Gentle aircraft designer. The death of an aircraft designer Berezhny: the first contract murder in the USSR

I fell into the "trap"
Here is what the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev reported about a high-profile emergency in the capital, Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Yuri Andropov: “On February 4, 1981 at about 19:30 on the street. Kirov in Moscow in his official car when opening an explosive device of the "trap" type, camouflaged under a box of medicines and transferred through employees, the chief designer of the Kuibyshev Design Bureau of Automatic Systems (KKBAS) of the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR Igor Aleksandrovich Berezhnoy, born in 1934, died from an explosion , Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of KuAI.
Due to the fact that Berezhnoy was a candidate member of the Kuibyshev city committee of the CPSU, a deputy of the city council and the head of the KKBAS, which was engaged in the development of important defense topics, a criminal case into his death was initiated on February 5, 1981 by the Investigation Department of the KGB of the USSR. Taking into account the personality of the deceased and the circumstances of his death, several investigative versions have been put forward and are being worked out in the case.
Nothing like this has ever happened either in Kuibyshev, or in Moscow, or in the USSR in general. To physically eliminate a "secret" scientist in our country, and even in such an exotic way - something the KGB could not have imagined even in a nightmare.

but on the other hand
However, in those years, almost no one knew about the second side of Igor Berezhny's life, carefully hidden from the public eye - about his participation in frauds under the guise of the KKBAS sign. It is possible that no one would have found out about this if the above-mentioned emergency had not happened. After the explosion in the car and the death of the designer, the State Security Committee took up the affairs of the KKBAS. On the fact of the state of emergency, a criminal case No. 59 was opened here, which the Chekists themselves called "Kapkan".
And the results of the first checks shocked even the leadership of the KGB. During the subsequent audit, numerous abuses surfaced in the financial and economic activities of the bureau. As a result, the USSR Prosecutor's Office on August 25, 1981 opened another criminal case - first under Art. 170 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (abuse of office), and then under Art. 93-1 (theft of state property on an especially large scale).
It turned out that the management of the KKBAS was simply writing off the inventory acquired at the expense of the budget. This involved the head of the technical department of the KB, 47-year-old Gennady Nerozya, his deputy, 28-year-old Vladimir Nekhoroshev, the photographer of the same department, 32-year-old Mikhail Tsygankov, and the head of the special technical bureau of the KKBAS in Moscow, 58-year-old Solomon Berenshtein.
All of the above scammers were supposed to be arrested on the same day, but Tsygankov drank a lethal dose of dichloroethane before being arrested. During the arrest, Nerozya also tried to commit suicide, in front of the investigator's eyes he stabbed himself in the stomach, but he was immediately taken to the hospital, where doctors saved his life. Nekhoroshev was soon released from the pre-trial detention center on recognizance not to leave, since the investigation considered that the total volume of abuses committed by him was not too large.
It turned out that on a special scale from all Nerozya, who, being a financially responsible person, copied and then sold at a good price literally everything that came to his hand: large consignments of imported film "Kodak", photographic films "Orvo-Chrom" and "Orvo- Color ”, imported color photographic paper and chemicals, and so on. At the same time, Tsygankov helped him to sell the written-off deficit.
In addition, by mutual agreement, the robbers converted into cash and other material values ​​regularly purchased by the KKBAS - televisions, projectors, furniture, ethyl alcohol, spare parts, fabric, etc. In total, during 1976-1981, fraudsters were able to steal state property totaling 21,266 rubles. Huge money for those times, considering that the average salary of an engineer did not exceed 120 rubles a month.
As for the role of Igor Berezhny himself, the following decision was issued by the investigator for especially important cases of the USSR Prosecutor's Office Nikolai Antipov: “… Berezhny's actions… contain signs of a crime under Art. 92 h. 2 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR ". However, here the investigator decided: "The criminal case against Igor Aleksandrovich Berezhny should be terminated by further proceedings in connection with the death of the latter."

Prosecutor's decision
But, of course, most of all the investigation was interested in another question: who exactly and, most importantly, why did it take to eliminate Igor Berezhny? From the materials available in the case, it is clear that the KGB of the USSR almost immediately ruled out the possible participation of foreign special services in the case. Therefore, they began to look for the cause of the emergency in Kuibyshev, inside the KKBAS.
But the first perpetrators of the incident were named only three years after the death of Berezhny. In the resolution of the Investigative Department of the KGB of the USSR of January 30, 1984, this is stated as follows: “... it was established that an improvised explosive device was handed over to Berezhny through other persons by Nerozya, who admitted that he had committed a crime on domestic grounds. In this regard, he was charged under item "d" of Art. 102 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR "(premeditated murder under aggravated circumstances. - VE). After that, all materials about the explosion were separated from the general criminal case and transferred for further actions from the KGB of the USSR to the Prosecutor's Office of the USSR.
It would seem that the investigation into the incident is almost complete. The main culprit has been identified, and now only a few formalities need to be settled and the case brought to court. However, on November 12, 1984, the USSR Prosecutor's Office issued a resolution ... to discontinue this criminal case due to the "lack of evidence of the charges brought against Neroza."
The author of these lines did not manage to find any information about whether after that the search for those responsible for the murder of the head of the secret Kuibyshev design bureau continued in the allied prosecutor's office. However, it is obvious that if the investigation continued, then it did not lead to the capture of any other criminals.

The killer is unknown
In the spring of 1985, a criminal case against Nerozi, Nekhoroshev and Berenshtein on the theft of state property on an especially large scale was transferred to the Kuibyshev Special Court. So in Soviet times, special units were called in the structure of all regional courts of the USSR, where criminal cases were heard in which secret enterprises were involved in one way or another. The proceedings in this case were accepted by judge Alexander Shchupakov, who at that time was the chairman of the special court. But despite the fact that at that time he only considered materials about the embezzlement, Shchupakov had his own version of the murder of Igor Berezhny.
“There is no doubt that Berezhnoy was aware of most of the abuses taking place at the KKBAS,” says Alexander Anatolyevich. - After all, it was he who endorsed many acts for the cancellation of material assets. At the same time, I believe that the main organizer of the embezzlement was not Nerozya at all, but Berenshtein, whose role in the investigation turned out to be very vague.
Once the head of the KKBAS received information that the regional department of the KGB is very interested in his department. And this meant that a sanction was received from Moscow for these actions. Local initiative in such matters was completely excluded. Then Berezhnoy ordered to stop the theft at least for a while. However, his henchmen balked. But Berezhnoy insisted, and the robbers decided: so that they would not be disturbed, the boss should be physically eliminated. Which was done on February 4, 1981.
Here a reasonable question arises: why was his murder never solved? After all, this case was not dealt with by anyone, but the omnipotent KGB. My opinion on this matter is as follows. As can be seen from the case, in 1984 the investigation into the murder was taken out of the hands of the KGB and transferred to the prosecutor's office, whose leadership was then instructed from above not to establish the identity of the customer. It’s just that someone really didn’t want the investigation to find out about the “big people” from Moscow involved in the theft of the KKBAS.
It remains to add that in August 1985, by the verdict of the Kuibyshev special court, Gennady Nerozya received 10 years, and Solomon Berenshtein - 8 years in prison. Vladimir Nekhoroshev got off with three years probation. And a year later, the Supreme Court of the USSR reduced the sentence for Berenshtein to 6 years.

Igor Berezhnoy, born on April 21, 1934 in Samara. From 1951 to 1957 he studied at the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute, then worked here at different departments. Already at that time, Berezhnoy showed himself as a talented experimenter. In 1966 he defended his Ph.D. thesis, and soon, with the assistance of Tupolev, Antonov, Myasishchev and others, the OKB “Chassis of Airplanes and Helicopters” was created as part of the Kuibyshev Aggregate Production Association - specially “for Berezhny”. In 1971, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, and in 1972, on the basis of the above-mentioned OKB, KKBAS was formed. This bureau was headed by Berezhnaya until his death. He was the author of more than 200 scientific papers, many inventions and scientific and technical developments, the most famous of which was the Glissade laser landing system.

4 february 1774 All Pugachev rebels were sent to Kazan, while others were sworn in and signed that they would be loyal to the Empress. The capture of Samara and the harsh punishment of the rioters completely subordinated this city to the government. * February 4 1925 Samara mechanic IS Ryzhov invented a new type of internal combustion engine. He has a patent for it, but does not have the funds to make the model. Ryzhov works at the second gymnastics equipment factory. * February 4 1981 In Moscow, the head of the Kuibyshev Design Bureau of Automatic Systems (KKBAS), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Igor Aleksandrovich Berezhnoy, was killed by an explosion in a service car. In the course of the investigation it was established that an explosive device disguised as a box with medicines was handed over to him that day.

The grave of I.A. Berezhny

This day in the history of the region.

How the Pugachevites were punished

4 february 1774 General Mansurov reports from Samara to Kazan to General-in-Chief Bibikov, who led the military operations against the army of E. Pugachev, about the punishment of the Pugachevites with batogs. The harsh punishment of "Samara residents of different ranks" followed a heated meeting with Pugachev's associate Arapov and their other crimes.

As you know, the Pugachev ataman Ilya Arapov took Samara without a fight. Before his arrival, the commandant Balakhontsev, knowing about the atrocities of the Pugachevites, succumbing to rumors of a large number of people and guns in Arapov's detachment, on December 25, 1773, with officers and 36 soldiers fled the city in panic, leaving the artillery and most of the garrison personnel there. In 80 versts from the city, he waited for the approach of government troops and with them turned to Samara. He did not take part in the battle for her, he covered the baggage train with his people.

The remaining 340 soldiers of the garrison, the clergy and residents of the city greeted Arapov's detachment with bread and salt and bells. But the Pugachevites failed to keep Samara. On December 28, the rebels poorly trained in military affairs, having lost several hundred killed and wounded, fled. A massacre began against the inhabitants who sided with the rebels. All who were involved in the revolt were ordered "for fear of severely punishing with whips at a gathering of the people, saying that they should remain firm against the villains and should not spare their belly as loyal subjects."

The former commandant Balakhontsev was removed from office, put on trial, found guilty of surrendering the fortress to the enemy and leaving his post. Sentenced to death by hanging. However, the commander-in-chief P.I. Panin commuted the death sentence to the demotion of the former captain to the soldiers with the right of seniority.

General-in-chief A.I.Bibikov, who led the suppression of the Pugachev revolt, sent a letter to the Archbishop of Kazan with instructions to replace and punish the clergy of Samara who had gone over to the side of the rebels (Pugachevites). There were 9 of them, all of them after the arrival of the replacement were sent to Kazan. Arriving from Simbirsk, Lieutenant Colonel Grinev figured out which of the city's inhabitants was most guilty of supporting the rebels. All the rebels were also sent to Kazan, while others were sworn in and signed that they would be loyal to the Empress and would not have secret ties with traitors and robbers. The capture of Samara and the harsh punishment of the rioters completely subordinated this city to the government.

Other events of this day in different years of the history of Samara:

4 february 1774 Mr. General Mansurov reports to Bibikov in Kazan about the cruel punishment of the Pugachevites with batogs. The brutal punishment of "Samara residents of different ranks" with batogs followed a warm welcome to Pugachev's associate Arapov and other crimes. Bibikov Alexander Ilyich - General-in-Chief, Senator. He supervised military actions against the army of E. Pugachev, including the operation to "cleanse the Samara district of rioters."

Arapov Ilya Fedorovich - associate of Yemelyan Pugachev and "marching chieftain" of the rebel army. A serf peasant who fled from the owner.

4 february 1913 d. A meeting of the commission to determine the amounts of sick leave and other arrears was held. According to the resolution of the Duma, in commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov, it was decided to add arrears "completely hopeless to collect due to the extreme poverty of debtors."

4 february 1920 d. A disturbance arose among the workers at the Pipe Plant. According to the chairman of the board of the Pipe Plant N.M. Yanson, on the basis of the introduction of a new system of remuneration and under the influence of the agitation of the Mensheviks "and other hostile elements", unrest arose among the workers of the plant. In addition, workers are demanding an increase in food rations.

4 february 1925 Samara mechanic IS Ryzhov invented a new type of internal combustion engine. The Kommuna newspaper reported sensational news: the Samara mechanic IS Ryzhov invented a new type of internal combustion engine. And already has a patent for it "from the Center". However, he does not have the funds to make the model. According to the expert commission of the Samara branch of the All-Russian Association of Inventors, the engine of the new type will be widely used in the Samara Territory, and then in other areas. Ryzhov is 44 years old. Works in Samara at the second factory for the manufacture of gymnastics equipment. Lives in the Monastyrsky village.

Additionally about the events of this day from other sources:

4 february 1936 - In 1936, 8 million rubles are allocated for the construction and repair of bridges and sidewalks of the city, over 60 thousand square meters of pavements will be covered with asphalt-concrete.

1981 - In Moscow, an explosion in a service car killed the head of the Kuibyshev Design Bureau of Automatic Systems (KKBAS) Igor Aleksandrovich Berezhnoy, born in 1934. In the course of the investigation it was established that an explosive device disguised as a box with medicines was handed over to him that day.

(Articles about Berezhny:


30 years ago in Moscow, the head of the aviation design bureau, Igor Berezhny, was blown up in a company car. News of the death of the chief designer of the KKBAS then spread almost instantly. Even though it happened in Moscow. After all, every second engineer and two-thirds of Kuibyshev's workers at that time worked at defense plants. Some veterans of these productions still remember how shocked they all were.

I fell into the "trap"
Here is what the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev reported about a high-profile emergency in the capital, Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Yuri Andropov: “On February 4, 1981 at about 19:30 on the street. Kirov in Moscow in his official car when opening an explosive device of the "trap" type, camouflaged under a box of medicines and transferred through employees, the chief designer of the Kuibyshev Design Bureau of Automatic Systems (KKBAS) of the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR Igor Aleksandrovich Berezhnoy, born in 1934, died from an explosion , Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of KuAI.
Due to the fact that Berezhnoy was a candidate member of the Kuibyshev city committee of the CPSU, a deputy of the city council and the head of the KKBAS, which was engaged in the development of important defense topics, a criminal case into his death was initiated on February 5, 1981 by the Investigation Department of the KGB of the USSR. Taking into account the personality of the deceased and the circumstances of his death, several investigative versions have been put forward and are being worked out in the case.
Nothing like this has ever happened either in Kuibyshev, or in Moscow, or in the USSR in general. To physically eliminate a "secret" scientist in our country, and even in such an exotic way - something the KGB could not have imagined even in a nightmare.

but on the other hand
However, in those years, almost no one knew about the second side of Igor Berezhny's life, carefully hidden from the public eye - about his participation in frauds under the guise of the KKBAS sign. It is possible that no one would have found out about this if the above-mentioned emergency had not happened. After the explosion in the car and the death of the designer, the State Security Committee took up the affairs of the KKBAS. On the fact of the state of emergency, a criminal case No. 59 was opened here, which the Chekists themselves called "Kapkan".
And the results of the first checks shocked even the leadership of the KGB. During the subsequent audit, numerous abuses surfaced in the financial and economic activities of the bureau. As a result, the USSR Prosecutor's Office on August 25, 1981 opened another criminal case - first under Art. 170 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (abuse of office), and then under Art. 93-1 (theft of state property on an especially large scale).
It turned out that the management of the KKBAS was simply writing off the inventory acquired at the expense of the budget. This involved the head of the technical department of the KB, 47-year-old Gennady Nerozya, his deputy, 28-year-old Vladimir Nekhoroshev, the photographer of the same department, 32-year-old Mikhail Tsygankov, and the head of the special technical bureau of the KKBAS in Moscow, 58-year-old Solomon Berenshtein.
All of the above scammers were supposed to be arrested on the same day, but Tsygankov drank a lethal dose of dichloroethane before being arrested. During the arrest, Nerozya also tried to commit suicide, in front of the investigator's eyes he stabbed himself in the stomach, but he was immediately taken to the hospital, where doctors saved his life. Nekhoroshev was soon released from the pre-trial detention center on recognizance not to leave, since the investigation considered that the total volume of abuses committed by him was not too large.
It turned out that on a special scale from all Nerozya, who, being a financially responsible person, copied and then sold at a good price literally everything that came to his hand: large consignments of imported film "Kodak", photographic film " Orvo-Chrome" and " Orvo-Color», Imported color photographic paper and chemicals, and so on. At the same time, Tsygankov helped him to sell the written-off deficit.
In addition, by mutual agreement, the robbers converted into cash and other material values ​​regularly purchased by the KKBAS - televisions, projectors, furniture, ethyl alcohol, spare parts, fabric, etc. In total, during 1976-1981, fraudsters were able to steal state property totaling 21,266 rubles. Huge money for those times, considering that the average salary of an engineer did not exceed 120 rubles a month.
As for the role of Igor Berezhny himself, the following decision was issued by the investigator for especially important cases of the USSR Prosecutor's Office Nikolai Antipov: “… Berezhny's actions… contain signs of a crime under Art. 92 h. 2 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR ". However, here the investigator decided: "The criminal case against Igor Aleksandrovich Berezhny should be terminated by further proceedings in connection with the death of the latter."

Prosecutor's decision
But, of course, most of all the investigation was interested in another question: who exactly and, most importantly, why did it take to eliminate Igor Berezhny? From the materials available in the case, it is clear that the KGB of the USSR almost immediately ruled out the possible participation of foreign special services in the case. Therefore, they began to look for the cause of the emergency in Kuibyshev, inside the KKBAS.
But the first perpetrators of the incident were named only three years after the death of Berezhny. In the resolution of the Investigative Department of the KGB of the USSR of January 30, 1984, this is stated as follows: “... it was established that an improvised explosive device was handed over to Berezhny through other persons by Nerozya, who admitted that he had committed a crime on domestic grounds. In this regard, he was charged under item "d" of Art. 102 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR "(premeditated murder under aggravated circumstances. - VE). After that, all materials about the explosion were separated from the general criminal case and transferred for further actions from the KGB of the USSR to the Prosecutor's Office of the USSR.
It would seem that the investigation into the incident is almost complete. The main culprit has been identified, and now only a few formalities need to be settled and the case brought to court. However, on November 12, 1984, the USSR Prosecutor's Office issued a resolution ... to discontinue this criminal case due to the "lack of evidence of the charges brought against Neroza."
The author of these lines did not manage to find any information about whether after that the search for those responsible for the murder of the head of the secret Kuibyshev design bureau continued in the allied prosecutor's office. However, it is obvious that if the investigation continued, then it did not lead to the capture of any other criminals.

The killer is unknown
In the spring of 1985, a criminal case against Nerozi, Nekhoroshev and Berenshtein on the theft of state property on an especially large scale was transferred to the Kuibyshev Special Court. So in Soviet times, special units were called in the structure of all regional courts of the USSR, where criminal cases were heard in which secret enterprises were involved in one way or another. The proceedings in this case were accepted by judge Alexander Shchupakov, who at that time was the chairman of the special court. But despite the fact that at that time he only considered materials about the embezzlement, Shchupakov had his own version of the murder of Igor Berezhny.
“There is no doubt that Berezhnoy was aware of most of the abuses taking place at the KKBAS,” says Alexander Anatolyevich. - After all, it was he who endorsed many acts for the cancellation of material assets. At the same time, I believe that the main organizer of the embezzlement was not Nerozya at all, but Berenshtein, whose role in the investigation turned out to be very vague.
Once the head of the KKBAS received information that the regional department of the KGB is very interested in his department. And this meant that a sanction was received from Moscow for these actions. Local initiative in such matters was completely excluded. Then Berezhnoy ordered to stop the theft at least for a while. However, his henchmen balked. But Berezhnoy insisted, and the robbers decided: so that they would not be disturbed, the boss should be physically eliminated. Which was done on February 4, 1981.
Here a reasonable question arises: why was his murder never solved? After all, this case was not dealt with by anyone, but the omnipotent KGB. My opinion on this matter is as follows. As can be seen from the case, in 1984 the investigation into the murder was taken out of the hands of the KGB and transferred to the prosecutor's office, whose leadership was then instructed from above not to establish the identity of the customer. It’s just that someone really didn’t want the investigation to find out about the “big people” from Moscow involved in the theft of the KKBAS.
It remains to add that in August 1985, by the verdict of the Kuibyshev special court, Gennady Nerozya received 10 years, and Solomon Berenshtein - 8 years in prison. Vladimir Nekhoroshev got off with three years probation. And a year later, the Supreme Court of the USSR reduced the sentence for Berenshtein to 6 years.

Igor Berezhnoy, born on April 21, 1934 in Samara. From 1951 to 1957 he studied at the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute, then worked here at different departments. Already at that time, Berezhnoy showed himself as a talented experimenter. In 1966 he defended his Ph.D. thesis, and soon, with the assistance of Tupolev, Antonov, Myasishchev and others, an OKB was created as part of the Kuibyshev Aggregate Production Association " Aircraft and helicopter landing gear"- specially" for Berezhny. " In 1971, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, and in 1972, on the basis of the above-mentioned OKB, KKBAS was formed. This bureau was headed by Berezhnaya until his death. He was the author of more than 200 scientific papers, many inventions and scientific and technical developments, the most famous of which was the laser aircraft landing system "

He died more than 20 years ago. He did not live like everyone else, and left life in a special way - flying up into the air in an exploded car. This explosion immediately became known as the first contract murder in the USSR. The murders, the truth about which, perhaps, only the KGB officers knew, who did not answer the question of why Igor Berezhnoy died - one of the legendary designers of laser technology, the creator of the once top-secret design bureau of automated systems in Zubchaninovka, where, as the Western intelligence, weapons for Star Wars were created.

Berezhnaya grew up in a special era of physicists and lyricists, romantics and poets, at a time when it seemed to everyone that the dusty paths of distant planets were within easy reach, and that the first person to see distant stars would be a citizen of the USSR. How could it be otherwise? Otherwise, it turned out that all the efforts of a giant country are falling into the pipe. So, alas, it was. But for the time being, the romance was doing its job, the number of "physicists" who were ready to fight for progress and build spacecraft grew.

In Berezhny's appearance there was something familiar from the films of that era about the scientific environment: a formal suit, a tie. By this, he immediately stood out from the general student mass, who preferred sports jackets and ski trousers.

He entered KuAI in 1951. They say that Berezhnaya's student was not an excellent student and not all of them attended lectures. Igor divided items into necessary and unnecessary. On the first, he usually had fives, on topics of interest to him, he very often made scientific reports. I handed over unnecessary items in half, and practically did not attend the Komsomol and other meetings. Although later he nevertheless joined the party and even gained a reputation as a staunch communist. In those years, it was impossible to take a leading position without a party membership card. Student Berezhnoy was interested in the problems of structural mechanics of shells - a topic that was closely related to the creation of spacecraft. Soon after entering the institute, he began to work, first at the Department of Physics, then at the Department of Aircraft Strength. I spent the money I earned mainly on books. They say that he put them in a huge old chest, which his friends jokingly called him a dowry. Oddly enough, he did not immediately enter graduate school. The young graduate of KuAI was assigned to Voronezh, where he worked for five years as a simple engineer in the local branch of the Tupolev Design Bureau. Berezhny's future teacher, Academician Ivlev, a well-known scientist specializing in the problems of ideal plasticity of materials, greeted an engineer who wished to go to graduate school coolly. He invited Berezhny to continue the conversation after he got acquainted with the problems of ideal plasticity and several sections of higher mathematics, at least in the volume of the university course. The engineer came two months later and pleasantly surprised me with his new knowledge. Two years later, they co-authored a paper on the behavior of plastic media in the most prestigious scientific publication, "Reports of the Academy of Sciences." So Berezhny was noticed by the patriarch of the domestic aircraft industry Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev.

In the mid-1960s, every leading aircraft designer designed their own landing gear for aircraft. Although it was clear to many that the need for unification was ripe. Minaviaprom decided to create a design bureau that would solve this problem. The head of the design bureau, which was planned to be organized in Kuibyshev, could not be found for a long time. None of the potential candidates for this post - the heads of the chassis departments of the leading design bureaus - wanted to come here. Then the famous designer proposed Berezhny's candidacy. Igor Alexandrovich was only 31 years old. He had to create a new Design Bureau "Aircraft and Helicopter Chassis" literally from scratch.

He recruited the same as him - young, but able to work, ready, like him, to sit until one o'clock in the morning on a project. By the way, extracurricular work in the design bureau was encouraged. True, for the most part morally. They say that Berezhnoy often called young designers and gave them an idea, which they then brought to mind. The idea generator himself never put his name on the list of authors.

As a manager, Berezhnaya was far ahead of his time. Colleagues say that he was able to competently manage all aspects of the life of the enterprise. It was believed that working at the KBAS was prestigious. An era of great shortages had already begun in the country, but the employees were given food rations - meat, butter and other then scarce products. Thanks to the decision of the head, employees were able to constantly rest in the south, where they flew with family members for free on a KB plane. Thanks to the efforts of the general worker of the KB, the KB regularly received housing, and a residential building was built next to the KBAS. Apparently, so that physicists could do science day and night. Despite the tough manner of leadership, Berezhny was loved. He always listened carefully to the complaints of all employees, including the watchmen, and tried to solve their problems as best he could. But he did not tolerate the slightest carelessness. Employees still remember that he was not allowed to submit a paper with a slightly wrinkled corner for signature. Each day began with a planning meeting, on which special cards were issued indicating the deadline for the assignment. If the term was missed, the punishment in the form of deprivation of the bonus or reprimand followed immediately.

In modern terms, Berezhnoy attached great importance to the image. Employees still remember how, during business trips to Moscow, he took neatly folded shirts with him in order to appear fresh every day. He also cared about the image of employees. At one time in KB it was fashionable to play dominoes. He banned this game as non-intellectual. KB employees, in his opinion, were supposed to play tennis. The general designer himself loved outdoor activities, was fond of scuba diving and even had the category of a master of sports. In Moscow, a swimming pool was even rented for diving for Berezhny and his staff. However, Berezhnoy himself changed this hobby for windsurfing, which was more exotic for those times, which he was engaged in on the Volga not far from Shiryaevo, arousing the curiosity of the villagers. In this village he bought a small house. Later, no one could believe that the head of a large design bureau could live so modestly. They say that in Soviet times he made good money, but never spent money on any luxury goods, gold, jewelry. His only passion was wooden utensils with Khokhloma painting, which he collected.

All this time, his life remained classified. For the "enemies of the Motherland", that is, for humanity behind the Iron Curtain, he simply did not exist. The circumstances of his death, which was considered the first contract murder in the USSR, were also classified.

Of course, strange killings have happened before. Suffice it to recall the fate of such party leaders as Fedor Kulakov or Pyotr Masherov. But their death was associated with the struggle for power. The aircraft designer Berezhnaya did not aspire to power, was not a dissident. The method of murder was also chosen not typical for those years. Specialists from the KGB arranged car accidents, faked suicides, used poisons, but blew them up. The criminal preferred to use firearms or edged weapons, rather than explosives. This happened in February 1981. The aircraft designer came to Moscow on official business. As it became known later, he was asked to bring a scarce medicine from the capital. The box was handed over to the driver at the appointed place. None of the passengers - the leading managers of the KBAS - had any suspicions. The driver went to the airport, then returned for Berezhny. Igr Aleksandrovich got into the car and tried to open the "gift". The driver came out at this time to wipe the windshield. At that moment, there was an explosion. Eyewitnesses said that the car fell apart like a cardboard box. The roof of the cabin hung from a tree at the level of the 3rd floor. The driver received a concussion and was in the hospital for a long time. The constructor's body was disfigured. The coffin was put up for farewell in the Palace of Culture. Kirov, but they did not open it for long. In place of the face, colleagues saw only a wax mask.

The investigation was carried out by the KGB department in the Samara region. The scandalous case was supervised by the then head of the KGB and the future General Secretary Yuri Andropov. Initially, the investigation was actively developing a domestic version. Over time, I had to admit its inconsistency. Shallow aside and talk about a strike from abroad. The tension around the case did not subside for a long time. KGB officers came to journalists who were interested in the reasons for the deaths, the designer's mother complained that she was periodically called and threatened. Later, there were semi-mythical rumors that this death could be associated with some kind of relationship between the designer and the beloved flight attendant of Leonid Brezhnev. But the rumors remained rumors, and it is still unknown why the creator of the KBAS died. They say that his mother, until the end of her days, dreamed of knowing the truth about the death of her son. She survived him by 20 years, but did not wait for an answer.

With the loss of Berezhny, the KBAS went downhill. He was finally finished off by perestroika, during which it became clear that the country no longer needed either physics, or lyrics, or dusty paths, or lasers with tunable frequencies. The premises on the territory of the bureau were emptied, the control-track strip gradually disappeared, "a thing of the past and super secrecy. Design bureau employees, who found themselves in a difficult financial situation, for the most part finished with science and, at best, began to apply it in practice. And instead of building lasers on the territory The design bureau is now bottling water “Kapel.” Ironically, the company involved in this project is also headed by a former designer of laser systems.

30 years ago in Moscow, the head of the aviation design bureau, Igor Berezhny, was blown up in a company car

The news of the death of the chief designer of the KKBAS then spread almost instantly. Even though it happened in Moscow. After all, every second engineer and two-thirds of Kuibyshev's workers at that time worked at defense plants. Some veterans of these productions still remember how shocked they all were.

I fell into the "trap"
Here is what the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev reported about a high-profile emergency in the capital, Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Yuri Andropov: “On February 4, 1981 at about 19:30 on the street. Kirov in Moscow in his official car when opening an explosive device of the "trap" type, camouflaged under a box of medicines and transferred through employees, the chief designer of the Kuibyshev Design Bureau of Automatic Systems (KKBAS) of the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR Igor Aleksandrovich Berezhnoy, born in 1934, died from an explosion , Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of KuAI.
Due to the fact that Berezhnoy was a candidate member of the Kuibyshev city committee of the CPSU, a deputy of the city council and the head of the KKBAS, which was engaged in the development of important defense topics, a criminal case into his death was initiated on February 5, 1981 by the Investigation Department of the KGB of the USSR. Taking into account the personality of the deceased and the circumstances of his death, several investigative versions have been put forward and are being worked out in the case.
Nothing like this has ever happened either in Kuibyshev, or in Moscow, or in the USSR in general. To physically eliminate a "secret" scientist in our country, and even in such an exotic way - something the KGB could not have imagined even in a nightmare.

but on the other hand
However, in those years, almost no one knew about the second side of Igor Berezhny's life, carefully hidden from the public eye - about his participation in frauds under the guise of the KKBAS sign. It is possible that no one would have found out about this if the above-mentioned emergency had not happened. After the explosion in the car and the death of the designer, the State Security Committee took up the affairs of the KKBAS. On the fact of the state of emergency, a criminal case No. 59 was opened here, which the Chekists themselves called "Kapkan".
And the results of the first checks shocked even the leadership of the KGB. During the subsequent audit, numerous abuses surfaced in the financial and economic activities of the bureau. As a result, the USSR Prosecutor's Office on August 25, 1981 opened another criminal case - first under Art. 170 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (abuse of office), and then under Art. 93-1 (theft of state property on an especially large scale).
It turned out that the management of the KKBAS was simply writing off the inventory acquired at the expense of the budget. This involved the head of the technical department of the KB, 47-year-old Gennady Nerozya, his deputy, 28-year-old Vladimir Nekhoroshev, the photographer of the same department, 32-year-old Mikhail Tsygankov, and the head of the special technical bureau of the KKBAS in Moscow, 58-year-old Solomon Berenshtein.
All of the above scammers were supposed to be arrested on the same day, but Tsygankov drank a lethal dose of dichloroethane before being arrested. During the arrest, Nerozya also tried to commit suicide, in front of the investigator's eyes he stabbed himself in the stomach, but he was immediately taken to the hospital, where doctors saved his life. Nekhoroshev was soon released from the pre-trial detention center on recognizance not to leave, since the investigation considered that the total volume of abuses committed by him was not too large.
It turned out that on a special scale from all Nerozya, who, being a financially responsible person, copied and then sold at a good price literally everything that came to his hand: large consignments of imported film "Kodak", photographic films "Orvo-Chrom" and "Orvo- Color ”, imported color photographic paper and chemicals, and so on. At the same time, Tsygankov helped him to sell the written-off deficit.
In addition, by mutual agreement, the robbers converted into cash and other material values ​​regularly purchased by the KKBAS - televisions, projectors, furniture, ethyl alcohol, spare parts, fabric, etc. In total, during 1976-1981, fraudsters were able to steal state property totaling 21,266 rubles. Huge money for those times, considering that the average salary of an engineer did not exceed 120 rubles a month.
As for the role of Igor Berezhny himself, the following decision was issued by the investigator for especially important cases of the USSR Prosecutor's Office Nikolai Antipov: “… Berezhny's actions… contain signs of a crime under Art. 92 h. 2 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR ". However, here the investigator decided: "The criminal case against Igor Aleksandrovich Berezhny should be terminated by further proceedings in connection with the death of the latter."

Prosecutor's decision
But, of course, most of all the investigation was interested in another question: who exactly and, most importantly, why did it take to eliminate Igor Berezhny? From the materials available in the case, it is clear that the KGB of the USSR almost immediately ruled out the possible participation of foreign special services in the case. Therefore, they began to look for the cause of the emergency in Kuibyshev, inside the KKBAS.
But the first perpetrators of the incident were named only three years after the death of Berezhny. In the resolution of the Investigative Department of the KGB of the USSR of January 30, 1984, this is stated as follows: “... it was established that an improvised explosive device was handed over to Berezhny through other persons by Nerozya, who admitted that he had committed a crime on domestic grounds. In this regard, he was charged under item "d" of Art. 102 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR "(premeditated murder under aggravated circumstances. - VE). After that, all materials about the explosion were separated from the general criminal case and transferred for further actions from the KGB of the USSR to the Prosecutor's Office of the USSR.
It would seem that the investigation into the incident is almost complete. The main culprit has been identified, and now only a few formalities need to be settled and the case brought to court. However, on November 12, 1984, the USSR Prosecutor's Office issued a resolution ... to discontinue this criminal case due to the "lack of evidence of the charges brought against Neroza."
The author of these lines did not manage to find any information about whether after that the search for those responsible for the murder of the head of the secret Kuibyshev design bureau continued in the allied prosecutor's office. However, it is obvious that if the investigation continued, then it did not lead to the capture of any other criminals.

The killer is unknown
In the spring of 1985, a criminal case against Nerozi, Nekhoroshev and Berenshtein on the theft of state property on an especially large scale was transferred to the Kuibyshev Special Court. So in Soviet times, special units were called in the structure of all regional courts of the USSR, where criminal cases were heard in which secret enterprises were involved in one way or another. The proceedings in this case were accepted by judge Alexander Shchupakov, who at that time was the chairman of the special court. But despite the fact that at that time he only considered materials about the embezzlement, Shchupakov had his own version of the murder of Igor Berezhny.
“There is no doubt that Berezhnoy was aware of most of the abuses taking place at the KKBAS,” says Alexander Anatolyevich. - After all, it was he who endorsed many acts for the cancellation of material assets. At the same time, I believe that the main organizer of the embezzlement was not Nerozya at all, but Berenshtein, whose role in the investigation turned out to be very vague.
Once the head of the KKBAS received information that the regional department of the KGB is very interested in his department. And this meant that a sanction was received from Moscow for these actions. Local initiative in such matters was completely excluded. Then Berezhnoy ordered to stop the theft at least for a while. However, his henchmen balked. But Berezhnoy insisted, and the robbers decided: so that they would not be disturbed, the boss should be physically eliminated. Which was done on February 4, 1981.
Here a reasonable question arises: why was his murder never solved? After all, this case was not dealt with by anyone, but the omnipotent KGB. My opinion on this matter is as follows. As can be seen from the case, in 1984 the investigation into the murder was taken out of the hands of the KGB and transferred to the prosecutor's office, whose leadership was then instructed from above not to establish the identity of the customer. It’s just that someone really didn’t want the investigation to find out about the “big people” from Moscow involved in the theft of the KKBAS.
It remains to add that in August 1985, by the verdict of the Kuibyshev special court, Gennady Nerozya received 10 years, and Solomon Berenshtein - 8 years in prison. Vladimir Nekhoroshev got off with three years probation. And a year later, the Supreme Court of the USSR reduced the sentence for Berenshtein to 6 years.

Igor Berezhnoy, born on April 21, 1934 in Samara. From 1951 to 1957 he studied at the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute, then worked here at different departments. Already at that time, Berezhnoy showed himself as a talented experimenter. In 1966 he defended his Ph.D. thesis, and soon, with the assistance of Tupolev, Antonov, Myasishchev and others, the OKB “Chassis of Airplanes and Helicopters” was created as part of the Kuibyshev Aggregate Production Association - specially “for Berezhny”. In 1971, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, and in 1972, on the basis of the above-mentioned OKB, KKBAS was formed. This bureau was headed by Berezhnaya until his death. He was the author of more than 200 scientific papers, many inventions and scientific and technical developments, the most famous of which was the Glissade laser landing system.