

Automatic fire alarm, regardless of its scale and range of tasks to be solved, minimally includes the following types of devices:

  • sensors (detectors) - sensitive detectors that determine a possible fire by analyzing environmental factors (smoke, temperature, etc.);
  • receiving and control device - a device that collects and processes information coming from the detectors;
  • sound and light annunciators (sirens, scoreboards, lamps).

In addition, centralized monitoring and control devices can be used in automatic systems. For small objects, they represent a simple control panel from which a limited number of commands can be set.

Larger fire alarm systems can be controlled from a PC with specially installed software. As a rule, this applies to security and fire systems, where the computer performs the functions of data storage and processing of statistical information.


Devices that monitor the situation at a protected facility, controlling a number of parameters characteristic of the occurrence of a fire source: temperature, smoke, infrared radiation source, etc. They differ in many parameters:

  • the principle of detection;
  • method of signal transmission to the receiving and control device;
  • type of monitoring of the monitored parameter (threshold, differential or combined).
One of the main parameters affecting the efficiency of a fire alarm system is the principle of generating an alarm signal. More common passive detectors react to temperature changes or smoke when they are directly exposed to the sensor.

Active detectors monitor the parameters of the infrared beam emitted by them and include an emitter and a receiver.


The main differences between this type of equipment are in its information capacity, that is, the number of loops that can be connected to the device. Also, control panels differ in the way they are notified. They can activate alarm devices or monitor the progress of an evacuation and control other systems.

Peripheral executive devices.

In fire alarm hardware complexes, peripheral devices are those that are connected to the control panel via a communication line and have their own design and functionality (except for fire detectors). These include:

  • remote control panel - local control of the fire alarm system at a remote site is carried out from it;
  • short circuit control and isolation device - is used in burglar alarm loops with a ring structure to ensure system operability in the event of a short circuit in one of the peripheral devices;
  • relay modules - expand the functionality of automatic control of devices from the control panel;
  • sound / light annunciators - used to alert personnel of an emergency at the facility.


At the moment, there are three main types of automatic fire alarms:

  • threshold;
  • address-polling;
  • analog addressable.


As a rule, it is used in small fire alarm systems, to control objects with medium and low fire hazard, including for most residential buildings. The main difference is the use of fire detectors with a factory set threshold.

The structure of the threshold fire alarm most often has a radial topology of the location of the loops. That is, the loops to which the fire detectors are connected diverge from the control panel. When at least one of them is triggered, the alarm for the entire loop is activated.

Considering that one loop can serve several rooms (up to 20-30 detectors), the information content of this type of fire alarm is rather low.

The main advantages of such a system are:

  • affordable equipment price;
  • easy to install and configure.

Possible disadvantages of threshold signaling:

  • fire detection at later stages;
  • lack of control over the performance of the detectors;
  • low information content;
  • a large amount of work on the installation of the cable structure.


The main difference between the address-polling fire alarm and the threshold alarm is the communication algorithm between the control panel and fire detectors. In this case, the control device does not wait for a signal to change the detector mode, but periodically polls its current state.

This principle of operation allows you to obtain data on the performance of the sensors, and also expands the list of information notifications from one to four: "Norm", "Fire", "Break", "Malfunction".

The architecture of building a fire alarm network is circular. This type of automatic fire alarm is widely used to control the same type of general purpose premises: offices, shops, medical and educational institutions.

The obvious advantages of such a fire alarm organization:

  • monitoring the performance of sensors;
  • high information content;

Addressable analogue system.

At the moment, this is the most optimal option for building a fire alarm. The main difference from the previous types is that the analysis of information and making decisions about switching to the alarm mode is carried out not by the fire detector, but by the control panel (SCP).

The control panel itself is a much more complex device, since it performs a number of functions: continuous interrogation of doctors, analysis of the information received, comparison of data with the boundary values ​​entered in its memory, making a final decision based on consolidated data of several types of detectors.

Thus, not only the percentage of false alarms is significantly reduced, but it becomes possible to determine the location and time of a potential fire source in the early stages as a result of a combination of several factors, each of which could not trigger the system.


After one or more detectors detect a source of ignition, the fire alarm system must perform a certain set of actions aimed at:

  • launch of the warning and evacuation system;
  • the most accurate localization of the fire site;
  • management of other engineering systems according to a specific algorithm.


Informing staff and visitors in the room about a fire emergency. The notification system, depending on its principle of operation, can be light, light-sound or speech. The choice of a specific type of warning system depends on the characteristics of the structure: the number of storeys of the building, the area of ​​the premises, the height of the ceilings.

This is laid down at the design stage of the building's fire alarm system in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. The warning system should include the marking of the main escape routes, including the backlit "Exit" signs, so that the doorway leading out of the building can be identified even in a smoky room.

Unlocking doors.

If there is an access control system (ACS) in the building, the fire alarm must generate a signal to turn off turnstiles, doors and other devices blocking passages.

If the building has an elevator facility, then a command is sent from the fire alarm control panel to forcibly send all sheets to the first floor, open the doors and deactivate the device.

Activation of the automatic fire extinguishing and smoke removal system.

Depending on the specific use of the building, the fire extinguishing system installed in it can have gas, powder, water or water-foam filling. The choice of a specific fire extinguishing agent as well as the placement of fire extinguishing modules depends on the property in the room and fire safety standards.

The work of the smoke exhaust system is to remove smoke, heat and other combustion products outside the structure. During a fire, the air supply through the ventilation system must be shut off. In addition, the function of preventing the spread of smoke along the main escape routes should be implemented.

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Public, commercial and industrial, with a large area and complex layouts, can be equipped with several types of fire safety systems. As a rule, their joint use is planned at the design stage.

In the event of a fire, the fire-prevention automation switches over to itself some of the functions of the access control system, disabling the locking devices and unlocking all doors located on the escape route. The elevators in the building go down to the first floor and are blocked there with the doors open.

An integrated fire safety system for a building can consist of the following subsystems:

  • Fire alarm;
  • Alerts and;
  • Automatic fire extinguishing;
  • Exhaust and air pressure (also performs ventilation shutdown functions).

At the moment, the following types of fire alarms are used:

Threshold - the most simple and does not require additional settings. Each detector has a threshold value set at the factory by the manufacturer. The topology of building such a system is radial-beam. Up to 30 detectors can be connected to each beam. The installation can determine the presence of a fire source in the controlled room, but not its exact location.

The only advantages of this system are the acceptable cost of equipment and further operation;


  • Long response time;
  • There is no centralized control over the functioning of sensors;
  • Installation materials are uneconomically used for laying cable networks.

Address-polling. The control panel of such a system at a certain frequency sends a signal to the detectors in order to determine their current status. In this case, signals are used:

  • Norm;
  • fire;
  • lack of connection to the sensor;
  • detector malfunction.

Advantages of the address-polling fire alarm system:

  • The optimal combination of price and quality;
  • Sufficiently high information content of the received signals;
  • The ability to control the functioning of fire detectors;

The main disadvantage is the fire at a fairly late stage of development.

Analog addressable - at the moment it is the most advanced fire alarm system. The main difference from the previous systems is that the decision to trigger an alarm is made by the central monitoring device of the control panel based on the analysis of aggregate information from several types of detectors. That excludes the possibility of false positives. Advantages of an analogue addressable fire alarm system:

  • A ring (loop) structure is used, which significantly saves the amount of cable during laying;
  • Scalability - you can build up several sectors of control without significant financial investments;
  • The use of a simple two-core wire is allowed;
  • Availability of service functions:
  • Issuance of warnings about the need for sensor maintenance (cleaning, replacement);
  • Keeping an electronic event log;
  • Possibility of manual or automatic shutdown of some zones;
  • Use of more advanced algorithms that prevent most of the false positives;
  • Compatible with most utility systems;

The disadvantages are the rather high cost of the equipment and the complexity of its installation and further operation.

Warning and evacuation system

This installation works in tight integration with the fire alarm system. As a rule, it is aimed at a complex effect - light and sound. carried out using a siren that transmits a modulated sound signal or text messages. Flashing beacons located along the entire route are used as light signals.

The main design differences in automatic fire extinguishing systems depend on the type of extinguishing agent that is used. There are the following types of automatic fire extinguishing systems.


As a rule, it consists of a pipeline system with stop valves, a pumping station connected to a centralized fire or domestic water supply network and a reserve tank with water. There are deluge installations in which the pipeline is empty. Activation of such installations is carried out manually or at the command of a fire detector. The main advantage is the ability to use it in rooms with negative temperatures. Automatic fire extinguishing sprinkler systems are distinguished by the fact that water comes directly into the pipeline under pressure. Water spray sprinklers have thermosensitive locks, which are destroyed by the ambient temperature. Fire extinguishing is carried out directly in the combustion zone, in contrast to deluge installations that flood the entire controlled area with water.

One of the varieties is dry-filled sprinkler installations for automatic fire extinguishing, in the pipelines of which there is air pressure, the actuation is carried out after the destruction of the thermal lock.

Installations of water fire extinguishing with finely dispersed water. Modern highly efficient fire extinguishing systems are more similar to deluge installations in terms of operation. After activation, in the entire room where they are installed, water is sprayed through special nozzles. To increase the efficiency of fire extinguishing, special chemical reagents are often added to the water.


Deluge systems can be used as automatic foam fire extinguishing installations. If the difference is that a foaming agent is added to the water tank. There are several gradations of the multiplicity of foam, depending on its density, it can be used to eliminate the ignition of liquid combustible substances or electrical installations.

The principle of operation is as follows. Foam, being lighter than water and most liquid flammable substances, spreads over their surface, preventing oxygen from entering the combustion zone.


Gas fire extinguishing systems are separate modules connected by an electric cable. Activation is carried out from the control panel after personnel evacuation. Yes, effective use is necessary for the room to have a certain level of tightness. It is mainly used to extinguish fires in server rooms, data centers, libraries and archives, storerooms, museums or art galleries. The main advantage is the impossibility of causing material damage by fire extinguishing means and the possibility of extinguishing fire on operating electrical installations. powder have different characteristics of a fire extinguishing agent, which can be used to extinguish fires in any type of premises. The widespread distribution of powder automatic fire extinguishing systems is hindered by the following factors:

  1. Low powder penetration;
  2. Difficulty breathing and reduced visibility in the fire extinguishing area;
  3. Great laboriousness of cleaning after the end of fire extinguishing.


It is mainly used as separate elements or elements combined into one structural network. It is recommended to use it as autonomous fire extinguishing systems in cottages, country houses, summer cottages.

They can be used not only stationary indoors, but also in transport in the engine compartments of railway trains, sea vessels or large-sized cars.

Smoke extraction plants

They are categorized according to the way they function. Passive units consist of partitions mounted to block ventilation ducts. Active smoke exhaust systems use special electric motors and hoods to study smoke from rooms and reduce oxygen concentration. Moreover, for this, both own ventilation shafts and ducts of the ventilation and air conditioning system can be used.

Fire alarm systems have become part of our life, every reasonable person tries to protect his property and life by their presence. Consider the Types and arrangement of such equipment.

Each fire alarm structure, regardless of type and size, includes the following elements:

Larger fire protection signaling equipment is capable of operating under the control of information technology, where a special application is installed. It is mainly found in fire-fighting structures, where statistics information is saved and analyzed on a PC.


Such devices are sensors that monitor the situation in the controlled area by tracking individual indicators that are characteristic when a fire source appears: smoke, high temperatures, IR radiation. Alarm sensors differ in some characteristics:

The essence of functioning.
By the way of sending information to the control and receiving equipment.
The type of control characteristics.

The main characteristic is considered to be the algorithm for the appearance of a warning fire notification. Passive type alarms, which are the most common, read temperature characteristics or smoke when they are directly influenced by the detector. Active type sirens monitor infrared radiation and include devices for receiving and emitting.

The surveillance device that receives the data is the main control component of the fire alarm structure. It supervises the characteristics of the loops, receives information from sirens and sends information to the main console. While operating in an independent mode, the control panel manages the notification of the inhabitants of the facility, self-extinguishing the fire and getting rid of the smoke.

Division of devices by characteristics

  1. By tasks: supervising, firefighters and fire and security.
  2. By the degree of information provision: low-informative - 2 types of notifications, medium-informative - up to five notifications, highly informative - over five notifications.
  3. By the type of communication: via radio, via cables.
  4. By the type of train: loop and radial.
  5. By temperature parameters: for cool and warm rooms.
  6. By the method of activation of the current operating mode: separately for each of the loops, complex, combined.
  7. Finding an emergency charging source: integrated, external.
  8. By the number of loops (volume of information): low information content - up to five loops, medium information content - up to two dozen loops, large information content - up to one hundred loops.
  9. Profile control devices for rooms where detonation is likely.

Controlled equipment

In fire alarm systems, controllable peripheral devices are considered to be devices connected to the control panel along the communication band and manufactured in a separate frame:

  1. Remote control device, through which the remote control of signaling systems is carried out.
  2. Coating monitoring equipment is used in signal loops with a ring-shaped structure to organize the alarm operation in the event of a short circuit.
  3. Switching modules increase the self-sustaining capabilities of the devices.
  4. Acoustic and visual alarms are used to notify the occupants of the protected premises about the occurrence of a fire.

In the video: The history of the creation of a fire alarm

Division by types of fire warning systems

There are 3 types of fire protection structures to focus on.

1. Threshold alarm system. It is mainly used in small structures for the supervision of areas with a low to medium risk of fire and in residential buildings. Their main characteristic feature is considered to be the use of sirens with a degree of activation set by the manufacturer when creating. The arrangement of a system of such equipment is made in the form of a radial installation of loops. They branch out from the control panel, and various sensors are already connected to them. When one detector is activated, the alarm notification will come from the whole loop.

Taking into account the fact that 1 loop can be connected to a number of different rooms, when activating one detector it is impossible to determine the specific room where the fire started. In other words, the information quality of the threshold type of fire alarm systems leaves much to be desired. On top of that, it is appropriate to call the disadvantages of this type:

Significant difficulty in laying alarm wires.
Inability to check the functionality of the sirens.
Late fire detection.

Pros: easy adjustment and installation, as well as a relatively low price.

2. Polling-address signaling equipment for warning about fire. The main characteristic feature of this type of fire notification signal structure is considered to be the type of communication between the control panel and sirens. In this type of communication, the supervisor does not wait for a command to change the operating mode from the detector, but from time to time sends a request for its status. This scheme allows you to receive information about the effectiveness of the indicators, increases the list of potential notifications.

The structure of an alarm system of this type is carried out in a ring-shaped form. The address-survey structure is actively used in institutions with a similar structure: office buildings, retail outlets, schools, institutes, etc.

Pros: high informative properties, the ability to track the performance of indicators.

3. Analog addressable fire alarm equipment. At the moment, this type can be called the most popular and best. Its main feature, in comparison with other varieties, is that the analysis of information and the decision on alarm notification is carried out not by the siren, but by the control panel, which has a complicated design.

It is responsible for performing a number of tasks: regularly requesting sensors, analyzing data, comparing information with established activation thresholds, making a decision, guided by information from various types of sensors. In this regard, the number of unjustified alarms is reduced, it becomes possible to detect a specific location and time of a site with a fire without delay according to a number of parameters. Separately, each parameter would not trigger an alarm.